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Who do you do that last rep for gals?
I do it for /pt/
No. 129862
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No. 129870
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>>129869Do you have celiac? Bummer.
Have you tried using flour alternatives? I'm really into them even though I don't have celiac (just trying to lower my carb intake) and they're amazing. So versatile for things like pancakes, and if you add protein powder to it you can make 'fit' pancakes and even cakes.
No. 129872
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Would not mind having these legs at all.
No. 129874
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and yep I strive to have strong legs. I would vomit if I had legs like that "fitness fanatic" fitvegan
No. 129891
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>>129873Brittany Perille, literally my goal body. MOAR of her
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>>129898What do you mean anon? In terms of calories or in terms of macros?
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No. 129913
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>>129910lol ok skelly chill
No. 129914
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No. 129916
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>>129911It's mostly about functionality. You want to have muscular thighs because it allows you to lift heavy and to be very strong. Also to some people it looks nice. To you skinny thighs look good, to me muscular ones do.
Hope you understand that beauty is subjective, if you don't…Ok?
No. 129917
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>>129912You need to work out roughly how many calories you need per day using something like then you want to lower your calorie intake below that, and up the amount of exercise you do if you want to lose weight. The opposite to gain. And eat your daily requirement to maintain.
No. 129918
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No. 129920
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>>129916My thighs are like this and to me the goal was never about functionality at all lol, I just wanted muscle because love how it looks. I respect all body types and blah blah but skinny legs are gross to me. Never felt the urge to go hate in the thinspo thread tho. These hungry bitches are crazy lol
No. 129922
Im so glad this thread exists. I was becoming delutional with all the ana threads. I forgot how happy it made me too lift weights, even if it was just at home and even though I couldn't afford heavier ones.
>>129921If you mean eating less and working out more, yes it works. I started out only changeing my eating, like not stuffing my face, and realising what foods derail me and stopping eating those. Then I very slowly started lifting weights, following various Schedules I found online, until I found one that fit me. I lost 20lbs in 4months. My mom died shortly after that, and I lost motivation.
I'm not brave enough to post pics, but My face And my ass were the first to change.
No. 129926
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>>129925It's muscle. You don't get thighs like that by accident. These girls train hard for them. And usually big quads come with mind blowing booty.
No. 129928
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>>129916Come on girl, you really think that kind of body has any "functionality" to it? It's pure aesthetic and just like the male bodybuilder version, it's freaky and ugly to most people.
But I think it's cool that some women want these body, it's very masculine and very challenging in term of standart of beauty to see gorgeous women
with crazy body like thoses. (most of them have dog face tho)
No. 129929
>>129901I eat around 6000kjs
I'm looking back at my macros and seeing what an idiot I am actually, most of the days I've had 50% I've been having chocolate (dairy free sugar reduced) and others are days when I've had 5 eggs. Any tips on binging on sweet foods? hah
>>129902They both look interesting I'll watch when I get a chance, thanks anon
No. 129930
>>129928You're a moron. Powerlifters are notoriously unhealthy and get fat for weight classifications.
Keep acting like muscles don't do anything.
No. 129931
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>>129928Many female powerlifters actually look ok. The media just likes to report on the heavy classification because it looks grotesque and fits their HAES narrative.
No. 129933
>>129929When stoping eating sugar I first moved to binging on dried fruits, like dates and prunes at first, though not anymore now.
You could do something healthier like a raw protein bar in a blender that chops dry food:
-mix coconut flour and protein powder
-some dates
-little amount of nuts
-if wished low fat cacao powder/gingerbread spices
-little amount of coconut oil
-some fruit like apples/pears/bananas or raspberries, if the carb count is getting too high
- then if too dry add a bit water until you get a good consistency
you can experiment with the ingredients as you like them to fit your macros
No. 129935
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No. 129938
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>>129932There is a wide range of possibilities between freaky muscle and skinny fat.
I respect fit and tonned women and I think they are beautiful. However I hate this ugly muscular horse look that is trendy a the moment.
No. 129947
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No. 129949
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>>129928Fuck she's hideous.
No. 129950
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No. 129951
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>>129936Report and ignore proana posters.
No. 129953
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>>129942Your metabolism is fine. If you GENUINELY think it's lower, get your ass to the doctor because that's serious.
Start keeping a food diary/calorie diary and exercising a bit more. That's all you need.
No. 129954
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>>129946Same. Fukken skellies. Can't carry shopping, can't walk far, can't go hiking, can't run for shit, can't eat normally. They're like fat people, but more attractive.
No. 129955
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>>129956cottage cheese with pineapple chunks is delicious though, you need to try it
No. 129959
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No. 129964
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>>129963So many are mad at her tho. They created lots of 'responses' like pic related
No. 129966
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No. 129967
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Oh wait snap
No. 129969
>>129968What meds? My mom's doctor prescribed her steroids for… some reason (I don't even remember why) and it made her retain water. She's never been able to lose the weight and between a foot surgery and a desk job, she's not that active. She has lost some weight, but she's at a standstill as well, because she needs to start doing more.
If your mom can figure out what about the meds are causing her to plateau, figuring out how to counteract that can be easier.
No. 129973
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Just wanted to recommend /r/xxfitness to you guys! It's a really supportive, friendly environment. You can learn a lot of info there. I believe they have a newbie tuesdays thread every week where you can ask anything
No. 129974
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Fit girls in dresses tho
No. 129977
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>>129968What kind of eercise is she doing? Does she have a food diary?
No. 129989
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>>129974REAL curves, not that bullshit whales claim to have
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>>129985A word of warning, you might want to adjust these a bit for your individual needs. Some people prefer to have less carbs and more protein, because it keeps them full, other people like to have high quality fats. So don't sweat about macros too much esp. if you're a total noob. Concentrate on calories and try to vaguely hit your macros.
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I'm having a weird time. I've lost 7 pounds in the past 2 weeks on my cut which is not good because I'm already pretty lean. And I feel SO off. Acne breakout on my cheek which I never ever get, feel super empty and shaky, emotions are all over the place. I keep upping my calories (at 2000-2200 now) and it won't stop. -_- I've never experienced this before, it's freaking me out.
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No. 130005
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The other day I tried a new protein bar (it was cheap, at the pharmacy, some random brand I didn't know) and it's day 2 of horrible constipation and vile farts. I've never had this kind of reaction to a protein bar before. The farts are so strong and frequent, I can't take this anymore.
Send help.
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No. 130011
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n00b question: is there any point to exercising (to tone/gain muscle i.e. aesthetic reasons) while I lose weight?
I understand exercise will allow me to reach a larger calorie deficit, but I'm already eating at a very large calorie deficit. I've lost 60 lbs. already and want to lose 50 lbs. more. I don't really have any muscle mass, and my ass is in particularly bad shape. Do I do squats and stuff now or wait until I reach my ultimate goal weight?
thanks /g/
No. 130014
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No. 130017
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>>130011If you are a noob, you'll be able to gain muscle even at a caloric defecit. Go for it anon! If you want a llan to start oit with you might like the program strong curves, it's great for building an ass.
No. 130019
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No. 130022
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Katy hearn (pic related) has a useful IG account with a shit ton of instructional videos: khvideos
No. 130023
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She's really cute imo
No. 130024
>>130011Muscle will help you burn fat
Also with muscle you'll have extra stamina for exercise and exercise butns calories+boosts metabolism
So ya
Also muscles visually make areas appear slimmer and leaner, but keep in mind no such thing as spot reduction
No. 130027
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No. 130028
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Anyone else here a squat fan? I find them easy and fun, so I probably overdo it (up to 100 squats, I'm trying to do dumbbell squats too lately) and it's making me hilariously sore the next day.
I've found that asking someone to massage your ass and the back of your thighs really helps. Especially chopping motions, it makes it feel less tense.
No. 130029
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No. 130031
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>>129928I don't think you understand what the word "functionality" means. Powerlifting first of all is a controversial sport in terms of the damage it does to competitors. Few other disciplines are so taxing on joints with so little muscular payoff (relatively speaking).
As for the image you posted…That's a heavyweight…There are 'ugly' fat heavyweight boxers, MMA fighters and strongmen. They're not necessarily any better, in fact that tends to be the weight category where everyone sucks, because fat isn't functional. You can't lift weights or add power (beyond gravity kek) with sheer fat tissue.
Hope I helped my friend.
No. 130032
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No. 130035
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>>130034What's your weekly food budget?
No. 130036
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>>130038Cool links, but just a protip, the dailymail is not very reliable for science
No. 130040
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Any of you anons watch fitness youtubers? I really like robin gallant atm. She cute
No. 130041
>>130040Yeah I like to watch scooby and rippetoe
They're super cute
No. 130042
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No. 130043
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I keep forgetting her name. Does anyone remember? I think she's australian?
No. 130044
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No. 130045
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Swam for an hour yesterday, I'm still sore.
Saw a weird thing tho. A lady came in, around early 20s but she was really fat so it's kinda hard to tell. I've never seen her at the pool before, but I haven't see every single person that goes so whatever.
She came in, stood around for a bit, then did ONE lap (so down the length of the pool and back) slowly of back crawl. So the kind of thing you do to relax, not exercise. She rested after this surely strenuous exercise- Then she came out of the pool and back into the changing rooms.
My question is WHY. WHY would you go into the effort of putting on your swimsuit,paying the entrance fee, cap, getting wet and all that to spend a total of 10 minutes in the pool?
Maybe I'm too much of a bitch. Maybe she suddenly had a stomach ache. Maybe she could feel an epileptic seizure coming on. But nah I have a feeling it's just another fatty doing token exercise so they can eat a dozen donuts afterwards.
No. 130046
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>>130045I miss fat people hate. Now that it's gone I have nowhere to complain about fatties anymore. I hate how nowadays we have to accept them ,when they're a blatant waste of resources, they're the physical manifestation of sloth, they're an unhealthy influence on children, they're a strain on the medical system and they're nowhere near making the most use of their body.
I'm actually very soft on fatties, I have no problems with even chubby people (pic related) because I see it like smoking, but obese people have gone over that thin line and
trigger me so much. Iono if it's all the hentai I've watched or if it's because I like chubby babies/animals, but I'm ok with overweight people. Obese get my blood boiling tho.
No. 130047
I was sick for about two weeks and all I did was sleep. I've been better for a couple weeks but I'm still not eating much and I'm procrastinating on getting back to the gym. I feel terrible because I shouldn't need the inspo but I do. This thread is seriously appreciated right now
>>130046fatpeoplehate moved to voat. It's still pretty active there.
No. 130052
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>>130047>>130048Oh shiiiii!
Thank you so much anons! I'm so happy!!! It was a huge part of my routine, so I really missed it lol
No. 130053
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No. 130054
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>>130050Chickpeas, beans, EGGS, dairy that kind of thing. You don't really need protein powder (especially if you're not really into fitness) but it's nice to have around to add to a shake or even bake with every now and then. Finding one that doesn't taste like shit is a challenge tho
No. 130056
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>>130055cholesterol from eggs being bad for you is a meme pretty much, so go crazy with them, but obviously don't have 12 a day or anything
like with anything your best bet is moderation
No. 130057
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>>130055I eat 3 eggs a day and my cholesterol is always low. Eggs r love eggs r life
No. 130059
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No. 130060
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>>130058or those people who leave heavy shit on, like dude I can't squat 80kg but thanks for leaving it on arnold dickbagnegger
or those creepy dudes (sometimes girls!) who burn a hole staring at you…creepy dudes at the pool too
or hoarding the free weights. Or messing up the free weights like you're a toddler messing up toys
people doing anything but squatting in the squat rack. I have yet to see curling dumbbells in the squat rack, but it's going to happen one of these days.
guys who come over and try to give you advice in the weight room. Not because of bad form, or because you're doing something wrong, just because you're female and obviously he knows more about this stuff, just look at his swole (fat) bod! Or ugly guys hitting on you in general.
people who leave bodily fluids on machines. Wipe them down fuckers, it looks like an atomic bomb victim's shadow on here
people who put the towel on the bench and then walk off for more than 5 minutes, at rush hour no less. Bitch you're not resting between reps, fuck off.
anyone else got gym pet peeves?
No. 130061
>>130060I'm going to the gym for the first time in my life today, so it's sort of nice to read this stuff to know what not to do so you don't look like an ass
(I'm also anxious as FUCK because I have no plan yet and idk if any trainer is going to be there. I just wanna learn to use the machines, everything else is easy imo. I hate being a newb)
No. 130065
>>130064Ok, thanks for your answer. Another question I have, is a strict diet absolutely necessary to see results, or is it enough to watch out what I'm eating? For what I googled, it seems to depend on the person but I'm not convinced.
For some problems I have at home is a little difficult for me to diet in a perfect way.
No. 130068
>>130063hahaha nope, not here! I live in a tiny town so its not like at any other developed country lol
But I asked a friend to tag along anx it was fun. Sure will keep on going there
No. 130071
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>>130061Aww anon, just don't be a dick and you'll be fine. Most if not all gym pet peeves occur due to people being self centered, dickish or in some way encroaching on other people's space/time etc.
Clean machines after yourself and learn how to use the equipment, and you're on your way to becoming a model fitizen.
Also I'm so happy for you, yay for gym! It's so awesome that you're going!
If you're super shy you might want to supplement your gym time with home equipment like dumbbells, but if you're not scared of going to the gym, then more power to you! :) You'll make it anon, we're all gonna make it.
No. 130072
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No. 130073
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>>130062STEP ONE- Buy some dumbbells. You want the sort with weights you can remove and adjust, not the pink shitty aerobics ones.
STEP TWO- Google starting strength and body weight exercises. Make yourself a routine loosely based around starting strength, include french press, squats, military press, pushups and something for your back.WRITE DOWN these exercises on a cool postcard or piece of paper, whatever floats your boat. Do 5 sets of 8 until (muscle) failure but you don't always need to reach failure, just vaguely aim for it.
STEP 3- Do this several times a week. Print out/draw a chart to map when you exercise in a week and what exercises you do.
STEP 4- Eperiment with cutting out dairy, eating less carb, more fibre and watch that belly bloat disappear.
No. 130074
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>>130066that's the best bit anon!
>>130073oh yeah and obviously have a few leg exercises other than the squats, although if you do your squats right they'll mess you up pretty good. I do 20x5 squats so 100 and it's a killer.
No. 130076
>>130075Very, why else would calfs drink it.
Not good for cutting, but 2% is good for bulks
No. 130077
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No. 130079
>>130078Avoid processed foods at all costs because they add a lot of extra sodium to help preserve the food. Not sure about the benefits of sea salt over reg table salt for that, but sea salt tastes better imo. And add it to food in small doses, you'll find you don't need a lot of salt to make something taste good anyway.
Try to figure out how long it takes you to get hungry when you take a regular meal. I've found its around 3 hours for me. Then try to eat foods that leaves you feeling full for longer. Example, a high protein diet for me as breakfast rarely leaves me feeling famished for lunch, and I don't eat a large breakfast. Don't cut carbs if you're on you're feet all day because you'll want the energy, just eat good carbs that are complex and will have a slow burn. I used to have really early mornings at my job and my body craved carbs after because of the movements I was doing, lifting and shit. I still lost weight as a result. Listen to what your body wants and when it wants it.
Also drink water and tea if you feel like you're snacking too much. Tea can supress the appetite if you don't abuse it too much, and green tea with honey is delicious. I use coffee in this way, but only because I also need to wake up it gives too.
No. 130080
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>>130075It's cheap and versatile, so it's not the worst thing you could be consuming.
>>130078What kind of birth control are you on exactly? Give specifics
No. 130083
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No. 130084
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No. 130090
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No. 130094
>>130088No you want a lifetime change into healthier eating habits so u won't gain it again. It won't do you any use to eat nothong but cucumbers for 3 weeks, only then to go back to stuffing your face with cheesecake every day. It's about cutting calories to lose, normal for maintenance and higjer for bulk
Exercise builds muscle and is great for a lot of stuff, also allows u to eat llike a pig if you're at a high level which is cool
No. 130095
>>130079It takes about three hours for me too. But my work shift is six hours long and halfway through work my stomach starts growling and I refuse to eat a meal there because there's no healthy option. So I end up snacking on processed stuff. I'll be more careful though!
>>130080I'm on the pill, specifically Gracial.
No. 130096
>>130079best advice ever. figuring out how long it takes you to get hungry is very important in times where it's so hard to distinguish between hunger and appetite because food is everywhere.
for me it's 4-5 hours. I usually wait 1-2 hours before I have breakfast and drink a coup of tea instead. then I'll have breakfast at 10 am, lunch at 2pm and dinner at 6/7pm. I also find it helpful to first eat fruit, than some complex carbs + little protein, than an equal amount of carbs and protein for lunch and only protein and fat for dinner.
I don't know why but with this method I can eat more calories than I burn without gaining. I mean, not excessive amounts but I eat between 2000 and 2200kcal a day and according to my fitness tracker I only burn 1700. I'm very lazy at the moment and only walk 10 000 - 15 0000 steps with no additional exercise. I've done this for 6 months, haven't gained a pound and my measurements also haven’t changed. I'm not saying this is a great method for becoming fit or super skinny. I'm pretty average and also a midget. But it sure helps you avoiding obesity.
If you add some cardio/lifting and lower your intake a little bit becoming fit following this pattern should be quite easy. Basically, don’t be as lazy as I am.
I can’t believe my former ana-self who twas convinced she would gain on 1000 kcal.
No. 130098
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>>130092Ya. Nature's energy bar.
No. 130099
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>>1300964 hours is reasonable, it's roughly the time it takes your stomach to digest an average sized meal
No. 130100
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>>130095You should REALLY consider changing your birth control to something in lower doses i.e a dermal implant or a spiral. Head over to the birth control thread on /g/ and check them out. There are better options out there than oral contraceptives.
No. 130101
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No. 130102
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No. 130108
>>130103sorry, I can only give you bad news. I also ruined my boobs by wanting to become spoopy: I'm eating normal since 6 years now. They never grew back. Still look like deflated balloons.
But you might get your ass back.
However, I heard that as you grow older your fat distribution tends to focus around the tummy.
No. 130109
>>130107Okay anon, i'll try to eat more advocado and seeds then, fingers crossed!
>>130108I'm so sad to hear that anon, it fucking sucks, but yeah i'll shoot for having a nice ass atleast. I wonder how common this is tho? I tried to google it but found nothing.
No. 130110
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No. 130111
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No. 130112
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>>130103This will be hard to accept, but you pretty much spirited away your boobs. Boobs are mostly fat deposits, so there's not much you can do about them, and there's no such thing as spot reduction so forget about that.
Prgenancy will make your boobs grow, maybe you'll be one of the lucky ones who gets enormous tits that stay from pregnancy. Another option is obviously surgery, and it can look good and it CAN be afordable.
No. 130114
>>130113Not really no, unless you get doctors to somehow
trigger a second puberty. Plastic surgery would be the cheapest and easiest solution here comparitevly speaking. Hormones aren't this magical cure, they're carcinogenic and won't necessarily make your tits huge.
No. 130115
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Enough with the boob talk! Moar fitness!
No. 130116
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thinking positively is half the battle!
No. 130117
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No. 130119
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>>130118you should try the boob thread in the catalogue, it's somewhere here on /g/ maybe they'll have some good tips on boob growth
good luck!
No. 130120
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No. 130121
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No. 130126
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>>130125lose not loose, losing not looseing
loose is when something is floppy like a vagina after giving birth
No. 130128
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No. 130129
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who here fell for the crossfit meme?
don't be shy
No. 130133
>>130130are you nuts? your hormones make your vaginal muscles relax before during and after birth to enable ease delivery so yeah it gets loose
plz get edumercated
No. 130137
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No. 130142
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No. 130144
>>130136ugh, I hate that. I went to do some floor stuff one evening and there wasn't any room because a bunch of randos were just sitting there talking.
I'm getting a little frustrated with my gym lately.
No. 130150
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>>130146A huge aspect of fitness is the way you think. It's what makes the difference between the slob who stays on his couch watching simpsons and the guy who goes out there loses 60kg and becomes an MMA fighter.
Motivation is important, but habits and self control are far more important. Motivation is like a vitamin supplement, good healthy habits and self control are like your protein and fibre. You need plenty of those.
Habits come from doing something a lot, fake it till you make it. Self control is like a brain muscle that you can train. Start small, tell yourself you WON'T eat that chocolate in your fridge today, or for an hour, or however much you can do, and build it up. Celebrate your every success and keep a weightloss diary.
