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No. 111058
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Ant sized, but I found this on /hm/ ;^)
No. 111084
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I like all of them except fat cunt. He's kind of disgusting.
Ian is the hottest and funniest in my opinion though.
>>111047Same. I thought I was the only one who had an experience like that in high school.
No. 111085
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>>111058Here's a better version for you
No. 111086
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In case anyone missed this picture of Ian's junk in the other thread.
Yes, it's real.
No. 111118
Ian's the bae. Joji seems like a fuckboy underneath his edgy internet persona. Max's face is super cute but I don't care for him or that emo hair at all.
>>111058>>111085These are rlly nice.
No. 111124
>>111110>>111112>>111080I honestly don't understand what people see in Joji that's attractive not even in an ironic sense. His internet persona doesn't help things either.
He looks like a broke ass Erza Miller, and he's a fuccboi.
No. 111147
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>>111112Fat cunt is a social retard who needs better "friends", but gets the ones he deserves
Max is stupid but ambitious
Joji looks like pic-related and it's obvious he hates himself and his life
Ian's always given me the creeps, and you're probably right, anon
No. 111175
>>111153Going by his personal twitter he seems to be a huge wigger (or whatever the term is for asian dudes) and is super into the whole instagram/drake/baseball caps/ghetto side ho bullshit. But like
>>111155 says it could just be "irony", but who knows.
No. 111176
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He's attractive and I'd totally bf him, he gives me slight creeper vibes though
Too much of a fuccboi
Not sure why people ITT are saying he needs a haircut, his hair makes him more attractive IMO. I could be slightly biased though because I've been thirsting after him since his pranker days in 2012.
>Fat Cunt
His name is literally Chad and that's slightly funny to me.
No. 111181
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i love these dudes. i thirsted after ian after i first found him for about a week lmao. max seems cool, joji eh, i have chad on and he is quite literally a 'fat cunt'
No. 111193
>>111190Yeah and for the rest of us, who aren't fucking spergs, I appreciate
>>111185 that sort of information. Not everyone is obsessed with your shitty internet crush anon.
No. 111202
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I miss how Frank hung out with Prometheus, Red Dick and the Shaman and did cool stuff together, he was even funny just by himself. Alas… he abandoned them to become friends with a bunch of manchildren who have a bad influence on him and make him attend stupid jackass parties where they do just plain filthy shit without being funny or clever about it.
No. 111219
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>>111180>"chigger">all my laffsbtw, when y'all gonna hop on the MDE crew's dicks too?
No. 111286
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>>111202I was just about to ask , what happened to the old crew?
I don't mind new guys, but I miss his old crew
No. 111454
>>111219Sam has fucked a number of girls from 4chan apparently.
He's hilarious, and genuinely right-wing.
No. 111476
>>111454He's the REAL DEAL(tm)!!!
Sam backhandedly called Filthy Frank a fake phony when he was on the Needle Drop podcast.
Thought this might be of interest to this thread.
No. 111518
>>111124Wasn't there a thing where he said he was related to Ezra (cousins)?
idk if true but they share last names, look similar as fuck.
No. 111519
>>111518Holy shit I had to look him up cause I was thinking of Ezra Koenig so I was confused, but I now realize Ezra Miller is that kid with the bad case of gay face from We Need To Talk About Kevin.
Either way he's way more talented imo.
But could they be related? I thought Joji was half jap half aus.
No. 111526
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>>111519This is the source.
Feel like he's just lying though.
No. 111547
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I actually think fat cunt is pretty qt
No. 111549
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Max is moe.
No. 111581
>>111526>>111518Jesus you guys are fucking dumb.
They're obviously not related. Ezra Miller is just a chinky looking jew, meanwhile Joji is genuinely a jap. They look similar but it's not way weirder than other celeb look alikes
No. 111603
>>111454Yeah. He hosted a mock Google cast once about how to get laid with girls you meet on 4chan and some other guy with him claimed that "nerdy 4chan girls with low self esteem" were easier than hookers :/
Made me feel icky as I quite like Sam.
