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No. 115972
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>>115969It's partly because they're robots who have trouble communicating with actual people, and if there's a language and cultural difference they can blame it on that instead of being huge autists (watch 90 day fiance, it's hilarious but also a huge cringe fest, and it goes both ways - the lard with the moroccan guy, Jesus)
And then there's a little bit of column B: 70% of our population is overweight (including the guys of course), but everyone wants a fit spouse and not a ranting raving tubblrina with PCOS and at least nine other self-diagnosed mental and physical conditions.
Most women aren't like that, but most guys have been burned by at least one crazy bitch.
No. 116052
>>115969-implied automatic inferiority regarding the asian sidekick to white superior hierarchy. thus takes some of the anxiety out of chasing asian women. don't get me wrong though, the white fever coming from asian women's part makes the choice all the more enticing.
-if we use the predator/prey metaphor, and scary black people are suppose to be the "boogeyman" that whites "must protect themselves against"; asian women are the "prey" that makes the "predator" feel powerful.
-all men like novelty. btw, the exotic token asian trope has been overly played out. in 2016, the "token exotic hot girl" is now the rare westernized arab or persian girl that hangs out with the other hot white girls. having yellow fever is actually heavily stigmatized.
No. 116053
>>116052continuing on this post, i think both genders have a tendency to infantilize asian women and assume they are shy and helpless. like i've seen some white gals with good intention on trying to help the international students basically handle them like they're shy 12 year old girls (talking to them like they're children, condescendingly trying to teach them, assuming they must need help with english, etc). the female students are a lot better than some of the male students though- who intentionally volunteer to help the international students with their english so they can prey on them.
this is also why asian-american women go the opposite direction and come off as loud, rude, tactless etc. people in general don't like to be talked down to- so asian-american women try extra hard to let it be known that they're not "submissive and quiet"
No. 116054
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>>116052Who even writes this garbage lmao
No. 116081
It has nothing to do with looks.
It's because non-western women haven't been mentally destroyed by feminism and leftist political views.
In this globalized world, Western women are simply incapable of competing with foreign women, who are vastly superior to them in all qualities. And instead of trying to improve themselves, so that they can compete with foreign women, Western women want to simply shame men for pursuing such women. (As can be seen ITT, accusing any man of going after asian girls as a "predator"
>>116052 >>116053)
You ladies can go be “big strong independent” all you want. An ever growing number of Western men don’t give a damn anymore. They could care less what you do. After all, we have options. You do not. We can go to foreign countries and find good feminine women. You can also go to foreign countries, but the men there will simply see you as a whore and use you as such.
No. 116083
>>116081Forgot to add, "foreign women" usually means "East Asian women".
Hispanics of central/south America, black women of Africa, and muslims in the middle east or north Africa, are out of the question for most white men for obvious racial/cultural reasons.
No. 116093
>>116086With that attitude that's the only kind of man who would ever settle with you.
No man with balls would ever tolerate you.
>>116067No, it's mostly a certain type of older guys and anime otakus who have this fetish.
It also seems to be more prevalent in America because of their history with Asian folks (Vietnam war, Chinese immigration?) I don't even know to be honest, lol.
No. 116135
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>>116128Same. Only guys who have the yellow fever badly are super introverted anime lovers with one or more physical flaws that they are super insecure about. Usually being obese/underweight, or having some kind of aesthetic problem like wonky eyes or thinning hair. That's in combination with aspergers or autism, or other personality disorders besides introversion.
>>115969The yellow fever men are really no different than weeaboos who think Japan is the land of milk and honey, then when they finally get there they realize nobody has time for their antics, and people live completely normal lives. They don't even believe it when not every Japanese person loves anime or weeb snax.
A guy with yellow fever is much the same. Note that the yellow fever man rarely dates an attractive Japanese or rich Chinese girl. More often than not they're backwater girls from poor families who see dating a Western man as an opportunity or stepping stone into better living. The majority come imported from Vietnam, Thailand, and the Philippines. They start out as really under-demanding and demure (the yellow fever man misconstrues this guarded behavior as being 'nice'), but slowly as the women secure citizenship, and grow tired or bored of the men they got saddled with, they act out more and more.
The guys are usually cheapskates and take these women on really cheap dates, and buy them a bunch of cheap shit to show how much they 'spoil' them. Then at night the women have to kiss their mugs and take their tiny penises inside them. The asian women come to the terrifying realization that they've tied on with pigs and their living situation will never improve, and as the years go by they will be expected to produce offspring and be burdened with the yellow fever man's defective gene copies.
After awhile the women grow wise to how much they're treated like little dolls rather than like women of respect. This all accumulates into a sudden nasty divorce or separation, and then the man is cured of yellow fever and goes the route of "all women are golddiggers" because he can't square with his actions of treating the asian woman like a vending machine to begin with. It's often his stunted social or cognitive perceptions that lead to his blindness and inability to form genuine human bonds with neither asians nor women of his own race. The yellow fever man is destined to die alone.
No. 116136
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>>116135You could say the same thing about MOST western marriages between a white man and white woman. Western women just come to the realization that they can legally screw the man anyway they wish and they'll just be met with a "you go girl".
You can be jelly all you want, a man has a much better chance with an asian woman who still has some level of femininity and submissiveness to her rather than the spoiled rotten "women" in the west. It's a joke that men are actually supposed to treat western women like adults, they're children on all levels except physical.
Pic related is one of the richest men in the entire world.
No. 116163
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>>116162It's just salty fattychans anon
No. 116166
>>116162Who says they're not equally as desperate and shitty? Same rules apply, they're usually homely weebs who listen to jpop and think they know everything about asian culture. Koreaboos are probably the worst.
But the difference is most western girls grow out of it while neckbeards don't.
No. 116168
>>116166>But the difference is most western girls grow out of it while neckbeards don't.Huh. I'd say it's the other way around. Just look at the most notorious cows on /pt/ or snowflakes on /snow/. Girls well into their 20s and still obsessed with renewing some shit-tier visa to live in some cramped, shitty apartment in Japan - and that isn't even discussing the girls who will actually whore themselves out (literally) to stay in Japan long-term, to the point of having illegitimate kids.
My feeling is that as bad as male weebs can get, there's still some understanding or realization that they will never be Japanese and that's usually when the penny drops. Remember also that men tend to be intrinsically more tribal than women, so the sort of self-hatred you see from a clown like Kanadajin is less common.
No. 116190
>>115969This is interesting, have any of you guys had experiences with being held up to an expectation of your race? Fetishized by yellow fever even?
I've had multiple family members that got shipped off to other countries being a "asian mail order bride", mostly for citizenship/a "better" life.
No. 116215
>>116213The women in Japan whoring themselves just to be able to stay there aren't gold diggers. They'll even date deadbeat ugly Asian guys.
As for trafficking it happens everywhere. From Belarus to Israel, from eastern Europe to the far east.
If you have a thing for Asian men then fine. But it's no different to the average weeb and his Chinese girlfriend. You're not on some qualitatively higher level you delusional sack of shit. Take a look around at the sort of women who actually pursue Asian men. They're fucking loons from broken homes nine times out of ten.
No. 116229
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You guys sound like the losers on /pol/ who complain about white women dating other races
Get a fucking life lmao
No. 116264
>>115969I've never met a good, normal man that preferred Asian women. It's fine if he ended up with one, that happens, but whenever men insist on dating Asian women they are always fucked up. Like others said, it goes back to them being delusional weebs/yellow-fever havers and the idea that Asian women are submissive and passive and will do what they like.
The delusion runs deep too. I've seen and known a lot of these guys (I live in an area with a big Asian population) and a lot of them get taken advantage of by Asian women who basically use them and treat them like shit, not that anybody sheds tears for the morons. The only couples I see having big public blow up fights are white men with Asian women but obviously that's anecdotal.
No. 116303
>>116297Go to anime conventions. They are everywhere..
>>116298lolmao how is that remark defending it? I take it you see White girls fetishizing their Asian boyfriends as a positive thing then?!
I have to say, I wonder where dafuq you guys come from, since both lolcow and PULL are known for gossiping about weeby White girls with yellow fever.