You don't need to write in your weightloss/fitness diary everyday, and it can be private/public on paper/as a blog/as a word document anything you want. Make a tumblr, a pinterest, a wordpress for your journey. Your journey will have ups and downs. Even the biggest fitness freaks have days when they're too tired to exercise, when they're too depressed to eat properly, when they go out partying and drink over their calorie limit. Then they spring back. Motivation isn't enough to help you spring back, it's habits and self control that will.
No. 130151
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>>130149what about kpop diets? some of them eat so little on top of all the dancing they do, it's insane
No. 130152
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>>130151sorry wrong image
that's for a reasonable japanese diet thing
image related is what I was talking about
No. 130155
>>130153I wouldn't plan it so much. Just work out as much as you can even if that means seven days in a row. Non-rest days easily turn into rest days due to work, tiredness, etc and before you know it you're resting 5 days a week. These days I only take rest days if I'm clearly underperforming, which for me means I feel like I'm working hard but my heart rate is stuck under 160.
I would gradually increase to more like an hour of cardio. 20-30 mins is where I hit the first wall and used to stop but now I consider that the end of the warmup phase. I try to do 60-120 mins these days.
No. 130158
>>130154It's pretty good, focuses a lot on core strength and breathing, gets a good sweat going. Yogalates is also good & you get a 10min nap time towards the end of it lol
>>130155Duely noted anon, my gym is weird when it comes to cardio though, I've only ever seen girls(and dudes) do a max of 10mins cardio, so I feel strange being on there so long. Sunday is a forced rest day though because my gym isn't staffed and I'm not gonna drop $25 on a 24/7 pass
No. 130161
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>>13016030 day shred is pretty damn good, and only takes 30 minutes of your day so there is no excuse not to do it.
Just stick to it and do every level for 10 days each, and count your calories so you cut a lot of the fat out. If you do that, you should be able to see some definition by the end. I did 15 days of it before my brothers wedding, and I lost a good inch and a half off of my hips.
If you aren't very fit, it's hell in the beginning but worth it. Use those extra 3x a week to run on the treadmill or smth and then you'll be golden.
No. 130164
>>130145That's the dream…!
I live in a small apartment to save money for buying a house. The home gym dream is going to be very real.
No. 130167
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No. 130168
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>>13016540 minutes sounds good, but it really depends on what you're doing, the intensity and if you're taking breaks. Also what results are you looking for?
For some people half an hour a week of cardio is enough, for the body type they desire. For others, their love of ice cream and desire to have a bit of muscle means they need to do more strength work and for longer. It all depends.
No. 130171
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No. 130174
>>130172 When I go to the gym I wear a sports bra and a loose tanktop, or an oversized tshirt I don't care about. Unless you're outside you probably won't need long sleeves or hoodies. If you're going to buy any exercise clothing I'd recommend a sports bra and pants/shorts first.
My favorite bottoms are dart and dash shorts from Lululemon. I think they were discontinued but they're the perfect length for any exercise and they have large pockets to keep all your stuff in. For cheaper clothing Target or TJ Maxx usually have some good stuff.
No. 130176
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>>130170Awesome anon, I'm very happy for you! We're all gonna make it!
No. 130177
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>>130172>I want to get a gym membership That's great, and I don't want to discourage you, but if you really want to get serious about fitness and weightloss, you should look into getting some dumbbells (the real kind with removable, disks, not pink weights) and into strength training along with body exercises.
Find a nice program that works for you, but try to stay away from circuit training, crossfit and other memes. Then and only THEN should you be supplementing your workout with the gym, where you'll primarily be making use of the barbells.
Isolation exercises are 1- bad for your joints and bones 2-shitty and inefficient ways to get aesthetic muscles. The gym is ironically the last place a beginner should start.
Beginners sign up to a gym, go all the time for the first few weeks to to some random isolation exercises and cardio, and then inevitably like human beings do, they get tired and don't feel like going more and more. What you need is to be doing the bulk of your workouts at home. You can't escape them at home.
Discipline which will force you to go the gym will develop from this, and the gym is awesome don't get me wrong, but don't discourage yourself by making the gym your soul source of workouts.
No. 130178
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>>130173Yeah they're bretti good. I read once that they simulate shovelling snow, so you'll get a nice back from it.
No. 130180
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>>130132I know that feeling, I know someone who posts about it constantly on FB. They also gave my sister some powder milkshake shit when she was recovering in the hospital. Fucking ridiculous.
>>130179I think the article is saying the friend texted him every day for six weeks, not that he lost 21 stone in six weeks.
No. 130182
How do I into powerlifting? Bodies like the girl in
>>129931 are definitely my ideal look but I'm not sure how to get into it as a sport.
I'm not looking into doing it competitively but how do I start working out like them?
No. 130183
>>130045This might have been the best she could do for now. You have to work your way up somehow. Yes she is horrendously out of shape but she's at least starting to do something about it.
It's not like she was being an asshole or doing anything to anyone. People like you are the reason why people like her feel so hopeless that they don't even want to try and fix their shit.
No. 130184
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Any advice for someone who is disabled and has chronic depression?
I used to workout hard a few years ago but ended up developing sciatica and found out my knee caps are fucked, so I was told not to do anything high impact anymore or anything that puts too much pressure on my knees or leg, like squats, jumping, running, etc. Some days I can't even walk for 30 minutes without being in pain.
I miss working out and hate that I'm about 30 lb overweight, even after losing 50 lb. I count calories and all that but wish I was in shape again. What do?
No. 130185
>>130183Yeah but 10 minutes come on now
she's not going to get in shape from this, only have a false sense of athleticism
what she needs to do is eat LESS
No. 130186
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>>130184For weightloss, I find pic related very helpful. You can even stop counting calories if you follow pic related.
Anyway, good luck anon and I sincerely mean it.
No. 130187
>>130185And how do you know she's not currently doing that? If you're super obese doing 10 minutes of exercise is probably all you can handle at the very beginning of your weight loss plan. What if that was her first time ever at the gym?
I just feel like it's retarded to shit on someone for trying to improve themselves, because they aren't doing it at the exact same pace as you.
No. 130189
>>130186Thanks. That's what I'm hoping to move towards at some point. Right now, I'm trying to recover by myself from BED and feel like I need to count calories, because I have no concept of portions and stuff. I'd love to be able to just eat when I'm hungry though. Hopefully someday.
>>130188No, I wish though. I live in a smallish town without access to a pool. My options pretty much include walking (which still hurts sometimes), low impact workout videos, stuff like shadowboxing where I can sit down and just move my upper body, and yoga and light strength training at home with modifications.
No. 130192
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>>130190I don't see how I'm being a dick for pointing out the obvious. Swimming one lap and then sitting in the pool for 10 minutes is not going to burn any noticeable amount of calories, and it won't increase her muscle tone. There's literally no benefit to it. She'd be better off just eating less and maybe doing some situps at home.
This modern attitude of everyone gets a medal is troubling to me. It's dangerous in fact. It's the reason why there's such a huge wave of morbidly obese people doing yoga, jogging, strenuous cardio and other things which, frankly, are quite taxing on their joints, causing microtears and messing them up.
Exercise is good, but there's no use in deluding yourself that one lap is going to have any effect on your health. Even water physiotherapy for bedbound stroke victims is longer than 10 minutes.
We live in a western culture of excuses and whining. Of not saying the truth because it's "rude" even if that person is literally killing themselves with fat. It's why (partially) in eastern especially asian countries there's far less obesity.There's a huge stigma and public shaming attached to being fat. Relatives ask you why you're eating so much, strangers helpfully tell you jogging won't help and will in fact ruin your joints at your size etc.
The fact of the matter is though, we would rather be drowned to death in compliments than saved with criticisms.
And to be fair, I never said a word to that woman. Hardly glanced her way since I know fat people feel very self concious at gyms etc. I think I have the right to wonder to myself…Why is this woman doing this? Does a moment of realisation never pass through her mind?
No. 130193
>>130192So you followed her around for the rest of the day and totally know everything she ate and the rest of what she did? Because otherwise you literally just can't know what she is and isn't doing. For a lot of people, they start a diet and exercise plan around the same time.
You're not providing a criticism that makes sense because you don't know what the rest of her deal is. You cannot look at the fucking 20 minutes you saw of her life and have any idea what she is and isn't doing. If you knew her personally it would be a different story but you're providing a potentially baseless criticism (and honestly, it's mostly just an insult) for a random stranger so that you can feel better about yourself. It's not helpful, it's just sad.
No. 130194
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>>130193>and totally know everything she ate and the rest of what she did?No, I never said I did. You're trying to say I don't know her life, and that's something I brought up in my initial comment. For all I know she felt an epileptic seizure coming on. Whether she had just started or not however, one lap is just pointless. Why not do sit ups or something? Why bother? It's a legitimate question. Takes her longer to get ready and get there than she spend exercising.
>You cannot look at the fucking 20 minutes It was 10 minutes actually, and I sure can judge. Human beings observe and to some extent need to make some assumptions based on experience and observations in order to make their world make sense. She had a fatkini, no swim cap and swum ONE lap of slow leisurely BACKSTROKE. That will not improve her health in any way, and is just a waste of time.
I would wonder this if she were super fit and muscular too. Why come in just to do that? What's the point?
> It's not helpful, it's just sadOf course it's not helpful, these are thoughts inside of my head. Why does every thought need to have a utility?
No. 130195
>>130193you seem to be taking this on a somewhat personal level.
right now you sound like all the rest of those tumblr twats like 'u don't know muh body!!'
the criticism being made was perfectly valid. why waste money on a gym membership, and the time going there, if you're not actually going to exercise?
ten minutes in a pool does not count for jack shit as far as caloric expense is concerned. Even if she can't do more high-intensity exercises at her current weight, she should be trying to improve her endurance at least. Otherwise, what's the point? Yeah, she
could be on the start of a weight loss journey, but literally nobody starts with one lap in a pool being the limit of their physical capability. Exercise is supposed to be about pushing yourself to improve.
No. 130198
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>>130197It's a PULL tard.
Also, we're going to have to bear with them getting
triggered for a long time.
No. 130199
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>>130196>Being a salty cunt simply has a detrimental effect on motivationHow exactly was I being a salty cunt to her? How exactly did I hurt her motivation? I didn't say a word to the fatkini clad whale.
And I maintain that swimming one lap of leisurely backstroke is useless. She'd be more efficient doing laps around her couch.
No. 130202
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>>130200Lazy anon chiming in. I agree with
>>130201 really. I'm not saying you're lazy or anything but it's basically how I am with working out, as far as starting at "zero". You've just got to start a regiment of something, anything really. You get used to it in your schedule and you can build on top of that. Don't worry about keeping up with people in workout videos, it's fucking hard at first! But once you get into a routine it gets better and then you'll want to branch out. There's no time limit on getting fit, but trying and keeping at it is the first step.
No. 130203
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>>130200These are quite easy and it's not a video so you can go to the next one (or skip one) whenever you feel ready
No. 130205
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>>130204I agree, situps are pretty shit. You're better off doing planks, chin ups, russian twists with a dumbbell or basically anything else.
Then again, if someone genuinely enjoys situps, more power to them, but it's not worth the backache to me, and I have to do them with a dumbbell for them to even have an effect of my abs. Otherwise it's just cardio.
No. 130208
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>>130203Lmao is this an exercise plan for people who are 400 lbs and can barely move? This looks so easy and quick, even for beginners.
No. 130209
>>130208jfc i was just about to get onto you anon for acting like some superior asshat, but then I realized that each line represents a day and that you aren't meant to do that all in one go.
That shit is too simple even for beginners. I doubt they would even break a sweat.
No. 130211
>>130207I don't have a clue about the science, but I can tell you that when I lost weight, that's exactly what happened: there were no linear stages, but generally the fat would become a bit more like flab, than my skin would start to look a bit loose and "jelly-like" as you put it. I'd get really discouraged and demotivated and feel like, if anything, I was getting fatter, what was I doing wrong, etc. Then, within about a fortnight (at most) of this, it just seemed to disappear and the skin would tighten up, and I looked smaller and better and was actually leaner. This was most obvious when I barely had anything to lose.
No. 130217
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>>130216It depends on how well you digest it. Most people can't digest it very well. Try cutting it out of your diet completely for a few months and observe for changes to your acne, stool consistency, energy levels, bloat etc. If there's none, you're one of the lucky few that digest milk very well. It's a cheap source of fat and protein however, so in terms of being a cheap /fit/ food, it fits the bill even for those slightly intolerant.
P.s you might want to try using a capital letter for "I" and for starting new sentences, it makes you look very silly if you don't. I'm sure you're not silly anon.
No. 130218
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>>130215Get ones you can adjust the weights on. You won't "grow out" of those anytime soon, as they go up to very heavy weights. Pic related. Note the screws on the side you can undo and change the weights on. Don't waste your money on small pink weights, set weight weights or anything of the sort, unless it's a heavy kettlebell.
Also, make sure you mildly know what you're doing. Find a starting strength program that works for you, listen to rippetoe a bit on youtube.
No. 130219
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No. 130221
>>130217not silly, just on mobile. don't be a faggot.
thanks for the advice tho
No. 130222
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I just want to say thanks to everyone in this thread.
Reading about everyone's success has really motivated me to get in shape again and start taking better care of myself.
No. 130228
>>130223Well, a few years ago, I've managed to lose about 50lb/22kg by doing cardio for an hour 6x/week. I used to just ride a stationary bike at a moderate pace, but hit a plateau and started doing high impact cardio and HIIT instead for 45 minutes. I also used MyFitnessPal to count my calories. I never tried any diets or anything; just eating in moderation.
I fell off the bandwagon for awhile because I ended up overexercising and hurt myself, so I had to stop working out. I developed BED and gained back about 20lb/9kg, and that's where I am today.
Seeing everyone in this thread working so hard and taking care of themselves really makes me want to try to do that again, even though I'm still struggling to overcome BED. I remember how good I used to feel after working out and how I never used to hate my body or feel the urge to shove $50 worth of junk food into my face. So, I'm going back to calorie counting and found a good 30 minute cardio workout series on Youtube to follow 5x/week.
No. 130229
>>130228This this this
I unfortunately can't do much hi impact cardio because of a previous injury that tore the shit out of a tendon, but I speedwalk for 40 minutes to an hour, at high inclines. I occasionally swim and it's how I've lost 50 lbs
No. 130230
>>130229Congrats on your weight loss! I'm still not able to do high impact cardio either because of my injury, but I've found alternative moves to use in workout videos that still keep my heart rate up. Cherish that pool! Swimming is such a great workout without the stress on your body.
In case anyone is interested, this is the video series I'm using. I like that it shows you lower impact moves if you're not able to keep up with the more strenuous stuff.
No. 130231
>>130226How coincidental I had the same thing yesterday (same tooth too!) I was just told to take it easy for the day and follow the aftercare sheet which consisted of "Bathe with salt water 3x a day" (why I needed an A4 sheet to say only that is beyond me) and I hit the gym today without any issue!
It varies from person to person so what might be easily bounced back from by one person may take longer in someone else.
Good luck with the mouth recovery though! Wisdom teeth are the worst sometimes
No. 130232
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>>130222We're all going to make it anon kun.
>>130224To be honest, it depends a lot on what you're trying to get out of yoga. There are many different types of yoga. Are you looking for relaxation? Increased flexibility? Dealing with muscle soreness? Arthritis treatment? Cardio warmup? Spiritual reasons?
Find out why you want to do it, get some clear goals and then go for it. All you need is a yoga mat and an eager mind. You can do it anon, I believe in you <3
No. 130234
>>130224if you are looking on youtube. I recommend Sara Beth Yoga and Yoga with Adriene. they both have yoga for beginner videos, and their playlists are well organised to help find what your looking for.
I love yoga. I do it because I have back pain and it helps. But there are a lot of different kinds for different things, like anon said before.
And you dont absolutely NEED anything to start. I literally do it in my pjs on the floor next to my bed.
No. 130235
>>130230Thank you for sharing! I actually used it last night for the first time and I really like it, I c an actually feel the burn in my abs and thighs. I think I'm going to stick to imitating videos for a while since I just feel so lost when I try to do sets alone. It's boring as well, I like having a trainer count for you and show you the way and be motivated. Would continuing watchig videos (of all catogories) everyday (with break days) be a good way to get fit?
Also any tips on how not to feel sick after drinking water? I feel a bit weird since I'm starting out and I have horrible stamina and then when I drink some water I feel a bit sick, will I get over it or am I doing something wrong?
No. 130236
>>130235No problem! I'm like you in that I get bored from following my own routine. There's definitely nothing wrong with using videos to lose weight and build up your strength and stamina. If staying motivated is hard for you, I'd say using videos might be your best bet because there's such a variety and having someone else "there" might hold you more accountable to your goals.
I don't know how much water your drinking when you start to feel sick, but you should try to go easy on drinking water during your workout. If you feel sick post-workout, try just sipping a little or maybe find another drink that quench your thirst. I don't think there's any harm in waiting awhile after a workout to drink some water unless you're feeling symptoms of severe dehydration.
I actually remember reading about a study that concluded that drinking pure coconut water after a workout led to less nausea and stomach issues than just drinking water. You could always try that.
Good luck and let me know if you have any more questions!
No. 130244
>>130239I've recomended to a friend to use filled waterbottles as weights since they are meant to fit in your hands and with the right number of sets and reps you get a decent workout (plus a reminder to hydrate since it's right there!)
Also on YT there was a bit of a craze using purses as a weight since a lot of women have a good 5 lbs in their purses.
>>130242As a student do you get a meal plan? Or are you living off campus and have to provide food for yourself?
For thighs and butt do squats and donkey kicks. For arms, work planks in as well as various bicep and triceps curls.
No. 130255
>>130254Get thin.
Seriously, you cannot spot reduce. Your thighs and hips will get slimmer along with the rest of you. You can't just target all the stored calories in your thighs or whatever.
How do you think weightloss works?
No. 130257
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No. 130258
>>130256Just google thigh toning exercises, its really that simple.
You can also find a lot of them on
No. 130259
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No. 130260
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>>130254You can't. Anyone that tells you you can, is a damn liar. Beyond surgery and toning up that area (to make it visually look SLIGHTLY firmer and thus slimmer) you CANNOT spot reduce. There is no special berry, no massage, no exercise, no wrap, no ancient chinese tea or secret amazon herb pill that will move fat cells away from one part of the body.
No. 130262
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I saw this yesterday and my mouth made an O. It's actually really sexy.
No. 130263
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who /fitandthick/ here?
No. 130266
>>130256No. Stop being lazy.
You can't magically target a specific area to lose weight that's retarded.
No. 130268
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>>130267Did you seriously just call her bitch tits?
Bitch tits?
That was the best you come up with?
No. 130270
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>>130267>full of ana chansbitch where?
No. 130271
>>130267I'm not trying to inspire you fat fucks. I'm telling you that you can't lose fat just on your thunder thighs and to maybe teach yourself the most basic fitness and nutrition foundations.
Cry harder about your saddlebags and feewings lardass.
No. 130273
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No. 130274
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No. 130275
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No. 130276
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No. 130277
>>130271??? Because I must be fat and mad just because I pointed out how hard you all try.
You're the angry one, clearly.
No. 130278
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>>130277>I pointed out how hard you all try.How hard we all try to do what? Post images? Type? Last time I checked, I'm posting on an indonesian pork rind trading imageboard, but prove me wrong.
No. 130279
>>130277You're the one who came in saying 'Wahh way spergy anas said dun be lazeeeeeee!!'
After I said you can't spot reduce fat on the thighs.
You're the one with the problem here in the first place. Your sugahs sound low, have a coke, tubby.
No. 130280
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No. 130281
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>>130279She's a real woman, unlike us ;) bones are for dogs, muh genetics etc etc
No. 130284
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>>130282>>130283Post fitness related stuff or go away please.
No. 130285
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No. 130286
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No. 130288
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No. 130291
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>>130289kek, you're probably right
No. 130292
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No. 130293
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No. 130294
>>130269>>130290I know it doesn't make any fucking sense lol
FYI Lady Spazz, bitchtits are what occurs on a man with excess adipose fat tissues which accumulate to the point in which a man develops gynecomastia - enlargement of his chest to the point of them resembling female breasts.
Women cannot have "bitchtits", for you see we already possess accumulated fat tissues in our chest….
No. 130295
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No. 130296
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No. 130299
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>>130298I can't give much advice, but I do know pullups are one of the most efficient back exercises. Scoob does a great video for beginner pullups. Also they'll give you a nice core, which also helps with posture.
No. 130302
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>>130301I'm an A cup and all my weight goes to my gut. I gotta stay skinny or else I look preggers, sucks.
