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No. 106562
Tbh this episode pissed me off because Rose was proven to be a liar who actively ruined any chance for Bismuth to be talked to because nobody fucking knew what happened. If she never intended to try and reconcile with Bismuth, instead of bubbling her for Steven to deal with (which is dangerous for the reasons we've seen here), she should've just fucking shattered her. She was confused, scared, hurt and angry. She may have gone overboard and been somewhat unstable, but she's definitely not "as bad as the enemy" (and even if she was, Peridot was literally an enemy but she got redeemed, Lapis attacked the CGs more than once but the fandom licks her feet anyway, and Jasper is probably getting the same treatment. Fucking Jasper, an objectively horrible person and gem lmao) for wanting to protect Crystal Gems and do away with the Diamonds/Elite. Maybe they could've even come to the fucking compromise that the Breaking Point should only be used on those who are too powerful to be poofed and can't be convinced to join them. We will never know (or at least not until 3 billion episodes later) and it's because Rose was either manipulative, or a coward. It was complete bullshit and it irritates me that they'd introduce a character just to hamfist this dumb "killing is bad uwu" lesson, something that barely even applies to real life. This all could have been prevented if Rose had a) Unbubbled her after the war ended and her violent tendencies were no longer necessary so they could live in peace or b) Left Steven a fucking note.
That said, all these retards on Tumblr need to fuck off because the reason they're mad is because Bismuth is a "black-coded" character and isn't 100% perfect. They're conflating their personal dissatisfaction with "proof" of "racism", and it's extremely stupid.
No. 106623
I don't truly have a stake in this because I don't have a dumblr or browse any fandom websites, but it really drives me up a wall when people draw parallels of their social justice and compare it to fictional situations about genderless, raceless space rocks who explicitly have different values from humans.
Steven Universe objectively has nothing to do with BLM, which is the impression I get from that tumblr user's assblasted sentence about "woowoo kid's cartoon told me to stop being violent."
I don't believe Bismuth is fundamentally wrong, either. She's right in that in order to overthrow the diamond's establishment some of the brainwashed gems will unfortunately have to be shattered. It's not a fault of their own that they were brought up in that system, but if the only goal is to passively convert a few select gems then it just means countless more gems are doomed to be sentenced to an eternity of servitude under the elite. They're the collateral damage.
Obviously, since this is ultimately a kid's cartoon, the writers will give Steven some god-tier power or fusion which will lead to the overthrow of the diamond dynasty. But what if Steven
didn't have those kinds of powers? Then what had actually happened to Bismuth was fucked. Rose held her prisoner indefinitely due conflict of interest, fucked off and left a BABY to a destiny she set up, and furthermore it saved nobody. The crystal gems were destroyed or corrupted by diamond's light. And the diamonds went on to fuck up other planets in the 5,300 year interim. The earth is once again endangered and now the only hope rides on Steven's superpowers and pacifism to resolve the issue.
>>106562And how. (This)
No. 111357
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Anyone been keeping up with the Overwatch discourse lately?
No. 111373
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An oldie but a goodie.
No. 111374
>>111373Gotta love how Reaperfags love to ignore or totally write off the fact that he's an edgy terrorist asshole. Even when he was in Overwatch he was aggressive and an extremist in his methods.
Yeah, that guy would totally make a great leader right? lmao who cares though he has great thighs.
No. 111387
>>111357Genji x Mercy is as close to a canon romantic relationship as Overwatch has right now.
I honestly think these tumblrtard SJWs hate it because it is a minority male with a white female - WHITE PPL DONT STEAL OUR MEN. If it was a black woman with Soldier 76, somehow I don't think they'd have a problem.
No. 111399
>>111371The Fandom for SU is so fucking contradicting it's almost funny. They want complex characters, creators give them Pearl/Lapis/Greg(in a sense) and the fandom suddenly want to make them the villain because the can't understand their motives.
Jasper meanwhile is adored and used as a way to Villafy Steven multiple times because "he doesn't want to help her". SHE TRIED TO KILL HIM. SEVERAL TIMES. Cheeto Mom doesn't mean too!!!!!! They blatantly ignore info they are given in the show so they can have their simple stereotype character of masculine buff lesbian. Same with Garnet, the reason she is so popular is because she is simple enough for them to understand. Anything beyond lesbian is too much and they throw a shit fit. In the Bismuth episode this was another case with Jasper and warping a simple lesson so they can get angry at Steven. It's shitty and I fucking hate it.