No. 116434
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>>116230Like I'm going to take advice from someone who spends all day crying about race mixing on the internet
No. 116462
I feel like having any sort of race fetish usually implies something.
>White women who like black men: I can get a black man who is physically out of my league because racism, and he will treat me like a queen, but I will essentially be a sugar mama and he is eventually going to get tired of eating my disgusting, fat, cheeto-encrusted pussy and leave me with our three children, Daquan, Khaleesi, and Jonathan.
>White women who like asian men: Look at me, breaking stereotypes! I am now going to utilize all forms of social media with #amwf and be a warrior against asian male stereotypes (because they obviously need me to do that!). I am going to instagram and vlog every time he takes me to an asian restaurant, which is every time we go out to eat. Also he must like animu and have a fetish for me dressing in lolita. He will be my sugar daddy because all asians are smart and nerdy and are engineers that make a lot of money. We will move to japan together and have a wedding where I will wear a fancy kimono and live happily ever after with our babbies, Riku, Sora, and Usagi. We will get divorced in 3 years when the fetish wears off; I get sick of his self-loathing and short man syndrome; I don't want to learn chinese; and I think I still have a chance with a jap man.
>White guys who like asian women: I am a short, ugly, nerd who makes $40,000 with a huge nose and acne. All white women are spoiled and mean because they won't date me as I am, an ugly, entitled loser. Because I like the easy way out and 40,000 = 1,000,000 in Thailand, I will bring home a 2/10 asian woman from the internet, and expect her to be a sex doll and maid. Until she somehow convinces me to send 20,000 a year to her real family in 'nam. And then ditches me with our half-viet son, Buster, who will grow up to post on /r/asianmasculinity and /r/hapas.
No. 116467
>>116462>treat me like a queenKEK
>/r/asianmasculinity and /r/hapas./r/hapas is literally an /r/asianmasculinity psyop. /u/eurasiantiger is literally a full-blooded Chinese guy.
>Look at me, breaking stereotypes! I am now going to utilize all forms of social media with #amwf and be a warrior against asian male stereotypes (because they obviously need me to do that!). This part is sadly true though. See:
>>116285You've gotta be pretty dumb to fall for and be co-opted by Asian American male grievance politics.
No. 260498
>>260450>>260482Different anon. I'm asian so stfu if you're going to spout any more racist bullshit.
I can assure you East asian women will always prefer guys from their own country 99% of the time. As for the other asian countries, they don't 'love white guys' they're just after their money or want to escape from their shithole countries. If you were talking about Asian American women I suggest you correct yourself instead of labeling an entire continent. And even then you'd be wrong, since they tend to date within their own race more often and close themselves off to 'white/black foreigners'.
Stop necroing this thread with your bs.
No. 260587
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>>260524neotany is only subjectively attractive though, it's not some evolutionary thing that would make someone signal fertility, if anything it does the opposite, even then when inevitable aging hits, neotany + matureness is only gonna look worse
beautiful ageless faces will always be better than neotany
No. 260589
>>260498this, it's always hilarous to see the most hideous white males claim that in spite of the western roasties they hate so much because of something a feminist said on tumblr in 2014, they're gonna go to asia and fuck a ton of girls and claim asian women chase white men, it's not just asians either, I've seen white men claim that "white men are the most desirable to women of other races"
they're so entitled and delusional, ik not all white males are the same but I do with WoC would reject and bash white men more since they get their egos filled so damn much if a white guy gets in a relationship with a woman of color
No. 260676
>>260587This is completely delusional.
>In a cross-cultural study, more neotenized female faces were the most attractive to men while less neotenized female faces were the least attractive to men, regardless of the females' actual age.[37] >Upon analyzing the results of his study Cunningham concluded that preference for "neonate features may display the least cross-cultural variability" in terms of "attractiveness ratings".[38]>In a study of Italian women who have won beauty competitions, the study said that the women had faces characterized by more "babyness" traits compared to the "normal" women used as a reference.[39]>In a study of sixty Caucasian female faces, the average facial composite of the fifteen faces considered most attractive differed from the facial composite of the whole by having a reduced lower facial region, a thinner jaw, and a higher forehead.[40]>Doug Jones, a visiting scholar in anthropology at Cornell University, said that there is cross-cultural evidence for preference for facial neoteny in women, because of sexual selection for the appearance of youthful fecundity in women by men.Women of all races demonstrate a higher instance of neoteny than their male counterparts - it is literally the essence of femininity and preference for neotenous features is ubiquitous amongst men of almost all cultures. It's undeniable that men select for women who have more neotenized skulls and yes, Asians (mongoloid skull type) are the most neotenized of all races.
>get out r-robotI'm a white woman and I have zero patience for /pol/tards who rage about muh Western roasties, but it does seem that there are individuals in this thread who genuinely are envious of Asian women. It's retarded.
No. 260715
>>260676And? It varies place to place
Also, yes some more youthful looking features can be attractive, but that doesn't mean "the more like a child you look the more attractive you are"
>>260690This tbh, I don't find their actual skull structure child-like, before they shave 70% of their jaw off that is
No. 260756
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>>115969>small nose>almond eyes>light-skinned, most of them>straight and thin hairAsian women might lack the body but men generally like neoteny, it makes their face look cute and attractive.
No. 260763
god this thread is cancer
>>260756>thin hairlul
No. 260768
>>260756>small noseNot exclusive to asians, its a feature just like big tits or big feet, it doesn't make x y and z races special snowflakes, plenty of asians have big noses, plenty dont
>almond eyesDoe eyes is whats known as attractive and more innocent, even then most asians have monolids
>light-skinned, most of themNot American asians, most asians in Asia use skin whitening products, which men tend to hate unnatural altering of skin color
>straight and thin hairActually, most men when asked find wavy hair attractive, some men I even know hate thin hair
Why are yellow fevers so delusuonal
>men generally like neoteny, it makes their face look cute and attractive.The only neotenious asians I've seen are ones who've had their face beaten by plastic surgeons, in fact isnt it convenient how the whole "asians look so young!!!" Thing only started when plastic surgery started booming in asia vs when most asians still had their natural face?
No. 260777
>>260773Well correction - men in certain areas
Hence why men always make fun of girls who tan or dye their hair and wear makeup. Unless they're some mgtow level dudes who expect western women to look like BJDs naturally and bash them if they use makeup or get surgery but fawn after asians in places that are known for getting surgery and completing changing their look with makeup all the time
No. 260788
>>260786Not exactly, they always go on about how they hate fake girls, how they would prefer x y and z over fake tits even if its nicely done, most men i know would quickly dump their girlfriend if she got surgery even if it looked good
It's honestly the only thing I'm envious of asians over, lower standards combined with the fact if you alter your appearance if you're western you'll get marked as a fake bitch, where as if you're asian and do it they make excuses or jump through hoops trying make themselves believe you didn't have surgery
No. 260789
>>260756>thinking almond eyes and small noses are exclusive to asians>thinking straight and thin hair is youthful and desired>thinking most asians are pale what is this retardation.
interesting though, considering asians are mostly known for having wide noses instead of small ones. not to mention round doe eyes are youthful looking, almond eyes are ''sexy''. i can guarantee you the average asian girl doesn't look like the one you posted lmao not to mention how popular plastic surgery (
especially nose jobs and eyelid surgery) is over there. what exactly are you trying to prove here…?
No. 260797
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>mfw people in this thread are seriously arguing over what men find attractive and why they find them attractive
Men actually have no standards. You can be white, black, Asian, Hispanic, etc of any age, facial structure or body type and find men of any race who will be attracted to you as long as you have a working vagina (or even not, if they have certain fetishes). Male opinions on "beauty" are meaningless because it's all a front. They'll pretty much have sex with anything that gives them access. It does not matter how neotenous you are. Turning against other women and making insulting comments about their features just makes you look jealous.
If you don't believe me, find the ugliest, yet still recognizably female, picture you can and make a dating site profile. Men will slide into your DMs anyway.
No. 260798
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>>260756This screams cherry-picking.
Compare the girl you posted (who may I add…had plastic surgery done) to Lucy Liu, who is also east Asian. She has a strong jaw, a long-ish face, small eyes and a relatively wide nose. She is not neotenous looking in the slightest, yet she is Asian nonetheless.
