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No. 136932
>>136931…….thats literally everbody?
god, youre so dumb
No. 136933
>>136932Lmao mine is noticeable so… my nose literally tilts to the left and one of my eyes is noticeably lower than the other. Not to mention they're far apart and I'm prematurely wrinkling and also balding.
Don't be such a cunt some people are uglier than others
No. 136938
>>136935Yeah I definitely do have some sort of facial deformity. Maybe some minor FAS or something, and when I was little I broke my nose and my parents did nothing about it. Also I'm just fucking ugly. How do you explain Eggman being ugly?
>>136937They don't say I'm ugly or pretty, the last time I mentioned to a therapist how I felt about myself she took a long pause and changed the subject and asked me what I was doing for the holidays. Usually it's shit like this
>>136934 "take care of yourself and there are so much more important things in life"
No. 136940
>>136939>makeup accentuates facial flawsUgh that's me, lipstick and eyeshadow just don't suit me at all. I look worse.
I don't think I'm ugly though I'm just average. I have my good days I guess.
No. 136944
>>136943Well, you technically don't
have to convert to do that. I know what you mean tho :/
No. 136945
>>136939too real
i can't even better my looks with makeup because of my shitty skin. my makeup techniques are okay and foundation only highlights the uneven texture even if i'm not caking it on
that and wearing makeup only makes my skin worse.
i just can't win
No. 136950
>>136940i have natural lip lines that people only get from smoking 5 packs a day for 10 years, and they make lipstick just look like shit, they're so deep.
skin is shitty but in april im going to be doing hardcore amounts of chemical peels as per my derm's recommendations and hopefully i can at least have nice skin.
foundation cakes on my skin. the only nice feature i have is my eyes but they're very far apart :(
>>136941i do
>>136949i'm not that anon but i do this:
>double cleanse (first with an oil-based cleanser to take off makeup/oils, then with a foam cleanser), two times a week i'll use an exfoliating cloth around areas that aren't breaking out>tone, let dry>BHA/AHA exfoliator>moisturizer in dry spots onlyi've tried prescription stuff like clynomycin(SP?) in the past, but it jsut dries out my skin and does nothing for my breakouts. my breakouts are ONLY on my chin and jaw (they're hormonal), the rest of my skin is usually actually really okay… im just doing this to tide me over until i get real treatment or finally go on accutane.
No. 136952
>>136949AHA/BHA, cetaphil cleanser and moisturizer, murad clarifying masks, aztec clay and acanya
i use the mask around twice a week
No. 136954
>>136951Not available in my country, wish it was
>>136953The only person being a little bitch here is you, why don't you go try derailing another thread instead?
No. 136957
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I have a snaggle tooth which makes me so fucking self conscious to smile, my teeth are also slightly yellow and I have a bit of a hooked nose. I don't think I'm straight up hideous but I'm not ''beautiful'' either.. I've also developed an inferiority complex due to being half jap, it just makes me sad seeing how my dad's new daughters have blonde hair and blue eyes and I get stuck with shitty brown eyes, I just know they'll grow up to be beautiful white qts and I'll die in a ditch wearing an 'Elliot Rodger was right' t-shirt.
No. 136961
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List of my ugly facial features:
Bulbous nose tip
My nose is also slightly slanted to the left
Large teeth
Overbite - quite a big one
Bit of a receding chin
Low set eyebrows
Hooded eyelids
I have deep set eyes too so my under eye cirles look a bit like the picture attached - i'm white though
Hazel eye colour - sorry other hazel eyed anons - i've always hated my greeny browny yellowy eyes
Hope you feel better OP - there are lots of ugly people out there. And despite the above description painting a horrible picture, overall i don't think i look that bad at all and would say i'm average to good looking - makeup, having my hair down and wearing nice clothes makes all the difference.
No. 136963
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My face looks ….off. every feature is asymmetrical. i used to be cute when i was young but i mouth breathe and chewed on one side. Otherwise i would be at least decent.
No. 136970
>>136940Lipstick and eyeshadow looks good on everybody, you just need to know how to apply it well, make it look good with your lip- and eye shapes and what colors look best on your skintone.
If make-up highlights your flaws you're doing something wrong.
No. 136973
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>>136971its another girl. i look more like this
No. 136975
I have kind of sunken eyes with dark pigmentation around it, a bulbous tip on my nose that looks really oily (I use strips/masks all the time, no help), thin lips, a man's jaw, yellow teeth and a sort of dim resting face. Oh and high forehead with deep wrinkles.
