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No. 107766
>>107763He is a weird looking fucker isn't he?
I was pleasantly surprised by the show and had no idea what it was even supposed to be about when I started watching it.
Who else liked the Silent Hill atmosphere?
No. 108016
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I like how, in the end, he didn't get the girl
No. 108022
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>>108021I believe season 2 will have little to do with the central characters of season 1.
I hope to god they don't fuck it up. They were so spot on with series one; the whole ambiance and how utterly gripping it was will be very difficult to top.
No. 108030
>>108022He also has 30 pages of lore he wrote, so it's nice to know there is/was a plan before they started writing.
No. 108485
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I wanted to like him but I couldn't (because of scenes like pic related) but Nancy and Steve staying together and both still being friends with him actually made me cry. I'm so sick of the trope of a girl getting close to a male that isn't her bf so she has to dump her bf to be with the friend. I hope they don't ruin that.
No. 108498
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I've been really conflicted about this series. A friend recommended it to me based on my interest in 80s horror and weird VHS-era stuff, but i felt it constantly left me only halfway there? I really wanted to like it, but it was just sooo full of tropes and came off as just 80s references piled on each other ad infinitum, just for the sake of it. It's obviously riding my generations current nostalgia train, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but fuck they could've done the characters so much more interesting and made a 9/10 series, but it was more like a 5.5/10…
Monster designs were a big dissapointment too. Super generic not spoopy looking, we've seen them a million times already.
Jonathan was a qt tho, i hope to god they don't ruin his friendship with Nancy with the dumb "nerd-guy-gets-cute-gril" trope in s2…
No. 109748
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Who else loved the kids? I loved Dustin aka the toothless kid simply because that smile is weirly cute, he looks like a baby hippo with those teeth lol
and Eleven was such a cool character too, even though usually I'm super tired of the "weird little girl" trope
you know Eleven will come back for 2nd season because that police dude (I'm so bad at names jesus christ) put food for her inside that box in the last episode
No. 111388
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>>108498Yeah, the monster design is straight up Silent Hill, so is the other world atmosphere (which I liked.) I felt as if the story was a bit of a rip off of Until Dawn somehow. (Especially that deer in the woods scene.)
No. 111393
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>>111388I don't believe the monster was inspired by the Ooze in Resident Evil but it definitely reminded me of it in glimpses
No. 111585
>>111443Steve's kind of a piece of shit imo and he just feels like a total creep that I would have dated in high school so I personally don't like him.
Jonathan's a total autist and weird, but at least he didn't pressure Nancy into sexual situations. I like him better. I hope Stebe gtfo's.
No. 111617
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>>111604… are you serious?
She looks like Isabelle Caro, not healthy at all
No. 111631
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>>111617I agree. Her wrists/hands are really gaunt. Poor thing.
No. 111636
>>111604>>111617^ I agree, she's a little too skinny.
She is however still beautiful, if only she wasn't so thin.
>>108485I really don't want the 2 of them to end up together. I'd prefer them as friends.
No. 111715
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>talk shit on Nancy
>couldn't get on this eye-fuck level if they tried
Have you even started falling in love yet?
No. 111743
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>>111729Can't steal what I don't have
No. 111827
>>111793If it's not a robot then we've got more ana-chans sperging about.
Also, I just want to say that I thought Winona Ryder's performance was excellent. I know a lot of people think she was OTT but any parent I know of would be freaking out just as much as that, if not more. Panicked mom 10/10.
No. 111830
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>>111828Whatever you say ana-chan.
No. 111886
>>111729Most of the people aren't mocking her looks, anon. I see a lot of people wishing they were as skinny as her, and some people speculating she may have an eating disorder.
She could be naturally thin of course, but it's not entirely unlikely that she may have an ED. Of course no one knows but her, though.
>>111827I'm a big Winona fan and I was really happy to see her in something new. She really did well.
No. 117308
Just finished the series today and I have a lot of mixed feelings on it. I loved it being a callback to 80s movies with kids getting into dangerous, horror movie adventures that were a good blend of entertainment for kids and adults. I can't help it, I fell for the music, the costumes, all the period stuff. I loved the central kids so much, I love that they got to swear and argue and feel so real and charming, it gave me the nostalgia of wanting to have adventures when I was a kid. I loved those kids and their interactions with El.
I think it's nice to have something weird/horror/sci-fi have a lot of creative freedom and popularity, but there was just too much imagery that just felt ripped off from other works. Like people in this thread say, there's a lot of Silent Hill and Elfen Lied, and the imagery of El in the deprivation tank is so similar to Under the Skin. To be fair the creators admitted they were inspired by Elfin Lied and Akira. The monster was so disappointing, the face splitting open into four pieces, I saw that waaay back in Blade 2, and one of the shitty Resident Evil movie sequels. For a cool concept the monster was so boring, I actually thought there was going to be a twist where it was only a minion or an underling.
The show isn't very creative but the characters are great, I teared up at the climax, especially at Joyce, but I don't see how the show could sustain itself for another season when it already borrowed so much. There's 'homages' and rip-offs, you have to come up with your own stuff.
Jonathan is a creepy QT, the kind I always like. I don't see the big deal about Nancy. Don't even really want them to get together as much as I like Jonathan.
Sorry to bump an old thread.