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No. 120737
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Best rectangle.
No. 120741
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No. 120743
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Economic Left/Right: -5.5
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.67
No. 120763
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No. 120764
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I see a trend in our alignments so far.
No. 120766
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No. 120769
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No. 120777
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No. 120780
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No. 120781
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No. 120788
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No. 120791
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"Average Citizen" not bad
No. 120792
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No. 120807
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No. 120814
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No. 120818
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No. 120819
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No. 120876
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No. 120893
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It's lonely over here in purpleland.
No. 120951
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I guess I'm just average
No. 120959
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No. 120965
>>120951literally the same as you except one more line to the left but im too lazy to post it.
i thought i was more on the right side than that but i knew i was pretty centrist. maybe it's just because of the influx of alt left in the media that makes me feel really right wing compared to them
No. 120966
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>all this green, even some red
absolutely disgusting.
No. 120970
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>>120893Very lonely here in blueland. I'm terrible.
No. 120973
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>>120959>>120960comrades, fellow socialistchans…hai
No. 120977
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expected to see more purple, honestly
No. 120978
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No. 120979
did this on another app but i am NEARLY in the center, just slightly towards the green square.
i used to be in the top-middle… was pretty yikes
No. 120987
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Can someone explain this.
I expected more Commie points, I got barely any probably because I don't know shit about economy.
No. 120988
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>>120959>>120960>>120973Anachro-communists or socialists?
Thought I'd be more left tbh.
No. 121006
>>120977>>120966My people! Phew, thought I was going to be all alone here for a while there.
I'm a bit surprised tbh, from reading some of the other threads it seemed like lolcow was a bit more right leaning.
No. 121053
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>>120807I'm genuinely curious about this anon
No. 121077
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No. 121101
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>>120736I would say I have more socialist values than anarchist though.
No. 121134
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Thought I was Right tbh
No. 121155
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>anarcho socialism
No. 121290
>>121160Socialism and Communism are not the same thing. Also Communist societies have been around for centuries, not just when Marx and Mao became prominent. China is more capitalist and N.Korea could be seen as Fascist rather than communist.
In Northen European countries social democracy thriving
No. 121294
>>121173Most major industries in China are owned by the state and the ones that aren't are so close to the state (eg Huawei) they may as well be.
The idea China is neo liberal/capitalist simply isn't true. Look at how it uses the great firewall to destroy foreign Web firms and prop up domestic ones, or forces companies to merge in things like the auto market.
It's a lot more complicated than China being capitalist. Smart countries are not purely capitalist. They protect and cultivate domestic industry through state intervention.
>>121290Communism didn't exist before Marx because he formalised the theories.
Northern European societies are in very precarious situations right now. Especially Sweden. Norway is a bit better off because it has an unusual amount of oil wealth and is outside of the EU with stricter immigration laws.
North Korea is fascist and explicitly racial in its outlook yes. This isn't a secret. It's economy is also growing and it's only a matter of time before they pursue economic reforms and have a boom economy.
No. 121295
>>121289You should ask yourself why westerners pay so much tax for so little return. I don't like cuckservatives but go to Japan or Hong Kong, China or Taiwan and see the infrastructure there. It's miles better than even German infrastructure is.
If you care about public services you should be asking yourself why, for example, London underground is the most expensive service on earth but can't hold a candle to the HK MTR which is one fifth the cost.
Unless by public services you mean shit like unemployment benefits, in which case top lel.
No. 121297
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>>121295Also note there's no connection between per pupil spending and academic results. Education would be better served by going back to basics: none of this "everyone's a winner" shit for a start. Strictly hierarchical class arrangements and so on.
No. 121302
>>121300Why are you confusing communism with socialism? Socialism is usually authoritarian. There are strains of groups that call themselves liberal socialists etc if that is what you are implying?
Also a UK liberal is not what a US liberal would be, in the UK our liberals by american standards would be Margaret Thatcher due to her support of the free market ffs
No. 121304
>>121297It's curriculum and parents
The curriculum is so easy compared to China or Russia, and parents are too lazy to discipline their kids for bad grades
No. 121316
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I don't own a Che shirt though
No. 121317
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>>121307PISA doesn't test curriculum subjects but common sense critical thinking which should be better able to translate across countries and education systems. You can check some sample questions on their site
No. 121320
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>>121317It doesn't even directly test for subject matter, all examples are based on some real world thing people have contact with constantly, outside of an acadmeic context.
Also, more hours spent in school doesn't mean better learning.