I am grateful for naturally nice eyebrows and non acne skin.
Sometimes I think I look OK. I'll put on some light makeup, look at myself at certain angles and sort of "blur" what bothers me. But then someone takes a photo and I look like grumpy and mannish, setting me back to square one.
But then sometimes I like to think that once I'm ruled out for dating material people see me for me, they won't BS.
>>136939I have that with foundation. Eyeliner works on everyone I feel, but with foundation it's like it highlights any possible problem areas, making it lumpy or fuzzy.
Twice now I've went to department store and had my makeup professionally done, with each product costing about £30-50?
I looked like shit at the end, about 10 years older and just a trampy mess.
No. 136977
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My face is fat and my cheeks are huge,I look like a retarded chipmunk.My skin is also really bad.I have pimples on my forehead,they are under my skin,I've been having them for 8 years and they don't heal.(pic related)
No. 136979
>>136977How regularly do you wash your hair? Sometimes oily hair makes forehead pimples worse.
Try straight witch hazel. It will reduce redness and swelling while clearing out spot-causing bacteria without over-drying your skin. Remember it takes 6+ weeks for most products to have a huge effect so don't give up too soon. Only use noncomedogenic products on your skin. Products with salicyclic acid can help, so look with moisturisers like that.
See a dermatologist if all else fails. Sometimes you'll need something stronger.
No. 136981
>>136979I wash my hair every three days because my hair is naturally dry and frizzy.I'm currently seeing a dermatologist and he prescribed me some doxycycline antibiotic 100mg(I have to take one pill a day) and isotrexin gel(I have to apply it before I go to sleep)I've been following this treatment plan for almost one month but I don't see much imporvement with the comedonal acne on my forehead,it did work on the purulent pimples I had on my cheeks,they're almost completely healed.He also told me to keep my hair out of the affected area so I clip my bangs back.I use noncomedogenic products,I wash my face in the morning and before I go to sleep and I use avene thermal water and moisturizer with SPF.Oh,and my dermatologist told me to follow the treatment plan for three months,but I don't know…I'm kind of hopeless because I've been to a dermatologist four years ago and it didn't help me with my forehead pimples.
I've never heared of witch hazel,but I'm definitely going to give it a try!
>>136980I change my pillowcase once a week.
No. 136982
Instead of telling my story that no one is probably interested in, I am going to share what made me ugly before and how I fixed it.
>bad skin
This was my biggest struggle. I went to dermatologists, the Clinque counter. Nothing helped. They all kept prescribing shit that kept drying the ever-loving shit out of my skin. The cure was to moisturize the shit out of my skin. Seriously. That fucktard dermatologist didn't even realize how dry my skin was and that that was causing me to have acne. My regime is wash with gentle cleansers (like Cetaphil) and moisturize (I like the yellow Clinique moisturizer) in the morning and at night. At one point, these idiots had me washing my face 3 times a day and stripping it with harsh toners and acids.
All I was doing was caking on concealer, drawing eyeliner only on the bottom of my eyes, and completely foregoing mascara, blush/bronzer, etc. I am sure you can imagine how hideous I was. After having properly moisturized skin, I just do the basics. BB cream or light foundation, concealer under eyes and around nose, eyeliner in top lash line only, mascara, blush/bronzer, light eyebrow pencil. I follow the rule of natural eyeshadows/no eyeshadows with lip color, or more apparent eyeshadows with natural lip colors.
I was never seriously fat. In fact, I am probably the heaviest right now (5'6", 140 lbs) so I am back on drinking nothing but water and constantly asking myself "am I actually hungry?" before I eat something and while I am eating. That is pretty much all I have to do. I gained weight because of a bout of depression but I need to take responsibility.
Even though one would consider my personality now "fake", smiling a lot, saying hello to everyone, in general being over the top nice makes you attractive. Before when I assumed everyone hated me and people who were being genuinely nice to me were making fun of me, I was rightfully called a dumb bitch.
