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No. 1136
Shitty fan fiction thread? Don't know if it belongs in /pt/. fanfic with erotica that comes out of no where of you should be familiar with this one, it's a meme now. it's a troll, still kind of funny. I you happen to find something, post it!
No. 1138
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"So, Zim…" Quagmire began, trying to start a conversation of any kind. "Seen any girls lately?"
Zim raised an eyeridge. "Human females?"
"Yeah, whatever your foreign kids call them…" Quagmire said quickly. "I'm asking…" He leaned closer. "Been lucky?"
"Lucky?" He asked in confusion.
"What, you didn't get some when you were a kid?" The man asked in surprise. "Wow, I thought lots foreign chicks did sex for money…even the underage ones."
"Zim does not understand what you are saying," he said.
Then Quagmire smiled. "Ever jerked off?"
"Who's a jerk?" Zim asked in confusion.
"Wow, you really must be that retarded, huh?" Quagmire said with annoyance in his voice. "When I was eight, I was peeking at girls in the restroom."
"What does retarded mean?" Zim asked. "Is it a human term regarding human strength or something like that?"
"Holy crap…" Quagmire muttered. "Is Brian going to have fun teaching you…"
Suddenly, he was yanked on the collar from behind. Quagmire yelped before he quickly turned his head to see an enraged Brian grasping his collar tightly. The human dog dragged him into the kitchen as soon as Cleveland exited out.
"What the hell, Brian?" He demanded as soon as he released him.
"Quit making my son feel like an idiot!" Brian barked, glaring at him.
"Hey, don't blame me if that kid doesn't get laid by the time he's in high school," Quagmire mocked folding his arms.
Brian just growled. Quagmire never liked him, for reasons that were totally untrue. While Quagmire called Brian a sellout and a total bore, Brian knew Quagmire was far worse. Sexing women up even when they didn't want to, sneaking into women's restrooms, hitting on his wife…Brian would never forget how the idiot just had an affair with Cleveland's wife behind his back…
Now he was insulting his son, and Zim didn't even realize it.
"What are you going to do, dog?" Quagmire challenged. "Bark up my tree?"
Next thing Quagmire knew, he was shoved ever so roughly against the fridge. Brian's powerful hand was pressed roughly against his chest, claws nearly emerging from his hands and pressured against Quagmire's shirt and into his skin.
"Whoa, take it easy, Brian…" Quagmire choked, his eyes widening as he saw the fury in the human dog's eyes.
Brian's grip tightened and Quagmire could feel his claws dig deeper into his skin he feared he would bleed.
"Look…" Brian growled, his eyes never leaving his. "You don't like me, I don't like you." He mashed his teeth together angrily. "But if you do anything up to my son like you tried to * around with my wife, I will kick your perverted, sorry ass so * hard your penis won't rise again."
He slammed Quagmire against the fridge once again, most of the impact on his head.
"You got that, you mother *?" Brian growled.
Quagmire was too scared to speak. Brian…ever so calm, even to him…he almost looked like he had rabies by the way he growled and his teeth bare and gleaming like a wolf's…
"Uh…um…" He gulped. "O-okay…"
"Good," Brian said in a merrily voice before he let go of his shirt. The threatening expression was gone and he was back to his calm nature. "We won't be here too long, anyway."
And with that said, Brian left Quagmire standing there.
The man slid to the floor, clutching himself as he sat in fear, his eyes still wide. "Holy **…"
No. 1254
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>>1252i thought so too, but if so they're a really dedicated troll. i think he's just a goofy young kid with a severe problem with typing and maybe ADD, because all his comments, journals, and complaints read the same way.
i found him through this also, if you'd rather watch than read: No. 1284
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>>1283you're welcome! finding and reading badfic is like my favorite obscure internet age hobby.
also i remembered this really unsettling fanfiction with baby smurfs. like none of it is blatantly sexual per se, but it still is really creepy to me. baby smurf torture fetish;f=1;t=001960;p=0 No. 1309
>>1307Oh, hell no. I got as far as chapter 9 and I just couldn't continue. Normally I'm not phased by weird shit but this, this was different.
I almost want to finish it just to see how it ends but something inside me is telling me the final chapter is just going to be one long sex scene that ends in them crying and someone dying from starvation.
