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No. 114451
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There's way more than enough guys that don't care if you're ugly.
Ugly AND a bitchy mean personality though? Better be prepared to settle pretty low.
No. 114455
>>114435For me, people are usually posted here because they're shitty people or drama queens. They may be beautiful on the outside, but their personality is ugly, so it makes them ugly. If that makes any sense.
Also I just enjoy being a petty bitch sometimes.
No. 114456
>>114435If you don't like something, improve it if it's possible within your power. With how many resources are easily accessible through the internet and the cheap price of drugstore products, there's little valid excuse if you want it enough.
But honestly just in an average day or outing, total strangers give way more of a shit (if they have the energy to care at all) on what you smell like more than what you look like. Wear clean clothes, don't smell bad, and groomed enough and it'll be fine.
No. 114491
I can sort of understand where OP is coming from. Occasionally I see some nitpicking and can't help but think "well, she probably looks better than I would at that angle/style/etc".
>>114435There are so many resources online for learning to do make up. Watch a shit ton of tutorials and PRACTICE a shit ton as well. Try as many looks as you can, take pictures/videos and find whats most flattering for your particular features.
It doesn't even have to be extravagant make up. People underestimate what a difference foundation, well groomed brows, and a pair of lashes make. If you aren't comfortable with foundation try a BB cream, and invest in a nice neutral palette.
No. 114493
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It's really not that hard unless you're trying to recreate the shit you see on Instagram
No. 114509
>>114491>>114493I don't know what world you guys live in but makeup can only do so much. I don't know why people here think acne, dark circles and uneven skintone = ugly, that girl has very nice, symmetrical features.
If you have a crooked nose, bulging eyes, horrible misshapen mouth, big chin, big ears etc makeup can only help a little. I don't know whose koolaid you've been drinking but many people can't afford surgery or fancy makeup because they're up to their ears in student debt.
You're all talking as if everyone has perfectly symmetrical features hiding under a layer of acne and greasy skin as if that's the only form of ugly there is.
No. 114510
>>114509Nobody is saying makeup will do a plastic surgery but you look overall better if you got makeup on.
Honestly, if you are really ugly and broken I would advise exercising instead of putting layers of makeup on your face.
No. 114521
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>>114520Anon please look at this picture and get back to me. You're welcome
No. 114542
>>114509Make up can do it's fair share if you learn how to fucking do it correctly. Even if it doesn't fix your hideous face completely it's better than going around looking like an unkempt mess. Some effort is ultimately better than being a self pitying bitch.
Was plastic surgery even brought up? OP mentioned make up, and so it was discussed. An 8-30 dollar foundation every few months isn't that big of a dent in your funds.
No. 114551
>>114521she should overdraw her lips a little and not highlight that giant nose.
and learn to smile