No. 112609
>>112503There is something rumor that Ian is dating her. I don't get where this is coming from other than she follows him (he follows her maybe?) and they've retweeted some shit to each other once or twice.
I'd be shocked if Ian had any interest in her. Seems like the exact opposite of what he'd probably be into considering she's just a generic Twitch whore.
No. 112620
>>112609I believe it's confirmed since they're linking each other's IG on their profiles and a stan asked her and she said confirmed it for them.
Honestly he follows so many titty streamers on twitter so it's not a huge surprise just kind of disappointed since I was expecting Daria or something.
No. 112621
>>112620Really? You have a screenshot or anything where she confirms it?
If it's true, I guess disappointed is a good word. I figured he'd end up with some girl who was cute and smart but pretty down to earth and maybe even average looking.
No. 112630
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>>112620Most guys with even an ounce of fame (or infamy, in their case) usually go for the most inflated pair of tits they can get. There are exceptions (Zuckerberg married his longtime gf who's a normal-looking lady) but it's usually some big-titted bimbo for some reason. It almost feels like they're trying to prove something to the world.
No. 112646
>>112643It is a little disappointing (in a lulz worthy way), but I don't know what everyone expected. Dude was an admited virgin 2-3 years ago, doubt he got his dick wet since then. Now that he's relevant he can fuck whatever hoe he wants, so of course he's gonna go with a catty drama slut first.
I wouldn't be surprised if they met at a con and hit it off from there. She dumped her boy toy sometime after/during August, so they likely met at vid con or some shit.
Kalel 2.0?
No. 112650
>>112646She also deleted the pic of her and said boy toy that she posted Aug 17th on her insta just now. LOL.
Sage for samefagging
No. 112670
She looks good so he wants to give her the D. If he is chronically underfucked then I'm not surprised he picked attractiveness over diamond-in-the-rough ~personality~.
I think he's a funny guy, but I've always felt that the sarcastic confidence was put on. Combined with the high risk of him falling in love with actually getting laid means it might be RIP iDubbbz hello Ian 'everyone this is my lovely bf ian that ive infected with my basic bitch personality' Shrimpson.
No. 112674
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>>112670I wonder how this plays out. This is probably his first girl friend, so I doubt he's gonna know how to handle someone of this crazy-cunt level. I look forward to any milk that comes of this.
Based on twitter feeds, she was dating some twitch streamer akaadian for some time and they went to twitch con (Sept 30th- oct 2nd) together (pretty sure they shared a room and went to dinner together during), but then after the con it seems they broke it off or something. Twitch con is located in San diego, so I wouldn't be surprised if idubbbz was there.
Guess she found a new meal ticket.
No. 112677
>>112641Exactly. It's kind of annoying. I'm sure there are plenty of normal sweet girls out there with huge tits if that's what he wants. Why go for some shallow titty streamer? gg for thinking with your dick, Ian
>>112646God damn, he really admitted to be a virgin 2-3 years ago? kek
Well, I guess it doesn't surprise me then. Like
>>112670 said, I always felt his confidence was just for show. In BTS videos and other unplanned stuff, he's fucking awkward as hell. He stumbled over his words or just stares off into space while trying to think of something witty.
>>112674On the one hand, I'm anxious to see if there's any milk, but I don't want to see Ian get hurt by some crazy cunt.
No. 112683
>>112628get outta here how2basic
this is no place for egg man
only ovary
No. 112686
>>112677I, on the other hand, can't WAIT for the milk.
Unless of course
>>112675 is right.
No. 112690
>>112686It might be pretty shit milk
Ian quietly stops doing collab videos because she thinks his friends are gross, stops making rape jokes etc.
No. 112691
>>112690That would be great.
I know a lot of ya here are sweet on him, but I love it when a hypocrite finally outs him/herself publicly.