How do I learn do squat like a Slav? I'm stuck on the balls of my feet. Any specific stretches? Is vodki required?
No. 130303
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>>130302You may have an overly short achilles tendon, in which case you will always squat on the balls of your feet, unless you physio, stretch, orthopedics etc
The more likely solution is that you're not squatting correctly and/or don't have good balance. Yep balance, you need to stand on your flat feet, and then, (keeping your back straight and bum out) slowly lower your thighs. Your goal is to get a 90 degree angle. If you're very weak, poor balance etc. you will have difficulty achieving even that, but aim for it and eventually you'll get there.
Ideally you want to go even lower than 90 degrees.
Watch some videos on how to squat and
>>130052when your back hurts a lot and your knees hurt a lot, you're squatting wrong.
No. 130304
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>>130301Stomach vacuums are the easiest to do and most effective exercise for keeping your gut in (if your problem isn't fat)
you can do them anywhere, and even though they're out of fashion these days (seriously, I nearly never see fitness experts and gurus these days talk about them) they were a biggie back in the day. Arnie was a huge fan of them, it's what gave him that waist.
No. 130305
>>130262HOT. AS. FUCK. I'm a straight woman, but because I hated my disgusting fat cellulite-ridden stretchmarked body since the second I developed a body image, I've basically fetishized the female body. This is
perfect inspiration for me. Thanks for posting, anon!
No. 130306
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Hey guys. I've read through the thread already and got a lot of good tips about what to do with my diet (which is admittedly very shit, but I'm changing that.) I also do cardio like riding my bike and jogging– not great cardio, of course, but it's a start for burning fat.
But I'm just a little lost on weightlifting and building muscle. At my apartment complex, there's a fitness center. I'm just a little.. Lost as to what to do? How to go about it?
I've never lifted weights in my life (I know, it's shameful) and I don't remember my stretches from high school gym class.
Can anyone give me a run-down on what they do at their gym? Safe lifting Techniques? What you do there, for how long, Ect. Even what I should wear.
I'd really appreciate the spoon feeding. Thank you anons.
No. 130309
>>130304Yeah I've been practicing them, I think I just need to keep practicing and likewise working on building strong back muscles. I theorize that a weak back exacerbates apparent stomach pudge.
I used to have such a flat stomach too, sigh.
I know most women here would like to lose but has anyone here aimed for the opposite? If I gain weight I for the most part just seem to get denser and I'd like to have bigger muscles.
No. 130312
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>>130305Have you tried therapy? Depending on your age/whether you're a student/insurance you might be able to get it for free, I think it might really help you
>>130306>which is admittedly very shitDo you have a food diary? Do you count your cals? What do you buy when you go shopping? How is your self control? A lot of people find eating "well" very difficult, and what works best for you will depend on a lot of things. A good start might be just becoming aware how much you eat. Record the calories you eat every day, without judgement. Obejctive forms of measurment are your friend here.
>not great cardio, of courseThat sounds pretty good actually, cardio is great for keeping your heart healthy, your skin glowing and your endorphins rushing. Abs are made in the kitchen though, so don't try to use cardio as your n1 source of calorie deficit. Cycling is great because relatively low impact. Also swimming.
>I'm just a little lost on weightlifting and building muscle4chan and 8chan fit have incredible stickies on it. It will take your hours to get through them. Find a beginners starting strength program, watch rippletoe on youtube to see how to do things proper and BEWARE of charlatans that try to sell you weird stuff like crossfit memberships and vibrating belts.
If you'd like I can make you a routine. The more info you give me about what equipment is available to you, what your bodygoals are etc. the better
but yeah, diet is still the most important
>I've never lifted weights in my life that's very common, don't worry about it. It's super easy as long as you don't do anything crazy and don't push yourself too hard. Be aware of things like form and STOP once you feel joint or bone pain. Also buy some dumbbells. The real deal with removable weights, not the pink aerobics ones. You will be able to do bodyweight with them from the comfort of your own home, which is awesome for days when you can't be bothered to go to the gym.
No. 130313
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>a run-down on what they do at their gym?I don't go to the gym as I have a bench, barbell, weights, cute yoga mat etc. at home. It's really not that expensive, if you save up and fitness is important to you. My routine varies a lot depending on what I'm doing that week. If I have a lot of time on my hands, I might go swimming for a few hours (yes I know it's a long time) or hiking on top of doing bodyweight with some dumbbells, pullups pushups. I have a barbell at home, but I'm not comfortable with my form yet, so I'm not doing that one seriously. Also lots of squats, and those cute aerobics videos every other day. They last around 15 minutes and it's fun to dance with some indian lady doing jumping jacks and hip thrusts.
>Safe lifting Techniquesscoob and rippetoe have great videos on this. The general rule of thumb is, don't lift too heavy. That's one of the most common mistakes people make, especially dudes at the gym that try to lift way too much for their egos, or so they can say "yeah I bench 100 kg". Also squatting, russian twists are something people tend to do bad form on. Just watch numerous videos for each exercise you want to do. Be aware that fitness videos can have bad form.
>what I should wear.Anything you like. If it's a public space, then I guess something that won't make people stare. Something breathable. It doesn't really matter. A cheap t shirt and tracksuit bottoms will do. People like to act like you need all this expensive sports clothing, but you really don't. Home gym is the best though, you can wear anything at home kek
No. 130315
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>>130312Oh and keep in mind that you'll keep evolving your "routine". What my routine looks like now is wildly different to when I started. I also have multiple routines for different days now. As you try things out, see for yourself which exercises you prefer, enjoy, hate etc. you'll tailor your routine to fit your needs. Maybe one day you'll get sick of doing french press and decide you'll do more pullups instead. Maybe you'll decide you love russian twists because they're fun, and you'll add them in just for that. Maybe you'll get a kettlebell for christmas. Fitness just like every other aspect of your life will likely be dynamic. Especially in the beginning when you're learning what works best for you.
No. 130321
>>130320They're not as hard as they look, if you want something for beginners, this one is pretty simple and short
she has a tonne of other dance workouts on her channel, and they're fun, short and simple.
No. 130325
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>>130324>once you've been a fatty this becomes impossible to get without surgeryI'm a bit confused as to what you mean. Were you once so fat that you have huge wads of sagging skin? In that case indeed, you would need surgery. Otherwise, if you were just a bit overweight (or even obese!) your skin should bounce back to normal.
There's nothing preventing an "ex fatty" from building muscle mass and getting lean. Only donuts and a weak will.
No. 130326
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No. 130328
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does anyone ever try these frankenfood recipes?
im talking about pic related
protein powder pancakes… are they good?
No. 130333
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>>130330You'd be surprised just how much even a little exercise will affect you. Keep it up anon! We all believe in you!
No. 130334
>>130328I just happened to make something similar last week.
My friend recommended the recipe, but I modified it. It makes a LOT:
-3 eggs
-2 scoops protein powder (I used Vega Wild Berry since I find it undrinkable)
-2 bananas
I added maybe 1oz of apple juice to make the Vega powder more palatable, but I think if you used regular whey, you wouldn't need to do it.
The pancakes are pretty difficult to flip, so I waited until it was nearly cooked all the way through before flipping. They're not exactly delicious, but they work. My boyfriend likes them a lot, though.
No. 130335
>>130334That sounds pretty good! I have a lot of disgusting banana protein to get rid of, so maybe I'll make banana flavoured banana pancakes ha
Maybe adding a little less milk would make them more solid?
No. 130336
>>130334How do you make this without them burning? I tried it with different leves of heat but they always take too long to get solid and end ub burning. I suck at cooking lol
Did any of you try Crush60?
I wanted to buy it a few weeks ago but the price is nope (I'm from Europe so currency and shit make it really expensive)
No. 130339
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>>130338>how much weight gain to expect in only the first few months of workig out Zero? I'm not sure what you're thinking of here. Are you putting on a SIGNIFICANT amount of muscle mass (doing deadlifts, squats with barbells etc.) ? If so, you should probably be aware already of your bodyfat to muscle ratio and how much it's increasing. To a lot of people, visual inspection of their muscles suffices, but if you're not the bulky type, you might want to pop into a pharmacy that has a bodyfat machine. If you're skinny to begin with, with low bodyfat and working out is making you "gain weight" then that's a good thing, but keep an eye on body fat. If you're just skinnyfat, fat or out of shape, there's no point in taking muscle mass into consideration yet. It's akin to those landwhales who argue they're so heavy because they have muscles underneath their blubber. Muscle is heavier than fat, but it doesn't make much of a difference unless you're serious about working out.
>I Know everyone is different but what are your experiences?I still don't understand your question. You could exercise only a little, eat like a horse and be saxyeli sized. You could exercise tonnes, eat nothing and weigh as much as fitveganginger. You could be a fitness freak who lifts and weigh more than people would expect, from looking at you.
>I do moderate cardioCardio doesn't make you put on weight. Deffo not muscle weight to any great extent, maybe if you're a pro.
>weights few days a week (mostly just biceps, shoulders/back and legs)You might also want to buy one of those pricey bodyfat scales for your home. They're really good for making sure your weight gain is due to muscle, if visual checks aren't doing it for you. Good luck anon, we're all gonna make it!
No. 130345
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No. 130346
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No. 130348
>"having defined muscle means you're male!"The ana-chans have finally cracked guys.
Time to take this one out back and shoot her.
No. 130350
>>130348Sorry anon I'm
>>130349 And I most definitely meant to reply to this primate
>>130347 No. 130352
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>>130349I bet that makes you feel a lot better about yourself, but it's the opposite in my experience. Every time I see a girl drooling over these muscular women on social media, they turn out to be a hambeast (usually the kind who thinks they're into fitness because they walk on a treadmill for 15 minutes once a week). I think fatties idolize muscular girls because they've internalized being fat so much that they can never imagine themselves looking delicate and feminine. So when they think of their ideal body, it's not a thin, elegant, healthy woman but some giant ape.
No. 130353
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>>130347Noice b8 fatty chan. Post your feminine bod with a timestamp or fuck off.
>>130348I feel bad for them, eating disorders suck. Can't imagine what it must be like to have a thinspo tumblr, never eat and throw up all the time. Sounds too time consuming.
No. 130355
or my angsty alt/emo music from the 2000s, whatever im feelin that day
No. 130359
>>130336The first half of mine totally ended up burning too.
I ended up reducing the heat just a little (between 4 and 5 on my stove) and being REALLY patient and letting them cook slowly.
No. 130360
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>>130357At home I blast music from my speakers (my poor neighbours) or this little bluetooth speaker that can pack a punch. For outside earphones, the ones that go snugly inside your ear, it's a good idea to invest in a pricey pair, maybe even one of those that have a plastic bit which goes behind your ear.
For swimming you can have earphones too, but I never tried those waterproof mp3s. I'm scared the lifeguard would tell me to take it off, and that would be 60 quid wasted.
No. 130361
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>>130358That's great! The good news is that you don't need to exercise to lose weight, in fact most of your weightloss will be down to eating less, not moving more. Abs are made in the kitchen.
Exercise however can make it much easier to lose weight, and it's generally a fun and good for your health thing to do. Gets you those good endorphins, decreases risk of heart disease, maybe forces you to socialise etc.
I think for a beginner the most important thing is to try a variety of things. Try ice skating, yoga, lifting and zumba. Give dancing, jogging, hiking and climbing a go. Sign up for horseriding, swimming lessons or aerobics. Ask your friends what they do and join them rollerblading, aquabiking, jogging or whatever it is they do.
Finding something sporty that you REALLY enjoy is great, because it doesn't feel like hard work when you're doing it. I LOVE swimming and could swim endlessly, so it doesn't feel like hard work. I hate ice skating on the other hand because it scares me. Find what makes you feel good.
As for general lists and such, stickies are always the best luck anon!
No. 130362
>>130361>Finding something sporty that you REALLY enjoy is greatThis is super important. If you're dreading your daily workout you won't be able to keep it up. I love walking and biking, so I have no problem doing it everyday. Going for a walk is a great time to listen to albums/podcasts/books.
I know a lot of people love to say weight loss is mostly diet (because it's true) but exercise is also VERY important on your actual body shape. Holy shit, for the last month I've worked out 1-2 hours a day and while I only lost a pound or two (I'm still working on the 'diet' part lol), my shape changed so much. Lost a couple pants sizes.
No. 130365
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No. 130366
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No. 130367
>>130055dietary cholesterol doesnt raise blood cholesterol. a high salt/fat diet is probably more likely to fux with your heart.
that being said, if you are still concerned, you can always eat just the egg whites plus 1 or 2 yolks. the protein is all in the whites anyway. the yolk is pure fat
No. 130372
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>>130369What's your diet like? What sort of stuff do you eat? Ask yourself these questions, and find ways to get more fibre into your life. Fibre bran flakes are a great start.
No. 130374
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No. 130376
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No. 130377
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So can you really get /fit/ by your only exorcise being in the water? I mean eating healthy alongside as well.
No. 130387
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Bumping this back to the front page. Hey ana chans, please stay in the thinspo thread. We don't want you here.
Discussion topic: Who is your fitness inspiration?
>pic related, mine
No. 130390
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No. 130391
>>130388Do you go to the gym or do you do home workouts?
Because I've been doing a shit ton of YT Butt Workouts lately and I feel like none of them actually work. They all just made my front thights muscular as fuck and my butt is still as flabby and disgusting as ever
No. 130392
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This is literally all I want in life
No. 130393
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>>130387R O B I N G A L L A N T
She's so qt and I want her body and her everything
when i googled her to find a pic this thread came up in the images lel
No. 130395
ok. so I have a question that might require a text wall with lots of stats that nobody gives a fuck about, so sorry in advance
I was an anachan for like a year back in middle school, ended up getting pretty spoopy, spending probably about 5 months at BMI 14-ish. i began recovery shortly thereafter, returning to my pre-ed weight and pretty much remaining there (within 5 lbs) throughout high school. I regained my period (which i hadn't had long enough to be regular even before reaching apex spoop) but only got it like 4 times. It then stopped altogether, even though I hadn't lost any more weight. I tried eating more fats, eating more soy, eating less soy, taking a shit ton of vitamin C, praying to the moon goddess, selling my soul to satan: nothing. I don't know if this is as a result of that, but I my problem is that i feel like I still look like a 10 year old boy: small boobs, NO waist (my waist to hip ratio is like 0.75,) ridiculously narrow hips, etc. But when I gain weight, it all goes to my "waist" area and my thighs, which looks ridiculous since my hips are narrow AF and my waist is nonexistant. I'm slim right now, around 117-120 at 5'7", so you can't really tell, but I want so badly to have a nice small waist and some ass/boobs, as well as actual hips. Is there ANYTHING i can do? I'm a freshman in college, is there still time to, idk, magically perform body recomposition?
No. 130397
>>130395Boobs? Nope, Ass? Squats, lunges, bridges, etc. There are tons of glutes workouts and as your ass gets bigger your waist will look smaller, otherwise corsets are probably the only option for a smaller waist.
Make sure to eat more calories, specially protein and to exercise with weights, or else nothing will happen.
No. 130399
>>130397 . Working your legs, ass, back, and shoulders especially while staying relatively in shape and eating well will give the illusion of a smaller waist. Not much to do about the titties (iktf. I dropped like two cup sizes when I lost weight), but hey! Push-ups!
No. 130406
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>>130405Thanks anon
>>130384Leg exercises, ankle weights might be fun for cardio, but if you want actual progress get into lifting. Deadlifts etc. Also you want to work on your back and abs too, muscles will make those areas appear slimmer visually, making your hips etc. look bigger esp. if you're a natural pear shape
No. 130408
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>>130401>decide to start going to gym and stop being a lazy fatassThat's awesome! I'm super proud of you anon, you've taken a huge step! Don't allow the gym to discourage you however, do some of your exercises at home or outdoors too. Sometimes it'll be rainy, sometimes you won't feel like going to the gym, sometimes you won't feel like having people see you sweat. For all those moments of weakness- dumbbells, a yoga mat and some fit stickies are all you need.
>don't know where to startDon't worry, everyone feels that way, even so called experts do wrong things with bad form and shill stuff that doesn't work. It'll be a lot of trial and error, but basically trust yourself to find things which make you happy. A yoga nut? Interested in horseriding? Meditation? Hiking, swimming or boxing? Pursue those things, they can help a lot with getting fit and give you in themselves an incentive to stay fit.
>decide on cardio for an hour every other day along with walking dog twice a day for an hour each timeThat's great! You should record every time you exercise in a little calendar. I have a sheet on my fridge where I put stickers on every time I exercise. It's all about changes across a long period of time!
>want to incorporate strength trainingFit stickies are great for this on fullchan and halfchan, but if you want I can lead you in the right direction. What equipment do you have? Do you have any medical issues (bad knees, back problems?)
>Also, how much am I supposed to eat? Cardio gives me insane hunger. I'm used to eating 1200-1300(at 5'2"/122lbs) a day and for the past week and a half I've been averaging at 1700 which seems like too much for weight loss and the amount of work I'm actually putting in.You can take in few cals and eat like a cow by eating tonnes of fruits and veg. Especially veg. Are you having cereal for breakfast? Toast? A panini for lunch? Replace on of your carb rich meals with a bowl of cauliflower, spinach etc. and your jaw will drop. You'll be struggling to be chubby, always full and your skin might even get nicer.
No. 130410
>>130408Thanks for the reply!
>What equipment do you have? Do you have any >medical issues. What equipment do you have? Do >you have any medical issuesI live in a complex so I have little gym equipment. We've got an elliptical, treadmill, leg press, leg extension/curl machine, cable/pulley machine, lat pull down machine and some dumbbells/kettleballs along with various resistance bands, mats, stability balls.
I actually have Fibromyalgia, but other sometimes not being able to tell if I'm having a flare up or shin splints, I can deal with it. OH yeah, and I have flat feet.
No. 130414
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No. 130416
>>130415Anything that trains the biceps, traps and pectorals, so rowing machine for one, also OHP, push-ups are another, or barbell/dumbbell bench press.
It's pretty normal to not even be able to one btw, the upper body is the hardest place to build muscle as a woman. Our strength is all in our lower body.
No. 130417
>>130415I'm trying to get there too, anon!
Try assisted pull-ups or Scooby's video on beginner pull-ups. Or if you like to work out at home just put a chair under your bar/stairs/whatever you use and make sure you try to put most of your weight on your arms and not your legs. Good luck!
No. 130418
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Does anyone else do weighted hula hooping? I read about it in an other thread and seemed fun so I bought myself one.
The first times I did it, I could really feel it in my muscles (with the good kind of pain the day after) but now I got the hang of it and do it longer but I can't really feel much anymore. Am i doing something wrong?
Besides some beginner arm movements, I don't do much exercises at the same time because I'm not that good at keeping the hoop up yet.
No. 130435
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>>130432there are probably instructions on the side of the machine
or check youtube for proper exercise form
No. 130436
>>130404Start by learning how to perform side and regular planks, and strengthen your entire core (including your back and obliques, not just your abs). Do bench presses, military presses, posterior and side raises with weights. Do assisted pullups if you can.
>>130415I replied above before I saw this, but same advice, actually; I also trained to do them by using resistance bands looped around a pullup bar, using stronger/more bands and moving further away as I got stronger.
No. 130437
Recovering skelly here, not due to ED but poor living situations for a lot of my life. I'm out of that now and gaining weight, but I want to do it the right way. Considering I have virtually no muscle from years of starvation (and stress just destroying my body tbh), if I just eat without a good workout plan I know I'll be the flabbiest thing on earth. That said, I know nothing about working out save, the basics. I assume cardio is where I should start since I can do virtually nothing else at this point - I'm that weak - but that's it.
I'd like to have tight thighs/butt but I don't want them to be really thick (that's where most of my fat naturally will end up), not yet anyway? That might be a goal for one day, but for now, it'd mean having to replace a whole lot of my clothes and I just wanna work on being lean. Does anyone have any tips?
Sorry, I know everyone else is asking for help right now, but you guys are all I have. :(
No. 130438
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>>130412What makes you think fibromylagia is a real disease? Not judging, just curious.
>>130415How much do you weigh? Pullups get easier the less you weigh, if you're weak and heavy don't other doing negative ones yet until you lose some weight. In the meantime build up general strength and do other bodyweight exercises.
No. 130439
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>>130418Step up the amount of times you do it and your doms will come back. Was it expensive to get one? It's memish but sounds fun.
>>130419There is no exercise that can tighten up skin since skin isn't a muscle. How much weight have you lost? You might get no loose skin. Also loose skin can and does snap back to some extent, so just wait a year and it might completely go back to normal.
