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No. 131702
>>131699The oil prices really have me anxious about the future of my job/career path. I work for a company that does shallow hazard interpretation for oil companies. I started off in the company as a peon merely folding charts and assembling physical copies of reports, to someone who does quality assurance for all reports and charts. I got to fact check information, make sure that the reports read well, make sure that if someone said there was a canyon there WAS INDEED a canyon. It was so so so cool. Recently, though, we've had massive layoffs. I have been forced into a promotion that I didn't want. I'm now doing accounting stuff ON TOP OF the quality assurance…
This means that I'm the one that looks at the bank account…and honey it does NOT look good.
Every day I go to work wondering how long it is all going to last….They keep saying 'Whenever this blows over we will finally train you to become a geophysicist" which was the point of me working here in the first place….but to be honest I'm not sure if that is ever going to happen. I really need the money and the company treats me insanely well. They all know I hate this position and that I want to do geology work….but there's nothing that anyone can do about it…And seeing this bank account does not make me confident that my dreams of becoming a geophysicist are coming any closer.
I'm about 3 breakdowns away from quitting my job and going to college full time….but the problem is I am SO in love with and attached to geology that I couldn't imagine myself doing anything else….the problem is…geology jobs are either highly competitive or part of the oil industry….So I'm not sure if geophysics and hydrology would even be wise for me to study.
Also, I'm 22 and I'm not sure how I will be able to live on my own AND go to school full time. All of the part time jobs I've looked at on the internet don't seem like they will pay well at all.
I've never been more stressed out in my life.
No. 131704
>>131702Do you mind if I ask whether you have a relevant degree to geophysics?
I'm curious about what you guys studied. So far, I'm finding that many employers don't seem to care what your degree is, just whether you have one or not and I'm not sure how I feel about that.
No. 131707
>>131704I actually have no degree. Most of our best geos didn't have a degree when they first started, or they had a completely unrelated degree but were interested in geology.
Of course they pay a lot less than what the typical geo would make, BUT their 'training' involves taking care of the financials for SEVERAL maths and geology courses. Most of the people that work here have started with nothing, jump started their education through this job, finished their degrees while doing the work they love, and went on to work for some of the companies that we do work for.
Only now we can't afford to pay for anyone's education and I'm not sure if the risk of staying doing a job that I hate just to maybe possibly eventually get help with my courses is worth it…
No. 131713
>>131711Idk if my advice will work for you like it worked for me but I'm old af and figure it couldn't hurt
Network and make friends. …if you're interested in working at a certain place or field volunteer. Or at least go introduce yourself even if they aren't hiring. You never know when a friend can be very valuable.
Dress nice. Show a geniune interest in what you want to do. Go to events, conventions, whatever you can to get your face out there especially if your fields competitive.
Develop related skulls on your own time. Hone those skills. Your extra skill (a second language, knows how to program, etc) could be a deciding factor for your resume .
Speaking of resumes, find someone you trust and have them tear you're apart. Go to the local library if you really need to.
Don't underestimate the power of the Internet to network as well.
It doesn't hurt to take a better job with more responsibility in a crappy organization or city or whatever. It'll be a bit stressful at the time but a good 3 years in say…management at a small office might get you in at a better place you really like. Experience is honestly more valuable than anything sometimes.
No. 131717
>>131714>>131715NEETs unite.
I feel like I'm living on borrowed time, cause once my parents get sick of my shit, I'll have nowhere to go lel. At least I can shitpost for now.
No. 131718
My cl alerts sent me this to my email, made me wonder if it'd be any fun, even if just for a year or so. i wonder if there's a clause in the contract the
lonely old men sign that deters persistent ones from making advances on you, or if it's just a glorified barmaid/maidmaid-esque job, but with better pay (I imagine). No. 131720
>>131710I have a sibling who took a pretty big paycut leaving one job to another, but now they're actually excited and happy to go to work even though they're earning less.
I think the "do what you love and you'll never work a day of your life" thing is kind of true, in that respect.
No. 131727
>>131725You can try f21 and the like to see if they currently have any decent chiffon blouses. Places like ann Taylor loft, gap/banana republic also have stuff like that too but not always in black, but it'd not a bad place to look when you're at the mall. Places like kohl's and target sometimes carry that stuff, but it'll be with formal wear. Otherwise big department stores have suit sections which will have that stuff too. I used to work at one and have a few cute tops that were from the women's suit section.
Also just getting a few black cardigans and a bunch of tanks to rotate through can work on the mean time. When I had to were all black I basically wore black leggings and various tunic dresses all the time if not nice black jeans.
No. 131728
>>131721>if i end up on the street i think i'd just resign and kill myselfliterally me too
>>131726what is your channel about? beauty?
No. 131731
>>131729No problem! Thanks to my old job half of my wardrobe is black and while I don't mind that, I do prefer wearing a bit of color. Also if you have some leeway, you can get tops that have embellishments like beading or rhinestones. I know that shit can look tacky, but when it's done right it can look really put together and nice.
>>131730I hope you do well anon! I'll admit that most of the gaming yt-ers I follow are dudes but I'm always open to watching anyone good.
No. 131734
>>131732That's fine. I don't think people realize that most of the actually successful yt-ers are that, even the annoying ones. When you're not, it catches up to you because Internet.
I've thought about doing a beauty or art channel off and on, but just… havent.
No. 131736
>>131732I believe the most popular female gaming ytuber is iHasCupquake. Maybe see what she's doing right?
It's more important to be entertaining than good at gaming (see annoyingly popular PewDiePie). Keep in mind if you hide your face it's harder to build social rapport w/ your audience
Don't bare your cleavage. Guys see through that shit.
No. 131740
>>131738I'm not sure, I've been told by relatives that I have no experience at my age (I'm 21) so there's no hope for me to get any job ever but they don't have a very realistic view on jobs, especially for college students. I can only bullshit about having done some baby-sitting because I used to look after my younger siblings and help them do their homework. I wish I could find a job that doesn't force me to skip classes, and while it doesn't seem impossible, it would still mean that I wouldn't even have time to do my homework, and almost everything I have to do at home is graded.
Aren't internships meant to make you discover how it's like to have a job as a beginner? Seems like this would mean that you won't necessarily need a lot of experience, but I'm not sure because I've never had an internship. And it might depend on countries and cities too. I've heard that in some countries internships are different than in mine.
No. 131741
>>131740In the US internships are often unpaid and having you doing really dumb work so that they don't have to pay you (the way it works is that if you are doing something that directly makes money for the company, they have to pay you.) It counts towards experience either way since you're in that environment and supposedly learning.
In all honestly as long as you can swing any job experience to be relevant (I've had LOADS of retail experience so I know how to interact with people despite being awkward otherwise). Having some kind of experience is better then none, it's about knowing how to sell it.
No. 131744
>>131743It depends. I've had desk jobs and it has always been pretty soul crushing for me, when I don't have any stimulation and work to do. As much as I hate retail, I can at least appreciate that it keeps me moving and not getting fat, which is what desk work did (and mind you I've worked at call centers and as a graphic/web designer. Both sucked for different reasons. I really wish I had been paid when I was doing the web work. It was an internship.)
My advice would be to sign up with a tempt service and see if they can match you with a clerical job. Keep in mind that since it is tempt, that you can be let go (or shuffled around as the call center work I did was tempt, I was just rehired and retrained for different areas at the center.) It'll be a good way to kind of get your feet wet to see if you can deal with that kind of work. If you like it, use it on your resume for other similar positions that aren't tempt.
No. 131746
>>131741Ok, understand why people complain so much about internships now. Herebwhere I am, once you do 2months of work you get paid thanks to a recent law. You don't earn much but you don't pay taxes because of the internship and you might get all kind of aids you can't get with an actual salary iirc.
>>131742In my country there is so much competition that if you don't have prior experience but still have a degree with great grades you're still screwed. I'll see whats available in my college though, maybe I can find things there more easily than by looking for a job by myself.
No. 131747
>>131746Yeah, internship law in the US is pretty shaky stuff, but until student debt is properly handled, it likely won't change soon. The US is a backwards place in a lot of ways when it comes to education and employment.
>>131745Decent co-workers is often what makes retail bearable. I'm still working retail, but I recently started a job that actually relates to my field and thankfully my co workers there seem cool too. I hope I do well so that I can quit retail, but that won't be for awhile.
No. 131749
>>131748>CommissionIt depends, some places will give you commission based on sales, but usually you get paid less hourly. That's the main reason why I don't think I could work as a waitress is because there are a lot of horrible tippers and I'd rather not put how much I make in their hands.
At my current job I don't get commission, but it's full time, more then $10/hr (which is insane given I started in Sept of last year as a seasonal in a different dept for less money) and I have benefits. Most retail places want to keep you under full time as much as possible so that they don't have to do shit (and I was on Obamacare when I had my previous job which paid me jack shit compared to what is currently min wage) as well as close to min wage as they think they can. My only advice with retail is that you shouldn't settle for a lower amount when you've had a few years of experience. I did and I regret it now, even though I was desperate for a job at the time.
No. 131755
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I'm not in school(I was alazy shit so my grades went down the toilet) and I'm not employed because no experience, it's shitty. I really want to live with my older sister and go to school where she's at but without job experience I'm stuck here.
Right now I'm planning to volunteer at my local animal shelter and library, so that'll help me out right?
>I just really need a job so I can show my parents I'm not a bum and have money to blow on whatever I want but just thinking about job interviews makes me want to fling myself into the sun No. 131756
>>131711My bf graduated with a Molecular Biology BS, so this is what he's experienced.
The viability of getting a job, even as a lab tech will really depend on where you are located. We live somewhere where there are a lot of universities and entry-level jobs are pretty competitive, so if you don't have lab experience going into job hunting, it might be more difficult.
You could consider getting some lab certifications (I know that HPLC is helpful around here) from your local tech college.
No. 131758
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I'm ready to jump ship on my shitty call centre job because I'm an introvert and the whole time I've worked here has been awful for my mental health (i.e. I come home and am a horrible bitch because I want everyone to leave me alone).
That said, I don't know what my alternative is as a uni grad who has an arts degree that is not particularly useful as is. I just want a job that doesn't make me want to tear my eyes out at the end of the day.
Any ideas of jobs for introverts that don't require a whole lot of experience? I don't mind interacting with people (I'm not shy necessarily), but phones ringing off the hook all day are stressing me the fuck out.
No. 131759
>>131755Volunteering is a good start and good way to keep busy imo (so as not forget how to function in society).
It's actually not too hard to get hired even with 0 experience, though, since there's always a shitty employer out there with a high turnover who needs a quick replacement. I'm the callcentre-chan who just posted, and that was the first real job I had. I kinda wish now that I'd been more selective, but I was desperate and jumped at my first offer.
No. 131762
>>131760When I was originally interviewed I felt like I came off as being really competent and the manager seemed to like me. The day I went in to shadow I just kept making really stupid mistakes like having trouble folding boxes and putting the wrong number of items in them, which really held everyone up when the group was ordering. During this the manager came over and just threw away a bunch of stuff I had been trying to wrap and did it herself. I couldn't use their registers either, which would have made a big difference if I could have processed orders instead of telling another employee what had to be rang up.
Besides the one rush it was really dead so after a bit they just told me to leave because there was nothing I could do, and that they'd call me back if they wanted me to come in again. I wouldn't mind a second chance but the manager seemed disappointed in me and I feel discouraged about not doing a good job.
No. 131768
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I have an interview coming up for publix, my friend is an assistant manager and she will be interviewing me with her boss apparently.
I'm feeling really anxious because I'm terrible talking to people I don't know. But I've been researching good interview behavior and about the store. I hope I'll do well and get the job.
Another thing I'm worried about is that I don't have an address, but I'm using my friends address. Hopefully that doesn't cause any problems.
No. 131771
>>131765if you're working in a nursing home maybe you could shift your addiction to a light opiate like tramadol? I know this sounds like really bad advice but 1. it doesn't smell 2. it's more sociable in general 3. you will be able to do your job and not endanger others 4. in moderate dosage it doesn't destroy your body the way alcohol does 5. when you're on opiates alcohol isn't fun at all. it only gives you a head ache.
most people in the health and care industry are addicted to some kind of medication anyway.
or try the sensible approach and get sober, try therapy and stay away from all kind of substances.
No. 131772
>>131764They said they'd call me back if they wanted me again and it's been a week, so it looks like I'm not getting hired. I'm not that upset because the manager seemed kind of weird by the time I left (the manager at my current job is really great) but it would've been nice to see if I liked the job because it would have counted towards culinary school if I were to go for that. The place is normally very busy so they probably just wanted someone already experienced to get in and work.
On the positive side my parents actually started talking to me about college and want me to go back by September. I wish they acted like this when I graduated from high school but they're probably happy I have more money to pay for tuition.
No. 131773
>>131770So I went there today and the appointment was with the head manager of customer service (and the store I believe) and the assistant manager (who is my friend)
I'm gonna vent about it a bit and get some anxiety out.
So I applied at publix for anyone who works there. I went in and saw my friend and she told me to pretend I don't know her. I also go there 10 mins early which was good.
The interview lasted for 20 minutes and had basic interview questions. I was nervous and I blanked for one second during a sentence but that's it. The woman who interviewed was really sweet and she was in the same situation as me when she was my age. She did ask me a question that took me a minute to think about because it was a saying from the founder of publix. Ahhh..
So after that I asked her 1 question asking how I compare to other people and she said I was the first person she interviewed today but I have fantastic qualifications.(yay) then she went on and pretty much answered my second question about what happens after I get hired (hypothetically speaking) and the interview ended. She told me she'll be calling sometime this Friday wether it's yes or no at 5 and said just to wait by the phone.
Also she didn't take any notes while I interviewed. My dad said its a good thing because I didn't say anything negative.
But yeah, now I'm really anxious. I hope I get this job. A publix employee said if they call I basically got the job. I Hope so.
No. 131775
>>131773try to stress your competence despite nervousness, you lucked out with a similarly minded employer but she understands your flaws just as hard as your strengths. your employer is your lifeline and your reference on your application, make them proud of hiring you.
she probably didn't take notes because you went first and she'll remember you better because of that and your similarities
always call them back, even if they don't. it shows you care and that you're motivated and interested in the job - you'll be a better candidate for being considered again in the future if nothing else
What was the quote/saying she gave you? Your response was important and probably something she took into account. What position were you applying for?
and remember to always take rejection as criticism, not failure. it's never ever the end of the world. always, always, always, learn from it. Make sure your friend is putting in a good word and is giving you advice on the interview and work itself, especially the specifics.
You got this farmer, you're motivated, you have ethics and you're already going to outside sources for help. You'll do and have done great even if you don't get the job.
No. 131779
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I filled out an application for this cafe style place near where I live. The manager said the person hired would only be getting paid minimum wage but at this point I'll take peanuts. My current job at a pharm is really wearing me down and I'd rather take the cut and lose a couple dollars to be in a comfy artisan food shop.
I'm starting to feel really desperate so I hope they call me back for an interview or something.
No. 131780
>>131779I hope it goes well for you!
I also hope the shop is good, not to but my nose in but a friend of mine used to work at a cafe. Every plate/cup she broke, was taken out of her paycheck. Although the shop was really nice, the management wasn't.
Just beware, and keep looking - hosting jobs are usually really difficult and deserve more pay but don't get it.
No. 131783
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I'm really paranoid about pursuing the field of nursing while I'm in Los Angeles.
Nursing is oversaturated here, my academic transcripts at the local community college I attend to is abysmal, and I feel like it's a complete cliche because I remember a ton of people in highschool wanted to be nurses and I feel like I'll just be one of the thousands of nursing students here aspiring to be a RN.
Granted, my dream career goal is to be a psychiatric nurse practitioner but I know it is a LOT of time and commitment and I'm so paranoid I will never be competent enough to reach it. I know that careers in general have every pros and cons to it, but I really want to be a nurse.
I was thinking on getting a CNA certificate, work in a nursing home and then build up experience there while going to nursing school. I'm just so stressed out because at 21, I felt like it's already too late to go into the nursing path.
I also have no work experience whatsoever. I have volunteer experience, but it was mostly city hall admin stuff.
I'm just so paranoid I'll never be able to find a job let alone secure a safe career. I have horrible academic grade history ( I'm working on them though, I don't care how long it takes I want to be a good student again ) and I have no work experience.
I'm scared. I'm enrolling in a pharmacy technician program in the fall, because I want to use that as a fallback but even then I feel like I'm jumping all over the place and not jumping towards that one goal I want to thrive for.
No. 131784
>>131783dont give up on your dream.
if you know its gonna be a lot of work, work for it.
No. 131785
>>131783Is it possible for you to relocate for a year or two? Some parts of the US are experiencing shortages aND you can at least grab some experience.
I work at an actually decent college with a nursing program and all of our nurses seem to find jobs because the city is starved of trained professionals. People are actually coming out here to work.
No. 131786
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>>131784Thank you so much! I'm definitely not giving up. I know the high burnout rates for nurses and how much shit they have to go through, so I definitely want to prepare myself for that.
>>131785I really wouldn't mind- the problem with relocation however is that my boyfriend wants to work for the LAPD so I'm just worried he won't be too keen on relocation, unless if its applicable that there are law enforcement-related jobs in the areas where there are in demand for people who want to be cops.
May I ask what are the parts of the US that are experiencing nurse shortages? I was thinking on the midwest but any recommendations coming from yourself would definitely be taken to heart.
Thank you so much for responding to this! It really reassures me and I hope both my boyfriend and I can find jobs related to our fields.
No. 131787
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Today was such a bad day at work that I felt like I'd come rant a bit. I'm the op who wrote
>>131700 and it's so weird to read that post now and to see how basically nothing has changed since three months ago.
I'm still doing shitty customer service and I thought I'd be out of here so fast once I had experience, but it hasn't been nearly as easy as I'd thought. I haven't been getting any replies and most days I'm too exhausted to even send out resumes, I feel trapped. And today my coworker was fired for the stupidest reasons and I've had it, I'm so done with this place.
Is it really that bad to quit my current job before finding a new one? I've always read how you really shouldn't do that, but it's causing me such stress and I don't know if it's worth it anymore. Fyi, I live at home so rent wouldn't become an issue or anything… Anyway, sorry for the rant.
No. 131789
>>131788Ugh, I know exactly how you feel. I ended up working in what amounted to a welfare office (hurray shitty liberal arts degree) for about a year and quit completely burnt out. I also burned bridges with the smug idiots who worked there but that's another story.
Now I'm planning on going back to school for an engineering degree. God I hate my life.
No. 131790
>>131788Ugh, are you me? I'm in the same boat and I came in as someone who was slightly introverted but okay with people, customer service is making me want to find a job where I can avoid as much human contact as possible.
I'm wondering this too, what are the best job options for people with less-than-impressive degrees who don't want to be on the phone all day? I'm really not picky with what I do, but I have a hard time finding entry-level jobs without "fast-paced" or "phone heavy" in the description.
>>131789Also hating my life and considering going back for more education.
No. 131792
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>>131780 It's actually more like an open salad bar with bakery and packaged meals/baked goods that are made in-house that people can choose from, so no plates to worry about breaking!
I am bummed though because I haven't received a response back. And of course this week at my current job has been pretty bad. Last week I went in at the wrong time because my schedule was changed and I didn't get an updated copy. I tried being more careful this week but lo and behold the manager didn't add someone to close tonight so I got a nice call on my day off that I had to go in because no one else could.
I just want a job where I can have a set schedule and be in and out, no favors or mistakes to deal with. One time when I was working a woman started talking to me about college and my life goals and said something along the lines of "I can tell you're the type of person that can do more than this" and now it just repeats in my head every time I clock in.
No. 131793
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>>131788>I get people who are calling me a cunt / bitch etc and you have to kiss their ass and can't hang up on them or else you'll get fired. I work at a call center for an airline. Damn anon, that's rough. At least if customers swear at and berate us we can actually disconnect the call after giving a warning if they continue. So at least we get
some rights.
But I completely feel you about back to back calls. I work second shift and it's pretty damn busy up until 11pm. It's worse even for first shift workers who are expected to handle anywhere between 300-500 calls a shift depending the volume. I fucking hate November-January because it's the busiest time of year with the most schedule irregularities, and also when my company enacts mandatory overtime where we're forced to work a 12-14 hour minimum shift.
The worst for me is the emotional manipulation, threats, and the bargaining that customers impose during my calls. I simply can't change company policy or make exceptions regardless of the situations and people think I have magic wands for it.
I deal with the most hectic calls: a woman saying she needs to book a flight home ASAP because a member of her family was murdered, a crazy woman who claims she can predict my future trying to find the non-existent flight of her Nigerian military commander husband, and poor basement-dwelling men who buy tickets for their exotic foreign gfs who wind up stiffing them at the airports.
The other day I had a woman threaten to "take her story to Twitter" because I couldn't make guarantees over the phone that she wouldn't have to pay a baggage fee for a piece of luggage that she claims was for humanitarian purposes.
But anyway I am also
>tfw liberal arts degree memeExcept I don't think it's worthless. I do feel like having a graduate degree shows that I can commit and work towards long-term goals. I originally wanted to get my foot in the door with a publishing house but,
surprise, they all demand x years of internships and experience. Most internships I've looked at require me to still be in school, which is a clever stipulation to get away with not paying 'students.' Everyone tells me that I should either teach or get my doctorate, but tbh I feel so burned out. I want to write more but my job is mentally exhausting as well.
All I do is wake up in my one-bedroom apartment that I'm overpaying for, eat something, dread going to work, come home, eat, shower, argue with bf, and bed. Rinse and repeat. It's so depressing with no future in sight at the moment.
No. 131794
Hey, for those experienced with short term jobs I'd really like some help.
I'm leaving in August for a 2 year masters in Sweden, with about 4k saved. The recommended amount is 8k per year, I can cut that down, but I need more money, and very very fast.
Currently I'm on two 0 hour contract jobs. My "regular" has given me 40 hours this entire month, the other only offers a day or two every other month. There's a potential to work more hours in my regular one, in a different section, but the managers are so awful I'd have a breakdown within a week, every time I try it out they target me, so that's a last, last resort.
I've tried applying to call centres nearby, but my haste made me sabotage the interviews, and I can't apply to them again for a while.
I registered for a freelancing site, but it seems like there's a huge amount of competition (literally I had to enter a 'contest' of some kind to try write up a description). Just about to send an email to a company that writes up product descriptions, offering to do a few for free to show my mad skillz, but honestly I've no idea how it'll work.
This month because I've been offered basically no work and it's stressing me the fuck out, I've been trying to sell anything of value. My console, games, TV, boxsets etc. Books seem to be worth nothing. Some of this stuff I love, but I feel I don't have much choice. Soon I'll be on to my loved clothing, and god forbid if I have to sell my piano/keyboard/guitar.
So does anyone have any ideas of where I can apply/what I can look for with jobs? I only just realised yesterday that I missed my opportunity to be a private tutor for certain subjects, since the exam period is by.
No. 131799
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>>131792 Oh shiiiiiet the manager actually called me back today and set up an interview for tomorrow morning. Regardless of being hired or not it feels like such a relief when they actually contact you again.
No. 131802
>>131783Hey anon, I just switched programs in my second year of uni, and like you I felt it was a late decision. Over the past year, I just felt pathetic being in a new program surrounded by students 2 years younger than me. It really killed me knowing that I would be graduating later than my friends I entered college with. I felt like a disappointment for wasting so much time and money.
But you know what, it's never too late to go after what you want. We only have one life and that's enough reason to do whatever we strive for. So good luck on everything! Nursing is a wonderful field to go into.
No. 131803
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One of my coworkers was fired, the other one went on mat leave, and now I'm the only one left to do everything in the office. I'm so miserable and stressed out, I'm giving in my two weeks notice in three weeks so I'll be out by the end of August. I don't have another job lined up and I'll be unemployed, but at this point I don't care because the stress is affecting my personal life.
I think I'm gonna bit the bullet and go teach English in Japan for a year since I have no reason not to at this point. Is there a thread for teaching abroad?
No. 131805
>>131803Hmm nothing so specific but there's:
>>8997"Anyone want to live in Japan?"
>>2851"Visiting Japan"
>>29818Sort of a Japan general.
Good luck to you anon, it sucks when work makes you hate life.
No. 131806
>>131805Thanks, anon! Those are really helpful, I'll check them out.
Yeah, as this was my first job I'm finding it hard not to feel like this is what work is and it's normal to just go through the motions with it until you retire (and then die), but I know that's not true. I hear a lot of grads go teach abroad because it's generally the best time to do so, so I figure I may as well give it a go while I figure myself out.
No. 131808
I'm a waitress for the summer. I work the morning shift at a restaurant. Since we are in a very hot and humid area the morning shift is usually pretty dead, so I do it alone with a single busboy/assistant waiter, plus two kitchen stuff.
The old assistant waiter quit, and the new guy is retarded. Like, literally, I think he is borderline retarded IQ wise. He's not drooling on himself or anything, but he's incapable of understanding very, very simple things. Like, for example, that he should look at the dining hall and clean tables that are finished, take orders to the kitchen the moment I give them to him, and not do fucking evening prep when we have a table of 8 waiting on drinks that he should be pouring but isn't. It's not a matter of not knowing the job either, he's worked at a restaurent before. All the things I mentioned only require a bit of common sense.
He comes in 30 minutes earlier than he should, 30 minutes earlier than me, and his half of the opening chores are not done when we're supposed to be fucking opening.
He also has very little social skills, speaks very slowly, and breaths from his mouth.
It's not like the old guy was fucking Einstein, but at least he could have a coversation and understand what his job is.
The owner knows he's stupid, too. He jokes about it all the time. He basically had to hire the first guy to walk through the door as the previous one left in such short notice.
I really, really hope he fucks up real bad soon, in order to get fired. He makes my job 100 times harder.
No. 131810
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I'm 22, I have no professional experience and I can't find a job. I need a job to pay for my driver license and to get more experience but I need to already have professional experience and a driver license to get pretty much all the jobs I found so far. Everyone my age I know found jobs only thanks to their family or friends but I can't count on anyone. Makes want to kms at this point.
No. 131811
>>131810I totally know the feel. I can't drive legally either. Mine is more of a phobia and inattentiveness problem though.
Anyway, I hope it encourages you if I tell you I got my first job in my mid-twenties in a shitty restaurant, and as long as I could make it, no one really cared. I got rides home all the time from people that lived nearby.
I was having trouble finding work online too, so I started going to places at the shopping center nearby and asking. Turns out one day the shitty little Steak N' Shake had a career fair and they don't even do online hiring!
Just make sure you talk to some of your potential coworkers and try not to make it obvious, but try to see if that kind of environment open to car pooling is there. You'd be surprised.
Now, if you're trying to work at a high skill, professional digs kind of place… yeah you're shit out of luck. You'll have to lower your standards a bit.
No. 131812
>>131810I feel you anon. I'm 22 too and the lack of a boost from friends/family really makes a difference. The lack of drivers license is a real pain too.
If you have a voluntary job you could count that as professional experience most of the time. I know it's small, but it's really helped me into the type of work I'm in atm.
No. 131813
>>131810For what it's worth I'm 22 and the only real working experience I've had is a summer internship two years ago (through nepotism). I still managed to get hired at a place recently. It's not anything spectacular and the work seems mostly tedious but I am interested in the company and what it does and I think that showed to the hiring manager.
Even if you might be at a disadvantage in experience I think some employers would rather you give a shit about what they do over not.
No. 131814
>>131810I feel you anon, same age, same problem. I only managed to get one internship via a family's friend, besides that I only have retail/barista experience from the standard part time job most students do.
Maybe we need to try to get some internships and then apply for jobs? Also I've heard some companies might hire you if you were a good intern before. In fact many jobs I applied/want to apply for even required you do an internship with them before they even give you the job.
Really if by the end of the summer I haven't managed to get job, I honestly see no other option if I ever wanna go past shitty retail/barista jobs.
It is shitty feeling though; all the time you spend on your degree, all the years you worked hard to support yourself, it's all worth nothing. In the end you're better off if you know the right people.
No. 131819
>>131817Person who had first job at Steak n' Shake here. The job ad also said that experience was preferred and people didn't really have confidence I'd get it.
I managed to get it because I capitalized on experience in school and volunteering the right way. It didn't work the first few interviews I tried, but with practice, it paid off.
Don't give up! Try to practice interview techniques, get more volunteering in, and groom yourself into a prime candidate they can't resist.
Taking some kind of communications class also really helps, if you haven't already.
Fake it til you make it, honestly.
No. 131822
>>131821You have to really get kind of creative and you have to fake the confidence until it is very genuine.
Easier said than done, really, but I can impart some tips.
Don't lose confidence over a voluntary job being "not a real job." I volunteered for an adoption fair and this offered me plenty of experiences to pick from.
I emphasized ability to recognize situations which required me to do antibiotic and antiviral cleaning ASAP, and therefore I understood the importance of following food safety regulations.
I emphasized that I could be a good problem solver by coming up with situations where I had to think fast. There were times in an independent research lab and in my volunteering with animals that required immediate intervention.
I didn't have sales or serving experience, so I emphasized that some potential adopters wanted to tell me what they wanted in a dog, and a few of them I was able to direct to a dog they then adopted. This was EXTREMELY valuable to them.
The point is, phrase your experiences in ways that link it concretely to the skills they are asking for. You're probably gonna want to write some note cards and practice public speaking with them.
The other big thing is confidence. I was a socially awkward wreck and a bit of a NEET first looking for a job, so it took awhile. I took a public speaking class which helped, and started using some specific techniques to build confidence.
Do not have submissive body language going into any opportunity. You need to stretch yourself out, do things that impart more assertive feelings. This will be the "faking" part that will make the confidence genuine.
Watch this TED talk to see what I mean: No. 131824
>>131823I'm sorry you had to go through that.
Be wary of some campus jobs though, I got fucked over with one real bad and had to drop out. Basically, let me put it this way, if your boss does anything bad that you can be implicated for, whistle blowing would have more immediate damaging consequences for you the student than it ever does for them.
So its really quite easy to exploit students in ways that make the administrative person have total control over their future and life. Its fucked up. If something seems fishy and weird, it probably is.
No. 131827
>>131825I can't fit into a lot of clothes cause i'm too small as well. Do what
>>131826 says or try ordering things from asian countries cause they're sizes are smaller.
No. 131829
>>131824I was thinking of getting a job in my university's library because pretty much everyone dives into working for the dining halls. Hopefully the people who run the place don't screw me over. I think they have some type of rule in place where they aren't allowed to schedule me in a way that conflicts with my classes and they can't push me over 20 hours a week.
If they try some bs tho i'll be on the lookout so thanks for warning me.
No. 131833
>>131831honestly to clear BS like this up I'm just gonna clarify a little bit.
It involved work I did on what is really more of my boss's charity project, and that I later found out was not only forgoing following regulations regarding it to get funding first and work that out later, but something that was not really work the school would have approved of for all those reasons. My time sheets were essentially worthless records to them because of all this. Even though I worked all semester.
So consequences of whistle blowing included at least getting all my money taken away, and at most getting expelled + aid taken away if boss felt vindictive enough to argue successfully that I was in on the fraud knowingly.
No. 131834
>>131807That's a good idea… I've been putting it off, but I'll probably try to do that in the next few weeks.
That said, I think they'd fire me if I asked for a raise. Girls in our position are seen as easily replaceable at this place, so I wouldn't put it past them.
No. 131836
>>131835I think you should give notice, just to be polite and take the higher ground even though the place is shit. You could always give it in this Monday, then you'll only have two weeks to go. That is, UNLESS you feel as though your safety is seriously at stake, then I would just leave.
The only time when I (kind of) left without notice was when I was super young and didn't know I had to give notice in writing, so by the time it was time to leave they forgot I'd notified them about it verbally a while back. I left that day anyway, but even now I wish I had notified them properly. Either way, good luck anon! I'm quitting soon too and there are days I wish I could just walk out and never come back without saying a word, but I'm trying not to burn any bridges.
No. 131837
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anyone here work in the medical field, particularly as an EMT/paramedic/nurse/PA?
I'm interested in entering the field (thinking about getting my BSN and working as an EMT prior to that with the ultimate goal of working as a PA or NP), and I'd like to hear some experiences.
No. 131838
>>131837I tried to work in neuro. had an internship.
A few things about my experience:
The healthcare system is truly unsympathetic and profit based. If you are going into this to help people, you are going to need an insurmountable amount of strength to get over how your ethics and morals are going to be tested, everyday.
I had quite a few experiences during my internship where I truly felt that I witnessed abuse of a patient. And I felt very powerless to do anything about it. Its very hard to be the person that asks a lot of questions about, "Well, shouldn't we have stopped when the patient begged us to? Isn't that what I've been taking a patient care class for?" They don't care. They want to bill the insurance or medicaid or whatever and get the money. I saw them bill several young, broke mothers for tests on babies and toddlers that were exhibiting normal developmental ticks, "just in case" it might be epilepsy. You'll see so very much of that kind of shit and maybe even participate in it yourself.
Oh and you will witness death. You will witness the lack of care for people depending on class. You will witness old ass rich motherfuckers that everyone knows shouldn't be alive anymore kept alive on machines, not living a life, because their families won't let the fuck go and throw all their money at terminal illness.
If an administrator does not for any reason like you or think you are suited for the job, you better prepare yourself for the most hyperbolic exaggeration and bullshitting of your failures imaginable. It's very militaristic and only the highest standards apply.
As such, the best recommendation I can give you is to not make my mistake and to actually volunteer in a clinical setting for an adequate length of time before deciding this is what you want. It is a hard, emotionally rough, callous, and difficult field that is only rewarding for the most resilient and smart people out there.
If you are at all emotionally sensitive, lazy, or struggle with learning disabilities you either need to grow a thick skin, get persistent, and learn to immediately cope with little to no help or guidance otherwise you should stop now. I'm not trying to be mean. I'm honestly just saying some stuff I wish had been made more clear to me.
No. 131839
>>131837Honestly, what this anon
>>131838 said about the medical industry is true, which is exactly why I decided to pursue public health instead. I care more about morals and ethics and helping people and public health fits that way better, although of course the pay is lower, which I don't care about at all.
No. 131840
>>131820are you me
sounds like your manager means she wants you to get the customer thru your line faster, I was hired as a cashier and moved to customer service/bookkeeping; whip thru scanning items faster and your manager will prob train you.
i mean why bother with another part time job may as well skip that step and try to get your goal n land a full time job, i have family members who had no degree in accounting but worked their way up to accounting. maybe a temp agency could help you land a decent pay office job where you could work your way up (where i am they drug test at local temp agencies so b clean)
basically youre me, i jump around between beta ass jobs and freelancing art, tryin to land a 'real full time job' to dissentigrate at as well. the main downside to freelancing full time from my experience is unsteady gigs, having good time management and self discipline/direction (i suck at this), and as im sure youve heard before 'when you have to do your passion as a career sometimes it takes the passion out of it' but that sentiment def bears more weight than i realized before attempting full time freelance art. if you really need money i def say keep doing your entrepreneurial art shit alongside a company job
but yeah if you have a good cover letter and interview well your work history (or lack of) wont matter that much
also pls link your art anon i want de eroticas
No. 131843
>>131833I mentioned a similar story myself earlier in the thread about being fucked over by my professors. All of the backhanded shit that goes on in academia, the schools are completely aware of and don't give a single fuck about or just end up supporting it from behind the scenes.
If any of you are considering working with your professors or on campus in general, just be really cautious and back everything up. Keep a record of all your emails, send read/received receipts, write down conversations and date them, get everything in writing up front, and always have a witness if you can. Mine would ask me to help with a project, have me sign official-looking papers and assure me they had the funding, it'd look great on my resume, you'll be fast tracked into grad school cause they have a connection on this project. 1 1/2 years later and I still haven't been paid. I complained to the school (one project was for the President's office) and got a really nasty email from an aide there telling me in no uncertain terms to stop sticking my nose in where it doesn't belong. All of my timesheets in employee tracking and messages in the campus system disappeared shortly after this.
I just want to stress to any younger people reading that your cool, laid-back professor isn't your friend. You're just a means to an end.
No. 131845
>>131843>Keep a record of all your emails, send read/received receipts, write down conversations and date them, get everything in writing up front, and always have a witness if you can.Can't stress this enough, for all professional settings too. Academia especially encourages this stuff, but it happens in other workplaces as well.
If you have a verbal conversation pertaining to anything important, follow it up with an email confirming the major points of the conversation so you have a record of it. Witnesses can be good, but don't rely on them alone because if you are lower in the pecking order then the witness may default to siding with the other person because in places with power dynamics it's just a lot less trouble for them/may get them brownie points.
No. 131848
>>131846I agree and I don't think you really need super extensive social skills when you work at home anyway. As long as you can function as an adult and aren't feeling lonely, it sounds fine to me.
I'm thinking about getting more education to do web design or something, because office culture is just not jiving with my personality and I don't think finding a different office would make me feel any better. Working from home and being able to go out/stay in when I want to sounds like a really nice alternative.
No. 131849
>>131847Anon, please quit as soon as you get paid. That environment sounds unhealthy. Keep applying for internships and stuff.
I'm in the same boat. I live in a foreign country where the language barrier prevents me from getting a 'normal' job, so I got a job as a housekeeper in a 5 star hotel.
You might be thinking 5 star hotel jobs are cushier than 4 or lower, but you'd be dead wrong.
My coworkers are all lovely people as well as 2 of the managers, but one of the managers is a bitter cunt who hates anyone who isn't a local and rolls her eyes at everything we say. The only people she's nice to are the 2 locals working there, and she always gives them nicer tasks.
People think housekeeping is just dusting and changing bedsheets, but we're literally closer to maintenance guys than housekeepers. We have to lug heavy equipment around a 6-storey hotel with narrow-ass corridors and a lot of fine decorative china on display, work upwards of 10 hours per day, are allowed a 30 minute break per day (and if you work too long they take it out of your salary), have to bend over and crouch a lot so pretty much all female staff have to wear men's cargo trousers because our thighs and biceps are fucking massive and we're all under 5'3. I'll let you make a mental image of that, I'm a circus freak from the waist down. We also all have or will have arthritis at some point in our lives. We're given 20 minutes to make a room
spotless and they call that generous. The rooms are usually elaborate affairs with several beds and bathtubs (which we have to clean), and most of our customers are filthy fucking pigs lacking even the most basic manners, older businessmen generally being the exception.
