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No. 12746
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No one give a fuck about what you like or your self esteems issues…
And I fucking hate it when people say "well it's proven that guys like whatever"
It's so sad that you hate yourself so much you need validation from the opposite gender, take care of yourself and grow some self love / esteem.
No. 12748
>>12746Everyone needs validation from the opposite gender.
I'm sorry that you're a girl and you dont care if guys find you ugly, but I don't want to be like you. Why wouldnt you care about what guys like? what the fuck.
No. 12749
>>12748Because she's strong and empowered, anon.
No. 12750
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>>12748I'm gonna be very sincere I really don't care what my gender or what the opposite gender think of me. I try to be myself and I'm happy when I met people who like who I am that's all. I'm an average to pretty-when-I-try looking girl and if someone think I'm ugly I just don't fucking care. You should try living like that ;)
No. 12755
>>12752Well, I never said that being yourself is being unkept or not taking care of yourself.
I just don't think wanting a big butt / skinny body / huge boobs / whatever because some people like this type of body and creating a complex out of that is smart…
No. 12801
>>12748sooo lesbians should care what guys think about their physical beauty?
doesn't make sense, but okay
No. 12802
>>12801You're not smart.
If you're heterosexual, you care about the opposite gender. If you're a lesbian then you care about what girls think of you. so yes it makes sense lol
No. 12821
>>12802>I'm sorry that you're a girl and you dont care if guys find you ugly, but I don't want to be like you. Why wouldnt you care about what guys like? what the fuck.That person literally asked why
girls (in general, not specifying which girls they ere referring to) shouldn't care what guys think of them, as though all girls were heterosexual.
So, no it doesn't make sense, LOL.
No. 12822
>>12821Considering that men are easier to manipulate if they like the way you look, I fail to see how it doesn't behoove lesbians to consider mens' tastes.
I seriously doubt Charlotte's audience and benefactors were other lesbians.
No. 13144
>>13142Then it makes sense you fucking idiot.
If you're attracted to guys then you care about their opinion. you can keep denying it to look independent and "fierce" but it's true
No. 13145
>>13144I'm talking about people who
aren't attracted to guys jfc you demented cunt
No. 13162
>>13148A cursory glance should show you why this thread was made.
One of the charlotte threads almost got derailed by thigh gaps and the attractiveness thereof.
In the second confessions thread here, both fat chicks and flat chicks managed to get offended when it was suggested that 100% of men don't drool over their body types specifically.
No. 13337
>>13306B-but she
lied about having an iPhone! She's
No. 13344
>>13162it's truly pathetic to be honest.
you must be very insecure to be offended that people here shit on all bodies. i guess it's because we have young teens on lolcow now so. they should leave
No. 13390
>>13306I imagine the Berry threads 13 y.o pinoy girls who are, yes, secretly jealous of her to a certain aspect. They reach like mad crazy.
For real, I actually like her shoops. They're pretty.
Also, they bring up old tweets and post, when people can change, when you're 15, you're an immature imbecile. GTFO pls.
No. 13402
>>13390yeah thats what surprised me about the thread. I remember someone else saying something a few weeks or months back and I never cared to look through it. I saw one of the latest shoops and said she was pretty, and it escalated into that because I felt like defending my
opinion while being aware of the fact that it's a shoop.
Even in threads where the person is hated, the discussions never become that idiotic, which just led me to believe the girls there are very young. The topics they choose to discuss, such as the size of her fingers just sold it to me that they don't really have anything to discuss and just want to dislike her.
Apparently she did something awful according to them (all I've gathered is that she lied about being rich, but that seems like a pretty stupid reason imo to spend hrs talking about her) but rather than talk about that they wonder about why she would wear a sweater in the summer (nvm that she was in doors in that pic either, where she could have the ac on).
No. 13409
>>13402The worst thing I've heard of her doing is shrugging off posts from younger girls who are depressed that they can't look like she does in her pictures with a, 'Who, me? Tee hee.'
>>13390 is right: every teenager since the advent of Myspace has been a self-absorbed fucknut. It would be wrong not to absolve her of relatively minor sins.
No. 13528
>>13469lol, I was really sleepy when I wrote that so it turned into this whole nonsensical rant.
Main point: Not blaming Berry for brushing off comments about girls hating themselves because I feel we should teach girls that they can't become someone else without surgery, photoshop, or makeup.
Basically, I feel that even she was rude brushing off depressed girl's comments, she should tell people straight up that they will never be her. No matter how much money they spend.
Berry isn't even herself for Pete's sake.
Some girls want to be people they are not, not realizing that some people look beautiful without trying because of genetics.
So, even if Berry isn't natural, and these girls find something else to lush over, they'll still be depressed.
Does this make sense? Sorry, if not, probably I'm worse than I thought at typing out my thoughts, hah
I'll erase my first comment when I get my phone back.
No. 13531
>>13525I get mad at myself all the time for not believing this guy when he was telling me he was in love with me a few years ago, all because of my horrible self esteem due to my weight. We had sex once, and he told me he loved my body, which I felt was just an excuse to fuck me again because he was desperate even though he had better options to choose from. I told him to fuck off and he still tried contacting me again so I deleted myself from all social media accounts for a yr and a half. Came back, found he had deleted all of his too, until about a month ago when he made a new fb. I wish I could contact him, but its been almost 2 yrs, plus I was a huge asshole.
Anyway point is, I think its great that you have this mindset and that you have someone to appreciate you and your beauty at the same time.