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No. 135150
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Andrew Scott.
No. 135152
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No. 135153
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>>135151He so fucking is.
No. 135154
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Matthew Grey-Gubler
No. 135156
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No. 135158
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Zero, live member of Alcest and Les Discrets
No. 135159
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young joseph stalin was cute and i have no shame
>>135152rhett is precious
No. 135161
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>>135158Will you marry me? Who are you, mystery person?
Also, Mathias Lillmans
No. 135163
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>>135161Just a lady who loves music and dudes with long hair c;
Vreth though, he's so cute.
No. 135165
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>>135163You have very excellent taste, dear. <3
No. 135166
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Till Lindemann's pretty hot in an angry German kind of way
No. 135167
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i have a thing for young varg.
No. 135168
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Alan Sparhawk looked cute when he was younger, he just has like a really innocent face.
No. 135170
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No. 135171
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>>135167He's a cutie patootie
No. 135172
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>>135161>>135164>>135165Here's another one of qt Vreth
No. 135173
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Pretty sure some of these posts are poes law, but ok, i'll bite.
No. 135174
>>135169It's a recipe for deliciousness. He's a pretty intelligent man.
No. 135178
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>>135167i was just about to post varg, you beat me to it
his politics are shit but whatta qt
No. 135179
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>>135167>>135171>>135178>saw this qt>had to google him>mfw when reading his wikipedia page what's with all the bbyfaced psychos?
No. 135181
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this a varg thread now. post vag
No. 135185
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>>135149He's so kvlt and dreamy.
No. 135186
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>>135180can we pls keep politics outta this thread
>>135181im 100% on board with this
No. 135187
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>>135181I miss when he was an angsty edgelord. He looks really cute in his court photos.
No. 135193
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joe trohman…
No. 135194
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>>135193Definitely underrated.
Not even a FOB fan.
Stephane Paut.
I feel like you have to see him in person to really appreciate him. He's beautiful.
No. 135196
>>135195I agree. Being a hateful person does not change things for the better. I understand his frustration with the state of our world right now and the corruption in our government and religious organizations….but setting fire to churches because you're angry that they destroyed your culture? It's crazy. You're only continuing the cycle of destruction and hate. It's hypocritical.
I think it's good that he is trying to live off the land now and be self sufficient in order to protect his family…..but he's still the same bitter asshole as he was in the 90's
No. 135197
>>135186wow, the hair envy is real. how do some guys get their hair so long and luscious? i feel like half the guys i know barely know the difference between shampoo and conditioner and yet most of them still have gorgeous hair
>>135195according to his wikipedia page, he still denies being connected to the church arsons. however, he did murder his bandmate, so the crazy sociopath thing still stands.
>>135195i suppose i'm in the minority, but i think he aged decently. definitely better looking than a lot of forty-somethings. i think its the scraggly homeless-man beard that's making him look so bad. his crazy really shines through in his recent pics, though. see
>>135179 No. 135200
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>>135187i know :ccc angsty teen dream varg is best varg
>however, he did murder his bandmate, so the crazy sociopath thing still standsidk but the way you worded that is hilarious to me
>>135190stalin actually aged pretty well tbh
>>135193seconded hes super cute
No. 135201
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>>135200>>135194i'm glad other people think this of joe, i was surprised to find out he isn't the one lusted after in the band, he has a really cute lisp too.
No. 135202
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>>135188I didn't post anything racist. Why are you so insecure?
No. 135204
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He was really pretty in Antiviral. But that might just be I find pale sickly boys qt. Plus bonus points for being moody.
No. 135205
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>>135201>>135193>>135200Oh yes anons! One of the most underrated band guys ever.
Bert McCracken is so nasty and dirty, but it's such a turn on.
No. 135208
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>>135205not into the used but greasy band dudes are my type and hes pretty attractive
also matt good??? greasy band dude ideal in the d.r.u.g.s days but now hes fat and ugly tbh
No. 135211
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>>135209>>135210derek is so precious! and i still love all the cringey emo bands haha
No. 135213
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I've always found him incredibly cute and handsome.
No. 135214
>>135213I'd fuck Moot too. Tbh I will basically fuck any young skinny white guy whose face isn't
too weird.
