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No. 113791
So this made one of the top posts on Reddit and now the Daily Mail, supposedly some 17yr old is cucking guys on Runescape then convincing them to suicide? I see it more as an abusive femdom but I'm not sure, it's kind of spooky.
Twitter: video on it: No. 114049
Interview with Hanna, her boyfriend, and rando male friend starts at 6:30
Her main boyfriend's twitter: youtube video on it (different from the one embedded in this post): interview is so cringey. There is a random dude in the room with Hanna who defends her meanwhile her 'boyfriend' (dude who shaved his brows and was crying in videos) is dialed into they skype call separately but hardly talks.
In the comments they're also claiming that the stream where a guy was putting stuff in his butt while yelling "I love you Hanna" wasn't her fault, but that he was egged on by some girl named Alysiaa. No. 114236
>>114227She might have taken over his twitter to run defense, he didn't seem to post super frequently before this while she was much more active on social media.
It seems that at one point he did normal gaming streams and videos, but hasn't since meeting her (until this blew up) and only has 4 non abusive videos on his channel, and nothing recent on his stream, in that light he seems to care less about attention now. I can still see this as being totally fake, but I've seen too man pathetic people to write it off quite yet. There are so many people on youtube/streams making money off fake drama bucks I feel like he would have some monetized videos had that be the case.
Honestly it seems most likely to me that her boyfriend thinks he's in on the joke but doesn't realize that Hanna/her male bff really to laugh at him behind his back.
No. 114361
>>114346theres a pretty big difference with humiliation for the sake of it and towards the point of suicide
and thirsting for esports dick
No. 118610
>>118596Well, do you remember men saying "Go for girls with low self esteem or a lot of problems, they are easy targets you can practice on"?
Now this is happening with girls too.
No. 118652
I was interested in this when it first popped, but it all seems to be a vendetta. Her and her boyfriend are cringe as fuck, but there hasn't been any proof of her fucking with anyone besides him, the name on foreheads thing seems to be an in joke as she has pictures with names written on her head too, just look at her social media she has several old pics with it. The flood of dudes writing her name on her body happened when the video accusing her of making guys shove shit up their butts was released, a bunch of randos gave her attention and she didn't know what to do with it so she asked for joke pics, if you scroll on her twitter, you'll see the spike of these pics about a month ago and none before that. If you watch the video of the guy putting shit in his butt, you'll also clearly see he's skyping with a different chick who's telling him to do it and only screams 'Hanna' when it's pointed out that she joined the chat (the stream chat that is, not the skype chat. Also that guy is some /b/tard try hard who does dumb shit on streams all the time.
She also tweeted some shit about suicide in general and how she wants to live hedonistically then suicide with a neet lover or some dumb shit, and once as a joke to a guy who she clearly has a friendly relationship with on twitter and who is not speaking out against her, but otherwise she had black widowed a bunch of dudes by convincing them to kill themselves.
Basically her relationship with her boyfriend questionable, both of them definitely have a shit sense of humor, but she's not a mastermind dominatrix. Unless someone can post real proof of her manipulating and abusing a ton of guys, the only milk is maybe her relationship with that Stewart dude, but it's mostly just cringey..
No. 118687
>>118612Do you have any source to that statement? Because there's 0 proof in her social medias.
>>118652I think that too, anon, people say there's milk but there isn't a drop of proof anywhere.
No. 118852
>>118652, I'm not going to bother because people should be posting proof OF milk, not proof of the lack of milk. Everything I cited you can see by scrolling through her twitter and seeing the LACK of milk except the little spike of dudes hounding her when the marsrpg video dropped, and in the butt video (do you really want me to link that shit?)
No. 118854
>>118852>people should be posting proof OF milk, not proof of the lack of milk.So, you agree that you should post evidence to back up your claims? Because what you described is pretty milky.
>(do you really want me to link that shit?)Yes, or fuck off.