They double check everything and complain if we leave behind even one tiny spot. We even have to arrange the toilet roll nicely and notice and remember every minute detail that's off in the room. Everything that's missing we have to write down and remember because they will blame us for the dumbest shit, one lady complained because she'd forgotten her cheap shampoo bottle in the hotel and of course they blamed us. We get shit on by customers (a French woman clicked her fingers at me as if I'm a dog yesterday and told me to 'give back what I'd stolen', which turned out to be a tissue box she dropped down the toilet, didn't even say sorry), the reception and even waiting staff/other employees because they think they're better than us and we aren't people with lives and feelings. Also, many customers, usually American, will blatantly lie and blame us for the dumbest shite (usually very obvious because we have a strict procedure set up to make sure things like that don't happen) because they get a free bottle of champagne as an apology from the hotel. The reception of course never apologises for their everlasting onslaught of verbal diarrhoea. Earlier this week a customer complained that someone'd supposedly left behind a used condom on the rug (really? you don't think we'd notice a used fucking condom in the middle of the room, especially when we have to deal with random nitpickery like water stains on the bottom of bidet taps?) and didn't get called out for it, I'm still fuming.
So yeah, that's my job. I didn't include other extra work like steaming carpets and fixing air conditioners because it's not an everyday thing but rest assured we do that too. In worse hotels they give you 10 minutes but at least you're not expected to be a flawless cleaning machine.
No. 131850
>>131847This sounds similar to my situation, except I work in an office and everyone else has been fired or quit so all the work is piled onto me instead. Regardless, I INSIST on taking my break/lunch. It's illegal for them to deny you that right and I realize now that pushing yourself harder to reach impossible quotas is rarely appreciated very much, so much as it raises management's expectations of what you're able to get done on your own. I know how much of a mindfuck it can be when the other staff there are nice and you consider them your friends, but try to remember that a lot of people look at business from a very impersonal standpoint and will be friendly with you, but also won't hesitate to take advantage of you. So I really recommend that you keep searching for a new job while on your break, maybe with a different grooming service since you do seem to like that sort of job. And I wouldn't think of it so much as leaving your coworkers stranded, because they clearly haven't been thinking of your needs very much. The way I look at it is that if they really cared they would have been looking for another person long before to help you out anyway. You don't owe them anything more than two weeks notice. That, and it doesn't sound like you can carry on for much longer even if you want to, so I really think you should get out before you snap and quit on the spot or say/do something out of frustration.
I'm giving my notice at the end of this week and don't have a new job lined up… but I really can't stay any longer or I fear I'll snap and ruin my reference from this place. I was really trying to hang on for just a bit longer, but now I really regret not doing more to get out sooner. I just want to get my old self back, I'm tired of being a haggard, bitter bitch too.
No. 131853
>>131846I know that feel. There are pros and cons to both, but I feel pretty content with my current situation. Friends who also work from home always want to meet up during the day to get work done together at a crowded coffee shop or coworking space, but I'd much rather work from my quiet apartment.
>>131848>I don't think you really need super extensive social skills when you work at homeIt depends. I work for myself now so I can choose to talk to no one for work if I want to, but in some ways working remote for other people required more social skills than coming into the office even though I did less socializing over all. Also if you have a lousy manager who only get's ahead by making others look bad, it's easy to pick on the person who works from home. Those types are a pain either way, but if you're not seen working every day by other people, they can manipulate it to make it seem like you do no work. Thankfully with programming everyone's name is tied to their commits so it's easy for me to prove otherwise, but some companies aren't set up well for remote workers and you can really screw yourself over career wise if you try to do it full time without some good communication skills yourself AND a good employer that has a good remote work set up.
No. 131854
>>131844GIS & Remote Sensing. It's a really niche field, so I'm not sure if that affects the behavior at all.
>>131845You're absolutely right about witnesses. As I think about it, witnesses really might not be worth all that much. A couple other students went through what I did, and some of my friends in the department got hit worse in some areas, but even multiple stories did nothing. So, even if people have your back and complain themselves, the higher-ups ultimately don't care at all. You're powerless unless a super famous or powerful person happened to see it all go down I guess.
>>131847Since you seem to like grooming, have you tried looking into other salons or even other dog services in the area, like dog walking or doggy daycare stuff? As much as you like the people, it's not worth destroying your health for. There will always be new people to meet and to enjoy the company of, don't let your feelings tie you to a shitty situation.
Denying you lunch is completely illegal - it might not pan out to anything, but if you call the attorney general's office, someone will at least listen to you vent. I hope things work out for you, anon.
No. 131855
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What employment/career can I possibly have as a socially crippled hermit? I just want a little job where I don't have the talk to anyone, not even on the phone, is that really so much to ask? I work hard, and I'm smart, I'm just totally useless with people. Any advice?
No. 131857
>>131855I've googled around for something like that and it doesn't seem as though there's much that doesn't require at least a bit of training. I'm not a social cripple, but I just want a nice, quiet job where I type away at my keyboard all day. Right now I'm on the phone all day and I hate it.
Data entry isn't a bad option for an entry level job I think, though I have noticed a lot of them are more like data entry + reception/customer service. Otherwise, the options that take some training are programming, design, lab tech (if you're into science), or like
>>131856 said, cleaning.
No. 131860
>>131858Yeah that was super late but I'm gonna go ahead and say that many, many nurses and assistant nurses are alcoholics or at least binge drinkers, and it's even likelier if you work at a nursing home. That's why so many smoke as well.
No one cares really, where I live (Canada) they'll hire basically anyone. Just don't drink at work and chew some gum.
No. 131869
>>131867I really want to do something like this. I'm not even extremely socially awkward, but I think most people will agree that doing customer service isn't exactly desirable. I'm conflicted because I feel like I should be striving for better and I know that as the only university graduate in my family, they'll be expecting that too.
I gave my notice on Friday and my manager's reaction was so creepy and robotic, it was basically a professionally worded "K thx bye!" I guess I'd expected something more from someone I'd worked with for more than a year. Now, I've become jaded by the business world, it all feels so phony. I dunno what I'm gonna do next, but I already feel so much better knowing my options are open and I don't have to go into that shit hole any longer than the end of this month.
No. 131870
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Might sound weird, but has anyone here any experience with the funeral industry?
I've been thinking about getting into the field for a while now, but it's super hard to get into. You can't just do an internship, and even the few small part time jobs require experience, and it's hinted they mostly look for big strong men to carry coffins.
There appareantly is an apprenticeship, but there doesn't seem to be any mortuary near me that offers this.
I thought about volunteering at a hospice, though I'm not sure they want someone under thirty with barely any death experience. This way I could get some insight on death and paperwork, and maybe fetch a small part time job later and work my way up?
My college degree is pretty unrelated, but as far as my research goes there's no college degree required anyway since there's no specific degree for the funeral industry.
I wouldn't go into embalming per se (it's not that popular here anyway, and requires a different career path).
Just want to know if anyone has any advice, or experience.
No. 131871
>>131870You seem kind of all over the place about it, if you don't want to go into embalming and you're not looking to carry/sell coffins, what are you hoping to do? Why do you think you want to do it if you have barely any death experience?
I have a friend who was an undertaker and it seemed a pretty rewarding job for him, but he started off with some related qualification first (biomed I think. He mostly sewed people up, broke bones into positions and applied makeup from what I know, but he also went back into education with the aim of making better money from working with the living instead.
No. 131872
>>131870Future mortician here.
I don't know if you live in the states or not, but here you can go to a mortuary science college, and though you'll be taught embalming, you're also taught how to run a funeral home from a business standpoint. After you graduate, you can choose which path you'd like to pursue. You don't have to be a mortician. You'll also be required to do some apprenticeship work, but the college helps with all of that and helps you find a job after you graduate.
Other options you might consider are sales positions for cemeteries, selling plots, headstones, etc. or getting a job as a crematorium technician, which requires very little training, though the pay could be better. If you're also into cosmetology, there are a lot of people who are freelance makeup artists just for funeral homes.
No. 131874
>>131873I hate to be the asshole here but the amount of stress that goes into the creative industries often means it's just not suitable for non-masochists. Unsteady people benefit more from a secure working environment and regular pay.
Find out what 'normal' jobs could suit you and work at that. People in this thread have said cleaning is great for introverts, I personally like the quiet of data entry. Having work that you want to do is nice, but I think it's just as good to do work you don't care about in a nice environment. Just stick to whatever is manageable and get enough experience until you can move about and find a place to do it that has a nice atmosphere.
No. 131875
>>131873Piggy backing off of
>>131874 to say that this is the exact reason I quit the creative industry after working towards it for 6 years (and trying a couple different fields).
Got myself on medication, forced a daily routine, and began working towards I "tasking" type job. No management work, no creating my own schedules, no struggles with "creative performance" etc. It's the happiest and most stress-free I've been in over a decade.
No. 131878
>>131874>>131875>>131876Yep, I'm a graphic designer for a large and very well known fashion company. While the job itself is easy and fairly secure, so in that respect I'm ok, the soft skills/social side is slowly killing me. I'm awful at public speaking, presenting and networking and it's really holding me back to the extent I can't really see myself progressing very far in this industry because I'm just basically way too much of a sperg and easily intimidated by people I feel are way cooler than me. I often lie awake a night agonising over whatever it was I did that day that made me look like a weirdo.
I often feel like just really want a comfy job in an office with old ladies and balding men in suits with no pressure to be super cool and outgoing. Or better yet, I job where I can work from home/freelance without barely scraping minimum wage.
Having, said that. Graphic design can be alright if you have anxiety I guess, you just have to pick the right environment. I'd advise in-house work (definitely NOT agency) at a non-trendy company.
No. 131879
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>applied for a really good job
>got called for an interview
>basically get hired on the spot due to my knowledge of the field
>was told I would start right away
>only needed to wait for a drug test/bg check approval
>get called few days later and told to come in
>think i'm going to finish my paperwork and finally start
>they tell me they fucked up my bg check because they entered my ssc number wrong
>also told they now have to do it manually so i'll have to wait 4 weeks to start
>call them once a week to see if there's an update
>4th week
>they tell me to come in and sign some stuff
>turns out when i went back to show them my ssc so they wouldn't mess it up they forgot to have me sign one last paper
>mfw now I gotta wait 2 more weeks for them to get an approval
No. 131882
>>131881Style your hair in a way that makes it less obvious. If you get the job, find out how the other people in the company are styled and dressed; if there doesn't seem t be a problem with your haircut, you can wear your undercut normal whenever you don't meet the important people, and style it down when there's an important meeting. And if they are absolutely unaccepting, you can let it grow out.
Are you from a country that doesn't require a photo with your job application? Kinda jelly.
>tfw I look not very good on pictures in general, even when done by professionals>tfw round, young-ish face that makes me look like an ineperienced shy teen >also have to hide my hair on picutres because long curly hair is appareantly considered the least professionalI am sure I (and other people) missed out on more than one job throughout the years because companies looked at my picture (which has to be right at the beginning of the job applicaion) and won't even give me a chance before they even met me or read my whole resume.
No. 131883
>>131882This is wonderful advice! Thank you.
Yeah, in the USA here. I've never had to attach a photo to my resume! More recently they do a phone interview to check you aren't a weirdo wasting their time, then bring you in for an in person interview.
I think with the issues the US has with """""Institutionalized Racism"""""requiring a photo on the resume would be a law suit waiting to happen.
No. 131887
>>131884I wish I could be a housewife too, but I don't like kids, so that kind of pours cold water all over that.
I just really hate working. I got my "dream job" and it still sucks and I get no pleasure from it. I don't really feel any happier than when I was working retail, maybe even less so, because at least I was part time. I'm only really happy when I'm at home or with my family/boyfriend.
No. 131889
Are you a housewife yourself?
When people try and defend being a house wife by saying "It's a lot of work desu!" it shows they have no concept of how easy they have it. Most people work full time AND maintain their homes, cook, grocery shop, pay bills, etc.
There's a reason women get married and quit their jobs ASAP.
No. 131890
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>>131699currently working at a horrible restaurant as a busser and have been for the last year its under the table and i know the owner/manager so they feel comfortable ripping me off and shorting my pay whenever they want
ive applied to a lot of other places in my area but no response yet
if i get a new job should i report the owner for his illegal shit he also uses this tactic to pay his immigrant workers 4 dollars an hour (he pays me 8 because im white and american (used to be 10 but i complained to him that he needs to pay them more so he cut my pay to punish me for speaking up)) and he knows they cant get a job anywhere else because they dont speak english and cant get a job anywhere else
he also does nothing about the huge sexual harassment problem with the cooks and the women/girls who work there literally every female has complained or fought the cooks at one point
etc etc i wanna ruin his life when i leave but that would fuck with my coworkers jobs too
maybe i shouldve posted this in the vent thread
No. 131894
>>131883You're welcome, and good luck on the interview!
>>131885Is it that obvious, or are we like the last country who demands a photo on the appliction? Technically it is not mandatory, but in praxis you're pretty much forced to do it, and anyone who would not include a picture would be deemed unprofessional and shady. I really fucking hate it and I wish Germany would forbid this bullshit.
No. 131895
>>131890report the place. sounds like a real garbage fire you work at.
>hires illegals>illegals get paid shit because they can't complain as they're not supposed to be there in the first place>illegals get sexually harassed, can't complain because they don't want get deported. that is messed up.>you complained, owner cuts your payyes, your co-workers will have problems if the place is investigated. that is their problem to deal with. it was their mistake to continue to work for someone who illegally exploits them and choosing to enter the country illegally.
No. 131898
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Office jockey from above, I finally quit my job and I'm starting to regret not spending more time planning BEFORE I left, but I'm really not sure what I could've done otherwise. I know for sure that office work isn't for me, so I really didn't want to leave one and go work in another out of desperation. But thankfully, a few days before leaving I was contacted for a position and it actually looks promising, so hopefully I can get that job to tide me over while I figure out what else to do. If not, I figure I'll either work abroad or just use some of my savings and go on a trip while I'm still young and unattached enough to do so.
No. 131900
>>131783>Nursing is oversaturated here,Is it at all possible to relocate? If not, can you secure a job after graduation somehow?
> at 21, I felt like it's already too late to go into the nursing path.Funny, when I started at 18 I fely weird because everyone was older than me by at least four years, so I took time off then came back. Age is not an issue at all.
>I'll never be able to find a job let alone secure a safe career.Seems to me like nursing at this point in time has the highest job security with an aging generation and the fact that it can't be automated, combine with the fact that you can weasel your way into things like public health with it as well.
and yes I realize I'm two months late, I figured to reply anyway.
On another note, how do I make friends in university? Everyone already seems so close, so I just kinda sit out and all which makes placement transportation really damn difficult when everyone else arrives together in a car pool and I was walking like a fool.
No. 131901
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I had a review at work and it went really terribly. For the last few months I had been on a sort of job quest sending out applications and trying to find something that would let me leave the place I'm currently at, but nothing came out of it besides two interviews. This combined with apathetic attitude I started to get towards my current job aggravated my boss and she called me out during the review for not really having a sense of direction with what I want to do with my life or career.
So I kind of gave up on job searching to reapply to school and it turned out that I'd get enough financial aid from working to cover classes at community college. When I told her about this she got really ecstatic and said she'd help out if I had any questions about schools or if I would ever need to transfer later on. My family couldn't care less about my education so I'm kind of glad that she was willing to call me out and kina get me moving towards trying college again because I was getting nowhere pretty fast.
No. 131902
Same anon as
>>131879 here.
Still haven't heard shit from this job. Went ahead and applied for another one this past Monday and got a call yesterday for an interview. This one has even better pay plus it's closer to where I live. Interview is on Monday, crossing my fingers everything goes right.
No. 131904
>>131881Undercut anon here. I got the job! Amazing pay, paid holidays and vacation and paid for health care!
This thread inspired me to do better!
No. 131906
>>131871I have no problem with embalming; training or the apprenticeship will probably require the basic techniques of embalming, but if you want to do embalming specifically, you need to go a different education/apprentice paths more specialized in embalming/preserving only.
No problems with selling coffins either, but the most mini or part time jobs seem to mostly be just to fetch the bodies from hospitals/homes/etc, and I doubt they will hire a woman with no experience for that.
The book in my first post got me interested tbh. I looked into as much information as I can find online, and the job just appeals to me.
I have no problem selling, and I am good with customer work. I don't think I will have trouble dealing with something as sad as death; while I have empathy I can clearly seperate my own feelings with those of the customers.
I'm also not really in for the whole "I wanna help those poor grieving people!", if I wanted to help people I'd become a nurse. If I can provide support that's great, and I'd try my best to take the challenge of providing a nice funeral service. But I don't expect some miracle helping to be done, in the end all I can do is my best which might help, but might not. I'm okay with that.
Also kinda like the appeal in working with bodies. Seems like a challenge I would want to take, and with a satisfying end result if I can complete the work to my best. A mixture of art and mechanic, if that doesn't sound too morbid…
Last but not least the work itself seems appealing. I have to blend in the background, I can work mostly alone, I don't mind boring paperwork. I hate academic work I'm doing right now at uni, and I don't really like the idea of a normal office job.
>>131872Mortician anon if you are still around, maybe can you give a little more insight? My speculations are probably naive-sounding and missing stuff (I didn't want to blogpost too much though), I'd love to hear some inside perspective.
No. 131907
>>131906Future mortician here again.
Everything you said is pretty much why I decided to pursue this career.
I appreciate the creativity and hands-on aspect of the job. I'm introverted and like that I don't have to deal with anyone unless they're already dead. I'm not in it for the helping others reason either. I couldn't care less honestly.
I don't know where you live, but in the US, it's a very well paying job that requires minimal schooling. I consider that a bonus, because it means less debt and less time wasted in school.
The only negative about it is that it's demanding of your time. You often miss holidays, work long hours and weekends, etc. Sometimes, you've gotten get up in the middle of the night to meet a fresh one at the funeral home.
Of course, another negative is not being able to handle the gorey parts. This isn't an issue for me, but some people think you'll only be dealing with those who are freshly dead and looking well, but often you get ones so badly decayed that you can't even embalm them or so mangled that having an open casket viewing isn't an option. You also have to be ready to deal with children.
If all of this still makes you want to do this job, I say go for it.
No. 131908
>>131907Reading this is so much of a relief. You're giving me hope!
I'm mentally prepared for the gorey part. The smell will probably be the worst, no real way to prepare for that.
Children of course are always sad, but if they are already dead it is much easier to handle than the sick and dying ones. And tbh I think seeing ill the neglected elderly people or those who took months to die of terrible illnesses will just be as bad, there are so many tragic ways to die.
Time demanding and missing holidays/weekends full of work sucks of course, but whatever. Can't be perfect, and as long as I am getting paid for my job I can deal with that.
Sadly I'm a Eurofag. There's no college path, the only way is the apprenticeship. There are few and not always in town, but I do hope to get one next year. I am super anxious not to be able to get one because I am a woman and because I am kinda overqualified, both the usual disadvantages. And there's really no way to do an internship or part time job before, which is why I considered volunterring at a hospice. Closest to dead people I can imagine. I'll luck further into anything like that thogh. Apprenticeships start next year so I'll have about a year to prepare.
Thank you very much Anon, I appreciate your insight! Wish me luck and strenght.
No. 131910
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>>"so what's your day job?"
No. 131911
>>131909Unlike in America, mortician wasn't really a recognized career in my country for a looooooon ass time. It was only about ten years ago they even recognized an official apprenticeship way to be a certified mortician. Schools are very few and far between, and apprenticeship is a costly way for a business so there are very few spaces.
It really sucks and I think it shows how our culture treats death. We're even more ashamed and in denial than America, and continue to see mortician as a low end "dirty" job despite all the qualifications and work you do.
It'll be hard for me as well, but I do hope to get in. I feel your frustration, Anon.
I could ramble more about it but I guess that would go too off topic.
No. 131912
>>131911Yep, you're right. I honestly wouldn't have mind the fact that most people tend to find this choice of carrier weird, but I wasn't ready to uproot my life for it.
It's a real shame. It so difficult to find a introvert's career…
No. 131914
>>131913>None of the "good" jobs in public accounting wanted to hire me bc I'm a dork and short and ugly. So when they contacted you after the interview, they said they weren't going to hire you because you're unpleasant to look at?
And not like, I don't know, that you are terrible at interviewing or acted bitchy or anything else realistic?
No. 131915
>>131913WTH? If you picked accounting and can't find yourself a good job, it's a tell-tell sign that there's something wrong about you. They don't care about your apparence, you're not dealing with people. Like
>>131914 said, you're probably really shitty at interviews and selling yourself.
Good news : you can totally work on that and get better at it.
No. 131916
>>131914I know I sucked on my first interview, but I improved on the next. I'm just saying almost all of the people at my school hired for those jobs are either attractive or have great experience.
My last big interview the lady looked at me like I was a piece of shit, kept interrupting me, and didn't bother to silence her phone which rang several times and fucked up my train of thought. I asked her for advice and she said be more engaging-I tried to engage with her but kept getting interrupted by her or her phone.
Hell I've even been told I had "excellent" responses in interviews and got rejected.
No. 131919
>>131918Additionally, do you guys think "out of the box", "mailing a 'creative' resume and cv to the hiring manager" is a dumb thing to do? Does it just make good news blurbs but actually really annoy the people at he companies?
The job I'm looking at is temporary, a few months, but I can see it being vied for by a lot of people because of the organization it's at. I think I'm near perfect for this job and want to stand out a little more, but not sure if that's a good thing.
No. 131923
I applied to my first job for retail in a pretty big clothing company, and they called me back yay! But problem is, i am not sure what to wear to the interview to not seem too casual nor too business.
In their web they specify that you should dress like you normally should, casually, not try too hard, but i am not so sure what would be "appropiate" to wear in terms of hair and clothes to the interview.
I'm thinking a shirt and skirt, not sure about shoes since most shoes i own are sneakers, and just style my hair as naturally as possible since a pony tail or up-do seem too formal for a job like this, not use many accesories, use clothes from the company… But i am afraid i will appear to not care about fashion if i tone it down this much. So i am a mess thinking about what to wear to show that i care about fashion (which i do) but i am not trying too hard/appear old.
Any farmers that worked in retail in a big clothing company, what would your interview tips in how to present yourself would be, like what to wear, what not to do etc etc?
No. 131925
>>131923Most retail clothing jobs sort of expect you to be their walking mannequin. It wouldn't be a bad idea to shop around, check out look books if their company has a catalogue or anything like that, and put something together kind of on the nicer end of the spectrum based on what vibe they give off. Buy a couple new pieces from their store if it's in your budget. Make sure your look is in season. If they have anything of the sort, try to make it an ensemble with a sweater or something to go over the shirt or blouse you're wearing. Wear jewelry.
I'd personally say NO sneakers. Unless they're clean and brand new and a neutral color such as black or white or beige. Flats are always a nice casual look.
One thing you know for sure though is they'll expect you to look your best, even if it's your best version of "their" look so just make sure to be well groomed and clean. Good luck anon! You got this.
No. 131927
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I work as a dental assistant currently. The job is fast paced and pretty tough on my back. The doctors get frustrated easily because I'm new and make mistakes but that's expected so I don't take it oersonally.
Working with people who are in pain and in bad moods can be exhausting without a day or two off in the week, but I'm trying to get as many hours as I can in to get experience
I love seeing the procedures done. I had my wisdom teeth removed by the doctor and assistant I work with and I have gained a whole new perspective and respect for them because they did such a great job at making me feel as comfortable and relaxed as they could while they were ripping impacted teeth out of my skull. I don't want to be a dental assistant forever because it doesn't pay that well so I'm going to finish my general education online and choose a more lucrative path from there.q
Remember: floss the teeth you want to keep!
No. 131928
>>131926Don't do too much UX design myself but I work with a bunch and I personally think it's a great career to get into. Software is only going to become more prevalent, you'll always have opportunities, and really good UX designers are worth their weight in gold. IDK about moving up, and for work life balance I feel it's similar to software in there there is a wide spread. There are a ton of big corporate companies you can work at that are strict about only working 35-40 hours a week and no more and have great benefits and what not and there are also a ton of startups that will expect a ton of you and can't get you health insurance so it's up to you to do a little research before signing on. You'll also have a variety of niches you can get into so you can work on projects that interest you, whether that be creative tools, games, apps, whatever.
But god damn I gotta vent for a sec there are some UX people I'm working with that fucking don't understand that hover elements won't show up on mobile and a bunch of other basic shit. I fucking hate to be that broken record in the weekly meetings that points it out every damn time, but what's the point of me writing it now knowing it'll be ripped out in a couple weeks because the people asking for this specified it needed to work well on mobile up front. I get dragged to these stupid meetings because they can't keep these basics in mind.
No. 131938
HR as well as
No. 131941
>>131939I went to an engineering school and it wasn't my major but people in mech civil engineering did lots of autocad stuff, it seemed like it was necessary for a lot of jobs.
A way to get into it without paying for a new degree for her or making her interact with people might be getting into 3d printing, she could sell designs for now or use a site like shapeways to sell prints, but later if she felt like getting her shit together she could get her own printer and make some bank.
All that stuff is for money over time but if she wants money up front she can take commissions to translate other people's designs into useable print files. There's a wide swath of opportunities in that from working on contracts with companies to just helping people with their cosplays and getting paid under the table.
Honestly I could really use someone who was good with that shit, haha, I'm trying to teach myself now because even though I'm happy to pay I had some annoying experiences hiring people for it.
No. 131946
>>131942I'm in the RN program and it's suffering.
I have no idea what the fuck I'm doing and I'm not much of a conversationalist even though I like to help people.
probably going to end up accidentally killing someone and then work as a cashier forever.
No. 131947
>>131946Started out in nursing for my bachelors… Realized it just wasn't for me 2 semesters later so I switched to CS. Best decision of my life.
Nursing is a good career in itself but I think it takes a certain type of person to handle it. Not trying to discourage you or anything - there are other areas of nursing you could get into if you're not liking clinicals.
No. 131950
>>131949Haven't studied and don't work in either field, but my own two cents of just observing other people and having friends in those fields
> I hate marketing out of principle and the field seems to attract the worst people. Everyone is spelunking so far up their own arse they need a rescue team to pull them outYou can describe finance in the same way. I also kinda feel like in marketing which company you work for will have a big impact on how much you like your job, so I think you ought to intern at a few places before you make a hard decision. Can you take a break in your studies?
No. 131951
>>131950>you can describe finance in the same wayehh, you're not wrong but there's more to it than that.
Finance attracts all sorts of people. You have your accountants and other excel monkeys/wage workers, they're usually kinda nerdy. Lots of women there too. Then you have your corporate financiers, they're mostly normies (this is where I wanna go) but agreeable enough, they need to know a bit of everything and not be socially retarded. Gender representation about 60/40 male:female. The ones you're probably talking about are wannabe investment bankers/financial advisers/wall street hustlers, usually fuckboys trying to get rich quick. Absolute muppets most of the time, though I know a fair few nice fellas there. Slavs love investment banking for some reason.
The marketing types I was talking about are a bit different, love to talk about themselves and how great they are, make graphic/powerpoint CVs where they call themselves Superman and try to be witty/cute but come off as self-absorbed dicks, also 'social media experts' who act super slimy and think everyone loves them. Really the only marketing guy I've met that wasn't a complete wanker was some mucksavage from Tralee who came to talk about Google AdWords a few weeks ago.
Anyway, I can't really afford to take a break unfortunately. I can only afford to intern after I've made my pick bc we only get one 'work placement' period that's part of our mandatory studies, the rest of the time I can barely make it to bed before I'm up and out the door again, let alone intern on the side.
No. 131953
>>131951Seeing as you like both, finance is better if you want to have kids/family and need stability since there are always jobs and pay is good. Even in a downturned economy accountants and book managers etc are always needed
Marketing pays less to start, is less stable, but is more creative and the pay overtime can far exceed a lot of jobs in finance. If you aren't held down, even if you lose your job then you can always move to another city or even country and find a job as long as you are sufficiently qualified.
I'd recommend instead of internships to join a school club, they should have clubs for both subjects, or at least business where you can hopefully make the right choice for you.
I hate finance and am going to graduate school for marketing soon (undergrad was business), but I've moved countries a lot and don't want kids so the possible instability beats dreaded bookkeeping any day for me lol
No. 131955
>>131954What country are you in? What language? Make sure you get your foot in the right door and find your niche early on.
I'm bilingual in English and a SE Asian language (located in the US), had dreams of conducting really cool research abroad and translating official documents.
I ended up interpreting at the welfare office and trying not to blow up at the endless line of scam artists/baby mommas/deadbeats. And I got paid shit. This is a depressingly common path for people who are fluent in, ahem, certain languages - market is oversaturated so all the "good" jobs are taken and you end up translating benefits documents that people don't bother to read anyway.
I'm now in a completely different field. Don't be me anon. Get to know the right people and work for your foreign service or something, or figure out how to freelance.
No. 131958
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>>131947I was interested in CS, but I'm not very good at math. I took a couple CS courses in high school and it was fun I guess. Wasn't the best at that either though.
I guess I just feel like I'm not good at anything, you know?
>>131956jesus, i'm in 2nd year too. you must be me.
>>131952I'm super interested in how work as an RN is. Did you find it hard? In clinicals I feel like I'm always in the way or I'm not the quick learner I need to be. I just have 0 confidence, I wouldn't mind being an RN it's just that I feel like I suck ass at it.
No. 131959
>>131958It wasn't hard in the sense of passing medications, assessments, and documentation. Time management comes with practice and you get faster at charting. What I found to be hard is management wanting to make as much money as possible so staffing was cut waaaay down, and the hospital gets paid based on patient satisfaction. So you're expected to do the work of 3 to 4 people ( rn, lvn, cna, Ward clerk) and maintain top satisfaction scores while being overloaded with patients. I worked in the ER for a bit and you can explain to the pain't med seeker all you want that you're 15 minutes late with their pain medication because you had someone actively dying and 6 other patients to take care of and they will still shit all over you because muh pain medz. I also worked on a spine/neuro floor that actually made money so they cut our staffing ratios way down to make the most possible so you get shit on again. I learned a lot and grew as a person, and I saw a bunch of neat gross stuff, stupidity, and head injuries/traumas but the money I was paid was not enough for what I had to do and put up with. 12 hour shifts turned into 14 and 15 hour shifts with no breaks, not even to use the bathroom, because shot would hit the fan and then you get yelled at by management because productivity is through the roof. It was hard on my body and my mind. Major props to everyone who stays with it, I love the people I worked with and still have best friends working as nurses but if your heart isn't 100% into it, burn out will hit hard and fast. I'll maintain my rn license but I doubt I'll ever go back. If you want to know anything else or if there's something I didn't cover, let me know.
No. 131963
>>131962I work as a chemist in a laboratory setting now. I had interned in a lab before I went into nursing school so I just applied to the same place because I really liked working there and I liked the work. Honestly it's not that much less money than what I was making. I didn't work a lot of overtime on the floor I was on before I quit, due to budget cuts. The BSN made me stand out I think. A lot of questions in my interview centered around why I didn't want to be a nurse anymore. I just answered honestly and said it wasn't a good fit for me and people were very understanding. On a personal level, it's really helped me. I don't find things near as stressful as I used to because no one's life is on the line like it was when I worked as a nurse. Pretty much anything in a lab I can fix, but when you're a nurse you can't fix everything. Working as a nurse put a lot of things in perspective and has helped me multitask and my time management skills are pretty great compared to others. When you work as a nurse you get really good at customer service, multitasking, prioritizing, time management, making critical decisions, working under pressure, and fast assessments. I think a lot of those skills come in handy in a variety of jobs it just depends on what you find you like.
In the long run, it helped me grow as a person and really take things in perspective and I fine tuned a lot of skills that are transferable. But there's not enough money in the world to make me go back to working in a hospital. It wasn't worth my health or sanity.
No. 131965
>>131964If you are one of the few people who can excel at it and are in the field because you genuinely want to be there, hats off to you anon.
I think the issue is that many social workers are in the field because they cant find jobs anywhere else. I know a lot of these people, just fell into social work because it was the only option available. So, obviously, they are bad at their jobs/burn out quickly. It doesn't sound like this is you.
No. 131968
>>131965You're so right about a lot of social workers not being passionate about the field. A lot end up burning out with vicarious trauma or compassion fatigue as well. It's really unfortunate because no matter what the reasons are it's the clients who end up suffering or not getting the support they need. Thank you for your response anon! It's nice to have someone validate feeling this way
>>131966You raise a good point that I hadn't even thought of. The ones who have been largely unsupportive are the same ones who have been unemployed long-term. Thank you!
Idk, some of them are coming around now that they've seen/heard some of curriculum and because I had to handle a disclosure from a young girl (9 yo)who was having food withheld from her at home on the third day. (She and her mother are no longer living with the perpetrator and she is in a much better position last I heard) I hope once I'm in the field as a professional they'll take me a bit more seriously.
No. 131969
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I am so sick and tired of writing cover letters, I should just kill myself and get it over with I swear to god.
No. 131972
>>131971I got the job! Thank you for asking :)
I swear I replied earlier
No. 131974
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I'm starting to get quite worried i'll never get a job because i don't get called back even from the shittiest entry-level jobs. I don't know what to do anymore because i really need the money.
I was a shut-in most of my teenage years so i basically only have high-school studies and the fact that i can speak 3 languages to add to my CV, which contains mostly embellishment bullshittery and hobbies/skills i picked up along the way.
I do everything people say to do, i personalize every CV and cover letter to what i am applying, but i recieved 0 callbacks so far or got told i didn't meet the "requierments" (which were mostly be a graduate in HS and speak the languages (which i do)). I apply mostly online since most places here tell you to fuck off and apply online anyways.
I live in a shitty european country with a very high unemployment rate, which might also be part of the cause, but i cannot move because i have no money.
But, fuck, even some of my classmates that didn't even graduate HS managed to get a job, so i don't know what the fuck is my problem.
Any tips to write better CVs if you have no experience? Any anon that managed to land a job without experience or in a similar situaton to mine?
No. 131975
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fuck you, arbys, you pieces of cock. fucking yank yobs.
No. 131983
>>131974I went with the "internship to job" way after school since I never really had a real job before. I gave it 110% of my effort and got hired after 6 weeks of training instead of the standard 14 weeks.
Doesn't matter what you do at first and how much it pays, just build up your CV in any way and then work yourself in to better positions. As long as you don't get used and it pays off in some way its all good.
Not really an instant problem solving advice here but its good to know and repeat the basics of modern job market.
No. 173678
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So I just started a new job and everyone seems to be okay with me except for this one girl who upon my first day, immediately started bitching about me to another coworker. Every time she happens to see me, which has been three shifts now, she talks shit about me (very loudly) to anyone in her vicinity and I'm not sure why. I don't know anything about her and she doesn't know me. I wanted to get along well with everybody but now I can't help but feel spiteful towards her when she's acting this way. She seemed really sweet when I was applying, but I guess that's only because it's policy to pamper a customer. I can't exactly hear what she's saying, so I don't want to seem paranoid but I have definitely heard my name spoken and my coworkers respond with something along the lines of "that's not nice" and "you don't remember your first day?" (when she talked shit about me as soon as i walked into the building on my first day). I don't want to sound stuck up, but all I can think of is that she's jealous of my appearance while she piles on instaho makeup with those sharpie brows and all. I was on break waiting for my shift to begin and messing around on my phone. All of a sudden, I get an urge to look up and there she is just staring at me in the distance. It was kind of creepy. Does anyone have any thoughts on this? Why is she acting like an asshole when we haven't even spoken? I've been ignoring it quite well to my surprise and feel apathetic about it for the most part since we won't be seeing a lot of each other due to different shift times and days but I'd be lying if I said it doesn't bother me to an extent. What's her problem?
No. 173689
>>173678She sounds like a bitch tbh. You do you anon. It sounds like everyone else in the office doesn't have any problem with you or your work at all.
Unless your manager/supervisor isn't happy with you or your performance I'd say fuck it and ignore that cow. Bring in a cake or something for everyone and watch her try to complain after that.
No. 173705
>>131984I include jobs that I've only had for a month, but lots of my jobs are like that. Just put that it was a shorterm contract?
>>173689That cake idea is golden anon. Clearly nobody else hates you, so the kill them with kindness route sounds awesome
No. 174613
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>>173687>>173689Thanks, guys. I'm trying to play nice because I obviously don't want to start any trouble and today before I got off work she actually said, "Bye, anon" in a sweet voice. Seems like we'll both be faking it to each other's faces because she was nonstop talking shit about other coworkers today and even customers who walked in. I found out she is incredibly cringeworthy and almost flat out retarded so I see why she's insecure about herself and needs to make fun of others to lift herself up. She kept bitching about how much she hates babies and children, made fun of Mexican customers pouting, "I hate how they speak spanish in front of me like i dont know what theyre saying. i can understand every word" (she then proceeded to brag about how she knows spanish in a cringey, elitist way to a coworker), made fun of some dudes voice and face that came in when her foundation cake face looks like the surface of the fucking moon, bragged about how she's never single and always talking to a guy, then told a coworker how she wanted a vape because they're "so cool and i want to be cool" which really sealed the autism package nicely. The whole time I was listening to her yap, I basically had a riff-a-thon in my head as if I were the guys from MST3K. She's insufferable and unaware that she acts like an edgy middle schooler. I genuinely am embarrassed for her but I think I'm the only one there who notices how lame she truly is.
No. 174885
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I'm in my late 20's and have never had a job due to caregiving obligations. I have to start looking for one soon, but have nothing to put on a resume. I didn't even graduate HS (just got a GED), so it probably looks even worse.
I'm learning Spanish right now and want to take some courses to learn excel, so I have some skills to add, but if anyone has any other ideas of stuff to add I'd appreciate it. I know volunteer work is always good but I haven't found any opportunities where I live yet.
No. 174900
>>174888Ahhhhahahaha excellent. I love that there are people stupid enough to do that.
>>174892She might have credentials but she'll never be hired unless somebody thinks they're hiring a disabled candidate for ~diversity~
No. 175706
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I'm moving out of home with my boyfriend this summer.
I can deal with my parents being surprised or upset i'm leaving so soon, but they know i needed to move closer to the school i'm going to anyways. school has no dorms, and i can't afford to live alone. Why would i live with a random room mate when I can live with my boyfriend?