Olivia Wilde has sharp facial features similar to Lucy Liu and she is white, while Amanda Seyfried has very soft features, big eyes and a small nose and mouth, overall very ''neotenous'', and she is white as well. Every race is very diverse in terms of facial features.
No. 260807
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>>260798>Every race is very diverse in terms of facial features.exactly. And everyone has different tastes. Some like almond eyes, some like round. Some like dainty lips, some like thick. Some like heart shaped faces, others like square, and others like round… there isn’t one magical face that will make you the most beautiful to everyone. People have preferences.
Anyway, the real travesty is how underrated Asian men are outside of weird fandoms.
No. 260814
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>>260808Maybe it’s cause I played too much Prince of Persia growing up but I’ve got a thing for dark skin, dark hair, ripped Asian men. Obviously being ripped isn’t the norm. Pale, overstyled kpop boys do absolutely nothing for me.
Just goes to show there isn’t one true attractive type considering I know most of my friends like either white or black guys, not Asian. And if people around my age (uni) are into Asians, it’s always the kpop pretty-boy style
No. 260851
>this coping
>Trying to rescue Louis Bolk's theory, Stephen Jay Gould objected to the ranking of races as more or less neotenous, but Gould argued that if one used the terms set forth by 1920s proponents of racial neoteny, "Asians" are "clearly" the most neotenized human "race".[14]>Ashley Montagu said that the "Mongoloid skull generally, whether Chinese or Japanese, has been rather more neotenized than the Caucasoid or European…,"[5] and Montagu added that "Chinese peoples" are "perhaps" the best representatives of neoteny out of the Mongoloids.[46]>Montagu further said that the "European" skull was less neotenized >Frederick S. Hulse said that "…modern Europeans are, on average, distinctly less pedomorphic than are most non-Europeans…".[53]Asian women are objectively more neonate in appearance than European (read: white) women. Most evolutionary biologists and anthropologists concede this fact, I don't know why you are denying it. Having a broad jaw doesn't negate the obvious presence of increased neoteny in Asians as children tend to have broad faces as well. Flattened noses are also neotenic as children often have protruding nose roots as well. An internal epicanthic folds (I think this is what you meant by "small eyes"?) is also rather common amongst young children. Not to mention the lack of hair on their body as well as the complete absence of a brow ridge. And Asians generally have hair that grows more thickly from the root than Europeans.
I don't think this is something you need to react poorly to, because neoteny I don't think is the end be all to female attractiveness. But it is salient to acknowledge that this is an advantageous quality which Asian women naturally possess. When discussing "yellow fever", this should be taken into account as men of all races explicitly select for neotenous features - it is considered one of the only standards of female attractiveness that is pervasive in every culture. Therefore it is perhaps an underlying reason as to why so many men find themselves drawn to Asian women.
>>260817That's men in general, anon. Women of all races demonstrate a greater inclination towards ethnocentrism when selecting a partner than women do. You'll see it with black people, Hispanic people, Arab people, etc. The only exception is Asians with Asian women dating out of their race more frequently than Asian men, but this is probably due to the fact that Asian men struggle to date outside their race in the West, more than it indicates any particular loyalty towards their women.
No. 260853
>>260851*children often have less protruding nose roots
*than men do
Shit so many typos here.
No. 260854
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No. 260936
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MGTOW biology lesson aside (which shouldn't even be taken into account due to the fact they contradict themselves a lot and well, they're dumb)
like the previous anon said, the whole "asians are so neotany!" thing didn't start until a fuck ton of asians started getting plastic surgery, here, where I live, emphasize on where I live before anyone starts strawmanning, more white girls look neoteny than the asian girls here, round faces, big rounded eyes, small upturned noses, plump but short set lips, clear naturally pale skin, rounded face, etc, and they tend to have wavyish hair here which often makes people look younger
>>260851you named asian features which are not at all neoteny except maybe the nose and that's it, it's like saying all blacks are neoteny because black children have x y and z, if all you have to grasp onto is their nose despite every other feature they have being the literal opposite of neoteny then that's just retarded and you have no argument
No. 260938
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>>260937>>260937it's actually very common for white women to look neotenuous too
>>260851>claims that people who disagree all asians are uwu children who can get all the men they want are "coping">claims that biologists concede asians are neoteny (they didn't)>makes BS statements about how because asian children have asian features that means asians are neotenuous >"asians are hairless" which is also BS if you've ever actually met an asian, not that anyone fighting this hard to prove asian women are more neotenuous would know anything about real asians that aren't in magazines or on the internet >Asians generally have hair that grows more thickly from the root than Europeans., which would only make them less neotenuous since children have thinner hairyou then claim
>because neoteny I don't think is the end be all to female attractivenessall the while next minute you say
>But it is salient to acknowledge that this is an advantageous quality which Asian women naturally possess>claiming women who disagree are coping and in denial>this should be taken into account as men of all races explicitly select for neotenous features - it is considered one of the only standards of female attractiveness that is pervasive in every culture. Therefore it is perhaps an underlying reason as to why so many men find themselves drawn to Asian which one is it? are you some peaceful philosopher or just some rando who's going out of their way making bs statements about how all asian women are """naturally""" neoteny goddesses who can get all the men they want uwu unlike those nasty white roasties and if you disagree you're a mad coping ugly white hoe, it's like a woman went out of her way claiming black men are the most many t filled attractive man and black men are gods who can get all the women they want and anyone who disagrees is jealous, coping, and indenial
>inb4 "bUt I dIdN't SaY tHaT"you did, it's just paraphrased so you didn't have to go out of your way putting the same statements in more intelligent terms, at the end of the day, you said what you said, and if you don't mean it or whatever why the hell did you go out your way typing all that up. lying every step of the way, insulting anyone who doesn't agree with you, if that's not what you meant? what were you trying to get out of it? because clearly it wasn't to state facts
No. 260939
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There is also the shocking possibility that a woman can have flat face, button nose and no brow ridge yet not actually be particularly attractive.
No. 260982
>>260817>white girls only like white guysWho lied to you? And will you decide already, are we all nasty, hypersexual, coal burning whores or are we too picky? Which is it? Did you not already say that the former was why white men prefer Asian women in the first place?
As for yall clinging onto looking childlike, I'd like to see what your self esteem will be like when you turn 35 and father time starts kicking down the door. Just let people be attracted to what they want to be attracted to.
No. 260984
>>260946True, the girls they lust after are often clad in nearly nothing. I've seen even normal Korean girls were super mini skirts and dresses, yet any 'western' woman that dares to wear something shorter than ankle lenght must be a feminist roastie…
They're too insecure to admit that they simply have yellow fever and try to find a 'logical' explanation for that
No. 260994
>>260946>>260984>due to the fact that they have no standards for asians Videos like that get popular because it's extremely rare for a man to get chased down the street and being begged for sex by a woman, but it happens in asia when you're a white man. It helps debunk the myth that white men are creeps chasing the poor asian women. The truth is that asian women pretty much adore white men, even incels admit that asian women are easy.
>>260982At least in America, white women have the lowest rates of interracial marriage.
No. 261005
>>260994>The truth is that asian women pretty much adore white menThat's what white men tell each other to bolster their inflated egos.
If you've ever been to Asia and have normal Asians as friends instead of cringy gajin hunters, you'd know there are many more Asian women who don't care about white men and wouldn't ever want to date or marry one than women with a fetish for foreigners.
Of course, you never hear white men talk about Asians who show them no interest in the first place because then they'll have to admit they're not universally desirable.
No. 261012
>>261005 if most asian women don't really care about white men, they're still the easiest women out there if you're white.
There's no point in blaming white men for taking something readily given to them. It's not "yellow fever".