No. 130440
>>130432The machines will probably have a sticker on them or nearby telling you how to use them. Learn a few easy ones and stick to them. It's easy peasy, if gym rats and bimbos can figure it out, so can you. I believe in you anon!
>>130434You won't accidentally become muscular. It takes a lot of hard work, dedication and sometimes steroids for a woman to become this way. Unless you're lifting in your sleep you have nothing to worry about.
No. 130441
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>>130437You should start with a little shopping trip. Get your bony buns on ebay, amazon, into your local sportshop whatever and buy the following:
-a yoga mat, make sure it's cute or nice and that you'll enjoy working out on it
-jogging bottoms (since you're skinny that's great low impact exercise for you)
-Dumbbells. The real ones with removable plates, not the pink aerobics kind.
Then go home and read the 8chan and 4chan fit stickies. You can start training your form by not putting any weight on the dumbbell. Make yourself a few workout routines (a quick one, a medium one and a long one) and print out a chart for the week, so on each day you exercise you can mark that off. I put a sticker on for every day I exercise, and I write what kind of exercise/routine I did. It's great because that way you can see a long term overview and see when you tend to exercise, what you do more of etc.
Now get to it. Put some documentaries on in the background, or a cooking show, or anything you like while you exercise. Don't be scared to constantly experiment. Yoga, military press, pushups, squats, french press and even meditation are all things you can do on your yoga mat. Start associating your yoga mat with exercising.
Cardio kills gains, but it's good for your heart and general health, so do it if you like it.
No. 130443
>>130442oh and i'm not even big - bmi high 18 - so the reshaping is pretty noticeable
does anyone else share this, or am i BDD?
No. 130449
>>130448Entirely having a 100% paleo diet? Inordinately inconvenient and I don't see the point. 50% paleo diet? Reasonable, might help with certain health issues you may have.
It's mostly a meme though. Cooking or boiling food doesn't magically make it less healthy.
No. 130450
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No. 130454
>>130451It's a disease bored housewives and fatties have to excuse being a lazy fat shit. Of course you're in pain if you have low muscle tone and a lot of fat.
The other group of people that gets it, which often overlaps are hypochondriacs. Many doctors in fact admit that they only give this diagnosis to people to get them to fuck off. That's because there isn't an objective way to show fibromylagia. There are no brain scans or autopsies that show a difference. There is not difference.
No. 130458
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No. 130459
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>>130457Working the glute medius will help the hips to appear wider. So yes abduction exercises will help. Try lateral band walks and fire hydrants with bands. And hip abduction/side kicks on cable machine if you don't already
No. 130461
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Ideal bod right here
No. 130462
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hello again, /fit/
I have a question for you. All my life, I have been plagued by large upper arms. When I was a teenager I weighed 90 pounds, and I still had larger arms than my friends.
I'm 21 now and up to 120 pounds, and it's mostly all fat (so disgusting, I know.) my arms are still hamhocks.
For the past month, I've been dieting (veggies, fruits, protein, under 1100 calories) and doing cardio 3x a week. I want to increase that by adding 2 days of strength training, for a total of 5x a week exercising.
My arms have shown little improvement. I heard someone in pt say that you can never get rid of having large arms, and now I'm terrified I will be fucked forever into looking like a hambeast. Am I doing something wrong? Does anyone else have nasty huge arms like me and was able to get rid of them?
Thanks and sorry for tl dr.
No. 130466
>>130462Of course you can lose them. Fat is fat is fat, there's no reason you should be stuck with it. It may just be that your arms are a stubborn area and you'll have to take your body fat to a very low level to be happy with them. It's probably going to take a lot of time, so accept that and keep working.
And definitely work on building up your triceps - dips, tricep pushdowns, skull crushers, etc.
Also 1100 calories isn't enough, unless you're like a midget or something. Have you calculated your TDEE?
No. 130468
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No. 130469
>>130466Okay, good to hear that. The anon on /pt/ just scared me. I think they must be a stubborn area because my mom's fat distribution pattern is the same as mine, and she has large arms.
I don't mind taking my body fat to a low level. Thanks for letting me know I just need to put more time into it. Do you think I can accomplish it by the end of the summer, or by the end of the year (with lots of diligence?)
I'm only 5'3", so I think it is enough. My TDEE is 1350 calories or something like that. I've considered going down to 1,000 cals but I get too hungry.
And good to know about that strength training. I'll be sure to put more focus on that. And thanks for the advice! I really appreciate it.
No. 130471
>>130469dif anon
more than likely your BMR is 1350, use this It's actually pretty accurate for a lot of people who aren't obese.
honestly, check out r/xxfitness. It helped me a lot when I first started weight training. Simply searching 'arms' or something similar in that subreddit will bring up a lot of other posts relevant to your interest.
No. 130474
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No. 130476
>>130475She's a pear who got a boob job done - that refund gap tho. She's also sucking in her gut. Her thighs are wider because she's sitting, which emphasises her waist.
So, I guess if you're a pear and can get a boob job, then yes?
No. 130479
>>130478not true.
>>130477the fat only grows in a specific area, but it will definitely make you have fuller looking breasts if you get muscle underneath.
No. 130481
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Do you think this is possible to achieve in such a tiny time span ,while only doing squats?
No. 130482
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>>130481Here's another one
No. 130483
>>130482pleaseeeee dont do that dumb 30 days squat challenge without any weights
i remember doing it when i was 16 for 6 MONTHS and it did nothing.
No. 130484
>>130481if you use weights and maybe do more than just squats, Id say yea
but progress is different for everyone so dont be discouraged if its not working right away
No. 130493
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Just need to get on katy hearn's booty level tbh
No. 130494
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No. 130497
>>130199Not the same person who's been responding, but, you're wrong.
I've been trying to get fit for years now, and this time I think I've finally got it. The difference was this time I started slowly, almost ridiculously so.
It was the only way I could make sure I didn't injure myself, which meant I could finally start building a habit of exercising daily.
When you're big, you have to start by doing what you can. But you should also buy a heart rate monitor because you probably have no idea of what you're actually capable of.
No. 130498
>>130203This is shit for beginners.
When I was in physio, they literally have you start just by flexing your muscles and working up to holding the flex for a minute at a time.
Literally if you're more than 50 lbs over weight you should seek professional medical help simply to figure out your fitness level and get some exercises that will help move you through. Sometimes you can even get a doctor to refer you to physio for weight loss and your insurance company will cover it. Boom. Free personal training.
No. 130499
>>130491Wow, that's some terrible shit.
First off, don't do abs/core-specific workouts. It's not only 100% a waste of time, but can actually hurt you by making your posture worse. Just do compound lifts like OHP, DL and squats, and your core will automatically improve in a healthy manner.
Secondly, none of that shit helps to bring your abs out. There is only one thing that brings your abs out – being less fat. If you want abs, eat less. Ever seen someone without very low bodyfat % who has abs? No, because such a thing is impossible. Low BF% will mean something like < 25% or < 22% for women, < 15% or < 13% for men. If you dip below these numbers, your core will start showing, whether you do shitty meme exercises like crunches or not.
Thirdly, if you feel the need to switch up your routine, you're following a shitty routine. Pick a good routine and follow it for at least a year. Check out Casey Butts beginner routine, for instance. It will help you build a good core and get toned without destroying your posture. You can add accessory-lifts if you want to improve specific parts of your body more intensely, like lunges for glutes.
No. 130501
>>130500(weighted) lunges, squats, deadlifts (with feet slightly angled outwards to activate the glutes.)
When doing deadlifts, make sure you don't have any lumbar flexion, or you can fuck up your back. Record yourself or have someone experienced look at your form.
You'll have to give it a few months, typically. Don't be disappointed if you're not getting results after < 6-8 months, although you might. Depends on your body, hormone levels, how often you exercise, how hard, how much volume, …
No. 130503
>>130502Yes, those are known to be worthless. Use a bodyfat caliper, costs like $5 on amazon.
BIA methods, especially primitive two-electrode one can be off by anywhere between 5% and 10%.
20% is pretty low, at that point I would expect ribs and core to start poking out. If you've never done any kind of resistance training that engage the core (OHP, DLs, squats, …) or if you have unfortunate genetics (your body prefers storing fat around the abs) you might have to go lower. Anything below 10-13% is considered unhealthy for women and you may lose menstruation (men can go lower, like 7%)
No. 130504
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>>130503here's what someone with 20% bf looks like (couldn't find a better pic on her blog), verified with DEXA, which is very accurate.
No. 130505
>>130503Will it even track progress? Say my body fat was actually 28% and I got it 2% lower would the scale say 18%?
>visible ricbcageWell I do have that in a resting position. My body shape and composition is really gross tbh.
No. 130506
>>130505For tracking progress, it's probably fine. But still, bodyfat caliper is easy to use and cheap, so why not.
What about in straight sitting position? If your ribs/bottom edge of ribcage are visible then, I can believe that you're in the 18-22% range.
In that case, you probably just need to start doing a bit of resistance training. Squads & Deadlifts will increase core strength & have the added bonus of being posture-correcting and "toning" your glutes and legs. OHP is one of the exercises that does the most for your core, and will also tone your upper arms a little, which is great.
No. 130507
>>130506 Yeah, you can see less individual ribs from the front but it's still visible. From the back and side you can see the whole ribcage. My body fat composition is extremely pear shaped. I stop storing fat from my ribcage up.
I already do squats, bridges and deadlifts with weights. I always end up pulling something when I try doing upper body exercises so I avoid them and my body is even more mismatched because of it.
No. 130510
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>>130488Why do you think tonnes of cardio will give you muscles all over? Not being a meanie, just curious as to what your thought process is here.
If you're really married to the idea of cardio, do swimming a LOT. You'll get nice lean small muscles all over. Lifting is the go to for actual muscles. Even swimmers lift. Be careful with form, whatever you decide to do.
No. 130511
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No. 130512
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>>130481No. It's nonsense. Like that wrap stuff.
No. 130513
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No. 130517
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>>130515I want pixyteri to help me with my fitness too
No. 130518
>>130514You should switch to a new routine ONLY when the old one becomes an issue. Switching to a new routine before that will likely hurt you more than help you.
check out Casey Butts routine, it'll easily keep you busy for a year or two: his article "The rules of productive weight training for the drug-free trainee" is lengthy, but full of great information and a must-read: good routine in and of itself has a lot of variation, so the "getting used to it" never becomes a problem in the first place.
No. 130520
>>130518Thanks, I was not aware of that. So many sites and people suggest to switch it up to shock your muscle so, yea
>>130519if you google the name you'll see images of a ripped guy, so I guess it's a dude lol
No. 130523
>>130521Agree with
>>130522, especially if you lose the weight gradually you shouldn't have any issues with loose skin. Just keep in mind that you should do some exercises too or you can end up just looking skinny fat. Unless you like that sort of look, some people do.
No. 130526
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>>130522You can develop loose skin even from a relatively low weightloss like 10kg of you have shit genes, little muscle tone and lost it very fast. Skin tends to "bounce back" but if you're older (like 50s) and have shitty genes it might never bounce back. It's why some women have horrible saggy tummies after pregnancy. Low muscle tone and a predisposition for jiggly bits.
No. 130527
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>>130521Nah you'll be fine. Don't worry.
>>130518Agreed. Which is why I think crossfit is utter madness. You should try and get the form right and minimise risks for whatever you're doing. Do it slowly and carefully until you can build up strength and use more weights/get more vigorous. They do craaazy shit like hitting tyres with a mallet one week, running backwards the other and then jumping on high steps the third. It's a recipe for disaster.
I guess it at least gets people interested in fitness and exercise, but damn.
No. 130532
>>130521you're young enough it should be okay.
i'm 5'2 and went from 130 to 100 in just a few months (i did it unhealthily and pretty fast) and no saggy skin
No. 130533
>>130517If only, anon.
Also had my first session. Holygod my legs. I love squats but stairs are the enemy afterwards.
No. 130537
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Does anyone have recommendations for arm exercises or gym equipment to use to help get rid of chicken wing flab? I some heavy lifting at work and curls at the gym but that made my upper arms look even bigger. I wouldn't care if it was just muscle but the underarm flab is still there.
No. 130540
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No. 130542
Diet is 90%, so eat less fat and carbs.
No. 130544
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No. 130545
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No. 130546
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No. 130547
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No. 130548
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No. 130552
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I'm currently have a diet that includes some animal products. I've been browsing on YouTube about healthy lifestyles relating to diets and reading comments from presumably vegans has somewhat pressured me. I know this is what they exactly set out to do, but something about it just rubs me the wrong way - like their overwhelming presence and ability to squash other opinions in comment thread with upvotes and what not. I have bouts of sickness that can last for up to a week at times, so I avoid from making big diet changes. I'm impartial to the general argument of animal suffering since I have bias for certain animals over others in the first place. I do wish to make some improvements in how I eat however. I get including more veggies and eating meat less, but are there any other things I should keep in mind?
No. 130553
>>130552If you stop eatting meat you WILL have to take vitamin B12 tablets as you can basically only get it from meat.
I learnt this the hard way and ended up severely anemic as a result. Take care of yourself anon.
No. 130558
>>130557Collagen supps are bogus (you can only synthesise collage from existing compounds in your body, consuming it only results in some very expensive bowels movements).
Vitamin D for the most part if unnecessary (unless you live in a very dark country, like Sweden in Winter). If you're outside for 10 minutes a day or even sat by a window with some exposed skin, you're getting all the D you need. Well, you're synthesising it.
Biotin for hair only works if you have a defeciency in the first place, which you really, probably don't.
A lot of people think that vitamin C is just "hurghhh oranges", but C actually plays an enormous role in maintenance and overall reproduction of skin cells and the formation and maintenance of connective tissue, bones and blood vessels,
Vitamin E is an antioxidant that protects against free radicals in your environment, i.e. cigarette smoke, air pollution, UV damge etc. .It also boosts your immune system and fights off bacterial infections.
If you're a lady, iron is always a good one, no explanation necessary.
People say magnesium is the balls due to the fact that over 350 enzymatic function require it and most people are deficient, but I've never actually bought supps for it (if you eat a lot of leafy, green vegetables you probably won't need it).
No. 130559
>>129935Still goals…
>>129988If all food was as pretty as this I'd probably eat so much more. I hate that I'm so visually picky.
No. 130562
>>130560Because legit every human on the planet is lactose intolerant, only the degree of intolerance affects some more than others.
Humans really aren't intended to consume milk past infancy and the enzyme that deals with it, lactase, loses its count pretty dramatically past I think… 5-8 years of age?
In most people the intolerance just manifests as gas, body odour or mild stomach cramps, sometimes diarrhoea, but if your body is particularly struggling it's because milk isn't good for it. Just switch to soy or almond.
No. 130568
>>130566It's mildly comparable to milk in terms of protein. Also pic related.
>>130567The way I see it, tiredness, like pain, is an illusion created by your brain. Sometimes it's useful because it's telling you not to touch a hot stove or to go to sleep instead of driving, but then there are the aches, pains and yawns you need to learn to ignore. The ones you can and should ignore, or simply revel in. They're just a result of you feeling like you need a break, a reward for working so hard all day. It's that ache which stops you from swimming one last lap, pushing one last rep. You tell yourself you're tired, and so you feel sluggish. Might sound like crazy pseudoscience to some, but it's what works for me. My tired is other people's exhausted.
Also exercising increases "energy levels" so that's one solution for your tiredness, if you truly suffer from it.
No. 130569
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>>130568>>130566Hah dropped my pic
No. 130570
>>130557The way I see it, get a blood test done and see what you're lacking in. Then try to up your consumption of foods with that vitamin mineral whatever and maybe buy some supplements for it. Otherwise you're paying for very expensive urine.
I personally take iron supplements because my iron tends to be low ( veeeery common in women, causes you to be fatigued) and every now and then some magnesium as a placebo kek.
I like to think green tea powder does something too, but at the end of the day most of this stuff has tenous to little proof. Taking multivitamins, ginseng or chinese tea pills probably won't harm anything but your wallet.
No. 130571
>>130567From when you were exercising before, to how it feels now, has anything changed drastically in your routine? I'm recovering from a really, really bad sinus infection and exercising hasn't been an option unless I want to pass out. You might want to consider some other things that can affect your energy, like anxiety and 'burnout'.
>>130569Just keep the protein digestibility-corrected amino acid score in mind when looking at protein sources and calories/quantity, it should also help.
No. 130576
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Forever thankful for this thread. So inspirational.
Does anyone else watch old Kung Fu movies (Way of the Dragon ect.) when they work out for inspiration?
No. 130579
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Her proportions are unbelievable
No. 130582
>>130580Buy a pullup bar/ figure out something for pullups. Watch scoobs video on pullups for absolute noobs. Don't be discouraged, it might take you weeks to even do one pullup. You'll get noice abs easy if you keep at it. You will notice your abs hurting like a bitch if you're doing it right.
Pullups are some of the best core exercises in my opinion. Easy in terms of form, uses bodyweight, takes care of your back too it's a great exercise
No. 130583
>>130582thanks for giving me another reason to buy a pullup bar lol im too short for the one in our gym
Do any of you have tips on how to use the multi hip workout machine? it kind of hurts to use it. i might be really weak in that area.
(idk what exactly its called, this is the most similar result I could find, just the thing where you put your leg to push is longer)
No. 130584
>>130583Tbh most of those machines in the gym are at best isolation exercises with a very limited range of motion good for short stubby muscles. At worst they're something that can fuck up your joints, back etc.
Do you have any medical issues? Is there a trainer or someone to explain the machines for you at your gym?
You should stick to cardio (swimming running) and bodyweight (pullups pushups etc) with maybe some barbell and dumbbell work if you want to build strength. Have you checked out the weights room at your gym? I'm not going to preach, some people love these machines and gizmos and that's cool. I'm sure they're helpful and good for some people, but it might be worth taking a step back with your fitness and simplifying things a bit.
Eg. Why are you using the hip machine? Do you want stronger legs? Slimmer arms? To be able to carry more shopping? To lose weight? Think about what you really want, it's easy to get overwhelmed with all these machines at the gym and end up doing random stuff instead of solid routines.
No. 130585
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holy fuck I don't usually post pics from people on my fb, but this chick seems to have been in some sort of fitness comp?
like, is she sucking in? Why tf would she need to when she's already fit. It looks ghastly.
No. 130587
>>130585its just something they do.
i dont know the reason exactly but ive seen people post some kinds of 'exercise' where they deeply suck in their stomach.
it supposedly works some deep unseen inner ab muscle lol
No. 130588
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What are your shopping lists like? I always seem to play it safe with shopping.
I mostly get generic brand chickpeas, black beans, a bag of mixed veggies, spinach, chicken breast or ground turkey, tuna, eggs and maybe soy milk/pasta for cravings. Obv I get some other stuff, but these are my staples that I always get.
No. 130592
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Why is she so perfect? She makes me want to cry when I think about how I look in comparison to her.
I'm a obese can of lard at 5'3" and 120 lbs. I looked at myself from behind today and was wholly and completely disgusted. Is there any way a soft pear/rectangle like me can achieve her perfect goddess form?
My plan is:
>stay under 1,100 calories, 1,000 is preferable
>drink at least 2 liters of water every day and take vitamin supplements
>cardio (biking and jogging) 3 days a week
>strength training 3 days a week
>staying away from sugary and fatty foods
Is my plan feasible? Do I need to step it up a bit? I'm sorry for being such a loser. I just don't want to be a fat sack of shit anymore.
No. 130594
>>130592She's kind of gross tbh.Anyway, I can't tell if she's a rectangle or not because of the hip cocking, but it seems achievable. If she's an hourglass, and you're a rectangle, then that waist definition isn't something you can achieve with exercise. You can decrease your waistline from what it is now, but you can only do it to a certain extent before you need to delve into shit like waist training or whatever else.
Your calorie count is fine, 1k might be on the light side. What are you planning to eat on a daily basis? Vitamin supplements are unnecessary, but if you want to, go ahead. You'll just shit/piss out the unnecessary nutrients anyway.
What I'm concerned about is the amount of exercise. How fit are you right now? Going from no exercise to 6 days of exercise is a bit much. If you're just starting out, you might want to do it every 2nd day and increase that as your level of fitness rises.
No. 130595
>>130594Thanks for your honesty. I guess I'm just drawn to her skinny arms, small waist, and round butt– all things I severely lack.
Also my boyfriend has a boner for her, whoops.I'm a sort of rectangle pear, and a few years ago it was more pronounced– my measurements were 32-23-34, but now they are 33-27-38 (I know, I'm a fat pig.) I think I can slim down my waist to her level. I'm not interested in waist training, but I'll keep it in mind just in case.