No. 112696
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>>112694good point, but honestly the 3-4 people posting in this thread desperately wanting milk on idubbbz and his "new gf" are getting themselves way too involved. it just sounds like you guys are projecting when you say how shitty it is that someone like him would pick a titty streamer over a girl with a nice personality who happens to have big tits. y'all are being salty as fuck that your mancrush has someone who you think has more goods than you, at least in the looks department (ie tits). kind of like leafy's fans, but in a more subtle and passive aggressive way. also, isn't this girl one of those "i'm not a feminist" types? wouldn't she be okay with ian making rape jokes since she'd be a massive hypocrite for letting herself censor what he has to say? i know that anti-feminist thing may be a front but i don't think she's awful enough to do that
>inb4 robot No. 112698
>>112696>>112696>getting themselves way too involved>on lolcowIan's whole shtick is seeing past the superficial bullshit, making witty comments, and generally being on a higher plane of irony than everyone else. Dating a hot mad bitch tit streamer and potentially having her lead him around by the dick could be the milky end of iDubbbz as we know him.
I think she'll pressure him to tone it down a lot because he occasionally makes some fucking gross videos, and I doubt she's into her boyfriend doing that.
No. 112701
>>112696No one is projecting and getting salty because they've got a thing for Ian. It's the hypocrisy of it. He's ragged on people numerous times for being shallow and superficial and now we see he's dating someone exactly like that and being like that himself since he's clearly dating her for her tits. That's the issue here.
>isn't this girl one of those "i'm not a feminist" types?No, she's one of these "tehe I'm not like those OTHER girls" types. Even if she said she wasn't a feminist, we all know it's because she thinks that's what her drooling guy fanbase wants to hear.
No. 112792
>>112784So he's truly beta as fuck.
Wonder how long it will be until she shows up in one of his videos.
No. 112793
>>112784God, what a betafag.
I can totally see now him kissing her ass and bowing to her every whim when it comes to his videos and friends.
Let's hope Frank and gang can keep him from becoming a total cuck.
No. 112794
>>112793Doubt they'll do anything. None of Anthony's friends did anything when he was with Kalel. You don't fuck up bussiness relationships because of some side pussy you don't like.
Although I could see Chad saying something because he's a loud retard.
No. 112810
>>112794At most I think Chad would be snide and make jabs about it on his twitch streams and maybe Twitter, otherwise he'd keep his mouth shut, he doesn't want to bite the hand that feeds him.
Relationship wise for all of them: I think George lives on a string of side bitches that are scattered in America, Australia and Japan, on GuruGossip they confirmed he fucked Kimmi Smiles when he went visited and went to PAX AUS.
Chad was messing around with a girl Named Ashlee a couple months back and now gets nudes on the regular from multiple girls.
Max was with Xantia for 5 years before they broke up and now he's with Katt.
Ian now has his Twitch whore girlfriend which is probably something he has been after for some time considering how many tit streamers he follows on twitter.
When George posted his latest "LOSER READS HATE COMMENTS" all but Max were single and it was said in video.
No. 112896
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And so it begins.
No. 112897
>>112896Meh, they just started dating, it would be kind of strange to release info about their relationship in such a manner so early. She did state in one of her insta pics that she didn't want people asking questions abuy it. It also could be that ian specifically asked her not to address those questions.
Give it a couple months. But I'm kind of surprised it's a guy bringing it up.
No. 112899
>>112897Sage for samefagging.
Not sure how I fucking missed the last sentence. LOL. Anyways, you're right, so it begins
Also, someone in the comments asked her where she was moving to along with some other dumb questions and she completely ignored the moving related one.
No. 112902
>>112899>>112897She's gonna tease and milk this for some time, apparently she said on a previous stream she will do a cooking stream with him in November, I wonder if he'll take her to Australia when he goes there to film to meet the rest of the boys.
She wants to do more YouTube, she jumps on the dick of a guy with one of the fastest growing channels and does an AMA a few days after them dating goes public knowing full well people will be watching for any mention of him and spam her with questions about him.
On her latest stream she spoke about how they got together/met and it was one of the most retarded things I've ever heard. It's starts at 24:35
No. 112908
>>112902it's almost sad how obvious she is leeching. nothing is below this girl, she is straight up disgusting.