No. 121329
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>>121307>It doesn't present liberal countries and their policies in a flattering light>"It's not credible!!!!"Funny, when Finland was beating the East Asian countries back in… 2005 or whenever it was, the Guardian and all the liberal publications were lauding praise on PISA for showing us how we needed to be more egalitarian in our approach to education and examination.
>>121305>which is the same as the UKSo it's the same as the UK despite the UK having a vastly more expensive welfare system.
Are you trying to argue for massive welfare systems or against them?
>>121303>Let's just ignore 7 of the top 10 countries on Mathematics and Science are East AsianYes, let's just keep sticking our heads in the sand.
Like we do with immigration.
Like we do whenever an Islamist kills 100 of our people in a brutal attack.
Like we do with the criminality in our streets.
Like we do with our shit-tier infrastructure.
Like we do with everything else in the West.
Let's just keep offering up sacrifices to the great Goddess equality in the hope she will at some point, through some sort of elaborate social engineering mechanism, fix all of this.
No. 128656
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>>121335>blaming immigrants and muslims for all your countries woesLazy and cheap to the point it wouldn't even make it past a buzzfeed "editor". Try again.
No. 144128
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So few anons are purple…
No. 144129
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>>120987>I don't know shit about economy>green squarepottery
No. 144131
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I wish there was a "I don't care" option for some questions.
Most of the questions were kind of lame anyway.
No. 172180
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>average citizen
I can live with this.
No. 172269
>>121160It's funny everytime calls out a white kid wanting a third reich you say always the same thing
>Left liberalism is dying or dead pretty much everywhereThat would be funny if more than ever anti-left propaganda didn't work as it used to do before internet. People are tired of being slaves.
No. 172280
>>172279 . I re-read your post and realized you weren't saying left liberalism is dying. So my post isn’t really addressed at you.
No. 172294
>>17226995% of the world is right wing and lives in right wing nations that make Donald Trump look like a leftist. This isn't going to change. China for example has only been getting more right wing and conservative throughout the Hu and Xi administrations. India elected a Hindu nationalist who was a governor of Gujarat during the Anti Muslim pogroms there. Erdogan, Putin and the gulf states aren't going anywhere. Southeast Asia is going full autocracy with people like Duterte Harry.
So yeah. Have fun being an increasingly dwindling and irrelevant global minority while you retreat to your media echo chambers to console yourself.
There's no future for your politics here let alone anywhere else. And your governments attempts to spread it by the sword have ended in abject failure and humiliation.
No. 172297
>>172294I bet one of your ancestors was going 95% of the world is ruled by monarchy and this isn't going to change while sucking on his dear queen's toes.
4/8 years of Trump isn't gonna change jack shit, in fact I'm sure Trump will be surprisingly moderate.
No. 172305
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>>172297>I bet one of your ancestors was going 95% of the world is ruled by monarchy and this isn't going to change while sucking on his dear queen's toes.The world is or has already returned to those self-same perennial norms as we speak. Look at the return of monarchism to Thailand for example. At this point Putin and Erdogan and China are Czars/Sultans/Confucian bureaucracies by any other name. Even Japan, in reality, has more in common with the Bakufu system than it does an actual "liberal democracy" (the LDP has ruled the country pretty much non-stop for over half a century and real policy-making power has always been vested in the bureaucrats who simultaneously control the major keiretsus).
>4/8 years of Trump isn't gonna change jack shit, in fact I'm sure Trump will be surprisingly moderate.Suppose it comes to this. So what? America is already a sinking ship at this point, nobody views it as a model to follow anymore. There's a reason the high water mark of liberalism in China was 1989.
You think Chinese who visit the US and see the almost third-world status of cities like LA, Detroit and so on view it as a model to follow? You think they look at a Europe that allows 5 million unskilled, undocumented randoms from Afghanistan to Eritrea to cross its porous borders and think "Hm, I want that for my country too!"
Don't take my word for it: were arrogant enough to think your paradigm would last forever, not even Fukuyama thinks that anymore. Have at least some degree of introspection.
Picture unrelated but amusing.
No. 172413
>>172305>Even Japan, in reality, has more in common with the Bakufu system than it does an actual "liberal democracy" (the LDP has ruled the country pretty much non-stop for over half a century and real policy-making power has always been vested in the bureaucrats who simultaneously control the major keiretsus). Complete utter horse shit, the LDP gets in because it is popular. You have provided no evidence.
>Look at the return of monarchism to Thailand for example. Thailand was always a monarchy you mong, and it's only getting more unpopular since the new king is a complete degenerate.