This show is tumblr but the creators don't want it to be and don't give a shit what the fandom does at this point. There's a subgroup of the fandom who hate Rebecca Sugar because she's "white passing" and for using stereotypes/cultures in her work??? Wanting her to apologise?? honestly it's a mess. I like the show, the pacings a bit shit and the human centric slice of life style episodes are what stand out to me. The fandom ruined the gems a long time ago.
No. 111420
>>111398>has staff yelling at young male fans that "no boy gems will be made so fuck off"Err, sorry but nope.
When a franquise that has always been all boys starts pushing female characters out of nothing for the sake of pandering feminists, tumblrinas and that shit, the male fans are always eager to protest like hell. So fuck off. That's like saying that Naoko Takeuchi bullies her male fanbase for saying the sailor senshi can only be female. Or that any magical girl show has to include boys not to hurt male feels. It's not like there weren't tons of shows with boys only casts anyway.
No. 111431
>>111420What are you talking about? They never used the word bullying, just that when you create a "no boys allowed" environment plus all the other stuff they said, that it's obviously going to attract Tumblr sorts.
Tone down the SJW stuff, you did nothing but prove their point.
No. 111448
>>111431I don't see any SJW. It's fucking obnoxious that you idiots think anything you don't like is "SJW".
Put a bullet in your brain and go into eternal sleep please
No. 111451
>>111448Well just because you can't see something doesn't mean it's not there.
You came into the thread, got all up in arms about something no-one even said, and now are acting all edgy about it. That's pretty typical SJW behaviour. Especially considering the content of your original upset post.
Just try to remember that you're getting this upset over a TV show, and how silly that is.
No. 111452
>>111431>Anon points out that there is literally nothing wrong with male only or female only casts>Gets called a "sjw" as answer.This is the posting quality we reached at this fucking site. Thanks mods and admnis. Thank you.
Take the everything-is-a-sjw-conspiration googles off fucking christ, you are not in 8gag. Or go back to your containment hellhole wherever you came from if you can't handle it. Sometimes artists design characters they like or find appealing for themselves, as they are in their whole right of creating, and these attract one type of fanbase or another. In this era of the internet full of fuck and completely batshit insane websites like tumblr, SU atracted this garbage of a fanbase. I dunno if you realized, but this isn't the only show that's had issues with a sjw fanbase, go have a look at the terrible art thread, and look at how maaaany sjw fanart tumblr does of shows and series that have little to none sjw pandering.
If a cartoon like SU came out in the decade of the 2000, probably the fandom would had been about shipping wars like every single other one. It kind of reminds me of HP where you have the reverse situation (the fandom that 10 years ago was the usual shippingfaggotry now has gone full sjw).
>look at those MEANIES from the su staff, they tell the poor young boys to fuck off!!>What are you talking about?? Why are you talking about "bullying" lolDude are you serious?
No. 111453
>>111452Holy shit, you wrote an entire rant while ignoring that no-one said they should have to include guys in the cast, simply that it's pretty obvious that that combined with other aspects of the show are going to attract a huge Tumblr audience.
They got called an SJW because they got all upset about how it was some boys vs girls thing and how they should be able to do whatever they want and if you disagree it's just your male feelings that are hurt.
Am I the only one who's noticed a huge influx of posts like this recently? People getting super offended over shit that no-one even said? Or turning things into boys vs girls, then there being huge rants filled with strawman an hour or two later?
Seriously though, you're getting this upset over a comment going "the fanbase was always going to be like this because of the content and attitude the staff hold towards certain things attracting a certain community". There was nothing about if that was right or wrong, just that it's the case.
As was said, tone it down a bit.
No. 111461
>>111453>>111398I'm not involved here but
1. No one ever told young male fans to "fuck off"
2. There is a male gem, and he is the one character who is almost universally liked by all other characters. He is present in every single episode, while other characters, even main ones, are sometimes entirely absent. Hint hint: The entire fucking show is named after him. There are several other male supporting characters, too, though they're mostly human.
