File: 1480289481733.png (184.26 KB, 900x555, hikki-chat1.png)

No. 119172
I will leave here an imageboard and group chat for hikikomori/reclusive/shy people: chat: group is meant for people to support each other and find solutions for their/our situation, as well as sharing experiences, there are no shitposters or misbehaving people, so all shut-in/reclusive/shy people are welcome to join and chat :).
The community is quite small but we are good people.
No. 119265
File: 1480329874112.jpg (20.08 KB, 480x270, agon55LM_700w_0.jpg)

I am in.
No. 120359
File: 1481086780324.png (188.84 KB, 364x652, 7c609245c7d62bcbeebb16267f29d7…)

>>119379I think the most active ones on the chat are girls.
No. 120621
File: 1481294859611.png (200.3 KB, 450x563, Anzu.png)

Seems good.
No. 121031
File: 1481672739488.png (95.75 KB, 400x400, aYjcrRh.png)

I wanna lass role.