I'm planning on eating the stuff recommended here; fresh fruit, vegetables, whole grains, cottage cheese, and things with protein. I really want to eliminate processed crap as much as possible. For supplements, I heard fish oil with omega 3s is good for you, and so is taking a spoonful of apple cider vinegar once daily. Are those just fad things, or is it worth investing into? I also take potassium because I have a deficiency.
Unfortunately, I'm about as fit as a lumpy sack of potatoes. Perhaps I should be more realistic and work myself up to 6x a week. Do you reccomend I start at three? How long do you have to do cardio for it to be effective? For strength training, I'm looking into reps of push ups, sit ups, weighted squats, mountain climbers, donkey kicks and lunges. Do you have any other recommendations? Oh, and I won't forget to stretch before and after.
Thanks for your help, anon. I truly appreciate it. This may sound silly, but the farm has given me such good advice that I couldn't get from any of my rl friends.
No. 130599
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>>130595>a triangle pearThat's an hourglass fam
No. 130600
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>>130596Ash, plz go back to bingeing on japanese kit kats.
No. 130601
>>130595At 32-23-34, I'd classify you as a pear, maybe a light hourglass? You almost make the 10in difference. So what you're aiming for is definitely achievable, and I agree you could get your waist as slim as hers, if not, slimmer, since she looks like a rectangle in hindsight. I don't think you'd need waist training at all once you shed the weight.
Your diet sounds pretty solid, you seem to have a good grip on that anon. Fish oil isn't a meme (as far as I know), but I'm not sure about apple cider vinegar. It probably won't be terrible for you, though. I'm just glad you're not doling out a lot of money on pointless vitamins.
3x a week would be a good starting point and should be fairly manageable, but once you start working out, see how you feel after the first day. The first workout is an absolute slayer. Cardio is good for weight loss, so maybe start tapering off - but not completely stopping - it once you start getting near your GW. Your strength training seems fine to me as it is. Are you planning on alternating days between cardio/strength, or doing both each day?
It's no problem at all, anon! Good on you for wanting to lose weight. I guess what's good about cow is that we don't have to go through the whole 'but anon, you don't need to lose weight!' song and dance like you would irl.
No. 130602
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>>130588My shopping is largely influenced by what's on clearance because I get off on great deals. My personal deal "record" was buying 3kg of protein powder for less than 3 quid total (To this day I have no idea why it was so cheap, but I took it all like a greedy cunt). Anyway, my ideal shopping trip :
-cereal bars (like balisto). tonnes and tonnes of oatmeal, maybe healthyish fibre cereal to spice up my boring life
-rice. I cook it and then freeze it. Whatever rice is on clearance. If no rice is on clearence, then whatever else is like quinoa or couscous.
-Lemons. They have a great shelf life and they're cheap. I squeeze them into water and put the water in the fridge. Sometimes I buy squash concentrate to spice that up.
-Legumes. Chickpeas, canned beans, lentils, peas.
-Things for oatmeal. Frozen fruits, fresh fruits, cottage cheese, peanut butter, seeds nuts etc. Again, whatever is on clearance abd healthyish generally
-Lots of frozen veg. I also freeze my own veg.
-Every 5 months or so I buy 100 sushi nori sheets in bulk. They're noice.
-Also rice sheets in bulk, wholemeal/spinach/fibre reinforced tortillas in bulk etc. You'd be amazed at the great deals you can get online when buying in bulk. And you're set for ages with wraps. I wrap things in lettuce leaves, rice sheets, nori and taco. Wraps are easy to make, store and eat. Easy to carry around for lunch.
-almond milk, soy milk, canned coconut milk. Condensated milk. Powdered milk.
-Spices. They're pretty important for making rice, fish and veg not make you want to kill yourself. I also grow herbs and when the season is right I collect some herbs and even rhubarb outside ( I live in a ruralish place)
-Flour and yeast. You can make a variety of things from these two ingredients. Anything from sweet or savoury pancakes, donuts, cakes and egg cupcakes.
-I love fish and seafood, so when it's on clearance I treat myself to it. Smoked salmon is my fav guilty treat. I don't like nonfish meat like pork, horse, beef or turkey. I'll eat it on occasion for a party or with friends. Some meats like lamb and duck are nice, but personally their nutritional content is not very cost efficient, to say the least, so I stick to eating them rarely if at all.
-Mcdonalds. I love their hamburgers. It's extremely expensive where I live though (17 dollars? For one big mac), so it's more of an ultimate treat. They also don't really have kfc here (there's one and it's many hours away) so I only really eat it when I go to the UK or abroad elsewhere.
No. 130603
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>>130597>>130599Sorry for being bad at recognizing body shapes, anons.
>>130598>>130601Thanks for the help guys! You're right that I would also just like to be the best version of myself I can, and I know that's what I should aim for.
I was planning on doing both on the same day, just to make sure I keep myself accountable.
Thanks for your advice! And yeah, I totally agree. I think that it's good to encourage your friends to make a positive change in their life.
No. 130608
>>130604It really doesn't matter what you eat IF your sole goal is weight loss. You can lose weight on pizza and donuts if you're maintaining a calorie deficit.
Now, if you want to be healthy obviously fruit and veg is the way to go. I would also advise eating less meat (aim for once a week maximum) and heavily processed shitty frankenfoods like cheap frozen pizzas, processed cheese slices and hot dog sausages. I.e don't eat shitty pizza with the periodic table for an ingredients list, make your own instead or opt for one that's at least made fresh or with decent ingredients. Avoid crisps, biscuits and snacks. Obviously treat yourself, but if you want to not be malnourished stay away from those empty calorie foods.Also drink a lot of water.
No. 130611
>>130606Low load glute activation work – there are tons of drills that you can and should do to shuttle the focus toward the glutes and away from other synergists. Start out your workouts with 5-10 minutes of this.
Hip external rotation movements – band hip rotations are the best, but you really need to learn how to use the glutes during this movement as many women do not.
Hip abduction movements – from side lying abduction, to band standing abduction, to band seated abduction, to band walk variations, to abductor machines – these target the upper glutes.
Barbell glute bridges – these leave out much of the quad activity that barbell hip thrusts produce. This will be your money exercise – the exercise that you want to keep getting stronger at over time. Strength creates curves, and without it your glutes won’t grow.
American deadlifts – this is a better option than RDLs due to the increased glute activation. Don’t go too low on these either.
Pull-throughs and kettlebell swings – just make sure you’re feeling the glutes do the work when you perform them.
Single leg foot elevated hip thrusts – you could also do these with both the shoulders and foot elevated.
No. 130613
>>130605I've been trying to stick to this daily:
breakfast - black coffee, banana, sometimes a muffin
lunch - 3-4oz of grilled chicken, 1 cup cauliflower, black coffee(because im at work and tired)
snack - 1/2 cup cauliflower, handful of almonds
post workout - 1cup protein shake
dinner - 3-4oz of chicken, 2 cups string beans
I'm also trying to get in the habit of drinking nothing but water with every meal, just sometimes I don't want it if I'm just sitting static. after a workout sure. also not sure if I'm eating too much meat? I can't eat fish and I don't pick up beef too often because it's too fuckin expensive.
No. 130614
>>130613>Breakfast : Black coffee, banana and sometimes a muffinBlack coffee and banana are excellent day starters, however I'd stay away from the muffin. It's pure sugar (the bad kind) and carbs unless it's homemade and crazy healthy, then I apologize.
But seriously, Black coffee and a banana is such a good way to start the day. So far your diet seems fine though.
No. 130619
>>130613This diet lacks fruit. I would at least add an apple, a hand full of cherries, blueberries, apricots or whatever you like.
You could also eat a lot more veggies and greens. Spinach, all kinds of leafy greens, squash, bell peppers, tomatoes, broccoli, radish, cabbage, mushrooms… Your diet sounds horribly bland.
Also you could sometimes exchange chicken for fish, eggs, tofu, seitan or lentils. Why can’t you eat fish? Are you allergic? I wouldn't be able to stick to a diet this boring. It’s also way too little. Around 1000 kcal without the muffin and I overestimated. If you aren’t a midget you should aim for 1200-1500 kcal. Or go to the ana-containment thread.
No. 130624
>>129926Sarah prikker is my life goals
I've started doing her glute and leg workouts and they kill me
I want to know how much she squats
No. 130625
>>130621You gotta set goals for yourself. Don't go to the gym just cuz.
Try to improve your time or increase the calories burned when you run
No. 130626
>>130613This is similar to my meal prep. You need some carbs and more greens anon.
Might wanna add a scoop of low fat peanut butter to your banana or, slice your banana and have it with peanut butter toast (whole grain ofc)
Or try making oatmeal and flavor it with cinnamon and honey.
Alternate between spinach and broccoli instead of cauliflower.
No. 130628
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>>130627Yeah this, meal timing and stuff doesn't matter. I personally have 4 meals of 4-500 calories because that's what keeps me full. I need them ALL the same size
No. 130630
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No. 130631
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No. 130632
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does anybody have advice on how to get a more defined waist? I've lost weight through cardio and I'm slowly picking up on building abs, but I lack a waist. The best way to describe it is with this picture of Kate Hudson.
No. 130635
>>130632Russian twists will help tighten your obliques.
It's a top tier workout imo if you use a medicine ball because it hurts every time.
You'll suck at first if you haven't done them but but you'll get better.
I'd do 100 on each side everyday as a warm up (broken up 4x25) increasing the weights every two weeks and I got some rock hard obliques and I looked fucking great
No. 130642
>>130641You can search beginner exercises on YouTube. There are a lot of videos c: I use the fitness blender channel to get some of my ab and arm exercises done at home after cardio at the gym.
As for dieting jus make sure you are not eating more calories than you burn. Exercise is important, but you can't outrun a bad diet. I eat healthy 6 days a week and I allow myself a cheat day on Sundays where I eat donuts or ice cream, but don't overdo it.
No. 130645
>>130641I love Blogilates. I just follow the workout calendar (there's a beginner one too). I heard she has good clean eating diet plans too but I haven't tried them
>>130644It works, but if you're in really bad shape you're going to end up doing the exercises with poor form which won't accomplish much. You'll get the best results doing any program which you can follow properly. Give it a try, if it's too much you can start Insanity at a later time when you're ready
No. 130646
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No. 130648
>>130647Are you able to take the time and do a prep day? You can take Sunday and just do a massive prep of portioned meals and snacks that you can grab throughout the week. It's a good way to stay on your meal plan without having to think about it too much. Use a food scale in order to accurately get your portions too.
Portion out veggies, fruits, nuts, and lean meats. You'll have to cook the meats of course but cooking a big portion and then measuring it out afterwards will save you the work of having to cook daily. Grill, pan cook, or bake it with seasonings of your choice. Just pop that shit in the microwave. Veggies can be eaten raw with or without some dressing to dip in. Don't like raw veggies? Do a quick blanch, season and then they'll be ready for microwaving later too.
Putting in the effort in just one afternoon will have you set for the rest of the week. That way you won't have to worry about not being motivated to cook something.
Sorry you're struggling with depression anon but here's to hoping you can take better care of yourself.
No. 130649
>>130647I have depression too, thankfully mine comes and goes, but when it hits it's noticeably harder to do anything at all. I also noticed I was craving carbs and sugars big time, after several months of keto, it didn't make any sense because I was full and satisfied.
I'd say making meals in big batches is your best bet, even if it's just the filling for wraps, burritos, ect. Chickpea salad is really tasty and easy to make, it's got good $$ per portion too. My recipe is adapted from my SO's mother -
-2 cans of chickpeas
-1 whole english cucumber, diced
- 1/3 (or 1/2 if you love onion like me) red onion, diced thin
- cherry tomatoes as much as you want and cut how you like to eat them.
- feta cheese, that pricey bitch
- dressing, oil based, cheese + italian seasoning goes best.
Pasta sauces, stews and such are good to store in batches and eat for a few days. The things I'm suggesting aren't even the healthiest per say, but they are bucket loads better for you than the easy to grab/cheap comfort food.
I would also suggest start doing a walk around the block everyday, I've found just walking by trees and pretty nature shit to help my mood a lot. Not sure where you are on the exercise level yet, but for me it's a good starting point.
No. 130650
>>130647Hey anon, hope things get better for you soon. Thirding what above anons said about making meals in batches, that would probably be the best solution. If you're not into that, here's the basic meal plan I was on when I was deep into my depression. It's very basic, but it's all pretty easy to do. The only meal that needs cooking on a burner is dinner, and that's a matter of throwing some proteins and vegetables together in a pan.
If you can get/have a rice cooker, you can do a lot of meals from it with very little cooking involved.
You'll want to get into the habit of reading labels and making an account on a calorie counter. It is very surprising how quickly calories can add up if you're not used to counting.
In general:
>the only thing you'll be drinking is water, tea, or black coffee (though you can probably get away with 1 spoon of cream, if you only drink 1 cup)>avoid putting sauces on your food, or do it very modestly>invest in some spices to kick up your food without adding too many caloriesPick one:
>toast (no spreads), scrambled eggs (depending on how much effort you want to put in, you can do this in the microwave or on a stove)>instant oats>toast, fresh fruit>yoghurt (check the label, some of them have a lot of sugar) and fresh fruitLunch:
>canned soup>sandwichDinner:
>protein of your choice (I bought stuff that was on sale), green vegetables>pasta (no cream based sauces)Snacks:
>fresh fruit>handful of nuts (watch out, the calories in these can add up quickly depending)>rice crackers and dip (pick the dip wisely)>carrots, celery sticks and dip>low calorie jelly (the one I get is 0cal, shit's great)>yoghurtIn terms of exercise, I'd recommend following exercise tutorials on YouTube. There are also video programs like P90X and the 30DS which I liked because I didn't want to go outside. If you want to get out of the house, even going for small walks is does a lot.
No. 130651
>>130648>>130649>>130650Thanks so much for the help and support! I really appreciate it. I think I can manage prepping things on Sunday's. I may even invest in some cute tupperware to help me stay motivated.
I didn't have time to figure out meals for the rest of this week, but I spent a lot of time at the store and found some stuff that's quick and easy.
Here's what I got in case anyone else is in the same boat.
>Smoked salmon w/ cream cheese on whole wheat bagels>Coffee (with just a bit of half-n-half)Lunch:
>TV dinners (tried to pick the healthiest ones, like Amy's)Dinner:
>Frozen precooked chicken breasts>Steam in a bag vegetablesSnacks:
>Strawberries>Oikos Triple Zero yogurtAs for working out, I think I'll try to jump into that on Monday. I found a lot of good beginner workouts by Jessica Smith on Youtube. I might also invest in some hand weights for those days when I don't have the energy to do cardio.
No. 130655
>>130635A lot of people do russian twists with horrible form tho, even on ibstructional videos hilariously enough
>>130653Do you do pullups?
No. 130656
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any tips for getting a bigger booty?
No. 130660
>>130655I do pull ups also hanging leg raises. Heard mountain climbers would be a good exercise. I'm freaking out that I will never get rid of my issue and will have to do some liposuction to get rid of it but they cost 13k.
So better Just stick with the gym. Any tip would be very welcomed!
No. 130664
>>130662Ah, I see. Guess I'll have to ask. Our gym is really small and most people know each other so it might be awkward lol
One would think it would be okay, if you wipe the sweat down etc. but no.
No. 130667
>>130661You're covered up in a sports bra and/or tank, so I wouldnt see the issue. When you're actually working out (sweating and panting) you're going to want to be in less gear.
I mean real working out, not fat women who do one squat and then take selfies at the mirror.
No. 130675
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To make the skellies mad
No. 130692
>>130691When I started working in a restaurant and getting arm muscles instead of jelly, I was so amazed at the potential strength my body had. It was an incredible feeling going from schlub to actually a little toned.
Then, I started to realize that tasks were easier, and that I was having better health from getting stronger.
Think about how NICE it might feel to lift something heavy and not have it feel super shitty. Think of how proud you'll be of your body at that point.
Don't look at weight loss, look at the tasks, look at the potential for improvement.
I also legitimately like this song when I need to get pumped for a workout sometimes: line: "My body tells me no, but I won't quit cause I want more" gets me pumped for that adrenaline rush after a workout every time.
Maybe it doesn't work for you, but try finding a piece of music that gets you riled up and ready to lift, combined with what I said about trying to think positively about the potential for strength.
No. 130694
>>130693Not to sound like the wii fit trainer but great job, you should keep it up.
If the song starts to get stale I recommend coming up with a whole workout playlist.
No. 130695
>>130690Dirty bulking will only give you much more difficult to get rid of fat. Eat clean and be consistent.
And when having a cheat do a cheat MEAL not DAY.
There's a difference. One you will screw up all the gains and make harder to lean out.
No. 130696
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can someone who looks like this girl be "fit" or "healthy"? I'm confused. she looks big/muscular but also fat. did she just get 'lucky' with fat distribution?
No. 130697
>>130696supposedly ass fat is "good" and is not associated with as many health issues vs. abdominal fat
it looks like a combination of luck, good and high fat diet since she was a child, and moderate levels of fitness
she also probably doesn't eat a lot of empty carbs frequently, I'm betting that was a hella cheat day.
No. 130699
>>130698Eat at maintenance, lift and do light cardio.
If you're worried about making it worse you can try to talk to a doc.
No. 130700
>>130699I want to start lifting but I'm worried about my back. I have lordosis and also scoliosis (with 20 something curve in my back). I actually have an appointment with a spine expert I seeing soon.
light cardio is just like jogging? do you think jogging for 30 minutes 3x a week is ok to start with? maintenance is eating enough so I stay at this weight right? thanks for the help I'm pretty lost.
I want to try something like planks as well since I heard they will help with my back.
No. 130702
>>130700Then ask your doctor first, wouldnt want to give advice that could possibly hurt you
Yes, it's a good start, imo, maybe even less cardio. Once you start working out try to see what feels good and if it works for you. I know beginning is hard and it sucks but its better than doing nothing
And yup, thats what it means
No. 130705
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In case you guys have Instagram, I follow an account called fitnessgirlsmotivation. It works every morning when I'm feeling too lazy to work out.
No. 130708
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>>130707You eat at a caloric surplus while lifting weights and then you'll gain muscle rather than fat, so you'll end up looking lean and fit. Don't eat a load of shit, eat healthy food but plenty of it. Nuts and nut butters are useful for adding calories quickly and easily. And eat plenty of protein! Chicken is your friend.
No. 130709
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Nikki Blackketter. Damn. She has a fitness YouTube for anyone interested
No. 130713
>>130712Depends on the intensity of your workout. Swimming can be as good (or even better) than running if you do it a high pace and incorporate different strokes. The problem is the majority of the people who use swimming for their cardio don't really take the intensity into consideration.
About the shoulders thing, no. Unless you're a competitive swimmer who swims 2x a day, everyday since you were 12 then no.
No. 130719
>>130716Sorry for the late ass reply but tbh the only "main and targeted" leg workouts I've done are squats and deadlifts. Aside from that, I do glute targeted exercises, so I'm not sure if maybe glute/hamstring growth is related to my inner thighs.
I was also on a dirty bulk and gained some very noticeable fat, so it might just be that too.
No. 130721
>>130719Yeah,the dirty bulk is likely the problem. Never a good idea tbh.
Whether you get bigger or smaller is almost entirely down to your diet.
No. 130722
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I'm stunned by this. Must get on this level
No. 130728
Guys, give me some advice please.
I'm 23yo, really fat(~240lbs), trying to lose weight. I think I've finally managed to fix my diet, I'm currently on lazy keto and I don't overeat anymore. Like, seriously, now my portions are 1/4 of what I've used to eat before and 1200cal are A LOT of food for me now. Already lost 30lbs since february.
I've also started trying to exercise on my elliptical trainer, but so far I've been able to do it for only 10 minutes per day, and I exercise only 3 times a week. I plan to add a minute or two every time I work out, but the last time I've added 1 min my knees didn't like it at all.
I feel like those 30mins per week are completely useless and thats not nearly enough exercise for me, and that kind of kills my motivation.
So please tell me, am I right and thats not enough and I should try to do more than 10mins or exercise every day of the week, or should I just keep exercising for those 10mins/3 times per week and wait until I lose more weight?
Sorry for my bad english
No. 130730
>>130728Motivation is super important. Positive reinforcement is key. Reward yourself for working out, don't be too hard on yourself for not doing enough.
And don't tell yourself what you're doing is completely useless either. Doing a little is definitely better than not doing anything at all, even if you need to get to a point where you can do more.
No. 130734
>>130728You have to stay realistic with exercise. It's true that it's not going to make much of a dent, calorie wise. It would take a LOT to actually burn a significant amount of calories.
