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No. 128677
>>51203here is another thread about twitch
Been streaming 1 year, super fun and make a good amount of bank
I also love interacting with female streamers
No. 128687
>>128678If you're really good, it doesn't matter!
You probably won't make tits-cash though, if that's all you care about.
No. 128689
>>128686>>128688They're also infamous for being titty streamers who don't even like the game. So not only do you have tons of competition, but that's what you're expected to be as well.
>>128687Titscash is exactly that, face doesn't matter much so long as you're busty enough for them to jack off to.
I feel bad for female streamers and lets players. Literally every one I've found other than sims players have had their tits out and made everything about sex. It must be hard trying to get anyone to watch you when they either only care about tits or tend to ignore female streamers because of all the glorified camwhores.
If anyone has links it'd be nice to find some normal women.
No. 128690
>>128686I am
>>128680 streamer. I streamed for MONTHS before I got anything more than 3-10 viewers. Also it is mostly likely the fact that league is an ovesaturated game streamer wise and you are most likely not used to being a streamer talking wise. I promise it doesn't matter that you are ugly, just over saturated game and personality. Once you get above a certain threshold of viewers (30-50) your stream will grow a lot more since more people can see it on the list. I also recommend watching other streamers and being active in their chats, as this might help you as well.
>>128685and people harassing you/stalking you online
>>128689This is a pretty stupid stereotypical that I promise you is 100% false. Even "tit streamers" (streamers with cleavage out, personally I think this is a stupid term bc not everyone with tits gets popular) generally enjoy the game. You have no idea how much work is put into streams and those bigger streamers generally do more than I do on mine.
>Literally every one I've found other than sims players have had their tits out and made everything about sexpls, go actually watch twitch. Usually the top 20 streams are mostly male and 1 woman who isn't a "booby streamer". People who don't watch twitch much seem to think that it's overrun with "camgirl" streams which is totally not the case. Most female streamers do not run this kind of stream, and in fact in the top 50 streamers only 2 are women, who are not "camgirl" types.
No. 128691
>>128690>infamous for beingI was talking about the stereotype, not what they are.
>Usually the top 20 streams are mostly male and 1 woman who isn't a "booby streamer"I'm not saying it's overrun by camgirls, I'm saying when I looked on YouTube multiple times all I could find was those kind of people and men. I watch plenty of men and they're all starting to sound the same to me. Streamers could be interesting too I guess, but I don't usually like to watch live streams. I know there are women who play games and like them. I'm one and I'm asking for links to people like that.
No. 128692
>>128678Trust me, it enough for you to have natural tits and vagina to get tit bucks.
>>128684Ofcourse, but if you don't even have a mic, you should compensate that by smooth play.
By the way it's not even nececary to stream a game, you may stream yourself draw things and do viewers requests, i once saw a girl who has been streaming how she was LEARNING painting, it was even promoted by twitch.
Generally all it takes to stream is ability to entertain people somehow.
No. 128706
>>128705Steel Series Siberia line and Cloud HyperX line gaming headsets are pretty nice.
>>128704As long as it's not an overly niche game you will probably get at least some viewers. It just really depends. What are the games you want to play on stream?
No. 128710
used to stream around half a year ago, but stopped so i could focus on finishing highschool.
it was super fun though! i didn't use cam tho because i wasn't really into looking presentable and just wanted to chill and play games like i would normally do. idk if 700 followers in 3 months is good but to me it was amazing, considering i didn't need to use my boobs.
most people on twitch are guys but you'd be surprised how many of them genuinely enjoy a female who knows what she's talking about and can just ramble on about games. i love talking to my chat and greeting everyone. i'm super shy irl but since im in my room alone and i just talk to people in the chat it's really easy for me to be peppy and entertaining.
my computer is kind of getting shitty though so if i pick up streaming again i'll probably have to use my boyfriend's.
i recommend you start playing games that have small communities or big games that have no females in them, you'll get a lot more attention. catchy titles help to! nothing clickbait-y but something that reflects your personality or what you're doing that stands out from a crowd and makes people want to click on your stream.
only thing about streaming that i dont like is that now i have a female friend who just streams like minecraft with her boyfriend with no sound or music and she wants me to host her, or people ask to play with you just to get attention to their own channels.
i wouldn't mind this if they made good content or we were good friends, but idk maybe im being too sensitive but i wouldn't like being used, though im sure actual streamers have more shit thrown at them.
(thankfully i dont stream anymore so i just dont do it but, does hosting someone alert your followers that you're online? because im on a hiatus so i wouldn't want people messaging me asking me if i'll be streaming again soon, because idk when i'll be ready for it).
anyways, i would def recommend it! it's a bit of a grind at first unless people shout you out, host you, or you get lucky someday and get a bunch of viewers while playing. (this happened to me once, soda poppin started playing the game i was playing and a lot of his shitty fans clicked on my stream as well)
Definitely would recommend if you love games and would love to have people to talk to while playing!
(also.. tips are kind of nice. they always go towards the stream like getting a good microphone and maybe a green screen in the future but hopefully if i do start again i could make enough to sustain myself)
No. 128715
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>>128676I used to stream on NicoNico Douga a little while back, I didn't really do anything besides try to speak butchered Japanese. I'm thinking of doing it again, my broadcast was getting a average of 200 viewers and the most was 600. I kind of want it to go somewhere, if i move onto gaming. If my internet wasnt so shit at least.
I am a hikkikomori/NEET with bad agoraphobia and social anxiety but when im on cam I seem to feel and act like a normal person.
No. 128716
>>128715Did you get Japanese viewers or?
I'm just wondering if streaming in a language you're practicing might be good for learning too!
No. 128724
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So i've never done any streaming of any kind but i've been thinking of starting streaming old jrpgs and rpgs and stuff of the likes of it on twitch because i really like them and i'm confident with actually playing those and talking about them instead of online games or whatnot. But i do have a few worries.
Which broadcaster software is the best (for the pc games) and most reliable out of all the options there are?
I'm not quite sure what is best, if to stream from ps3 or download ISOs and stream from my computer.
I watched some streams of people using ISO and they seem super unreliable, always crashing and whatnot, but streaming from ps3 seems a hassle, so i'm not sure what to start with, any anons that stream old stuff, what would you reccomend is best? Can you run into legal trouble if they see you using ISO? (i've seen cryaotic play with internet downloads on his streams, so i guess not, but i'm still curious)
I don't have dual monitors but i see most streamers do, so would you recommend i get another monitor for it or i can pass with only one pefectly fine?
Would you reccomend buying a stand mic or a headset better? Any cheap good ones?
Also, i have a pretty powerful computer, but my internet is pretty shit, plus i am an eurofag so twitch runs mostly like crap. Any europe anons that stream with avergae-bad internet, how it's working for you, have any tricks to make twitch not run like absolute horsehit? VPN?
Sorry for all the questions but i trust first hand info from here more than some probably paid promotion website answer lol.