No. 261048
>>261012If you only chase asians because you think they're easy because asian women supposedly "chase white men down the streets to fuck them" what about all the neet girls who are desperate as fuck? All the whores who are easy? There's sluts on every face of the planet, just because asian women are obnoxious and rude about it and most other women know to keep to themselves, doesn't mean random asians are your only source if you're that desperate for sex
Also don't mgtows praise asians for being shy virginal ugus but next minute praise behavior thats more obnoxious than the slut walks they claim to hate so much? Yellow fever really does fry your brain
No. 261059
>>261045>Let me guess, because white women get hit on by black men a lot then black men must worship white pussy and all white women cannot be blamed anytime they take black cock since its so easy right?White women can have all the sex they want with black men or any kind of men. I would never "blame" them for having consensual sex with whoever they want.
>>261048I don't hate on white men for taking advantage of their popularity in asia, just like I don't hate on women who go on Tinder and get casual sex without much effort.
White men and asian women can have all the fun they want, I don't police their sex lives.
>doesn't mean random asians are your only source if you're that desperate for sexIt's the easier one. I don't blame dudes for taking advantage of it and having consensual sex with those women.
>Also don't mgtows praise asians for being shy virginal ugus but next minute praise behavior thats more obnoxious than the slut walks they claim to hate so much? Yellow fever really does fry your brainMGTOW is about not having serious relationships with women, they don't care about "virgins" because they never wanna get married in the first place. They don't really praise women for chasing white men asking for sex, they're just shocked with how easier things are in asia.
No. 261062
I'm this anon
>>260498Sigh, sounds like you've never been to an asian country let alone lived in one.
>I can assure you East asian women will always prefer guys from their own country 99% of the time. As for the other asian countries, they don't 'love white guys' they're just after their money or want to escape from their shithole countries. If you were talking about Asian American women I suggest you correct yourself instead of labeling an entire continent. And even then you'd be wrong, since they tend to date within their own race more often and close themselves off to 'white/black foreigners'.Also, you're obviously either male or a salty white girl. Tell me, if I post a video of white girls with black men can I say white girls are easy as well?
No. 261063
>>261062Maybe white girls are easy for black men, I don't know and even if they were, I still don't have a problem with it. If white girls wanna have sex black dudes, good for them.
I'm saying things are easier for white men in asia because I know several white men who were complete incels in their countries but got girls easily in asia.
No. 261065
>>261059>>261059>I would never "blame" them for having consensual sex with whoever they want.not saying you would blame them but let's be honest here,99% of men would think negatively about that woman for having a bunch of sex with black guys, bragging about how black guys worship white pussy.
>I don't blame dudes for taking advantage of it and having consensual sex with those it's not easier considering you have to pay tons of money to get there, it sounds like you're just making excuses
>they don't care about "virgins" because they never wanna get married in the first placeyou've never even seen an average MGTOW haven't you?
>>261062>Sigh, sounds like you've never been to an asian country let alone lived in onemost yellow fevers who claim things like that never been to an asian country
>>261063then wtf are you doing here if you don't care? you know damn well men would scream their damn heads off if there was an influx of white women going to middle eastern or african countries to fuck a bunch of men and brag about how easy it is there, do why are you even arguing when women are discussing men doing this?
No. 261069
>>261065>99% of men would think negatively about that woman for having a bunch of sex with black guysThose men are dumb. I'm all for people having all the sex they want with whoever they want.
>no it's not easier considering you have to pay tons of money to get there, it sounds like you're just making excusesSome of them end up in asia for studies or work. And they get casual sex without paying.
>you've never even seen an average MGTOW haven't you?Well MGTOW is about refusing serious relationships with women. Either way, I don't care about whatever mgtow men think, I'm sure they're full of dumb opinions.
>most yellow fevers who claim things like that never been to an asian countryI'm only talking about men who have been to asia and saw their sex and dating lives change completely.
>why are you even arguing when women are discussing men doing this?I'm just saying we should all stop policing people's sex lives.
No. 261071
>>261069>And they get casual sex without paying.>pretending most sexpats are there for study or work>pretending most morons who scream about asian women worshipping white cock have jobs or are in school
>MGTOW is about refusing serious relationships with womenthen tell me why mgtow forums are just men screeching about how awful women are
>I'm only talking about men who have been to asia and saw their sex and dating lives change completely."do you really think someone would do that just come to the internet and tell lies?"
>I'm just saying we should all stop policing people's sex lives.then fuck off, or go to mgtow forums who cry anytime a white woman dates outside their own race and police them for being up in white womens business, not us, who are just discussing it
No. 261074
>>261071>"do you really think someone would do that just come to the internet and tell lies?"I'm talking about men I've known personally. I'm not talking about random men who post shit online.
>>261073>from my experience with asian girls they defintely fetishize white guysAnd yet everyone blames it on "yellow fever".
No. 261080
>>261074my point still stands, and men probably think because 1 or 2 asian girls liked him once means "all asian women must be throbbing for white cock!"
>>261073sucks for them because white guys usually treat their girlfriends like shit especially when they get an asian girlfriend
No. 261090
>>261073I grew up surrounded by asian ams (many had immigrant parents but born/raised whole life in west) and the women liked hapa men over full white ones.
It was like, the hapa men were the "prize" but they would "settle" for white men (but preferred asian men before white men).
>>261075>more of my fob asian friends were like this because the guys in their country are shit.Hmm. Yeah, the americanized asian girls went for the hapas/whites/americanized asian men. Fobs always stuck with each other though.
Many of my asian female friends make fun of asian girls who get with white guys though. The trend is declining, I think. My city used to be filled with WM/AW couples but now it's more WM with brown/black girls and the east AW are going for south/southeast AM or latino men.
No. 261110
>>261090I’m from a 40% Asian area and they
all prefer white guys. It’s honestly a source of tension because the Asian guys are thirsty as fuck and the white guys think they’re gods. I even lost a friend before because she thought I was crushing on her blonde, blue eyed boyfriend (jokes on her, I like dark hair and eyes). She moved and settled down with another Asian so I guess dating and self-esteem is different than settling-down and actual compatibility
No. 261112
>>261110I can see the same in my city in general (rn my city is 35% asian), hence the seemingly large presence of WM/AW couples, but my personal upbringing was like 70% asian (mainly Chinese) with like 10% white. Though, I would think then a white bf would be more coveted, but they never seemed to give a fuck about white people and were very pro-asian.
It's been a few years since HS and as afaik the vast majority have gone on to continue dating other asians, even after moving to big fancy unis with tons of white ppl with yellow fever.
I suppose with asian majority, they don't feel the need to date white for a come up.
I can be convinced I live(d) in a bizarro world though.
No. 261200
>>261183Its natural human instinct, especially with all the white guys crying about how white women are all ugly, gold digging roasties just to chase after ugly asian women who are gold digging roasties
They pin women of different races against each other like a damn war or something, its like they dont realize individuality exists and not all asian women are gonna be x y and z, or the men who go on 4chan and cry about how their gf isn't the race he wants,or the men who act like they need a dna test before they start dating you, these men are some of the most delusional, insane people I've ever seen
No. 261225
>>261223No ones upset with the relationship itself, more so the hypocrisy of both sides (ie men claiming they hate ps but chasing asian women who've had it, bashing white women for not being virgin prudes but praising thai prostitutes and desperate asians, pinning women against each other, etc)
Honestly, I don't think anyone would have as much of a problem if the men involved were actually realistic about asian women and didn't act completely insane about it
No. 261422
>>261412Actions speak louder than words
Funny how every mgtow blog or channel ever does nothing but screech about how awful women are in a cultish manner, but the second they get made fun of mgtows come in and say "but but those aren't REAL mgtows, mgtows just don't want anything to do with women!",maybe if the majority of mgtows had good intent, but the truth is every mgtow space the only thing you'll find is men screaming their damn heads off all day about how much they hate women
This is sandman, he's what mgtows tend to look up to, all he does is whine about other men who are happy and love women, claim all women are awful people no matter what, make up stories about everything, predict shitty futures for any man that doesn't mgtow, etc
No. 261426
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>Why the hell do so many white guys fetishize east asian women?
They don't?
You spend too much time online. I have two Chad-like brothers - along with their Chad-like friends - and all of them consider Asian women shapeless and sexless. The general attitude among white guys towards Asian women isn't that they're demure sex kittens, it's that they're shrewd and mercenary about money and material goods.
White men are probably the only group who will actively police each other to date within the group by making fun of those who date outside of it ("couldn't get a white girl lol" etc).