Just imo, exercise is way more important for psychological reasons, for boosting mood and helping you to feel 'present' in your body. That is going to matter over the long haul. Obviously it can have health benefits as well, even if you don't lose weight from it.
Also if you do want to burn a shit ton of cals (I mean, it's possible but maybe not super practical), you'll have to build up to it! 10 minutes isn't a lot but you have to start somewhere.
I started out doing C25K, and can now run 40 minutes continuously, vs the like 30 seconds I could do when I started! That combined with walking can net me -500 cals in a day (that's based on wearing a heart rate monitor, so it's at least kinda accurate).
Honestly I think it's a good idea to view exercise as separate from your weight loss efforts. Pick a goal like "I want to deadlift xyz weight" or "I want to walk / run xyz number of minutes."
Something you can make progress towards, independent of weight loss. You can eventually burn more, but it'll take time and sustained effort. So in that sense, YES it is worth while to do 10 minutes 3x per week. I'd highly recommend you keep doing it.
No. 130735
>>130733this is the worst advice ever kek, are you fucking retarded???
better stay out of the gym! bec… that's somehow gonna help you to lose weight…?
No. 130736
>>130730>>130734Thank you anons, I really needed to hear that!
I know that I will be able to do at least 30 mins per day if I lose a bit more weight(tried it back when I was 220lbs and my knees were okay), but for now I'll just stick to doing what I can.
Also I think I like doing cardio, it feels awesome and I've caught myself counting hours until the next exercise, so I might start doing it every day!
>>130733Nah, it will be okay even if I gain a lot of weight, max weight limit on it is around 400lbs.
No. 130738
>>130735oy, dumbass, the gym isn't for obese fucks, it's for skinnyfats who wanna tone up and fit people who want to maintain.
diet is more important if you want to lose weigt, the gym is for when you want to tone up.
No. 130741
>>130739>>130740She's right, you know. There's no such thing as 'toning up'.
Also: you'll burn up your calories a LOT faster if you throw in some muscle-building exercise, because muscle tissue eats up a ton of energy even when you're not using it.
No. 130743
>>130742Fat people generally have pretty good muscles. Imagine walking around with a 100+ lb bag of flour on your back, constantly.
The goal is to at least maintain some of those muscles and weight training is a good way to do it, not just dropping 10lbs a week until you're a walking sack of human skin…
No. 130744
>>130728 and that shit is true. Took me 2 years of being a NEET and rarely leaving home to get rid of my calf muscles. I guess they will be back soon and I'll never be able to wear normal winter shoes, which is kinda depressing.
No. 130745
>>130735It's how I lost weight. Being that obese is bad for your joints and the machines. Obese people don't belong at the gym, despite what your 'biggest loser' shows tell you. It's dangerous. Eat less and lose the weight first.
Fat people often stay fat because they expect instant results and that's not how it works.
No. 130747
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Leg day for me again this morning. A little motivation
No. 130748
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>>130738>toningKill yourself famalam
No. 130753
>>130750If you want to gain muscle, I'd just buy more freeweights and just do all the stuff at home. It's a lot cheaper in the long run and I don't think there's anything at the gym you really need. You're already doing a ton of cardio and weight lifting machines are bullshit anyway.
Get more freeweights, ideally a barbell bar and some plates for it. And educate yourself on how to use it, because barbells are very very good, but also dangerous.
>>130752>still talking about toning as if that's actually a thing No. 130755
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Anybody else going for a "high test" type look?
No. 130757
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>>130756Eh, that's individual. I think swimming is boring but I love the gym. For me its gotta really burn or its not fun
No. 130760
I used to weigh 160 lbs. and after I saw a certain picture of myself, decided to lose weight. When I got to ~130 lbs. I started to do unhealthy diets (500 calories) + some exercise.
Got down to 110 lbs, stopped dieting and counting calories, and started eating with leisure. Now I'm at 116 lbs, I get full fast, and I pretty much stay away from junk foods. I got thin, but now I'm skinny-fat and am not quite sure how to fix it. I'm pleased with where I'm at for the most part, I just don't like that I'm not fit.
Luckily, I'm taking a body building class next semester so I'll have access to a gym where I can work on strength training.
Any advice/tips on what I should do regarding eating/exercising? I want to have muscle definition going on. I imagine I should be eating more protein; if so, how do I find out how much I should be eating? Also, I don't even think I'm hitting 1200 calories right now, but only because I get full fast and have pretty much screwed my system up by eating unhealthily little in the past-not because I'm paranoid about the calories.
I'd be very grateful to those of you who can help me out :)
No. 130767
>>130766If you haven't already, try starting with 'girl push-ups' which is like a normal push-up but you're on knees instead of your toes.
I had that problem too but I'm pretty sure it was because I was about a good 40 lbs overweight.
No. 130768
>>130766If you can't do modified pushups like
>>130767 suggested, try wall pushups.
You're weak but if you stick with an exercise routine you'll grow stronger. You've already made the first steps towards a fitter you. Keep at it.
No. 130769
>>130767>>130768I actually tried the "girl push ups" as well but I couldn't do that either. I'm not even over/under weight, my BMI is ~20. Just a weak ass bitch.
I'll try wall push ups, thanks so much.
No. 130770
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Really broad shoulders here. I finally start training upper body again and the swimming Olympic athletes builds are freaking me out.
Should I avoid certain exercises to not make it worse or skip upper body altogether?
No. 130772
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Thoughts on Crossfit?
No. 130773
>>130772Terrible meme. Avoid at all costs. Also, terrible on your back/spine and dangerous as fuck.
Just lift and do cardio on alternating days. Problem solved.
No. 130774
>>130770I have kind of broad shoulders from swimming every day for 7 years 2 times a day and theyre nowehere as bad as that girl
Youd have to work reaaaaaally hard to get shoulders like that
Probably 8+years
No. 130775
>>130770Unless you'll be doing olympic-athlete tier training, I wouln't get freaked out by their builds. Like
>>130774 said, it takes years and years of intense work.
Just do upper body exercises and dial it back if you start getting too bulky for your liking. Skipping them isn't necessary, just go easy on them if you're worried.
No. 130779
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How true is "abs are made in the kitchen"? I'm a lazy fuck but I want abs. I honestly don't care too much about muscle gains except for the abdomen and butt gains.
I already have a BMI of ~20-21 (5'9, 140lbs). Should I just bombard my abdomen and butt with target specific exercises and try to lose a little more weight? Is that how it works? I can't afford a gym membership and all I have at home is a treadmill.
I think I can get a gym membership in a year and focus more on a strength training routine hopefully.
No. 130780
>>130779i'm not saying 'dont eat carbs! carbs are BAD!' but when i stopped eating bread and shitty white carbs, my stomach got a bit flatter.
its not that carbs make you fat
per se but they pump up muscles which looks like you got bulky
No. 130782
>>130781Yeah, abs are like any other muscle group. They need to be built and you need to have low enough body fat to see them.
For your goals I'd train glutes 2-3 times per week and abs 2-3 times. It's not ideal but if that's really all you want then go for it anon
No. 130783
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No. 130791
>be on the bigger side whole life (like size 8-10) but fairly active, not an overeater but toddler palate and junk food
>blow the fuck up out of high school in spite of this, like size 16-18 obeast cuz metabolism hits a wall
>lose 100lbs in 2 years from decent eating and exercise
>gain 30lbs out of the blue, turns out to be muh thyroid of all things
>complete overhaul of diet, no more snacks or dessert, only 3 small meals a day, 100% clean eating, + thyroid meds
>lose weight, cholesterol goes down 30 points…left with the most INSANE fupa, can't even be concealed completely with shapewear
What the fuck, like I want to just fucking cut it off with a knife. I had a slight fupa after my initial weight loss but the one I have now is DISGUSTING. I'm back at my goal weight, do I just keep…trying to lose weight to get rid of it? I'm so glad winter is coming so I can cover it with bulky clothes but it makes me want I kill my self. the rest of me looks ok and then I have this wobbly disgusting wad of fat just hanging out below my navel ughhhhh
No. 130792
>>130791if you don't want to lose anymore scale weight, then losing fat and gaining muscle is pretty much your only option.
it is possible that surgery is the only thing that can 'fix' it, but getting to a lower body fat % might work too. it's worth trying.
No. 130797
>>130796it's actually really easy. I don't eat grains or beans (my stomach doesn't like them anyway, i get bloated and gassy and retain water, plus stomach pain)
i eat a high fat, moderate protein, low carb diet
not super low carb (not ketosis) but low enough that my net carbs are from 40-70. I could probably get it down to 20/30 if i wanted to, but I enjoy like barbecue sauce and salad dressings and obviously non-meat-meat and cheese, and almond flour, have a bit more carb content.
No. 130799
>>130798I just forced myself to eat them and eventually I grew to tolerate/like most veggies. Except tomatoes and onions, I will NEVER eat those nasty shits.
They're not super healthy but you could try dips or butter spray at first until you're used to the veggie's taste.
No. 130800
>>130795What's gas and bloating got to do with carbs? They're caused by soluble fibers.
>>130797What do you eat that contains high amounts of fat? It can't be nothing but avocados right?
No. 130803
>>130802Sounds like you already understand, but there's no way to make your body lose fat in a specific place (other than surgery).
I know it's not much consolation, but just because the fat and loose skin on your stomach hasn't changed as much as you wanted, doesn't mean it never will. My body honestly changed dramatically with the last 10lbs.
Have you ever heard of the 'paper towel' analogy?
eg, If you take 1 paper towel off a full roll, it looks the same. If you take one off a roll that's almost empty, it looks smaller.
Every time you reduce the amount of total body fat you have, the bigger visual impact losing 1 pound is going to have.
Basically, don't give up hope.
No. 130805
>>130800your first question - ok?? but tell my body that cause its doing great, when before I looked pregnant after every time I ate and had the most awful undigested shits. Now I digest everything and don't look pregnant or bloated or retain water.
your second question - olive oil tofu vegetable stir fries, almond flour pizza with vegan mozzarella and broccoli or whatever other vegetables I want, low carb wraps toasted with homemade guacamole, veggie hot dogs and chicken breasts, lots and lots of green salads with as much dressing as I want
It's honestly the best
No. 130807
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>>130806Just a suggestion for a water app but I like to use Plant Nanny. It's so cute growing all the different plants and then putting them in your garden. I've definitely kept on track with water a lot more since I've downloaded it since I don't want my plants to die off.
No. 130809
>>130805Firstly your "most awful undigested shits" is a different matter altogether than gas and bloating, which is what you said previously.
And how much effort does it take for you to prepare a typical meal and clean up after you finish, that sounds like such a massive pain in the ass.
No. 130810
When counting calories is it unwise to skip seasoning and spices and whatnot? Sometimes there's so many of them and it's a huge pain in the ass.
>>130806Just Lifesum. I can't stand mfp.
No. 130817
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Guys, pls help. My body is basically exactly like this, though my hips are considerably bigger. I feel super fucking flabby though and I NEED to build muscle. I'm 5'1" 134 lbs though and basically chubby. I'm happy with my shape, aside from my arms, (33-24-39), but I'm SO soft in my arms, thighs and belly. I just don't want to look fatter if I try to gain muscle. Should I lose weight first? Should I just strength train? Should I just try to recomp? There's not much info about what to do when on the slimmer side of chubby. I'm afraid I'm going to lose my hips and more muscle, if I try to lose weight, and I already have so little muscle.
No. 130821
Anons, something's gone terribly wrong with my body and I'm scared.
Last year I weighed 48kg, which was low but not terrible for a person of my height. My hair was fine, my energy levels were fine. I had sweet fruit every day (dates, bananas, apples) and my height was fairly consistent. I used to bleach my hair every 4 weeks, use the shittiest shampoo and a plastic comb but it was still nice, thick and relatively healthy.
Now I've stopped using hair dye, heat, started using only gentle products and switched to a natural bristle brush. I eat the same amount as before, I sleep more, I drink more tea but for some reason my hair's started falling out and I've gained 8kg out of nowhere. The hair loss isn't due to bleach damage (every hair has that little bulb on one end, I've checked), but where one used to fall out now it's ten. Whenever I run my hand through my hair a little clump falls out. I don't use headbands or ponies, just soft scrunchies.
I have less energy than I used to and every morning in class my heart feels like it's going to give out any minute. I complained to my bf and his parents but they just blamed it on my anxiety and said it was fine.
My bf's lost his job and I keep begging him to look for a new one but he's so lazy and likes being a NEET. His parents encourage him to stay at home under the pretense of studying (he's taking an online class) but he won't even study, he just watches youtube videos all day. He first says it's no problem, his parents will pay for our food, then the next day he complains that we don't have enough money for food and asking his parents is rude since they're already giving us so much. We only eat what we're given by the church charity/soup kitchen, which is mostly terrible expired food supermarkets can't stock anymore. Lots of bread and greasy mince meat but little else.
I can go to the hospital for free since I'm a student but they never send you to a doctor unless you're literally on the brink of death and about to keel over, they always relegate you to a nurse who takes one look at you and says you're fine, just rest more.
What do I do?
No. 130822
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I've really been getting into fitness lately and overall just gaining more strength and muscle, but the problem is, I'm trying to recover from BED and the thought of counting calories or trying to change my diet too quickly makes me want to cry.
I'm trying to eat healthy - 3 small meals plus 2 snacks - with plenty of protein, fruits, and vegetables, but will not counting calories or eating a specific way effect my ability to put on muscle at all? Right now, I'm only doing body weight and hand weight exercises too.
No. 130825
>>130823I'm dependent on him atm. We live together and his parents pay the rent, but I'm going abroad in a few months so we'll probably break up then.
He's a nice guy otherwise, but tbh I can't wait. Everytime I suggest maybe getting his shit together he starts crying and calling himself a failure, and then turns on me and says he does everything around the house whilst I just sit around. Which is expected considering that I'm working on two degrees at the moment and he does fuck all. Then when I lose my shit he goes and applies for one job and does the dishes and expects me to suck his cock for it.
Anyway sorry for OT but the point is I'm fully aware of my shitty situation, there's just not much I can do atm. My parents couldn't even afford to send me to college and they live in a Shrek-tier countryside mudhut, so that's out of the question.
No. 130827
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>>130824It's per kg not per pound so u need around 50/60g of protein
Also you can go quite a bit under that won't make much of a difference unless you're bodybuilding like pic related
No. 130828
>>130825sounds like he's depressed tbh. Nothing much you can do, esp if he won't talk to you about it/listen. If you're planning on breaking up with him anyway, no point in being super upset about in the first place. Just deal with it until then.
I was in a similar boat as you anon like 2 years ago, with the shitty NEET ex, hair thing and shitty diet. Once we broke up, there was way less stress that I didn't even notice, and I was able to eat healthy again. I still have some hairs that fall out but not NEARLY as much as when I was around that. I'm sure you'll be okay once you get away from that depressing NEET hole. Sometimes you can only try so hard to help someone before they need to help themselves.
No. 130830
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>>130829I don't see how gaining fat has anything to do with protein intake. You get fat from too many calories.
No. 130831
>>130830i thought if you take too much excess protein, it will just turn into excess calories and fat?
I'm a relatively small person and I went on a 2000 calories bulk. I'm surprised that now I'm eating a lot more carbs like pasta/bread, I'm actually getting more bloated on a deficit
No. 130833
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>>130831You get fat from eating excess calories. You can lose or maintain weight on a diet made entirely out of protein if you'd like.
I would advise you to read up on what protein, carbohydrates etc. Are if you're serious about wanting to change your eating habits
No. 130834
>>130832Proteinuria isn't at all normal, and is usually a sign of kidney damage or a disease. You're probably thinking of ketonuria, where ketone bodies, a fat end product, are excreted in urine during a low carb state (ex: starving, ketogenic diets, diabetes mellitus).
/fit/ is full of broscientists and idiots, don't listen to them for anything but fat person stories.
No. 130836
>>130834Lol no offence but you're talking out of your butt
Even having a small yogurt before you give your urine for protein level analysis is enough to mess up the results. You literally pee out protein.
No. 130839
>>130834Where do you think excess protein goes then? Stays in a protein waiting room?
Please learn some basic biology and don't give people bunk advice.
No. 130840
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Do you guys use any firness trackers? Any affordable ones?
I really want one with a heart rate monitor but they're all expensive af. The "good ones" cost anywhere from 400-800$ (converted from my currency to USD) but at least I'd know I could rely on them.
The "cheap ones" are around 40-50$ but idk how reliable they are, which is one of the reasons why I haven't bought one yet.
No. 130841
>>130840Fiteaze is pretty ok don't use this stuff but my friend has it and likes it (although maybe a different model)
I'd advise you to go on review blogs that go into autistic detail on this stuff. I do that when I buy hairdryers and stuff, there's a guy on youtube who takes them apart and sums up each component. I'm guessing fitness devices must have some nonshills reviewing them too.
Good luck!
No. 130847
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>>130846yes I'm sure they've all become a hivemind
This is not murica, anon, people are actually honest here. When I used to be fat, people would tell me I was fat. When I came back from vacation, people were not afraid to say I'd gained weight (wich I lost afterwards)
No. 130848
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>>130836Lol no offence but you could stand to learn something. The total protein content in urine isn't usually more than ~130 mg over a given day, 150 if you're being generous. If you're counting only albumin that drops down to the low single digits. That concentration is nowhere near enough to indicate that excess protein is being vented out that way. The idea that urine is an exit route for excess protein is plain wrong. You technically do pee out protein, but in such minute concentrations you'd need to turn into a human faucet for you to dispose of excess proteins that way.
>>130839Excess protein (as in, protein levels exceeding the requirement for the amino acid pool) is metabolized into glucose ala gluconeogenesis; this is elementary school-tier biochemistry. I'm a grad student studying biological sciences every day, this is basic shit we run through each day for pathology scenarios. The glomerular basement membrane is designed to specifically repel the vast majority of proteins in circulation, and the tubules reabsorb the low MW proteins that do filter through; if most of your excess protein is being peed out you have a serious problem.
Learn some basic biology and don't spread ignorance.
If you don't believe me:
>>n healthy persons, urine contains very little protein; an excess is suggestive of illness. Excess protein in the urine often causes the urine to become foamy, although foamy urine may also be caused by bilirubin in the urine (bilirubinuria),[1] retrograde ejaculation, pneumaturia (air bubbles in the urine) due to a fistula,[2] or drugs such as pyridium.[1] No. 130854
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is there a way to get a relatively nice butt (pic related) without weights? I can't afford to buy anything right now or a gym subscription because im saving to move out atm.
also, are protein shakes actually worth it?
No. 130856
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any sites with cool fitness communities?
everytime i look for forums i just find douchey swole bros.
im pretty sure 4chan also has a fitness board but i really want to find people to interact with and stay motivated
No. 172464
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>>172442>does diluting tea magically make more tea?No. How would it be more tea than what was originally served? If you didn't add a serve of tea you didn't have more tea. Jfc
No. 172502
>>172442I thought that I would be civil and explain your question gently after reading that you know that it's dumb, but holy crap I'm judging you so hard right now.
I hope you're just a tween or something.
No. 172561
>>172442Ignoring the overall idiocy of the question: Who says more than 4 cups of green tea are bad? I drink 1-2 cans everyday. Am I in some kind of danger?
>>172498>>172547I appreciate your advice but I'm looking for ways to strengthen my back-shoulder-neck area, not pain relieve of any kind (neither acupuncture nor medication).
If it gets really bad I do take meds but I want to prevent it from happening.
No. 172636
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Sorry if this has been asked before, but I've been on Strong Lifts - > Strong Curves and i've been seeing progress in the plumpness of my booty but it looks square af and more hard then soft. How do I get to it to be more like round A shape ( see pic ) then square? Is it just a genetics thing?
No. 172895
>>172536acupuncture anon here.
I've had it done 3 times. what happened to my neck is that the muscles in that area tensed up and went "hard" and knotted after doing some exercise one day. the first time it released a whole lot of tension in my neck and my range of movement of my head (looking forwards, upwards, and downards) was looser. it's been getting progressively better every time and my government subsides it. she follows it with a deep tissue massage and then does chiropractic work (clicking and stretching and stuff) on my neck.
would seriously recommend to try at least once.
>>172503I've never looked up the research, and I doubt it helps mentally/spiritually, but it's released so much tension in my muscles overnight i'd say that's scientific enough for me. my physio said the needles helps my muscles to "let go" and stop contracting so hard and causing stiffness and pain.
>>172536i've been prescribed ibuprofen 4+ a day so i can't help you there. i was also told to apply heat regularly but never ice my injury, but i'm sure it varies per person.
i'm still working on being able to pull and twist with my arm/shouder, but my neck is so much better.
