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No. 112992
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>Like most of you
>Being white I'm fascinated by the culture
No. 113023
Literaly all there is to it
Just be a woman or have a woman as a profile pic, the friend requests wont stop
No. 113029
I'd rather fuck a hot European guy than some Asian twink. Most Asian guys only like Asian gals too.
Also this:
>>113025 No. 113031
>>113030>Irishliterally why
all Irish men (and Brits, for that matter) are overweight unfunny manchildren who act tough but can't perform basic human functions such as dressing themselves yet whinge about women all the time and think dating Polish women will net them a subservient demure housewife who never says no to their greasy tayto-covered cocks.
No. 113053
>>113029Nah, Asian-American guys don't. Most of them put dating white girls on a pedestal because of their huge self-inferiority complex and wanting to retaliate the numbers of white guy-Asian girl couples. It's all very petty.
Asian-Asian guys are better in that respect.
No. 113062
>>113053It's always been weird to me that guys can simultaneously hate their women dating out while putting another group of women on a pedestal. Surely they can understand that a lot of Asian American girls find white guys more attractive in the same way they find white girls more attractive.
Also how exactly are they retaliating? Asian American women don't give a damn who Asian American men date.
No. 113066
>>113065>shove in womens faces!But non weeb white women don't think an Asian boyfriend is an enviable thing anyway. They generally find Asian men, particularly the k pop kind, way too effeminate.
Reading your post got me thinking about whether or not there were people who unironically watched Venus Angelic videos though. And I guess upon reflection there are a considerable number, which is slightly worrying.
No. 113067
>>113064Black women prefer black guys most of the time. Its true - but they kick off when they date white women ect
Asian guys seem to just prefer their own or white women. But I have notice that them dating black women is SLOWLY rising, SLOWLY.
Asian girls always go for white men. The typical love me long time bullshit.
No. 113068
>>113066The teenage girls who believe Japan is actually like anime probably think so. Plus the desperate ones who long to follow in Dakota Rose's footsteps and become a Taylor tier Jvlogger probably do.
They're all the same. They care that he's asian and thats it. The "Oh but I love him!" and "No no it his personality" thing is bull shit I think. Sometimes I think maybe its genuine but most of the time these days I don't buy it.
No. 113069
>>113067>Asian girls always go for white menNot true. Also no worse in terms of fetishization than any other pairing imo.
White men and Asian men seem to get the most angry about it from the male perspective. I'm surprised Asian guys get angry though since back in Asia the number of non Asian foreigners is statistically insignificant.
No. 113073
>>113071Its all wrong and gross really but I doubt it will ever end.
Ive noticed black guys have started hopping on the "I want an asian girlfriend" trend too. Seen quite a few of them in that Japanese porno too. Black guys are seen as human dildos in porn anyway.
Even though Asian guys and white girls seem so popular on Youtube and the Jvlogging world. Their porno is dreadful.
No. 113075
>>113073They're not so popular. Remember the most popular youtubers are people like pewdiepie. You're just dealing with confirmation bias since you surround yourself with people into Asian pop culture.
In real life the average Italian, Greek or German guy at a trendy bar in downtown NYC, LA or Seattle is going to be seen as much more desirable as an "other" than Asian guys are.
Also some white women have terrible taste in Asian men because it's purely fetish driven. Literally anything with yellow skin and an epicanthic fold will do.
No. 113144
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>asianmasculinity found lolcow
No. 113221
>>113217>Also Most Mexicans are mixed with indian blood. Most people, including Mexicans themselves, don't understand what Mexicans are racially.
"Native American" usually refers to the natives of what is today they US and Canada, but the native people of central and South America are also "Native Americans", or "natives", or "indigenous people".
Almost all Mexicans today are mestizos. They are natives mixed with European Caucasians, primarily from Spain.
Spaniards conquered central and South America so hard that they changed the racial make-up of almost the entire native population.
No. 113292
>>113204>supposedly against racismHave you ever met a Chinese person?