She has been talking about wanting to grow her youtube channel, uploading every week, pushing herself more and more into youtube and lo and behold she drops her league stream BF to leech of a youtuber.
Her whole use and dump technique has worked before and gotten her tons of attention.
everything she does is scarily for attention.leading Gross gore on, dating guys who have the fame she wants (league guy and now this poor sap), bending over in front of the camera, twerking on stream, "not like the other girls", whining about how "hard" it was to be a "boob streamer" and how she is "different and not slutty now!" although once the hype of that blew off she went back to tits and bending over in front of the camera. I have known some of her ex friends and she is overall just a gross person who will throw anyone under the bus for a short time in the lime light.
No. 112915
>>112911>>112914The lame part for me is that she only says this to be "different" and not be criticized. She has said conflicting things like
>haha I show them bc I'm a whore ;) and like attention hehe u can't criticize me now!
>I REGRET doing it it was WRONG, that's not me, I will dress modestly now! I'm a real gamer girl ;)
>OK well I just show them now BECAUSE I WANT TO She has done this whole, I'm not a "booby streamer anymore!" stick a few times now by the way, lame af. She throws women under the bus for wearing tank tops or whatever to act superior for a while and once the hype of her being "a real gamer" wears off she goes back to showing her tits for attention.
If you haven't known her long enough you probably haven't seen this pattern yet.
No. 112934
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>>112915She said this in AMA comments section and then on stream she said she went back because she was bored, does she always change stories whenever asked about tit streaming?
>>112908I wonder if he knows about the shit with Gross Gore and her bringing a white knight in and crying on stream, he would find that pathetic if it was a girl he didn't want to fuck, he's embarrassing.
Anything specific from her ex friends?
>>112913So when Ian ~~saved~~ her she was still dating someone else? and is making it out like it was a chance meeting, when it's clear as day she probably slide into his DMs and was more than likely cheating.
>>112923Yeah, she pretended to be talking about a skeleton doll she got, she's wants to talk about Ian so badly.
No. 112935
>>112934Yeah. Not sure if she was in contact much with ian prior to the con, but I wouldn't be surprised if they had a thing prior.
Akaadian hasn't seem to make a comment on anything about it yet, and I doubt he probably will. He still has all the pics they took together up on his twitter though.
No. 112951
>>112935I don't think they were in direct contact, but she made it clear she wanted Ian's dick, it's starts at 2:40 it also appears she's only ever tweeted at or about Ian and none of the other boys, interesting seeing as she said FilthyFrank was her favourite youtuber.
Well, I hope it wasn't cheating, he seems nice and it seemed like he really liked her.
No. 113013
>>113012Why would she want to change? She's said she would multiple times in the past but she never does because being a titty streamer/youtuber is easy. Now she can just leech revenue from her new boy toy.
Maybe she's just a lazy skank like Kalel. :^)
No. 113055
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>>113038brain dead fangirls who are seeking ass kissing points instead will probably bring in more money, longevity and inflate your ego like nothing else, pretend you care even a little bit about them and they think the sun shines out of your ass, because it's the closest they'll get to Ian himself caring about them.
I can just magine her moving in with him when she's moved to California next year and doing daily vlogging or even shit like the Girlfriend/Boyfriend tag, she's gonna milk him dry and if he bends over backwards and allows it to happen, he deserves it.
If he opens up his PO Box again, the fangirls will send her shit and demand that she appears in videos and opens it with him on camera.
I couldn't really take his newest Kickstarter Crap seriously because of all this happening, it's like he shit all over everything he has built because he wanted to get his dick wet.
No. 113155
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> When you don't know if the guy who donated $3000 likes feet or not so you put shoes on off camera to have an excuse to show chat your feet>>113115I do agree she's super into it, she recently followed Max on Twitter and Max's girlfriend Katt on Instagram, it should be noted, no one else but Ian follows her, Not even Chad and he's a streamer.