No. 1310
>>1306I'm on chapter 2 right now.
I'm literally skipping over paragraphs and dialogue because I know exactly where shit is going, jfc.
Why is all shitty fanfiction like this?
No. 1316
>>1306"Alphonse Elric/Edward ElricEdward Elric Alphonse Elric Winry Rockbell Roy MustangExplicit Sexual Content Sibling Incest Minor Violence Realistic Explicit Language"
How about NOPE
No. 1568
Rainbow Dash Presents is bretty funny for those who are familiar with bad pony fanfic. Is basically them making their own version pointing out the flaws, this one is my favorite. here's original fanfic,, in the original "My little Dashie" fanfic,
>>Man finds baby rainbow dash>>raises her as his daughter>>He's poor with dead parents>>RD can't go outside because government (???)>>Man is only other person RD knows. No friends. Never even sees other people.>>Not allowed outside of house to avoid being found. He only takes her outside to an abandoned field every once in a while so she can run around. (wouldn't RD get restless? She's an athletic pony, she would need more than that.)>>They form a close bond. RD being locked in house her whole life and socially isolated has no negative effects. >>No school for RD either.>>Man comes of as lonely creep.>>RD sees mlp on TV one day and gets upset and runs away. She comes back hungry and cold, missing daddy.>>Other ponies eventually find RD and take her back. RD is sad cuz whaaa but my daddy. ;-;>>Entire fanfic feels like it's written by sad lonely neckbeard who wants a pony friend rather than a daughter No. 2888
Read this.'s where Manfred Von Karma realizes he is male nor female.
I can't tell if it's just bad or a joke.
I have a lot of Star Trek ones, but this is more relevant.
No. 4510
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Found this today. I don't know what to say.
No. 81359
I know this is an old thread, but I don't see the point of making a new one when the threads don't get deleted. Anywho…..
>An AU where the Red Medic captures a load of Scouts and surgically alters them into cunt boys. He pumps them full of female hormones and estrogen, making them constantly horny and desperate for cock. At first they only have a cunt, but as time goes by their chest begins to develop, day by day expanding and getting fatter. When they reach a certain size they’re ready to be milked and finally bred.What the fuck.
The tags are also horrifying as shit.
No. 81408
>>2888What the fuck is this shit… I can't stop laughing and cringing at the same time.
No. 81579
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TBH the tags are already horrifying enough and it just gets worse and worse.
No. 82296
>>82295Fuck, I should have included this one as well. Eric Harris reveals his take on dating.
Teaser: Lynn Ann gets a lesson on dating by none other than Eric Harris himself.
No. 82321
>>82317Let's be honest, tumblr ruined all of pop culture (and beyond)
It's like, goddamn, if they're going to spread their cancer, they could at least know how to construct a basic story. Aja (from old school HP fandom) is a dumbass SJW but at least she is a decent writer.
No. 82354
>>82337I've read before apparently it came from Supernatural and then spread like wildfire. I don't watch SN but I've seen A/B/O in fics of almost every other thing I'm into. Even worse when they put all that wolf-shifting dick-knot shit in.
>>82295>>82296Lynn Ann? Holy shit it's that crazy bitch from youtube! No. 82478
>>82355As an ex-SPN fan - I duly cringe at myself.
I have read Wincest - it was actually the bigger fandom then. Somehow the good writers (and there were several back then) made it a tad less creepy, whilst preserving the whole fucked up-ness of the relationship.
I've forgotten most of the names now, but I do remember candle_beck, because I thought she was genuinely talented, and she was quite prolific in several fandoms.
No. 83332
>>82321>tumblr ruined pop culturesad but true.
It worries me how many talented writers from the 2000s turned into SJWs…
No. 83520
>>82309I think part of it is that back in the day many older authors were posting their backlogs. It had a glut of good stuff in a relatively short amount of time.
It was inevitable that as time went on less capable writers would share their work, but it's still disappointing to see play out.
>>82337I find it interesting to see which themes keep popping up as trends over time. Is alpha/beta/omega-dominance stuff really spreading that far? I don't think I've seen very much of it at all, but I don't read Supernatural fics.