Han Supremacism is pretty much the default belief for any Chinese, overseas or not. Let alone Koreans, whose inferiority complex makes them even more extreme in their notions of racial nationalism and purity.
No. 113293
>>113221Most Mexicans are majority European in blood. The notion that Mexicans are some indigenous group comes from the indigenismo movement of the 1960s primarily, which propounded pseudo-scientific and ahistorical ideas of Aztec genetic and cultural continuity.
Mexicans are just as "gringo" as anyone else, more or less. It's a shame they view their Spanish heritage as something to be ashamed of, but then again we live in a world where anything white (implicit or not) is viewed as negative and anything non-white (implicit or not) is viewed as positive.
No. 113303
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>>113292Most of the Chinese population subscribes (consciously or otherwise) to an idea of a "Greater China": that the Chinese population is connected to the overseas Chinese diaspora by shared Han lineage.
This gives rise to another idea, that of China as a civilization-state, instead of nation-state: China as a shared set of cultural ideas and rituals, instead of politically demarcated geographical boundaries. Therefore, all overseas Chinese populations are supposed to serve the Chinese interest first, and the interests of the country they are in second.
Of course, this also means that Han Chinese-ness is seen as the 'correct' culture; everyone else (including, to a lesser extent, the overseas Chinese who have chosen to leave the 'motherland') is 'wrong'.
tl;dr yes, the Chinese are racist as fuck. Speaking as an overseas Chinese myself.
Pic related is a very good book about the topic.
No. 113310
>>113292r/asianmasculinity is a subreddit of incredibly ass-blasted asian men who project their insecurity mostly unto Asian women and white men. To discourage "their" women from dating white men they make up racist shit about hapas for example r/hapas is almost entirely an r/am false flag, they started the Elliot Rodger memes and they create fake accounts of white dudes with yellow fever to harrass Asian women on dating sites.
It all comes off as pretty desperate and pathetic.
No. 113327
>>113310I'm surprised someone else knows this about them. They deleted the most egregiously race baity threads but a lot of said threads are saved in screencaps.
It's mostly them discussing strategies of pretending to be creepy white guys on dating sites and so on. The user "eurasiantiger" is almost assuredly an Asian American dude false flagging for example.
What possible reason could a eurasian dude have for pushing a narrative that Asian men with white women produces normal and well adjusted kids but white men with Asian women produces maladjusted kids? In the real world, eurasian kids like Joseph Schooling are out there being normal.
My experience is that the opposite is far more common because non white dudes internalise the whole "love the women, hate the men" adage far more comprehensively. As /r/am prove funnily enough.
No. 113477
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>>113303I was interested by that book you posted. I just finished reading a book (pic related) that makes a pretty convincing argument that China ascension has peaked and it will gradually collapse under the weight of managing itself.
Apparently there is a huge schism between the rich techie coastals and the dirt poor interior farming peoples. China likes to present itself a strongly unified hive mind, but the truth is the more Westernized it becomes, the bigger the fractures. Even with a police state they can't keep things under control. You don't have to be an economist to notice all the stories about the impending housing bubble collapse and stock fixing allegations.
The book goes into great detail about this, it's a really fascinating read.
No. 113478
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>>113303I was interested by that book you posted. I just finished reading a book (pic related) that makes a pretty convincing argument that China ascension has peaked and it will gradually collapse under the weight of managing itself.
Apparently there is a huge schism between the rich techie coastals and the dirt poor interior farming peoples. China likes to present itself a strongly unified hive mind, but the truth is the more Westernized it becomes, the bigger the fractures. Even with a police state they can't keep things under control. You don't have to be an economist to notice all the stories about the impending housing bubble collapse and stock fixing allegations.
The book goes into great detail about this, it's a really fascinating read.
No. 113506
>>113310>>113327Do you have those screencaps and more deets? Those Asian subreddits honestly weird me out.
r/hapas and r/am are the worst ones, but r/aznidentity sounds almost as crazy half of the time. Are most Asian-Americans like this?