I think he might want a relationship with what he said on Philip Defranco's podcast, I don't think he's got a lot of experience in the dating/sex department, he might of still been a virgin until his year.
No. 113211
>>112636Sam has a couple of videos with him and a girl on his youtube.
He also has a taste for traps apparently.
No. 113213
>>113212Honestly doesn't change my opinion of him (largely positive).
He's a 4channer, everyone knew he was going to be a sexual degenerate of some kind.
No. 113228
>>113211Is this the same girl who was playing TF2 in one of the KSTV videos?
I feel like Sam has a long string of short-lived relationships (ex.
>>113212), but obvs not on purpose. I hope he and Charls find kind and supporting lifelong waifus like Nick has. They all deserve it. <3
No. 113296
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>>113228Sam was involved with that girl who had short hair (pic related) and a tripfag called "Marky", another girl.
Sam apparently was into some pretty kinky stuff, but Marky's current boyfriend is a fat Asian guy who, if Marky doesn't do as he says, beats up his mother and claims that Marky made him do it. Pretty sad, but Asian men are like that I guess.
No. 113312
>>113228Sam has had at least three but maybe five different girlfriends that have appeared in his videos.
The Indian one in the Apple Store vid
The girl in the Hungry For vid
The girl in KST
The girl he did a lot of driving vids like the McDonalds one and the pizza threats vid.
I also recall some other white girl who shows up in one of his vids. He calls her into a room and yells at her or something. Might be a hidden vid now.
>>113296Sam denied ever having anything to do with that girl but she's definitely his type: petite, almost boyish channer.
No. 113335
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So I finally caught one of her streams live, it's hilarious how she's fully clothed whenever streaming with family members.
Ian was one of the mods, I bet he loves it when people in chat wonder how his girlfriend's pussy looks and I bet he loves it even more how he's not allowed to ban them because of Anisa's rules.
>>113234She did clothed kinda serious Vids before, but ever since getting with Ian she's really pushing youtube and how much she wants to do it, how happy she is doing it and it's clear she wants to fully transition into YouTube, quit streaming and is using Ian to do that.
Yeah, she's 23 and in no way looks it.
No. 113375
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Ian liked this dumbass tweet of hers and any respect I had for him has slipped away completely at this point.
>>113372I think Max is very underrated imo he's just looked over because his style of videos isn't like Ian or George's and is more physical based, when the fact that they're all even together is because of Max.
He's also one of the prettiest guys I've ever seen.
No. 113382
>>113375Bonus info, momokun and raihnbowkidz follow each other and raihnbowkidz has liked momokun's tweets in ocassion.
Birds of a feather….
No. 113386
>>113380I like her father is a muslim (or whole family I'm assuming) and she essentially sells the way her body looks to neckbeards online.
I'm starting to think neither of her parents must know about the things she really does on stream, this
>>113335 kind of convinces me too
No. 113559
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>the delicious irony of this girl simultaneously getting up in arms about slut shaming and using mongol as a deragatory slur in the same tweet
No. 113583
>>113572No one is defending the other petty bitches, anon was pointing out that it's a 'pot meet kettle' situation. She's trying to come off as morally higher than the other girls, but at the same time calls them a racially derogatory term.
Everyone involved is 100% retarded, her more so, because she's to stupid to realize the irony of her word choice.
No. 113613
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Katt seems to know whatever it is, I have a feeling it's Ian/moving related.
No. 113618
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There is also this one, but she said it 5 hours ago and nothing has happened.
No. 113636
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>>113613Update wtf is happening also her getting all buddy buddy with Katt, she's in this for the long haul, imagine if they go on couple dates because you just know Ian is gonna take her to Aus.
>>113629I think so, they seem pretty friendly with each other on Twitter. What's the info on kida_chan?
No. 113657
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>>113646I can't wait to see what a train wreck that'll be. Ian is too fucking awkward to do shit outside of his ironic maymay skits.
I imagine he'll just stand there the whole time, awkwardly pushing up his glasses and side eyeing her tits.
No. 113670
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the day when I came to /b/ and I got some nice potential milk instead