No. 135220
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>>135219>>135205I used to think he was pretty hot back in the emo days but not so much with his current look.
Idk, he has a nice face, I just fucking hate his new hair.
No. 135223
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i've always found him ridiculously hot and i fucking love his music
No. 135224
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>>135223but he was at his prime in the mid 90s of course </3
No. 135226
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Bo Burnham
I love this hairstyle on him so much.
No. 135227
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i think hes cute
No. 135228
in the early 2000s me and my friends were obsessed tbh
No. 135229
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Macaulay Culkin's (AKA Home Alone Kid) younger brother
No. 135232
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Young Anthony Kiedis
I mean he still looks kinda hot but damn
No. 135237
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>>135233Seriously. Short hair on guys (especially shaved heads or crops) always look so bad. Guys need to grow their hair out more. And learn to hair care. Women have to learn too, so guys should fucking do it as well. Not hard to just wash your hair at least twice a week and shampoo it. I like being able to run my fingers through someone's hair, even if it's above shoulder length. It's something I can tug on and brush.
No. 135239
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I'm into dweeby types, though.
No. 135240
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>>135239me too
old-school Spencer Reid (Matthew Grey Gubler) anyone?
No. 135241
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No. 135242
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No. 135244
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gael garcia bernal
No. 135245
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tokala clifford
No. 135246
>>135231That one is Rory! I think he had a short appearance in Hick but I could be wrong.
There were seven Culkin kids, one or two died, from what I understand the parents were money hungry and wanted them all to act? It's been a while since I read about it.
>>135238He is! He's super cute in Igby goes down though, hngg.
No. 135247
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>>135242Literally the reason I watch Criminal Mind. He's such a fucking cutie.
>>135243Wow. What a unique face. I always thought that other model Andrej was GORGEOUS and now he's trans. What an incredible waste. It really feels sad to see him go that route when he was a really unique looking male model imo.
No. 135248
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>>135247Perfect twink material: gone
No. 135250
>>135249He's a native american actor
He was the kid bury my heart at wounded knee
No. 135251
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>>135243He's a mohawk actor from crooked arrow
No. 135253
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>>135248Here have this long haired twinky model who isn't turning trans any time soon to feel better.
No. 135256
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>>135224apologies for the tiny gif but both alex and damon were gorgeous around then too
No. 135258
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No. 135259
>>135258Not a fan of the facial hair style but still pretty cute.
Your man?
No. 135261
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I want Louis Theroux to fuck me until I speak a different language
No. 135262
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i have a huge crush on oneyng
No. 135263
Could be way cuter.
Lose the bandana, get some more stylish glasses and shave the chinbeard stache combo and you could be pretty qt.
No. 135264
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Why is Teemu such a babe?
No. 135267
>>135264Teemu 2cute
>>135258-9/11, caused 9/11
Get rid of the bandana, glasses, and the pedo-esque facial hair.
No. 135270
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Any love for J Mascis???
No. 135274
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#1 husbando from the womb 2 da tomb
No. 135277
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No. 135278
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not sure if underrated, but, I've had a big ol crush on elijah wood since I was 13. i have the same birthday as him as well, exactly 10 years apart.
No. 135280
>>135277unf unf unfunf
>>135278he looks like a little boy you pedo
No. 135286
>>135282>>135280Heh, I was an Aragorn fangirl and I used to call Frodo and Legolas fangirls lesbians in middle school.
I was the one who turned out to be a lesbian though, somehow. I'm pretty I accused Daniel Radcliffe fans of that as well.
But pedophiles? Well, wow. Yes they definitely have a "sweet" look to them. They don't even look feminine, they still have a very manly jaw and nose and brow. They just look nice.
I feel really sorry for you if you think "real men" should look like hardened criminals or something.
No. 135288
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I just discovered this qt. Manuel Waible. I feel really bad that I don't like his band. He's absolutely beautiful.
No. 135293
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>>135288THANK YOU FOR INTRODUCING HIM TO ME BASED ANON. He is seriously so cute, I wanna brush his hair and braid it so bad.
No. 135296
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Eamonn Walker
esp when he was playing Kareem Said in Oz
he always has shine in eyes
No. 135298
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>>135297You like Adebisi?