Anyways, stuff is really starting to stress me out. I need to apply for a job ASAP so i can work as soon as i move to the new town. i need to start looking for apartments and household things i can't even afford yet.
I worked part time last summer at a Staples in my town, so i'm probably going to end up working at the Staples over there part time until i finish my degree and can start working as an aesthetician.
i'm just really stressed by all of this
No. 176003
>>131959>>131963I feel you nurse chan. All you said was true and it was like reading my own experiences. I hated the hospital and moved to post surgical rehab where I've been much happier, but you still see a lot of cutbacks in staffing for them to save money. It wasn't nearly as bad as the hospital (and some hospitals in my area expect you to take care of up to 10 patients in med surg). The rehab I work at now is OK, 12 mostly stable patients, but I hear others expect 40 patients to 1 nurse, and many nursing homes seem to be the same way. I can't wrap my head around having those many people on my watch without doing some serious shortcuts or skipping breaks altogether.
I've had a few different jobs over the years in my nursing career and I can say that all but one of them (my current job) have been unpleasant in some way, being shat on by management or staffing cuts or doing the work of 3 people. I finished sending my transcripts to a college to maybe take some classes or learn a new skill so I don't have to rely on nursing forever. I don't regret doing it, but now it's time for me to move on to something else.
No. 176006
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Please tell me I'm not the only PhD here lol. Or the only one who works in an economics / finance / statistics related field…
No. 176008
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>>176003i'm graduating with a BSN this june. seeing all of these posts is making me incredibly nervous. i really hope this all regional - i've heard california is a good places for nurses to work, but new grads don't have a chance there.
No. 176020
>>176010>I have the feeling you would have said so if it were the caseNo I wouldn't because my ego isn't so fragile that I have to validate myself by bragging about my PhD on an anonymous imageboard.
>>176018The way you worded it and the reaction image you used made it clear that you thought yourself superior for studying econ/getting a PhD.
No. 176025
>>176017Congrats, anon! Don't be afraid to ask questions, even if they seem idiotic. (But always Google first, to make sure they aren't obviously idiotic.)
> free of homework, classes etc.One of the greatest things when you're out of school and working is when you can go home and chill the fuck out without having to worry about assignments being due.
No. 176030
>>176022>femalesLet's play spot the robot
Also I go to a FT top 10 business school and over half of the Finance department is female so I don't know what you're on about. Econ is predominantly female as well to a point where it's considered a 'girl degree'. Guys usually go for corporate law and management or go in wanting to be day traders only to drop out halfway through when they realise everyone's taking the piss out of them including teaching staff
No. 176102
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I really want to quit my job but I'm so afraid that I'll lose financial stability if I do. I kind of don't want to get another job right away
No. 178486
>>178484I will be kicked out if I'm not working. I take 7 different medications and am in therapy. It all adds up. Family will not help me.
I don't mind working hard. I just don't want to urinate blood.
No. 181082
>>181075But why?
Damn. If it is really power play, she really should throw away whatever self help book she was reading to learn that. It pretty much made me lose all respect for her. Lol
No. 181140
>>181129Which industry do you work in anon? You said it's your dream field? Maybe there is something similar. Also agree with
>>181136 if they are giving you bad references then make something up that you did then i.e. self-improvement or you had medical issues.
It will get better anon, don't worry!
No. 181194
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>tfw no career gf
No. 181212
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>>181186In person, I would 100% shit-talk you with no remorse and I feel nothing but pity for your coworkers that actually have skin in the game.
On the other hand, I'm going to assume you actually worked to get where you are, even if you did marry into a stable income, so good work and I hope you enjoy your station.
No. 181249
>>181212lmao and this is exactly why i don't. i actually worked to put my partner through school to have the good job that carries our financial weight, and i started from the absolute bottom in my company. not hating on you, it's just a funny thing about our society that you assumed that i married into money.
don't get me wrong either - i put in the work at work. the quality of my work doesn't get praised because of favoritism. i am within the top 10% of my company performance-wise. i just have a lot easier of a time than most people seem to. it's just something that comes naturally to me and works well with skills i already had. it's not even in my field lol.
>>181216you're assuming that i've ever said anything of the sort towards them. that's literally the thing i said in my main post that i don't do because i would feel like a jackass lol. yeah people get salty when they see evidence of my financial standings but i never rub it in anyone's face or brag about it. not my fault if any evidence of my good life is enough to
trigger people who can't be happy for others. actually, last year i took a friend with me all expenses paid on vacation to another country. i have nothing but sympathy for people in the struggle bc i've been there. 6-7 years ago, i was paying to put myself through school while my partner worked seasonally or got unemployement, eating rice and beans and scraping up pennies for gas. Ain't my fault that i seized the chance I got to do better and ran with it.
sorry for making y'all salty, but i'm a self-made man and nothing like the strawman you'd like to imagine lol
No. 181401
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I've been overworked for the past few months and feeling pretty damn unappreciated. I've had take work home with me every weekend and get constant calls when I'm supposed to have time off. I'm a salary worker too so I don't get overtime for all this extra work.
But today I received a personal thank you note and a really fancy gold pen from my corporate office saying how much they appreciated me and that they notice all the hard work I do, it really made my day so much better. My local field office may not appreciate it me very much but it's nice to know someone up there is taking notice.
No. 181428
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I'm starting a new job soon at a restaurant and I'm so fucking scared. Maybe because I've only worked in fast food and this is a step up from that. I have really bad social anxiety so I am dreading the day I start and what kind of people work there. Not to mention feeling too intimidated to meet with the owner who is kind of a big deal. I can't stop crying and feel like such a loser wanting to hide from life and turning my stomach over something I seriously cannot avoid.
No. 181566
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I fucked up and picked a job with a commute of an hour each way, driving. I don't even like the job and I just started. Fuck I want to punch myself in the eye.
No. 181568
>>181567Im in a branch outside Seattle, I'm really hoping to turn this into a corporate career, but I've got know idea what I'd even want to do within the company.
That mobility sounds super sweet though.
No. 181602
>>181583What job is that, anon?
I'm also resigning myself to going for a major I'm not very excited about but hopefully will get me better paying jobs. As long as I have at least some time for my hobbies I'll stay sane.
No. 181762
>>131756>You could consider getting some lab certifications (I know that HPLC is helpful around here) from your local tech college.This is pretty good advice, I graduated with a BS Biology. My parents were willing to let me continue living with them (For a reasonable time), so first thing was to do unpaid lab work for professors at nearby universities – professors love free labor that doesn't have to come out of their grant money.
With the unpaid work, I was able to get experience with various laboratory assays, and you are entirely correct HPLC skill is one of the best to pick up. Get some more buzzwords in there, like electrophoresis, cell culture, wet chemistry, ELISA, etc. I never got any publication credit, and didn't seek any, a letter of recommendation was good enough.
Very important, get those letters of recommendation from your professors, and politely ask them to write it in such a way that it specifically calls out what tasks and skills they had you performing. Because job applicants sometimes lie about their skills to get that first interview, of course HR departments know this.
If you trust your professors you are working for, then you want to have your letters of recommendation handled as confidential (you never get to see them, officially), as this boosts their value in the eyes of the reviewers. Have the held by either your undergraduate college's Rec letter service, or a private Rec letter service like Interfolio. The service will send out copies on request to HR departments directly, without ever passing through your hands.
Anyway, I worked in the pharma and biotech industries for about 9 years, before going to med school – but that's a whole other story. To all fellow Lab-rats, good luck!
No. 181769
>>178482>I have fibromyalgia. The amount of work I do put so much stress on my body I've begun to urinate blood.Is your urine foamier than usual? Any swelling in the ankles?
Do you have colicky flank pain or lower back pain?
No. 181958
>>181945I have the same problem with a technician who works on the fire system where I work.
I don't even think he changes his clothes. He has visible sweat and dirt dripping from his neckline down his shirt like he was trying to eat something and got it all over himself.
The odor is to the point where I close my door when he comes around.
I don't want to say anything, because I can't think of a good way to say 'you smell'. It's just something that's on the back of my mind.
No. 182144
Ok, not sure if I'm venting or asking advice but here goes:
I work as the assistant to the director of IT for my city's government. My department supports tech for every moving part of the city government including first responders, water treatment, etc (Just to give an idea of what that means.) I basically am the IT director's administrative assistant and I also help him with any projects as needed, as well as keeping inventory of/replacing/ordering any technology used by the city government as needed.
Recently I have come to the conclusion that my boss is probably on the spectrum. I am not. He has a lot of characteristics of someone who has aspergers. He is very skilled and talented in his field and highly intelligent, but his communication skills are almost non existent. He avoids eye contact with me most of the time and can come off as extremely rude and narcissistic, though I've learned that he doesn't mean to. He is terrible at reading people, and always seems to think I'm either frustrated or upset when I'm completely emotionally neutral and just focused on my work. Most of the time when he talks to me he is extremely unclear about what he wants. Its almost as if he doesnt realize that im not in his mind with him and he does things like not finishing a sentence, or throwing something at me with no context at all so that i have to guess at what he is even talking about. A lot of what he says when he speaks is just filler words (the thing about this is, the thing about that is, and that's that, and well what we need to do is, we need to do this…kind of like he's gathering his thoughts but they never translate into spoken words) and he is the complete opposite of concise. When I confirm with him what i just heard, or press for specifics, I'm met with defensiveness, or he gets visibly frustrated as if I'm unintelligent just because I'm not always sure what his point is due to him being so unclear with his words. Being that he's an older man and he has worked in his field for a long time, I think he has learned to mimic a lot of social skills he is expected to possess, but it's clear that these characteristics are way out of his nature.
My problem is, because I'm expected to complete tasks as assigned by him and report directly to him and no one else, and because I am his only assistant,i worry that his lack of communication skills might impact my performance reviews and i am in this boat alone.
An example: last week, he asked me to work on this year's technology budget for a certain department. He specified which department it was by giving me the department head's name. He had actually misspoken and said the wrong name, BC it seems like he gets ahead of himself and always says one thing but means another. I spent two days working on the wrong departments budget. When I was about to finish up, I asked him a question about something and was met with extreme frustration when I told him that he might have accidentally misspoke or I misheard him because he said the wrong name. I mean, he got extremely emotional. He turned red, aggressively rubbing his eye, talking fast and avoiding any eye contact with me at all while he chewed me out. He was extremely defensive but I wasn't coming across as accusatory at all (I have a lot of experience in corporate culture and dealing with higher ups…I know that's a no no) I even took the blame for hearing him wrong knowing that he had without a doubt said the wrong thing.
HOW do I deal with having to take orders from someone who possesses no communication or social skills whatsoever? I know that working with different types of people is a skill and I'm generally good at it, but in my experience it's never been a problem to ask confirming questions or press for details, especially when it's because you want to do everything correctly the first time. In this case, it causes my boss to have an autistic meltdown. Can someone halp please
No. 182149
>>182144To be fair, I know a lot of bosses who would exhibit the same emotional immaturity realizing they had messed up that badly and couldn't really blame their subordinates.
Honestly the only way to deal with his type is to walk through the information with him like a toddler to be sure everything is accurate. If he gets fussy at the tediousness just remind him that it's for accuracy sake to make sure the job is performed correctly. If he's upset it's his problem. It's not your fault and he'd only be taking his anger out on you because he's a loose cannon.
No. 182826
>>182796Bring those grades up to low 70s, and quickly ask for an "incomplete" if your school has that sort of program, and finish it over the summer or something. Come up with a very good excuse though.
If you're applying to grad school, or even slightly thinking about it, withdraw.
Or else, if your uni counts D's as passing grades, then you can take the hit.
Your options require a little foresight on your part though. Good luck, Anon! I really hope it works out.
No. 182852
Don't know if I've posted this before (hope not), but I really need help.
First of all, I need to mention that I'm from an exceptionally poor country. Like, Africa-tier, but in Europe. It's tiny and the job market is oversaturated, and the average wage is 300eur. People with the most prestigious PhD's can't get a job. I was also born into a working class family with no connections, so finding a job for me would be twice as impossible.
Now, because of that situation I moved to another country four years ago. They earn a LOT more than we do, their colleges are solid, but they speak a different language and I have yet to meet a single person who has moved to this country that has mastered the language even after 15 years.
I go to college here. I wasn't able to get into a good one because they require a local high school diploma or an IB, but I was too old and poor for a 3-year IB so I got into an okay international college.
I've been applying for internships forever, but every single ad in my field, even in English, always says (native speakers only). I've applied to events where they don't even bother to respond to me if I'm not a native. I've busted my ass looking for opportunities but they either say they don't want a foreigner, or that they want someone with more experience.
Next year I'm moving abroad to go to another college (it's part of the programme), and after that I won't have enough money to do anything unless I get a job. Again, I wouldn't have moved here if I'd had other opportunities, but it was either go here or rot in my native shithole.
At this point I'm seriously questioning whether I'll amount to anything in life. I want to succeed so bad, I've done all I could, I've applied to every single thing I could, but every time I'm passed over in favour of some better 'talent' who has had more work experience since people in this country can work from the age of 16. Back home it's impossible for anyone under 30 to find proper work. I can't volunteer because they won't let me, I don't speak the language (I do, but not up to their standards I guess). I've tried applying for a scholarship in my home country (need to be studying in a specific field at a university back home) and here (need more work experience, volunteering, proof of exceptional skills and competence).
I'm 24, poor and unemployed. My time is running out and I constantly see younger people in the US and UK talking about their internships and first jobs. Lots of people from here go there too and always have a blast and have no trouble getting jobs whereas I have trouble getting enough money for a single ticket.
What do I do? I feel like everybody's busy playing house while I'm sitting outside because nobody wants to let me join.
I speak multiple languages, my grades are the best in class, I participate in class projects, I have a blog, I showcase my acceptable normie hobby online so people can see I'm a well-rounded person. Nothing. Every single time I ask I'm given a bullshit reason like 'you need to do your CV like this' or 'end the email with yours faithfully, not best regards, this is why they didn't hire you'.
Sorry for the novel. Am desperate.
No. 182864
>>182852What country are you in? Germany, France?
Also, you're going to be fine, don't compare yourself to others, it always going to make you feel bad. I'm 27 and starting school again only now after terribad fuckups. Shit happened. You're only 24, you're going to make it.
No. 182870
>>182864Thanks for the encouragement, anon.
Really, I'm used to people saying it's my fault for not doing X, Y or Z and asking me 'hurr, then why'd you move there in the first place? xDD'.
No. 182874
>>182870Can I ask about the field you're in?
They are dumb. Everybody has their own set of circumstances. Daring to move was a big choice, I'd say you're fucking courageous to take your chances elsewhere instead of choosing the comfort of staying home.
No. 182876
>>182874Business with an emphasis on finance and accounting. I love the field and am actually good at it thanks to my God given autism.
The only opportunities foreigners seem to get easily here are to be a nurse aide, hairdresser or cleaner.
No. 182914
>>182876I see. I'm a foreigner in Belgium, working in IT and there's plenty of English speaking jobs in it. But I guess it's because of the field?
How long 'till you have your degree? You could move then?
No. 182964
I have a job interview in two weeks. It's in a place where I desperately want to move (currently stuck in a dead end town in the UK, want to move to Manchester), in a more exciting/specialised area of my field (work in a medical laboratory), better/less hours for the same pay (currently working 24/7 shifts, on nights this week which is killing me) and genuinely seems like a cool interesting job.
Needless to say I'm nervous as hell - I've been in the industry for two years already so it's just a refinement of the process, and I wouldn't have gotten an interview if they didn't like my CV, but I've only ever had the job I have now, with an internal promotion last year. I'm fantastic at my current job - I work hard, I constantly do overtime and optional shifts to help out the lab, I do a lot of extra quality work and I'm the health and safety lead in addition to sorting out all of the training of new staff and various other bits and pieces. There's a simple data entry and analysis test at the beginning but I'm not worried about that - it's the actual interview I'm terrified about just because I desperately want this job, I need to move out of this town and it seems so interesting.
I've spent all day today looking at the centre I'd be working, researching what other people who currently have the job say their duties are on LinkedIn so I have a response if they ask if I know what the job is about (my god it looks so cool), thinking about things I'd say in response to common interview questions e.g. why do you want this job, what can you offer, tell me about a time when you worked as a team/were under stress, what are your strengths and weaknesses.
I guess I'm wondering if there's anything else anyone can recommend I do? I actually have a few mock interviews set up within my current job in preparation, with the specialist lead for the job I'm applying for, and when I go to work in a bit I'm working with someone who used to work in the same area, just in London.
Sorry for the ramble, any suggestions would be appreciated. Like I said, the last interview I had last year was a doddle because they knew me already/I was pretty much guaranteed the position, and before that it's two years before I've even applied for a job. Thanks to anyone that reads all that.
No. 183115
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>>182967>Any advice for a 25-yo graduated biochemist who is currently at home taking care of a relative but wants to finally work in the area?Depends, if you want to go the industrial route to do things like Quality Control, Manufacturing Support, Analytical Support, try:
>>181762If you want to go the academic and R&D route, that's a bit harder, and you'll need an advanced degree.
There are also alternative paths. If you're charismatic and a good communicator, there are alternative paths like pharma industry rep, communication liaisons, etc.
No. 183368
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I was a desperate dipshit and after getting turned down for a position in my city, I applied for and got the same position, but in in another Library Branch in a city an hour away. I went ahead and took it and I'm driving the hour everyday. Now it's six weeks later and more full time jobs are suddenly opening at the branch where i actually live. Did I fuck myself? I want to apply for them but I've only been in this position for a few weeks. I mean I originally applied for one location and the new positions are at a lower tier but idk if that even matters.
No. 183482
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I just started my first ever job and am basically shitting myself before I've even started training. I work at a hotel and will have to train for like 2 months before I can start working on my own. There's no pressure to learn things quickly, but I keep stressing over what if I can't get things right, what if I fuck up too much, what if my co-workers don't like me, etc.
I'm so shy and socially awkward that I feel sick just thinking about having to interact with my bosses and co-workers, even though they're all really nice and kind of already know I'm quiet/shy. I'm even freaking out over lunch breaks because one of my bosses jokingly told me that everyone has their preferred seat in the break room. It's like fucking high school all over again except I can't eat in the bathroom this time. kek
On top of that, I'm suicidal and depressed 99.9% of the time and am dreading the idea of having responsibilities and to have to be an adult when all I really want to do is kill myself. Most days, I can barely gather the energy and motivation to shower or brush my teeth, let alone work for 8 hours a day and having people depend on me.
I don't know where I'm going with this. I'm just scared as fuck.
No. 183496
>>183482working helps with depression. It gives you something to focus on an you enjoy your free time much more.
As for your actual job, don't fucking sweat it. Do what you can, if you mess up remember that you always have tomorrow.
No. 183507
>>183482youre bound to make a few mistakes when doing something new. so don't worry too much. remember it's normal and give yourself the time to adjust. don't be hard on yourself if you do something wrong. and as far as lunch breaks go, you could try and drive off home or somewhere else if the break rooms too much.
i struggle with similar issues. so i hope you'll give yourself a chance and stick it through anon. rooting for you.
No. 183515
>>131699How do you deal with coworkers hating you/finding you annoying?
I'm naturally very bubbly and 'silly' and it tends to piss people off. I can't help coming off that way, it's how I've always been and the combination of being both socially awkward and a bit of a Pollyanna tends to irritate people a LOT. I've tried to tone it down but it usually results in people thinking there's something wrong with me and being even meaner so I decided to save myself the stress and just be myself.
I used to work as a housekeeper until one of my coworkers got me fired because he just didn't like me much (he went behind my back and complained to the manager), another coworker mocked me whenever I had a shift with her and a third one sexually harassed me the whole day I had with him. I couldn't complain because I was too new, I received no formal training and instead had to be trained by my coworkers who all had different methods of doing the work so the moment I switched 'partners' for the day they'd yell at me because everything I'd been taught was wrong and wasn't the right way to do it.
I felt horrible, had virtually no rights and got fired just because one schmuck thought I smiled too much. It's so unfair.
No. 183516
>>183515>'silly'at work? really? you know that's inappropriate, there's a time and place for it and it's not at work.
also sounds like you just worked for a bad company, no formalised training etc
No. 183517
>>183516Did I say 'at work'? No? Then why are you assuming I acted inappropriately?
At work I was always serious but friendly. Besides, I didn't exactly go there by Her Majesty's appointment so I don't see why a tasteful joke or two would be in any way inappropriate.
No. 183521
>>183517Your post sounded like you're constantly like this though. And why would people at work dislike you if you don't act bubbly/silly at work? You're not making any sense.
If people hating your at your old job had nothing to do with your silly personality then your post is very confusing.
No. 183522
>>183515Yeah I'm gonna agree with
>>183521 you seem really immature. I immediately thought someone that would describe herself similarly. She refuses to see her own flaws and is defensive too KEK
No. 183543
>>183524Damn, I sympathize. I never finished high school either because I had a mental breakdown and pretty much lived at home until my mid-20's because I couldn't work or go to school. Also my bf is from Russia and has suffered from a crapton of mental shit since he was a kid but has never had much support from family or doctors because of that stupid "hurrr mental illness isn't real" mentality there. I imagine it might be the same for you?
Do you have any coping skills that you can use when you're having a hard time? If not, there's a lot of info online about self-care and coping techniques. Maybe find a few that work for you.
I don't know if there's a high school equivalency degree you can get like there is in the US, but my advice is to save up as much money as you can, do whatever it is you need to do to complete your high school education, and then try to attend college somewhere else. I've had a lot of Russian friends go to college elsewhere just to leave for awhile.
No. 183643
>>183543I was born in the US so I have an American passport…I'm thinking I can go to a cheapo community college in the states next year with government help. (I completed the SAT last year and did fairly well, so I think I could get in) I think a change of scenery would be nice.
I'm getting therapy, have been for 5 years now. (Slav therapy is shitty but it's free) I'm going to try going on lithium later this year and see if it helps me.
I'm glad someone can relate (tho I'm not glad for you, cuz it sucks…) And yeah slav world is dreary af and doesnt rly believe in mental illness. Plus the unchanging commieblock landscape gets to you after a while!
No. 183896
>>183766Same Anon.
I got the Job! I was the only girl but the other girl that works there wasn't in today. I had only 2 autistic slip ups which were not too bad by my standards.
One thing though, I was wearing a game related T-Shirt due to the whole game dev job thing i thought it fit well. It's not form fitting or whatever but the boss was staring at my chest for the first hour while talking to me. I have no idea if he just liked the design or what but it tilted me a little.
No. 183907
Women all want to become men and get careers now, so there should soon be a lot of financially successful women who have all the money they need.
Why is it that those women STILL refuse to date a man with no money? Or even men with a lower financial/social status than them?
Let me put it in perspective, when a man is financially successful, he specifically does not want his girlfriend/wife to be employed. Why would a financially successful man ever want an employed wife? It would make no sense.
She would drain large amounts of her time into work, which is time that could be spent on housework, cooking, shopping, child raising, and giving him sexual pleasure. Instead she would spend her day at work and then come home very bitchy, tired, and permanently non-feminine from working.
Successful men do not want employed women, the more money you make the less value you have to successful men.
Why don't financially successful women feel this way?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 183919
>>183881why not?
>>183888if they get fired, they did something they shouldn't've anyway. i'm just the messenger, i didn't make them do anything
>>183895if a bridge is gonna be burned, why not toss a little gasoline on there to make it a better show?
No. 183935
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>>183496>>183507Thanks for the advice and support, guys. I appreciate it.
Just finished my first day and feel confident in saying that I hated it and was miserable the entire time. I was ostracized by some of my coworkers because I'm white and everyone I work with is black, so there's that. Also blatant favoritism of the other new trainee. I pretty much just kept my head down for my training, ate in the breakroom but didn't talk to anyone, and then went home and had a nervous breakdown.
No idea how I'm going to keep this shit up.
No. 183940
>>183925they'll know it's me because it'll come from my work email address lmao
"contact my new workplace" firstly as if i'd tell them where i'm going, secondly as if they could even find the right person to talk to about me, thirdly why would my new employer care? abloobloo i stirred up some office drama by telling the truth about what everyone's doing anyway
gonna return to: i'm just the messenger. it's peoples' faults for doing things that would get them in trouble. maybe it'll make them think twice about their actions in the future.
i feel like all the anons getting butthurt about this are ones who would be fucked if their own actions came to light at their own jobs…
No. 183946
>>183940Aren't you on Linkedin? And there's always ways to find where you've gone other than that you know.
In any case you sound 12.
No. 183963
>>1839442 minutes of glory as i walk off to my new better job cackling? yes this sounds like a bonus. sorry you're not in a place in your life where you can do something like that, continue to toil in misery~
>>183946i sure am not. you've got to be pretty naiive to the working world to think that any employer would be that invested over a bit of workplace drama from an ex-employee, y'all acting like i'm gonna burn the place down. in any case, you sound buttblasted.
No. 183967
>>183963Please stop acting like everyone here is super mad and offended at your actions, we're just getting second-hand embarassment and advising you against it because it's childish.
So you're not going to include that job in your resume I assume? I know you already found another job but if you end up having to search for something else it's not out of the question any place you try will ask your former employers. I hope you didn't stay at that job too long, a gap in your CV doesn't look too good.
No. 183986
>>183964it won't because i wouldn't if it would, but thanks! so many anons acting like they know my jobs….
>>183967yep im sure youre just personally super invested in some random anon's career and are definitely just moralfagging for the good of all, right?
it seems that reading comprehension comes as strongly for you as not being butthurt because ive stated before, new job is already all lined up. just because i'm not a coward doesn't mean im stupid lol. you think i'd really shoot myself in the foot if i didn't know i'd get away with it? in fact, i'll still put that shit on my resume because i've got buddies in management who will think this shit is hilarious anyway lmao.
i just cant believe you really think that any employer is going to care about 'oh noes this person aired some drama that had basically no consequence but rustling some jimmies' like have you ever had more than a mall job?
also i was at current job for 6 years and they loved me thru every second of it :^)
No. 184012
>>183986How am I invested in your bullshit? It takes me 30 seconds to type up a reply and is fun distraction. It's time to admit you're a complete cringelord.
Also if this is all mindless shit that will not do anything but rustle some people, then sure, I guess you shouldn't have any issue, but the conversation here made it seem like you actually had good deets on your colleagues that could get them im trouble. But I guess someone so immature would be able to make a big deal of little gossip and pointless offenses.
But you know it doesn't take much for an employer to not want you. A simple "she did something very inappropriate on her last day" would be enough to make a potential employed not want to bother interviewing you. It doesn't matter how good you were during the job - although there's a big chance they dodn't like you as much as you think if your personality is so shitty.
Also I did mention I knew you had already found another job, seems like you're the one with a lack of reading comprehension.
No. 184080
>>184004i'll admit, it's petty. but feels good man
>>184012lmao you were invested enough to type up all that shit that i'm not even going to bother to read, stay mad
>>184018lmao you're acting like i came on here for anyone's approval. you do you, i'll do me, and maybe someday you can have that kind of freedom :^)
No. 184146
>>184131i think you're right, i'd obviously have to be a lot nicer in the way i phrase it but it's worth a shot i suppose. thank you!
>>184145yeah australia haha
No. 186099
>>185871Is your resume customized to each job posting (like has exact words from the ad in it)?
You might be getting rejected before anyone even sees your resume.
Also, are you submitting customized cover letters too? That is the place to show how you are willing to learn, and why you would be good for the internship. It helps to have a generic one written out, and then you can tweak it to various jobs and companies.
No. 189638
>>189597You can bring your dog with you anon! There are pet immigration specialists that can ensure your dog doesn't end up in quarantine. Only thing is making sure you find a place where you can keep pets.
I'm moving out of the country, and likely back to asia soon and will be using specialists to immigrate my cats.
No. 189654
Forgive this vent, I just need to fucking put this somewhere or I will explode
Fuck entitled bitches
I work at a movie theatre and it's Guardians weekend. Whenever big movies like these come out, it brings out all the worst fucking people.
We had a stall door torn off, someone shat all over the stall next door, someone physically turned a toilet around, and someone else smoked in the family room. Why. Why.
I had a guy today ask me while coming down the stairs:
>are you a manager?
(yes I am, usually a bad sign when they're catching you walking down the stairs)
and he proceeds to tell me that our ushers did four theatre checks in the span of 30 minutes, disrupting his movie and ruining the experience and whatever
that doesn't make any fucking sense, since we have a check sheet for them to do checks once every 30 minutes. it's possible that they forgot to mark that they did their checks and someone else did them too, but unlikely. Four in 30 minutes? No.
He wants to know WHY. I'm not sure why, since I don't even believe his story. I do know that there was an issue about 10 minutes earlier with rowdy customers, and it might have been in his theatre? This info just riles him the hell up.
>I ASKED if it had something to do with another customer, and I was told no! I want to speak with another manager!
Why another manager?
>I was told one thing by one person, and now you're telling me something else! Why wasn't I told about this customer??
I proceed to tell him (in a professional manner) that it is none of his damn business if it didn't involve him, which is clearly didn't.
He still wanted to talk to another manager, so I take him to one. Turns out the issue was in a different theatre, so I apologize for letting him think there was an ulterior motive for the checks. After more talking, hemming and hawing about how his experience was ruined, he goes to a hundred movies a year all over the country and has NEVER seen this before, et cetera, he finally says that it's the wand the ushers carry that is the root of the problem.
I tell him the wand must be used, and theatre checks must be performed. I am stern on this.
>Well I want to talk to whoever made that rule!
That would be our head corporate office.
>Fine, I want to talk to them!
Ok. I go and get him my GM's card and the customer service number.
He's seeing another movie that day, and I inform him that he should expect at least 2-3 checks during his movie. It is our goddamned job.
No. 189739
>>189682It has really made me appreciate nice people, for sure. Also, were you in a mall? Mall-cinemas get some really shitty people.
>>189722I actually worked in a different theatre before this one in a.. so-so area inside a mall, the people who lived in the area were fine, but we would get overflow from the city sometimes and they were nuts.
We had a guy come in, and he was acting kinda weird already before even going in to his theatre. He eventually came out of his theatre shirtless, screeching about how his theatre was unclean and needed to be blessed (it was an old theatre for certain, but I would have never used "possessed" or "demonic" to describe it) while waving a crucifix around. Since he was making a scene, a manager was trying to get him out towards the mall, and he threw the crucifix at her head, and ran away.
Another time, there were these two kids running around in our lobby. It's a small lobby, and these kids were probably no older than 5. They're literally running in circles, and I guess one of them tripped over her feet and ran head-long into one of our display cases for popcorn, shattering it. Glass (and popcorn) everywhere. We're trying to dress her wounds, she's obviously upset, and we ask the adult if they want us to call an ambulance since it was still bleeding a lot.
>They're not MY kids, hang on I'll call the parents. It was amazing just how totally detatched they were from the whole thing. They cared more about missing their movie.
Related, I never understood why customers would get snitty with me after I asked them not to put their child on our popcorn display top. It's glass. I know it's a countertop, but get your kid off of it.
I was in box office once, and when you work in a mall with rated R movies, kids are going to try to sneak in. They try something we call "fishing", which is going to other people in the mall and asking if they can buy the kid's tickets for them. We had a popular R-rated movie, and these two kids come up and try to buy tickets. I tell them that I need to see an ID to sell them the tickets, and apologize. They go out into the mall and find someone. A older gentleman comes back and asks for two tickets to the rated R show. I tell him that I can not sell him the tickets, as I already sold him a ticket for a different show at the same time, and that I know these tickets are for the two kids.
>BECAUSE THEY'RE BLACK, HUHno sir, they need an adult to see this show, and you're seeing a differ–
>THESE PEOPLE ARE RACISTI'm panicking at this point because he's intentionally making a huge scene and it is a battle I will not win
The kids wanting the tickets did not expect this and are looking super super embarrassed, so I'll give them that
I think I had to call for a manager to calm him down or something, my memory fades after him screaming racism
I've been doing this for longer than I care for, I've got more stories.
No. 189740
>>189722Here's two quick ones from AMC anon, I need to write a paper but trust me there is more.
Once some old creep wouldnt leave me alone at the front ticket desk despite how I was not playing along one bit. For 10 minutes he went on lying about how he worked in over 100 movies and knew George Clooney - oh and he kept wanting to know if I wanted to hang out with him after work to see his corvette… Nopenopenope. I called over my male manager and he left pretty quickly after I wasnt alone.
Another was finding like 6+ empty tuna cans leftover from a 11am movie. Not normal snuck in food…just tons of tuna. Only one person went to that showing too, it was for some girly twilightesque Vampire Highschool movie. I still wonder, who was that lonely person watching a bad matinee while eating pounds of tuna?
No. 189754
>>189739Damn, I'm kinda shocked. I always think about creepy dudes beating off in theatres or people going there to makeout, but these people sound legit cazy. lol
You ever deal with any violent crazy people? Honestly, I haven't been to a theatre since the Batman shooting because I'm scared of being cornered by some nut with a gun, though I always assumed it was pretty unlikely to happen again.
>>189740>Who was that lonely person watching a bad matinee while eating pounds of tuna?That's hilarious. It being 11am makes it even funnier. Seriously what the fuck?
No. 189770
>>189754>gross theatre sex/makeouts/beating offOh believe me, that happens too, along with taking dumps in the back
More story: every summer we have to go through 10 or so weeks of fundraising, where we ask customers if they'd like to donate to help kids with cancer (goes to a whole list of foundations like St. Judes, Will Rodgers, Boys & Girls Club, etc)
In order to help incentivize donating, we also offered movie posters if you donated like $5. We kept them on a table with a paper list to go through. Someone grabbed a few one day right off the table and made a mad dash out of the mall, while my GM actually tried to pursue them haha. Ah.. that's sad, stealing from a fundraiser.
One of the other managers was around when I flubbed the line in front of a customer and still has not let me forget it.
>would you like to donate to help kids fight cancer?turned into
>would you like to donate to fight kids with cancer?We get all kinds of reasons for people not to donate, as I imagine most places do. My favorites are:
>what have kids ever done for me?>my kid has cancer>have YOU donated?>I hate kidsJust say "no thanks" or "maybe next time", jesus
There was actually a guy who would scam us by buying a movie ticket, and then go inside the theatre and ask the customers for their ticket stub, saying that his kid needed them for some school project. Then he would "suddenly need to leave" and get refunds for the tickets. He hit us for a couple of years, and was #1 on my GM's hit list. That was another person he chased down the mall, hahahaha
One day I was usher, and a customer came up to me asking me if I could help him find his water bottle that he had dropped in the theatre. We had sloped seating (as opposed to stadium), and only our biggest theatre had cup holders, so things rolled down to the front pretty often. He was acting a bit funny, but he said he needed it so that he could take his medicine.
I'm crawling around on the floor with my flashlight while this movie is playing, and I see a plastic flask.
>Oh thank you, you found it!But.. this isn't water
>Oh no it is, I need it to take my medicineHe of course left it behind after his movie, and it was fucking vodka. I crawled around on the floor for fucking vodka I was so amazingly pissed
>batman shootingWe've always had a bag-check policy but after the shooting we really cracked down on that, and oh my god it was practically the end of the world with some customers
>no, I'm not showing you my bag, it's my stuffjesus christ I'm not looking for food I'm looking for weapons
>nofine, feel free to get your money back, because I can't let you in
We've gone to a lighter version of it (checking big bags and backpacks), but for about 6 months after the shooting we were checking everything
If you're genuinely worried, I would suggest seeing a weekday matinee show. You'll be one of the few people there.
>violent crazy peopleI'm trying to think of anything that would have been like that.. the closest I can think of is one of the managers at my current location told me that there was a guy who came in and had such an epic tantrum that he threw our standing sign (purchase tickets here) into the stand, I think broke one of their displays? It's a big heavy sign, so I wouldn't doubt it.
the only other violence I can think of is related to severe autism/mental stuff but I don't really count that. It helps that we had cops on site on friday and saturday, which is usually when customer fights would occur.
I actually had someone recently try to guilt-trip me over the phone regarding her deaf kid group. Apparently they tried to book a show at a different location for Boss Baby but something happened, and she wanted to know why I wouldn't be able to give her a show on a friday night of Open Caption Boss Baby. It's friday night! It's Open Caption! You're giving me zero notice! Yes there will be an issue!
>but it says here online that you have caption glasses?Yes we do, how many are in your group?
>36 kids………… and they ALL need the glasses?
>yesSorry, we can't supply that. We only have 10 glasses, and we can't reserve them in case someone else needs them too
>but it says here onlinewe only have 10 pairs. If you want an open caption, you need to go through our corporate box office so they can set up a show for you. We can do it, but we need a lot more time in advance, and you say you need this tonight.
>yes but this other place messed up and I promised these kids and they were so looking forward to seeing Boss Baby…I'm sorry, I don't know what happened with your other location, but this is what I'm able to do.
Tell me I'm not alone in this, AMC-anon
No. 189789
>>189770Amc anon here, that shit is fucked up. Especially the vodka one and the deaf kids one.
We had a lot of people drop their kids, with no money I presume, to just loiter in the main lobby and try to sneak in.
Coworker found a freshly used condom in a chair.
Finding an old 50$ bill covered in m&ms under a chair.
Never actually having time to clean and being instructed to swat garbage under chairs.
Insane manager that frequently calls meetings to scream at the underlings. Hair looks like its trying to get away from her head.
Bed bugs in the chairs.
Once a kid pulled the fire alarm and people were freaking tf out and stampeding. They wouldnt listen to employees telling them it was nothing. One fat redneck woman couldnt open a locked door and started shrieking at my manager that she would have burned. At this point, im like 5 minutes past the end of my shift so I got the fuck outta there! Shit was in the newspaper. Management blamed us somehow…
No. 189795
I just quit my job to try and become a professional fighter.
It appeals to me because it's a fair contest of skill where your success or failure is completely up to you. I don't want to be a slave to the whims of the market, and I have a distaste for the social maneuvering and deception it takes to succeed in business, yet I still crave success. I also just plain hate doing what other people tell me to do all day, every day, and having to be so fucking restrained. It's like people aren't allowed to be human beings anymore at their jobs, to have emotions and act naturally and I hate it. I'm also interested in the evolution of society above all else and I crave a way to influence it in a positive direction, and fame and money expands the scope of your influence greatly. I honestly first think I got the idea when I was reading Ted Kaczynski's manifesto and thought how fucking retarded it was for him to kill people to draw attention to his ideas. I thought that the way to do it would be to become a sports champion and then come out and try to influence people with your ideas. I know people are going to say that it's not realistic and I shouldn't get my hopes up, but regardless of whether that's true or not (personally I actually believe I can do it) I know I would rather pursue a lofty goal than to pursue something tiny, and that in the end, the pursuit is probably more important that the attainment.