No. 113521
>>113293have you even been to mexico or any south american/central american country?
You sound like some delusional white person who feels like they are persecuted or something for their "whiteness". At least in most of the Hispanic world, whiteness is sought after and thought of as good, darkness is not really wanted as much.
I'm not Mexican, but I've been a few times and most people do look mixed. whether or not they are "aztec" is a different story but most Mexicans (like 50%+) look like what
>>113520 said.
Funnily enough, in the TV we mostly see white Hispanics not really representing most of the populations in our countries. Usually if there is a "darker" person they are the house servant or something hah. Other times you see "darker" skinned characters portrayed as the evil or bad ones.
Being white is prized and many want to have lighter skin. It's a mainstream thing to want to look light skinned, people want to look "European, and there are many skin lightening products in our drugstores.
Light skin is so prized in my country that certain insults revolve around calling someone an "indigenous" person and most people here love bragging about Spaniard heritage.
No. 113525
>>113521I'm Mexican and receive a lot of comments like 'you're so pale and tall and big-eyed.' By tall they mean 5'4". And my own parents refer to others' looks like "she looks so indigenous."
On one hand, I don't like how racist Mexicans are. On the other hand, at least I'm on the coveted side of that divide.
No. 113529
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>>113524Most products are creams that claim to lighten the skin when used regularly through bleaching. Some also have SPF to prevent tanning. Like all beauty products, some work and some do little. Pretty suspect stuff can be found online but well known brands produce lightening products too, like pic related Garnier. In the UK chain beauty stores sell products that "reduce dark spots / even skin tone" which can be used to lighten the skin.
It's a cultural / economic thing: it's only big in cultures which value light skin enough to spend so much time and money pursuing it, as well as being financially able to do that.
No. 113530
>>113512I doubt yellow fever weebs mind. They're both perfect for each other since those Reddit dudes seem to think dating white anime/Kpop fans is better than dating Asians or any other kind of girl.
I don't really get all this hate and self-bashing in the Asian-American community. Minorities usually stick together.
No. 113532
>>113520>>113521Anon sort of does have a point. It's easy to get stuck in a circle of "white" people like she described when you're both upper middle class and light skinned/white yourself. Especially if you go to college. Anything indian/black/minority is prized and valued while europen culture is heavily criticized, considered
problematic or straight up shunned. I'm not mexican but I'm south american and I believe things are very similar over here.
That's obviously not the case for the entire population, but for a large portion of it, it is.
No. 113543
>>113530You're right about yellow fever weebs not minding but that's because they're the real self hating part of the equation. People who are proud of their heritage don't desperately try to become part of racially exclusive groups that clearly do not want them in any capacity except for easy sex, eschewing their own racial identity totally in the process.
Too many sjw types on PULL and elsewhere buy into this notion that white females and males who are extreme weebs are some sort of white supremacists by proxy seeking to teach the natives who they are.
The reality is they're sad, alienated people who have been told anything white is implicitly bad and/or meaningless and correspondingly seek out other identities. First through subculture, then through veneration of the other. Women are more liable to this trend than men for whatever reason.
No. 113550
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>>113506Not the most egregiously retarded, but still…
No. 113553
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>>113551It's amazing how much of this stuff is basically just a cover for overseas Chinese ethno-nationalism, along with their usual suspect running dogs: the Koreans.
Yeah, Vietnam should totally stop "supplicating" to America and give up all their territorial claims to the PRC in the interests of Asian American male brotherhood.
These fucks are delusional. They're worse than /pol/. At least there are legitimate happenings in Western Europe that pose an existential threat to white people there in the long run. These cunts come from countries that are uniformly yellow to a degree of 99.99999%, that purposefully exclude foreigners with immigration and naturalization laws that make Donald Trump and Nigel Farage look like hardcore liberals (until recently in South Korea, a husband could sponsor a foreign spouse for a visa, but a Korean woman couldn't sponsor a foreign husband), the very reason there's tension in the first place is because white people (perhaps stupidly) mooted the idea of civic identity trumping racial identity and opened the door to the idea of "everyone becoming an American/Frenchman/Englishman" - foolish and short-sighted, but at least founded on bona fide attitudes towards outsiders that Asians would never, ever in a million years consider.