>You think Chinese who visit the US and see the almost third-world status of cities like LA, Detroit and so on view it as a model to follow?
>taking a bunch of indoctrinated children of CCP officials opinions seriously>LA>ghettoAnyway most of China's cities are completely polluted slums, they are in no position to call anyone else poor.
Go on arguing against those liberal strawmen in your mind, you makes you think.
No. 172419
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>>172413>Complete utter horse shit, the LDP gets in because it is popular. That's… exactly my point. Especially among the 20-35 age bracket actually. So a party that supports immigration and naturalization laws well to the right of Donald Trump is extremely popular among young Japanese.
My successive point was that regardless of the popularity of the LDP, really power in Japan rests with the bureaucracy and corporate elite, who form a systematic power structure in of their own right, see:
>Thailand was always a monarchy you mongYou misunderstand me. Thailand was always nominally a monarchy, but throughout the 1990s and part of the early 2000s there was a belief it was headed towards becoming the sort of constitutional "monarchy" the UK is, with the monarch little more than a theme park attraction.
The King, in tandem with the military, now exercises real power.
And if you believe the monarchy as an institution is unpopular, then shit, I don't know what to say to you. Go to the average Thai and tell him what a dickhead Adulyadej was and have fun getting your teeth kicked in, you clueless moron.
>Anyway most of China's cities are completely polluted slumsEvery single one of China's major cities is safer than virtually all of America's 1 million plus metropolises. You fuckers have created a living environment where it's normal for entire urban zones to be unpoliceable third-world shitholes where the majority of the population dare not tread, there is nothing like that in China. Not even in the third-tier cities, where people live on far, far less in income terms than what the average African American does.
To surmmarize: You have zero capacity for introspection. You're the equivalent of a zealot cult member, like most liberals. Thank god your ideology is dying the death it should have done 200 years ago.
No. 172429
>>172424>prison population per 100,000 populationThis is a per capita statistic. I know this is very hard to understand
For example, even though white people in the US commit more rapes than black people in total, that's because they make up about 60% of the population, while blacks make up about 13%. If you take 1000 white people and 1000 black people in the US, you will find that blacks commit rape at a far higher rate. No. 172436
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>>172419>Every single one of China's major cities isMost of shanghai, Peking, Canton etc have massive ghettos. Most Chinese can't afford to live there instead they live in no-name towns that were created a few years ago.
Most American cities are perfectly livable, the suburbs (where most Americans live) even more so.
Americans are on the whole far better off than the Chinese.
No. 172437
>>172436You're completely clueless. China is not India. Beijing and Shanghai are significantly safer than New York or LA. Just about every metric of recording crime, including homicide rates, proves this.
Do you have anything substantial to add beyond shitposting?
No. 172440
>>172436>Most American cities are perfectly livable,Almost all American cities are very high in crime (primarily due to black/hispanic population).
There isn't a single major American city that even comes close to how safe Japanese cities like Tokyo or Osaka are. These Japanese cities are hundreds/thousands of times safer than most American cities.
I am very envious of how safe Japan and other East Asian cities are. It's one of the only places on Earth that has metropolitan areas that are safe. Every major city in formerly white countries is no longer safe because non-whites moved into the cities, and then white flight happened.
NYC, Philidephia, Trenton, Detroit, Baltimore, Camden, Los Angeles, Cleveland, New Orleans, Chicago, Houston, London, Paris, Berlin, Brussels… These were all once prosperous safe cities, but they're destroyed now and I wouldn't even want to go close to any of them.
No. 172450
>>172440Finally someone who isn't a pseudo worldly leftard.
>>172444Communes were fucking horrible, unlivable places in reality anon. Rife with STDs, rape, abuse, complete unproductive, ended up relying on charity rather than actually growing or building anything etc.
The sort of bucolic descaled small rural community they were aiming for really only exists among right wing rural communities and religious communities like the mennonites.
Watch any number of documentaries about the reality of life on these communes. Leftards fuck everything up. EVERYTHING.
No. 172461
>>172440Lol, you sound sheltered and poor.
First of all NYC/Paris/Berlin/London are not on the same level as Camden and Detroit. Stop projecting. NYC has the highest real estate cost in America, living there costs a fuck ton, whereas in Detroit you can buy a house for barely anything.