No. 136990
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I have the worst snaggletooth, give it a chance an it'll stick out a good half inch, but ive come to accept its place in my life although every time i smile it shows real bad, like it started off just a bump on my gums as a kid but it grew through freakishly and dentist (damn you public dental system kek) and mum just left it, the main problem is, apart from it being aesthetically unappealing, it doesnt point downwards like a normal toof should, its at such an angle that if i ever smack my face or get punched it WILL spit my lip open and has punctured holes right through before like fml. I'm so self conscious i honestly cant remember the last time i smeiled in public, because when i do flash a grin at a stranger, returning a sentiment, i can just see their gaze drop down to the vamp/fox/freak tooth poking out and their expression is just ah what the shit. It grows still. I'm a literal troll.
pic related.
this ep. scared the shit out of me as a kid, a prophecy fulfilled.
No. 136992
>>136991woo not getting molested
>I love happy endingsbut yeah I too have been dubbed Meg by relatives and also a bastard ex in the past.
what the shit is with humans eh?
No. 136993
>>136983>>136984PCOS is apparently really hard to diagnose in my country because most doctors don't even know it exists(the medical system is kinda fucked here).I already did an ovary ultrasound at my dermatologist's recommendation and I have small cysts on my ovaries.My gynecologist told me it is normal to have cysts at my age because it is a sign of fertility,but I'm quite skeptical about that.
I'm also really hairy,but I always tought it is genetical because my mom also has a lot of body hair.Maybe my mom has undiagnosed PCOS,I read it can be ereditary.I have frequent abdominal pain and yeast infections,although my period is always on time.
I'm going to an endocrinologist as soon as possible to get my hormones checked( I've never had them checked).
This motivates me to get my diet together and get over my ED.
No. 136995
>>136993Cysts can be normal, a lot of women get them that don't have PCOS. What determined my PCOS was a combination of things, including an ultrasound - external and internal - every 3 months for a year, tracking my periods and having a good history of my period schedule from a few years prior. What sealed the deal was the ultrasounds, because every time I had one A) they were all in different spots every time, none of them seemed to be continuous from the time before, B) there were a lot of cysts. 15-30.
I used to have ED when I was 12-20, and yes doing that to your system can kickstart the already dormant process of PCOS if it's hereditary. You put your thyroid and hormones through literal hell with an ED of any kind. (I was a fat, fat child and at 9 I was on weight watchers. It really fucked with my developing idea of food ect so it took awhile to get over. Plus, once my depression got medicated that shit got WAYYYY easier.)
That being said I have known middle eastern women who are just….hairy. Just how it is. No other issues. I only recommend seeing someone about this because it sounds like there are a few other issues. However you're missing the one the vast majority of women with PCOS have, which is irregular or unpredictable periods. Not all the time, it can come and go. Mine has been since day 1, but reproductive issues run in my family for women on both sides.
To get tested for PCOS yes those hormones and thyroids are good, if they come back normal that doesn't mean you're off the hook!! You could have PCOS that hasn't reached the level the fuck with those systems drastically, one of the indications can be having diabetes like symptoms because you're body is slowly being unable to produce the hormones to get your body to function properly.
I would say ultrasounds and a lot of them are good too, in case you switch doctors they're very dramatic pieces of evidence. It shouldn't matter but it does, slapping down x-rays with doctors notes feels satisfying as fuck.
Good luck, I'll check this thread every so often if you have questions feel free to ask. Also, reddit has a quiet but relatively informative and supportive group for PCOS.
No. 136997
I just get over it, I mean like not all of us can be gorgeous looking and pretty, ya know. Sigh. Lucky people.
I have fucking terrible eyes, by eyes are like the photo in
>>136961Always look off.
Skin is horrible, all acne scars and discoloration and when I were makeup I break out so much cause my skin is that sensitive.
My lips literally are that thin, but much smaller in width, my nose has this huge bulbous tip and i have a butt chin. Probably one of the most hairiest ladies on earth, actually considering getting my hormones checked, the most sensestive skin in the world, and with any type of hair removal my skin just goes crazy. The only thing going for me is that I have an okay body, skinny with C Cup boobs
No. 136999
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i have hooded eyes that make me look constantly stoned/retarded, huge tear troughs, nasolabial folds, a bulbous, upturned nose, a recessed chin, and gigantic fat cheeks that make my face look like it belongs on someone 3x my size. (ever since learning about 'bulimia face' here i've been paranoid that people think i have that). shit sucks man. once i graduate and get a real job i'm going to put most of my paychecks toward plastic surgery.
No. 137000
>>136982This post inspired me to write about what made me gross and how I fixed it.
>gross hairTry the more expensive shampoos, I personally enjoy yves rocher products as they are gentle on my hair and also be sure to find the haircut that suits you. Conveniently mine is the fringe so I just cut my own hair.