I honestly and truthfully hate them more than the black SJWs. At least blacks have shitty lives to complain about. Chinese Americans are the most uniformly upper middle class demographic in America. Their complaints basically boil down to shit like "there was this film called thirteen candles that was made a few decades ago and it hurt my feelings, and not enough white pretty blonde girls like me as a result". Fuck em, they're absolute hypocrites who would never hold their own to the same standards they seek to impose on westerners.
No. 113675
>>113495How is the notion of them considering overseas chinese also a part of homeland in anyway racism? Do you even understand what the word means, or are you just bad at logic?
>>113504>Yeah yeah. Only white people are racist. Jesus christ. It's impossible to have a serious discussion with the likes of you. Put yourself out of the rest of the planet's misery, please.
No. 113682
>>113551Pocahontas is asian now? wew lad. The ironic thing is many indians I've spoken to would balk at being labeled as asian. The theory that asians migrated across the bering strait in prehistory is viewed by a lot of native people as bullshit; something white men made up so they could justify pouring into North America and genociding everybody.
It's just weird that people who claim to be so sensitive about appropriation would steamroll amerindians to argue a stupid point on the internet.
No. 113683
>>1136751. It's not that viewing your diaspora as part of your group is necessarily "racist" (although I'm sure you can understand why the rest of us view the potential weaponization of your ethnocentrism by the PRC with some fear). It's that Han chauvinism is by default racist and always was. It's not some distinct thing, Chinese people, by default, believe themselves to be racially superior and believe others to be inferior. Chineseness is also overwhelmingly a matter of Han blood.
2. You can have a serious conversation with me. But our starting point isn't going to be some position of "white people invented racism and Chinese people are relatively benign xenophobes whose xenophobia has nothing to do with a race based view of the world."
>>113667>favorite groupUnless you're Asian. You're just as bad.
>>113682Like I said. Most of it is Chinese or Korean ethnonationalism with an intentional mass of postmodern bullshit sociology and ethnic studies terms to act as cover.
They're racial nationalists who happen to live in America. That's true of most Koreans and Chinese in my experience.
No. 113713
>>113683>Chinese people, by default, believe themselves to be racially superiorUnless you mean it in a different way than I think you mean or you're only talking about a certain generation, this is very hard to believe.
If they thought of themselves as superior, they wouldn't suck up to and treat white tourists like celebrities, envy whites for their 3D features like high nose bridges as opposed to their flatter ones and hold Europe (Prague, Germany, Paris etc.) and foreign products in such a high regard. Not to mention the rent-a-foreigner industry or that white-looking people who speak bad English supposedly have better chances at becoming English teachers than Chinese-Americans/Australians.
No. 113720
>>113713>Unless you mean it in a different way than I think you mean or you're only talking about a certain generation, this is very hard to believe.What I mean is that Han Chauvinism is the default belief of virtually every ethnic huaren from Singapore and the SEA minorities to Beijing. They believe themselves to be racially superior - that is superior based on shared ancestry and consequently biology.
>suck upHah, know how I can tell you're East Asian? You use terms like "suck up" to refer to what are, in other countries, just basic civility shown to guests.
>have better chances at becoming English teachers than Chinese-Americans/Australians.This has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not Chinese people are racial supremacists. You're just getting butthurt about who dead end jobs go to at this point, lol.
No. 113723
>>113720I don't care about the English teacher situation. It's just an example I've seen other people complain about.
What I meant with "suck up" is all the compliments and attention tourists get, not basic civility and manners. I've never seen foreign exchange students or tourists in Germany being treated like this since they're just chinks or invisible to us. And yeah, you aren't completely wrong, although I'm as Chinese as Keanu Reeves.