I spent a summer in DC and it was very, very, very safe. I felt safer walking around at night than I do in the smaller town I am from, which is full of white trash meth addicts. Everyone I would run into while I was there in the evening was a white-collar professional. Never once did I feel like I was in danger. Aside from the occasional homeless person or two. Also spent 4 months in London, it was fine other than congested traffic. Maybe you're just poor?
No. 172486
>>172461>I spent time in the specific white gentrified safe areas of these cities, lol they aren't even bad!Go anywhere outside those safe white areas and come back and tell me the same thing about DC, there is tons of niggers ready to rob/rape/kill you in DC.
Also how am I both sheltered and poor? I live in a high-crime small city and went to a majority black/hispanic school as a white kid. You're making fun of me for two contradictory things. Taking pride in your money (which probably isn't even yours, but rather your parents or boyfriend/husband) and making fun of someone for lack of money is also one of the most disgusting personality traits a person can have, especially as a woman because you can easily have wealth handed to you. You will have to explain this on your judgment day.
It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. I wonder what he'll think of a spoiled female bitch who takes such pride in her money, especially money handed to her.
>>172467I'm talking about Camden NJ, one of the worst places on Earth.
No. 172489
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>>172486couldn't have said it better myself.
whoever you are DC London anon, you're kind of a shit human being.
No. 172495
>>172486"le gentrified areas are bad"
You sound poor and dumb. Upscale rich areas are where decent people live.
Scum live in shitty areas, whether it be Camden or the Midwest. Whether they are black or white, they're drug addicts, rapists and high crime.
You call me a terrible person? You are the one sat on your high horse talking about "niggers" as if you're better than them. The reason you live in a high-crime, majority black neighbourhood is because you aren't. Get out of your ivory tower, lol.
No. 172497
>>172496Why are people like you always masters of projection?
The reason why I can afford to live in an affluent neighbourhood surrounded by good people instead of meth or crackheads is because I make my own money and don't have to go through life existing as a leech. Hard idea for you to grasp, isn't it?
Oh well, keep blaming niggers and libtards for your own shortcomings. I am sure that one day your dreams will come to fruition and you will live in a nice, peaceful town! Like the midwest? Oh wait… LOL
No. 172499
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>>172497I am projecting, sure, Jan. I am not even the same person, I don't blame niggers or libtards for anything, I live in one of the safest places in the world and I'm not right wing, but I think you are arrogant as shit and keep saying people are poor or dumb or something just to make your point seems more valid. Pathetic, anon.
No. 172501
>>172495>"le gentrified areas are bad"> Upscale rich areas are where decent people live. What? You didn't even read my post.
How did you read my post, and then your brain came up with me saying that upscale gentrified areas are the bad areas? Are you on drugs right now?
>>172497> I make my own money I'm sure you weren't born into a wealthy family that allowed you to get there.
Inb4 "I did it all on my", preemptive stfu.
>Scum live in shitty areas, whether it be Camden or the Midwest. Camden is a fairly small city in NJ (and one of the worst places on the entire globe), the midwest is a huge geographic area, the large majority of which is a low-crime peaceful area.
Why do I even try to argue here…
No. 172508
>>172495You sound rich and dumb. I guarantee that your position in life is less than 10% from your own work and more than 90% what your parents set up for you.
I assume that you're getting your false sense of merit from paying for your own rent, but tell me, did you pay for your first cell phone by yourself too through "hard work" or did your parents just give it to you? What about braces & other nonessential health care? Car? Driver's test? Passport photos? Job uniform? University application fee? University textbooks? God forbid - university tuition?
All of those are things that increase employability that rich kids take for granted because their parents just take care of it for them while the poor kids have to front such nonessential costs themselves. It adds up even with a job. Particularly university expenses, which are REQUIRED if you want to stop being poor and move up in the world like you say that poor people should do.
If you actually paid for all of that shit yourself without your parents, and still have enough left to live in an affluent neighbourhood then I question whether or not you sugarbaby'd your way through uni.
No. 172522
>>172501I grew up with a single mom and three siblings in the Midwest, no way I would ever go back to that white trash ever again. Small rural towns are a bubble where everyone is a lazy, drug addicted leach.
And to answer all your questions, no I never got anything from my mom. I worked through high school, got a degree and then moved to a big city and did it all on my own. Whereas everyone I grew up with is still stuck in the same shit town, no jobs, refuses to move, just leech off of welfare from people like me. Nothing but violent drug addicted leeches who blame other people for their problems and think I was born with luck. No, maybe if they got up off their asses and actually stopped making excuses they wouldn't be stuck where they are. Rural towns are absolute fucking inbred shitholes and they have no one to blame but themselves.