I'm going to have to move to get more exposure though. I decided on California since it seems nice and has a good MMA scene. I've always wanted freedom and autonomy and control over my own destiny and now I'm going to get it, but I have to admit, part of me is afraid. I've been dragging my feet on my moving preparations and I don't have anyone to give me a pep talk since I'm not planning on telling anyone my plans. I've just told them I'm taking a vacation, they have no idea the move is long-term or that I'm going to devote my life to martial arts. I know they would all just call me crazy, and who knows, maybe I am.
No. 189796
>>189795Get good dental insurance.
You're gonna get your teeth knocked out. Kek.
No. 189837
>>189795Ugh gross. This state has enough roided up MMA wannabes. You will fail and end up being a bouncer at a strip club and not even the good ones.
Why can't you retards punch each other to death in the midwest. Also the likelihood of your CTE damaged brain driving you to domestic violence and assault on strangers is very high. So fuck you, ya small dick piece of shit loser. Just kill yourself now before you hurt others.
No. 190620
>>189597I just applied to several jobs, most of them just retail or other kinds of part time staff at cafes and stuff.
The one position I REALLY want right now is at this Japanese sweets shop, but I also got an interview with a retail chain I applied for, and might get called for an interview with this cute Japanese cake cafe too… I'm not trying to overestimate myself, but just in case, what should I do if one job offers me a position on the spot but I want to wait to see what the other jobs say to me? Should I just take the one with the highest pay? How should I even go about bringing up wages? Both of the Japanese shops look pretty high end and are located at pretty ritzy areas… It's dumb to ask an imageboard, but what are your opinions?
They aren't jobs in my field and I'm scared stiff that I'll never get a job in my field if I don't immediately jump into one, but at the same time these are all only part time and I figured some job is better than no job so that I can start paying back my loans and saving up. Maybe I'll pick up an unpaid internship on the side so I can have real experience in my field, won't really mind if it's unpaid if I have an actual side job I guess.
I'm honestly scared that I'm gonna get called for all of these interviews (I ended up applied to like 6 different places) and in the end none of these places will hire me, or one will but as I wait for another offer (that ends up not coming), the place that wants to hire me rescinds their offer.
No. 190633
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got an internship in a city i've always wanted to live in. the job fits my interests, skills, and is viewed highly by my peers. it's also my first 9-5 office job ever, and the hours/lack of moving around are making me feel like shit.
i dont have energy to do anything, i've lost interest in my hobbies, i'm snapping at everyone, and i'm drinking more than ever. i just spent half an hour looking up ways to disguise alcohol breath so i can drink at work tomorrow to get through the day.
i'm dreading the thought that they might offer me a permanent job after this, even though on paper, it's a perfect fit for me & everyone in my life will be upset if i don't accept the job offer.
tl;dr i'm a lazy fucking privileged asshole & even though i should be pleased with my life i feel like shit all the time & i don't get why i'm not happy
No. 190640
>>190633>>190633I agree with
>>190636. If it's making you that miserable, it's not worth it. Even if the people around you will get upset, they aren't you. Leave the job and use that experience you got to get a better one. If not a better one, at least one where you won't feel like absolute shit. Tell everyone around you to suck it if they give you shit. Your well being matters a lot more than what they think.
No. 190671
>>189722Not that anon but I worked at an independent movie theater for a summer doing basically everything (ticket sales, concession, cleaning, etc). It was fun as fuck but there were some weirdos.
There was a mystery piss man(?) that would see a movie every month, piss in his large size cup, and leave it in the cupholder. My manager picked it up too quickly because it felt mostly empty and spilled the piss all over herself.
There was a customer we would refer to as "extreme butter woman". She came to the theatre about once a week and ordered the same thing everytime: large popcorn with layered butter. We used actual butter and not the oil shit theatre chains use.
A lot of customers asked for layered butter but she REALLY meant it. You had to layer it about 4-5 times. We had some new hires and she literally waited until I was free (I had two customers in line while the two new hires had none) so she could get her ideal butter ratio. She was nice though, I felt bad being an accessory to butterbased suicide.
Also there was a small gang of old ladies that would try to confuse you into giving you their items for free by saying they had already given you their money while you're busy as hell on a Friday. It worked a few times until I got wise to it.
The most annoying constant was people that had bought Groupon deals because it said in the fine print it could not be used on Saturday or Sunday. So you see these people coming up to the ticket window with a printed paper and its a fucking weekend day and you have to tell them its invalid that day. I had to literally circle the fineprint in red pen for multiple customers because they didn't believe me when I told them it wasn't valid at the time.
piss man, butter woman, and groupons
No. 190709
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>>190633Really, go to the gym before or after work. It's gonna suck the first couple times but you'll feel so much better. Also, some desk exercises
No. 190717
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I been working as a telemarketer for a week now, pls kill me
No. 190874
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I really hate my job as a hotel housekeeper.
*Other housekeepers are always hoarding linen, making it harder for everyone else to get stuff done
*The industrial washers suck so the clean sheets are still stained as fuck, so we go through clean sheets like crazy trying to find unstained ones to use
*Insurance provided through the company is a fucking joke. We only make $9.25/hr and the cheapest insurance has a $4,000 deductible. What the fuck is the point of even having it? Dental insurance is also provided but you can't even use it for a year after you start paying for it.
*The head housekeeper checks all of our rooms and scrutinizes our work, making us go back and clean things "better" and often adds rooms to our list at the end of the day/last minute
*Way too many guests are entitled assholes who makes messes on purpose, especially people with kids. I'm dreading the summer because of how long we have to work and how fucked up and trashed the hotel is going to be every day.
To top it off, we have a reoccurring long-staying guest who is morbidly obese, is a hoarder and won't let anyone in her room routinely to clean, shits the bed and sleeps in her own shit for days (we always just throw the expensive sheets out), and even lets her yappy little dog shit and piss everywhere. Last time she stayed, it took hours just to remove all the trash from her room and the whole room had to be repaired and fixed because she fucked it up so bad. My bosses don't give a fuck that WE have to clean up her shit routinely like this is a nursing home because she pays so much money to the hotel. If you want her to stay so bad, YOU fucking clean her room then.
I dread going to work every day and having this job has just fueled my suicidal thoughts. Some days, I fantasize about coming home and killing myself because I hate it so much.
No. 190876
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>>190874Shit that has happened at the hotel I work at:
>crazy man wetting tissue and toilet paper and putting it over the OUTLETS, the eye hole in the door, and other cracks and crevices to ensure that nobody was spying on him
>crazy woman who told our cool but stern front desk woman she was "pretty good at her job for a black woman", insisted that my friend "center" his chakras while he cleaned the room, lined the floor with all the room's towel supply, insisting that it helped guide her to the toilet at night instead of fucking turning on the fucking goddamned lights>Some guy who wanted to argue with me about whether or not it was "inappropriate" for him to be asking for my number after staring at me like a fat fool waiting to be slapped while I explain, like a fucking naive idiot, where to find coffee in the hotel, rather than telling him to wipe his dick and fuck off>subuxon strips fucking everywhere, blood squirted onto the upper wall in the bathroom, presumably with a syringe>Our groundskeeper randomly has a seizure (has epilepsy) and his drunk mother won't answer her phone. Two weeks back somebody called him a slur because they were mad they were getting kicked out of a room for smoking, just took it out on him while he was literally on his hands and knees wiping off the floor of the elevator>Woman passed out, drunk, way passed her checkout time, with a water bottle half-full of stubbed cigarettes she had been smoking inside, the window closed. The manager and head housekeeper knocked on the walls and said hello several times before she startled awake and shamefully stumbled off with her crap. She left me with a new pack of non-menthol Newports and a sugar-free red bull>Found probably a gram of dabs reeking from a tiny side table drawer shoved all the way in the back>Found all kinds of pills that shouldn't be lost on the floor, in sheets, etc.>Found a foot long inch thick blue latex dildo I yanked from in between the mattress and bed frame with the entire set of sheets balled up in my fist>Found some wedding bands, one ring, in particular, belonged to a gracious lady who returned with a $20 bill specifically for me (you have to put your name on the card you attach to the lost item)>Bringin' home whole liquor handles at least once a week during a particular summer month>Someone left a line of conspicuous powder for my friend, but he avoided it because you do not have time to chemically drug test that shit while doing a timed room cleanAlso, my co-worker…
>Got her bottom teeth removed. Not replaced with anything. Still smokes hand-cranked butts and drinks iced coffee>Told me she was obsessed with removing body hair and she is absolutely repulsed by it>Found out her daughter was 4 weeks pregnant by some dude that's almost 26. Tells me this, I do not ask for any of this information. Do not want to know. I tell her that it "isn't too late", implying her daughter could get a less invasive procedure to have an abortion, she hasn't even graduated high school yet>She smiles real nicely and says she "doesn't believe in any of that stuff." I don't try and press her>Believes in the full power of horoscopes, that different days have different energies that are related in vague ways to specific things>Constantly posting semi-dramatic statuses about her kids and how shitty they are, how much she misses her baby who passed away in 2004, how unappreciated she feels, how ignored she feels, and how much she wants to sex up her disgusting jobless husband she refers to as hubby. >has a kale farm on her remaining teethLove it, honestly. Love it.
No. 191985
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I've been working customer service at a grocery store for almost three years, I've been applying for full-time jobs after graduating uni or even just a new part time that pays better and I don't get any messages or notifications back even for a flat-out rejection, it's become really disheartening. Even though I hate this job I've become dependent on it and feel anxious about working elsewhere.
have a nice story of what an average customer is like:
>At customer service desk, looking around, accidentally make contact with lady, she starts waddling over
>she's is basically a troll, gross body and the deepest gravelly voice so low I can barely understand her sometimes
>She's always trying to return shit for cash, without a receipt, etc.
>lo an behold trying to return shit from another store
>Ask her for the shoppers card that was used on the order
>Gives me her card, tell her it doesn't match, she says they used a different card
>Tell her we can't return it without the card matching
>in .02 seconds she's screaming "FUCK WHITE PEOPLE" and starts yelling about how the black people let her return stuff, how I'm racist, ugly, etc. etc.
>waddles away, stops and screams for a manager, keeps moving as everyone ignores her
>Goes through checkout where she can still see me and keep yelling insults
>she's white
No. 192341
>>191923I'm a GD major as well. Look out for events at your school (professionals from behance or adobe just came to my school and we have a lot of professionals that are giving talks) and it's super easy to connect when you're in a familiar environment. Also look for talks and meet-ups in your city, they're really fun. Creative jams are also great.
You can also try to connect with people on instagram, reddit etc. if you're active and post your work and message people. Or apply for an internship in your field! There's so many options, really.
No. 192538
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Quick rant incoming.
I work retail at a busy store and I'm ready to go. Its only been a couple months but it's waaay too stressful for me. The customers are rude and it seems like I always get stuck at the register with a ton of people. Not to mention its hot and they work me like a slave.
Yesterday I had to deal with this coupon lady and according to what was stated on the coupon, she couldn't use them, so of course she got pissy with me for following the rules. Im nice to everyone, even inconsiderate jerks but If I work there any longer I think I may lose my sanity.
No. 192616
>>192585I'm 21 and have only small ideas of what I am doing.
Doesn't help that my sister is so much better than me. Wouldn't really bother me but our family is kinda elite so they always compare us.
So yeah feel you.
Are gap years common in your country ?
You can do one of those. They always look good on a resume and you will have a year thinking about all that stuff.
Kinda helped me a little bit.
No. 192619
>>192592I actually had this problem for the past couple months anon (I'm the post you're replying to). Quit the store because I was tired of being treated like a plebeian by asshole customers while being overqualified for the job and making min wage, then had a lot of trouble finding a job/internship related to my field because of the flood of other summer applicants. I'm back to retail again, lol, but even finding a retail job was a hassle. I am not a graduate yet though but the thought of not being able to find a legit job after finishing school terrifies me too.
Imo the best route would be to look for a new, better job while you're still working, and then make time for interviews and stuff when you get call backs. Just apply everywhere you're interested and ask to lessen your hours or something so you have time for better opportunities.
No. 193268
>>193246Sometimes they have you take a placement test for classes, and then you should file for fafsa/financial aid in case you can get any free money. It only takes a few minutes to do it online. I'm in cc now and regret not knowing about this sort of thing when I first tried going to college.
And like the other anon said, see an advisor at the school and they should give you a good walk through.
No. 193289
>>193252I loved working in a grocery store. Not sure why but I did. Restocking shelves, pushing carts, bagging, etc didn't really bother me. The shifts were long and rushes sucked, but the other employees and customers were generally sweet.
Hated retail. Fucking snobbiest people would come into my store. Hated dealing with shitty moms. I almost got fired for cussing a lady out because I got fed up at some point (was yelling at me that the line was too long and threw all her clothes on the ground before leaving. Told her I didn't give a flying fuck if her fat ass took her "business elsewhere".) If I didn't deal with people, it would have been okay because organizing the store was easy and oddly relaxing.
Waitressing was 50/50. I would get great tips, but I couldn't stand the neediness/pickiness of people. Some of their demands were unbelievable. It sucked because I had to give in or management would be on my ass. Sometimes you can be as polite as possible to a rude table, but they still leave you with no tip. Or make a mess on purpose.
No. 193291
>>193252I worked as a jewellery saleswoman and a housekeeper at a 5-star hotel.
Jewellery stuff was nice, my coworkers were grand. The customers weren't too bad, and my bosses were shady but otherwise nice. It taught me how superficial all the glitz and glamour of a store can be, most of the store was well-lit and the display cases looked pretty on the outside but everything was a facade for the customers and the jewellery was sold at a HUGE markup. Most of the prices you see are inflated to fuck, basically.
I also didn't like shilling things, they basically instructed us to sell by any means necessary. Most of us had no clue about the shit we were selling and would sell gold-plated stuff as pure gold and told people they could get a lower tax-free price than they actually could because there was fuck all they could do about it once they bought the thing and were already at the airport. All jewellery looks super fake to me now after I saw the original wholesale prices and the markups they had on everything. No wonder jewellers make mad dough, they're all collectively in on this.
My other job was a billion times worse. We had 20mins to clean a loft and they would tell us we were lucky because 'in other hotels they get 6 minutes tops!' We had to lug around heavy trolleys of dirty bed linens and everyone at the reception desk treated us like crap because we were housekeepers. The customers would constantly make shit up (this is a 5-star hotel mind, so these people are incredibly snooty and posh or businessmen on work trips), especially families, because they'd get a free bottle of champagne on the house as an 'apology'. Then they'd ring our manager and blame whoever had that particular room on their rota for the day for 'screwing up'. I never got proper training and was instead bounced around from coworker to coworker who each had their own way of doing things that was the 'right way' so I'd always get scolded for being 'slow' or doing it the 'wrong way'. One of them was a neat freak who made me clean every single thing in the room and then got mad when I couldn't do everything in time. Ultimately I got fired when some guy complained about me being too slow… because I had been following her instructions. The manager would always come and nitpick everything too, which didn't help.
Worst of all were the customers, most of them acted so fucking rude and entitled and some of them even ignored me when I told them something about a baby cot they'd wanted and spoke directly to the receptionist. Businessmen were usually the best of the bunch and really patient and polite. The most disgusting part of the job was when I was blamed for not cleaning up somebody's pish (on a rug) and having to scrub layers of dirt and dead skin off a bath.
I somehow always get min-wage jobs at posh places that end up being… not very posh at all, once you scratch the surface.
No. 193294
>>193292Well at least you guys wash them. My friend works at a 3 star hotel (Hyatt) and she said that they don't wash the sheets unless there was a stain on it. lol
I guess that's the difference between a regular hotel and a 5 star one.
No. 193334
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>>193291Damn, makes me feel glad to work in a 3 star hotel. We're supposed to clean a room in 25 minutes, but that isn't really enforced, just as long as we're actually cleaning and not fucking around in the rooms all day. On average, it takes me 30-40 minutes, depending on how bad the room is. Sometimes a little longer if the room has a glass shower.
I kind of get people being picky and shit in a 5 star hotel, but it kills me how many entitled guests we have at ours, especially the ones who are staying long term for whatever reason. Just the other day, one of our long term guests bitched to my boss that I refused to vacuum her room even though I offered 3 times and she insisted that I didn't have to. Just why? I love when we get businessmen and religious groups though. They tip well and are always so clean and tidy and appreciative.
The only bad thing I can say is that my boss is a huge pushover when it comes to guests who stay frequently or for a long time. One of our guests is super nice but absolutely disgusting. She shits the bed routinely and lets her dog shit and piss everywhere. She's also a hoarder and hates when people come in her room. All the housekeepers have begged my boss to kick her out but he won't because $$$. Instead, we only clean her room 2x a week and just throw the sheets away. You can literally smell the shit smell wafting out of her room every time the door opens.
>>193294I work at another 3 star hotel, so I guess it's different. We don't change the comforters or top covers unless they're stained, but we do have to change the rest of the sheets. Some people have tried to "pop sheets" where they just remake the bed as is and always get fired on the spot once our boss finds out.
No. 193345
>>193334Yeah, your bosses don't sound as crazy as mine. 40 minutes was my average too, and we had glass showers (and glass baths, for good measure) and the rooms were enormous with a lot of detail, everything needed to be just so and they were expecting us to do it in 20???
>businessmen and religious groupsThey're the best! Businessmen are always clean and super considerate, some of them even offered to help me with my little (bigger than me) trolley with rusty wheels. I also liked old Japanese ladies, they always tipped with sweets. I thought it was adorable.
Luckily we didn't get
too many gross guests (they were otherwise insufferable) but there were a lot of alcoholics and restocking minibars was always a pain in the arse since they'd drink everything and ask for more and you can't keep track of how many to charge them for on the TV interface.
>>193296I feel for you, my friend who worked as a waitress in the same hotel said people who work in the kitchens are perpetually mean and pissed off and her patrons were incredibly whingey and picky. I can't imagine what it'd be like working there for a year or more, I stg I was tempted to bomb the place every day of my miserable life and I only worked there for 2 months.
No. 193581
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Basically a insurance call center employee for one of the better companies. Frequently used to train already trained employees because our program is soooo outdated.Woes and anxieties go in had cause I worked 10x4's whilst being a depressed PTSD ridden weenie. I hate how older men want to talk to me despite when I clearly tell them no. This one dude before I went into training is 40 years old and stared at me all day.
I honestly wish I could be neet again. I love how I don't have to be face to face with customers but being relatable is exhausting. I don't trust people. I don't think I'm doing a good job despite going to all of these higher up events in the company.
No. 193654
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>>193252First job was at a grocery store (worked as bagger, then produce department, then cashier), fucking hated it but manage to stick it out for two years. Restocking and facing shelves was fun, same with chilling the the milk cooler during summer, and some cleaning duties.
After that worked in a call center for a month, left with 25 other employees, it was a serious shit show.
Waitressing was p much like what
>>193289 said. It is a 50/50. people are picky, and you get situations with customers constantly telling you how their allergic to gluten but still want the free bread.
No longer retail though. I work as an office assistant in Medical Archives/Information management at a hospital. Pays double compared to what I was previously making, and I have 401k and benefits. Have some bitchy coworkers and really shitty upper management (the hospital does NOT have a good reputation.) Only been there for a month so I'm on edge about being fired, especially since I fucked something up on Friday, and tried to cover it up like a dumb ass.
No. 193662
>>193654>Only been there for a month so I'm on edge about being fired, especially since I fucked something up on Friday, and tried to cover it up like a dumb ass.Story time, anon?
also, sorry, that shit seems stressful. Hope it works out.
No. 193674
>>193662haha yeah, thank you I feel really fucking dumb about it. Long story short; I faxed a face sheet (one page summary of patient info/allergies/etc.) to the wrong insurance company. Well…they're the same but ones military and ones normal. Usually we fax to military so I quick typed their fax # instead of the normal one. Realized my mistake but ended up typing the final report saying I sent it to the right insurance company. Would have reported it to my supervisor but she's been gone all week and the only people were my coworkers who, the last time i asked for help, were very rude and condescending. Actually can't even strike up a normal conversation with them. The supervisor is really cool but I know I'm gonna get shit for this. I hate acting like a scared kid at work but god damn sometimes I need to actually slow the fuck down and double check my work.
sage for blogpost
No. 193828
>>193808I see, that's cool.
I'm studying Japanese and business and the more I go the more it gets obvious I'll only use Japanese to watch animu and read manga or novels, plus the occasionnal Japan trip, rather than actually use it professionally. I'd like a job that's mostly marketing/HR/management that uses a bit of Japanese but that's pretty specific.
No. 193853
>>193828Yeah it's hard as fuck to translate Japanese because of how it works, there are so many things lost in translation and I have to use a huge ass kanji dictionary and some machine translation software for it so I try to avoid dealing with Japanese mostly. English is my bread and butter.
I could probably find something paying much better but I'm liking all this free time and flexibility. I just put on some tea, chill music and do my business.
No. 194527
>>194506Don't be a people pleaser if by pleasing them means you're putting your health on the line. I understand not wanting to let anyone down, but they can always find someone else after you're gone. It's much easier for them to do that than for you to potentially become ill through stress, it's hard to fix problems like work-based depression/stress/anxiety because you're always attached to it.
I say go for the other job. You might feel like a shit leaving the one you're in now, but everyone will move on. Go be happy anon!
No. 194734
>>194719I live in my parent's home for free. Finding a home in LA is a goddamn nightmare. Luckily I have a car, and having to deal with bullshit traffic is probably a small price to pay for botching up a good job opportunity close to me.
>>194721Oh god, been there done that, and thats part of the reason why I got a bad reference in that job. Don't ignore the situation like I did and bring it up with the boss. If you don't speak up, it's going to be your employee's word over yours completely.
No. 194740
>>194734Believe me I understand. I live near LA.
I was just suggesting you move somewhere really far, maybe out of state. It sounds like you're qualified for a good job, and you would be able to afford it.
I understand if you would rather stay though. This is just what I plan to do when I'm done with college. I hate California.
No. 194773
>>194740Didn't want to divulge too much deets, but I'm qualified for work at an animal hospital. So, not too much pay there. If anything, Cali is one of the few states where they pay people of my job description the best salary. Fortunately, I don't plan on having a family so I'm not too concerned about being super rich.
I don't blame you for wanting to leave Cali though.
>>194754If you plan on moving to LA/OC, you better have family living there or have a really good job lined up. Rent is pretty expensive, unless you don't mind living in a ghetto neighborhood.
No. 194820
>>194754It's just everything that I personally hate all in one. They aren't necessarily "bad" things if they don't bother you.
>PeopleTons of them, and a high percentage are assholes. You will meet friendly people, but there is this "flakey culture" that exists here (even with nice people) where they will agree on plans and either show up super late or not at all. Also people will fake wanting to hang out with you, or say things like "yeah we should do that some time!!" and never actually follow through.
>PollutionSmog, trash, etc.
>PropertyRent is super high, houses are super expensive. I know people who live paycheck to paycheck working 6 days a week (2 jobs) so they can afford to share a studio. Fucking ridiculous.
>WeatherEveryone talks about how nice the weather is but it gets pretty hot (at least for me)
All that being said, I like having snowy mountains and warm beach within driving distance. That's something I'll miss. Also the desert is kind of fascinating if you can stand the heat.
No. 194857
i just quit one of my jobs in favour of the other and i hope it works out. it took a bit of courage because my other job is "safer", i have a good relationship with my boss there and was kinda second in charge, only it was an incredibly boring job where i was stagnating. i also felt a bit taken advantage of, i was underpaid for a long time and she still uses me to work public holidays because that way she doesnt have to pay the full rate, with anyone else she'd have to pay them the rate.
new job is busier, more stressful, but i am learning new things and the pay is better. i just have heard that my boss is a bit hard to work for, it's been about 2 months and i've seen a tiny bit of that but i know people who have actually quit just because of him so i'm hoping i can handle it.
he also has a habit of commenting on appearances, i think he thinks he's being nice but it comes off kinda creepy since he's double my age… he told me i looked gorgeous one day, and when i was sick said 'wow well you don't look sick at all, you look so great' and told my partner how beautiful i was when they met just a couple days ago (which i think is really weird to say to your employee's partner? idk)
wish me luck fam
No. 194880
>>194527>>194529Thank you guys for advice.
Today I told my boss I quit. She was on the verge of crying.
Felt kind of bad but welp.
No. 194895
>>194851Maybe it's an American thing then?
When I lived in Europe people seemed better. They were weird and slightly autistic, but at least they showed up to things that they agreed to.
No. 194898
>>194895Some of my friends who've been to the US say Americans are 'fake' and insincere because of things like this, so it's possible.
Stuff I've heard them complaining about:
>'Omg, I love your purse!' (No I don't and it shows, but I'm desperate to find someone to talk to)>'We should hang out sometime' (I'm just being polite and have no intention of hanging out with you)>'How are you doing?' (I really don't care, I'm expecting you to say 'great, thanks' and ask me the same) No. 194945
>>194898>>194925Yeah I don't know. My experiences made me to believe it depends on the local culture, but I'd like to believe it's more of a person to person basis.
Quick story just for fun:
My friends in high school gradually become more flakey and generally don't show up to anything. Then I see on facebook all of the fun stuff they're doing without me. So I stop talking to them for a few years, and when we finally reconnect, I get invited to their new apartment to have a drink. So I get excited, because I missed them. But the day comes around and I ask for the address, and get no response.
I deleted them the next day. Haven't looked back.
No. 195000
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>>194893please don't an hero anon :(
buy the weed live life and love it :D :D
No. 195011
>>194898>'How are you doing?'Isn't this the same pretty much everywhere? I hardly believe Europeans respond to people they just met with how they're actually doing.
I feel like people forget that the US has "fake" cultural customs for politeness like everywhere else because it's so prevalent globally. Every culture in the world has random BS fake shit they do to/with other people to be polite/save face/be considerate. I wonder if people think Americans are being fake when they say "omg I love your purse!" because politeness here is sometimes tied to being overenthusiastic (being polite, but restrained can sometimes appear rude) and that's usually not the case elsewhere.
As for the flakiness, in my experience this is not a US thing as I've seen countless international students and immigrants do this too. People everywhere can be tied up in their own lives to care about others.
No. 195042
>>195011Can't speak for all 0f Europe but most people won't even ask you 'how you are doing' unless you are family a friend or a doctor.
Here fucking everyone ask you that which is part of a greeting I guess but dor Europeans it's weird to get asked this even though the shop assistant just asks this because she has to
No. 195046
>>195011Nope, where I'm from most people don't ask you that at all. They may ask 'how's it going/what's up', but that's totally different imo. When I ask 'how are you doing' it's when I see a friend who's sick or someone whose mother died or something and I know them well enough to offer them my support.
I usually don't ask anything, just say hi and then talk about whatever (weather/the party/whatever's going on at that particular moment)
No. 196375
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Just here to bitch about bf's job.
>bf and I only share a day off on the rare friday or saturday
>he's really indispensable at his job (bar manager) and his irresponsible af coworkers rely on him constantly to pick up for them etc.
>they rarely pick up for bf in return
>one girl is on really thin ice and asks my bf to cover her shit all the time because another strike could mean termination
>bf had to write her up more than a few times for being late for shifts (sleeping in after partying), showing up to work drunk (customers noticing and complaining..), and one incident where she ran outside threatening to jump into traffic (customer wrote yelp review about incident)
>you know, shit that would get people fired at any other kind of job
>if only bf wasn't a spineless softie trying to be friends with his employees
>she's a complete Stacey stereotype; one time I went to her apartment party and bf and I were left alone while she went upstairs with the gang to snort coke
>don't really trust her because she has problems and is irresponsible
>recently claimed her identical twin brother and father passed away
>within a 2 month range
>nobody even knew she had a brother
>so she's been acting more irresponsible and rowdy as usual
>IF this all isn't just a ruse to get her the weekends off and she isn't just blowing her mind with booze and drugs
>because she keeps asking my bf to cover for her on saturdays because she suddenly gets 'emotionally overwhelmed' on the weekends only
>never during weekdays…
>never inquiring about sick time or bereavement leave like a normal grieving person…
>she's acting wayyyyyyy too selectively normal considering the grandiosity of these losses
>so today
>having early dinner at restaurant
>that bitch calls
>bf caved and picked up for her again today so I'm sitting here alone again
I told him to tell her he was busy. But nope.
He's just rewarding her shitty behavior, she really doesn't deserve to be employed–and I say that as a person who had to jump through corporate loops to prove my grandfather passed and get bereavement leave, and was still penalized for it.
>mfw whenever bf has off from work and his cell rings and I know it's his shitty coworkers trying to shirk out of work again
No. 196473
>>196441No, it's a tavern.
And trust me, I know it's mostly him and it makes me so angry.
No. 196569
movieanon here, and I've had one hell of a night. Sorry for incoming.
Somehow a parent with an infant going to a rated-r film makes it past usher. Oops. I tell the usher to be more vigilant, but I don't want to interrupt the movie which has already started, so I'll get them out if I get a complaint about the infant.
Apparently another usher wants to play Judge Dredd, so he goes in there and informs them of our policy and asks for their stubs, since he ALSO thinks they're sneaking in. This is during the movie. They can't produce the stubs.
To alleviate his thoughts, we do a head count of the patrons, and it matches ticket sales. I also tell him not to act without me.
They also have three kids (ages 5-9) seeing Transformers. W/e I don't care. But they're running up and down the hallways, climbing all over our game machines, and keep going into their parent's theatre for this and that. It's annoying, but I don't do anything about it. They clearly don't want to watch their movie.
The mother comes out and wants compensation for missing half her movie. I have no idea what she's talking about since she's been in the theatre the whole time??
I walk down to the theatre to figure out what's going on, since she's just hanging around outside the theatre door.
The following conversation took away an hour of my life that I'll never get back.
she wanted to know why we would take a family out of a rated-r movie halfway in, which we didn't do
wanted to know whose policy it was that 6 and under can't see r-rated features, told her it was our parent company
said she'd never heard of them, who owns them (????? we're one of the biggest chains in the US)
that she had had a miscarriage in our bathroom 5 days prior
she took the corpse to a mortuary and the mortuary burned down the next day (didn't find any news coverage of this, and I DON'T RECALL ANY CLEANUPS OF THAT KIND)
says her son is distraught because he lost a brother, her husband blames himself that's why he's an asshole today
she was raped by a black man at 17
her first husband died in bed next to her
she's alone in this state
she owns three businesses
one of the ushers was eye-fucking her
why was I pulled out of my movie (YOU WEREN'T)
you can fight me but I won't fight back (I'm not here to fight???)
The father joins in at one point, his first thought is that I was there to kick him out, which I wasn't
>it was that whore in the third row wasn't it she said she'd tell a manager
woah what
>it's useless to talk to her (me), she's shaking like a penguin and looks like a corpse
he's clearly aggressive, and looks like he wants to do something, but I am putting up NO FIGHT. All I want to do is compensate. Calls my usher a faggot, mocks making a phone call in an effeminate manner when he threatens to call the cops if he gets violent. goes back inside the theatre looking for a pacifier and flips off the patrons.
jesus do you guys just want passes get the fuck outta here
>no I'm above that, HE would want passes and refunds, but I don't need them.
then what do you want
>why did you pull us out of our movie I don't understand
policy.pdf, also we didn't pull you out
>I don't understand that doesn't make sense I'm from Arizona I just had a miscarriage in your bathroom five days ago and the mortuary burned down and I'm alone in this state and I come here five days a week and my first husband died in bed next to me do you understand what that's like and you take me out of my movie and tell me I can't have an infant in there
I can give you passes for the inconvenience
>no I don't want those
>I don't know you should tell me what I want
omg what
>also you guys pulled us out because your usher has a vendetta against my husband because he gave you a look when you were checking me out earlier. I know you, I saw it.
woah woah woah
Eventually I got her to take passes
This was an exchange that should have been ten minutes TOPS. But she just kept repeating the same weird information over and over and over and my usher was taking the bait and I had to keep stopping him because SHE WANTED A FIGHT.
Also I will call the cops if I ever see her family again.
I'm tired.
No. 196573
>>196569Jesus fucking christ
I'm sorry you had to put up with that shit
No. 196654
My coworkers are being fucking annoying about shifts.
We bid for new shifts every quarter (~3 months), based on hire date, department, and age.
My rank is usually 500.
I go through a master list of shifts and have to rank over 501 of them in order of preference and hope I get what I want. Seriously, it takes me a good hour.
In order to have a hope of getting a single day on the weekend, I have to bid for shift times that are extremely busy and not wanted ie. 2pm-10:30pm
So I go for unwanted times, even though I'd appreciate a 9-5, just so I can have a Fri/Sat off schedule. Because the shift time sucks, nobody EVER picks up for me even if I had picked up for them. If they do, they do it begrudgingly because my shift is busiest and they never allow people time off during it.
So coworkers like to bid the nice, normal shift times and get relatively useless days off like Mon/Tues with the expectation that they will solicit people like me, corner me at work, and try to box me into picking up for them on my Fridays or Saturdays. So they can go on vacations, trips, and have all sorts of fun nonsense while people like me just try to get through the week with our fucked, useless weekdays.
>older bitch in my hire group sends out mass email asking to compile everyone's shifts for trades
>she's one of the ones who could get a decent shift time arrangement with a weekend off SOLELY because she is older than me, but chooses not to for the retarded tues/wed off thing
>don't want to respond to email because it makes me a target for solicitation and ergo everyone's resentment when I tell them no, no, no, no, no, fucking no
>also it's not really anyone else's business
>all the worms who usually ignore me in the office try to sly up to me around this time and act friendlier so they can mooch my weekends knowing I got at least one day
Fucking scavengers.
No. 196655
>>196569W E W.
I am so sorry Anon. You have the patience of a saint for being able to put up with that level of bug-fuck crazy.
No. 196662
>>196573>>196655I found out later that the family was involved with a suspected domestic incident last week, where a concerned customer came out and said that we needed to call the cops, as it looked like a fight between the parents was about to break out in the theatre, and the mom + kids ran out.
They ran down the hallway and outside behind the building (we're not attached to a mall) by the trash compactor, while the dad in his gold SUV with fucking 22 inch silver rims moved slowly towards the family while other managers were trying to figure out what was going on before calling the cops.
When he got close enough to the family, they apparently leapt out from behind the compactor and jumped into the car and the car sped off. I don't even know.
Then last month they plus another family came in to see a movie, and they were being loud. Got complaints, but the kids weren't in the movie anymore, so a manager asked the dad to calm the kids when they returned. He was of course met with defensive anger and asked if it was that "old bitch in the back row", and the manager assured him it was "multiple people".
Kids came back with moms, and they were clearly scolded for being loud. Other Mom pointed at the manager and said he would kick them out if they didn't behave.
one of the children responded with a loud
>HEY MISTER WILL YOU TEACH ME HOW TO DUGGIEthen promptly got pulled out by the Other Mom again.
I'll say that one at least sounds funny, if not still disruptive.
The crazy mom says she's not comfortable coming back to my theatre and that they're moving back to Arizona, but with claims of coming in five times a week, we'll see how true that is.
Oh, and apparently our usher is a predator, because not only was he checking her out, he was checking out her son as well.
So you know, there's that.
No. 196663
>>196654bidding for shifts sounds horrible, I've never heard of that.
Hopefully you can hold onto your weekend
No. 196703
>>196654My husband's work had a system similar to that. It's bullshit.
No one would bid for the late night/weekend shifts, let alone volunteer to cover those shifters days off. Didn't matter that they would get paid a higher hourly rate, they wouldn't take it.
It was a pain in the ass for us as a couple. My husband was new and took all the graveyard shifts, worked holidays, and did a ton of favors for his coworkers. I hardly saw him for the first two years he worked there. He got promoted because of it, but not everyone is as passionately autistic about their profession.
Higher ups eventually put their foot down and told people they couldn't bid for the same shift two quarters in a row because it was so unfair. They changed the bidding system after he had already changed positions. It gets me steamed to think about it, to this day. I guess good on them for realizing their mistake.
I know you're just venting and it's hard to change anything. I still hope that someone up there will see how dumb it is and fix it. For your sanity.
No. 196732
>>196703I'm glad he made it out of the pit.
It's my second year dealing with this as well, and unfortunately they don't hand out promotions, only applications into other departments. My corporation is so huge, and this way of bidding has been here forever, that I don't think it will ever change.
All I can do is hope the old fudds die/retire/get fired so my horrendous rank can increase a tad.
And lol, what a coincidence that after I posted that, the mega bitch tried to solicit me this morning:
>texts me at noon before I go in at 2>they stopped giving time off to morning people at 9am because we went into overtime (entitled morning bitches squeal like pigs when it happens)>"Anon you work 1-5pm? I don't feel well abloobloo">I have work during that time, get well soon! >come into office >mega bitch is on floor with customers when usually she works internally loooool >another (nicer) morning shift coworker signs in at 2>mega bitch demands to know how morning shift coworker got off until 2 I could tell she was so damn salty hahahahaha.
No. 197571
I'll be honest, I'm really liking coming to /ot/ to log my days now
Spiderman pre-shows were last night, but didn't have many crazy people
Fandango likes to flip the seating chart for JUST the handicap row in one of our theatres, so that caused issues and I had to call them again, I really fucking hate them sometimes
naturally noone is actually handicap sitting in those seats, they bought them because they wanted them or it was the front row only but they want to come out and yell at me about it but w/e passes passes sorry passes
but the entitlement on some of these bitches astounds me
it really shouldn't because I've been doing this for so long but it just does
I was working concession and helping by running orders and things, and someone is asking about our spiderman shirts, like what size they are. The concessionist doesn't know, so I tell them they start at adult M. Then they mention something about chicken wings which we don't carry, but an old ad is playing on the front of the register so I twist it around to check and apologize, since our wings turned into tenders over a year ago. I go and grab food for her and others, and notice them at the end of the counter telling a different concessionist that they didn't get their shirt and popcorn (the combo). The concessionist, being nice, gives them a shirt, but I ask to see their receipt, since that shit costs us a lot and it's odd that they didn't get it if they ordered it.