My sneaking suspicion for years has been that Asian women play up "yellow fever" as a sort of subtle humblebrag about how universally desired they are, when in fact 95% of white men want to date and ultimately marry a white woman. While there's undoubtedly nerdy and physically undesirable white men who fetishize Asian women, I think most of the fetishizing is done by Asian women themselves towards White men.
No. 261430
>>261422> but screech about how awful women are in a cultish manneryeah that's what I said you brainlet, they hate all women they're not "praising asian women" and hating on white women, I swear white women have the worst victim complexes just because white men like us asians more than you
>>261426I'm sure your brothers are suuper open with you about their sexual preferences lol
No. 261431
>>261430>white men like us asians more than youNeckbeards like us asians more than you
No. 261436
>>261435Asians in general (men and women) worship white physical features. They can sit there and try to fool themselves all day long about how their beauty standards aren't actually related to white people, but their desires speak volumes. Your average Asian dude would give his left nut for even a mediocre blonde white girl. And your average Asian woman would get down on her knees for a tall, blond, thin white guy. I've seen both examples with my own two eyes.
It's their fetish, and it sucks that they both bitch about it (Asian girl SJWs and r/asianmasculinity) and project their mental illness onto us.
No. 261437
>>261431even billionaires who could have any woman they wanted usually marry asian women
white guys like us more COPE
>>261432I know white families are prone to keeping it in the family but I didn't know you were THAT intimate
>>261435>thailandSEAsians are sluts yes, but east asians are a whole different matter, we have all the best features see
>>260756do these stats make you mad :)
No. 261443
>>261437>even billionaires who could have any woman they wanted usually marry asian womenCan you give me examples of famous billionaires that married asians except for Woody Allen which is very obviously a pedophile of course.
>SEAsians are sluts yes, but east asians are a whole different matterI find it cute when chinese, korean or japanese girls think they are better than Thais or Pinoys. They only have darker skin but very similar features but who doesn't have white skin there? Whitening products are widely used after all.
No. 261445
>>261430>I swear white women have the worst victim complexes just because white men like us asians more than yoyou've never seen a mgtow blog have you?
and ffs, get over yourself, narc superiority complexed women like you who have nothing to offer but your race is exactly the type mgtows hate
No. 261446
>>261440>muh fetishism reeeefunny how when people prefer white girls then it's suddenly love not horrible fetishists because obviously it's completely natural that men would want them because they're god's chose pure angels!
>>261439only black people care about ""thicc"" and even then they prefer us to you
>>261443>examples other than woody allenare you kidding? I'm not even gonna answer that it's so obvious
>>261444the whole "it has to be surgery!!!" thing is so overblown
No. 261448
>>261447>Asian girl SJWs usually complain about being fetishized by pedos and creepy menWhile exclusively fucking them, which is always pretty funny.
No. 261449
>>261446Your LARPING is so fucking obvious.
>the whole "it has to be surgery!!!" thing is so overblownOnly a complete retard would argue that a Kpop idol hasn't touched up her face to hell and back.
No. 261450
>>261446People prefer people of their own races unless they are fetishizing and create a preference towards that, stupid-chan.
>are you kidding? I'm not even gonna answer that it's so obviousBut can you? You said yourself billionaires marry asian women aaaall the time… The rule is clear in this board, if you said, prove it.
>the whole "it has to be surgery!!!" thing is so overblownIt is not overblown if it's true.
>>261447Yes, he does. Really sounds like an yellow fever robot or an alt right white dick loving asian (unfortunately I met a girl like this before and she was miserable, the guys treated her like shit and she broke up with the only guy who treated her fine because he was asian, she was my personal cow tbh)
No. 261451
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>>261446>the whole "it has to be surgery!!!" thing is so overblownbecause surgery is booming in east asia and it's easy to tell if a woman has had surgery? post an average asian woman who hasn't been photoshopped, had surgery or their skin whitened and you'd have a point, now you're just making excuses
No. 261452
>>261447anyone who disagrees with me on lolcow is a man episode 23902
did it cross your mind that maybe I'm not an SJW? Obviously there are neckbeard types that do fetishise us but that's just to be expected when an exotic race is preferred
No. 261456
>>261454she says because she's never pleased a man in her life
I never said that I only like white guys did I, but this thread is about white men preferring us
No. 261459
>>261430>>261437>I swear white women have the worst victim complexes just because white men like us asians more than you>''us''>''you''>white guys like us more COPE>SEAsians are sluts yes, but east asians are a whole different matter, we have all the best features see >>260756>''stats''Your opinion is not fact and you sound very insecure, anon. You sound like those white weeb girls that go to asia and think they're desired by every man on the street because of their race, just reversed.
This thread is retarded anyway, at the end of the day, most asians marry asians and most whites marry whites.
No. 261460
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>>261457funny how when men like anyone other than white women it's all of a sudden a "fetish"
I think maybe someone's feeling threatened
>>261458this sounds just like that girl at highschool that was jealous of the popular girls
No. 261461
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>>261430>Building your whole self esteem around being deemed fuckable by greasy white dudes.Enjoy your ugly-no-eyebrows-small-dicked billionaire, ho.
No. 261465
>>261460>funny how when men like anyone other than white women it's all of a sudden a "fetish"no? it's literally what white men call it, they talk about dating asians like it's a hobby, you've never met a yellow fever have you?
>I think maybe someone's feeling threatenedyou sure it's them and not you? you desperately cling to your race to build your confidence around, and because of this you project on other women and claim every woman who calls you out is just threatened
>this sounds just like that girl at highschool that was jealous of the popular girlswell, unlike you, I actually have something to offer other than my race, you're projecting like crazy, were you too lazy to become a decent person so instead you delude yourself into thinking you're a goddess for doing nothing but being of a certain ethnicity?
No. 261466
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>>261460This is Tom Brady (a naturally handsome white man) with Jessica Jung (An naturally ugly asian woman).
They're not dating.
No. 261467
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>>261466Christ anon that was ruthless
No. 261469
>>261465If it were the other way round and white men still preferred white women noone would say "all they had to offer but their race"
>>261468> I mean who really wants half-black or half-asian children over little white snowballs?jesus christ. I have no sympathy for white women
No. 261472
>>261469>white men still preferred white womendo you have no concept of individuality? Most men do not prefer asians, I wasn't even debating if white men preferred asians or not, most white men I know don't care about race since they aren't insane little cunts who think their relationships should revolve around something like race
>noone would say "all they had to offer but their raceI only said that in regards to people like you, if you had something else to offer other than your race you wouldn't be spazzing out over how everyone worships you and thinking you're better than everyone because of what race you are, this goes for anyone who builds their identity around their race
No. 261474
>>261471Not that anon but
>biracial children are undesirable: bad>''I have no sympathy for white women'': okay?I also disagree ith racist-chan but it's really unfair to generalize all white women like this.
No. 261479
>>261476>If most men you interact with are from 4chan or Reddit alt right/MGTOWthose are exactly the ones who "prefer" asians
everyday men, normal, mentally stable ones, aren't going to go hunting for women of a certain races and refuse to date x y and z races soley for their DNA, I really doubt most men are demanding their gfs and wives to all be of a certain race, if most men preferred asians, then why the hell are so many white men still fawning over white women, still marrying and making babies with them, still falling in love, etc etc
but I pity you, I'm sorry you've made yourself believe the world revolves around your race
No. 261481
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The more the racist-Asian comments, the more pathetic she looks. It’s really sad how much her self-esteem hinges on white guys wanting to fuck her, to the point where anyone threatening that must be attacked and argued with.
I’d respond to a particular post but the spamming is unreal right now and I can’t keep up. I do like how she dropped an okcupid graphic as a source though kek like guys on dating sites are who people wanna attract
No. 261487
>>261479Men have to take whatever they can get.
Men have to have a job, a car, their own place, be reasonably attractive and social, etc. Even then it's hard for the vast majority of men to get girlfriends/wives.
For women it doesn't matter how ugly, crazy, unemployed, broke, stupid, drug-addicted, used up, single mother, or whatever a woman is, there is still countless guys who will not only have sex with you, but financially take care of you.