If so, interesting! Characters with wild twisted behaviour are all repulsive to me. I like the clean and honest, stabile man. Like Idris Elba in movie Obsessed.
No. 135299
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No. 135303
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>>135258You're cute but poorly styled. Right now your personal style says "I creep on girls at conventions. I'm dangerous, but not in a sexy way." Get rid of white trash bandana, trade pedophile glasses for normal cute ones, maybe consider getting rid of facial hair but it's not absolutely necessary
No. 135305
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90's Damon Albarn
No. 135306
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young Henry Rollins
I'm going to one of his spoken word gigs in about a week and a half, it'll be weird actually seeing him in person
No. 135307
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>>135305>>135223>>135224>>135256yes. i'm very nearly in love with him and his talent!
(i think graham coxon was super attractive too, in a really weird Buster Keaton bug-eyed way. this was one of my favorite photos of graham and damon)
No. 135308
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>>135307so, 90s graham coxon as well
No. 135310
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The Rock.
No. 135312
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Adam Driver
No. 135314
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>Black flag tattoo>misfits tattooNoice.
No. 135315
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>>135312he's nearly as ugly as that pig nosed actor who played finn
GTFO with your horrible taste
No. 135316
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I want Brian Bloom to take my ass. So underrated but so fucking hot
No. 135317
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John Krasinski. He's always looked good but he's been prime material recently
No. 135318
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Well if we're gonna discuss dudes from the new star wars…
No. 135319
>>135312>>135315>>135313I feel like Adam Driver is one of those guys who look really ugly in pictures. But he looks better in motion. I bet he looks better in real life.
I am the same way, I have a wide face and prominent nose, I look like shit in pictures but I think I am at least a 6/10 in real life.
No. 135321
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Tobey Maguire and his puppy eyes
He strikes me as a very "cute" guy, can't find him "sexy" or handsome but I have a big crush on him
No. 135322
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Wes Bentley is getting better with age.
No. 135324
>>135322Wow, aged like wine. Would watch plastic bags with/10.
>>135317Don't care much for his face but his body is great. I remember he was much smaller in The Office I think, did he bulk recently?
No. 135328
>>135312Hnnnnnng. Ugly lanklets are literally the best type of men.
>always have super broad shoulders and narrow hips which is hot af>low body fat so have good endurance for fucking >low self esteem because skinny and ugly so they are grateful and never leave you >>135318Hard pass. Pretty manlets are stuck up and have a huge chip on their shoulder.
No. 135330
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No. 135332
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>>135262Holy shit anon, let me love you
I thought I was the only one, he's adorable
No. 135333
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Jon Tron
He's really cute and looks very cuddley.
Also he's funny and seems like he'd be a really kind person.
No. 135339
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>>135154he's a cute
domhnall gleeson holy fuck i want to Sex
No. 135341
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>>135213I agree, moot is fuckable. He fits my type when he wears glasses.
No. 135346
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>>135341I just watched Dream house two nights ago. Daniel Craig was covered in filth and crime half the movie but looked so damn fine.
No. 135347
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>>135346>covered in filth and crimeYou're making it sound like a bad thing
No. 135349
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>no George Blagden
what is wrong with you guys?
No. 135350
>>135349I haven't watched Vikings in a while, but I was waiting for Ragnar to fuck him up the entire time.
No. 135355
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Is Eric Balfour underrated?
No. 135356
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Patrick Fugit.
No. 135357
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>>135152I can't stand how their Tumblr fandom will include their wives/children in their friggin yaoi fantasies and how they cry "bullying!" Or "kink-shaming!" If you say it's messed up. I can't get on Instagram without that link roleplay account popping up, one that would tag his actual 12yo daughters account on stolen photos of her. Even worse, they would also tag an account that was a roleplaying as her on the same pictures, and that account have dozens of pics stolen off her private Facebook page and insta, and made a point to always call the link account "daddy".
That entire fandom deserves a lolcow thread of their own. I bet some of the big randl bloggers can provide excellent milk. /Rant
No. 135358
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joel from vinesauce
i love him so much oh my god, he seems just so fun to be around
No. 135359
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>>135358i also dont know what it is about adore/danny noriega but im so attracted to him… god, i get the feeling i have such a weird taste.