Turns out they weren't charged for it, so I offer to ring it up for them so they don't have to stand in line again.
>I outta slap her across the face
I was stunned by that comment, since it didn't really seem necessary
I go over and ring in their card, and the mother (the one who made the comment) comes over to me. She's pissed and indignant.
>I wanna know how this happened. why didn't she ring this up??
I'm sorry, there must have been a simple misunderstanding, but everything is fine now
>no it's not fine, you stood here and watched us order that shirt, and now we weren't charged for it?? you HELPED US with sizes!
I apologize, I gave you additional information, but I wasn't aware that you wanted to purchase the shirt
>you didn't look at her list?? you MOVED THE REGISTER to look at the ad for the chicken wings, and didn't see that it was up there when we ordered our shirt?? it was up there! when you turned around it was gone!
((what.. what are you saying? I turned around a different register, I didn't look at hers? are you saying I could see the front of everyone's register by turning one around? are you saying that she made sure I wasn't looking and deleted it from your order?))
I'm sorry for the inconvenience this caused, but I didn't look at her order, so I didn't think about the shirt
>what do you mean you didn't look at her order?? isn't that your job as a manager??
I'm sorry, I wasn't aware that you had ordered the shirt
>well what are you going to do about this, we spent over $100 here and we didn't get our shirt that we ordered!
Well I charged you for the shirt and popcorn, so I was going to go get your popcorn, again I am sorry
>((she studies me)) Yeah no, you're not sorry.
She walked back down towards the end of the counter, but by God, I was going to give them their large popcorn. This is stupid and I don't want her bitching about the popcorn later.
Here is your popcorn, I'm sorry for the inconvenience
>where's the M&Ms?
Oh, I didn't ring those up, I'm sorry
>of course you didn't
but! I can just give those to you, which did you want?
>it doesn't matter, I don't care
I will say that it was really just the mom doing this, the dad seemed okay and the kids were whatever
She was either fishing for me to punish the concessionist, when it really was just a mistake, or wanted the shirt and popcorn for free, which lolno.
I am actually afraid that my face betrays my feelings too easily these days. I was having a hard time following her crazy logic as to why they weren't charged and how it was my fault and her implying the whole thing was intentional, that my face probably fell into a "this is stupid and makes no sense" face
I didn't ring her up! I was helping multiple people! People change their mind about everything ALL THE TIME! People ask questions without buying things ALL THE TIME! It's not weird! YOU WERE NOT MY CUSTOMER! Mistakes happen! I was correcting the issue! Yes you spent $100 but you got $100 worth of goods and that DIDN'T INCLUDE THE SHIRT! I'm sorry, it sucks! But if you want it, you have to pay for it! Crazy, I know!! I might be a manager, but I don't micro-manage weird shit like that!
No. 197580
>>197579what's your resume look like and what are the places you're applying too?
Now that you're 18, I'm assuming you have a high school diploma and you can legally work full time, so that should make things easier. Most retail places make you start the application process online, how are you answering their questions?
No. 197616
>>197579It depends where you live, some places have few opportunities. In which case, you might want to consider relocating tbh.
Publicly upload your resume to job websites like Monster and you might be headhunted, that's how I got my first (shitty) call center job. Otherwise, I think a big part of it is connections and rapid-fire applying. Try to play up your availability and pad your resume with anything (academic or otherwise) that in some way resembles working duties (volunteering, community service, etc.) Also, keep in mind that you may have to lower your standards and accept a shitty position for a while. You're more attractive on paper if you're already working, so do not get stuck at this shitty job, keep applying even after you get it. Once you've got your stop-gap job you can be more choosy and should really tailor your resume for each application.
Take all this with a grain of salt, this is just the way I got into the workforce with 0 experience at 23. Now I'm trying to figure out how to get past the shitty job stage…
No. 197620
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Does anyone else get tired of jobs really quickly? I can't imagine staying anywhere for years like I hear people say, I just get so restless and I burn out if I hang around for too long. I stop caring and feel so irritable.
I think a big part of it is school has made me so used to always moving up from one thing to the next best thing. The people all change, the scenery changes, the content changes… I miss that. I can't stand coming in everyday seeing the same building and the same people and doing the same damn thing with nothing more to look forward to than coming in again tomorrow and doing it again. I feel like it's driving me crazy sometimes, and I'm racking my brain for an alternative. I'm so afraid of becoming comfortable/complacent anywhere.
I've had two jobs that were like this, I guess I need to keep looking?
No. 197632
>>197620yeah i stop caring after the second day which is after ive picked up on the basics and become so aloof. i still act nice when im addressed because what the fuck else am i gonna do but im pretty lifeless altogether and people can tell im distant and not interested in them. this is referring to restaurant related stuff tho since these are the only jobs ive ever had.
try looking up local jobs in something you enjoy doing even if its total novice stuff. since you like switching environments, babysitting and walking dogs or animal sitting come to mind. if ur looking for a big girl job, try working towards getting work in travel.
No. 197668
>>197580yeah, I've been looking since I was 15/16 and the most experience I have is a family owned store but I also have a lot of credit from extracurriculars and honors classes
I answer the questions with the typical bullshit they wanna hear
"are you honest? Yes I'm very honest" type of stuff
the employment system where I live is…. awful
I knew a girl who has several honors classes, straight As, is in choir, pretty much the goody religious two shoe type girl, she had 13 job interviews and still no job yet these people who are failing out of school and getting arrested every other month get jobs so easily, it just doesn't seem fair
>>197616already have on indeed, but I can't relocate until I get enough money, I'm trying to go college soon which is in a more city area, I live in a very rural area, so it should be easier, but I also need to pay off some medical bills from when I had skin cancer at 15-17, along with trying to help my family with the flood
I've considered cam girling sadly, getting a sugar daddy, donating my eggs, starting a business, selling some of my things, etc etc
but the problem is my parents have access to my bank account and control when I can and can't leave the house, which is another reason why I wanna move out so I can have a more personal life
No. 197723
>>197660I've thought about this, and I think it's probably my best option for my level of experience.
Only thing is, in my country you must be bilingual in English and French and I'm far from bilingual. Makes me feel pretty dumb, since French was literally my major in uni and I just never reached that level. I dunno, I might do a work/study abroad program first if I can find one.
>>197632This is just like me, I stop caring and go on auto-pilot, don't really talk to anybody, I'm basically a robot until work is over. I never get how my coworkers can even pretend to give a shit about food, or carpets, or whatever the fuck the company does.
No. 197726
>>197660>They travel to different places a lot.Depends on the airline. Most get assigned to typically just a few routes. Airlines will make you move because you have to go where you're based. The work is exhausting, and say if you do overnight at someplace new, there's often not a lot of time to do touristy things before the return shift. New hires who are young are often put on smaller planes, and given less hours compared to seniority coworkers.
Customers are shit and your life is literally on the line everyday.
My cousin is a flight attendant for Southwest, and I work at a office for a bigger international airline. Our flight attendants have to do six weeks unpaid training to boot (unless you transfer from within the company). I don't think flight attendant is a good pick for anyone who gets tired of jobs quickly, it's too much to invest in to decide in under a year that you don't want it.
No. 197728
>>197668YOOOO I'm the anon from here I finally got an interview with a game store I am excited
what do I do
No. 197729
what do I wear without seeming overly pretentious ?
its a shitty gamestore in the ghetto, and I don't wear pants much
No. 197730
>>197729Semi-formal, and be sure you're hygienic and don't smell.
If you have a power level, keep it relatively hidden.
Once knew a Gamestop manager who said he actively didn't hire too many nerdy people because they wouldn't be friendly/marketable to normies.
No. 197731
>>197730power level?
I look like a huge weeb though, I have round glasses, short hair (low neck), chubby, acne
thanks anon, I'll dress semi formal
No. 197759
>>197726>your life is literally on the line everydayB-but isn't air travel supposed to be really really safe?
I'm terrified of flying, used to love it but a pilot once lied to us passengers to get us to sit down whilst the aeroplane was literally at a 90deg angle with the horizon and I haven't been able to get on a plane since. He said it was due to the 'weather' but he was actually making circles because we were early and he couldn't land yet.
No. 197798

>>197734Have you thought of doing home-based work? It's not the most exciting, but if you can find a company that will let you work from home it's not too bad. Plus you'd have a lot of flexibility.
>>197759Flight attendants have to take out a life insurance policy specifically for accidental death, and some airlines make them sign a waiver that their family/friends can't sue the airline in case of death no matter the circumstance. Though you're entirely correct, commercial airplanes are extremely safe.
I meant more about the passengers. This one is the most recent mainstream story I've seen:
> and more people are flying because tickets are the cheapest they've been in a decade. Problem is, if you're an attendant on a budget carrier, you've got to put up with the kind of clientele the pricepoint attracts. There's a lot of assaults, harassments, and crazy/drunk people who are not in their right minds. People who don't travel frequently who think that their $200 roundtrip cattle class ticket is 'expensive' start a lot of shit because they act entitled, don't understand how things work, and don't know how to behave on planes.
During flight attendant training, you have to learn how to hog tie and restrain threatening passengers.
Just youtube 'passengers kicked off planes' and see the insane shit people tantrum over and the shit they cause.
No. 197810
>>131699Im crippling depressed and cant manage to finish my master thesis, since I dont want to be dragged into the hamster wheel of work-sleep-work-sleep-weekend-work
But im a fucking failure if I just dont do nothing and will end up as a fucking NEET…
No. 197811
i've been at the same job for years and want to quit but everything on craigslist just sucks and i've been looking for months. any other recruiting websites where people have had success?
>>197635no but i live in NJ
No. 200634
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The county is going to help me look for a job this month but it's only the first of the month and my mom's already pressuring me to call them (when they said they would call me some time) or else I have to find work at the mall this weekend. Why can't she wait and focus on one thing at a time?
The county helping me look for training or paying for college courses for me to attend is A LOT more important than some shitty retail job at the mall. I'm also sick of working fast food and retail mostly because of the types of people who work there except for mom n pop places which are okay but those places rarely hire. The mall has to be the worst though because then you have more little shits added to the picture. On top of that, she stole all my money so I was never able to buy a car when I was younger and I'd have to uber omw to and from work every day. That's fucking expensive when min wage is 7.25 where I live.
Get off my ass, mom!
No. 200645
I used to work at Gamestop several years back and it was shit.
>guy comes in, looks pretty unassuming
>puts some old shitty PS2 game and a receipt on the counter
>he purchased the thing many weeks prior for $4 and wanted to return it since he beat it
>tell him that he's past the two week return period and can't return it for his money back
>he starts to get pissed, but contains it and starts speaking through gritted teeth to ask if there's anything he can do
>tell him he can use the trade-in program although he won't get the same amount of money he paid for the game
>I can tell he's getting more and more angry but he asks what the trade in value would be anyway
>tell him that the game goes for $1 in store credit, significantly less in cash
>he finally can't hold the anger in anymore and chimps out and throws the game at me as hard as he could
>I duck and it hits the glass case behind me, cracking the glass
>he stomps out of the store, slamming the door behind him
>except this door is a metal frame with a big tempered glass pane in the center, so slamming the door causes the entire pane to crack and shatter (as much as tempered glass can)
>he pauses for a second when he hears the glass crack, then proceeds to powerwalk towards his car
>my manager runs out after him
>the guy starts threatening to beat the shit out of my manager, and since there were no security cameras in the parking lot he could get away with it, never mind that this was all taking place in the middle of the day
>my manager threatens to call the cops if he doesn't do something about the shattered glass
>the moment the cops are mentioned the guy clams up, then starts becoming extremely apologetic
>gives my manager his insurance company's card and his business card and begs him not to get the police involved
>the moment the guy got in his car my manager called the police
>turns out the guy had a warrant for his arrest for aggravated assault and battery
No. 200669
>>200647I did an interview for gamestop, I called them to tell them im interested still but its been a month and I never had a call back
honestly, at this point where I am, I don't give shit if I have to work in some garbage dumb in the fuck middle of nowhere with the bossiest bitchest co workers and boss and deal with rude customers on the daily for minimum wage… I'm really desperate for a job…
No. 202028
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Has anyone worked or know of what people working in the floral section at grocery stores do as part of the job? Would a floral clerk be the correct description? I want to apply but i dont know if it requires any sort of specialty or actual experience with arranging flowers. I'd like to just hop into it and learn something new if that's possible. I've always wanted to work with plants and even take college courses in horticulture (which includes flower arrangements) one day.
No. 202030
>>202028I know many people who've worked in floral section with 0 floral experience. most times they will have a main designer make the arrangments in the morning or beginning of the week and the others just sell them, upkeep them, process the boxes of new flowers, etc. you still get to work with flowers, but may not get to design right away. some places I know will eventually teach you some design. plus if u like it and want to work in an actual flower shop having that experience will looks nice on a resume!
I'm a florist and absolutely love it, a floral clerk is a great start and introduction into the flower world without being overwhelmed!
No. 202033
>>202028technically it's often a kind of florist job but as
>>202030 said you don't always need that type of experience. i have a degree in horticulture and i'm currently a literal farmhand ;-; at least i do get to work with plants and working the farmers market stand is really fun
No. 202055
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I'm a fucking nanny and I hate it. I made shitty decisions in my early 20's that has kept me from having a solid work history and has now made it hard for me to get hired at a real job. So, for the time being, to keep myself making some money until I can find a real job, I have resorted to watching people's kids… And I am a woman who has chosen to not have children, so it's definitely not my thing. I'm working towards fixing that, but I'm miserable for the time being and I realize it is my fault.
No. 202060
>>202028You'll get trained, but you'll start small in floral department. I was technically in fruit and veg, but pulled extra shifts in floral for valentines, mothers' day, etc. They'll start you off just wrapping bouquets and vases, filling balloons, keeping the coolers stocked, etc. A lot of grocery store flower arranging is going to be super basic aswell, because people don't really come to the grocery store for fancy floral arrangements, but you'll be trained to do arranging as well and will do it to keep the display cooler looking nice and well stocked at worst, and at best to have it sold. If you like art or design in general, and also like flowers, it's a pretty sweet gig, and if you haven't got floral experience but have got even a passing interest in it or in art, let the supervisor know at interview. You'll be fine anon. Good luck.
No. 202093
>>202084I would be quite happy with a cozy min wage job, I'm alone and I live frugally I'm happy with the minimum the only thing
I really like to spend on it fresh fruit and veg. It makes me sad when my family members look down on me for not being whatever they think I should be though.
No. 202119
>>202070Go back to school. Get a GED or whatever equivalent you've got if you're not in the US. Work PT to support yourself/your hobbies and to get experience while you're studying. You're not "too smart" for anything. Your perceived intelligence won't get you very far without some formal education/marketable skills.
>>202071Depending on where you live and what languages you speak, you can be an ESL/EFL tutor/teach other languages you know/work as a freelance translator. You have many skills, yeah? Are they marketable and in demand? You might be shooting for the wrong things if you're SOL with all these desirable traits under your belt.
No. 202140
>>202070>Doesn't help that everyone I know tells me i'm too smart for min wage jobs or whatever :(That's got nothing to do with anything and you come off as lazy and unintelligent from this alone.
Why didn't you start working toward getting your GED right away? Call the county and tell them to help you and they'll pay for it. That's what I did when I dropped out. And hey, I busted my ass making min wage and looking for a job. You HAVE to start somewhere. You're not gonna get an office job making 50k+ a year right away.
No. 204495
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Have no idea how to go about changing my "career" path. I have a degree but have worked in a non degree-related job for so long, my degree must be considered useless now. This job is not something I'd want to do for the rest of my life but you gotta pay bills.
I'd also like to move abroad to Asia (Hong Kong, China, Japan, not Korea tho) but that's not going to happen with my current skill set. And being a Eurofag, I wouldn't be able to go the easy English teaching route. Oh well.
No. 205123
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I'm new to the workforce (2 years) and genuinely confused how people working full-time can find another job when they need to. I've never been able to find a new job without quitting first and I'm getting discouraged because that's definitely a skill every grown adult needs.
I can't get time off, so I've only been on one interview since I started seriously looking and I didn't get that job. I work in a very small office and random days off come across as really suspicious unless you have kids ("kid was sick", etc.), so I don't feel at liberty to just say it's "personal business" and disappear or come in late/leave early. I'm already worried that they might fire me for not fitting the company culture, so I don't want to push my luck…
I need to leave this job asap, and I would have had at least 5 interview opportunities by now if only I could go to the interviews! The times when I've suggested Skype or by phone they say no and leave it at that. I know that people say you're more attractive on paper when you're employed, but this is so frustrating.
No. 205127
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>>205124It's from a Japanese office worker whose twitter became popular after she started posting some really sad art depicting her unhappy office worker life. That's probably why.
No. 205130
>>205129Anon, I wish I had some good advice for you, I don't but I'm sorry to hear that happened to you. Wage slavery really is a fucked up world, a lot of bosses have no morals whatsoever and I don't know how they sleep at night.
I'm frequently depressed and often worry about it costing me my job. I get my job done, but employers care so much about how smiley and "enthusiastic" you are that just doing a good job is often not enough…
No. 205136
>>205124It makes me feel because of how sunny and nice it is outside her window, but there she is waking up at 6am to go to work. She's slamming an energy drink and getting dressed before going into her painfully boring and stressful office job. Wherein she will spend any meaningful daylight hours until it's dark outside.
She cries before going into work wishing there could be any other way out of the cycle, but realistically, there isn't. This is her life now.
When she comes home she: fixes something to eat, has a measly few hours to herself, then has to go to bed to repeat the same cycle the next day.
Her place is disorganized and messy because she doesn't have the energy after work to do much domestic chores. Her days off are spent catching up with sleep and mentally recovering.
She doesn't get the time or the money to be able to decorate to make her drab surroundings more tolerable. She compensates for that in little things (the cute frog plushie and spotted pajamas), but ultimately her domicile reflects how her life revolves around work; hangars above the bed to make dressing in the morning easier.
>Can you tell I fucking hate my life? No. 205253
>>205123I was job hunting and going to interviews while I was employed in my last job and I'm going to job interviews while working on my current job now. Here's what I did/am doing:
- Have the interview early in the morning, say I had to stay at home in the morning to collect a package/wait for the plumber to come
- Say I had a dentist/doctors appointment in the middle of the day or early in the morning
- Took a sick day and went to the interview
- Schedule the interview during my lunch break. Since I was in a bit of a rush to get there and back during my lunch break I used Ubers for quick transport
- Arrange to get to work earlier so I could leave earlier and go to the job interview before COB.
You'll need to strategically vary your excuses of course so it's harder for your employer to catch on. However, if they do start getting suspicious — let them. You can't control what other people think.
Also don't worry too much about having a job secured before looking for the next one if it can't be helped. Employers will ask about the gap in employment but just say you wanted to direct your full attention into finding a new job or anything else that sounds amicable.
I've been contacted by a lot of recruiters lately and have been meeting up with them for interviews without any follow up afterwards. I feel that the more interviews I go to, the harder my job search will be to hide so I understand the frustration.
No. 205324
>>205253Thanks anon, this is good advice.
I'm a shit liar so I've always looked for ways to avoid it, but I'm realizing now that I'll just have to be creative. I dunno if this works, but I thought a bank meeting could also be a good excuse, since a lot of banks close early.
Good luck with your search, though. That's exactly why I usually avoid recruiters, there's no guarantee they'll do anything but add you to their roster and move on…
But oh well, such are the ways of the world. And you're right, what's the point of worrying they'll find out if you're trying to leave anyway. I have to keep these things in mind.
No. 213963
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Work as an archivist/records administrative assistant for a hospital. It's boring, and can be pretty stressful at times, but the pay is good. Only problem is working a 40hr/week desk job is depressing as all hell.
No. 213968
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I'm 23 and I feel like I'm going nowhere in life.
Gave up on university after 4 years of doing absolutely nothing. Even though it was a field that I loved it was like all passion I had for it was drained out of me the second studying it became an obligation instead of something I did in my free time. Just like everything else in my life.
By pure luck, being european meant knowing English on top of my own language, and my being a weeb pushed me to study Japanese, leading me to my current translation job, started 2 years ago.
But there's no contract, I get paid weekly, and I suppose it's technically a dead-end job. I won't be able to use this job as reference for anything (for various reasons), and it feels like I'm just buying time until I lose it and I'm left 25+ years old without any education titles and technically no working history.
I'm trying to study for some language certifications to at least get some prospects, but it feels like wasted time knowing that companies for some obscure reason value language based degrees (which only give you a pathetic intermediate knowledge of the language) highter than actual language certifications (which go up to native level)
And then, even if everything goes to plan, EVEN if things to well…the fact remains that translation is a soulcrushingly monotonous job, it's like being an egyptian scribe, or an amanuensis. And anything web-based will be taxed for like 60% of its value.
I just don't want to live forever working menial jobs and crying about having wasted my whole life.
No. 213974
>>213963Do you deal with the public at all?
I work 40 per week as a call center agent. Has all the stresses of dealing with poor internal systems plus the aggravation of dealing with retarded customers back to back. I'm getting sick of it and I'm looking to find a different job just to get out by next year.
No. 213980
>>213975I already have a Cambridge C2 passed with merit, and I'm taking the N1 next summer since I was too late to apply for the December session.
My fear is that they won't be enough though. The C2 and the N1 both prove a native proficiency of the language, but they're still considered less of a proof of skill than a language degree (English Lit: B2-C1, Asian Studies: N3-2).
Even ignoring that, I'm still worried about the giant 18-24 hole they'd see in my CV. Plus, translation is a horrible profession. I'd like to get into game localization, or being an interpreter, but we're stepping into the realm of "Needs technically worthless degree" again.
No. 213985
>>213980What about going back to school?
I literally have taken the same path as you (dropped out from college, gone into freelance translation English/my language and realized I was pretty much stuck because no 'real' job would want me without a degree in translation). You're still young, you have time to go back, get a degree (even if it's not something you really like, in Europe, just having a bachelor will open you at least some doors) and have a career.
No. 214002
>>213985>What about going back to school?I'm afraid it's going to kill my passion for languages, just like it killed my love for computers as soon as I got started on my degree, and just like it temporarily killed my progress when I joined an high-intensity course for my Japanese.
It's a mental block I've always had, lately I've started thinking of it like an handicap, or an illness. It's like I can do just fine and put in an astounding amount of hours into anything as long as it's out of my own will, but as soon as it's an obligation or commitment of some kind my willpower goes to shit.
I feel like that's a bit OT though. Bottomline is that I'm looking into whatever qualifications you can get without being forced to follow a course, but it's hard. The job market is built on top of the degree mill industry after all.
No. 214090
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>>214058Which country are you in anon?
I turned 21 this year and I still have several high school classes bc I spent a sizable portion of that time either hospitalized, locked up in a mental ward or just staying home because I couldn’t deal with reality. I hated myself for taking so much longer, felt retarded and worthless and like my life was ruined. I didn’t think I deserved to pursue my dream career because I’d already blown it.
Fast-forward a few years, I’m finishing off my remaining classes in a supportive and happy environment at pace that works for me, I get the high grades I never believed I’d be able to achieve making my chances of studying what I desire that much higher, have actual fun doing school work and for the first time since I was a preteen I have hope for the future.
Being angry with yourself for “wasting” years of your life isn’t going to bring those years back. It’s better to forgive yourself for those few years and embrace the future because otherwise you’ll be wasting your whole life. A few high school years is nothing. The remainder of your life is so much greater than that.
Take the time you need, anon. From a clinically depressed socially inept wreck of an sperg-chan who used to want to kill herself over the very reasons you described, you still got this. Good luck.
No. 214129
>>214090I'm from Scandinavia.
I thought no one would bother replying, thank you so much for bothering to reply. You have no idea how much it means to me.
I've spent so much time crying over how much of an disappointment I am to myself and everyone around me. I feel so incredibly stupid.
Your story reminds me a lot of myself. I speant most of my high school just wanting to get out and get my diploma because of mental illness. I didn't really get a proper idea of what I wanted to do because of everything going on with myself and around me. It sucks that I still have to take high school subjects despite having my diploma.
I hope you reach your goals too, anon.
No. 214151
>>214129I’m the same anon again and I’m from Scandinavia too! Which country?
I’m glad! I was worried I sperged out too much and the post got too blogposty haha.
I truly hope you’ll reach your goals too. I’m sure you’ll manage if you do everything at your own pace and cut yourself some slack every once in a while. Life happens. We’ll both get through this, anon.
No. 214183
>>214151Small world, huh! Or should i say that Scandinavia is small? lol
I'm so happy that I'm not alone in all of this (even though I don't wish for anyone else to be in the same boat as me). I see everyone being so accomplished and doing this and that and it feels like I'm still not going anywhere.
I'm from Norway. So I have to go up as an "privatist" and pay around 4000 dollars for my fucking high school studies.
Now I'm curious where you're from!
No. 214248
>>214015At the moment the job market here is infamous for the outrageous education requirements, on top of the scarcity of positions in any field.
Don't know how it is in other countries, but here they have taken the "internship" meme to the extreme, as a way to go even a decade without paying anyone, too.
So people desperate for CV experience will be literally doing it for free, making the job market even worse.
No. 214251
>>214249>>214250My GPA is pretty shit, but I was able to land interviews/advance to final rounds due to extensive networking and being really involved in school + work experience. I will look at other streams like risk…asset management… too. I think I would really like to try out investment banking or one of those lucrative high stress jobs once, maybe just for the fulfillment of my ego and FOMO. But I think I've come to terms that it might not happen immediately.
Should I offer to work for free? At this point, I just really want something on my resume and an opportunity for a job after graduation.
No. 214271
>>214183Omg ikr?! Especially on lolcow of all sites lmao
I know the feeling! That’s the feeling/thing I was the most terrified of in the past- being so far behind everyone else and being too old by the time I’m finished. People used to tell me this all the time back then but I refused to acknowledge it at the time: a lot of people our age work a few years before they decide what they want to study. You’ll see people who start studying in their late twenties/early thirties and everyone sees it as completely normal, if not average. My siblings are proof of that haha. (Hell, my current classmate is in his sixties finishing off his high school classes. He’s really cool and has had an awesome life.) You’ll be surprised how many will be the same age/in the same situation as you once you hit uni!
Oh my god I’m so sorry. I had no idea you guys had it like that. Have you absolutely no kind of safety net or insurance or anything? Don’t you get money from the state when you study or anything? Is there no way to get around that cost?
I’m from Sweden! Your next door neighbor haha. I study at Komvux which is free and we get money from the state so we can make ends meet and pay for books and stuff.
I thought we all had the same system within Scandinavia and I’m so sorry you guys have it like that. Sounds like some ‘murican capitalist haven shit. Send the system a giant 18K gold middle finger once you’re rich and successful fam.
If you wanna talk more about school or whatever else outside of this thread I posted in the /g/ Friend Finder a few days ago (the only Swede lol). Feel free too hmu if you like!
Again, best of luck my Sexy Scandinavian™ friend.
No. 214298
>>214271Aww, I'm gonna send you a message!
I wish we didn't have such a weird system here in Norway. Sweden has a better system, in my opinion. Norway has a relatively low high school graduation rate actually, it's worse the further north you go. I wish we had something like komvux here too.
It costs around 1000 NOK for one exam in a subject you haven't taken before and around 2000 NOK for a subject you already have a grade in.
I have no right to any high school level teaching anymore. I have to pay to go to an private school for that.
I have no way around it, I have to pay. I can take up loans, but of course I'll have to pay it all back. I get no financing or scholarships.
>>214284Voksenopplæring is only for people who hold no high school diploma. If you do have an high school diploma, you can sign up if they have any places left to attend classes but you still have to pay a big sum just to attend. So even if I went for voksenopplæring instead of privatist, I still have to pay the exam fee AND the fee for attending classes. Voksenopplæring is reserved for people who are 25+ anyways.
Do you go to any schools? Like Akademiet, Bjørknes or Sonans? I'm signing up for sonans.
Rip being a Norwegian I guess lol
No. 218805
So I'm a tattoo artist. I started at a tattoo shop, but now I'm working at home, because all the shops in my city are shitty and I don't want to apply there. Also I do some graphic design in the meantime.
I like doing it, but I earn barely enough for rent, food and supplies, and even when I get some extra cash I have to save it in case next month I won't have enough clients or something happens. This uncertainty if I'm gonna survive the next month is depressing and killing my creativity.
Then I go on social media and see people buying expensive stuff and going on vacation and trips and it really makes me wanna drop this whole art thing (even tho I think I'm good at it and progress fast) and get boring, unproductive job just to have stable income and have nice things.
For quite some time I thought money doesn't matter as long as I do something I like and it's creative and makes other people happy, but I'm not sure if it's worth it.
With friend we're thinking about opening our own tattoo shop in the future, but need money to do this and stable client base (ours are growing but I think it's not enough), and still it's pretty risky…
What should I do? The best way seem to be getting part time job but these are extremely hard to find where I live, aspecially without experience…
No. 219416
I really want to go back to college and get a degree in writing/art so I can stop being a retail wage slave for shitty hours and no benefits.
a few years ago I was in a really high stress, high demand, high competition college program, and i had a mental breakdown due to overloading myself w/ work on top of chronic physical illness. and developed several psychiatric illness as a result of a psychotic meltdown. I've really been trying to put my life back together by getting a job, but I'm still stuck living w/ my mother at age 25, and working for fucking peanuts and hardly able to afford healthcare bills.
My state has a scholarship program (the new york free tuition for state colleges thing) , and theres a college that has my major/minor (creative writing and marketing) but they require several academic/professional references and it's just… I have no ZERO friends, all my previous college credits are STEM, and I have absolutely no personal connections toany community. I think that I write really well creatively, but I have nothing to back it up academically. I feel like I hit a brick wall by not having any social game. I made no friends in college because we were all fighting each other to be #1, but it seems like majors in the art actually REQUIRE social interaction, which I've had almost none of for my entire life.
No. 219797
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I really don't know what to do with my life. I'm trying to get job interviews for an internship but I feel like I barely have any chance to get that stupid mandatory internship because of my degree and the fact that I can't move out of my city because of the lack of money and the insane rent prices in some cities. I think I'm also not taken seriously in general for reasons out of my control. I almost want to give up and move on.
I'm not particularly ambitious but seeing that I probably wasted 5 years of my life on college, which I always hated, just to be stuck in a shitty retail job pisses me off. Just because of my general lack of luck, opportunities and money, not even because I'm a bad student and get shitty grades.
Oh, and shout out to recruiters who know that students look for an internship for their last year to gain work experience for the first time and expect said students to already have work experience that you can ONLY get after graduating. You can all go fuck yourselves.
Also I'm tired of my part-time retail job and my shitty managers who tell me to wear specific shoes even though the company doesn't even provide them. And I'm also tired of them asking me and the other employees to do stupid shit so THEY can get a raise, especially while there are more urgent tasks to complete. And I just don't like the atmosphere where you have to act like you get along so well with the staff in a way that's completely artificial, it's annoying. There are colleagues that I like a lot, some less, I'm still polite with everyone but I'm sick of some of them telling me about their sex lives and other things that are too personal like we're all bffs. Also, I hate the customers and I'm so close to insulting one of them I'm surprised I haven't done it yet.
No. 220350
I finished college, but I can't do shit with my degree, I don't want to lock myself into a postgraduate/masters that I mightn't actually want to do, so I'm working retail after four years of college. I've been in the same place since I finished college in 2016.
Admittedly I'm on a pretty decent wage for retail (not in US but it's the equivalent of over $14/hr), and I was enjoying it up until a few weeks ago. I'm always in pain (for maybe two years or more), never diagnosed for anything and don't want to go down the self-diagnosis route, but I have widespread joint and muscle pain almost every day. Even standing all the time it didn't used to bother me hugely, it wasn't always such a big problem, maybe it was just the Christmas rush, but getting ready every day has become such a huge effort for me, I nearly feel like crying.
I have no social life even though I often only work 20-30 hours a week. I feel so pathetic. I have no energy to meet friends on my days off or after work. I get out maybe once a month, if that.
I have no useful skills. Absolutely none. My bf works in IT and makes a killing without even having finished college (dropout), because he was always interested in that sort of stuff and essentially taught himself for 8+ years. I have nothing I can dedicate myself to fully like that.
I probably sound like such a whiny shit because I know that I have one of the better paying retail jobs, but I feel like I'm at a dead end. I can't take up sports or classes for anything because reducing my availability in work means fewer hours and less money. I've considered doing a lot of language self-study but I don't know how it'd be of any use to me unless I did proficiency exams or something.
Sorry, this is all a bit of a rant. I just feel like I'm in a bit of a rut.
No. 220393
>>220373Hey you stupid dyke, it's little worthless shits like you who make our jobs six times more annoying. Even though your lazy ass is too fucking daft to do a simple task, there is still work that needs to be done in retail. Product is not going to hit the sales floor itself, the floor isn't going to be magically rearranged for every different season and new event; therefore you going above and beyond to do something rather than being the world's most useless paperweight means that you get to go home earlier and be a fat lazy bum. And hey! Bonus points: the better you do at your job means the more money we're willing to give you! Holy shit golly gee what a concept! We all know inept trash like yourself are so quick to bitch and whine about being broke and having no money but still being too stupid to understand that if you actually did your job then you would make money.
-Signed 10/10 Mad Management
No. 220404
>>220393Not all retail works the way yours does, which you're clearly very ignorant of. And I'm glad you've made it your career to work in retail management, putting that degree to good use.
I just really dislike the corporate dishonesty that encourages and survives through the current retail labor situation.
No. 220412
>>220404You do realize that there are people in management who don't have a degree and just worked their way up, right? Which proves my point. Let alone just being able to do your job means you get more hours which means more money for you to blow on big macs and hohos. Which again proves my point.
Retail is retail, it's all the same. There's still work that needs to be done and it would be really nice not having bitchy, ungrateful sales associates who actually have a sense of work ethic instead of doing nothing and complaining about bum fuck nothing to help get that work done. If you don't like the job, get a new one cause there is literally nothing stopping you. Hell, the hours your dumbass is hogging can be given to another employee who is a delight to be around and actually tries.
No. 220415
>>220412You really are projecting here about the whining. I also said it was mindless work that was easy, and that busting my hump wouldn't get me any more money than just moving along and smiling at customers.
>>220412>and actually tries.I'm saying that the only people who benefit from trying are the company who doesn't give a shit about either of us, and maybe a tiny bit you. I could forgive your attitude if you were running your own company, sure, but not if you're some corporate drone.
No. 220423
>>220393>>220412I'm the anon who posted to complain about it first. I'm actually doing my job far better than most people in my department and I get along well with my colleagues, and it has nothing to do with the fact that I'm asked on a regular basis to do stupid and useless shit that doesn't help customers or any of my colleagues and doesn't help keep the store clean or boost sales whatsoever. And it's annoying at best. I won't give more details on that because it's useless and could give a hint as to where I work but you're really projecting.
Also,I noticed that in my store the ones who are really pissing off supervisors and managers as well as some of the staff and are lazy as fuck aren't the part-time workers who are also students but either the newest employees or the employees that got hired when the store opened. All the colleagues that actually do give a shit about doing a good job before going back home say this specific task is useless and a waste of time that we could use to help colleagues.
>Bonus points: the better you do at your job means the more money we're willing to give you!Maybe only when you're a manager though. I get more things done in an hour than most of my colleagues and yet we're paid the same. So again, stop projecting and interpreting our posts the wrong ways.
No. 220424
>>220373I think the only people shitting on your thoughts about this are lower management anons who work in good company cultures and teams. Being in a poor-performing store with shit pay, no incentives, and clueless management is the absolute worst.
I once worked in a rural area for a discount clothing chain and I 100% felt the pressure about having to sell/upsell people things like credit cards. When I started, we had to get at least 5 cards a day, no matter what, in a store that didn't average more than 100 customers a day during non-holiday times. Sometimes when we were desperate we'd make our own employees sign up for one.
Middle management didn't give a fuck about us. Lower management (cashier managers) pretended to care because it was the only way to keep us motivated with no incentives or proper pay, but even they would take their anger out on employees if we couldn't meet the quotas.
What's worse is, say, if we had a
good day (overshot our credit card goals and got 9 approved), it would be sent to regional management and we would get a patronizing letter stating that because we accomplished it once, our ~*~superb and excellent~*~ team could increase signups to 10
everyday from then on!!!
We were supposed to be grateful for the meager 10% discount we got, and some days 20% (let us reward you by giving you a discount when you put your paycheck back into our store). There was no such thing as commission, profit sharing (even though it is a multi-million dollar company), good benefits, nor union. I think sometimes we had cheesy holiday competitions but only the favorites would ever win and the prizes were shit.
I'm fortunate enough to currently work in a company that does call center sales. As much as I hate my job, it has great benefits, travel perks, a union, profit-sharing, and I just found out everyone in my company is getting a $1000 bonus check this quarter. No commission, but hey, at least it's 20 steps working above normal retail.
No. 220466
>>220423>>220423Bruh, you work retail. Why do you think you're above doing stupid shit? As a sales associate your only job is customer service and straightening up and when that's done then what's left to do is the stupid meager tasks that is impossible for you to screw up while I'm in the back or on the floor doing shit that keeps the store running and the bosses on my ass happy. I can't keep you on the clock while you pick your butt and talk about the 15 dicks you sucked on Saturday night.
>>220424At least you were smart enough to leave that shithole. The simple fact is if a place is being a shithole of a place to work then you need to leave it and find a new job. Why stay at a shitty place, have a bad attitude about it and complain about it to everyone on the damn staff on the clock, and then have the nerve to pretend your worthless ass is a victim? No, you're not a victim, you're just lazy and compliant with getting ass pats from others who feel the same way. Hurry up and leave the damn place so some hours can be freed up for people who actually deserve it.
No. 220498
>>220474I don't work retail. I have a post-graduate degree and am currently sitting in my office and since I already finished my charting, I can dick around on the Interwebz. Prior to getting my degrees, I did work retail and honestly, your job as a manager should be helping motivate people to work. Retail is soulless, demoralizing work and while I was grateful to have a job and did my work rather well, I noticed management was so out of touch with the people on the sales floor that it would be laughable if it was not so sad.
If you want loyal employees, you have to treat them well. Sure you can replace the shitbags, but you are going to have to interview, train them, and then the cycle will repeat unless management style changes. If you keep noticing shit employee after shit employee, pause and think what you and the company you work for can possibly do differently.
