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No. 134388
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Has anybody here ever purchased from the EOS Max Pure series?
I always used to wear the EOS Ice Greys which blend beautifully with blue eyes but I'm looking to switch to something with a thicker graduated limbal ring.
Also if anybody has any suggestions for a natural lens with decent enlargement that blends well with blue/grey eyes I'd really appreciate it!
No. 134389
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>>134388These are the only decent-ish photos I can find of somebody wearing them.
Oh btw guys Honeycolor is having a buy-1-get-1-free offer on all lenses, but the free lenses are selective (probably unpopular stock).
No. 134391
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>>134390idk I kinda like them.
I really liked the lenses that Taylor wore and then I realised that they were EOS Max Pure Green, but she has brown eyes so they blend better.
They might potentially end up looking like garbage on me, but I want to find out. I think with lighter eyes sometimes it's really difficult to get a lens to blend properly without making you look you've been possessed. Girls with darker eyes usually look so elegant with them.
No. 134395
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>>134394I used to think that too but I've been using EOS Ice Grey for a while and I kind of feel they make my eyes look "old".
The blending is A+ though which is normally horrendous to attain with most lenses.
No. 134397
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>>134396I have honestly never seen a good pink lens that doesn't reveal some blue through gradient graduation or suffer with the keyhole effect. They're really fucking difficult to pull off if your eyes aren't dark do you're going to have to decide which is preferable - keyholing or graduation.
Picture related is EOS Ice Pink btw.
No. 134400
>>134389my natural colour is like these lenses, but the circle is smaller.
I would buy brown or black ones.
which would be better?
No. 134406
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>>134387I only like them on darker eye colors, and also without the dark ring (it can look good when in cosplay, and jfash but eh) I.fairy Pon Pon lens series are my fav!!!
No. 134410
>>134409lol another asian who thinks gooks are cute just because ''azn!!! japensu''
No. 134414
>>134409Eurgh, what? Only Asian people are allowed to have large pupils?
Weebs I sware m8…
No. 134416
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>>134388I just got the " Pretty Crystal Grey (known as Ifairy Super Crystal) (Vassen)" lenses.
I had never tried circle lenses before so I wanted something subtle but a little bit weird.
These actually kind of disappointed me because they blend in with my blue/grey eyes too well. But they do enlarge.
(photo from the website)
No. 134417
>>134397I think those EOS Ice Pink ones are pretty good, but I think you're right. I'll keep hunting and bring up any I think might look alright.
On that note, do you guys like them more fake looking or more natural?
No. 134419
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>>134415I don't know what you think Asian eyes look like but even when the lenses cover some of the white, they still look bigger.
No. 134420
>>134417definitely natural, I've been running into girls wearing lenses IRL more often and it looks really stupid, to be honest.
But they always try to wear like a solid color bright aqua lens with no gradiation.
No. 134421
>>134419Oh jeez how could the girl in your pic related possibly look better with the lenses than
>>134395 naturally has the most gorgeous eyes ive ever seen on lolcow why does she even wear them?
What kind of look are circle lens wearing folks trying to achieve? It looks bad on everyone except on the people where circle lenses originated, and I dont even know why (no I'm not a weeb).
No. 134422
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>>134421They look bad on most Asian girls too, we just generally see the nicest photos from magazines, popular blogs, etc. as opposed to the average person. Their faces are more likely to make them work though since pairing them with big protruding features just looks ridiculous. However it often comes down to knowing how to do the rest of the makeup along with the lenses. A lot of non-Asians who try them do it without proper makeup (liner, false lashes, etc.) because they don't know any better, and that gives a much more bug-eyed weird look.
No. 134423
>>134421Probably because they have brown eyes like circle lenses are intended to be used on. Also what
>>134422 said.
No. 134424
>>134422Yeah asian eyes dont just look like that with lenses its the fake upper lasher, lower lashes, eyeliner, eyelid glue/tape, contour of the eye to make them more deeper and aegyo sals that enlarge the eye do that and most people can wear circle lenses.But these girls
>>134395>>134416 is just wearin liner and the other one lashes and it looks good
No. 134425
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>>134404I'm white and I can assure you that I look better with circle lenses. It makes me look younger and it balances my face since I have a strong jaw.
Imo it only looks bad when the design/colour is trashy or when the makeup is shit (droopy eyeliner, cheap fake eyelashes, fucking aegyo sal + semen under the eyes trend)
My least favourite lenses are "Princess mimi chocolate brown" because of their tacky design and "I fairy pearl black" (pic related) they make you look like a retarded alien.
No. 134426
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ngl, I'm actually tempted to wear circle lenses like this girl.
No. 134433
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I really like this lenses, probably gonna buy them.
No. 134434
>>134432Really? Narcissism is fine, like I'm narcissistic, but when you're stuffing it in everybody's face like she does it just makes you look like a moron.
