File: 1479587810754.jpg (80.57 KB, 612x792, bulbasuar-holding-a-gun.jpg)

No. 118207
wow fuck i meant>>118206
>>118196 No. 118210
File: 1479599708356.jpg (255.81 KB, 1000x1000, muscle-man-randy-suplexing-jes…)

>>118199>Draw muscle man randy savage doing suplexing jesus christ with an american flag and crying eagles in the background??? ??? ??
??? ??? ??
??? ??? ???
??? ??? ??? ?????
No. 118212
>>118197this one sounds hard
I can't work on this one because I'm in public
so it'll be a while
No. 118227
File: 1479607474626.jpg (27.43 KB, 400x300, 20070727-02-01a.jpg)

Here's a SFW request for you.
Can you draw 2 cute owls snuggling up together?
No. 118229
>>118227This one sounds nice.
Do that please.
No. 118230
>>118210I'm making this my phone wallpaper
Godbless, drawanon.
No. 118246
>>118210Underrated. Holy shit I'm still giggling.
When you get the chance, how about our board-tan pouring milk into the mouth of an anon farmer. I leave how the anon looks up to your discretion.
No. 118300
File: 1479666993351.jpg (82.73 KB, 1000x1000, lolcow-looks-at-pt.jpg)

>>118197I tried my best but still fucked up
No. 118311
File: 1479670959100.jpg (118.34 KB, 1280x720, 3335353.jpg)

>>118299That's so cute. Thank you!
No. 172192
>>118300has it really been almost a whole month since I've delivered a request
college really got in the way…
I'll get back to it…
No. 172196
File: 1481956860679.jpg (5.54 KB, 259x194, images.jpg)

draw Onision and Billie i beg you!! if you don't know who they are here's a pic
heres billie
No. 172197
File: 1481956910310.jpg (101.04 KB, 1080x1080, tumblr_nz2wxc1bar1qbnxbno1_128…)

>>172196thats the worst pic ever i'm sorry . here's billie
No. 172198
File: 1481956966870.jpg (184.79 KB, 1921x1081, maxresdefault.jpg)

>>172197heres onision.
if you could write "bunion" on the pic i would be very thankful too!
No. 172199
File: 1481957145189.jpg (33.56 KB, 576x576, Untitled-1.jpg)

>>172197>>172196>>172198I honestly don't think I can even do this one…
also I'm using Photoshop instead of illustrator now
No. 172861
File: 1482274148033.jpg (86.92 KB, 576x576, lolcowtan.jpg)

>>172199100 percent sure I'm allowed to post this
totally not a bump 100% serious art dumb I guess
No. 172899
yes it is
I tried my best and that's what I got
No. 172903
>>172899Kek. Scary how it was easy to pick out.
Do lolcow-tan with our queen next!
No. 174713
File: 1483219209266.jpg (94.56 KB, 576x576, happy new years lolcow tan.jpg)

No. 175517
File: 1483555148387.png (2.3 MB, 1964x2435, char.png)

I'm helping op w the requests, wazzup.
No. 175621
File: 1483587709880.jpg (59.98 KB, 524x342, UNeoGPr.jpg)

>>175619here you go anons
(sage for samefag)
No. 175652
File: 1483607681646.png (2.22 MB, 2435x1964, blaire mommy.png)

>>175572>>175579there you go! I might not be able to go into as much detail next time..
No. 181193
File: 1487021895911.png (171.49 KB, 720x720, valinines lolcow.png)

No. 183251
File: 1488947088021.jpg (49.65 KB, 640x360, watamote_02_03_6.jpg)

>>177932>gaiaonlinelol. i remember being on that shit. good times.
>>118191if you're still around i'd love to get a draw of my waifu (pic related). like a portrait of her from the shoulders up. looking shyly to the side with her arm behind her head.
No. 183253
File: 1488947726533.png (456.88 KB, 572x1041, Segata_Sanshiro_PXZ2.png)

Segata-San for reference.
No. 185778
File: 1491367086454.jpg (1.5 MB, 1836x3264, IMG_20170405_243517395.jpg)

>>183251Not original bad draw fag but I'm bored and i have an automatic pencil. forgot to add the arm but eh
No. 185779
File: 1491368442137.jpg (125.76 KB, 1024x768, spiral_knights__elementals_rou…)

>>185778draw which one of pic related you like
No. 185783
>>185778That's adorable,Anon
Now you're making me want to draw too haha
No. 185791
>>185786I love your art style,Anon
Definitely Saving this haha
>>185788I'm sure you've improved,Anon. At least you want to improve