No. 220508
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>Why stay at a shitty placeBecause some people don't have options.
When I worked there I was a grad student who just needed some extra money but couldn't take on a full time job.
Others came from poor backgrounds and had no way to gain employment mobility via seeking education or moving away for better prospects.
I only got my job when I moved six states away after graduating. My hometown is garbage with no job opportunities if you don't work for local government or are a specialist like a doctor. No tech jobs, no industry jobs, no tourism jobs. Nada. Just working ass at customer service a la Wal Mart and other big box retail/fast food that's prominent in bumfuck nowherevilles.
>have a bad attitude about it and complain about itBeing able to criticize the work environment is how improvements for lower level employees happen. Changes that benefit the low employees come to the detriment of the profit margins of the higher ups.
That's why you've got places like Wal Mart who are severely anti-union and like to brainwash lower management (you) into thinking anyone who criticizes the workplace is a no good, entitled dependa who just wants an easy ride. The best countries in the world give their employees decent benefits, decent pay, and foster positive work environments. Only retarded wage slaves think cracking the whip above peoples' heads is how you create productive work.
But other than that? Yes, I was very glad to leave that toxic place because I know people like you were just looking for their next victim to domineer.
>tfw having a second degree yet being bossed around by clueless idiots like prego Susanne on her third unwed child thinking she knows better because she's been assistant store manager for five yearsHaha. No thanks indeed!
No. 220536
>>220474Ok so now I have more time and my laptop so I can give you a more detailed answer. I'm that anon
>>219797 btw, since it's easy to confuse other anons who agree with me at this point.
>Why do you think you're above doing stupid shit? As a sales associate your only job is customer service and straightening upI literally complained about how some of our tasks have nothing to do with keeping the store clean or customer service, we sometimes are asked to not do that and bother clients for some shitty online survey in which we ask them to give our store the best score possible so the managers can get a raise. Here's the thing, you'd think it's useful because answers can help the management if there are things the customers don't like or find annoying but they don't give a shit about that. They just want their high score and money, and sometimes prevent us from actually working just for that. I have spend some days doing almost only that. It's annoying and useless to me, if they care that much maybe they can just do it themselves instead of asking me to do it and tell me that I'm not good enough and blah blah blah just because I CAN'T force customers to answer the survey. Do you understand now? I also complained about managers telling to wear black shoes even though the ones I bought for the job are beyond fucked up and I couldn't buy new ones. AND where I work, employers have the obligation to provide you with whatever you need, including your uniform and in that case, the fucking shoes. Wow I need to spend money to work, how great!
>I can't keep you on the clock while you pick your butt and talk about the 15 dicks you sucked on Saturday night.I also literally complained about people who do that shit, why do you assume I do that too when I think this attitude is unprofessional and annoying? Again, you have some shitty reading comprehension and assumed this about out of nowhere, or confuse me for another anon and also completely assume that she does that.
>The simple fact is if a place is being a shithole of a place to work then you need to leave it and find a new job. Why stay at a shitty place, have a bad attitude about itThat's not possible for everyone, are you a spoiled brat? I know this isn't directed at me but I'm a student and work part-time, and where I live the mere fact that I have a job is a miracle, and it's not even a shithole. With my salary and my scholarship I can't even live by myself so literally how am I supposed to go find a job somewhere else? I stop studying and get a full-time job that won't even get me enough money to even pay rent because I don't have a degree yet? You see what I mean? As
>>220508 said it's not a matter of choice and some people are stuck in shitty situations and jobs.
Also from the way you speak you seem to be a shitty manager. You're not just supposed to give orders, you have to motivate them. Are you salty because your staff shit talks you behind your back even though they most likely have good reasons to do so? It's not because the job isn't difficult that it's not annoying or even a pain in the ass for some people. Of course I'm going to complain in a thread about jobs here to feel a bit better when I see that customers piss and shit in the fitting rooms, leave period blood on the clothes they try, make all the clothes on some table fall on purpose and then smugly say that we're supposed to pick it up because that's your job, sometimes straight up insult you and threaten you with violence, etc., all of that on a regular basis. That and what I explained earlier. You assume, again, that I straight up go to the managers and whine about everything like I'm not doing my job because you're an idiot.
No. 220561
>>220466>Bruh, you work retail. Why do you think you're above doing stupid shit?
>Hurry up and leave the damn place so some hours can be freed up for people who actually deserve it.I love this two-faced mentality all retail/food service management has. Your employees don’t deserve a living wage because the job is ~so easy~ but then you act like you gave them everything in life bc they work there and they owe you?
The truth is that retail and food service are shitty jobs because they have shitty managers like you who use their meager position of slight authority to belittle and degrade whoever they feel is “below” them. Pro tip: that makes you a shitty person. Funny how certain people can consider themselves too good to do certain jobs and mock people who
have to, but then as soon as the overworked, underpaid baristas at Starbucks misspell your name you have to go on a tirade about what a worthless failure they are and how easy their job is.
Funny how the worst assholes who cause all the problems can only blame it on the working poor they’re actively keeping down.
No. 221347
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So at the end of this month, I might be going to a foreign country for a business trip. By business trip I mean I’ll be pretty much left to my own device to research and set up our company’s operations there. And i’m just so anxious. Not the good kind of anxious like I can’t wait for it to happen. But the kind that makes you stay up all night with dread and makes you want to run away never to be seen again.
I know I shouldn’t feel this way. It is a really safe country and I know the language, kind of. And if things go well I might become the country manager and manage our operations there. It would mean so much for my career, if I just say yes. Yes, i accept you offer. Yes, I can do it. Yes, Iwant to do it. But I just can’t.
I wish I was confident, had the can-do attitude, woke up every morning feeling like i can do everything. But instead i’m just this anxious mess who dreads waking up every morning.
How do you even stop being such a failure? I hate myself so much.
No. 221366
>>221347The only way to start accomplishing things is by taking that offer anon! You only listed positive things other than your own feelings of anxiousness, and to me it says you want to do this. No one wakes up happy
every morning. Even the most successful people struggle with the same feelings. Don't let what could be an amazing opportunity just slip by, you'll end up regretting it and wondering "what if".
No. 221846
I've been working at my current job for about a year and a half now. I like the people I work with and it's a good environment, but it doesn't seem like there's room for much advancement. I've talked with some of my coworkers (who have worked there for 7+ years) and despite being proficient in many different areas and departments, they've only received a raise twice, maybe three times. They're also continuously being told that "there's a pay restructuring happening", but never see anything from it.
So, on a whim, I applied yesterday another job in my area (both where I live and a field I work in)… and they called me back in less than 24 hours. I have an interview with them Friday morning and they're already offering me a higher pay than what I am currently making (depending on what they go with, it would be a $1-$3/hr increase).
I talked with the person I directly report to, and she says I should go for it… but maybe wait until after I see how the interview goes and everything before I mention it to our supervisor (just in case it doesn't turn out well or something). She even helped me with a believable excuse as to why I'd be showing up late.
I'm just nervous because if it goes well and I think what I would be doing would allow me to advance further, I will be 99% likely to take the job. I feel bad, however, leaving my current job because there's a lot of things that rely solely on me and who I report to to get done and there's not really a back up person for that. I guess that's really more of their problem for not hiring people who want to advance/eager to learn… because that's how I moved up so quickly: I always wanted to learn more to be able to help and do more.
I've just never been in a position like this because my current job is my first full-time one out of college.
No. 221853
Starting to get really fucking annoyed with my manager and fellow coworkers in my shitty retail wageslave job. My rationale is that once I get the schedule for the next week, I schedule all the other shit I have to do on the days that I have off. The problem is that without fail, every single day I'm not on the schedule, they will call me to come in. EVERY DAY. I have a feeling this is partially my fault because in the early days of working here, I went in whenever they asked because I didn't quite hate the job yet and wanted all the hours possible since I get paid shit. Because of that, I don't know if I really have the right to bitch about this.
The one thing that really irritates me is one specific incident where I was on call while my manager was scheduled to work open to close. I was EXTREMELY ill that week, and I was only supposed to go in for one hour (which is ridiculous) so I figured I can push through it. However once I get there my manager made up some dumb story about how she wanted to go to dinner with her mom (who lives here. she can do that anytime) and can I please cover the rest of the night for her? The problem is that she knows I can't say no, because technically I'm on call so they know I'm available. She can see that I'm sick, can't talk without going into a painful coughing fit, and have a throbbing headache. I say yes anyway, and she leaves to go get dinner or whatever. It's been pointed out to me by other employees that she always does shit like this - leaves early and dumps her work on someone else. This is the fucking manager lmao.
Anyway so after I did that I very naively (and with a bit of entitlement that I'll admit to) expected them to kind of like me more because I'm willing to go out of my way to cover for them and go in on days I'm not scheduled to work. But NO. They even started to stick me with all the shitty hours, like working on both NYE and New Years Day alone from open to close with no help. They leave me there alone when we have back to back double booked appointments even though they're not supposed to do that. She always says she can't find someone else on call to come help me, but ANYTIME someone else is working and needs help she will go in and help them. I'm the only one who gets stuck alone with 4 people in the waiting room and I have to explain that we're understaffed to angry customers. My manager also has an attitude with me all the time which can't be helped.
So I guess my question, specifically directed towards any managers who may be here, is that if I suddenly stopped going out of my way to help, cover shifts, and go in on my day off, will I most likely get fired? I'm assuming it will reflect very negatively on me, but I just can't stand it anymore. Everytime I see their texts or calls pop up on my phone i KNOW they're going to ask me to come in and I get so angry. I almost want to ask them why they don't hire more people so that they don't have to do this. Plus as far as I know, I'm the only one who gets this treatment. Everyone else gets their days off unbothered.
I don't even care about this job, in fact I despise it. But I also don't want to lose it because a job is a job and I haven't found anything else yet. I know I sound like a spoiled ungrateful bitch saying all this, but I'm just really annoyed and want to rant.
All I can say is don't get an art degree guys, lest you end up back in retail. I know we all want to professionally pursue the things we are passionate about, but it just isn't worth it anymore. Dumbest decision of my life. Now I'm 23 and if I wanted to go for another degree, I'd have to start all over and I'd be in school until I'm 27. I'm a dumbass.
No. 223288
>>221846You need to do what's best for you anon. It's nice that you feel that way about your current job, though. The thing is, they probably managed to get by before you came along and will continue to do so even after you leave. The best you can do is give them ample notice and do as much as you can before your final day. But take whatever good opportunity comes your way.
>>221347Sometimes just taking the plunge is easier said than done. Believing in yourself is also extremely hard. But sometimes you got to just force it. Whoever gave you the offer thought you were a good candidate and capable of the job. Even if you have to lie to yourself, don't give up this chance. What your feeling is normal, but don't let it stop you from advancing!
No. 223557
>>223288Thank you, Anon! I had my interview this morning and I felt like it went really well. I got interviewed 3 separate times (once by one of the owners, and then by people in two departments where I could potentially be working) and it felt like a place where I would be able to grow and advance due to changes coming to the work place in the coming years. The people that I met were also very nice and it seemed like a relaxed environment.
They're also going to start rolling out a 401K plan in the next couple years, as well… which is a major plus because that's not something I even have the option for at my current job.
No. 225369
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about to graduate cosmetology school in ~3 weeks. i feel set up in a really good position because i'll be graduating with great references, a ton of experience/skills, decent student portfolio, my full kit, and i've had a job in my field since before i even started school. beauty school full-time and part-time salon work without a car and depending on my legs + public transport to get me everywhere has been the hardest thing i've ever done in my effing life at 25. i have worked my a s s off fam. but i deserve to go far in this field, and i know i will. my work ethic alone is worth gold, not to mention the skills i've polished up on and gotten bretty fucking good at.
my life isn't perfect; i need/desperately want to get my own apartment within the next ~3 months, really need to get my junker car fixed an/or just get a new one (if i can afford it) and i don't really like my current salon and really want to go elsewhere. but i know above all else, i will be ok. the confidence school has given me is invaluable, my people skills have gotten really really polished. not to mention i've lost ~30 lbs and counting from the lack of time to eat, and all the standing, walking, and movement my job requires.
believe me when i say i was a chubby fuckin sperg when i started this field. now i can finally fit into brand, my bf thinks i'm a beautiful fucking angel, my confidence is off the charts and my paychecks aren't bad either. anons - if you put your mind, body, and heart into something - you can do it! don't give up.
No. 225385
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>>225381thank you kind anon <3! same to you.
>>225383hey there, no prob! i honestly have no idea but it's cute isn't it? i saved the original file from tumblr, glitch edit done by me in gimp. ; u;
No. 225437
I've been working since I graduated high school in various jobs. Hotel housekeeping, paper delivery, office work, customer service and sales. It's nice to have experience on my CV, but since they've all been kind of "shitty" jobs with low salary, I'm tired. I'm ready to get an education.
I spend almost all of my free time learning creative stuff like drawing, writing and making music. I love it, but I never thought of taking an art education or similar because it doesn't get me a job. Plus I know that making your passion your job can result in you hating it in the end, so I've always been careful about keeping my job life and my personal hobbies separated.
A friend of mine who's getting an education in 3D design and animation suggested I do too. She thought it would suit me perfectly as it's a skill that I can use to broaden my personal projects as well as open doors to jobs more relevant to my interests, without it ending up in mixing my hobby and career.
Reading up on the study it claims that you can work with everything from visualizing products for companies to making commercials, web material and sales, but I can't help but feel in the back of my mind that this is just a fancy version of an art education. Cool and creative, but in the end useless on the job market.
This is the first time I've been truly excited about the idea of an education, but everyone aside from my friend who studies 3D advices me not to. One family member acted downright insulted that I would consider something so reckless rather than going into health care, business or studying something that will "prevent you from being a burden to society".
And I know they're right. So here I am. Stuck at writing applications for studies that will pay the bills.
I feel like I'm always going to be split in half. Work-me and hobby-me. It's not necessarily a bad thing, but it brings me down knowing that over half of my life will be spent working jobs that don't really interest me. That's most people's lives, I guess.
No. 225444
>>225385I love it! Do you also have the unedited version of
>>225369 ?
No. 225486
>>225437I'd say go for it, but be prepared to bust your fucking ass being the best you can be. Creative careers are funny because you either succeed and the rewards are lucrative; or you don't and have to crash back into standard jobs feeling worse than most because you "failed" your way there.
I'm saying this as someone who trained as a MUA when I left school and then studied English at college… I wasn't amazing at either and now I'm stuck doing low wage shit jobs. Trust me, it's worse from the other side of hope. So good luck, I hope you win!
No. 225947
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I majored in graphic design. I kinda regret it now, because there aren't many graphic design related jobs where I live. I need to move out of state, but my grandmother is my only mode of transportation for now and I'm tied down to her. Even worse, my computer crashed and I lost most of my GD work, so I have nothing to show for it. I feel like I wasted my time. I don't even have any work experience at all, so I'm fucked. I'm only 19, but I'm running out of time. I can't rely on my grandmother forever.
Also I realized that I wanted to be a photographer. Most studios ask for experience and I don't know how to freelance.
No. 225962
>>225947 You could try selling stock images online, I don't think people get a lot of money from it but it'll get your work out there at least.
If you did any of that stuff for school I would also recommend asking your teachers if they have anything saved, too. I'm a GD major and our professor saves all the work files we give him for a few semesters.
No. 269535
>>269533anon, it sounds like you really fucked up, just apologize for it and don't tell them why unless they ask you explicitly.
you need to be
asking your manager if you can do these things rather than just doing them, since it sounds like you have a monitored internal company email.
No. 271850
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I'm a teacher with a degree in grades 1-5 and a Master's in special education. In September I'll be working at my current full time job for a year, which is basically a pre-k center for underprivileged kids. Before I got the job I felt so much pressure to get a "real" teaching job, like one in a traditional school. I used to be a substitute teacher but quite frankly I hated it.
In the end, I was thrilled to finally get a full time job and sort of prove to myself that I was capable as my classmates, but right now I'm in a position where I don't know what to do with my life. The job itself is okay, I love interacting with kids but my coworkers for the most part suck and there's barely room for advancement. I keep telling myself I'll only stay another year but I'm deathly afraid of stagnating, and even a few coworkers warned me to keep looking for better positions out there.
My parents have been encouraging me to apply for other jobs but I have no idea what to do. I feel especially pressured now that my old classmates are working full time in schools or overseas. I feel like my resume and experience is severely lacking compared to my old classmates so I'm scared to apply for other jobs. I'm scared of being burdened with more responsibility and I don't know if I'll do well. I love kids and teaching kids but sometimes I wonder if I should have pursued another career path.
No. 271964
>>271891I don't think you need to be particularly intelligent to do CS. It's one of the easier STEM fields. As long as you aren't retarded you'll do just fine. Of course, you will have the guys who have been doing this stuff all their lives who will make you feel retarded though. I think your SO is correct in that you can have really poor skills and still stay employed in CS. Being good only really matters if you are trying to move up in position, if you work for a big enough company you are pretty much invisible even if you suck.
CS has a reputation as being "the major for autists" for a good reason. If you hate talking to people and are ok with sitting down and doing repetitive tasks for a long time this may be the major for you.
>what kind of skills or talents are needed to succeed?Not taking criticism personally
Liking problem-solving
Being physically able to stare at a screen for more than 8 hours
Actually liking computers
None of these are essential though, they are just nice to have.
No. 272009
>>271964>I don't think you need to be particularly intelligent to do CS.Yes you do.
99% of women could not become competent programmers no matter how hard they tried.
That number is around 80-85% for men.
99% of women wouldn't even be able to figure out how to use Linux or compile a program, let alone actually be programmers.
There is a relatively high level of intelligence required or you just won't be able to grasp it.
No. 272250
>>272219Right, and those unusual troon programmers are the exact types who say embarrassing, misogynistic shit like that guy did.
>implying that guy has a jobkek, 99% of compscincels could not get jobs no matter how hard they tried.
No. 272258
Oh god, anons, I don't know what I'm going to do…
I've just graduated from uni and now I'm looking for jobs. Friends told me to try ziprecruiter and Indeed, and I've already gotten interviews lined up, but I'm really not trusting them.
My degree was in consumer studies and marketing, and I looked for marketing jobs, but I'm pretty sure most of them are just sales rep positions in disguise. They wouldn't be so eager to interview me if it wasn't' something with a high turnover rate, right?
I don't think I'm good with corporate culture either. I either am too loud and colorful naturally,or I just become meek and passive to keep things quiet and not start trouble. I'm not a "self-starter" or a "go-getter", I just want to do the job well, make money, and go home. I just want a quiet life to follow my hobbies, not take over the world.
I'm seriously thinking about getting something small in my hometown and just living quietly for awhile. Being at home isn't so bad, it's just the pressure of looking for a job.
No. 333080
Time to revive the thread because I have a some doubts and questions. I have an internship in HR and it's going well so far. It's in as international company with a very good reputation and I got very lucky I got this internship. Problem is, I'm not specifically studying HR even though I had courses about human resources management and similar subjects. I'm actually about to get a master's degree in international business and management if everything goes well, and after that I'm not too sure what I'm going to do because working in HR seems appealing now that I finally have some professional experience, but I'm wondering if I'll find a similar job easily somewhere else if the company can't keep me after the internship without a degree in HR. At the same time, I won't have the money or time to get a new degree.
The reason why I'm worried is because I had a really hard time getting an internship last year to graduate and I had to get enrolled for a new year just to get an internship and actually graduate since I started mine way too late. Meanwhile, a friend who has the same bachelor's degree as me and nothing else managed to get a similar job in another company, except he isn't just an intern so he's paid normally, as opposed to me who makes less than the minimum wage in my country. He suggested handing my resume and cover letter to boss, but his boss didn't want to schedule a job interview because I wasn't trying to get a HR master's degree even though she herself hired a guy with a "worse" resume than mine. It only made me salty at the time, but now I'm wondering what I'm supposed to do to be taken seriously by potential employers. I've been thinking about asking that guy about it but we're not that close and he'll probably take it personally.
I know that in the end, experience is going to be more important but it's hard to get even an unpaid internship without a degree or connexions and I want my career to start in the best conditions possible.
No. 333369
>>333080My suggestion would be to keep going at your internship and talk to the people that you go to school with. Sometimes, you can make connections that way, or at least learn about different companies. I'm not sure what country you're in but also getting a linkedin could help many connections as well. From what I've found, confidence and experience go a long way when finding a job. Even though your masters isn't specifically in HR, I think your degree is close enough. Combined with your experience I think you should be fine. Don't let your friend's boss get you down. There are plenty of other places that you'll be able to work. I've been in many internships and it's frustrating and it sucks, I'm sure that you'll begin to find (if you haven't already) that you're better at your job than your paid coworkers. Internships suck, and they are only temporary. You got this!
I'm going to launch into my bullshit now
I'm currently a licensed counselor and I start a new job job tomorrow after working at my old job (a smallish nonprofit) for 4 years. I really loved my old job for a long time until the level of bullshit became almost unbearable with leadership changes and a lot of really poor decisions that were effecting clients more than anyone else. My friend/old coworker started working at a big hospital and referred me. I interviewed and they said that they were going to hold off on filling the position that I applied for because it was grant funded until the end of the year. They asked me if I was interested in 2 other positions and I expressed interest in a specialty clinic position more than the other one. They made me do a panel interview with a bunch of doctors, which was terrifying. They called me a few days later and asked me if my heart was set on the job at the specialty clinic. Shit at work was fucking awful that day so I was feeling desperate to get out and I said that if they thought I would be a better fit in the other job (the one I didn't really want) that it would be okay with me. I also figured that I bombed the interview. Later, my friend told me that she was told by someone who was in the interview that they all voted for me and the plan was to offer me that job. I called the supervisor back and asked for clarification as to whether or not I had a choice and she told me that they were holding off on filling that position as well. I let it go after that. Then, my fucking boyfriend went to see his primary care doctor last week, who works out of the same hospital in a different department. He mentioned that I was going to be working there. His doctor said something like "oh I heard about her, she was supposed to work in the specialty clinic and turned it down for (other job)". Now I'm confused and annoyed with all this fuckery because it feels super manipulative. I'm still going to work there because no matter what it's better than my old job, but the weirdness, compounded with the anxiety of starting a new job tomorrow is weighing heavy on me.
No. 346645
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hello anons, does anyone have experience as a chemist/applied chemistry/ working in labs? what's it like for a woman in this industry? is PhD worth it? currently in uni
No. 346668
>>346604Hey anon, I work as an electrician. I typically work a 40 hour week unless we're crunching near the end of a project. Physically it's not that hard, cable/wire pulls are the hardest thing and for extremely long/difficult pulls we just use a Tugger. The money is pretty good too, especially when you're working OT you can make bank. Overall I'm pretty satisfied with my career choice.
Anything in particular you want to know?
No. 346779
>>346668nta but is it hard to get into? Like, does it take a long time to become good? I know a lot of jobs, particularly trade jobs, can be quite dangerous in some circumstances to perform but do you personally find your job really dangerous more so than the others?
Also, how do you feel about being a woman in this trade? I hate pulling the gender card, but I always get the impression that people will rather hire a man in such jobs than a woman.
Also, that's a really cool job, anon.
No. 360225
>>360171Hi anon, congrats on getting to the final interview! It sounds like a great opportunity that's perfect for you.
Here are a couple interview tips if you were interested:
>job listing descriptionThis is your best friend atm. On most if not all job listings, the company will post a bullet point list of what they're looking for in an ideal candidate. Expect to be able to demonstrate competency of any of those bullet points.
For example, one company might write "the ideal candidate must enjoy working in a busy and deadline driven environment" as a random example. Then at interview, they may ask questions like "name a time where you had to work towards a deadline" or similar.
>glassdoor interview and job reviews for the company OR similar companies in the field with the same job role you're looking forYou can find golden nuggets of info from previous applicants and employees.
Best of luck! You've got this.
No. 363800
>>360225Thank you anon! I had my interview this morning. I think it went well and the hiring manager said so herself.
Now I just have to hope my references answer their phones (we all have jobs with horrible hours) and I'll be notified in a week regardless.
No. 364703
Update to
>>360171I got called this afternoon and I got the job! I literally cried tears of happiness.
>>363823Yeah, similar situation here. I'm only getting my first "big girl" job now, years after university.
Always listen to your own instincts and fuck everyone else. I'm really sorry anon and I hope things work out for you. You seem resilient. Don't be afraid to try and take your degree and skills outside your field of study. Be creative when looking at and applying for job listings and see how you can skew what you do know into fitting for that job. The job I just got I actually have no experience for - I just told them how it was similar to what I already know and do.
No. 364718
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I recently became a certified CNA and one of the places I applied to was a small care facility. Like really small; I think this facility is a converted home
The surreal moment about this is was in the tour I was given, the residents' rooms were divided by shower curtains. I'm used to residents given a little MORE privacy (i.e a room for every two to three residents) than all residents are all behind a curtain.
I didn't go back for a second interview, and apparently State thinks this facility is acceptable… so ehh…
I need to verify that the facility is a care and rehab facility, not a hospital. The quality in these sort of places feels a hell'va lot different than a hospital. Plus the residents are different as well; there are a lot of psyche/homeless residents in these sort of places.
Fun fact: I learned that semen is (obviously) a lot thicker than urine, so if a male resident has a catheter and were to beat his meat, the jizz would block the catheter and the RN/LVN would have to replace the catheter.:")
No. 364924
I've been at the same company since 2016. I've hit the highest point that I can get to. There are no growth opportunities, they don't give raises, or yearly/holiday bonuses. I work for a huge Japanese company, but they are CHEAP. I have daily tasks that are so integral that me taking even one day off is a huge shit-show bc they won't let me train a back up person. I take one personal vacation a year (in August) and can never be sick - it's great!
I really need a new job, but all my experience is in this field and I really don't want to work in this fucking field any more. They make me do so much here (order & refund processing, payroll, HR, etc) – but that is stuff that most jobs look for certification in, which I do not have, nor do I have the money to get.
tl;dr: just complaining, I need to get a new job and idk what I want to do. I do have a BA in Science, but it's pretty much worthless like most college degrees haha
No. 364987
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>>131716This is relatable. It's not easy finding jobs when all you feel you need to do is keep working on your skills and I don't know shit about finding one. I have resources to help me, but I'm too worried I won't be able to make the cut. So as I mentioned, need to keep developing my skills.
ᵃˡˢᵒ ᵍᵘʸ ʰᵉʳᵉ ᶠᶦʳˢᵗ ᵖᵒˢᵗ
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I've been job searching for the past 2-3 months with no luck so far. I've been to one interview recently for a customer service job but never got called back for a second interview.
"Oh, it will be easy to find a job with a Biology degree!"
I keep hearing that but I'm getting depressed. My focus is trying to get a lab assistant job or at least something in an office to tide me over for a few months. Is there a lower level of lab job that I'm missing and I'm aiming too high for someone who only has lab experience in college? Like….is there a name for an entry-level lab job where you clean petri dishes and other crap but where you can get promoted to a better job in the lab after a time? I've been looking at ads for "medical assistant" and "laboratory assistant" on my searches.
"Education experience: High school or higher. But you need at least 1-2 certifications and previous job experience for this """"""""entry""""""""-level job! LOL" oh go fuck yourself
One of the reasons for me getting a job is to fund a big overseas New Years trip I will have with friends and time is ticking…so I will feel like a goddamn failure if I don't have something by April at the latest.
No. 366219
>>366215The whole entry level but need experience shit
triggers me. What the hell is entry level even supposed to mean then?
No. 366798
>>366215try searching for ecology or environment in ur searches, if you think that would suit you if you have not looked.
i kinda had the opposite problem, there is a surplus of medical lab entry level stuff that I did for a half year before I found an ecologyish lab that hired me, which is what i wanted.
honestly anon, apply for jobs that need certification that you dont have if they say entry level. there may be a chance your resume looks good enough to them to call you for an interview. if it showed you worked hard on projects in college, itll make you look like an employee they want.
No. 367356
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Oh, the things I would do for an office job. Retail is a fucking nightmare. People don't read signs, they ask all sorts of dumb questions - like you're Google, or like all of your stores are some hivemind collective, so you would OBVIOUSLY know what the same store across town carries. Ontop of it all, my managers are incompetent assholes.
Retail is all I can manage until I get some kind of higher education for better qualifications, but fucking hell, this is thankless.
No. 367359
>>367255oh! i just thought of something else.
look for seasonal or part time positions in state and federal governments (think…geological survey, agriculture departments, forestry service, nps) those give you a big foot in the door if your supervisors like you.
No. 368088
>>367403Honestly, anything that pays that doesn't have me interacting with dozens of people is best. Every time I come home from a shift, I feel grouchy and exhausted, and the last thing I want to do is socialize. I don't want to be a shut-in, per se, I'm just not really a people person.
>>367363Surprised I haven't looked into this. I should consider that. Thank you for reminding me that those exist, anon.
No. 369777
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So I’ve to the realization that I have no hobbies or skills that are marketable and socially acceptable. I have spent about ten years being a NEET and while I now have a job, the main thing I’ve learned how to do in my free time is how to fucking stalk people on Twitter and Instagram. Not something you want the people you hope to network with to know about.
What can I get into that I won’t suck at but also won’t cause normies to think I’m a freaky autist? Something like data analysis or finance might be good, but I don’t want to end up in a cube farm somewhere either.
No. 369778
>>369758Anon, I’ve been in this position, and I had to spend years doing two things
1. Volunteering/Working for free
2. Work shitty part time retail jobs.
It will suck. You will hate it. But goddamn you want your supervisors to think you’re a decent human being because that’s the key to the not shit jobs.
No. 369780
>>369758Did you just finish some kind of education? If so, look up cover letters for school leavers. You can write about skills you've developed from your education and what they make you good at.
If not, have you ever volunteered any of your time to something, be that an actual job at a charity organisation or just say looking after an old person in your family? This is now volunteer experience for your resume. Got any hobbies such as managing a Facebook page, being part of a sports team or running an etsy shop? This is your personal experience.
Anything can become experience if you sell it right, if you look after a pet that shits itself then you can say that you work well in supportive roles, have empathetic interpersonal skills and have a good eye for detail in maintaining hygiene standards.
If you have literally nothing, you need to go volunteer asap
No. 369782
>>369758I was in your position once and did not know where to go or what to do first. I would suggest walking into places and straight-up asking if there are any positions available, I went into a whole strip of bars down near where I was renting and I got 2 offers for a trial shift from doing this.
Local companies are your best start really, there's no shitty HR process nor any 1st and 2nd interview process like they do with big corporates. That's how I got my first job, even if it was evening and weekend work it was a good wage and set me up for the future.
As far as a CV goes, if you don't have any work-related experience then just put down your education, a personal profile about your strengths and your personality and a bit more about your hobbies and interests. Jazz it up with some fonts/formatting to make it stand out and you are done!
No. 369788
>>369781Slightly, but I’m a socialist, and live in the US. Don’t think that will end well.
Due to said NEET dom my associate’s is currently on hold until I can afford to travel outside of home to work and back. I’m thinking very long term, like 5-10 years later.
The most I can do right now is clean up my social media accounts so I look less like a weeb and start searching for information online
No. 369792
>>369789That’s a good idea, actually. It’s also closer to what I would like to do instead of say doxxing people for the US government.
Running one of those brand accounts would be a fun kind of chaos.
No. 369804
>>369788Lol I mean for political campaigns, not the government itself. Basically for oppo you dig up dirt on people running against you, and donor research you try and find people who will give you $$. If you are thinking long term you could volunteer on some campaigns, they're always looking for interns and whatnot, a lot of it can be remote too. Looks good on a resume. Outside of politics, development in general might work. Think looking for charitable donors for a museum, school, organization, etc.
But like
>>369789 said recruiting would be a good fit.
No. 377903
>>377894Did you get to visit the office of the startup before, for interviews and such? Maybe you could try and show up to the building and politely state your case.
If not, just apply to other jobs while you have this contract. You've got proof that they gave you the job, so maybe you can list it on your CV and give other references to future employers?
No. 377910
>>377898That's interesting, care to spare some details? Also, how did you purge yourself?
>>377903Nope, didn't have an interview and didn't see the office. It's work that anyone with a quarter of a brain can do, so I'm not surprised they just hired me right away. Also, I emailed the guy who hired me, but it was an address he probably never checks. I have his phone number and the CEO's company email, would trying either of those seem OK and Not At All Creepy? Or finding him on LinkedIn or something?
It's not anything that would be useful to put on my CV, but I was looking forward to the money ($25/hr) and not sitting at home all day going absolutely insane. I feel blue balled like a motherfucker.
No. 378429
>>377910>>378124I went in for my background interview, thinking that after locking down my instagram, deleting my twitter, and putting my FB on private, the investigator couldn't have possibly found anything weird. I was wrong.
He'd googled the username I used on Instagram and found results in google image of stuff I'd retweeted on Twitter (mostly guns and military stuff because I like video games and FPS's) and he'd printed out screencaps of my old af Deviantart account where my tagline was a lighthearted but morbid joke about death/killing. He basically told me that I can't have a social media presence at all because anything I post, no matter if its a joke or just an interest, can be twisted by a DA if I were ever involved in a criminal case. I have not been to police academy so I wouldn't know that, but its apparently something that gets drilled into your head in PA.
So yeah. Be careful. "Anything you post can and will be held against you in a court of law" basically.
No. 378439
>>378432>>378431>>378429Thank you for your replies. If it's not too invasive but, can you say which country you're from and/or if you have a relatively common name for your area, and if from the USA, which region? Because quite honestly, I feel like this is a standard that is a hundred times higher than the average American law enforcer.
Personally, I have an extremely common name but I still stress about having some old/cringey shit about me being found, because I'm a weirdo who googles people and finds their weird, old, cringey shit.
No. 378486
>>378439You're welcome anon. I am in America, and the reason this probably seems invasive is because they treat social media as a tool that can be used against you in a court of law, or by the media to paint law enforcement in a bad light. There is leeway with common names, but mine is not common and only like, an unknown actress and a doctor in Mexico have it. If you look like you recognize what they put in front of you asking 'is this yours' you might as well just admit to it and explain it. But once it's been presented, the jury or the court is gonna already have an opinion of you.
The reason he was being so anal about my stuff is because at the department I'm interviewing in (Im not applying to be a cop), 10 cops were recently involved in cases where social media was used against them in court. One he explained to me was a cop making a lighthearted joke about his kid smuggling a toy into a restaurant and calling the toy 'contraband'. Unfortunately for him the DA used his use of the word contraband against him when he testified about the guy he'd arrested who'd been charged with contraband.
No. 381695
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I have been an agoraphobic social-phobic NEET all of my life. I'm 24 now. I'm normal but I get tremors and eye twitches and dry mouth around other people.
I have no car but I live walking distance to a grocery store. I always hype myself up at night that I'll go in and apply in the morning (it's Publix so you have to apply in store).
Though every morning fear overwhelms me. I know it won't be as bad as I'm making it out to be in my mind. I bet they might not even call me for an interview.
Sorry my post is pathetic compared to the awesome other farmers. You guys are very inspiring.
No. 381700
>>378602congrats on getting out of retail, anon. Seriously, i've been a retail slave for 10 years now and it never changes. I'm trying to get an office type job because i cannot do retail anymore. I'm at limit.
Just be awesome! You deserve this
No. 381766
>>381695I'm like you but 22.
Diagnosed with mild sperg only because I wanted to find out wtf was my problem, but that's just the tip of the iceberg.
I'm also supposed to be applying for jobs now that I dropped out of uni and shut myself in, but… Job interviews. Terrifying. I don't even want my family to look at me, ukno?
You're gonna make it, you're not that old.
No. 385384
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I need to vent!!!
I started a new job closer to home for the same organisation, a step up from my last job with a better pay. As my role is more senior I assumed I would have more control and more responsibility…….. nope. I am being micromanaged to shit by the woman one step above me who doesn’t like me to use my brain or initiative even though that’s what the job description asked for. My previous job I could calculate my workload and take on what I needed to and plan what to do the following day. With this job I’m not able to plan what I want to do work wise the following day without some form of criticism.
We have an inbox at work we have to check with folders set up to staff names (me and my equivelent) where the woman above us dumps emails in depending on which team it’s for and expects you to complete them. I was working on Saturday and did not get chance to do the unsorted emails due to high amounts of high priority work, so I assessed the emails urgency and dragged them to my folder as they are for my team knowing I can deal with them today rather than not touch them and be asked did I not bother looking at them and have her dump them in there anyway. Seems logical. No? Because I got an email from the lady above me asking why have I done that and for me not to do that as she doesn’t know if I’ve done it or not as I haven’t “ticked it”. I haven’t “ticked it” because I haven’t done it… YET! I feel like screaming with rage to mind her own fucking business and stop micromanaging me! Is it because she wanted to personally dump it in there so she can feel smug about her new promotion.
I fucking hate this job, I got catfished in to thinking I was being promoted where I had more freedom in my last job role which was further down the ladder.
On top of that, my equivalent doesn’t do half as much work as me and is always confused and messing things up, but I’m the only one being criticised nonstop. The lady above me originally interviewed me and she did mention that in the interview people came who seemed cocky and arrogant and like they would “want to run the place” and “take her job”… maybe this is why she is micromanaging me so much, because I don’t seem as dumb as I did in the interview and she’s trying to keep me down.
No. 385422
>>131699I'm 3/5 into the recruitment process of a company I really want to work in, and I think so far I made a good impression.
I had a technical interview and they said that if everything goes alright I should be getting an invite to a cultural fit interview at the start of this week, so today or tomorrow.
Has any of you guys ever undergone an cultural fit interview? They said it will be mostly chatting with a couple of employees from different areas, and it will be via skype since I live in another city and plan to move close to the company if I get employed.
I'm kind of nervous because I know that at least another candidate they have for the same position lives close by, which would be more convenient for them as he would not need to move there and just start the job, and I feel like I really need to ace this cultural fit thing to get the job.
Any tips?
No. 385431
Just gotta vent that I'm so sick of the absolute state of the job I'm working at right now. I'm an outsourced worker that works under one agency, that another agency then contracts to work at another business. That's three "higher ups" above me that have no idea what's going on. If I actually relay information about the work site to them, I inevitably get in trouble for out because all of the agencies are constantly lying to each other. Despite that, two of these businesses are directly profiting from a percent of whatever the actual workplace is paying them for my labour, but I'm getting minimum wage. People I interact with in the role don't understand that I don't have any authority there eg clearance to use the computers, because I don't technically work there, and seem to think that I'm just making excuses for why I can't do certain things for them.