It was never "boys vs. girls", and anyone who disagrees is probably just now noticing that gender (over)representation is often present within media because it's flipped for once, and as such are completely misdirecting their confusion/dissatisfaction. No one throws a bitch fit over Lord Of The Rings having a lot of guy characters and very few female ones. Why? Because it's a good franchise. Anyone can enjoy it, gender aside. The same goes for SU. Hell, at least SU is headed by a male. Why isn't it okay to have a show with a lot of female characters, especially when that show is actually fronted by + literally revolves around a male character?
No. 111464
>>111459Oh god I agree so much about the Dragon Age fandom. I adore the series but man people are fucking insane about it, its just a game at the end of the day a fun game I sunk a lot of hours into but its still just a game.
I do love the drama that came from Inquisition though, so many people angry at sexuality switching mods, the people who lost their shit because Dorian/Iron Bull is cannon and tried to scream that its abusive.. I love it and at the same time it makes me so concerned for all these people who can't just realize its only a fucking game.
No. 111478
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Gonna dump some more stuff from the tags.
No. 111481
>>111461>nobody throws a bitch fit over LOTR having a lot guysOh, my dear sweet child. It's 2016 now.
Clearly you only hang around normie fans.
No. 111484
>>111464They also literally go apeshit if you dare to use beautify mods and such. It's like they think DA is their "safe space" full of queer and imperfect characters that makes 'em feel better about themselves. I decided to stay away from that shit a while ago, and now I only search "Dragon Age" on Tumblr to save fanarts.
>>111482I don't recall it… What happened?
No. 111486
>>111369After the LOTR shit, he somehow wormed his way into the Supernatural & Teen Wolf fandoms without anyone noticing. I was so close to being in his circle - he mailed me homemade chocolate caramels once. I was maybe 15 and had no idea how long he'd been doing his shit. (He's a biological female so he looks much younger. He's nearly 30)
Crazy shit…his gf got shot by her crazy ex and there are some people who say that he didn't do as much as he could've to save her. He hid in the bathroom while she was shot.
No. 111498
>>111482Oh god yes, that was a complete shit show and I stand by not liking Anders, he's the thirstiest fucking character there is and he's clearly at least a little psychotic if he thinks that's a good way to deal.
>>111484I think what they're referring to is how at the end of DA2 you can kill Anders for blowing up the Chantry but tumblr is fucking crazy and apparently if you kill him you're an awful person because he is a precious wittle mage who was only murdering presumably hundreds of nasty oppressive Chantry members but wow he's the absolute wonderful innocent one we much all protect.
No. 111500
>>111450You. And you're in everyone's ass. You suck
>>111451I'm not even the same person and I don't watch SU. I just think you people who constantly obsess over SJWs are stupid as hell.
No. 111512
>>111500But no-one's obsessing over SJWs? They called one person one because they went on a rant about social justice related topics, and then you came in and acted all edgy about it.
You're not exactly supporting the case that neither of you are that sort of person, whatever word you want to use for it.
No. 111514
>>111492>sending gore pics>sending child pornwhat
do these people not realise how fucking insane this is?
No. 111515
>>111498There's 2 sides to that shitshow anon, there are people who can appreciate the character as a character, but some people will call you a nazi-sympathiser and tell you you're abusive if you liked the character.
So. Y'know, that's also why it's a shitshow.
No. 111525
>>111515I'll admit I'm probably a little bias, I really don't like Anders character at all but my best friend does and its not a big deal. The only people who annoy me are like you said the ones who claim all kinds of crazy stuff ie not loving DA mages or even hinting you can sympathies with templars means you are basically worse than Hitler.Or vice versa like the other side is just as bad, the pro templar lot are crazy too and its really sad that none of them seem to be able to realise that in reality nothing is ever that black and white so why would it be so in a video game all about moral choices?
I think what also gets me, I would say mostly the DA fandom but I'm sure in others too, is that they are so anti character development. Like I think someone mentioned earlier about SU they claim to want these really complicated characters with lots of real emotions but as soon as they get them all they do is go back to the bad they've done. For example Cullen who was anti mage but clearly states in Inquisition that he's grown up and trying to be a better person but god no, he is not allowed to progress and grow as a character! How dare he. It actually makes me laugh how in one breath they can claim to love character development but not if the character has ever done anything wrong. Basically they want a good character who develops to be even more good???
