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No. 108963
>>108962b/c a large percent of them are transtrenders and doing it for oppression points, and the remaining percent of them are genuinely mentally ill and need treatment that doesn't involve others pretending to validate their make-believe identity and going under the knife to mutilate their genitalia
like honestly, the way we treat trans people is baffling to me. you wouldn't validate a schizophrenic person's delusional behavior or hallucinations, so why do we do it with them?
No. 108991
>>108965Agreed. Utterly agreed. And that heading 'a new American family' makes me kinda sick. Body dysmorphia is a real mental issue. I don't want these people raising kids and confusing them with stupid gender shit that will ultimately make them depressed and unstable in the future.
It's gross. All of it is gross and MtF are the worse example of that. The fetishistic way they want to be woman is fucking weird to me. And even the non weirdos is like, you might be the nicest person ever but you will never ever be female to me biology wise. No matter what you do to your dick. It's like they want to change nature itself and it's just not possible. You are who are you. You accept this and move on.
No. 108998
>>108992>Now I'm comfortable with being a woman because I'm not going to let it hold me back from doing ANYTHING. I can be a woman and wear trousers, I can be a woman and persue a science career.And that's what empowerment is all about! Not shitty 'the man is keeping is down wah we need more rules and rolemodels to help us achieve stuff' Fuck that. We make our own way in life and work hard for it. I don't need handouts or 'levelling the playing field'. That shit is so stupid. It implies life is fair.
But you get it, girl. Do what you want. You only have this life. It's way too fucking short to be confused by gender politics and other BS.
No. 109609
>>109377Embryo selection is something entirely different and it's done for eugenic purposes. To make people smarter in the long run primarily.
Tranny stuff would not be tolerated in the PRC or any serious state outside of Obongo run Amerilard and the European caliphate.
No. 109645
Yeah, why not getting on the 3D printing of organs and figuring out how to stop rejections first before we go on the stuff which only concerns an extreme minority of people.
No. 109725
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Mental illness>>109585Is there a place that's a little less "kill all men"? Though I guess go too far and it's Roosh