>clothingYou don't need anything expensive, try stores like forever 21 or even the thrift store but I wouldnt reccomend it to starters. Please dont do walmart.
>PosturePractice consciously keeping your back as straight as you can, chin up and shoulders back. I used to literally hunch down and stare at the floor and I'd get horrible neck pain from just looking down all the time.
>MakeupI don't wear any now but I used to buy the cheap shit and look awful. Again, don't walmart. Save your money and go to sephora or you'll regret it
>exfoliantI used to use the St. Ives apricot scrub but I'd shred my face off. Be sure to try a sugar scrub in the shower if this happens to you because it'll dissolve before you can do too much damage.
No. 137001
>>136963Dude…this is the exact type of girl my crush is into.
Sadly the only thing I have in common with her is being azn (southeast?). I have a naturally round face and stubby body. Not very elegant.
Sigh, it's things like this that ~
trigger~ my inner anachan. lol
No. 137002
>>137000>don't walmartOn that note, Target
might be okay for
some cosmetics/skincare and clothing. Always check reviews.
No. 137003
>>137000>>137002Lmao y'all are full of shit.
Yeah you shouldn't just walk into a drugstore/supermarket and buy any makeup you see, but some items by the brands sold there are just as good as the ones at Sephora. A high price point does not automatically mean a quality product, and unless something from Sephora is super exceptional or unlike anything you can get at the drug store, you might as well try and find a decent quality dupe of it and save yourself some money.
You can spend thousands on makeup and still look like trash. You have to know how to shop for it and more importantly how to wear it to really look good.
No. 137005
>>137003For someone who has spent their whole life presumably not learning about what makes a good makeup product good, or what kind of cuts are flattering on their body, directing them to a place like Walmart, which has an overall lower quality, almost guarantees that they won't improve.
You can find decent stuff at big box stores, but you need a good/trained eye and lots of knowledge to start with. If you have someone IRL who can walk with you to the store and point out the good and the bad, then I'd say go for it.
But if anon doesn't have that kind of buddy, then I would point her to a place with an overall higher average quality.
No. 137006
>>136987Honestly I can't settle on a routine.. but I'm currently doing this:
I deep condition my hair with hot coconut oil treatment, leave it in overnight and wash my hair with a gentle shampoo en use a conditioner. I haven't found a shampoo and conditioner I love yet but usually use something targeted at dry hair and as natural as possible. In the morning I use argan oil or biosilk on extreme days. I keep washing my hair at an absolute once a week max. (My hair doesn't get oily before washing it so it's absolutely not gross or dirty at all!) Don't use heat on it or dye it, or anything that damages it.
No. 137008
>>137005But why? If you don't know anything about makeup to the point where you can't even look online to do research about what's good and bad, then why should you throw away hundreds of dollars just to waste it on makeup that you're not going to know how to apply and will look shit in for at least a couple months?
Even if you end up buying shit makeup at first it's better to have spent <$50 on your learning materials than hundreds.
No. 137009
>>137008As a fug awkward teen, I once blew $300 on Sephora. The upfront cost is exorbitant, but I had also booked along with it a consultation + make-up application lesson. In the end, it was worth it, and frankly was cheaper than years of blindly fumbling around with drugstore products would have been.
The point is not that 'cheap' products are automatically worse or that 'brand-name' products are automatically better. The point is that you'll learn more about makeup application if you hit up the Sephora SAs than the ones at Walmart or wherever. There's also the psychological aspect - where do you feel like you want to be more beautiful?
I agree that if you're particularly savvy and naturally talented at makeup/fashion, you'll do fine with scouring reviews for cheaper products and learn application basics online. (tbh most people don't have the capacity for this but that's another story.) Keep in mind that there is also a cost associated with trial and error, and spending more upfront
may help you avoid more costs down the road.
So…in the end…you gotta do what works for you. Guess there is no right or wrong answer.
No. 137015
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>>136958I look like an IRL FKMT character if that's the type of moe you're thinking of.
Sometimes I have good days where I think my face looks OK but other times I can't bear to look in a mirror. I've heard people say things occasionally about unconventional attractiveness but I think I fall a little too much on the ugly side for that. I just hope the day I get my license renewed next month is one of the good ones.
No. 137017
>>137000>>137003There are lots of great drugstore products but with a lack of testers, sample kits, mirrors and good lighting it is such a crapshoot finding stuff that matches well.