No. 111533
>>111525My biggest gripe with the DA fandom is claiming Bioware oppresses elves and going on long tirades about it being all about for real life racism and comparing elves being ostracized to the Diaspora and that their mistreatment is thinly veiled antisemitism. That shit is so insane.
The "A video game company is oppressing their own characters! Boycott Bioware!" shit like this flabbergasts me so hard. The DA fandom is so crazy.
Not to mention the obligatory "this character is trans uwu if you don't think so you're a piece of shit". Trans Fenris anyone?
No. 111535
>>111533OMG Do not get me started on trans Fenris! Or how they all draw him like a weedy little femboy, have you seen the fucking sword? I am sorry but that elf must be so jacked to be able to swing that thing like come on be reasonable for god sake!
What I also kind of find weird is that the Mass Effect fandom is no where near as bad as the DA one, I assumed they would cross over a lot because the games are very similar play styles but I find the ME fandom way more tolerable.
>>111534Exactly, I think people need to be a little more fucking grateful, for god sake in Inquisition you got a cannon trans character.. I'll admit that I am pretty liberal, I like seeing 'real' people in video games, I like seeing people of different races and sexuality and stuff because it feels more realistic.
Another unpopular opinion within the fandom I really liked that they put restrictions on some of the romances. I like that you can only romance Solas as a female elf because it makes sense to his character, I like that I had to play a male character to romance Dorian, it felt real because in real life no everyone is bisexual and people have preferences! I also felt it gave the game a lot of replayability because if I wanted to see the different romances I had to play different characters and it encouraged me to split away from my safe zone of human female with a bow.
No. 111537
>>111535>I'll admit that I am pretty liberal, I like seeing 'real' people in video games, I like seeing people of different races and sexuality and stuff because it feels more realistic.Me too, anon. That's why it's annoying to see people cross the line of reason and mental health.
I once witnessed a group of tumblrinas go after another user's ass because she said she didn't like Fenris because she found him to be always complaining. "He's got PTSD you piece of shit!!!!"
>Another unpopular opinion within the fandom I really liked that they put restrictions on some of the romances.Yeah, I agree. Even though…
>mfw my lady Cousland will never have a piece of Morrigan :( No. 111538
>>111537Ugh, that's so shitty, its really not fair when people in fandom try to make other people who are fans of the exact same thing feel shitty. It was my best friend who got me into the games and our opinions on a lot of the big stuff really differs and sometimes we have little debates about the in game issues but neither of us take it seriously enough to ever fall out over it, its crazy seeing how obsessive people are, its not even passion at that point its sick and if you seriously need a video game to be that much of a crutch then by god do you need someone to take that platform away from you because that is not healthy.
Its so nice to know there are actually other reasonable fans out there, I kind of rely on tumblr to interact with other fans because I've never sure where else to turn so sometimes it can feel like you're the only sane one in the sea of obsessive freaks.
My top 5 controversies are definitely
5 Anders
4 Vivienne
3 DAI Cullen
2 Solac (Because I love racist grandpa)
1 Cannon Dorian/Iron Bull
No. 111539
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>>111538I actually love Vivienne and agree with everything she says about the Circles.
No. 111540
>>111539She rubbed me the wrong way the first time I played the game but when I came back for a second play through I made a lot more of an effort to actually listen to her and to power through the attitude and once you do she becomes a lot more likable and the reasons for her attitude are made pretty obvious so I did grow to like her a lot, plus she's a bad ass.
I love how most people on Tumblr stuck their fingers in their ears and screamed until she stopped because Bioware was giving an alternate take on the Circles and they couldn't handle the idea of them not all being the most evil places ever.
No. 111543
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It's ass how much tumblr has become such a shit show
I miss the stupid pairing wars tbh its better than getting your entire blog deleted and demonized by the community if you happen to like or draw something someone else doesn't like.