The balance of sexual selection is heavily against men. The vast majority of men have to take whatever they can get, and still have to pay for it.
No. 261493
>>261490>>mgtow existsLess than 0.1% of the population.
>>men still go out of their way to claim that "men will financially support anything!" and any woman who has experience with wanting a serious relationship knows damn well this is far from trueMen will financially support almost any woman willing to have sex with them on a regular basis. A very small fraction of women are too far gone and would have a very hard time, like women with serious STDs, single moms with half black kids, severe drug addicts, significantly older women, severe morbidly obese women, radical feminists, etc.
No. 261495
>>261487>but financially take care of you.Robot spotted
>Men will financially support almost any woman willing to have sex with them on a regular basis. This is a straight-up lie, go back to 4chan, robot
No. 261497
okay I'm back
>>261479It's not just the neckbeards and weebs, in my experience it's most men that have a preference, they may not admit it publicly but there isn't a guy I know that would pick the average white girl over a (western brought up) east asian girl, you might know that if you ever spoke to boys outside of work.class
and of course there are individual differences, what I'm saying is generally among white men asian girls are preferred, as proven by the dating stats
>>261481that pic is almost definitely a south east asian woman, east asian girls go for attractive white guys
>>261484and why would it be different outside of Cali?
>>261487yeah please leave, you wish an asian girl would settle for you, are you a /pol/ incel or from /r/asianmasculinity?
No. 261500
>>261494It's the basis of almost every single straight relationship.
In the adult world, even the most "normal" guy you know still has to be putting out money if he wants sex or a relationship.
Unemployed men living in their parent's house don't have girlfriends, or if they do, they won't for long.
>>261499I didn't say every man.
If a woman wants to be financially taken care of, all she has to do is get into a relationship with a guy and have sex regularly. That's it.
Very few women wouldn't be able to do this, or have a hard time, like significantly old retirement-age women who could get social security anyway, or radical feminists.
No. 261508
>>261502Such a fulfilling life to be a slave to capitalism! Sure you would love to live like that wouldn't you? Having your social life, money, tastes, looks, schedule, where you live and how you live, everything controlled by capitalism.
Because being a wageslave and dealing with debt and finances is SOOO much more fulfilling and empowering.
>>261504Yeah, aside from sex, they might actually expect you to do household chores and provide companionship.
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>>261497>there isn't a guy I know that would pick the average white girl over a (western brought up) east asian girl>east asian girls go for attractive white guysThanks for the laughs. You're just making yourself look even more pathetic.
No. 261520
>>261511So that's why you keep sperging in this thread? You sound like you have a thing for white guys and feel threatened by white girls for merely existing.
No. 261522
>>261515things are only getting better for asian women, I'm glad I'm not white
>>261519>>261520every "cute girl thread" or "goals" or whatever is always full of white girls circlejerking about your hair or your eyes or your figure. You're always harping on about asian plastic surgery, it's not me who is the self-important one here
>>261516I already have a boyfriend and he's about as far from a neckbeard as possible
No. 261523
>>261522Never said anything about asian plastic surgery but okay.
>every "cute girl thread" or "goals" or whatever is always full of white girls circlejerking about your hair or your eyes or your figureblatant lie, tons of asian girls are posted in the ''cute girls'' thread and
no one ''cirkle jerks'' about white girls' hair and eyes lmao. i love how you said this so randomly, without any connection at all, your projection really is showing.
No. 261524
>>261522Never said anything about asian plastic surgery but okay.
>every "cute girl thread" or "goals" or whatever is always full of white girls circlejerking about your hair or your eyes or your figureblatant lie, tons of asian girls are posted in the ''cute girls'' thread and
no one ''cirkle jerks'' about white girls' hair and eyes lmao. i love how you said this so randomly, without any connection at all, your projection really is showing.
No. 261530
>>261497>it's most men that have a preference, Yes, obviously everyone has preferences with looks and personality, you however act as if men are demanding DNA tests from women before dating them, which is ridiculous
>they may not admit it publicly but there isn't a guy I know that would pick the average white girl over a (western brought up) east asian girl, you might know that if you ever spoke to boys outside of work.classIts hard to say which average, obvious in a nation like SK where almost every girl has surgery vs a nation like say, sweden, men are gonna prefer plastic
However, from what I've seen, white women who take care of themselves are much more attractive than an average asian (a natural one, none of the plastic hoes you posted), this is my opinion, so don't scream about how I'm a mad roastie or whatever
>and of course there are individual differences, what I'm saying is generally among white men asian girls are preferred, as proven by the dating statsThen you have something really wrong with you if you believe men on dating sites are like men in real life
No. 261533
>>261531Because it is? Just like if you posted a random LA girl with a big diaper butt and skinny legs people would assume its surgery, its not because its a cute asian girl its because its obvious surgery combined with the fact the surgery rate is high there, and its not hard to find proof either that she had surgery
Again. If you wanna prove asians are attractive post a natural one and dont cry when people call out obvious surgery
No. 261540
>>261531because they've had really obvious surgeries.
>>261466 even posted proof. of course tons of naturally beautiful asians exist, but you posted girls that had a lot of obvious work done. you're grasping at straws.
No. 261570
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>>261460I too can post an out of context photo to “prove” Asian guys actually all wanna date white girls.
You’re pathetic. Your self worth relies on guys wanting to fuck you because of your race. I hope you’re a troll and this has been bait because otherwise I’m seriously sad about your emotional health.
No. 261572
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>>261570Why do Asian dudes have such naturally ugly faces? Like with other races, when they're ugly it's usually something environmental - like their being overweight causing them to have thick cheeks and jowels. But most Asian men can be perfectly in shape and healthy looking and still be completely hideous.
What's the deal with that?
No. 261579
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>>261574Not bait. Just interested.
>>261578>even funnier because the Asian guy posted above this post is pretty good lookingMaybe compared to this guy. If you truly believe that, and you're not a troll, you have some seriously low standards/a racial fetish/are simply an Asian guy panhandling for appreciation here.
No. 261596
>>261591I agree, I don't think it's that pervasive irl, but I wouldn't be surprised if it started becoming a more mainstream mindset, just like anti-"feminism" used to be more underground, and is now fairly popular
>>261592true true
No. 261616
>>261497Did your bf leave you for a white woman? Why the hell are you so fixed on being this obnoxious,entitled, bitter trashy and insecure?
In the real world, being asian means nothing to decent men if you have nothing else to bring to the table
No. 261631
>>261626>asian girl comes in sperging and building her entire self worth over if white men wanna bang you or not>using asians and shooped pics to prove asians look better, then crying when we call her outYou sure its the white girls and not you?
>>261616I wouldn't be surprised if this was exactly the case, my boyfriends ex was jap (and no she didnt look like an ugu kpop star she had bad acne, was chubby with saggy boobs and no butt) she cheated on him several times, would take his money, ditch him, whore herself out on twitch, treated him horrible and he left her and when he started dated me she started stalking my social media and kept telling me how better she was or whatever despite him telling both her and me he's much more happy with me
Sage for blog but thats just my 2 cents
No. 261639
>>261631>>261579>>261572>>261570poor bait, just because I like white guys it doesn't mean i hate asian guys you incel
>>261616nice cuck fantasy, but if your bf's ex was so ugly and horrible why would he have been with her … could it be that guys prefer asians
>>261608this thread's really stirred up the frumpy white sisterhood that is most of lolcow's resentment, talking about how white men only want white babies bleugh
No. 261644
>>261639Girl, with each post you're just fuelling the stereotype that Asian-American girls have an insane inferiority complex over whites. Not a good look for Asians like you.
Also, not all of us in this thread are white girls either.
No. 261650
>>261643tbh i was just winding you up there
>>261644oh fuck off with your white condescension fake concern about "asian-american" stereotypes
No. 261652
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Christ. This thread
No. 261656
>>261631That was literally my first post itt.
>>261635Even more proof they're mostly white girls. Why throw other raced girls under the bus like that?
>I could totally be black you know!!1! No. 261674
>>261522>>261497I just want to add that I'm the person here
>>260676 who was attacked for "being creepy" or "shilling" for Asian women or whatever. I didn't want to return to this thread, but I thought I'd give my two cents here. I'm a huwhite girl.