Drugstore makeup has also gotten a lot better in the past couple of years. If they are in your twenties now telling them they should have just gotten makeup from the CVS as a teen isn't accurate to the then reality of poor shadow pigmentation, thick foundation formulas etc. Its nicer now but the lack of samples and testers is the biggest hurdle, and regardless . . . drugstore makeup is expensive now!
I don't want to spend $16 on a foundation that might not even match or break me out. I wish there was more makeup in the $15-$35 range, especially for foundation.
No. 137020
>>137019Sucks so much how some girls are just born with all the luck. I know this one girl, super duper pretty and looks like a model. Never had work done and she still looks amazing without makeup.
Whats the point in living when your ugly? Your life is pretty much screwed if your a ugly girl.
No. 137021
>>137017This is so true, and I'd even forgotten to mention the fact that you can't swatch test at Walmart, etc.
You're spot-on about the generational difference. Drugstore/big box makeup -has- gotten better just in the past few years, but the price point has slowly risen. The price difference may not be as great as you expect it to be. So it might be worth it to spend the few extra dollars at Sephora to make sure that the colors/formulation are a good match for you.
Also, Sephora has a ridiculously lenient return policy, so there's pretty much no risk (as long as you don't abuse it).
No. 137023
>>137022>That's what helps me anyway, knowing that when I'm out and about in public I don't really give a fuck if there are average/ugly people around me and they don't give a fuck if I'm average/ugly either. Plus all those other people seem to be going about their lives just fine even though they aren't very beautiful so I guess I can too.This is really true. It helps if you go to large concerts or festivals (20k+ people, even 5k+ really) and see just how average everyone is, and how they're living life without their self-consciousness affecting them, at that moment anyway.
Something that also helps is when I'm at a store, hardware, grocery, doesn't matter, and the cashier appears really confident in herself even though her love handles are spilling over her jeans, or her face is nothing but acne, or something else that I don't have an issue with but possibly 'fear' happening to me, then there's no reason I can't be confident as well with the issues I DO have.
No. 137024
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>>136959>tbh half jap/koreans/east asians in general are like the most beautiful people no matter what they're mixed with. I think I have a LOT of internalized racism, whenever I see a beautiful blonde girl I think ''I bet my crush would love me if I were white and looked like this'' people are always talking about protecting the beauty of the white women or whatever and I'm just sat here feeling like an abomination.
No. 137025
>>137024I felt this way a lot as a teen.
(Obligatory disclaimer: I'm not SJW, I don't do identity politics, I'm not left wing, etc.)
The fact is that if you live in a majority white country, the standard of beauty is going to be…surprise…white. (Btw, even non-blonde white girls fall victim to the blonde archetype.)
But keep in mind that if you're not Caucasian, you're only going to destroy yourself trying to look/"be" Caucasian. It's cliche, but you really have to learn what looks good on you and YOUR features.
I'm Asian myself and my self-confidence got absolutely destroyed after my crush/friend, who had confided in me that he had an Asian thing going on (lol), eventually settled down with a blonde Midwestern type. But I realized that it's so silly to hate yourself for something you can't change. And honestly, if you hate yourself that much, it's certainly not your race that's repelling others.
No. 137026
I hate being an ugly girl. I want to kill myself.
Yeah everyone around me is average, but I'm far fucking uglier. On top of an ugly, weird face that people have made fun of FOREVER, I have shitty skin, wrinkles, acne and a shitty body. I have thin greasy hair because I've been balding, and it gets greasy too quickly no matter what I do.
I honestly dont know why I haven't killed myself yet.
No. 137027
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>>137022It's hard for me to deal with because I do see how I'm treated compared to pretty girls. People act like I'm a waste of space or like I don't exist. I can't even wear girly cute clothing because I have had people tell me I'm too ugly to dress like that.
Also explains why I was treated like shit or ignored by teachers in school. Since there was a study confirming attractive people getting treated better by teachers. I also grew up having no friends because everyone would make fun of me.
It seems to be easier to get by in life if your a ugly guy, all you need is money or to be nice and funny. If your a ugly girl, nothing really can make up for that.
No. 137028
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>>136960him: "i find blonde hair and light skin demonic looking"
4 years later:
him (about his white-ass blonde long-distance gf): "i love her so much she's helped me through sooooo much"
cries No. 137033
>>137027I feel that image on an emotional level.