It seems like everyone forgets they're doing this over fucking fictional characters
No. 111825
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Saw this today
No. 111924
>>111525>literally Hitler for liking TemplarsI'm sorry, what? I love the Chantry and I play as a mage, too. In every single DA. Vivienne was right. There is a reason to fear mages, they harbour demons. Having protection against that? Makes utter sense to me. It's not oppression to make sure that people prone to bursting out with demons and blood magic are watched over. It's not like the mages in their own little circle in Inquisition were free of wrong doing either. Both options were semi-terrible.
Also, this is the reason SJWs foul up RPG. They work in such stark black and white, they can't see the grey area of any of the situations.
>>111539Agree, agree, agree. She was the best mage, too. She single handedly could take out dragons. MOTHERFUCKING DRAGONS. Also, her oufits and armour were fucking amazing.
Also maybe I'm alone in this but Sera is my most disliked character. Not just because I thought her character model was uggo but because she was so try hard sarcastic and quirky obnoxious…I can see why Tumblr liked her though. Her inappropriate behaviour a lot of the time is just like a looooot of them.
No. 111930
>>111924You're not alone, anon. Sera was just so annoying and cringey.
Zevran best elf of DA.
No. 111946
>>111924I am with you 100% I think that if there was a conclusion to the clashes between the Chantry and the mages it would still involve there being Chantrys.. Like the world could not exist without them but like with the abuse stamped out.
The SJW's playing DA can't see how mages need the Chantry, for other peoples protection and their own because if you lived in a little village and people realized you might pop a demon at any second they're probably gonna stab you in your sleep, but no, they need to be fwee to wive their wives uwu don't oppress them scum.
I'm also with you for the Sera thing, sometimes I wonder if she was meant as a caricature of their insane fans.. She's just so tumblr, super entitled, hates her race, hates her mother, awful hair cut, terrible clothes.
No. 111953
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I remember reading about how some people thought neko atsume was racist and they had flipped their shit over the cats' names as being "offensive" and "racist". I don't think they knew this but they were more than able to go and change the name on a cat if it actually bothered them so much. It's just a mobile game about cats, I didn't think it could somehow trigger a person and cause a hissy fit.
No. 111968
>>111953There's some HAES/Titpee shit about tubbs being a mean fat joke that hurts all of their deep-fried feelings.
What sensible person gets upset over a game where you take pictures of cats!?
No. 111970
>>111968I figured the fandom on tumblrinas would be content with tubbs considering how the ones i've seen like reblogging pics of fat ass cats. I thought they'd be all "yay fat acceptance" but I guess not….
I don't know how anyone gets offended by the game either. You just take pictures of cats and give them toys and food. It's the simplest game ever. This is why I stay away from tumblr fandoms and hope I come across regular people who just happen to love the game.
No. 111972
>>111963Pretty sure Tevinter DIDN'T approve of Krem being trans, just Iron Bull.
Also I don't get why having a single tranny is making the game turn to shit, Krem was barely there.
No. 111973
>>111963I just want to say a few things
1. Like
>>111972 said Tevinter did not approve of Krem being trans, Krem had to flee Tevinter because of it.
2. I did not get an "I'm 100% okay with this" vibe from any of the interactions you have with Krem when you find out he's trans, I thought they were all a bit dickish to be honest.
3. I'm like 90% sure that Dorian being gay isn't an issue in Tevinter, I'm pretty sure that its only an issue with his father who seems crazy about the whole continue the bloodline thing.
Finally, again I'm with
>>111972 Krem was barely in the game and even if he had been in the game more, so what? Its not like they made all of the characters gay or trans or what ever else you have issue with, it was one character in the whole game who you can pretty much just ignore after one conversation.. People who get really mad about Krem always remind me of those neckbeard fanboys who got all but hurt over the ME trailers that were voice overed by femshep.
No. 111986
>>111973>Its not like they made all of the characters gay or trans or what ever else you have issue with, it was one character in the whole game who you can pretty much just ignore after one conversationNot only this, but you actually don't even find out unless you push for it, I didn't even realise it was the case until I heard about it online.
People are just looking for some SJW boogieman in this game, when in reality it's probably the least that way of the bioware games, the characters are almost all set sexualities, instead of all just being bisexual, and there's even race limitations on one.
I have a feeling it's just because of that shit advertising for Dorian, and people who've not actually played the game.