If I try and explain any of this to my family or most friends, their eyes glaze over because of all these dumb technicalities. Modern work is a joke, I just want one of those office jobs you see in 90s film or tv.
>>383869If you're uncomfortable with those situations or getting a bad feeling, look at something like mcdonalds. I'm not even being a bitch, the big fast-food chains have more employee rights than many places along with a set dependable wage.
No. 385486
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Last Tuesday someone at an institute I applied to called to ask if I was still interested in the job and if I would be available to start right away. I said yes, and she said that she wanted to invite me for an interview on Tuesday morning the following week but had to check in with some people for the exact time. She told me the approximate time that the interview would likely start at and said she'd send me a confirmation email later that day.
>Tuesday evening: nothing
Okay, well, maybe the others didn't reply right away. She'll probably contact me tomorrow.
>Wednesday: nothing
Maybe someone isn’t getting back to her. No problem, I can wait.
>Thursday: nothing
>Friday: nothing
Maybe she forgot? I’ll send her an email asking about it.
>Monday: nothing
It’s now Monday evening and I have no idea whether I have an interview tomorrow morning or where I’d need to be. The building listed on their website isn’t accessible to the public so it’s not even like I can just show up at the time she mentioned and hang around in the reception area until someone comes to get me. I have no idea what to do, and it’s too late to call…
No. 385523
>>385486They might have already filled the position. I've had that happen to me working for a particularly fubar temp agency.
I'd recommend sending something early tomorrow, emphasizing that you tried to get in touch with her on Friday and so on.
No. 385584
>>385523That would be kind of strange, considering it’s a position that requires a very specialised technical skillset, they were looking for multiple people and I made it clear I could start immediately. Either way it would’ve been nice to get some kind of message to let me know if the interview was cancelled.
If I don’t have a reply by tomorrow morning I’m going to call (which I hate anons pls lend me strength) and if nobody picks up then I don’t know anymore. What worries me is that we did sort of agree on a date and time so what if they think they’ve given me enough information and are expecting me to show up? For all I know the HR lady only works on Tuesdays between 14.00 and 16.00 and nobody else is aware that I’m waiting for an email.
No. 385954
>>385852Six months doesn't seem that bad in the scheme of things.
What were the majors of your friends? Do you have any projects that you were working on? Stuff on GitHub or whatever? Do you have any connections from university or anyone who knows an "in"?
No. 387129
Work at a shitty retail job, met a girl who fumbled her way through jobs right out of high school and now works at an animation studio who inspired me to finally start job hunting (admittedly, I liked her and wanted a job with solid weekends off so I could spend them with her lol. We didn't work out, but I still just want a job with a set schedule and doesn't make me feel like shit over RETAIL). I was trying really hard to move up the ranks at my job (I kept getting promoted, now I'm at the "supervisor in training" rank), but I don't think I can keep this up. Everything can be so fucking ass backwards where I work, everyone constantly gets berated, we keep getting new management so expectations keep changing/getting piled on, and on top of it all, our building is fucking falling apart and I'm convinced it's from all the bad karma this shit company keeps building up.
A hefty salary would be really nice, but I'm an only child and my parents are super super generous to let me live with them rent free, so I just want a job to let me gain some admin skills to put on my resume. I've gone to three interviews so far out of 100+ applicaitons, I got a job offer for one job but my gut said to decline it (the location wasn't shifty, but pretty industrial and eerily quiet; the interviewer was really deadpan and hadn't taken ANY time to look at my resume- literally would pause for an uncomfortable full minute or two to stare at my resume before asking me a question; it was 40 hours minimum… which isn't the worst, I guess, but personally I feel like there's a huge difference between 40 hours plus OT vs 40 hours minimum. I'd like to have a life, thanks)). I didn't get the other two positions I interviewed for. Trying to set up an interview for a trading company, but I doubt I'll get it because I really don't have the experience for it lol. I just wish one company would just bank on me and let me get the experience.
No. 388677
>>385486>>385523>>385584Forgot to update. Turns out the interview was a go and the HR woman had simply forgotten about me, despite my multiple attempts to contact her. The interview went well but I haven't heard back yet. I hope this woman isn't solely in charge of contacting me about it because chances are she'll forget again.
(Maybe if they don't want me for the other position they can give me her job?)
>>385852Same thing happened to me after I graduated. I have a STEM degree with plenty of practical experience and even though everyone kept telling me it would be so easy for me to find a job, all I got for nine months were automated rejections while my friends with the same background all found work right away. When I finally found something it was through connections from my time at university and I didn't even have to do an interview, they hired me purely on a previous supervisor's recommendation. When I started asking around, I found out that all those friends + my new coworkers were hired because of their connections rather than through the "normal" hiring process. One guy was hired because his parents met someone at a party, I shit you not.
So I'll second
>>385954 and suggest you start looking into any and all connections you may have. Get in touch with your friends from college if they're working at companies you're interested in. Become active on LinkedIn if that's a thing in your area. Reach out to people. It may feel pushy and uncomfortable, but it's better to make potential employers notice you than to sit back and politely wait for them to reach out.
No. 388741
>>388712You should do feminist philosophy and complain about gender stuff. Or do women's studies. Why did you even pick philosophy in the first place?
Or you can do consulting.
No. 400084
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Sorry for this long ass post but I have no idea what work I'm qualified for or what I should be looking to do right now. I spent 6 years in college due to transferring, flunking out due to mental health problems, and then withdrawing so I still don't have a degree after all that. I'm not looking to go back to college rn because my mental health is even worse now and I'm not in any sort of treatment and I know I would flunk again, and I need a chunky internship and giant senior project to graduate so it would be like 3 more semesters if I really had my shit together. My major was graphic design and I think I'm actually pretty good at it. My school was shit for art & design and didn't teach a lot of the hard practical aspects so I know what looks good and I've been told my work is very impressive but personally I'm a little fuzzy on industry aspects or really serious competence in stuff like illustrator or indesign. And I can't code at all cause all the compsci classes were buried under so many math prerequisites. I guess I could teach myself but without the structure of a class or work it's very hard for me.
I scraped out of NEEThood working at a retail makeup store that hired a bunch of people to open up the store and then gave them virtually no hours so they would quit. I'm still hanging on cause I haven't been able to find any other work and to be fair I like the job but it super stresses me out cause I feel like two 4-hour shifts a week isn't enough to know my job very well and I feel kind of awkward and incompetent. I show up to work every shift and I've never been late and I do exactly as I'm told but I just feel like the social aspect is challenging. I had some retail experience before this at a small business boutique but corporate has a lot of small details and you have to be really gregarious and I just feel really not cut out for it. I have been trying to apply to other places cause 8 hours a week is horrible (I live with my parents so it's ok but I can't save any money to move out) but I never get calls back and I wonder what I'm doing wrong. My resume has some holes in it due to long stretches of unemployment but I was also a student during those times so that has to be ok right? I don't really know what I can do. I also don't really know what kind of wagie job would work for me cause I don't have the physical strength for warehouse stuff and food service makes me kind of nervous but I guess I could try it. I feel like I fucked up and made myself unhireable somehow. But then again am I shooting too low? I don't know if graphic design firms or even internships want you without a degree or being actively in school. I'm totally lost.
No. 400435
>>400084Are you decently good with technology? You go through an IT which can be done online, then take the test to be certified.
With that you should be able to find a basic IT job. Most IT jobs are also full time and pay decent wage.
No. 400439
>>400084You are not unhirable, you're probably just out of the loop. Sign up for your local government-funded workforce aid, they're free. The main work these offices do is getting welfare queens and junkies to have jobs and off the street so I'm sure they can put you in contact with something. In my experience, they have very solid job search database that employers actually look into.
I suggest you learn up how to use office softwares like Outlook and Excel. Invest in myperfectresume or similar. You'll suddenly be opened up to plenty receptionist/data entry positions! Take temp jobs even, anything to expand that experience list.
No. 400792
>>400506Anon I had the same problem due to mental illness but still got the really nice office job I have now while I go back to school. If you have a gap and they ask you about it you can say "medical issues" and they won't question you about it. And it's not untrue if you struggle with mental illness. Most companies are very understanding.
The "freelance" idea isn't bad either. You can also say you've done work for a family member's company or something as well if you have someone to back you up. You're definitely not doomed and you'll be able to find something.
No. 401840
>>400513NAYRT but do it. That's what I did. Have you by chance traveled during this time? I put that I was a freelancer and had the opportunity to do some cross country traveling, which I could not have done with a traditional job. Once I was ready to settle back into a normal routine, I decided to focus on getting a traditional job. You don't have to flat out lie. Just embellish the truth.
>>400783What skills do you have? How are you with writing? What about social media? There are always jobs in marketing. Your first step should be to polish your resume up and make it skills focused rather than education or experience focused. Don't have this ho-hum attitude about yourself. A government job of any type is a great base to work off of, and retail gives you lots of skills. IT is a skill not a talent so you can be just as good as anyone else if you put the time and effort in.
No. 401917
>>401840Yep, I padded my resume by spinning even the most mundane things into productive, worker-bee lingo. Not sure how I would fare in marketing, though, since admittedly, I falter in promoting my personal art social media. I suppose my more-than-casual interest in pop culture PR/marketing failures and successes could translate to something in marketing, but I honestly don't even know how marketing works other than people who manage corporate social media.
And thanks, anon, for giving advice for what's basically an entry-level '''adulting''' problem. I've been hyperfocused on commercial art but as my chances of breaking into it soon enough to support myself dwindle, I'm starting realize I don't know much about any other industry or career field. I'm gonna dip my toes in looking into IT accreditation over the summer, or try hustling for some menial desk job. At this point, I just want an above minimum wage, non-retail job.
No. 402022
>>401840> IT is a skill not a talent so you can be just as good as anyone else if you put the time and effort in.Not true, just like with everything there's talent involved. You think that breaking into top 100 in math or IT or anything really can be accomplished on effort alone?
But you becoming good enough to get hired? That's easy. You don't need talent to be hireable or even good.
No. 402035
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I already put this in the rant thread but ima just post it here too don't mind me.
I went into a meeting yesterday at my job and found out that I'm actually losing my job on the 27th. This just keeps better and better. Fuck my life honestly.
I'm losing my job on SAT and I really need money quick and fast so I'm forced to work for Amazon. I truly don't want to at all, I've heard nothing but horror stories at this company. But they hire immediately and you get paid weekly.. I keep chanting in my head that this is only temporary but I know this place is most likely going to drive me insane. I need to get another job as soon as I can because fuck I don't think I'll last at t his place. So many people describe it as a concentration camp.
No. 402129
>>402059I've worked 12 hour days, 6 days a week. In a retail job. Around Christmas time. So, things could be worse. Like
>>402055 said, at least you have options. Also you have a three day weekend. Suck it up.
No. 405097
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Just got asked for an interview at this clothing store I've loved for years, I'm excited, but also dreading it. I haven't had real retail experience, and I held both my previous jobs under a month. I have a feeling I won't get the job. I am usually never negative, but I can't shake this one off. The position would be absolutely perfect for me, I really do hope I perform well in the interview.
No. 405118
>>405097Good luck anon! I've been in retail a few years now (trying to leave for a different field now) and in my experience it's… really not the most difficult thing to ace the interview. I usually try to sell myself as very customer oriented and high energy/friendly and it works out (ymmv though). I also had really short month long jobs (though they were through a youth program, so the limited time frame was explained by that) before getting my first retail job and spun the experience to make me look like a people-person that's good at handling complaints and making people happy lol.
Expect the best, prepare for the worst!
No. 406676
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Anyone else here /r/antiwork?
No. 406681
>>406676I'm just looking through the top posts and their complaints are
valid, I've thought the same way for a long time. But reading it is depressing, it's like an unproductive, aimless version of /r/financialindependence. I'm not seeing an suggestions for alternate lifestyles and ways to escape your 9-5, just complaints and memes.
No. 406682
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>>406676get outta here snuffkin
No. 411552
>>411524i have horrendous performance anxiety. i start a new job next week and i have been freaking out since getting it. i know that i can do what is expected of me but there is always that underlying panic that i am just too stupid to do even the most basic of tasks. i was like that with previous jobs too.
the only time that i didnt feel like that was when i was doing online sales for a few years and was solely responsible for myself and minimal contact with customers and no other employees. i wish i could go back to doing that.
No. 411554
>>411552Omg i have the same problem
Now working from home
No. 411617
>>411613In my experience HR is pretty much obligated to recommend 5 minute breaks every hour for health and safety reasons. Nobody really takes it because they will take small breaks to chat or use their phones (if they're brave) instead.
So no, realistically nobody concentrates for 8 hrs straight unless their workplace is hard on them. If breaks up your productivity, take them.
No. 417973
>>417964Yeah, and I hate to say it, but this is especially common with female bosses and female employees. You run into creepy male bosses plenty, but I'd take that over a vindictive female who wants to watch you crash and burn.
>I've had to take over multiple tasks from her because she doesn't even know how to do them.Did you do this of your own accord or did someone else direct you to do this?
No. 417981
>>417973I've taken them on myself because I didn't want to show up to meetings and presentations with wrong information or nothing to show at all.
I'm technically supposed to be checking her work, to vastly oversimplify it, so if there was an error I would take the fall for it. If there was wrong or incomplete information, she would absolutely blame it on me - but the stuff I've been doing is above my pay grade. I'm not paid to do entire projects, so it's annoying me that I'm having to put in so much extra time and effort to do her job for her without my salary reflecting it.
I started off as her intern and she was super buddy buddy with me to the extent that it honestly annoyed me. I guess when I got hired full-time she realized I wasn't her friend but a competitor - I don't even want her job, ugh, and I definitely don't want to be her friend either. Like you said I'd rather have a creepy male boss any day. At least they don't want to ruin your career.
No. 418588
>>418462This is what happened to me and I still seethe about it. Parents had old school views about what it takes to be successful, so I went to some no-name state college, got decent grades, but made no meaningful networking and no internships.
All the dumbfucks who partied and had shit grades still managed to get somewhere based off who they knew.
No. 419818
>>402035 just coming back with an update. I truly 100% hate working here as I knew I would. My hands never stop hurting (my coworker actually got carpal tunnel from this) and my feet hurts so much. I have found another job with a 2$ pay cut but honestly at this point I don't care. I feel so soulless and miserable at this place that I honest to god sometimes go to the bathroom and silently cry no exaggeration. I have gotten 2 warnings here so far for not going fast enough I guess. I think when you go to 6 warnings you lose your job. I can't deal with this tbh
No. 419825
>>419818Fucking yikes. Did you get an offer for the other job or are you just going for it and hoping for the best?
I've never worked for Amazon but factory/warehouse jobs in general are beyond soul-draining, so I can kinda relate to your pain. I've been in a similar situation to you, so trust me when I say that it WILL get better; it's the job you're in that makes you lose hope for the future. Best thing to do is to find a decent agency that can get you a few temp jobs that you don't entirely hate. It'll give you an income while letting you look for something better and more long-term.
>>405296If you're still after an office job- do it. Use it as a template for future applications.
Before you apply for jobs, look over the job advert and come up with a couple of good examples/lies for each thing they ask for, and mention them in the resume (eg write about how you led team meetings and mentored/trained new staff if they require leadership skills,regardless of whether or not you did this). Rewrite your resume for each job you apply for, shoehorning in all the keywords so you have a better chance of getting an interview.
Research the company and see what they're like; some will like sociopaths with aggressive sales tactics, some will prefer an empathetic yet efficient person who really, really loves customers.
For interviews, smile a lot, be open, and give the impression that you genuinely want to work there. Say that you like the work culture and maybe bring up a company achievement that fits the question being asked (eg, you saw that the complaints dropped by 20% since 2018, you're impressed by the new programs they're developing, or something like that).
Bullshitting like this has gotten me into a lot of jobs that I absolutely was not qualified for.
No. 421096
>>421058From my experience of working a lot of part time jobs in high school and college:
>they don't actually look or care about the online assessment>they have ads up for positions they don't actually need filling>the most important part of your resume is when you are available and how many hours a week you want to work (if it's above 20 they like that, hard to find work if you want to work less, hard to find work if you aren't available the entire weekend)>if you get an interview your chance of getting the job is pretty goodThe online assessment isn't the reason why you aren't getting called back.
No. 421420
Hey there,
>>366812 here. After a few major anxiety attacks and suicidal thoughts, my doctor put me on a leave and almost ordered me to leave that job. I did so, I mailed my 15 days so I wouldn't see those assholes again. While I was job hunting I saw an ad for a job I was underqualified for but it said geeky people were appreciated. I applied for it and luckily I got in.
It's a massive change in everything. No dumb customers, I get free weekends and holidays, no one expects me to do more work that I should. In fact they are amazed at my work speed and accuracy. It's a simple desk office job, a decent pay, geeky coworkers and we get some benefits. It's also a long term job so if I don't mess up (which I won't) or the company goes to shit I might spend my lifetime here.
So I have two advices for you. First, don't fall for call centers, or if you do, don't spend there more than a year. Second, there is hope. It may take time and a little luck but you will find a job you will like and people who appreciate your hard working.
No. 421570
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I'm just starting a job at a summer camp working with people with developmental disabilities (autism, down syndrome, etc) and I've never worked with people like this before. I'm very nervous about giving them showers and other assisted daily living stuff. I also have a lot of anxiety about communication and behavior. Do any anons here have experience in caretaker jobs like this? Any advice?
No. 421691
>>421570I have experience with this exact thing, anon.
Hopefully camp leadership has already briefed you on a lot of the basics. When I worked with teenagers with disabilities, I definitely had to adapt to more limited personal boundaries with others. You sometimes have to help people with things like changing diapers. I find that it's just good to put your mind elsewhere, maybe make small-talk with the person or your coworkers wall performing those sorts of tasks. You'll get used to these things after a while, but it will be awkward the first few times.
Talk to them in a friendly way, the way you would talk to a normal teenager. Some of them can sense when they're being talked down to, and it lowers their self-esteem. If the camper is capable of verbally communicating a breech in boundaries, let them know that they need to tell you. If they're non-verbal, talk to your more experienced co-workers about non-verbal indications of discomfort.
Never be afraid to ask other camp counselors for help. You can also ask the parent of the camper about the particulars- special interests, nonverbal cues, etc- when they come to pick him or her up. My camp actually had little binders with information from the parents about each camper.
No. 422208
>>402035 and back again with another update. I got a call today that I got the job and I start the 24th literally almost cried on the phone. I can't wait to leave this fucking place. On my last day ima use my remainder sick time to leave early fuck them.
No. 422430
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>completed a 6 month long internship at a company that has a good reputation a few months ago
>paid less than minimum wage while working full time and being asked for "results"
>manager was an ungrateful bitch, was upset that interns would come to the office and leave on time because she think that since we're just students and we don't have kids or husbands she doesn't see why we shouldn't stay 10 or 20 minutes more each day to complete or work
>create a terrible atmosphere at work, everyone was shit talking her behind her back while praising her to her face
>she was condescending as fuck with all the non white girls, me included
>would just not understand anything anyone would tell her no matter how we made our sentences short and simple for her, pretended we were the retards instead of her
>half-assed my training and integration in the company
>didn't want to hire me in the team at the end of my internship because "budget of course!" which sucked because I needed as much money as possible asap and I didn't have time to go job hunting while writing several essays at once
>supposedly did the same thing with other extremely competent girls before me
>then she left because of her maternity leave
>was so salty I was leaving the office on time almost everyday after properly finishing my work that she graded me horribly in my mandatory internship assessment
>the woman who replaced her is way nicer and more competent
>except when I have to hire another intern to replace me she has a way more positive impression of male applicants because "we're all girls, it would be a nice change to have a guy with us :)))"
>I left soon after that because of my contract
>suddenly everytime I try to contact the second manager for extremely important paperwork for my college she doesn't answer my calls or my emails
>I go to the office at the last minute because not having these papers signed means I cannot be admitted to the last tests of my very last semester
>one ex-coworker left but hasn't been replaced yet (could have been hired back then to replace her if the company wasn't so greedy), another has been absent for over a month AGAIN, manager knew I sent her several urgent emails but never answered them because "oops I forgot! silly me!" but she isn't there so the last person left signs my paper
>dumb bitch implies I'm to demanding for coming to the office at the very last day possible after asking several times with no replies for weeks to have my papers signed so I can pass my test and maybe graduate
>now they're all working in terrible conditions just as they deserve and I realize I dodged a bullet
No. 422616
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so I never really got my degree, and have been kind of floating around a bunch of low-pay jobs my entire adult life and it didn't look like I'd ever get a "real" job, but now a family member offered to let me try working on a crab fishing boat.
the money would be insane compared to what I'm "earning" now, but the problem is it's really not… my kind of job, and it would be 95% men working there as well, and I'd be on the sea for like 2 to 3 weeks straight, I don't know if I could handle it.
but the money…
you see my dilemma?
No. 422649
>>422616Honestly it sounds cool
Go fish some crabs anon and quit if you hate it
No. 423732
>>423642Nah, not really. It was a total shock I was fired. She just said 'it's just not working' which is comically vague. The managers underneath who worked closely with me gave me glowing feedback.
I worked there 8 months without meeting the manager. After meeting her, within a month she fires me. I think it's safe to say she sacked me for reasons unrelated to my professional performance. It's ridiculous and very stressful, but I just have to move on now.
No. 423982
>>423732I'm curious anon, where are you from? Her behavior sounds like a lawsuit waiting to happen (not saying you should file one against her, but eventually someone might) if you're from the US. A lot of employers are at will employers, but my old company would almost never fire even the worst of the worst because they didn't have a paper trail of poor work performance to back themselves up that they fired said employee over shit performance rather than it being something discriminatory like race or gender.
I'd say it's probably a blessing in disguise. Anyway, best of luck finding a new job!
No. 424123
>>423982Nah, I'm in the UK. I think the bitch emailed the complaint which means there's 'proof'. I wish I had to the means to file a lawsuit against my dickhead manager, she really fucked my life. I loved working there, really truly.
I had an interview the other day at a way shittier job, but I'll keep looking for another reception job, which is what my last job.
Fat girls used to also try to come for my boyfriend when we were dating and after we broke up. Not ana-chan, I know this sounds lulzy, but I feel like fat chicks just want to take things from me that I've earned and worked for. Fuck's sake, life relentless.
No. 425753
>>424760Anon, you are probably more competent than you think. I think your perception of yourself may be skewed, and just because you feel awkward doesn't mean you act it or other people can tell.
I am the same way as you, I'm awful at small talk and fake smiling, have trouble approaching people (but do so anyway) and feel like the most incompetent person on the earth but my coworkers and boss love me. They always get me to train new people and want to promote me to manager and shit, when I thought I've been sucking this entire time. You are probably way better than you think you are.
No. 427653
I really hate my life right now.
I graduated from school this spring with an art degree. Naturally, I want/need to go into higher education, but first I wanted to take a year or two off of school and work / work abroad to better my language skills (needed for a masters + phd). I am now trying to get relevant experience (I guess) so I'm working at an art gallery as a simple attendant, but what's driving me insane is that I have to take a train from the suburbs to the city, then MORE public transport to the gallery. Honestly, it takes me about 1 hour 40 minutes minimum to get to the gallery. The pay is decent, and I work part-time, but the shifts are always 8-9.5 hours of standing around almost doing nothing. I live with my parents because I can't really afford to move out… and would it even make sense if I have a full-time job lined up overseas in March?
I'm just so frustrated by the commuting, and even the content of my job. I wish I knew whether just having an art gallery on my resume makes a difference or if job employers in the art world won't care later on since I'm just a lowly attendant. I make okay money but when i think about how much I spend on transport, I get depressed. I don't think it would make sense to rent downtown before leaving the country anyway, as I won't save up enough to live abroad if I have to pay rent on top of living expenses. What should I do? How do other people manage, aside from having rich-ass parents who can let them live in big cities and work at relevant jobs? Am I just whining too much, or is this a truly sucky situation?
No. 427660
>>427653Maybe get a tablet or kindle if you don't already and make the most of the commute? I used to spend 3 hrs a day on the train and I used it to really smash out a tonne of TV series, anime, manga etc that were on my backlog without getting distracted. I have a 10 minute drive to work now but I honestly kinda miss having so much down time to watch and read things.
If you really can't stand it try to find a new job close to home, you've already got the experience you were looking to add to your resume. Definitely don't bother moving out, it's a massive waste of money.
No. 431795
>>431527This may or may not help, but it's always nice to think that one of my hobbies might turn into a real option forward.
There are tons of infographics about women who didn't "make it" until their 30s, 40s, 50s, even later. I know how shitty it feels to look at someone buy a single piece of fruit you'd need to pay off in installments (mostly kidding), but there's still hope.
No. 431998
>>431987I work in a call centre and it’s ruining me.
Lost 8kgs in the first month and feel haggard all the time.
Your health isnt worth any job anon. You as a person are far more valuable than the role you perform at work.
No. 432077
>>431987I hope that you can get out of that situation anon.
I was in the same situation at my last job that was in retail. I had an irregular sleeping schedule because we were not allowed to have a set schedule if we didn't have a reason like having kids to take care of or something, and I spent almost all of my time sleeping. I would sleep in until the last possible moment, sleep on my commute, sleep on my breaks, I was so fucking tired and was so scared of wasting any time to doing anything remotely productive or fun for myself because I wanted to recover from being so physically and emotionally taxed at my shit job. I wanted to conserve as much as my energy possible for work and work only. I was on my feet for 10, 11 hour days because everyone was constantly made to stay late. We were always told to powerwalk, no slow walking allowed, and we were all constantly berated by management about how we aren't doing a better job when everyone is running on bare fumes because we're severely understaffed yet STILL being made to do 2-3 people's worth of work alone.
I quit and now I work a really chill office job. I'm taking the time to unlearn all of my past habits. I wake up early and have a lot of time before work, but instead of just sleeping in, I use all my extra time to slowly go about my morning routine (because it's nice to eat breakfast, wash up, and spend some real quality time in the morning with my pet without being in a rush). Rinse and repeat after work.
I hope you'll find another job that will allow you to indulge in things you like. Burn out is awful and no job that stretches you so thin and won't allow you any time to recover isn't worth it. You time and health are important anon.
No. 435571
>>435569Because they often don't give raises when asked. Note the only reason why it crossed anon's mind is because her boss teased that he ought to, not that her having been doing a good job and wanting a raise would be something she would have questioned had he never said anything.
>>434806If it's bad enough that you're already looking for another job then you've got nothing to lose in calling him out. Sounds like a dick though, don't get your hopes up.
No. 435611
>>435606I'm like your friend and it was the right choice for me, it worked out well for both my happiness and finances. But I still find myself wishing I had a degree sometimes. My earning potential is limited, I can't do things like teach english overseas, people might think I'm dumb or lool down on me for being uneducated, I have fewer career options, etc. You can still do an office job one day if that's what you want, but it's good if you have other choices.
That said it depends how long you've been studying and how much student debt you're in. I only had 8k debt when I dropped out so I wasn't bothered, but if you're a good way through your degree you may as well finish. If you've just started and really don't see a future in it, you might want to cut your losses.
No. 435952
>>435606All I can say is that I'm like your friend as well. My boring office job affords me the luxury of time to spend with friends and family, and to indulge in hobbies that make my life fulfilling. I do have a degree, but I'm not in my field. I worked in retail/customer service right after college, hoping to make something of myself there, but it was too emotionally and physically taxing that I ended up quitting (I have posts scattered around OT about it lol).
I like the set schedule I have now, rather than an ever changing work schedule to have to work around and constantly sleeping to conserve all my energy only for work and never for fun. After finally leaving and getting my current job, I'm still okay not being in my field. I do envy my friends who end up going into their field, their hard work paid off and they truly enjoy the thing that they do for a living, but for me, what my little money and mostly time that my job can afford me outside of work is what makes my life fulfilling. Even if I was a genius in my field I wouldn't go into it. The jobs are too hectic and time consuming. It'd be like retail again, but instead of snooty customers, just snooty big wigs and whatnot.
It just sounds like I'm bragging about how nice my life is, but what I really hope you'll take away is starting to figure out what you want from life (as horribly cheesy as that sounds). What are your priorities? Do you think it would be more fulfilling to you to have a job that has you deal in what you're passionate in? Or would you be happy enough with a (non customer service related) job that would afford you things you care about outside of work? I don't think you'll figure out the answer to this for a while, but it's something to thing about.
Ultimately whether university is worth or not is up to you. Even though I didn't get a job in my field, basically every other aspect about student life and making friends and whatever made the debt that I'm in now worth it (it was a hefty amount but no where near the amount some of my friends graduated with since I got more financial aid). There's so much pressure to make something of yourself immediately after college/when you're still young, but I think it's okay to flip flop about and take the time you need to discover what you really want to do.
I wish you good luck in the future anon! Sorry if my post wasn't all too helpful.
No. 436070
>>435954You can take online classes for just about anything anon.
Not saying it's a sure thing, but if you really want to learn there's probably an online resource on skillshare or something like that.
And I think most public libraries have free resources on how to do stuff. I believe you can totally take like an hour a day to put some effort into figuring out a cover letter.
No. 436103
>>435611>>435952Thank you for the kind replies, I appreciate them very much.
I think for now I will stay in university, since I was lucky enough to be born to parents generous and well-off enough to fund my college so I will graduate debt-free. It would disappoint them if I dropped out as well. I think I just depressed myself thinking of both people irl and online saying things like
>if you don't have a gorillion personal projects, an internship your freshman year, have attended a gorillion hackathons, have a gorillion industry contacts, etc you will be working at mcdonalds for the rest of your life and are worthlessA boring office job sounds good to me, I prefer to keep hobbies hobbies. But I guess I can get one after getting a degree, I don't have to only look for jobs related to my major.
>ever changing work scheduleThis is probably what I hate the most about my current job, the days and times I work are random so I can never plan for anything without requesting permission a month in advance. And the times I am off, no one else is.
No. 436158
>>436142That sounds terrible. You should definitely be allowed to carry some sort of protection. Pepper spray isn't deadly. I'm surprised you're not allowed to carry a gun.
Even if you were a guy, two or men can easily overpower you with raw force.
I hope you stay safe. There's not much I can say to provide comfort, but I hope you feel better.
No. 436200
>>436103Happy to hear that you'll graduate debt free! If anything, you can change your major if discover something else you're passionate about.
I had to deal with a lot of the "you need to have a fuck ton of experience and know a fuck ton of people before you graduate or else you're worthless" and I see friends now who are interning at the U.N. (we majored in international relations) and whatnot and for a long, long time I felt absolutely terrible about myself. If you decide to not go into your field, you'll never stop being questioned about it- I still am. But I've found what makes me happy, and my happiness (even if found through a boring office job) means a lot more to me than a super fancy job title and hefty salary.
I really hope you'll find a nice office job in the future anon. I think customer service is great to get your feet wet and you can learn a lot of skills that you can spin to your advantage in the future (working in a fast paced environment, teamwork, good at dealing with people, etc), and just learning to be empathetic to other retail workers!
I learned a lot from a friend of mine, who never went to college but now works in her dream industry (animation) through working various jobs and leveraging the skills she learned to her advantage until she got where she wanted. You can do that too (for wherever you want to go), with a degree under your belt! There's no negatives to having a college degree on your resume. You're young, do whatever you want to make yourself feel happy. In the end, you're the one who's going to have to live like 70 more years or whatever in your body, living your life, so youre a lot better off finding something you can see yourself doing long term and saying "fuck you" to whoever looks down on you. And always remember that the grass is always greener on the other side! I'm sure your friend with the office job has her gripes about her job that she isn't letting people know about.
No. 436231
>>436197if you're not clear on their exact roles, i would just keep it to yourself. you're more likely to offend them by trying to insert yourself than liberate them.
if you're dead set on making a comment to the men about it, i would speak to some of the women you're observing privately first.
No. 449297
>>449281workplace bullying sucks, happened to me a lot and no amount of complaining to my boss helped. Women can be extra
toxic to each other when men are thrown in the mix too its incredibly annoying. You either have to tolerate it or quit, I was personally fired because my boss realized it was easier to let me go than to make half the employees like me.
No. 449367
>>449281try to ride on that tension between wanting to speak your mind and not wanting to cross a line. having a line you don't wanna cross can be great motivation and grant you self-control and confidence in yourself. also, ask yourself where that line is realistically. voicing your opinion or expressing concern is reasonable and healthy and the question is if maybe you can still safely do it even in this passive-aggressive atmosphere. doing that confidently and carefully can go a long way.
and find methods or tricks to ground yourself or distance yourself emotionally in stressful situations even if it's petty or dumb or random objectively.
No. 450454
>>449473I'm still relatively fresh out of college, but I did manage to get out of retail. I worked a retail job in the summertime for about 3 years, and then a clothing retail store for two years right out of college. It took maybe 6-7 months of job hunting until I got a lucky break and a recruiter (who approached me first) got me an interview and the company liked me enough to give me a chance at a receptionist position despite no prior experience.
Unfortunately I can't be all too much help because a lot of it was luck for me, but really sell yourself! Retail gives you so many skills that other jobs look for. Dealing with people, multitasking, working well in a team, experience in a fast paced environment- you've just really gotta spin it in your favor. Have you worked with merchandising/visuals in your stores, or maybe working with excel or any other microsoft software? Were you the head of a team or department (no matter how small, it sounds good! I was only in charge of like 7-10 people at a time but I put it in my cover letter/resume anyway bc it demonstrates some leadership skills)? In the few interviews I managed to land on my own, I really tried to push the fact that I was used to dealing with hundreds of people everyday, leading a small team, and worked well under pressure. Ultimately, I never got a job offer because I didn't have explicit experience in working in an offices (my goal was trying to land any sort of office job). It just takes one person to believe that you're worthy of a position without any experience outside of retail, but that one person will make all the difference!
Try reaching out to some recruiters! After all, it's their job to help you look for work. Maybe even try a temp agency so you can get any sort of non-retail experience onto your resume and start in the direction you want to go. I really wish you the best of luck anon, retail fucking sucks.
No. 452927
>>452886a lot of those people work too…
just dont drink that much or suck it up and work hungover, it's not unusual
No. 452969
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>>450454Not that anon, but this is what i want tbh. I've been working my ass off in retail for 10+ years and i just want a mon-fri office gig at the front desk. I am literally dead inside from retail. I am trying to get out of my current job by the end of the year. it feels bad because depending on where you live, there are way more retail jobs than non ones and many office places want experience.
No. 453792
This is a long shot, but is anyone here a therapist/psychologist? I've become more and more interested in becoming one but I've procrastinated on looking up on how I would get started.
I'm a senior in undergrad, and I'm majoring in Economics and minoring in Philosophy. I really love what I study. I have yet to take one psychology class outside of AP Psychology a couple of years ago.
This summer, I put my studies to good use by interning as a policy analyst. However, I'm not sure if it's the job I want. I found it hard to work in an office by myself. Part of it was my fault, because I didn't get enough sleep, which made it hard to get things done. However, I love face-to-face communication, and I am so energized by it. I feel like I would really thrive in a job where I can talk to people directly.
I feel like there are other reasons I could be a good therapist. For one thing, it doesn't bother me when people talk about serious things like trauma. I think it would be easy for me to remain professional in this regard.
As someone who has struggled with mental illness and loneliness myself and made great gains, I feel like I could provide more accurate insight with regards to my patients.
My last therapist didn't seem to understand where I came from at all. One problem was that I was lonely, and she gave me advice such as going up and talking to strangers at a coffee shop, which imo, is kinda useless advice for most people. She also thought my parents had a lot to do with my problems, which imo, wasn't really true in retrospect.
I'm definitely on planning to do Peace Corps/Americorps after undergrad for a few years so I'll have more time to think about it. But after interning, working as a psychologist seems better and better.
No. 453808
>>453256It’s definitely worth it, depending on your location. You can easily make $20+ an hour at a nice craft beer place on a regular night.
Some things to consider: average amount of the check (most people in major US cities tip around 18%), the clientele (more “trendy” hipster places will draw people who will tip), and types of shifts you’re working (dinner/closing shifts are usually more money than lunch shifts).
Places like wine bars and fine dining are also good. Avoid cheap chain restaurants (shitty clientele who will run you back and forth all night and then complain about everything).
No. 453845
>>453802I was a policy analyst for a non-profit so I don't think I was having problems feeling like I wasn't helping people with my role. What's more humanitarian than that?
Could you explain what is hard about being therapist? And also what you mean by good empathy and intuition?
I think my therapist was totally off the wall in diagnosing me. She suggested that I had some borderline characteristics (though she didn't say I had full-blown BPD) and that made me think I was fundamentally broken as a human being. Four years later, I think I was a fairly normal person who didn't have an innate problem of any kind. I was depressed and anxious due to my bad situation.
As a therapist I think I'd like to focus on people who suffer from loneliness, which is an epidemic these days.
No. 455726
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>>131699I'm a uni student with a busy seclude, I tried looking for part-time jobs in my area and they're mostly hosting and retail jobs, I started considering doing some online sex-work… does anyone know where to sell foot pics?
No. 459524
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I'm job hunting and looking for jobs and sending my applications makes me a little anxious. I don't know exactly why but I'm worried something will go wrong somehow like me sending the wrong file instead of my CV or my phone not working when I could receive calls from potential employers, although that last situation already happened several times at the worst moments possible. I don't even dare sending applications and I had the whole week to do it.
No. 459580
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I work at a store and for the past couple weeks I’ve been helping out in another store that’s extremely short staffed. It had been pretty stressful because there was so much work that had to be done at this place - it was so bad my manager regrets volunteering to help. I hated that their opener/closer I overlapped with would get snappy because “it wasn’t fair” we were coming in to do their work…that they weren’t doing.
I’ve been there more than my home store and I found out that one of my coworkers has been shittalking during this time. At first it didn’t bother me because it was just stuff like “anon complains about this job too much” but I was told they made criticisms about me being in college, and half of these weren’t true. Like they think that I already have a degree and went to school for nutrition, while in reality I’m working on getting my first degree and it’s in a computer science field…it annoys me they are telling our new hires stuff like this.