>White Americans are the least open to interracial dating, and select preferences in the order of Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans and then African American individuals last at 60.5%, 58.5% and 49.4% respectively.[27]>Hispanic Americans are less likely to be excluded in online dating mate preferences, specifically by White individuals, as they are now viewed as a racial group that has successfully assimilated into White American culture.[28]>In fact, less than 46% of White Americans are willing to date an individual of any other race.[26]Most statistic analysis on dating websites indicate that the incidence of WMAF dating is driven a lot more by Asian women than it is white men.
>In a two-year study on dating preferences among 400 Columbia University students, researchers did not find evidence of a general preference among white men for Asian women. Furthermore, the study found that there is a significantly higher pairing of white men with East Asian women because East Asian women discriminate against black and Hispanic/Latino men. The study took data from "thousands of decisions made by more than 400 daters from Columbia University's various graduate and professional schools".[14]I've seen multiple sources (which I'll link shortly) which indicate that the impetus behind WMAF pairing is, converse to popular belief, the fetishisation of white men by Asian women, rather than the other way round. Men in general are much less likely to have strong racial preferences - this is congruent with the fact that men are not sexual selectors, as the earlier anon said, and by extension, have to settle with what they can get.
I don't really know what your beef with white girls (or white people in general is? lol), but people who fetishize a particular race tend to be like this for some reason. They'll maintain a fixation on the opposite gender of a particular race (for you, white men) whilst have a seething hatred of the same gender of this particular race (in this case, white women). Pretty fuckin' funny.
No. 261680
>>261677Yes, very much so. Not all Asian women, but definitely the anon in this thread who appears to have a strong preference for white men.
Racial fetishization is almost always characterised by a sharp and caustic resentment against the "other half" of the desired race. White women who fetishize black men will often have jealousy towards black women (despite trying to emulate them), white men in altright circles will maintain a sexual fascination with Asian or Hispanic women whilst ruthlessly humiliating Asian men, and wanting to deport and profile Hispanic men. Asian women will often fetishize white men, yet sustain bitterness towards white women, who they view as very much "in the way" - such as sperg-chan here who, by her own admission, feels anger at white women for being perceiving themselves positively ("just tired of white girls thinking they're hot shit").
No. 261693
I'm mexican and I thought the bitch was stupid af
anyone who bases their worth and revolves their life around being fuckable to a certain race of men is beyond pathetic, and getting this worked up just because people tell her most white men aren't going to worship her for being asian? It doesn't take a big bad white girl to thing it's retarded
No. 261695
>>261692>>261693I honestly see stupidity on both ends. The thread started out as racebait targeted at both races of women, then continued with Asian bashing, then white bashing with bullshit about neoteny, then more Asian bashing, then white bashing again.
I'm the one who posted in the thread earlier stating this entire discourse was retarded because men will go after anything. In truth, I don't doubt a lot of this fight is a bunch of RPing incels trying to make trouble.
No. 261707
>>261703I agree entirely. Just want to add that companies that rely on women’s self esteem being low (like plastic surgery, cosmetics, etc) are also the real enemy. What better way to make a shit ton of money than to convince brunettes they should be blondes, blondes they should be brunettes, sell curly haired women hair straighteners and straight haired women curlers, etc, etc.
I once watched a plastic surgery show and in one episode the husband said to the wife “it’s your face, you can do what you want. But I love your face as it is now and all your features, because they’re yours. I love your nose because it’s your nose. I don’t want you to look like someone else, because you’re the one I love, no one else.” Or something to that extent. And my heart fucking broke. She got a fucking hairline shift to give her a smaller forehead even though she had an Uma Thurman look going on. So she got a scar to look less like herself, less unique, and less beautiful… because society told her that as she was wasn’t enough.
No. 261709
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>>261708Yeah seriously. And I get that people have “types,” I do too. I prefer blondes. But I’ve dated a brunette because I loved everything about him, his look and personality combined. My friend has a thing for backs but it’s not like she would turn a guy down before seeing him topless.
No. 261739
>>261724>Well, you wrote "an entire kind of people".Except no I didn’t because I’m not that anon.
Comparing tastes to sexuality is some tumblr-tier shit. Have you got a made up name for your new sexuality, your dislike of black sexual partners? Black-asexual? Kekekek
What a dumpster fire of a thread.
No. 261741
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>>261728Black people actually have the most genetic diversity when it comes to features, physical build, height, etc. probably means they aren't attracted to dark skin in general (which IMO is the same as not being attracted to pale skin, it's just taste. It'd still be retarded to turn down Dita Von Teese or Naomi Campbell because "too pale/dark!!!", but whatever). Either that, or they actually are just racist and have a narrow-minded, brainlet-tier concept of what "black" looks like. In the latter case, these same people often claim all black people that don't fit their stereotype have "white features" or are "mixed" (eg what Iman is talking about in pic related). I've had some personal experience with that sort of thing despite coming from two black parents, and I just shut it down every time.
No. 261751
>>261741>that picmost Somalis irl don't identify as black and wont date "actual" black people
It's pretty common to have preferences, especially when it comes to race because you can't just ignore the huge cultural differences, it's not so simple as looking past appearances (which I am not attracted to in the first place) as then I still need to find someone who shares my sense of humour, my personality and my cultural pride
I am asian and whereas I respect the asian girl above's choice to date who she wants I refuse to date outside my race because other races are far less likely to be compatible to me - yeah if black prince charming comes along who is perfect I will, nut in reality seeking out a partner is a long and active process
No. 261753
>>261751>most Somalis irl don't identify as black and wont date "actual" black peopleSource? I'm not Somali, but I am African (sub-saharan), I've grown up with people from all over Africa, and most of the people I know who are Somali, Ethiopian, etc certainly aren't like that. The few who are get reamed by their fellow countrymen.
Using "actual black people" unironically (like they're "fake black" or something) kind of makes me doubt the validity of what you're saying, honestly.
I don't really know or mind your actual dating preferences since you're a random stranger, I was just making a broader point on what people as a whole often mean when they say these things. Of course cultural differences come into play.
No. 261756
>she got offended at "actual"goddammit I put it in quotations specifically so that I wouldn't offend TT_TT
but anyway there's your source (i know it's not exactly comprehensive but it's an example), the "are somalis black" thing seems to be a huge controversy among somalis, particularly in America. There is actually a problem with traditional Somali culture with regards to racism against other ethnicities of black people
>>261754Maybe then don't come to a thread about racial preferences then sweetie x
No. 261765
>>261756>SomaliNetNo offense, but this is the ass-end of Somali people, anon. It's like linking to /pol/ or /b/ to get an image of white American/European people's opinions, lmao. I was hoping for something more solid.
Anyway, to get into the replies anyway, a lot of them reflect that they identify as African, just not black in the sense of "African-American". When I say "black", I mean race, but a lot of the people in that thread clearly don't. Most of the irritation is targeted at the concept of sharing everything down from history to culture and being blended down to a mass because of your race, which is kind of a dumb concept to Africans who aren't westernized. They're also annoyed by African-Americans because culturally and genetically (remember, AAs are mixed to hell and back with white, Native American and literally every African group), they're not the same. Eg:
>We are not the only group that refuses to be identified as black look at every other africans that migrated to North America. Nigerians,Sudanese Ethiopians and so on all refuse to be categorized or label as blacks. You hear time after time "i am african" We don't share anything with the blacks or african american or whatever you want to call them. Jews in America don't want to label caucasians. Arabs don't want to be labeled as caucasians that they are petitioning the US census bureau to add new category so they don't get grouped together with somebody they have nothing in common with.
>Even tho we share the same skin colour we (real africans) are not black or as I like to say "lost africans". They get offended if you refer to them as "African-American" they also get offended if an east african calls themselves black :mindblown: . Like wtf these ppl hate us bcuz we know are roots.
>Black is something reserved for the adoons in america and its something that has nothing to do with a somali nor do i have to identify with it!