No. 111994
>>111972I don't mind them being in it, BUT I found the dialogue poorly written and I imagine most actual trans people would prefer not to answer such questions so openly in a tavern with a bunch of other people listening in. It was just…ehhh.
>>111973The issue with some of it was just the really bland, semi-tasteless way they integrated it. ESPECIALLY Dorian's stuff. It seemed so ODD to me to have the Warden pulled into his personal drama of coming out of the closet and confronting his father. I have a WORLD to save, your BS with your father can fucking WAIT. Also, who does that confrontation thing in front of their 'boss' anyway? It was just…inappropriate. I liked Dorian's character a LOT and made as dude just to romance him, but dear god, the second hand cringe of Dorian acting like a little emo teenager instead of saying 'Well fuck this and fuck you' was cringe-worthy.
>>111950I feel you. Playing through it felt like a slog at points and there was a lack of nuance in the story that maybe Bioware's previous games had. Also, those AWFUL as fuck table missions that were timed? WHY. Those are akin to a FB fucking game where you wait for time to be up to get another life. Who puts that in a AAA game? Bioware fucking apparently.
No. 111997
>>111994I agree with you about the trans stuff being poorly written, but it's pretty minor, and it's an optional piece of dialogue.
As for Dorian though, it seems dumb to complain about his personal quest when literally all of the companions are that way, in almost every RPG. Hell, side quests in general are that way usually, you're out to save the world, you probably don't have time to go kill 10 wolves for every farmer around.
It wouldn't be an interesting character if he was just "Oh yeah, well, my past history sucks, but that's personal, so lets just do the mission and not talk on the way".
No. 112001
>>111999I'd agree with that too really. He was definitely one of the better written characters, and the rest of his dialogue about his past was really good I though, but that personal mission was pretty mediocre. Not bad, just kind of underwhelming.
I would have really preferred it explored more about actually being a magister, but I guess that would be better served in a full lengthy quest chain, if not a whole game.
>>112000It really is, it's hard to find a discussion on the game that isn't purely people bitching about the politics either way, that it's too SJW, or too racist, or too whatever.
I honestly have no idea why it became such a divisive game.
No. 112002
>>112001I'll agree with this, I love Dorian either if you romance him or if you're just his friend but his personal quest was kind of meh.. A huge part of who he is is his intelligence and his skill with magic, I had wanted his personal quest to highlight those not to be all about his sexuality because at that point you are kind of boiling him down to just being a gay man rather that a very powerful and clever mage who happens to be gay.
>>111994I'll agree with you about the trans stuff being poorly written, I did think it was odd that you can make these kind of judgmental statements out in the open of the tavern and its really awkward
One thing that really annoys me on Tumblr is how Dorian is portrayed there and I think this happens to all confirmed gay characters, suddenly he's a skinny little twink who needs protecting by a big (preferably tans) man… Like.. No.. The opening scene with Dorian is him physically bludgeoning a fade demon to death because he ran out of mana, this is not a man who is simpering and weak and girly and t just makes me so sad. Tumblr wants its gay people in one set way but that's not how the world works and if they aren't canonly like that well they'll just make them. I've seen it happen in ALL fandoms really..
No. 112075
>>111999I kinda liked the mission the first time around, but when i romanced him, i don't know, i felt kinda weird picking certain "romance" options. He's pouring his heart out and if you click the romance option, you basically say hey i fuck dudes too! It was just kinda weird. The reunion at skyhold after the whole thing happened was quite lovely though.
I did feel he was not as fleshed out as he should have been in his personal mission, some more time would have helped, because it felt… i don't know, kinda rushed? Like you said, it feels like it has little depth. Teleport to tavern, meet your father, dialogue opt, dialogue, dialogue opt, I AM GAY!, forgive/not forgive, EVERYTHING IS ALRIGHT AGAIN!. Uncovering more about his past, his father's ways, how tevinter/the magisterium views the whole stuff… you kinda get it here and there around the whole game if you listen and read, but i guess i expected more "fleshing out" about him as a character in his mission than what i got.
Probably will be better fleshed out in the new installment, or i hope so at least, considering the writer for him will change.
Still think he was a very well written character. It felt like he was your companion who happened to be gay, not a gay insert to fill a diversity quota. Unlike krem who was quite obviously a diversity quota checkmark.