I'm not obnoxiously ugly and I've had a fair amount of people have crushes on me, find me attractive, ect, to me it's pretty obvious I have bdd but here at the only things I see when I look at myself.
>Big forehead combined with awful hairline>Somehow permanently greasy hair>Eyes too small and close together>Dark undereye circles, always pink skin>Eyebrows too far apart (why)>Awful amount of freckles everywhere>Long, large, hooked nose>Chubby cheeks and boyish jawline/chin>No upper lip, wide mouth>Huge teeth making me a horseface>Bad skin despite taking care of it (bad genetics) >No waist definition to speak of>More atrocious freckles and birthmarks covering entire body, too many to hide>Covered in hair even if it is thin and light>Stubby legs>Strangely broad body>Really, I have to buy a size up for clothes to not accentuate how strangely broad I am No. 137034
>>137033>I'm not obnoxiously ugly and I've had a fair amount of people have crushes on me, find me attractive, ectholy shit iktf
it literally feels like people are lying to my face because all I can see in the mirror is a fat disgusting troll
No. 137044
>>137041>>137041I'm the OP of this thread and I saw that thread.
Seeing you post about it makes me really sad. I don't have any advice to offer to you because yeah, it's a very prevalent way of thinking amongst men today. They aren't "normal" though IMO, only flawed/shitty men think like this. Men who are going to think that as a way to cope with their own inadequacy.
A lot of men these days are very mentally ill and hate us. You have to remember that their way of thinking is not normal. Men should seek to pairbond and nurture a woman, not shitpost on a shitty imageboard filled with incelibate beta males about how they'll never be able to pump and dump millions of 10/10 Staceys. That's just vapid.
Do you ever see a normal, well-functioning, attractive guy think like that? Hardly ever, its always people with major flaws (either physical or mental).
tl;dr: it's their way of coping with not getting laid by supermodels
No. 137045
>>137041Don't believe them. Most "hot" celebrities are older than 25, sometimes by a lot.
Also… most /r9k/ users are young. Not to mention retarded but that's obvious enough, really there's no reason to care what they think unless you're into that sort od person.
No. 137050
>>137049The odd thing is, I was told symmetry is rare by my orthodontist. She said most people have asymmetrical features. Even actors/actresses have asymmetrical features.
Just know, surgery may not fix your issues completely , your nose at least. My nose is crooked too but not bad, my plastic surgeon said he can made it straighter but it won't be perfectly straight.
No. 137051
>>137049The odd thing is, I was told symmetry is rare by my orthodontist. She said most people have asymmetrical features. Even actors/actresses have asymmetrical features.
Just know, surgery may not fix your issues completely , your nose at least. My nose is crooked too but not bad, my plastic surgeon said he can made it straighter but it won't be perfectly straight.
No. 137052
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>>137050>>137051It's true. There's that thing about everybody having a "good side" that they like to photograph on, and that's because of the minute assymetries in our faces today our frequently undetectable to the owner.
True facial assymetry is about as rare as a virgin in a brothel.
Picture related is the golden ratio mask. It's supposed to map out the ratio of distance between features that produces absolute beauty, and whilst I consider myself a pretty attractive woman, my face didn't fit it it (too long on the lower half), and actually I discovered that one side of my jaw is very asymmetrical - something I'd never noticed before.
If you guys have Photoshop you should try it out, but the photo you use needs to photographed dead-on without your head tilting forwards or anything.
No. 137053
>>137052So I did this and…
all of my features match up except my jaw/cheeks (which are to be expected because i have a weak chin/jaw and chubby cheeks)
but my eyebrows are way higher??? although that might be how i've been shaping them over the last few years
anyway it made me feel not so ugly, knowing that at least my eye-to-nose-to-mouth ratio is somewhat normal… ;_;
No. 137054
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>>137053Hey Anon you got to remember, this is not a "normality" mask, it's a golden ratio mask. Hardly anybody actually has these proportions aside from supermodels and very beautiful actresses. You can still be beautiful and not fit the mask.
I would be exceedingly surprised if anybody on this site actually managed to fit it, and if somebody claimed they did I would demand proof that they photographing their face at the correct angle and not trying to cheat by tilting the camera and shit.
Picture related is a girl that was in the news in the UK for having had one of the most ideally symmetrical faces in all of the country (that they could find), and even she doesn't fit the mask exactly.
No. 137057
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>pastyAmericuck please go.
