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No. 130963
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Being NEET I go to sleep whenever I'm tired and wake up whenever I feel like it. I usually sleep 8-10 hours.
No. 130965
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I have a sleeping disorder, idiopathic hypersomnia. I sleep 10+ hours every day. With naps throughout the day as well. So I guess per day I sleep 12 to 16 hours. I've been like this for almost 9 years. I'm not a NEET, so it absolutely interferes with my life.
I hate it.
No. 130970
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>>130958For the past week I've been staying up till 4am just browsing Reddit, 4chan, here and watching porn. I always think to myself: "Use this time to learn WebDev. Give it 5 minutes, just do some excercises, just one." But I never do. I go to bed thinking: "Tomorrow. You need the money. You have no skills, no education. What will you do with your life?"..I wake up and off I go to reddit. I browse and play mobage all day. Sometimes I don't sleep at all and pass out at noon and get up at 5 or 6 pm. It's funny cause I also have some kind of eye infection too! I hate my life<3.
No. 130974
>>130968That second one sounds like some really crazy ass wet dreams, anon… I'm a bit concerned over both of those subject matters actually.
Is there a lot of stress in your life or too many creepypastas?
No. 130975
>>130974>Is there a lot of stress in your life or too many creepypastas?both.
Though I generally read too much weird stuff, both online and offline
No. 130985
>>130981I take a low dose of seroquel to help me sleep, and it works pretty well. I have less nightmares and I fall faster asleep and sleep deeper.
So I sleep around 8 hours a night.
No. 130987
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Who else keeps waking up in the middle of the night? I find it hard to go back to bed and then as soon as morning comes, I feel tired because I've only been getting half a night's sleep.