No. 173050
>>173009It's a waste of money in my opinion since you can lose weight by eating exclusively pizza. It's all about the calories.
But whatever makes people happy.
No. 173052
>>172895Acupuncture is pseudoscience. Please don't encourage people to spend money on this or worse, delay actual medical treatment of real conditions.
If the pain and placebo make you happy, fine, but don't go around saying it will treat muscle pain. The massage sure, but needles do diddly.
No. 174281
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Hey farmers! I was wondering if you guys wouldn't mind helping me out a bit.
I am a 20 y/o girl, 5'3", 120 lbs. Definitly flabby, especially around my waist, upper arms, and thighs/butt.
Because of some immune system issues I'm having, my doctor encouraged me to up my exercise from two to five days a week. I currently only do two hours of ballet (not very intense, it's just a class.)
I want to know how to incorporate five days of cardio and weight training into my life. What are your favorite cardio exercises? Favorite ways to lift? I'm familiar with the basics of exercising, but I really want to pour myself into it because I hope it will help my body be less shitty.
Also, anyone have a recommended calorie intake? I work full time and go to school but I often don't have a lot of energy for anything else because of medical problems.
Thank you for spoon feeding. I'd love to know how you guys keep up with fitness. Not only do I want to feel better, I want to look better too– I'd love to be around 100 lbs, thinner and more toned.
No. 174573
>>174281Oh shit anon youre about my size and age! I had to stop working out for a while due to exams, then moving, starting work and then moving again so ive gotten abit chubbz but now that i moved im close to my gym again and finally starting back up on my regime! Blogpost aside; my favorites in terms of lifting are very basic ones incl squat rack (personally I squat below the knee but you do you!) dead lifts and the good arm curl with a barbell while I sit n take a breather.
Fitting frequent workouts for me has been just to take the oppurtunity when i find it! The moment you realise you have time on your hands just sprint to the gym or work out at home whatever you do! If you have a very tight schedule I understand wanting to have more structure tho,
There are a bunch of swell receipts on boosting smoothies or you could buy work out shakes (there are also shakes low in calorie yet full of protein, you dont have to buy those meant for the body builders!)
I figure with an active life you dont wanna have to eat all the time to keep energy up and personally I prefer liquids in that sense…
(also if you possibly wanna add me on kik or something i could go more in depth haha inb4 im a total creeplord its just nice meeting ppl with same build who wanna work out)
No. 175962
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seriously tho is there a better pre workout?
No. 175976
>>174281You know that you'll gain weight if you want to be "toned" right?
100 pounds is for skeletons at 5"3 and up
No. 176024
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Who Les Mills Body Pump here?
No. 181170
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Here we go again. Sorry for bumping this old thread, wanted to make a new one but I don't think it would be too active.
I remember having some anons here who are into fitness and was wondering if I could get some advice about lifting my butt.
I went from skelly ana-chan to normal body weight by doing body weight exercises and eating good, so I'm not exactly a "beginner" anymore. I'm still a bit flabby tho.
Most of the weight I gained went into my legs and butt, however it made my butt look "bottom heavy" aka somewhat saggy. Sooo, are there any exercises you guys prefer for butt lifting or anything that would target the "upper" area/lower back? Any tips or anything, really?
I'm already back at the gym, doing (weighted) squats, deadlifts, lunges, back extensions (will try to master split squats next) etc etc etc. This weekend I'll finally get my protein and meal prep boxes, so wish me luck lol.
No. 181302
>>181300The artist is probably male or pandering to men.
Also, genetics do play a role lol
No. 181363
>>181300>>181302Artist is a Brazilian guy who self inserts as some grimey scrawny nerd who lives in appartment with nerd girl and hipster girl or something dumb like that.
And there's video games.
No. 181610
so I've always been a regular gym person, though I don't do anything proper… Do 30 min cardio on different machines/per day, weight training top/bottom alternate days, then finish with 30-40 min cardio. I know, it's not the BEST because HIIT is better, but anyway… My weight's been pretty much the same. I only eat twice a day, breakfast ~400 calories, and dinner, about ~700 calories. I can't force myself to eat anymore or I get sick. Tried making smaller meals through out the day for YEARS and my stomach just won't accept it. Is there anything I can do with my diet/work out that could work with my eating habits? Or should I REALLY just bite the bullet and do HIIT/interval?
I should mention that I try to half mostly proteins (salmon, chicken) and veggies(pretty much anything but peppers), but I do occasionally eat bread (sandwiches) and white rice.
My doctor is telling me I'm gaining because my body is converting shit to fat. Probably right…
No. 181612
>>181610If you get sick from any deviations in your diet, tell your doctor that, it sounds like an issue, you shouldn't get that at all.
And you're gaining because you're eating too much, you're likely underestimating how many calories you're eating in a day.
If you can't adjust the size of your meals, try adjusting what's in them. Caloric content of different foods is obviously different, so swap something out for a lower calorie option instead.
>>181611I always find that doing it after something is the way to go. If you do it at a set time every day, it's easy to develop a routine, at which point it's going to feel weird to not do it.
Don't over do it to start with either, just do a basic three days a week beginner program.
No. 181613
>>181612 is good advice. Just to add a bit onto it: try to find exercises that are fun for you to do do you can look forward to working out.
Also, it's more about discipline than motivation
No. 181676
>>181649Hows your flexibility?
You sound like you should see a physio honestly, not something you can just exercise away, and I don't think it's something people online can just tell you how to fix easily, could be a lot of stuff.
But yeah, the fact that it's all the way up your legs and back says it could be flexibility somewhere, being really imbalanced or tight in a certain area can mess up your whole body pretty badly.
Can you do a squat? Is your posture okay?
No. 181707
>>181676I'm hypermobile so my flexibility is beyond what it should be. I've been stretching often but my body always feels tight no matter how much I try to pull out the kinks.
I might have to see someone for it, but I'm so afraid to shell out hundreds of dollars for "idk maybe it'll get better/maybe don't do that anymore?" Again and again like last time.
No. 181937
>>181707Sorry for the late reply, but yeah, you should see a physio, they're going to offer much more than your average doctor has the knowledge to do, doctors don't learn much about this sort of issue generally.
If you're hypermobile, I imagine that could contribute though.
No. 181939
>>181861Yes, significantly so, lowering your overall bodyfat percentage will lower the amount of fat on your face, which will bring back that look you want.
Depends on age and other factors too of course, but purely for definition, yeah, it'll help.
No. 182011
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Month and a half of lifting(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 182062
>>182015How could anyone possibly tell from one photo with no numbers of where you started, what your previous physical activity was or anything like that?
You're not going to see any real difference in a month and a half, so what you've just done is post a photo of where you already are, and ask if people think you look good, which is fucking retarded.
That being said, I don't really get why you were banned, since when is this a no boys allowed website? You posted stupidly, but I don't think that's proof of anything like being a robot really.
No. 182081
>>182080>pedicure>gayBrushing your teeth is gay too then because you put shit in your mouth? Kek
No but seriously, can we stop shitting up the thread?
No. 182837
>>182636Depends what you're talking about. You can't lose fat in just your belly, the body doesn't work that way.
If you're looking to make it overall stronger looking (not in the same way a guys will, that takes a good amount of work for guys too, you don't just accidentally look that way one day), then go with any sort of heavy compound lift.
>>182833What sort of pain is it? If it's just muscle pain, then yeah, it's probably just DOMS.
If it's a sharp pain, then probably not but it's hard to say for sure.
No. 182838
>>182833I guess it depends on how bad the pain is.
First time I trained my calves I literally couldn't put my foot down or stand on that leg, but after 3 days it went back to normal.
No. 182846
>>182837Yeah it's a muscle pain.
>>182838That sounds just like what I have. I guess I'll take it easy for a while and hope this makes them stronger :)
No. 183087
>>183062At that point it's not really strength training, it's more endurance, but yeah, as long as you're taking a day off or so every couple weeks you'll be fine, you're not putting much stress on your body.
Just take the day off to make sure you do recover, otherwise super long term you still can end up with issues.
No. 183645
>>183642The do lower body workouts with weights, build some muscle so they won't be that flabby. Literally any exercise that targets the legs/glutes is fine, if it's fun, even better. (glute bridge, squats, deadlifts, anything on the (multi) hip machines etc. And eat protein, it's needed for building muscle
It might take some time to find what works for you, but if you stick with it, it should work, consistency is key
No. 184126
>>184117It's definitely not a waste of time, especially since you don't have a gigantic percentage of fat to lose.
What's your protein intake like?
No. 185326
>>185320sounds like your electrolytes are low. low-cal gatorade won't replenish them, gatorade in general is terrible for that. try drinking a good electrolyte drink or supplementing your magnesium, sodium and potassium.
maybe upping your pre-workout calories intake a little more might help too. some people can workout empty and some people need food (more in your case).
anecdotal, but drinking straight water during a workout makes me ill, so i use no-cal/sugar/carb flavoured sparkling water.
>>185322moderate to high depending how much your heart is pumping and how much gusto you put into it.
>>1853243 sets of 10 is a good amount for beginners. increase your sets and lower your reps as you get stronger.
as for your legs and butt, squats and lunges will shape them nicely. you'll only get the harsh muscular look if you go under a certain bodyfat %. so you should be fine if you eat maintenance.
No. 185526
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>>185521Yes I'm a woman. So I'm stuck being a doughy mess the rest of my life? That's just so fucking unfair. Other women can just starve themselves and get a flat stomach and look great. And I'm going to be stuck looking flabby for the rest of my life. Are all the women in pic related on a shit ton of steroids then?
No. 185528
>>185526Anon is being dumb
It takes women longer to build muscle because we have less testosterone. It varies from person to person how long it takes to show. Personally I saw results after 2-3 months, which were the "newbie gains". After I added protein shakes it took me 2 more months to seea difference in size.
TLDR it takes time and defferes from person to person. Just keep lifting and eating more, it'll show eventually
No. 185529
>>185526That's an in-season look. They won't look like that in a daily life. They do before a season starts about a 3 three week crash diet where they cutout all carbs and drink a gallon of water minimum a day. They get this very lean look. Then a day before/same morning weigh-in/photoshoot/competition they stack up on carbs, stop drinking water. The trick causes your body to dry out into that look and you can keep it up for a few days.
It's mostly really annoying to look like that off season. You feel like shit and why bother, maintaining such muscularity and low bf is nitpicky af.>>185526
No. 185530
>>185526My internet is fucking up
This is a normal offseason look. In reality she's only like 7% higher bodyfat. It's much comfier to train when high bodyfat and you need carbs to train high-intensity.
Is your pic related possible to maintain all year long natty? Yes. It looks like shit irl fyi and you'll hate living.
Non-natty will make the experience just slightly less shitty.
Realistically, those pictures have god-tier lighting, professional cameramen, Photoshop and posing.
No. 185531
>>185530Are you sure that's normal? Rhonda is with a very shitty gym atm and has been out of the game for a while and isn't doing well.
So it's impossible to look like you actually workout?
No. 185538
>>185531Are you dumb?
I'm saying maintaining ~16% bodyfat with a lot of muscle is hard as a female to maintain, it's not impossible, never said that. It's totally possible, but hard and it feels like shit. You can definetly look like you workout and can do that look, but you won't enjoy the lifestyle needed to look dry and maintain low bf with muscle as a female.
>>185529is also me, my internet fucked midway and forgot to upload it.
No. 187032
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>>186692You mean like pic related? You'd have to lower your bf% but if you're trying to grow muscle then you should try eating at maintenance. Just remember that we have organs in our stomachs lol as for your waist, you can try not to work too much on your obliques, they can make some people look more boxy
Back dimples - same thing, lower bf%
I think it depends from person to person how/if they show, so don't go too low
No. 187092
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>>186692>>187032i thought back dimples (like in pic related) were a genetic thing tho? i'm relatively chubs and i always had them. can you get them via exercise?
No. 187162
>>185512>>185521It's not right to think to that it'll take a decade to achieve any significant change in your body. It's exactly the opposite. Sure, it won't happen a few weeks. But it's precisely beginners who experience the fastest gains in muscle mass, like
>>185529 did. The rate at which it's possible to build muscle is slower the more mass you've already built. Seeing visible changes only after years is something that advanced trainees have to suffer. The largest gains in a person's training career are seen in the first year. A 5% increase in lean mass is a pretty reasonable goal for the first six months and is definitely something you will notice in the mirror. The next 5% gain will take maybe 18 months. The next, 3 years. I'm pulling numbers out of my ass, but you get the picture: diminishing returns over time. The total after 10 years of productive training could be 20-30% more lean mass over your starting point.
Fat loss is a slightly different matter. It gets harder to lose fat the lower your BF% gets. Looking defined requires a low enough level of body fat. Controlling eating can be difficult mentally and socially. And you have to prepare to continue a sufficient level of control over eating forever in order to maintain any level of leanness you've achieved. Just getting muscles is a lot easier; you get to eat a lot, after all. You might slip up for a few months and have to diet down again. Muscles atrophy when you stop training completely but at a steady slow rate. In comparison it's possible to gain dozens of pounds of fat in a few months by indulging in daily binges of delicious treats.
Usually the problems with losing fat and gaining muscle aren't being genetically impaired but not being able to organize one's life properly to achieve these goals. There's plenty of people still failing to get their noob gains because of only managing to get to the gym once a month, not eating enough, etc. Basically putting other things at a higher priority than getting the body they want.
No. 187197
>>187185I assume by weighted squats you mean weighted by some means other than a barbell on your back? Like goblet squats where you hold a dumbbell to your chest or holding two dumbbells in your hands or a sand bag over shoulders etc.
It depends on the weight of course. The less weight you can use, the sooner your legs stop growing no matter how many reps you do.
No. 187236
>>185531Keep in mind that Rhonda isn't a strength athlete, that's not her goal, and she's absolutely trying to maintain a certain size for competition.
There's plenty of male fighters who vary massively in size based on all sorts of shit as well, because looking like they work out is less important than being the optimal fighter for their class.
The person who said that women don't show progress is just retarded.
No. 187264
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Anons who were formally fat: did your knock-knees recover over time? Or do they stay forever?
No. 187297
I think it depends how it's your fat distribution. I was C but I wasn't "fat" but definitely heavier (maybe 8 kilos) than my current weight and now I'm b.
No. 187311
>>187302Yup, when I was really really underweight I was a C, gained weight and muscle and now it's less obvious/normal
B and C can also happen as a result of bad posture/illness
No. 187649
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Dream body.
No. 187650
>>187649Every time I see a picture like that I hope it's not shooped :/
Anyway, who's that?
No. 187955
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>>Do any anons have suggestions on how to thin LUNCH LADY ARMS?
My arms aren't saggy, but my upper arms look fat. I'm scared that exercising them will make them bigger, because that's how my previously slender arms became fat (stopped exercising them over 5 years ago, but they are still fat ;_;). I notice that a lot of arm exercises make the arms bigger/more muscular. I just want slender arms. I thought that not exercising them would return them to before I took a terrible fitness class, but nope.
Pic related isn't me, but a good example of how my arms are disproportionately bigger than the rest of my body.
>>Any advice is appreciated, even if it's not a fitness suggestion (ie. surgery/some weird cream etc)!
No. 187988
>>187959I jog alone quite regularly on my moderately safe (but not really) town and i was terrified of it at first too.
I bough a cheap H&M running jacket that has a lot of pockets which are quite big and are closed by a zipper and i carry all my belongings in there, simply because i find fanny packs/backpacks annoying for running and i prefer carrying my phone in a pocket rather than my arm so i can use it faster /to be safe/.
I personally do carry pepper spray (well, a mini hairspray can because pepper spray is illegal where i'm from lol) because better be safe than sorry, on amazon there are pepper sprays that are designed specifically for running which i've heard good stuff about.
I jog at times where i know i'm safe which tends to be around 9 am or 2-4pm (a lot of people i know walking their dogs, old people going for walks, parents walking kids from/to school, etc.) so i feel a little more at ease. I avoid nights and early mornings.
I'd say if you are worried that you look for places that have good phone reception (no deep forests or so) and that have people that you feel safe around walking around/on their homes. Also if you do have music (i do) have an earbud slightly off and don't put the volume too high, so you are more aware of your surroundings.
No. 188113
>>188112No offense taken! I work two jobs that I'm always on my feet for, it is partially an excuse because by the time I'm off work I'm exhausted mentally/physically (my body just fuckin aches because I'm so heavy and gross)
I also tend to fall off the wagon / lose motivation.
Any tips for that?
Also thank you guys <3
No. 188116
>>188113Motivation alone won't bring you to the goal, you still need discipline, dedication/consistency and a routine you can keep up with
You'll have to make yourself go, even if you don't want to. After some time it gets easier.
No. 188232
>>185326Just checking back in to say I've been exercising on and off and I'm already seeing results! My waist feels a bit more firm and more importantly, I feel stronger. I'm doing things a lot more casually than some people in the thread because I'm a skelly and already had hips/ass, just a perfectionist and wanted to get even better and wanted to get RUSSIA STRONK. But I hope that this update makes people feel more motivated and confident.
Don't give up everyone, we can do this!
No. 188272
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Just thought I'd share this pancake recipe I made this morning and it turned out really good. It's pretty high in protein and tasty.
1/4 cup greek yogurt
1/4 cup rolled oats
1/2 cup egg whites.
Blend the oats then add yogurt and egg whites, and blend again. Add cinnamon, vanilla and stevia to taste. Pour it in pancake molds or make one big pancake (doesn't hold a shape well on its own).
I made a blueberry syrup by microwaving frozen blueberries, mashing them up and mixing with stevia.
Happy eating fit sisters
No. 188354
>>188272Here's a nice one I found online, the pancakes do keep their shape quit well.
Source: paste….
Cinnamon Whole Grain Power Pancakes
Serves: 12 pancakes
½ cup milk
1 cup cottage cheese
2 whole eggs and 2 egg whites
½ cup wheat flour
½ cup rolled oats
½ tsp baking soda
½ teaspoon cinnamon
¼ teaspoon vanilla
Place all ingredients in a blender and blend for 30 seconds until the batter is mostly smooth. Preheat a griddle to medium high heat.
Pour about ¼ cup pancake batter onto the hot griddle and cook for about three minutes or until bubbles form on top. Flip to the other side and cook for another 1-2 minutes. Transfer to a plate and serve topped with fruit, almond butter, chia seeds, and of course, maple syrup.
No. 188462
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a bit of morning inspo
No. 188463
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No. 188482
>>188463>>188462This is my ideal body type.
I do powerlifting and watch my diet but I still don't look even closer to be a muscular gal, just skinny fat with good legs. I don't know if I have to eat even more or what. Please help.
No. 188498
>>188482Sadly muscle takes long, especially as a woman
Just keep going anon!
No. 188512
>>188462>>188463Oh gosh, this is everything that I aspire to be.
Who is she? A-asking for a friend, of course.
No. 188521
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>>188512Samantha Wright.
>>187650I think is Natasha Aughey
>>188498Thank you anon. This year I'm hitting 2 years of (almost) consistent weightlifting training and it's been soooo long. I have some gains but still, since the process is so slow it's difficult to really see the progress without pictures. I just wanna be strong.
Another fitspo: Amber Abweh AKA Swoleesi.
No. 188536
>>188521Oh man, I wish fitspo had more diverse body types. I mean there are but the majority that get posted/shared/reblogged are pear & hourglass girls
First time I see someone similar to myself, body type wise, thank you for sharing!
No. 188632
>>187955Squat with barbell for 3 x 5
Over head press bar bell 5 x 5
Dead lift 3 x 5
Next session sqaut BB 3 x 5
Bench press barbell (or dunbells) 5 x 5
DL 3 x 5
Alternate the 2 doing 3 sessions a week and increase load by 1-2.5kg per session.
No. 188638
>>188635I honestly don't agree that to look like the chick in question you need steroids at all. It's a hell of a lot harder than for a guy, sure, but there's nothing about that that screams unrealistic, it's just a low bodyfat percentage with some muscle and a bit of makeup to add definition.
Powerlifting and bodybuilding really aren't the same as far as this shit goes.
No. 188639
>>130153Fist of all Pilates is just a fancy name for a waste of time. It's more effective doing a full body routine such as barbell squats, overhead press and dead lift. As they use the whole body while also being able to progressively increase the load (weight).
So realistically you should do 3 days a week of strength training. the following day (day in between) do light cardio as an assited rest. The last day should be full rest.