And I have been complaining a lot because our company has been cutting hours so much we are all stuck working crazy shifts with no overlap for things like state mandated breaks, along with doing work that we are not certified to do. It’s getting pretty sketchy and exhausting so after being in my position for six years I’m ready to jump ship if I find an opportunity.
No. 459657
>>459596I don’t think it sounds weird or silly at all, but I do think working in a coffee shop is somewhat romanticised. I’m currently working in my third coffee shop/cafe, and I can truly say that it’s not as lovey as it sounds. Once it gets busy, you go into robotic mode, and zone out while trying to get millions of drinks done as fast as possible. It loses whatever artistry there is when you’re making them in lightning speed lol (I’m guessing it would be even worse in Starbucks omg!)
But it’s a preferable job to other work, I didn’t like working in a supermarket/checkout or as a cleaner, plus the tips are good. I fortunately live in a rural area where they’re desperate for staff so I can pick and choose, I can’t imagine what the process for finding work in busy cities is like. I hope you get a job you really love tho anon!
No. 459809
>>459610I don't drink drip coffee because I have stomach issues and it gives me an upset stomach, it can also give me panic attacks (sometimes but not always). I can drink coffee/espresso if it has milk in it because that seems to help with those things.
>>459645that's true, and I did that for one of the coffee shops but they never got back to me. I'll try it again though. thanks.
>>459657yeah, I wondered if it wouldn't be like what I thought it was and tbh the starbucks that I interviewed at seemed like kind of a stressful environment though. I still wanna try though, thanks!
No. 460385
>>460371I am in a similar situation to you. Currently job hunting and updated my CV and it comfortable spans two pages. Due to the amount of jobs I've had, I have created a primarily skills based CV with added details about my job roles bullet pointed beneath the sub headings. So my layout goes as the following, vertically Name - Address - Email - Profile (a short sentence summarising myself as a potential employee and a very brief background). Then I move on to my skills, subheadings like 'Customer Service' or 'Communication and IT Skills' etc. Beneath each heading I have outlined 4 of my strongest skills relating to each sub type.
After that, I have moved on to my work experience starting with most recent and working back in time. I have bullet pointed several key duties in each example of roles I've undertaken. I've found if I don't implement bullets, that I end up waffling on and on so I keep it short and sweet!
Then I've put any voluntary/work based achievements below this, then my grades and references.
I found it hard to cut out a lot of the garbage in my resume because I thought they had to know everything, but since I've been using this style of CV, I've had several great interviews and it's landed me one with my local city council! I'm not a pro by any means but it seems to be well received by employers. Good luck, Anon!
No. 460444
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>just started the first year of my two year masters degree
>have a part time job ( which i'm getting somewhat tired of) related to the field
>randomly see a job ad for a position in a startup company
>the job is exactly what i aspire to do after i graduate
>have not planned to apply for jobs, but make an exception
>send spergy email to the ceo in the spur of the moment
>ceo dude reacts positively (god knows why) and suggest i apply after having looked at my linkedin
>am absolutely terrible at writing job applications and have 0 experience because i have gotten all my past jobs through mandatory internships set up by my school
>plan on spending lots of time on writing a good application and organising my cv
>a week before the application due date ceo dude emails me and says he hasn't seen my application yet
>urges me to apply as fast as possible
>i freak out and edit the draft i've been working on
>send my terrible application and cv the next day
i'm so embarrassed. the application i wrote was all over the place and too eager/forward. i wrote some really, really cringey stuff, mainly because i was extremely sleep deprived when i was doing the final editing kek. and my cv layout looks absolutely terrible….. oh well. i just had to get this off my chest because it has haunted me for the past week.
No. 460540
>>460492It's not just America. I'm looking for entry level office work, yet they all require either a university degree or x2 years experience in a relevant setting. I'm not quite sure stacking shelves for nearly 10 years is similar, but am I fuck doing it for the rest of my life.
It's because the oldies are living longer so they're holding onto their jobs more. They don't realise how good they've got it. I was talking to my Mum yesterday about some big interviews I have coming up and how fucking competitive they are. She's never had a proper interview before and has just walked into all of her jobs no problem. She got a high paying office job straight out of high school and everything. It's crazy how different things are now. Keep trying though anon, someone will break and give you a chance eventually!
No. 461779
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My boss is lying about pay and has been cutting money from my paycheck because I was on vacation. That's illegal here.
At this point I stopped giving a shit and am wondering if programming is really worth learning from scratch? I have some basic html knowledge which means I don't really know shit. I already scrapped up some resources on to where to start but am worried it'll be a waste of time and money. I can't really afford a college but I found some free online courses.
Any anons here that have or know someone who makes an okay living in that field?
No. 461819
>>461763Heya anon, I have pretty bad anxiety myself especially of the social nature. Few years back I did a two year program in web dev and now it's my career. I feel very fulfilled and can go days without having to speak to anyone at work lol. Many coworkers will communicate through email and IM messages since our floor plan is a bit spread out.
It's not for everyone but something to consider. We also have a graphics department where people work with Photoshop and the like, where you are focused more on your screen and the work at hand than other people.
No. 461912
>>460540Hey anon. If it helps, I hire for a clinic. I'm on the west coast so I can't speak for other parts of the US, but I have 100% hired people with little experience and typically consider customer service, esp if you have been at the same job for a number of years, valuable as a potential employee. It boils down to if they seem like they will be a good addition to the team energy-wise, if they seem like they are bright enough, and actually wanting to learn/do work.
Ultimately, if you have little to no experience you just need to bring your best version of yourself to the interview and show that you are proactive about learning. Get a good nights sleep, eat well before, and try to just look nice in terms of attire. Better more formal than less. Fluff up that you know how to handle professionalism, energy matching, phone calls, the register, etc. Also, ask educated questions about the job beyond just the dress code, that is HUGE. (Asking about dress code should be last, or just observe what everyone is wearing when you go in and don't even ask.)
I can promise you are not fucked for the rest of your life. The fact that you have been working for 10 years is huge in itself, assuming it isn't at 10 different places. Start by just putting yourself out there with different offices or clinics.
Also, if you can, volunteer somewhere. That is HGUE if you do not have work experience in the specific field.
>>461763Honestly, anon? Get help for it. Professional help, as well as help yourself.
I have crippling anxiety, have had it all my life. Even working retail did not make it stop by desensitizing me. I still have it today despite interacting with people all day at my job. Getting medical attention and a therapist has done wonders for managing it. I only have to medicate if it is really bad. I also spend a lot of time and energy working on it, reading/learning ways to handle it, etc. Every job is more or less torture in some or many ways, it's just life. Holding yourself accountable that you are the one who has to make you better is the only way to improve.
No. 462065
>>460540at least she acknowledges times are different, unlike boomers who expect 18 yr olds to have full-time white-collar, steady jobs 2 weeks after they graduate until they can go to an expensive university
even then if you're young and lucky enough to have a job that isn't shitty retail, food service, etc American employers are childish and unreliable especially to young workers
it seems like all the people around my age have experienced one of the following
>being unfairly fired, including being late to work once, "not counting money out loud to customers when they make change", crying in the breakroom, being outsourced to cheaper employees in foreign countries, etc>employers not even firing people but slowly taking them off the schedule while expecting open availability, getting people as little as 3 hours a week while knowing this is their only income, instead of just firing them>cutting hours in general and the issue amoung getting jobs that provide good hours but somehow expect employees to be flexible while only wanting them to work 10 hours a week >expecting humans to stand 10+ hours a day in uncomfortable shoes and yelling at them if they sit down for a few seconds>employers not communicating with their workers, "you're hired" and "you're fired" have practically left almost every American employer's mouths>no constructive criticism or advice, expecting young workers to just go in the workforce blind and guessing >immature managers, HR, and just leads in general, they'll hire poorly working boomers who do shit in interviews and act negative, but won't hire younger people if they don't make contact every single second of the job interview or their greeting wasn't strong enough No. 462616
>>462525Hi anon! What kind of company is it, and what is the experience level (ie. Entry,associate, etc)? Is it more software eng or more web dev, or maybe data?
If you have time, you should look at Cracking the Coding Interview and do some Leetcode. A lot of my friends did these things and got jobs at Google, Facebook, etc (albeit intern roles). Definitely know your data structures, algorithms, various trivia, and stick to one language of your choice. If you feel shaky with those, you can look at Coursera Stanford's Algorithms course by Tim Roughgarden; it's free if you just want to watch the videos!
Depending on the company, be prepared for multiple interviews; one of my friends went through 6 rounds of interviews, consisting of technical + soft, before she got the job.
Hope this helps! Good luck, anon, and let us know how it goes!
No. 463064
>>462616Thanks for the response! It'll be entry level, probably more software engineering focused but I'm also looking into jobs involving data.
I have been reviewing concepts and doing practice questions. I think my main issue is that I have shit memory and performance anxiety so I'm afraid of forgetting everything mid-interview.
Hopefully if I practice enough and get used to the type of questions asked, this won't be an issue. Thanks again!
No. 463220
>>463219Wtf that job is at least 23 + per hour where I live
Americans are living as peasants for the rich holy shit
No. 463336
>>463220We are and I want to get the fuck out of here. Did you know some of us actually have to lie and omit our advanced degrees (in my case a master's) in order to be considered for employment? Lest we scare off potential employers for being too overqualified aka we won't be as desperate for their shit jobs and too intelligent to take the shit at these shit jobs.
An employer's ideal employee in America is desperate, eager to please, has minimum education with a fuckton of experience somehow, has kids (already; don't wanna pay that maternity leave or PTO if they offer it) ergo being unable to leave short notice and work extra hard to be kept under duress.
Anyone else is an uppity millenial expecting shit like
scoffa living wage
No. 463357
>>463219Tbf this isn't really the fault of the employers, because the sole purpose of business to maximize profits and that means cutting corners and paying as little as possible for everything, including labor. Especially unskilled labor like caregiving. So this is why we have government regulations instead of complete unchecked capitalism.
Problem is (most of) our fucking legislators are assholes who have no loyalty to their actual constituents. $7.25/hr is a complete joke. While there is a great supply of low skilled labor out there, we can't price out people's lives as if they are products on shelves. That shouldn't be how we function as a society, especially one with many rolling in exorbitant wealth. We need our minimum wage to be a living wage. Not a fancy living, or even a "comfortable" one, but at least enough for a roof over your head and food so you don't starve, Jesus.
No. 463360
>>463357>job demands CPR and caregiver licensure>unskilledWhat?
>You can't blame businesses for wanting profit over fair pay for their workers.But we can and we ought to.
>Legislators are assholes.Agreed, but if their constituents and lobbyists were actually outraged by the state of the American workers it would not persist. Truth is many people don't want to see the regulation of the free market in capitalist societies because so many profit off the backs of others. Something would be done if inaction to address this issue actually threatened their candidacy aka the rich's livelihoods.
Unfortunately, the permissive attitudes in the US such as "can't blame businesses for wanting more than their fair share" certainly don't bode well for change anytime soon in the favor of us little people.
No. 463390
>>463388At least they can get braces alongside Abdul, and go to the doctor when they so need.
Their vacation times are generous and overall rights for their workers tend to be good.
I'd rather be taxed knowing it goes back into services that I actually have a foot in.
No. 463397
>>463390>and go to the doctor when they so need. Lol, my aunt in Portugal had to get a simple procedure and she ended up having to pay for a private clinic after waiting for months since she might have died on the waiting list.
Spain and Italy are not much better off, the social security is corrupt and inefficient and the costs of living and taxes are too restrictive and put too much money on the hands of bureocrats who over indulge and over spend in bullshit while pensions go the hell. People are not getting their money's worth for what they contribute.
If you work in the US and have insurance benefits or can afford a private insurance you are much better off than the average euro. Burguers should stop fetishizing the european system so much, its not fucking smurfland.
No. 463400
>>463397>she paid a private clinicWait, you're telling me she paid for expedited care and she actually got that care in a timely fashion AND it was affordable/didn't bankrupt her?
Stop waving this highfalutin medical service in our burger faces, you win already man.
No. 463404
>>463400>you're telling me she paid for expedited care and she actually got that care in a timely fashionThe US has some of the best clinics in the world, if you pay or have insurance you will receive the best treatment there is in a timely fashion too.
>AND it was affordable/didn't bankrupt her?I don't think you know how to read because thats a pretty big implication there.
Imagine seeing your salary go to dust for decades with taxes on everything but breathing and when you actually need the social security to come trough it doesn't and you still have to break bank to get treated privately.
Happy times, in fact, the french are so happy with the system that they even riot to celebrate. Its always a party in Europe where everyone is happy with the government and everything works exactly as it reads on the pamphlet.
No. 463409
>>463404>The US has some of the best clinics in the worldIt's a very big place and healthcare varies drastically. Most clinics are average-to-poor at best. They are really only good in high volume metropolitan areas with large amounts of funding with an accumulation of specialized providers.
Of course if you're rich you get the pick of what you'd like because you can afford anything, including travel to someplace else to get care. If your clinic is busy, then as a rich person you can go someplace else and pay the extra.
If you are not, you are subject to being put on patient waitlists to be seen which could take months, some states require referrals for specialized care which could take the same amount of time in addition. We may have clean looking clinics, but they are bafflingly understaffed and overworked.
>imagine your wage is taxedI'm absolutely raped by taxes, I still don't get anything out of it.
>but can't you get company insurance to ease the financial burden?Your company insurance is only
valid through in-network providers and they always pick the cheapest available. I still had a co-pay just for stepping foot in a facility and I had a high deductible to the tune of more than a few grand (considered good by American standards). Spoiiler alert, my company was not paying me enough to make that deductable affordable.
>social securityOh and speaking of that, my generation and younger are paying into a social security system that we will never see a dime of by the time we can retire.
>pensionsPrivate companies don't even offer pensions anymore, and the (usually government run) agencies that do try to do everything they can to get you to quit or be fired before you can qualify for it. They don't wanna pay.
At least Aunty Portugal won't be homeless, which is what happens to Americans who can't pay the money man.
No. 463412
>>463409US anon here just to further drive this point.. I worked full time for almost a year, but never received any benefits because they always rejected my request to officially be considered full time. A single night in a hospital where I saw a doctor for all of 5 minutes for three staples cost me about $8k, which was half of the initial cost since I didn’t have insurance. Plus $200 for labs and $1k for the ambulance. On top of that, I’m
lucky I didn’t lose my job for being out without warning for a couple days. My entire savings was $2.5k and missing a couple days of work fucked my budget. The US is shit.
No. 463472
>>462612How did it go anon?
I haven't had any interviews in years so I'm interested in hearing anyone's recent experiences
>>463219It's becoming similar in the uk, even though we have better protection, the normalisation of zero hour contracts is destroying the job market and we're just watching it happen. As all these things sneak in on the lowest earning people first so nobody with any power cares.
>>463467Hopefully it will die out with the younger generation because of how sharp the herbalife memes on instagram are and how all the teen YouTubers keep making rants about Lululemon.
People have short memories though, mlms just need to find a way to distance themselves a small amount to not be recognised for what they are.
Arguably kids buying followers and interactions so that they can shill dropshippig and skinny tea is the new losers game.
No. 463579
So I have up to a master's degree and I've been trying to get another job by the end of October because my current administration contract is gonna expire, and it's not up for renewal anymore. Fine. So I've been applying like crazy to office type jobs, mostly on government or county websites.
I could technically go into teaching but I don't want to. I would need to take out more money to get certified, the starting pay for teachers here is what I make already, and my mom was a miserable bitch who fell back on teaching so I don't wanna end up bitter like she was.
Yet there's administrative and office jobs at the public county schools, so why not?
I applied to an "Office Support" position and the duties read as clerical in nature.
So I went to call back HR today. First of all, they falsely advertised the address of the schools so apparently I applied to a different one further away, so she claimed.
After that, her second shenanigan was asking me if I could drive a bus.
Oh but they'd "train" me she said.
No, fuck you people!
Stop being fucking cheap assholes and pay a designated bus driver instead of trying to stealth extra duties onto office positions!!!!
It was so unbelievable that I went back to read the job description. It said NOTHING about driving a bus! In tiny print under "preferred" qualifications, it said "must be able to obtain CDL." So that was it, that's how they can get away with falsely advertising a bus driver position. Fuckers.
I wasted my time on these corrupt was people.
Then I saw in the news today that the superintendent for the same school system "resigned" recently in a scandal where he was letting althetes graduate without the minimum credits for their diploma.
Fuck these shits.
No. 463754
>>463724Anon, are you past me??
I wish you the best of luck. I realized I wanted nothing to do with any sort of job in the field and have found happiness is boring office jobs. I feel like any sort of job in IR is fucking near impossible to get anyway. I have a friend who did the most
amazing shit in college, did a UN internship, was invited twice to give a speech there, met so many politicians, networks like crazy and whatever and he's
still struggling to get a job in the field. It's too cut throat for me.
Teaching English abroad might be nice though! It'll be something to put on your resume and something to do while you try and figure things out. You're still young- really! You have so much time to figure things out. I hope the best for you.
No. 463972
>>427653>>427660We’re on the same boat, anon! My commute is literally 1:40 minutes via public transit each way. However, even if I could drive my time commuting wouldn’t decrease by much because the city I work at is just far off.
There’s been some days where I’ve felt like jabbing my eyes out because of a lack of sleep (even though I could sleep as I commute) but as someone told me, you either pay for gas and car maintenance or public transit. I agree with other anon who said to make the most of your commute. I get a lot of reading done, text people, watch shows, and listen to music. It can actually be enjoyable and relaxing if you find the energy to do it. Alternately, you can maximize your time at home and catch some sleep on your commute. Good luck with your future endeavors! Just know you’re not the only one stuck with a ridiculous commute, if that makes you feel better.
No. 465736
>>465732She makes a point, and since you're living under her roof you should be taking it into serious consideration. Your parents might not be strict enough to kick you out but do you really want to lose their good will and respect? You act like your situation is unique but like… almost nobody wants to work full time, of course it's stressful and relaxing at home is better. People do it anyway because they need it to live and they can't or won't leech off their parents. If you really can't cope with more work at that particular job, maybe you should fill the other days with a second job that isn't so stressful. Or maybe you should study something or do a course to make good use of your time off.
It's also for your own sake. The earlier you start saving and investing, the better. Living at home is awesome for that, but working less is the worst possible way to do take advantage of your parents generosity. You'll never have a better chance to save money than when you have no bills or rent and don't have to manage a household yourself.
No. 465741
>>465736thanks for your reply anon. i'm trying to get my contracted hours up for next year so i can at least work 4 or 5 days minimum. i think it would give me more incentive.
also just to add on: i've been saving for years since i started working, and i give my parents rent every month. i never ask them for money and i buy my own groceries. i don't leech. if they're happy for me to stay at home then i'm not going to argue because it helps ME save my own money, but mum especially acts as if i take over the house when in fact i'm quite independent.
No. 466859
A little vent about American employers
>Having tons of qualifications that have nothing to do with the job, just to pay very little and give very little hours
>MLMs and telemarketers sending you robo calls 20 times a day, just American scammers in general making it difficult to know legit calls if every single fucking call you get every five minutes is a telemarketer
>Employers not understanding people aren't robots, expecting humans to stand 10+ hours on their feet all day with little to no breaks and yelling at employees who dare sit down for a few seconds
>Being childish and not making it clear what they want, having people just guess what they're supposed to do, especially when the job is low paying and they never tell you if they want you to call them if they will call you, telling you to call them but expecting you to call them, just dumb mind games instead of being clear. Slowly taking employees off the schedule instead of just firing them. Childish stuff like that
>Long applications and questions that can often take hours to complete. Just so you can 3/10 times MIGHT get a call back or be able to schedule an interview, a long interview often at inconvenient times, and if you don't go out of your way and cancel plans for it they think you don't want the job enough, and if you do comply you MIGHT get a second interview 3/10 times, and 1/10 times you might actually get the job, if you act robotic and confident enough during the interview and call back in time
>Employers being able to fire you for anything possible during the first 90 days
>Having low-paying jobs but expecting people to want and enjoy doing it
No. 467960
>>467952I deleted all the content from my fb , only share bs to signal i am alive and not doing anything out of the ordinary, any other social media i use is either anonymous or has nicknames that no coworker could know about. Fb is for family and coworkers anyway, no point in being spergy or controversial there.
I worked on a social media agency, i wasn't a community manager or PR or anything like that but yeah, they stalked all the employees accounts. If you have a 3 yr old twitter they read that timeline from the very first post to your last. If they sent a friend request and you don't reply boy they will get really mad and would consider it a red flag. Human Resources are always bitches and catty faggot scrotes who spent all day doing nothing but gossiping, constant connectivity is a curse for the wagie, means you never truly leave work ever and it seeps into personal life.
No. 468045
>>467960i mean you worked in a SOCIAL MEDIA agency, that makes a bit of sense
most menial jobs won't care much far as i know
No. 468090
>>468028Just remember the comment "you'll be 50 anyway"
No matter what you do your gonna get older, time will pass, so you might as well do it.
No. 468640
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I've been job searching since July since I know my current job will be ending by this month, and I've had no luck. Mostly just rejection emails if I've been so lucky to get as much as that, and a couple phone interviews that never went anywhere. I just got ghosted again today for a phone interview for a different company. I was promised by a hiring manager yesterday. Their hiring staff is the one who reached out to me too.
The job sounded intimidating–but good insofar as experience and pay–and even though they mentioned I had to learn a few things they said it would be good for my resume, and seemed willing to at least interview.
Well, I must not've been shit after all. I heard nothing.
I'm upset and exhausted.
It's so competitive in my area for what I want. It's not uncommon for the jobs I'm applying to state that 50-100 applicants have applied. One job I followed up on had over 400 applicants, and I was treated as naive for having attempted to call after two weeks of waiting.
My current employer likes me, but they've straight up told me the main thing that distinguished me from a different candidate was how I came across on the video interview. So I guess unless I get that far, I'm screwed in all instances.
How am I supposed to be noticed if all these employers give a shit about is previous work titles? I have two degrees, and while they're not related, the skills are transferable. I've had previous sales experience for over five years with a lot of transferable skills there as well. My current job is more relevant to what I'm pursuing, but my contract time has been relatively brief compared to the sales jobs I've held in the past. So I just look inexperienced even though I'm not a hack nor a dumbass nor a person with no education or work history.
I'm willing to learn but I cannot even get my foot in the god damn door!
Anyways, I live with my stepdad and he's constantly pressed and squeezing me about giving him money. He thinks I'm not trying hard enough, because he cannot fathom what job hunting for our generation is like.
He doesn't know I have more than several resumes and cover letters tailored for the scores of jobs I've applied to. He doesn't know that my current supervisor lets me work freely on my resume in the office. Or that I've totaled more than 80 hours constantly revamping, filling out applications, and retyping cover letters. Just for them to end in rejections.
So he gave me two temp agency websites (he's so ignorant that he thought he was giving me 'contacts' for personal recruiters….lmao). I figured I had nothing to lose so I had a meeting today at their agency.
My impression was that they were swamped. I got there at 1045am for an 11am meeting but wasn't seen until 1150am for a meeting that lasted me about 30 minutes.
This recruiter they matched me with was nice, I felt she didn't really click with me though. The scope of her insight was also really limited. She took what I said was my ideal job title and ran with it. What I explained that I wanted her to do was field me for any other kind of job because at this point it was about getting a wage that was livable. It's about survival.
She honed in on that singular job title anyway.
Then contradicted all resume advice I've seen online.
Ex. I was told not to use passive language and to phrase the professional summary and former work experience in ways that would highlight my accomplishments for the companies I've been with, and not list tasks.
She showed me one of her 'favorite' resumes from her 'favorite' clients (guess what this implies..) she had on file that used simple language to describe tasks and short bullets.
While I told her I had a lot of administrative, organizational, and clerical skills under my belt, I didn't have a lot of experience with finances like how to create budget reports and payroll.
She offered me limited advice on how to reword and tailor my work experience to get around that.
Finally, the pay she quoted me IF she could place me was abysmal. I understand these agencies get bonuses for getting employers the cheapest skilled labor they can find but it still hurts nonetheless. She was quoting me entry tier wages on top of me being expected to add two hours of commute time to my day. It's not worth it, it's like making minimum wage for having two degrees and several years of work experience.
These people don't fucking understand, and then expect people like me be grateful for getting handed breadcrumbs.
She wants me to email her an updated resume by tomorrow or Friday, and record a video interview by Monday. And, maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe I might, might, might, might get an interview for a job she had in mind. Maybe.
My stepdad seemed pissed at me that I wasn't glowing from his generous referral to this temp agency, but I just don't care anymore about what his ass thinks. I know what I've done, and I know how much work I've put into this. This would kill ANYBODY'S soul and I'm not fucking sorry for being rightfully angry.
No. 468727
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Been working as a dev for a while, it’s pretty okay. The people I work with are nice, and I get paid nicely. Not much to it.
No. 469153
>>468727Me too. I remember building this really nice portfolio with unique and some even popular projects (not ripped of some udemy course), going through CS curriculum, learning algorithms etc., and the first interview that I landed which was also the first job I applied to were some easy questions and I was hired on the spot.
I love working as a dev too. My coworkers are great but they don't seem to code outside of their job. They find it weird that I don't spend weekends doing something else and most of our talk is completely non programming related. I was hoping to find others to talk about personal projects. They don't even seem to play games.
Also, when I first came to the interview, I thought I mistakenly entered a gym because all the guys were really buffed and there's a gym on disposal. Sometimes I feel out of place because of all those things but overall, it's a decent job with many benefits so…
No. 487160
>>487130You sound like there’s a lot of stressful stuff going on, but you’re not in the wrong for trying something new
Good luck with school!
No. 556741
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I don't have any work goals or drive anymore and it's bothering me. I'm no longer interested in anything. Even new tasks doesn't interest me. I just procrastinate a lot at work. I used to have big dreams of climbing the corporate ladder and land a senior position in the organization in 8-10 years or so, maybe write an article or two about interesting topics regarding the field I'm in, but after 3 years of working, the dream just fizzles out. I see my other colleagues and friends around my age and they still show a lot of enthusiasm and joy in their work and have set goals and projects to do and even achieved success. Even younger colleagues/friends are achieving their goals before me. This just stresses me out to the point of having anxiety because here I am, without any goals in work and in life. It's like I gave up on the race before it even starts.
Not sure if I'm just depressed in general because I also don't show any enthusiasm in my hobbies/life/relationships anymore…
No. 556769
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>>556745Glad to know I'm not alone Anon. If only there's a way to get back the feeling of being excited about work. I wish I can recapture the feeling of being an enthusiastic fresh uni graduate. All bushy tailed and shiny eyed, excited to go out into the world and make a name for yourself and help contribute to the society.
Now I'm just a jaded SOB.
No. 558675
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Have any anons here gotten a “useless degree” and been able to get a nice job/career with it?
No. 559423
>>558833>>559408>>558974While you guys are here, what would be the best path to UX?
I have a project management degree and had some UI/UX courses but it feels too light?
How do you guys get there? Psychology? Graphic design?
No. 559434
>>559423I would def be tackling it from a graphic design perspective. Though psychology may be useful for UX specifically. Consider taking on light freelance clients to build a nice strong portfolio. If you can't find clients, you can also just make stuff up! Like come up with a fake company/product that "needs" an app/website/etc and design some stuff for that.
Check out stuff like this: get something like that online with your work and you'll land a job in no time at all. I can't speak with 100% certainty of course, but in my experience,
especially in a creative field like this, employers are looking more at your work than your education. The project management degree is a great foot in the door though as lots of design firms rely on people with those skills as well.
You're going to do great, anon!
No. 559462
Got a new job, yay! I've been fine being unemployed, but it's of course even better to have a decent income again.
I've been working at this new company for a month now and from day one they warned me about the overwhelming amounts of things I will have to learn. Which fine, I've learned overwhelming amounts of stuff before, but it seems to me like they'd rather have everyone do everything instead of delegating specific tasks to people and let them be knowledgeable and comfortable in that area.
Everyone seems to have their own ideas of how things should be done and handled. If I ask different people the same question, the answers will differ somewhat. It feels like no one really has control. It's an office job that includes case handling and customer service, so real people's lives and economies are affected by the decisions we make.
I'm also annoyed at people talking down to me or just replying with "uhm… I sure hope you knew this already, someone should have taught you!" to my questions. Yes, I was told, but I wanted to confirm with someone else because you seem to change your minds an awful lot depending on the time of the day.
At least I'm calm and confident enough to not let it get to me. Just trying to do my best until I maybe find another job elsewhere. It's no fun going to work every day feeling like you're constantly playing some kind of guessing game between coworkers, terms and conditions and customers.
No. 559475
>>559462Congrats anon!
>At least I'm calm and confident enough to not let it get to me.Good mindset to have. It'll get easier with time.
No. 559478
>>559434I'm kind of afraid about the graphic deisgn side.
I'm defenitely not a creative. I kind of have a block where I repress anything creative of mine as dulb and pointless.
I'm an excellent executant, though (loving rules and going above and beyond to make good work).
Do you think it's a no-no for UX if I haven't a creative bone in me?
No. 559549
>>558675Tons of people. Generally only that first job is going to be the hardest. Otherwise, companies just want you to have a 4-year + degree period and relevant work experience.
Due to circumstances out of my control, I ended up working in a field unrelated to my degree. I love what I studied and I love my job, so no issues here, but I did spend six months working in a small business in an entry level position, then another year and a half in another slightly less small business before getting my big break and making it into comfy corporate office life.
You are not under some ancient blood magic contract to work in the field you studied. Just be open to being at the bottom for a little bit and constantly be looking to move up. The second I got my first job, I was updating my resume and making sure I was constantly updating my resume on Monster and applying to jobs on Indeed. You should also make a LinkedIn ASAP if you haven't done so already. Make your title something like "[Year] [school] Graduate Seeking [field] Opportunities". So for example, 2020 UCLA Graduate Seeking Finance Opportunities.
No. 559554
>>559549Thanks for sharing your experience with this. My degree is only "useless" because I don't plan on pursuing graduate school, but I've been really anxious about being able to find fulfilling work with it.
I think my fear comes from the fact that I don't actually know anybody who has been able to land a good job with just a BA other than my dad, but even he tells me that he just got lucky. Everyone I know either has a masters or never finished school and now works in tech, where you don't need a degree to earn a good salary.
No. 559569
>>559478Nah, but in this case you'd be looking more specifically at something like "UX Architect/Analyst" or something along those lines rather than designer. You would be developing the flow and also doing research on your audience and stuff. I am this anon
>>558974 so I can really only speak from working with/around people who are designers - they spend lots of time in brainstorming meetings and then in Adobe Creative Suite software actually bringing the ideas to life.
Might be a good idea to take a few more intro classes (even free online ones) to get a feel for which roles you might fit best and then go from there. If you are interested in being part of a team that builds apps, software, websites, etc there is no shortage of roles from which to choose.
No. 559581
>>559478Central Europe anon here - I'm a "regular" graphic designer but I work with UI/UX people in my company. Creativity or lack of thereof is not an issue AT ALL. First of all a lot of you'd call "being creative" actually comes with experience and the projects you go through - the more you make, the more you study other designs, the more ideas you'll have. In UI/UX especially there's not that much space for artistic input actually - things that make for a good user experience are very specific and "users" are known to not like anything too artistic or elaborate. As a designer you'll have to always stay up to date with research and analytics done on infrastructures and user experiences - basicaly 50% of the job is design and 50% is studying and researching what works, why, and how to implement and improve it.
Reason why you'll need a graphic design background rather than psychology - while you'll definitely benefit from studying the latter, do it on your own focusing on the angle you need - as a graphic designer you'll learn all about color, composition and technical use of sofware you'll need to be proficient with in your future work.
No. 559679
> You are not under some ancient blood magic contract to work in the field you studied. Just be open to being at the bottom for a little bit and constantly be looking to move up.Not anon you replied to, but that's something I've needed to hear for awhile. I figured it out on my own to a degree, but most people are either sad I don't want to do art anymore or keep telling me to just do commissions when I say I'm looking for a job. I never listened to the saying that you'll never get a real job getting a degree in art. I was young and foolish and I beat myself up so hard for stuggling and failing for
years trying to do commissions because that's what I
had to do. I hate doing art now at all, still trying to recover from that.
The problem I'm having now is that when trying to find "normal" jobs I'm getting blocked by the "have to have experience to get experience" issue. (I have very bad phonecall phobia and severe physical limitations so receptionist and retail entry jobs are out.)
I've spent a year and a half doing general programming (and game programming for fun), but I'm hitting the mid-point where tutorials and guides are either too easy or a really specific and complex thing. I need guidance on how to progress past this point so not even a job, I've been looking for unpaid internships. They all want you to be a junior or senior in college and won't accept anything else. I've also moderatated and been acitive in communities, hosting events, etc so I've been looking into Community Managers or Social Media and all those listings want degrees in communication or buisiness.
I'm willing to learn, so in any fields that doesn't have me cold calling and labor I'd learn if I could get just get into an entry level position.
No. 559905
>>559581>>559569Thanks for the advice, guys.
I did have to work with an UX Analyst for a project and he was comparatevely to me completely clueless about the tools his designer used. It didn't even occur to me when I was typing my message but you're right, he was the research/test and talk to business people guy.
So I guess I could worm my way into that career.
Welp. Time to work on a portfolio.
Last question : Since I'm a multi-tool (having a project management degree I have my hand kind of in some basic front & back end dev, graphic design, marketing, project management obviously, etc… but nothing I'm an expert at) and not dead set in which sector I want to work in.
Should I just put in a portfolio everything I've ever worked on and try to show off I know a lot a things (even superficially)?
Ou should I really select the one career and reflect that?
No. 560058
>>559643>how important is having a relevant degree if one wants to become a web designer?100% irrelevant. Only things that matter are a portfolio and experience. Education is good for you personally, having deadlines, good tutor, projects that could expand your interests, but all that matters in hiring process is your skill, regardless where you got it from. Don't wait with applying, start sending your dribble portfolio around!
>>559905> Should I just put in a portfolio everything I've ever worked on and try to show off I know a lot a things (even superficially)? In a hiring process it's really important for the potential employer to see you want This specific job and your CV / cover letter has to reflect that. Best practice that always worked for me is curating my CV - just minor changes - to be a best fit for requirements listed in the job offer posted. Otherwise you risk looking like you're just mindlessly sending your CV everywhere not knowing anything about the company and what they're looking for, which obviously make you a less desireable candidate. Pick the skills that are best match for the job and you can elaborate on them a little bit (not too much! CV can't be too long, recruiters have no time), and then you can add additional mini-section with "other skills" which you can just quicly list so recruiters will know there's more you can do but it's not your focus here. Don't list anything you're not confident about - you don't have to be an expert of course, but for example if you used Adobe inDesign 3 times in your life it's pointless to say you know it. Additional skills and broad interest are a very cool thing to talk more about during job interview if prompted though, so keep that in mind. Good luck!
No. 560059
Can't tell about psychology but journalism is over saturated to the fucking brim.
If you really want to get into it, you'd be better off getting ASAP into digital marketing (and getting SEO, SEA, wordpress handling and such skills). You will really have a hard time competing against people with this skillset even in niche writing. Good writing alone is not seen as a skill of value at all nowadays.
Those publishing houses you interned at, how were they doing?
No. 560611
>>559679>I have very bad phonecall phobiaYou need to get over this one yesterday if you want to get into marketing/communications. You're not going to always have to be on the phone, but it'll come up more often than you'd think.
Another issue is that you don't really seem to have a career goal here. If I were to ask you the name of the position you want to be in next, would you be able to tell me? You're focusing on programming, communications, and social media marketing- those are three different things. Pick one and work on moving up the ladder instead of being all over the place and wondering why no one is hiring you.
If you're fine with unpaid internships, you'll be fine with the pittance small businesses will pay you for social media marketing. Suffer for a bit so you get something on your resume. You just need to help some boomer do Google Ads, Instagram, Facebook, Yelp, and maybe Pinterest and Etsy.
Another thing I want you to understand is that it doesn't matter what degree the job listing prefers- what do you have to lose by applying to a job you are not 100% qualified for? Nothing. If you have some experience, it balances out not having the right degree.
My suggestions to you are to fix your fucking self-esteem first of all- no one wants to hire someone who isn't confident in their own abilities. Next, fix your resume. Pick a position and tailor your resume to match that. If I'm looking for a social media manager, do I care about your game programming experience? Not really. Look up resume examples specifically for positions you're interested in, not just random resume templates. Additionally, look at job listings and skim through the skills. See what they want that you have (or can have if you train yourself) that isn't on your resume. Now put it on there. I promise you there are at least a couple of skills you don't even realize are worth putting on your resume until you come across a few job listings looking for something like Wordpress experience. Also, put graphic design as a skill if you've got art experience. Make a portfolio. It'll look good for marketing, especially when you're starting out and people want a social media person who can also design flyers and logos for them. Once you're past the point of working for tiny businesses, you can take that part off.
Good luck. You can do this.
No. 560616
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Is it even worth trying to learn to programm/get into IT by yourself? I know some people who managed to do it without schooling but I feel like by the time I get good at it the market will be oversaturated.
Right now I'm in customer support because it's nearly impossible to find a job in finances (which is my field) without a degree or knowing the right people.
No. 560647
>>560059One was a super tiny publishers and idk how they are just now but I also interned at a very well known one in london so I'd say they're afloat. I'm not too fussed if I can't get into journalism. It was just an idea since I did English. At the end of the day I'm basically happy to do anything that involves mental health and or some basic editorial work. I don't know if I'm being very clear, but the fields I mentioned aren't the only things I would be willing to do. I just want to be above minimum wage at some point in my life.
>>560581I've had the degree for less than a year and since I planned to go back to uni I've just been working a minimum wage waitress job to get out of my overdraft.
No. 632235
>>631658Gather real life examples of everything they may ask. The award is a great thing to mention to prove you're ambitious and providing great results.
Write a list of examples of why you're the right person for the job. Take notes of shit the interviewer says too so you'll have opportunities to skim through your own notes and buy some time.
Wear foundation if you're afraid to blush when you're nervous lol.
If you can't answer a question say some shit like "I'll have to get back to that question later" to buy some time.
Write down a few questions for the interviewer to ask at the end, it shows you're interested.
And good luck! It sounds like you're fit for the job and have a good chance to get it. And if you don't get the job just think of the interview as practice. The more interviews you have the easier it gets, so practicing is good.