No. 135360
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>>135358something about that long hair is giving me some kinky fantasies ngl
No. 135362
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>>135358But that's not Joel.
No. 135363
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matt mercer's a pretty swell guy.
No. 135365
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dont know what his face looks like but he seems a like a sweet guy
No. 135366
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okay i just googled it i have no idea why i thought that was joel
he's still super cute tho
No. 135367
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Jack White, he reminds me of a middle aged Evan Peters.
No. 135368
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>>135359id fuck him in or out of drag either tbh, i love his music too. PLUS he seems so sweet and charming and genuine.
No. 135371
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>>135262>>135332oney is so fucking cute it kills me. the fact that he's funny as fuck just makes it worse.
No. 135373
>>135227"i want to fuck your face for breakfast"
julian pls
No. 135375
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He is so perfect to me, but in a way that's not perfect. He has that whole ugly/cute thing going on that drives me crazy.
No. 135376
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2008-and-before-era Spencer Krug. So much.
No. 135379
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>>135378Actually I take it back - Just looked him up in non-angled pictures. He's a typical J-Pop star with feminine looks and he even wears colored contact lenses. How can anyone over the age of 14 find this attractive?
No. 135382
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Professor Cox does things to me. So does Cillian Murphy as Dr. Crane but he's conventionally hot so not really meant for this thread.
No. 135385
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Unf,young Marlon Brando in A Streetcar named Desire..what a dish!
Be still,my beating heart.
No. 135388
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They arent even my type but they're personalities plus their goofy smiles make me want to make love to them tbh
No. 135390
File: 1477356764692.png (512.51 KB, 952x516, buscemi.png)

young Steve Buscemi, he has a very sweet quirky face, 100% would hold hands with him
No. 135391

>>135390Christ, he looks completely different. I can see that.
Richard Nixon of course, pic related. But that's a given. So otherwise:
Gale Harold, of QaF fame. I KNOW you ladies must've watched that show back in the day. Fuck, one of my friends had a GJ completed dedicated to fanfics of all of them. Gale Harold was HOT. Still is, but he was younger then and the character he played was fucking hot. But would def still bang.
And idk if anyone here knows who I'm talking about, but Drew Fuller? He was in this movie called Vampire Clan from either the 90s or 2000s. I thought he was really hot in that movie. No idea what he looks like today. If anyone here actually knows what I'm talking about here I will shit myself/want to be your friend.
No. 135392
even older weirder buscemi
No. 135394
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>>135392Of course, every Buscemi is beautiful. There's just that something extra when he gets to look pretty in films
No. 135396
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He was cute when young.
No. 135397
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Trent Reznor is da real MVP
No. 135398
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>>135394Steve is a total babe. I watched hemlock grove and couldn't figure out why Roman Godfrey gave me such a boner until I realized it was just young Buscemi I was seeing.
No. 135401
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Jason and Robert Schwartzman.
No. 135403
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Christopher Meloni
No. 135404
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sage for double-post, but Mads Mikkelsen tho.
No. 135405
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>>135404i was most attracted to him as hannibal and he was fucking creepy in that show
No. 135408
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I don't usually like androgynous men, but Conchita is seriously pretty.
No. 135411
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Charlie Day. So. Fucking. Cute.
Manlets always get my attention. Maybe I'm just more comfortable when the guy doesn't physically intimidate me at all.
No. 135415
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Soul Punk era Patrick, I love pre hiatus Patrick as well, but Soul Punk era just does something for me.
No. 135416
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I never see anyone fawning over Josh Holloway. I think he's hot especially in Lost. That accent is just unf! Wouldn't mind getting lost with him if you know what I mean.
>>135413That's pretty cool. He was probably just visiting because that's where the studio he recorded his most recent albums at is located.
No. 135418
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>>135376Anon, you have good taste. My music taste has changed a lot in the past 10 years, however, I still maintain everything this man touches is golden.
Have seen him live a lot over the past few years. Older Spencer is even better I feel.
No. 135419
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>>135312i can understand why ppl don't like him, but if your type is uglyhot guys (which mine is), adam driver is the cream of the crop