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No. 51610
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Kooter is the one that brought me to lolcow. I hated her so much. But after spending so much time reading about her past and then reading the lolcow threads, ive realised that she escaped her shit ass family, especially her sister, whom I still hate. I think back when she was making fun of gays and asians, she was still under her sisters influence, and in a way trying to "one up" her by saying those things. And shes cute as hell, photoshop or not. Her videos are useless tho lol
No. 51674
PT is kinda cool in her own way. People crap their pants when she actually responds to them and she does her own thing, which is kinda cool.
Kota - I don't understand why she gets so much shit on the site still. I think milk has run dry there… I think it's cool how she got a modelling contract, lives in Japan, seems to speak the language really well, has advertising and modelling jobs pretty consistently. They're not huge contracts, but it's still consistent work. And she did it all by herself (meaning, without family and friends.)
Come to think of it, that must be lonely for her. I hope she has made genuine friends in Japan, even though, from what I've read on her thread, she keeps to herself.
No. 51837
Ex-PULLfag, left because it got way too hug-box-y for my blood and ended up emigrating here. I started off absolutely hating PT's guts, but after hanging around in her streams, she started growing on me. Her weebiness is just so endearing and to tell you the truth, I think that she's kind of adorable in her own weird little way. She's strangely endearing.
Taylor I wasn't too fond of initially, but she seems pretty chill. I legitimately want to hang out with her. Her makeup scares the hell out of me, but I do like the way she vlogs.
I can't find it in me to hate Airi entirely. Sure her face is really weird, but as a person, outside of that cutesy person, she seems pretty alright. She kinda just does her own thing, and I can't really rag on a person for that. I dunno.
>>51690I think its from Ank Rouge?
No. 52406
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definitely peenus. i HATED her at first, i thought she was the absolute worst and so obnoxious, but i guess she kind of grew on me? her being so bad at everything somehow became a little endearing
now for some reason i kind of want her to succeed, at least at something. my dream for her is that she'll get some kind of weird, shitty talk show, like gorgeous tiny chicken machine show but more sincere
this video was a fucking mess
No. 65009
>>53585Yukapon is just another fucked up white girl.
Femanons are such fucking garbage.
No. 65011
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I fucking miss Kiki.
No. 65038
i want kiki to clean up her act and get a more mature style. i think she's very pretty, if only she went for things that suit her instead of aping weebshit cause of kota. and if she stopped being a silly bitch and started acting like a normal person, i would love for her to do videos regularly, she can be fun and entertaining to watch when she tries. i guess i don't have it in my heart to hate her, i'm just so disappointed cause she could be so, so much more
No. 65075
>>51610I'm confused, what did Kiki do?
I can't say I love Kota, but she's made a look that's so iconic and was the one that set off the "living doll" snowflake madness. It has spawned so many clones and wannabes. The mousey haired white girl look that's sort of trying for Japan's take on "naturally kawaii" or something. Or, the photoshop-dolly-elf-girl-barbie-queen.