No. 112082
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I like video games and some anime and manga, and I'm mostly into JRPGs at the moment. Once my understanding of English was enough to read almost everything I started lurking, ao3, deviantart and some lj communities, I think it was around 2008-2009.
I made a tumblr account in 2011 because I couldn't find a sizeable fandom anywhere alse for a series of video games I liked a lot at the time, and I still use tumblr everyday but it gradually became so shitty that I want to delete my account so I never see stupid Americans shoving their "progressive" headcanons on everything, and /vg/ and /cgl/ are much more fun anyway. My weaboo friend went from fun people to talk to to passive aggressive permanently triggered mess. I can't archive everything I reblogged at once so I won't do it now though. I feel like it's a bit better on pixiv and twitter, but I find weird trans hc bullshit on ao3 nowadays.
I kind of want to make a list of all the bullshit I've read so far, for nostalgia's sake:
>so many persona 4 posts about how Naoto is a trans guy, Kanji is 100% gay, Yosuke and Adachi are equally problematic because they're straight, etc.
>same whit with Dangan Ronpa with Chihiro
>all the debate over whether Komaeda was problematic or not
>people only acknowledging Persona 1 and 2 to say that P2 had a gay option so next games should have some but who actually don't give a fuck about these games because they're not even aware that P1/2 and P3/4/5 have completely different writers. And then they call themselves SMT fans when they only watched playthroughs of P4. It's more a pet peeve of mine actually
>people calling fujoshis problematic when they were trying so hard to justify liking actually fucked up shota gay porn with "it's representation, I'm a genderfluid demisexual panromantic snowflake, pls no bully I'm 17,9 I'm a minor uwuwuwu"
>all the people who were into Doctor Who and/or Sherlock collectively deeming both shows problematic because not enough POCs and gays
>the fucking callout posts in general, the first one I saw was about brando-relatable because her making sexual jokes with her friends was apparently problematic
>overused memes every fucking where. I can't find a jojo post that isn't about "lolol posing, lol so wierd and bizarre, jotaro loves dolphins sooo much"
>speaking of jojo's bizarre adventure, an apparently tunisian fanartists wrote like 3 paragraphs about how Abdul isn't a real name even though it fucking is. How can you not know that?
>"mink is problematic he rapes Aoba" more like why are you even playing a nitro+chiral game in the first place you retard?
>those tryhards who think they're superior to people who like BL because they like yuri (because it's not sexist or something like that) and watch idol anime that was made specifically to pander to male otakus, which they don't want to acknowledge at all
I'm sure I forgetting many things, but this is all I can think of right now. I'm glad I'm not too into western series these days because the problems with these fandoms seem to be the same but way worse.
No. 112094
>>111448Oh, look! It's a SU fan
Alogging is embarrassing and shameful. And um, girl-power, I guess?
No. 112102
>>112082I've been a fan of most of these series so this was painful to read.
>people calling fujoshis problematic when they were trying so hard to justify liking actually fucked up shota gay porn with "it's representation, I'm a genderfluid demisexual panromantic snowflake, pls no bully I'm 17,9 I'm a minor uwuwuwu"This is definitely the worst. Liking a
problematic couple can warrant a callout post, but drawing shotacon guro is fine as long as you have "CSA survivor" plastered on your sidebar.
No. 112115
>>112082>fujoshis are the worstI remember back in the days when that referred to the fact that fujos ship boys, and the war between the fujis who hated on female characters and non-fujis who just disliked gay shipping.
Nowadays if you're a fujoshit you're
problematic because you're not
inclusive enough anymore. You like gay guys? How dare you not onclude genderfluid trans headmate whatever flavour of the month bullshit in your preference, you intolerant piece of shit?! Like, if you don't approva of every single pairing or point out stuff like the pedo pairings then you're automatically the worst bigot to have ever lived. I miss the simpler times.
>idolizing idol animuI don't know where the fuck this bullshit is coming from. Watch idol anime all you want but don't pretend it's the Lord and Savior of animu, and some super inclusive feminist empowerment. This really grinds my gears, the attitude that the tumblr fandom has towards idol animus - completely ignoring any actual
problematic stuff with idols in the first place while agressively shoving in ridiculous trans/racebending/genderfluid/fat traits on every character.