I thought she'd be fun on Snapchat like Cara Delevigne is, but I just keep getting snaps of her squeezing her tits together and dancing in front of her mirror in shorts whilst pushing her lips out. I'm like "bruh, rly, again?".
No. 134435
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She is obviously a very pretty girl but I did keep wondering why it was she only ever exposed her face from exclusively one side. Watching videos it's pretty clear to see she's one of those girls, like Charms, that has a high degree of asymmetry resulting in her face only looking good from one side. Still pretty, but I feel the illusion is kind of lost in motion.
No. 134436
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>>134435Yeah, this is what I mean.
No. 134437
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here dakota doesnt wear them, she looks much better right?
No. 134438
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Irl, circle lenses look like this.
No. 134439
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this is what eyes irl without lenses look like
No. 134440
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No. 134441
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it is not a good thing to see this when i type in "circle lenses"
No. 134442
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You can choose to look like this with natural makeup
No. 134443
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and if you want to change your eye color ocasionally you can do use the much more natural looking solotica lenses for example
No. 134444
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and if you want to change your eye color ocasionally you can use the much more natural looking solotica lenses for example
No. 134445
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and if you want to change your eye color ocasionally you can do use the much more natural looking solotica lenses for example
No. 134446
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and if you want to change your eye color ocasionally you can use the much more natural looking solotica lenses for example
No. 134448
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>>134447then why are you here?
pic related; circle lenses done right
No. 134449
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I contribute in this thread by posting swaps of the lenses
No. 134450
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how does this look good?
No. 134451
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this I like
No. 134452
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if you dont look like this when you wear them dont bother with them regardless of what you are tbh
No. 134454
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>>134453i on purpose uploaded an ugly girl with much better eyes to prove my point.
No. 134458
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>>134457I agree circle lenses are so cute!
No. 134469
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No. 134470
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>>134469soooo cute
this is a close up of my new lenses omg i love them so much
No. 134471
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I have these lenses in two colors (this color) gray and brown. I also have some other natural looking lenses. In my opinion I think natural looking lenses can look very cute even if you are wearing normie/non weeb fashion and lenses like in the OP pic look nice on "alternative" fashion people if worn with the right makeup.
I just wear casual/normie clothes and sometimes wear these sort of natural/not large lenses and I think they really make me look cuter (I do have smaller eyes so keep this in mind)
No. 134475
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This thread in a nutshell.
No. 134477
>>134474Autism = calling anyone a weeb on an anonymous image board when there's plenty of weeb content.
>>134470What's the name of these lenses?
No. 134485
>>134484Actually I'm the OP, not her, and you're completely fucking retarded.
Don't like circle lenses? Cool beans faggit, now fuck off.
No. 134491
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>>134399This is what they look like on light blue eyes. Do you like them?
No. 134492
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>>134399What diameter do you want? Do you necessarily want to own a green pair? Do you want them with a limbal ring?
If you want them to look natural with blue eyes, I would go with blue-greyish lenses.
>>134397I like the EOS Ice series… gonna get them in brown.
No. 134494
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I am desperately searching for a reputable website that sells FUCKING TEAL/AQUA LENSES. I cannot for the life of me find any that aren't sold out, or only come in plano (or some random prescription)
Does anyone know where I can find some like in pic that come in -3.50 -3.75 ? It's driving me up the wall.
No. 134495
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Double post but these are my favourite lenses and I wear them a lot. I can never seem to find brown lenses that match my eye colour anymore that don't have a stark black rim but give me the size I want, as well as not having that keyhole look.
So settling for purple somehow worked, and these work perfectly. I have goldenish brown eyes. 3 tones puffy work too.
But these are Super Crystal Violet. I really recommend them. I wanted the pink ones but they only ever seem to come in plano.
No. 134498
If any of you guys are into more natural lenses and can speak Japanese/use google translate, I highly recommend It's a little pricey because you do have to use EMS, but I like the lenses I got and their service so I don't mind.
Btw, when you order, you do have to put in a Japanese zip code, but you can just write all your info in the section where you write your address and/or in the comment section. (they told me just to write it in the comment section but I did both just to be safe)
If you're curious about what lenses I got, it was these: can't really do much of a review on them atm bc I haven't really worn them, though, I have tried them on. They look very natural and only make your eyes look just
slightly bigger.
No. 134499
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I dunno, some hooded eye types…….
No. 134502
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Anyone know what circle lenses these are?
No. 134506
>>134495Is it possible to get eyelashes anywhere near that pretty without extensions?
Also, how are the whites of those eyes so clear?
No. 134508
>>134504>>134503lmao you niggas serious
she posted a picture of a bjd and you guys couldn't tell lol wat
No. 134516
>>134513My friend used their lenses p much on the daily.
She kept the ones she used every day for about a month, while the ones she only wore on occasion she had for up to a year.
I think it depends on how often you use them and how well you take care of them, like changing the lens solution in the boxes regularly even if they haven't been worn etc.
No. 352227
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Does anyone know any lenses that looks just like or similar to the Bambi almond lenses??