No. 172523
>>172508It's called financial aid, I guess you're not that poor if you don't know what that is. I paid back all my loans quickly. See above for the rest.
Never needed braces or a passport. Only recently got a drivers license.
And no I didn't sleep for money but again, great projection!
No. 172529
>>172493The Sami are an ethnic group with their own folkways, what is your point?
Them staying true to the ways of their ancestors is the definition of being right-wing. If they were leftists they'd invite over rapefugees to become a part of their communities and slowly destroy themselves.
>>172461>"Haha, fucking poor white people not able to avoid living in shitty black/spic areas!">"Why yes, I do care about the plight of the poor, why do you ask? #imwithher">>172495Your entire point seems to be that western urban centers are ok if you're super rich. You may as well say that Rio de Janeiro is a great, safe city by those standards.
Let's get back to the point anyway:
Chinese/East Asian cities are safer than Western metropolises. This is a fact. It's statistical fact. It's also anecdotally reported by most people who have spent extensive time in Tokyo/HK/Singapore/Beijing/Shanghai just how much safer they are, especially for women, than nig-infested western shitholes.
There's a point to be learned here, and that's that we have to make Europe white again.
No. 172533
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>>172532Hi liar.
Here's a statistical breakdown of crime in Germany and which are the most overrepresented ethnic groups.
Notice any trends?
No. 172534
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>>172533Here's a breakdown of EU prison systems by proportion of the prisoners who aren't nationals.
In Switzerland, African immigrants commit crime at 600% the rate of native Swiss.
But somewhere, somehow, white men are responsible for these brave Africans behaving in this way according to
>>172532 No. 172535
>The data provide a breakdown of the ethnicity of the 18,091 men and boys who police took action against for a range of violent and sexual offences in London in 2009-10.
>They show that among those proceeded against for street crimes, 54 per cent were black; for robbery, 59 per cent; and for gun crimes, 67 per cent. Street crimes include muggings, assault with intent to rob and snatching property.Over 50% of robbery, gun crime and assault with intent to rob would disappear if London had no black people.
Add on Bangladeshis/Pakis/etc and you're talking about 70-80% of all crime in London being committed by non-whites.
But according to Ms. Weeb
>>172532 with her kawaii uguu japanese boyufriendo and her useless ESL job, white men are responsible for this.
No. 172537
>>172535Oslo, Norway:
>Rape in the global city – May 2011 report
>The report shows that, of 131 individuals charged with the 152 rapes in which the perpetrator could be identified, 45.8% were of African, Middle Eastern or Asian origin while 38.2 were Norweigan citizens (foreign and national), 2.3% American, and 13.7% other European (foreign and national Europeans).Note that 70% of the population of Oslo are ethnic Norwegians.
But again, an omniscient, omnipresent white male entity is somehow manipulating all these facts to test the faith of the true feminists like
And you wonder why serious people laugh at the notion that feminism is about caring for women's welfare when you are reduced to lying to this degree.
No. 172538
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>>172537And the same pattern is repeated everywhere: The Netherlands, France, even comparatively poorer European regions like Calabria in Italy and Greece, where >>172532's noble refugees recently burned down the EU's processing office on Lesbos while then took to looting local stores.
If you want to direct your retarded maternal instinct somewhere, direct it towards the Greeks and Italians whose economies have been gutted by the Eurozone's monetary and interest rate policies, and onto whom Germany has dictated some of the harshest policy measures imaginable.
The same Germany and Merkel that stated in 2012 that Germany "could accommodate any number of people who came" and that "anyone who arrived would receive the right to process an application on German soil". The same Merkel and Germany who pointed a gun at Hungary and Poland's heads for erecting physical barriers on their borders.
It's four years later and there are people still supporting this insanity. If that's not an argument against universal suffrage then I don't know what is.
Can't stand these kanadajin-tier weebs who fuck off to Japan in the hopes of finding some Jap husband while chastizing whites for their "racism".
No. 172550
>>172542>but somehow they commit all crimesThey commit a grossly disproportionate amount of crime.
Are you capable of pretending to argue cogently?
No. 172611
>>172542Hahaha, oh wow: fuckers never get tired of being wrong do you?
Fuck your maternal instinct towards these roaches.
No. 172672
>>172648It's fact.
It is a de facto aim of leftists to reduce white people to a minority in every formerly white majority nation (USA, France, Germany, Britain etc).
Only places where they can't make headway are places where the left haven't been able to use their wrecking ball yet (Poland and most of Eastern Europe for example).