And no they're not saying that she's the most BEAUTIFUL in all of the country, only that she retains a very high degree of SYMMETRY, i.e. when you halve an image of her face and mirror each side she looks very similar both ways.
No. 137058
>>137054well i mean i know im ugly so i wasnt trying to fit it, but ive always been self conscious about my eyes/nose/lip ratio, and it fits in the mask just fine… i think those low brows are retarded like
>>137056said though. low brows are often very masculine…
the jawline/chin of that thing is good though. sadly i know thats where my problem lies.
so i'm ugly but at least i'm not ugly demon tier. i care less about symmetry and more about facial proportions.
No. 137060
>>137059Interesting. I wear glasses so when taking pics I wasn't sure how the angle of my face was getting, but overall seem to be within 7.5-8 so I might still need to fiddle with the angle, and I found out my nose is pretty crooked lol
I wonder what "average" symmetry would score
No. 137062
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>>137059I just tried that and it gave me between 9.01 to my highest of 9.26 on one I just took. I don't really know what that means though; that I have good symmetry or a good facial ratio? I don't think I'm spectacularly pretty for sure.
Is everybody else getting reasonably high scores on this? I feel like you'd have to be physically deformed to get quite a low score.
No. 137063
>>137062I think you are right about being deformed to get a low score. Its about looking average.
They have done studies where the more average you look, the more attractive you look. For example when you morph your face 50% with someone elses face, the morph is generally more attractive than both individuals alone. Hope that made sense.
No. 137065
>>137064I know that feeling..
I want to wear girly fashions like fairy kei, lolita and just casual girly stuff. I really love cute feminine clothing but I worry people will think I'm a man dressed in girls clothes. I have the same problem with make, makes me look worse. I just wear dark hoodies, pants and no makeup.
No. 137066
>>137061oh sorry, I meant what kind of symmetry an "average" face would score, heh
>>137062It just measures symmetry. Actual beauty is subjective and a lot of people think certain quirks that might give them a lower score on this kind of thing makes a person more beautiful.
average is more attractive, I think, just because average means you'll attract a wider range of people.
>>137064>>137065I don't personally wear a lot of make up, but maybe you guys just need to practice your application? If your make up skills are good, I don't see how that would make you look worse
No. 137067
>>137006Try cutting out shampoo and do the no-shampoo method as promoted on curly hair sites. Also find a really good leave in conditioner - you want something heavy, nothing light (sprays are shit, only good for thin/straight hair in my experience). Rinse your hair everyday in the shower, condition it, rinse it out and then apply a leave in conditioner. Try not brushing your hair either besides finger combing it in the shower.
My hair is naturally curly and dry. As a teenager I had no idea how to look after my hair. Back then I would shampoo it almost daily, and I would also brush my hair. This made it frizzy and awful.
I then learnt about how to look after curly hair and the conditioning it everyday worked for me. My hair could handle that amount of product and barely ever tangled, and my curl formation became nice, bouncy, shiny and uniform.
Buy some nice, high quality conditioner (just research online). I'm a fan of Joico products. Applying coconut oil to the hair and sleeping on it once a week works nicely too, but you'll have to shampoo that out obviously.
Give it a try for a couple of months and see if it helps.
No. 137069
>>137064Are you me? I bounce back and forth between days of "fuck yeah androgyny" and self-pity.
Basically I wear black unisex clothes with skinny pants and am pretty comfortable with that. If I wear anything more feminine/masculine I look messed. Girl clothes? I look like a drag queen. Dude clothes? Unfortunate girl. I really like wearing makeup and I'm quite good at it but I have to keep it as gender neutral as I can or I get a bad drag queen effect.
I'm dumb as hell about this too because I only get insecure once I'm in a relationship. I start feeling bad about not being feminine enough, even though… they were obviously attracted to me when I was actively trying to be a mystery.
No. 137070
>>137069I know that feel about makeup.
I cut my hair short because well, I don't know. I thought people would take me more seriously as a wlw. It worked but it's not really me. I have wide shoulders and thinner hips so I feel like I look like a male swimmer. Things like not shaving my armpits (I have very sensitive skin so I sometimes use a trimmer) are accentuated. It doesn't help that my immigrant mother calls me a dyke. I got called sir yesterday at the bank. My face is rather feminine so maybe the teller was being "trans-aware" or whatever. I know there are many ways to be a woman, but I hate that people label me as a guy. If I get asked for my pronouns one more time reeeeee
No. 137072
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i think the rest of my face is fine but my chin throws everything off. i hate how huge it is and i want to get surgery to get it smaller. even having it a little smaller would make me so much happier. whenever i take pictures it's the first thing i notice and i hate it.