>Why many Somalis don't consider themselves black?>They feel the label does not include them. Many recent African immigrants wish to dissociate from the term. In Toronto, black has become synonymous with Jamaicaness. In the US, black is synonymous with African Americans. It's only natural that Africans, which are a heterogeneous group, would not feel included in this label, since they don't have a similar worldview and culture. Moreover, Somalis do not want their culture, heritage, language, ancestry and historic legacy obscured with a larger group of people they share little in common with. Dare I say, people from the continent of Africa never had this conception of "blackness". >It's a foreign term. Black in reference to who, or what? Rather many nations within the continent self-identify narrowly based on their cultural and ancestral heritage. They don't tend to have a bonding moment with each other because they come from the same landmass. Pan-African is a new concept, historically various African groups fought one another. In fact, some groups have had their populations decimated by other "African groups". There was never a brotherliness, and there isn't today. At face value black is a benign term. However, in the English language it is viewed pejoratively and associated with malice, death and fear of the unknown. Black has no such meaning in our cultural context, nor do we apply it to ourselves. Rather blackness as it relates to an experience is often linked to those from the posterity of the transatlantic slave trade, that reside in South, Central and North America. Even with them there is no consensus on blackness. >The way a Brazilian, Jamaican, Haitian and African American see themselves is different, and reflective of their respective cultures/heritage. In North America, blackness is only unifying insofar as it is a shared experience of marginalization by people of African-decent and is associated with resilience in the face of institutional discrimination. Somalis are only situationally black when they are referring to someone as 'raciiiist'. And even then it's normally within the purview of their culture, faith and ethnicity, which they feel the discrimination emanates from. Ask them if they are black, and most will say I'm Somali.
>Somali-Americans will continue to identify as both Somali And Black because they navigate an unfortunately racialized society; because they are adept enough to understand that police treat them differently from their non-black peers, that teachers treat them differently from their non-black peers, that business owners treat them differently than their non-black peers, that the media treats them differently than their non-black peers, etc etc; and because they are enlightened enough to reject the toxic mainstream narrative against "blacks" that they've inherited. I urge you to consider the mainstream narrative of Islam in the West and reflect on how accurate it is.>Every African Country-American should know and remember the name of Amadou Diallo. He did not have the luxury to say to the cops, "I am not black, I am Guinean; therefore, reconsider how you perceive me." Another case is Abner Louima, a Haitian. Familiarize yourself with this gruesome crime committed by police because his black voice was considered worthless. There seem to be two users who are outright claiming Somalis are not racially black. One has a Hitler avatar (so you know what they want to be, and what sort of person they are, kek), and the other is so uneducated, they implied Chinese and Filipino wouldn't be counted as the same race.
No. 261766
>u got offended!!1Just comes off as immature and lame on your end. I can't be offended by a complete rando (you could be Chris-chan for all I know, kek), you just don't really seem to know what you're talking about.
No. 261815
>>261708Insecurity and projection, or they'll have one or two experiences with a certain race of people and instead of acting like a sane person and judging someone by who they are, they instead excuse them as ugly with shitty personality traits
Oh and feasting on womens insecurities, people's favorite hobbies nowadays are do everything in their power to make women feel as insecure as possible, and despite most women already being insecure, its like they want to drive women to kill themselves or something, so instead of telling them to change their hair, change their clothes, whiten their skin, etc, they go and bash women for not being of a certain race, fuck if she has the most attractive features in the world, fuck if she has the best body, fuck of she's clean, gorgeous, great personality and all that, if she's of a certain race she's excused as ugly, undesirable, and whatever shitty attributes people associate with that race of women
The best way to figure out if a woman is attractive, is if you look at her and think she's attractive or not, not jumping through hoops being this damn obsessed with what race of women are attractive, thats ridiculous
No. 261820
>>261815>The best way to figure out if a woman is attractive, is if you look at her and think she's attractive or not, not jumping through hoops being this damn obsessed with what race of women are attractive, thats ridiculouswow you're so #woke
girl save it for twitter
No. 261822
>>261821nta but you sound like those people who say people who care about x can just fix it by not caring.
everything you wrote is some 2deep4me shit. it's just racist idiots, it's not that deep.
No. 261832
>>261822No? It's just annoying when people think race has to do with attractiveness
>>261828Then you clearly don't know what you're talking about because that's exactly what I meant, it sounds like you just want to take things out of context to infight, and ffs why are you making a huge deal just because I said that?
No. 261838
>>261833it is ridiculously naive to think that men consider all races equal in terms of attractiveness
>>261835> Especially when they will get into huge debates to prove a girl from a race they don't like is mixed etc if they happen to find her attractive .lmao literally noone in this thread is saying this, how did you even get onto the topic of black girls this thread is about asian girls
No. 261842
>>261838The anon who claimed she was talking about it wasn't even talking about it in her post, unless I'm just high as fuck and can't understand english. She said that racist dudes will put down conventionally attractive girls of they don't like their race, but there's no mention of guys jumping through hoops to try to hide their boners like she's claiming.
It's really bizarre.
No. 261843
>>261839>>261839clearly there are men who prefer white girls, but most prefer asian girls
what the fuck is it with people in this thread not understanding the simple phrases "most of" and "in general"
>>261842they can't argue with what we're actually saying so they invent arguments that they can win against
No. 261845
>>261840>their culture really pushes them to look goodYour whole post reads "I've never been to an Asian country!". By and large Asian women are
skinnier but they are in no way a more attractive race. Asian beauty standards are also totally different than western ones, so men who dislike asian women, or just women from different races who are jelly, will constantly say they look like children.
Also, you're totally backwards about the men as well. Asian men, especially Chinese and Korean, are some of the worst men to date period. They have a ridiculous cheating culture because they're pushed to settle at a young age to please their parents. Asian men constantly openly cheat in their marriages without any repercussions.
No. 261847
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>>261843No, white men prefer white women by far.
No. 261852
>>261570lol girls on here are always mahing fun of asian girls who have white boyfriends or white guys who like asian girls but then they'll obsess over getting a ikemen asian guy and omg amwf is so great because a butt-ugly white girl can get an asian guy because of racism!1!!
And I object to the idea of "white fever" I date who I want, most of my past boyfriends have been white yes but that is just just how my life has worked out, I have never had anything against dating another asian
No. 261854
>>261843>most prefer asian girlsNice fanfiction, now go back to tumblr
>>261842Men do put down attractive women because of their race but okay
No. 261856
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>>261852The people who make fun of Asian girls with white boyfriends might NOT be the same people who obsess over Asian guys. Jesus. You're the only here making it into a white vs Asian competition.
No. 261857
>>261852oh I see, you're mad that White girls can get Asian guys easier than you kek
>>261854white girls get that just as bad (or worse) nowadays though with the whole thicc meme, ever heard of "white girl ass", this thread is like tumblr it's that full of
triggered asian and black girls
No. 261880
>>261843White guys prefer white women
Asian men prefer asian women
Now stop being a creepy white fetishist
No. 261886
>>261852>omg amwf is so great I think we're browsing different lolcows, the majority of guys posted on the crush/fuck threads on /g/ are white by a big margin. AMWF flew under the radar for a bit, but it's mostly mocked as much as WMAF these days. It's arguably worse when you consider prominent examples (I'm thinking of well known YouTubers).
>ikemenlolcow is an 18+ board, the only people who are still into ikemen in their 20s are girls with arrested development issues. Same way there's an overlap between guys who like asian girls and guys who hate "adult" women.
No. 261887
>>261880It's more like:
>White guys prefer white girls>White girls prefer white guys>Non-white guys prefer white women>Non-white girls prefer white menNot even bragging, it's just what I see everyday. If Trump got Congress to pass a law tomorrow banning IR dating and marriage, most whites would probably find it didn't affect them all that much.
(racebaiting) No. 261902
>>261901This isn't /pol/,
no one thinks you're right. You sound absolutely batshit.
No. 261904
>>261902 is right,
>>261901 it is absolutely not true that all asian girls have "white fever", also if you think only 3% of white guys have yellow fever (if that's what you want to call men thinking asian girls are prettier) then you clearly aren't and asian girl because it's a LOT higher than that
No. 261913
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>>261840>>261843>>261849>Asian girls on average look better than most women. >Most men prefer asian girls.>White men would prefer asian girls but don't get them.Lol