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No. 108014
>>107987>t feels like shit is about to hit the fan with the US electionsTrump is not getting elected and Hillary with just be an old white lady version of Obama
> have any of you ever thought of moving if things go sour?no, I live in a first-world democratic country, that's not something I have to consider.
No. 108019
>>108014Hilary isn't just a little old lady, she has never met a war she didn't like and has lied to the public and the government Her foreign policy is regime change and to desirable. Look at what she did to Libya, she puts money before human rights. The USA is already surrounding Russian Fed. with military bases, they also put in a violent useless government in Ukraine. Hilary would jump at the chance to create war with Russia.
At least in Europe we don't have to think of all the deaths or prime minister or presidential candidates have caused!
No. 108024
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No, US is in pretty bad shape but I don't think it's anywhere near "oh shit we're all fucked over now" territory. People are only freaked out because this is the first time this generation has seen an election where both candidates are less than desirable. We'll be fine, but with how big social media/social justice is this election season you're gonna get people spreading fear based on their own insecurities/beliefs. I mean, I remember last election people were thinking that if Romney won we we're going to all be fucked over and whatnot. He was basically treated like how Trump is now, only difference is that was 2012 and online presence wasn't as big as it is now. Worse case scenario Trump will be like Bush 2.0, and Hilary will be like a continuation of her husband and Obama. Trump or Hilary, though, like
>>107994 says it doesn't matter considering they don't have full 100% say on everything. That's why we have Governors, Congress, etc.
No. 108049
>>107987I'm leaving the country next year for 2 years.
If by the end of the 2 years the situation only seems to be getting worse (SJW's causing constant shit storms, USPS failure, etc), I'll probably just stay out. I'll have enough skill sets, schooling, and work experience by then to easily find work in a multitude of other countries without having to
check my privilege kek
No. 108055
>>108049You'll find SJWs literally everywhere else though.
Seriously, I live in Finland and yesterday I had a chat with a girl who introduced herself as genderqueer, told me her preferred pronouns are he/him and calls herself Olavi Ilja (male names, Finnish and Russian respectively). She has long hair with an undercut, wears a shitton of makeup and whined about being mentally ill and homeless at me even though we've only known each other for 5 minutes.
No. 108066
>>108055Another finnfag here and to be honest SJWs are a very small, albeit vocal minority here and they're usually very young (under 20) or too anxious to leave their homes. It's not like they're protesting at universities because someone wore a racist halloween costume. They're just one of those people completely detached from reality and think the Finnish society has the same issues and works generally the same way as America does.
Then again, writing this I remembered the official "gender identity equality" thing the Finnish ministry of education just released that's supposed to encourage teachers to accept whatever special tumblr genders their students come up with. Are we destined to follow Sweden's path of cuckery?
No. 108070
>>108048well Hilary wants to start a war with Russia, while we're already dealing with the middle east.
also, I don't trust that snake of a woman one bit.
No. 108074
>>108059>>108061That's probably why my boyfriend lives there then, considering he and his family are rich foreigners from the worst shithole in Europe.
Avoiding shitskins is pretty much one of my main reasons for even considering moving there, as opposed to another European country. It's either that or stay in the US and be surrounded by beaners and nogs.
No. 108077
>>108074Just go to Poland, they love yanks.
At least the part that's left over, since the whole country seems to be slowly migrating to the British Isles
No. 117440
I would only move to another country for work, school, or if my family had to. Other than that I'm ok with staying in the states. Everyone freaking out over the election is making things seem worse than they are. I hope they know they can't just pack up and leave after looking at an immigration site for their country of choice. It doesn't work like that. They're gonna be disappointed lmao.
>>117436>>117438They just want to look holier than everyone else. They only give a shit when it makes them look good and proves convenient for them. Their salt is delicious so we should just let them look jackasses since they never learn.