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No. 12437
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version 2
No. 12563
>>12520>Best seller of all timeExcept it's not>In terms of printed books, Fifty Shades of Grey has yet to catch up with Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, which sold over 4 million copies in the UK. >Global sales of the trilogy are said to be over 40 million - still a long way from the 450 million achieved by JK Rowling’s Harry Potter series. And yes, women were complaining about it, and you'd know if you actually took the time to look at the reactions. :^)
No. 12637
>>12483Lol wrong.
>>12509 speaks the truth…There are a fuckton of women into bestiality and that's pretty high on the 'wtf' scale. That is a path I wouldn't tread and I'm pretty fucked.
and, OP, IDK, I guess I'm creep. I don't get turned on by vore and gross stuff but yeah I am into rapeplay and incest and a bunch of other shit. I think a lot of women are, they just kinda keep it to themselves.
No. 12640
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>>12636It was a good thread
No. 12683
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>>12681added for clarification
No. 12720
>>12700I'm a girl, heh. But no, thanks, I wasn't acting like it was hardcore. I was merely saying that women are into some kinky things too, I just think a lot of women keep it to themselves
>>12674And I never said it was good yo
No. 12765
Oh good, I'm only weird + noncon is my thing.
>>12437Why are shemales for creeps and cuntboys for degenerates?
>>12446>>12468I feel you anons. I wanted to find that BBC documentary about child snuff videos since I'm a sucker for crime drama and shit and now my google history reads stuff like "bbc child snuff video".
No. 13004
>>12765According to a Googletalk researching sexual preferences it seems that straight or bi guys are into shemales while cuntboys are usually more for gay guys.
When researching searches for porn made by google users this is what the data shows statistically across all cultures.
>>12683Now take a look at this list, most of it is vanilla anyway but they're listed like they're some sort of kink.
I'm not saying that they're all vanilla or only apply to a single gender, but it's a different scale for guys vs girls.
>>12720has a point but it's not nearly on the same scale.
Look at the "interacial" listing on the picture, it's completely devoid of context. The book my secret garden covers fantasies submitted by women but the interacial context is pretty much "I want to have sex with a black guy"
By contrast just go to /cuteboys/ and you'll see people posting about racial fetishes based on inferiority etc. it is much more fucked up.
Also just look at gay guys vs lesbians, it's pretty much evident that guys are hornier in general which is why they're more perverted. No. 13009
>>12723I should clarify, I'm
>>12692 and I'm 100% female. I'm just into weird shit.
No. 13012
>>13011Actually now that I read that again some of that shit is too sick for me
Reptilian overlords definitely though
I don't know why that makes me a creep, humanoid reptiles are my gods
No. 13023
>>13009fully transitioned?
>>13007Not too sure how prevalent that is for female sexuality to be considered dirty or wrong. But lots of repression can tend to make them kinkier (for a girl, still nothing compared to a guy)
However I really doubt social stigma would cause girls to keep their fantasies hidden or toned down when anonymous online on forums dedicated to eroticism.
So yes, they are less perverse, or they are less intelligent.
No. 13036
> girls posting about the weird shit they get off to onlineB-but girls just aren't as mentally fucked as guys!
Dude, your mom and your sister dont represent the female population. Both sexes can get off to some fucked up shit. Gang-bamg and rape fantasies are actually pretty common in women, for one.
No. 13089
>>13036Yeah and that's nothing really compared to guys. The differences of scale are just too large.
>I get turned on by nosebleeds, i'm soo extreme!That's what guro would end up as if girls were in charge of it.
No. 13115
>>13089You don't know that, hun.
I draw the line at anything scat related or female genital mutilation related.
Thramsay, an entirely female fandom, is the most fucked up thing related to Game Of Thrones. Almost all of the stories contain graphic torture, flaying, mutilation.. And it's all women writing it.
No. 13147
>>13115Basically your post insinuates that either yes my hypothesis is correct and girls are vanilla enough that if they ran gurochan there would be no scat board and /g/ would just be nosebleeds, or that you're a guy showing off how much of a non pervert you are.
I mean come on, just look at GPS social apps. When it's all guys, you have grindr, an app for finding someone to fuck.
Eventually people developed tinder which was supposed to be the straight version of grindr but in practice it's an app for chatting, maybe meeting for a date, possibly sex. Just adding women to the idea already watered it down to the point of just tangentially related. They really just added another base, hardly an improvement. OKCupid for mobile
What if it's just for women? Well they tried that and came up with scissr (an app for conversing about culture or whatever, networking, dating) Basically OKCupid with a touch of linkedin.
They also tried with findhrr, qrusher, bullshittr or whatvrr bc all these apps suck, either they're poorly made or just not used.
Why? Well just pick your stereotype
-women are less pervy/horny
-women can't into computers
-women belong in the kitchen
-women can't drive, therefore can't get to the place that teaches them to learn how to make phone apps, so they end up making apps that suck
-shouldn't have given women the right to vote
Now I'm not saying no women are pervy, I'm just saying the ones that are used to be men.
No. 13149
>>13147If I ran gurochan, I would make a scat board to appeal to those who like scat. It doesn't disgust me, I just don't like it.
And is flaying a nosebleed?
No. 13150
So at the risk of getting too meta I can assure you that if there are other guys posting on this thread at least 1/3 of them are also masturbating.
My estimate is that there are probably 0 girls fapping to this thread.
Now after reading that last sentence some might start bean flicking out of spite, but that's just forcing it at this point. Like edgy teenagers writing invader zim fanfic.
No. 13163
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>>13147Well, now you're just baiting and repeating yourself at the same time.
I'm sorry you haven't met any girls who want to fuck your decomposing corpse and/or masturbate to congenital diseases yet (and trust me, they exist if you sit on Tumblr or /r9k/ long enough).
No. 13262
>>13004how perverted you are is a purely psychological thing. it has nothing to do with being male/female, gay/straight, ethnicity or anything else
so i wouldn't agree that men are more perverted than women. i'm with
>>13007 in thinking that women are just socialized to be less open about their sexuality
No. 13564
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>>13147anon~ please degrade me and tell me how incapable and useless i am as a woman ;^)
No. 15974
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perfect for all my kawaii bdsm needs
No. 15996
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>>12436>tfw Futa and Nipple Fuck>tfw straight female grillI'm degenerate scum.
No. 17200
>>17178Not the anon from before but its also called "boypussy kink ", actually its not that fckd up~
I liked this ff : No. 17530
>>17361Just search ugly hairy females
Whats wrong with the world
No. 492423
>>12436In a cos woman with above average looks and I like fat men. I was a shy girl need growing up and got hot in college. Dated lots of guys, realised I really liked when they'd let go. Now I encourage my partners because deep down I want to make them so big.
My dream is to date average if not fit guys and fatten them to as big as I can get them before leaving them hopeless. Moving on to the next. It's just so fun. Sometimes.i want them to eat themselves to death but that's just my secret.
(Larping scrot)