No. 113793
>>113783>>113792I don't think she should date him.
Maybe he's a big misogynist, maybe he's not. But he can certainly do without her prejudiced ass.
No. 113813
>>113772Han Nationalism. Whatever you want to call it. The point here is that Chinese are fucking racist and the you haven't offered a compelling reason as to why the term can be applied to whites but not Chinese.
>>113780Date who you want. Cultural issues and barriers really are a genuine thing though. It's not just something you "work through", eventually one side has to acquiesce. There's also the fact that once you've dated an asian guy other white guys will look at you as someone with an asian fetish and probably mark you down as less desirable. But I'm sure you can live with that.
>>113723This doesn't happen except in areas where they get zero tourists and even then it applies equally to black people and whites. It's more inquisitiveness than anything else.
No. 113870
>>113783Obviously I am getting to know him now I am just scared (have had problems with culture differences before and it sucked). I would not date him until I know him further.
>>113792I'll be more assertive, thank you.
>>113793KEK I'm not prejudiced.
I don't think he's automatically a misogynist or whatever because of his culture. But culture can really influence how men (or women) act. I'm Hispanic, and our culture is very machisto/misogynist and because of this many men are raised to be this way.
That being said, I don't automatically think ALL Hispanic men are like this but I've encountered many due to them being raised this way. I don't know too much about Japanese men in general so I was just asking for general advice on how Japanese culture is for men in general.
>>113820Then don't date obviously but he has shown interest in me.
No. 113948
>>113870Are you that Hispanic chick who dated an Asian guy before?
Why put yourself through that shit but with an even more alien FOB all over again? It's not going to be any better.
No. 113967
>>113813>other white guys will look at you as someone with an asian fetishMost white dudes don't care as much as you think they do. Plus, you aren't required to disclose the race of prior boyfriends when you enter a new relationship.
>>113780Don't let lolcow determine who you do or do not date. If you have to ask this, don't bother trying since you already have doubts and judgement. There is a risk of any dude you date being a misogynist, asian or non-asian.
No. 113975
>>113948That Hispanic chick? no. No idea who you are talking about.
>>113967I'm not going to base my decisions 100% on what anyone said, I was just asking since this thread was on asian men.
Obviously ANY man can be a dick or whatever but I was just asking if anyone had any experience in Japanese culture and those values. That's all I was asking for.
No. 114000
>>113967>Most white dudes don't care as much as you think they do.Nah, the internet made it a known thing in the same vein as "white girl who dates black guys". They're both basically the same thing after all (fetish-driven relationships).
A male friend of mine said if he knew he was dating a girl who had a "history" with asian guys he'd be put off. I think the reverse is true too, dating a white guy whose dating history was exclusively say, Korean girls, would be a bit weird.
No. 114077
>>114000Eh, If a guy is shallow enough to write off a decent girl because of her dating history then that's probably not someone that girl would want to be with anyway.
The reason white dudes are put off by white girls dating black guys/asian guys/whatever are usually insecure redpill nonsense anyway.
No. 114289
>>114077>shallow Incorrect. It's because if you look at someone's dating history and it is exclusively Korean guys/girls, then there's probably some deep-seated racial fetish you're dealing with. Normal people do not want to deal with that, despite your attempts to claim they're the ones with the issue.
I'm frankly amazed you could blame someone for flagging that as a red flag. It's not even exclusively a male or female thing. It's normal to not want to be with someone who doesn't view the racial group to which you belong as their first choice, in terms of looks or culture or both.
>>113053sighIt's not an "inferiority complex", they just see them as prettier and they see, like most men, it as them "conquering" the other group's women.
