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No. 119652
>>119645Peppermint schnapps is my absolute favorite, now that it's cold I think it's party time.
Anyone else miss old fourloco when they were allowed to be energy drinks?
No. 119753
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>tfw recovering alchoholic
Been "clean and serene" for over a year, after my second attempt at detox/rehab. I can't enjoy drink like a normal person (on weekends and Christmas) It's all or nothing.
>one drink is too many, and a thousand is never enough
I have to be totally abstinent for the rest of my life and that's a scary, boring reality.
No. 119771
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>>119753Congrats, anon! I'm five months sober myself and am still trying to accept being sober forever after many failed attempts to drink moderately and be "normal".
Shit sucks because I used to be quite into local brews and quality beers and liquor before it turned into full blown alcoholism. A lot of stuff seems dull and boring without alcohol, but I'm glad to be in control and not popping in and out of the ER for hallucinations and seizures.
No. 119927
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I feel like I'm drinking a little too much these days, I used to smoke weed but now I've kind of replaced it with alcohol. I drink alone often as well, I love going to the club and drinking with friends but I'm quite far from the center of the city and a taxi home is ridiculously expensive.
No. 119929
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Very sweet but not that gross synthetic sweet flavor a lot of drinks have
No. 119973
>>119929I love Choya! Umeshu is amazing.
I am an absinthe snob. If a bar has it, it's the only thing I'll drink.
Wine is good too.
No. 119977
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>>119645My whole family is hardcore god-fearing teetotallers and I don't like the taste of most alcoholic drinks but I reeeeally like cider. Most of the time I drink pic related but I'm going to cider Mecca soon where I'll be sampling everything I can get my grubby little bogger fingers on, and I got drunk on cider for the first time ever two weeks ago so I'm chuffed about getting to experience that again as well.
I know it's babby's first drink and all but I can't wait
No. 120247
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I love drinking. I'm not very found of fermented beverages but distilled beverages in other way…
I'm currently in love with this baby. It's not common where I live, but I managed to get a bottle. I always need to import new things and sucks.
Usually I'm very found of vodkas in general. My favorite brand is Stolichnaya but I'm always trying new brands once in a while. Recs please!
Usually I'm very strong for beverages and I drink quite often.
No. 120351
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Best beer in the world!