Monday- Strength: Squat, Overhead press, Dead lift
Tuesday- Assited rest/light cardio
Wednesday- Strength: Squat, Bench press, dead lift
Thursday- Assited rest/light cardio
Friday- Strength: Squat, Overhead press, Dead lift
Saturday- Assited rest/light cardio
Sunday- Rest day
Now the reason why my plan is more efficient then yours is because;
a) it has structure and reason for being put together.
b) The movements require you to use multiple planes of the body.
c) Active rest puts blood into the muscles allowing them to get nutrients to repair which helps with DOMS.
d) The movements are consistent which means the body will become more efficient.
Cardio should always be minimal in my eyes as strength will help cardio.
With exercise you have;
- Strength
- Stamina
- Mobility
Strength helps stamina and mobility naturally. Stamina and mobility don't help each other or strength. With any training strength should be the priority.
If you want weight loss you should look to your diet. I'm a personal trainer and not a dietitian so I don't know too much about the diet side (it's not my scope of practice).
Hopefully my review helped you out. Good luck.
No. 188641
Pilates is one of those things that is good for the first six weeks. Long term you just can't really progress it as their is no load.
No. 188646
>>188639I mean, your plan is just the same as any basic SL or SS based routine, so it's fine (though it's way too front heavy), but your comments about pilates and shit being a waste of time is fucking retarded.
Not everyone works out to be able to lift heavier weights, and the attitude that lifting is the only valid form of exercise to do is one of the worst parts about internet fitness culture.
As is this comment
>Strength helps stamina and mobility naturally.Which is just blatantly untrue, strength training won't make you more mobile in the slightest, and pretty much any half decent lifter will be doing mobility work and stretching on the side as a result of that.
As is
>With any training strength should be the priority. Which I really hope I don't have to explain why is retarded. You can't just tell people "yeah you have to lift for this otherwise you're wrong".
And the fact that you think cardio is useless because strength training is actually enough to train cardio just makes me feel bad for your clients it's so blatantly wrong.
No. 188650
>>188646I am a SS coach. Pilates is actually only good for 6-12 weeks because anything is good for a novice. You can't increase a load and there is a limit in progression that other training types can surpass easily.
If I felt someone needed back I would add negative chin ups>bandedchinups>chin ups or bat wings or seated rows if I had access.
>Strength helps stamina and mobility naturally.>Which is just blatantly untrue, strength training won't make you more mobile in the slightest, and pretty much any half decent lifter will be doing mobility work and stretching on the side as a result of that.With mobility strength does help. It's a good foundation to stop you from injuring yourself. If someone has weak muscles and ligaments and tries to do the splits they could tear the ligament or muscle. Stength training prevents that from occurring.
Strength should be a priority. When I say strength I don't mean "I can lift a car". I mean making your body strong enough to be able to work in the most efficient manner for every day life tasks. Strength training also sets up a foundation for other training preventing you from injuring yourself. It also helps harden the walls of the heart allowing it to work more effectively under stress.
I also didn't say cardio is useless. If you look in my plan I put cardio in there. However I separated it from the same day as strength training. Cardio is basically something that people online have to chose for themself as I don't know them. Yes, I said to use it as assisted rest but assisted rest is really important. Strength gives you a foundation for cardio. But cardio won't help your quality of life in the long run. You are better off doing more strength then cardio in a workout plan for that reason. you could do 2 thirds strength to 1 third cardio for instance.
No. 188660
>>188650>Pilates is actually only good for 6-12 weeks because anything is good for a novice.Pilates is not strength training, and comparing it to it is honestly just retarded, as well as pointless.
>Stength training prevents that from occurring. Sure, strength makes it less likely that you'll injure yourself, but in no way does it train mobility, which is why you have to add it in as an accessory to the routine, because you can easily injure yourself doing strength training without basic mobility, and lifting alone won't fix that, you need to do other work.
Your example of doing the splits actually supports me, because it doesn't matter if you squat 300lbs, if you jump straight to doing big stretches like that you're going to hurt yourself and be unsuccessful if you're starting off as the average person with only the basic flexibility to do a squat with decent form.
And true, you didn't say it was useless, you said this
>Cardio should always be minimal in my eyes as strength will help cardio. Which is just dumb. No-one lifts to get better at cardio, because the effect lifting has on your ability to do cardio based exercise is minimal.
You really need to train cardio to get better at cardio.
>Strength gives you a foundation for cardioWhat does this even mean? In what way does strength do this?
>But cardio won't help your quality of life in the long run. You are better off doing more strength then cardio in a workout plan for that reason.Please, you full well know that's false. Doing cardio has a bunch of great effects on health, and significantly less risk of injury than weights do.
You clearly mean well, but a lot of what you're saying about strength training just isn't true. Doing SS with more deadlifts isn't going to improve your ability to do cardio by any significant amount, and your mobility won't really change much at all unless you do some extra work on it.
Weights training can be great and bring a bunch of benefits if done correctly, but it's not the magic final answer to fitness that improves every single part of your body, making other exercise unnecessary to train seriously.
Honestly though, as a beginner you can train both relatively seriously with no real issues. If you're getting to competition level you need to start to dedicate yourself more to one pursuit, but you can train both pretty equally and see good results up until that point. You don't need to start off sacrificing cardio for strength or vice versa.
No. 188736
>>188660>Sure, strength makes it less likely that you'll injure yourself, but in no way does it train mobilityI said it supports, as in sets a foundation.
>Your example of doing the splits actually supports me, because it doesn't matter if you squat 300lbs….Sure, it's an extreme example but the extremity is not the point. You can injure yourself trying to touch your toes.
>Which is just dumb. No-one lifts to get better at cardio, because the effect lifting has on your ability to do cardio based exercise is minimal.Without a foundation of strength cardio can injure you. The person I was responding to is obviously a beginner. Other wise her plan wouldn't be such a mess. Besides cardio increases eostrogen and decreases testosterone which decreases the amount of lean mass you can build. Hense why I suggest to use cardio as an assisted rest. Not ignore it completely. Do strength in the gym and go for a jog outside.
>You really need to train cardio to get better at cardio.half true. To get better at cardio you need to do both. the muscles are more efficient if you stregth train which increases endurance. Cardio for cardio will put you in a catabolic state if done wrong.
>Please, you full well know that's false. Doing cardio has a bunch of great effects on health, and significantly less risk of injury than weights do.I am the one with the years of experience and the qualification. I have never seen anyone tear a ligament or pull a hammy when lifting because it's a slowed down movement. Injuries tend to come form poor form and quick movements the muscles haven't prepared for.
>You clearly mean well, but a lot of what you're saying about strength training just isn't true. Doing SS with more deadlifts isn't going to improve your ability to do cardio by any significant amount, and your mobility won't really change much at all unless you do some extra work on it.Are you qualified? or have you just read a few articles online?
>Weights training can be great and bring a bunch of benefits if done correctly, but it's not the magic final answer to fitness that improves every single part of your body, making other exercise unnecessary to train seriously.True which is why I do recommend assisted rest instead of normal rest.
>Honestly though, as a beginner you can train both relatively seriously with no real issues. If you're getting to competition level you need to start to dedicate yourself more to one pursuit, but you can train both pretty equally and see good results up until that point. You don't need to start off sacrificing cardio for strength or vice versa.I agree. This is what there is the 6-12 week novice period. However I would rather recommend efficient training rather then "exercise" that smashes a client.
No. 188756
>>188736>I said it supports, as in sets a foundation. You keep using the words "sets a foundation", but you're not defining what it means, and I'd honestly argue the complete opposite.
You need to have a base of mobility to be able to lift safely. You don't need to be able to lift heavy weights to be able to be flexible.
>Without a foundation of strength cardio can injure you.I mean, if you have absolutely no strength whatsoever, sure, but in that case you should be in some sort of rehab situation, not a gym.
>To get better at cardio you need to do both. the muscles are more efficient if you stregth train which increases endurance. Cardio for cardio will put you in a catabolic state if done wrong. To be the absolute best you do, absolutely, but we're not talking about that. Strength training won't make you able to run further, or swim any better than you can now, you need to train those things separately to be able to improve by a significant margin.
Strength training can be useful for other sorts of athletes at higher levels, but not so much for a novice doing cardio.
>I am the one with the years of experience and the qualification. That's great and all, but what you're saying about cardio exercise is just blatantly wrong. It has a heap of health effects, and strengthening your cardiovascular system absolutely carries over into other parts of your life.
>I have never seen anyone tear a ligament or pull a hammy when lifting because it's a slowed down movement. Injuries tend to come form poor form and quick movements the muscles haven't prepared for. First off, I really don't think your anecdote counts for much.
And secondly, you're right, it does (generally, there's some stuff that simply comes from putting the body under stress frequently). If everyone lifted smart with perfect form, there would be no injuries.
But people aren't machines, and people don't have perfect form, and as such, people get hurt when lifting, pretty frequently.
>Are you qualified? or have you just read a few articles online?You realise that I could just say anything here, right? I'm not formally trained in this field, no, but honestly there's no proof you are either, especially when a lot of what you're saying is just stuff copied from SS. Kind of the point of an anon forum actually.
>True which is why I do recommend assisted rest instead of normal rest. Which still misses the point. What is the persons goal? If they want to train cardio, strength training is the assistance and should be done much less. Are they interested in gymnastics? They might not even benefit at all from a weights room, or minimally at least.
Strength training on its own, or with only minimal aspects of those other things won't necessarily improve them by any major amount, and I think it's misleading to claim that it will.
No. 188788
>>188756>You keep using the words "sets a foundation"….You know how a foundation in a house supports and holds up a house? Well the body need a foundation as well. To be able to do exercise more efficiently you need to have a base amount of strength. Exercise in simple terms is "putting a stress on the body enough that it needs to adapt".
>You need to have a base of mobility to be able to lift safely. You don't need to be able to lift heavy weights to be able to be flexible.It can actually be dangerous to be flexible while lifting. Sure you need to squat below parallel but being hyper mobile can actually cause bad form without strength to support the body. This goes for all forms of exercise and training.
>I mean, if you have absolutely no strength whatsoever, sure, but in that case you should be in some sort of rehab situation, not a gym.Look at crossfit verse body pump verse lifting and look at the amount of injuries due to fatiguing out. Look at those who have adapted to the moves and see if they suffer any injuries.
>Strength training won't make you able to run further, or swim any better than you can now, you need to train those things separately to be able to improve by a significant marginActually it does. When your muscles are stronger your body is stronger. One of my bosses friends is a big weight lifter. He doesn't train cardio at all. A few weeks ago he had to join in on a fun run wearing a mascot head and was able to run the entire 3 kilometres. Thats because his body was stronger and more efficient. He didn't have to train cardio because his muscles had adapted so far that he could run the entire tine in the lead.
>That's great and all, but what you're saying about cardio exercise is just blatantly wrong. It has a heap of health effects, and strengthening your cardiovascular system absolutely carries over into other parts of your life.It isn't wrong. You're acting like I'm saying you shouldn't do cardio at all. Also FYI stregth training strengthens your cardiovascular system just as much if not more then cardio does.
>And secondly, you're right, it does (generally, there's some stuff that simply comes from putting the body under stress frequently). If everyone lifted smart with perfect form, there would be no injuries. But people aren't machines, and people don't have perfect form, and as such, people get hurt when lifting, pretty frequently.This is why people should work with PT's. And if they cant then they should use a rack with safety guards.
>You realise that I could just say anything here, right? I'm not formally trained in this field, no, but honestly there's no proof you are either, especially when a lot of what you're saying is just stuff copied from SS. Kind of the point of an anon forum actually.I have both my certificate 3 and 4 in fitness as well as my work with starting strength. And I don't fully agree with starting strength. I personally think there is not enough back work ion the program. But I also have the knowledge to be able to identify what moves a client needs to progress.
>Which still misses the point. What is the persons goal? If they want to train cardio, strength training is the assistance and should be done much less. Are they interested in gymnastics? They might not even benefit at all from a weights room, or minimally at least.The person who wrote the plan didn't say a goal and so I gave her the plan I would give a beginner. I also used my plan as an example to show structure (which I stated in my post). If they want to train cardio strength training shouldn't be the assistence. This alone shows that you don't know what you're talking about. Say they are training for a marathon you would need to train Endurance and Power. Now Endurance will be trained by strength training and power could be trained by power cleans or even piccalos (cable punch with a step and then a hop in the end to train your push forward). The picallo and cleans are movements both good for cardio. However because they are stop and start movements with an increased load they tend to be pushed in with strength building. They are more coordination builders. Either way you are still acting like I am forgetting cardio. I explained that it is hard for me to judge a persons cardio online as cardio is generally more variable between people. Strength has a good structure as the load can be changed but the movement stays consistent. Also a lot of gymnasts who do it seriously use weight training. I know a girl from Melbourne storm cheer squad (she was in my PT class) and she does weight training in order to make lifts.
>Strength training on its own, or with only minimal aspects of those other things won't necessarily improve them by any major amount, and I think it's misleading to claim that it will.Actually it does. It's been proven to help running and swimming more then cardio. I cant remember the stats off the top of my head but they found people who trained in jogging verse people who trained strength, strength actually increased the speed by a higher amount.
Either way you're not qualified and obviously have been brainwashed by articles online and youtube videos. It's cool you know about Starting strength but personal training works with the anatomy of the human body. Strength training has been proven to make the human body more adaptable and effective in everyday activities.
Also this person wanted me to rate their plan. I did that and gave them valuable information for free. Usually I'd charge a lot more. You seem to have a keen eye for knowledge so I would get you to look into the effects of strength training on cardio. Do some research and you may just be surprised.
No. 188791
>>188788>You know how a foundation in a house supports and holds up a house? Well the body need a foundation as well. To be able to do exercise more efficiently you need to have a base amount of strength. Exercise in simple terms is "putting a stress on the body enough that it needs to adapt". I understand what set a foundation means, and I think I worded that badly. I mean you're not explaining how it is that you need to set a foundation of strength to do the other exercises, or how being a bit more in shape there first is more useful than any of the other places.
>It can actually be dangerous to be flexible while lifting.No, I disagree completely. Flexibility lets you more comfortably move in the ways an exercise needs you to move. Hypermobility is not the same as being flexible, it's an actual medical condition that I don't think is relevant here. A hyper mobile person needs to be especially careful when exercising regardless of if they're strong already or not.
>Look at crossfit verse body pump verse lifting You get that crossfit is a form of lifting, right?
>Look at those who have adapted to the moves and see if they suffer any injuries. How exactly should I provide sources here? Form breaks down, people put their body under too much stress over too long, all sorts of shit happens and people get injured.
I don't think you could find a single person who's been lifting for any decent amount of time who hasn't hurt themselves at least once.
I could link professionals that have hurt themselves lifting if you'd like?
>He didn't have to train cardio because his muscles had adapted so far that he could run the entire tine in the lead. Do you understand what cardio is? Sure, lifting weights helps very basically with your ability to actually run, but it won't train your cardiovascular system particularly intensely, and certainly won't train your endurance to the point that you don't really need to do cardio much at all. Your anecdote doesn't count for much.
>Also FYI stregth training strengthens your cardiovascular system just as much if not more then cardio does. Do you actually believe this is true? Please, explain to me, by any metric at all, how could this be the case?
The amount of work your cardiovascular system is doing while doing resistance training is minimal, it doesn't need to become that much more efficient than it already is to be able to do the lifts.
Here's someone with a lot more education than either of us talking about it
>The acute cardiovascular responses to resistance exercise just described are in stark contrast to those seen during aerobic exercise. Cardiac output increases dramatically during heavy aerobic exercise (five- to sevenfold) but modestly during resistance exercise (20-100%). More specifically, during aerobic exercise both heart rate and stroke volume increase to achieve a greater cardiac output. During resistance exercise, heart rate increases modestly but stroke volume decreases; thus cardiac output is only modestly increased.> is it that strength training has such a major impact on your cardiovascular fitness when it only has a relatively minor impact on your actual cardiovascular system while you're doing it?
>This is why people should work with PT'sThat's an absolutely pointless thing to say. Sure, if you have a coach (who actually knows what they're talking about, not all PT's are equal) with you literally every time you lift you're unlikely to get hurt, but that's not realistically something people can do.
>And I don't fully agree with starting strength. I personally think there is not enough back work ion the program.Yeah, I agree there, though he does say to add in chinups after a little while has passed, which adds a good amount more back work.
SS is a great routine if people actually read the book and follow his advice, and do it for the reasons it's meant to be done. The issue is mainly that people just automatically go "Yeah do SS" when someone asks for a routine, while ignoring that it's not an all purposes routine, or as simple as listing 5 exercises to do.
>If they want to train cardio strength training shouldn't be the assistence. This alone shows that you don't know what you're talking about.>Say they are training for a marathon you would need to train Endurance and Power. Now Endurance will be trained by strength training and power could be trained by power cleans or even piccaloI really don't think that someone who thinks that strength training is appropriate training to run a marathon has any real grounds to stand on when saying someone doesn't know what they're talking about.
If you want to run a marathon you train running long distances, you don't train your power clean. That is up there with the worst advice I've ever read about fitness online.
>Actually it does. It's been proven to help running and swimming more then cardioYeah, gonna need a source on this one , I don't believe in the slightest that resistance exercise is actually a better way to train for aerobic exercise than actually doing the exercises themselves.
>Either way you're not qualified and obviously have been brainwashed by articles online and youtube videos. As I've said, claiming qualifications online is worthless. I could claim I'm actually an olympic coach with 40 years experience and there'd be no way you could prove me wrong, but it also wouldn't make my argument any stronger.
Same as you making claims that aerobic exercise is essentially pointless because resistance training just does it better isn't actually more credible because you claim you've done a certificate in fitness (which is a 6 week course in my country, by the way).
I might be wrong, sure, and I'm more than willing to admit that I'm wrong if you can provide some sort of citation demonstrating it, but from what I've read, I don't see how an exercise that puts less emphasis on the efficiency of your cardiovascular system is somehow going to have a greater impact on it than one with a much, much higher focus on that.
I should add that you can turn resistance training into a much more cardio heavy form of training than it would normally be, but that's not what anyone means by strength training, and it's still less than other forms of exercise.
Apologies if I used the word anaerobic interchangeably with resistance training in this too.
No. 189016
Idk what i am doing wrong, i have super strong thighs and overall my muscle shows everywhere but my fucking ass doesn't get any rounder or harder or anything.
I've been exercising over 3+ years (I do the blgoilates monthly calendar + running + biking + occasional dancing), 1/2 to 1+ hour, 6 days a week, and i dedicate a lot to my lower body, but my butt is still absolutely sad (although with a lot less noticeable cellulite so idk, something must be working?).
I don't think my form is wrong or anything in any of the exercises i do, since i do have a lot more strength in my thighs since i started exercising, but it seems no matter what i do my ass refuses to tone beyond "oh, it's kinda slighlty rounder, yay".
Any exrcises you can do at home to target glutes specifically that worked for any of you farmers? YT vids recommendations?
No. 189024
>>189016You need to eat more and lift heavy to get a better butt, you're doing a lot of cardio
You also might have some fat on it so it's not as noticable…also butt shapes seem to be a thing.
I'm kind of in the same boat, just that mine doesn't want to grow. It takes time
No. 189425
>>189424Stretch before and after a workout. Really long stretching helps me often when I have really bad doms. Hot showers also help a bit.
Foam rolling is also supposed to be good, but I never tried it.
No. 189430
>>189424Nothing much, I like DOMS most of the time tbh, I just take care of my sleep quality and be sure to eat enough and have the right amount of protein intakes to help my body recover faster. If it's hurt more than usual (like today), I'll rather skip a workout day or don't go as hard as I usually do. I don't currently follow my own advice because (in my case) bouldering is the only entertainment I have after work, but two good workouts are better than 3 shitty ones performance wise.
Warming up properly and stretching would mitigate DOMS but I can't be arsed to work more than low-level problems 10/15min for the former and didn't manage to create a proper stretching routine (moves, timing, what kind of pain intensity I should endure, etc.) and sticking to it yet.
No. 189432
>>189430>I like DOMS most of the time tbhMe too. And a lot of people, it seems. It's weird though that something hurting can feel so good.
I just tried googling why, and I can't find a satisfying answer. I can see no physical reason why it would feel good, maybe it's just psychological - your mind making a connection between all the feelgood endorphins released by exercise and the subsequent pain? Idk, still strange as fuck.
No. 190416
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poorfag here
walmart sells amazing yogurt parfaits for 2 bucks and they have fenugreek and 17gs of protein in them and little calories and sugar
idrc much for abs but I want to slim up and gain thigh bum and hip muscle
No. 190769
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Body goals
No. 191108
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