Throughout history, mixed children identify primarily with their paternal lineage, not their maternal one. Hence why Ashkenazi Jews believe themselves to be some pure Semitic race despite 80%+ of their mtDNA being European, hence why Northeast Africa (primarily Egypt) believes itself to be as Arabic as the Gulf (with the exception of the Copts) and so on. Mixed children, generally speaking, identify with the race of the father, if you rinse and repeat this process enough times then you basically end up with a group of people who have virtually no connection to their maternal racial lineage whatsoever, which is basically what happened in regions of Southern China colonized by Han farmers two thousand years ago.
No. 114291
>>114284>yay for the halfs are pretty stereotype in Asia lolI cringed fucking hard.
Have some self-respect, what sort of woman is proud of being a fetish object for a group of men who objectify here in the purest meaning of the term?
No. 114308
>>114289>Mixed children, generally speaking, identify with the race of the fatherNot true for me. I always was rather the opposite. But maybe it's because I barely know my father's family, and grew up around my mother's family (since my father's family lives largely abroad).
>>114291Aight, I get what you're trying to say. But to be honest, living in Japan was the first time I felt pretty for being half, rather than wishing I was full Asian, so that guys like my Asian European crush would notice me. I might be one of the few White/Asians that loathed being White, rather than being Asian, in that sense.
No. 114318
>>114308>loathed being whiteSeems like you have some serious issues you need to work out, which kind of confirms my point.
I'm not surprised though, most white societies teach self-hatred and guilt, so that just makes you like any other white person.
No. 519463
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>>519438>>519443Holy shit. You really put this guy on blast, lmao.
I don't know much about EurasianTiger, but he seems like a cow. His art alone is hideous. I saw the NSFW content, too, but actually saving and reposting it would be too disgusting.
He writes stories about the same subject under a female alias, too. I noticed he makes a point of claiming he does this to "empower women", be "anti-racist" and "stay body positive". Mental illness.
No. 519871
>>519847yes but its also due to the fact many japanese people are partially descended from Austronesian people who were the original inhabitants of japans who were assimilated by a migrating eastern eurasian people who would later become the japanese, its something japanese people don't like discussing
being descended from dirty Austronesians
No. 519901
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>>519879I usually don't find Chinese guys good looking either but I like Joseph Zeng, he has this very cute puppy look.
No. 519930
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So this is my asian male crush. Shaheen Afridi pakistani pathan cricketer and he 100% counts as asian No. 519937
>>519930You think we don't know what asia means or do you just genuinely have shit taste in guys,
No. 519947
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>>519930He's cute, anon, you have good taste. I love South Asian men too, they are so handsome
No. 520035
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>>520030do you really think its fair to say that these 2 men
>>519930 >>519947 are the same
No. 520261
>>520223You're so right about that
In my town there are a lot of Chinese and Koreans, Chinese have round faces and the Koreans that didn't get their jaw shaved had big jaws.
No. 520396
(half) Asian guy anon here. This ib is…. insightful. I stumbled upon this place, but stayed for the quality shitposting. Just wanted to say that.
>>519871We're all Austronesian in one way or another. East Asians were more from a branch that split north. Some even further north and possibly mixed with Siberia. Those branched into Japan and then the Americas. The southern branches populated Southern China and ancient Khmer/SE peoples. But there are also some really aboriginal types that might've been a different migration (like the Negritos in the Phillipines). I suspect they were part of the same people who also moved way south (Australia).
(male here) No. 520400
>>520397It's cool, I'll leave. I love you.
Back to the stormfags, where I have to hide myself.
No. 520984
>>520216In terms of physical traits, Northern Chinese people are hard to tell from Korean people if you were to strip away stuff like clothes and styling. Japanese are east to tell apart from the other two in that they’re usually shorter, tanner, and have eyes that are a little bigger.
If we were to take styling into account, Japanese guys usually have outdated anime-inspired haircuts, whereas other East Asian dudes tend to not. Compare the character appearances in the Japanese drama Hana Kimi to its Taiwanese and Korean counterparts and you’ll get what I mean.
No. 521107
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I really like the aesthetic of Japanese Punks and rockers in80's and 90's and that's it
No. 521112
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>>521107Good shit. Post more