No. 172676
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>>172672Thats because the left already destroyed Eastern Europe, thanks commies.
No. 172677
>>172676Soviet Communism became sort of conservative towards the end though. It actually did a better job at preserving traditional culture than the capitalist west. That's why Francis Parker Yockey wanted an alliance between white nationalists in the West and the SU.
Capitalism is just as bad if not worse than Communism. Corporate elites are 101% in support of mass immigration and LGBT faggotry. A faceless mass of a billion brown identity-less consumers saddled with debt is great for them for obvious reasons.
No. 172681
>>172676that react image is retarded.
the fuck has any of that got to do with Marxism!?!
>rages all the time about marxism>never read das capital but watched a 4 hour youtube doc on 'cultural marxism'everyone on /pol/
No. 172686
>>172677>Capitalism is just as bad if not worse than CommunismYeah im sure all those farmers who starved to death because of collective farming would have hated to be a poor person in a western country where they have houses and can eat food at the grocery store, capitalism sux so much. Also Crony Capitalism =/= Capitalism
>Soviet Communism became sort of conservative towards the end thoughalso no, the only reason Gorbachev tried pushing for more reform is because the Brehznev era (aka the Stagnation Era) was proof of how communism and the way it functions could not possibly compete with capitalist growth. Authoritarian governments also tend to be more "conservative" because they are projecting their morals onto everyone else but thats a different topic
>better job at preserving traditional cultureThis is the most retarded thing ive ever read, communism/ists in both Russia and China tried to destroy their native culture. Mao was super fucking close to tearing down the Forbidden City and the Soviet Union had many anti-religious campaigns
>>172681>implying anyone needs to read Marx when everything his ideas have ever produced has been an abject failurelol
No. 172690
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>>172686And yet it is western europe that is infested with shitskins and heading towards white minoritization.
gj capitalism!
No. 172691
>>172689Socialism/communism everywhere it has been tried as been a complete waste and killed millions, for someone so butthurt that someone didn't read a book maybe you should pick up a history textbook
>>172690Are you fucking dumb? Its the socialist parties in Europe that are saying "rapefugees welcome" not the right wing parties in Europe
No. 172695
>>172691Western European countries were letting in shitskins at the height of the cold war.
France's liberalization of its immigration and naturalization laws (that allowed for things like 'family reunificaiton' aka chain migration) came about in the 1970s.
Would you find this level of popular support for a nationalist leader in Cuckmany, the United Cuckdom or the French Cuck Republic?
Just accept the fact that Slavs and Southern Europeans are real men and the real line of defense of the white race.
No. 172701
>>172691I don't need to pick up a book…I read the defining one on a topic that you raised…and you didn't.
Socialism/communism didn't kill anyone, violent revolutions and tyrants did.
Capitalism is a disgusting system, every intellectual understands this. What differs is opinions on how to navigate a way out of it without destroying fucking everything.
No. 172703
>>172701All grand, universalizing theories of politics and economics are retarded.
>"I will simply point out the error of principle that has provided the foundation of this constitution and that has led the French astray since the first moment of their revolution.
>The constitution of 1795, like its predecessors, has been drawn up for Man. Now, there is no such thing in the world as Man. In the course of my life, I have seen Frenchmen, Italians, Russians, etc.; I am even aware, thanks to Montesquieu, that one can be a Persian. But, as for Man, I declare that I have never met him in my life. If he exists, I certainly have no knowledge of him.
>….This constitution is capable of being applied to all human communities from China to Geneva. But a constitution which is made for all nations is made for none: it is a pure abstraction, a school exercise whose purpose is to exercise the mind in accordance with a hypothetical ideal, and which ought to be addressed to Man, in the imaginary places which he inhabits….
>What is a constitution? Is it not the solution to the following problem: to find the laws that are fitting for a particular nation, given its population, its customs, its religion, its geographical situation, its political relations, its wealth, and its good and bad qualities?
>Now, this problem is not addressed at all by the Constitution of 1795, which is concerned only with Man." Different peoples are different, and produce different types of government and society. The western world is obsessed with "universalism" as an offshoot of Christianity, and thus projects its own autistic delusions about the world onto non-white races. This is why liberals genuinely believe that Gulf Arabs are gradually going to become just like they are, proponents of female suffrage and LGBT. They believe in grand theories of "progress" and grand universalizing theories of politics.
No. 172704
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I consider myself slightly right-leaning but I always get left on these things, I assume, because of my views on sex and religion.