No. 137076
>>137072Anon your chin isn't big at all…
This is some legit body dysmorphia. It's perfectly proportionate.
No. 137078
>>137072You are pretty, if I were you I'd continue to stay out of the sun and slather on sunscreen as much as possible.
The one thing I like about being ugly is that I won't be so miserable when my youth and beauty (that I don't have) finally leave and I'm invisible. I'm already comfortable with being the ugly one nobody likes or pays attention to.
No. 137079
>>137072a lot of people will ridicule anything that isn't a ~~teeny tiny kawaii ugu~~~ chin on here, so you might have subconsciously become over-sensitive about it.
chin surgery is extremely risky; there's a big nerve that runs across the front of it and if it gets damaged you could end up with permanently numb lips.
anyway, you look fine.
No. 137082
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>>137072Anon if this is kind of how you want your chin to look, really, it doesn't look good. If your chin was any smaller it would look underdeveloped, and if a surgeon gave you a consultation one of the first things he'd say to you was "you need a chin implant to balance your face". You chin is perfect for your face.
No. 137084
>>137082this is actually how i envisioned my perfect chin. wow, would the surgeon actually tell me that? i guess i was under the impression that a smaller chin is always better.
>>137081>>137079the reason i hate my chin might be because i've basically grown up on boards like this and cgl, so i guess i've been surrounded by smaller photoshopped chins. i never thought of it like that, and now that i think about it i didn't hate my chin until i started getting into lolita and cosplay.
>>137083i think if i was fishing for compliments i wouldn't have blocked my face so that people could've actually said something about my appearance besides my chin.
thank you everyone for your opinions. i've asked people about my chin but they were all irl friends so i never thought it was honest.
i don't really know how to phrase how i feel about my chin now- i still don't like it but now i understand that i have a warped view of it. i'm happy that i finally got some anon opinions on it because it's helped me a lot, since none of you are biased. i think i need to look at media and see how people have chins similar to mine, and not look at facetuned web celebs.
thank you everyone!
No. 137085
>>137084sorry for sounding so mean, I just get so upset when pretty girls think they are ugly mainly because im shit (inside and outside)
I hope You know darn well you're cute as hell even by /cgl/ standards. It's ok though, we all need a little confidence boost and validation tbh. Your chin is perfect if you want to know the truth lol. And the rest of your face too. Not sure about the eyes and eyebrows but post it too if you have the guts! (im really curious & sorry if i sound like a creep)
btw what is your natural hair color?
No. 137086
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>>137085it's fine, i think if someone was doing the same thing as me i would've assumed that they were fishing for compliments. it's a natural assumption, especially on boards. and i'm sure you're cute!
thank you! i'm not photogenic, i usually have to take 100+ selfies to get one that i actually like.. is anyone else the same way? i think that contribtues a lot to my low self esteem, since nowadays everyone has an instagram, snapchat, etc and are constantly posting selfies. when i cover up my chin i'm fine with selfies but i refuse to be 'that' person. i want to start being more comfortable with my chin and not hating it.
i attached a picture of my eyes, sorry about my glasses- i don't take selfies so it was the only picture i could find. my hair color is naturally brown but it's pink now, i'm thinking about changing it though since people have started associating me with tumblr (i don't know how to explain it, sorry). i won't post any more pictures since this really isn't the place to do it.
No. 137087
>>137086yes, I always end up taking like 50 photos and deleting all but 2, then deciding which of the two looks better for like a half hour before posting it anywhere.
Those glasses look cute btw, there is a lot of hate for glasses now with all the trendy thick ones that all those rainbow haired pierced-to-fuck hipsters wear but I think they suit a lot of girls and look really cute/sweet.
No. 137088
>>137086 your eyes are 10/10 hnnngg
Overall you are an 8/10
You're butiful. And its ok! Dont worry about your chin, its perfect imo. I think you need to indeed stop giving a shit about /cgl/ remember that weebs have a warped view of beauty I prefer your face over any circle lens v shaped living dorru.
your hair color is butiful and dont sperg about the opinion of autists like me we dont matter tbh, do whatever you want!
and im sorry but im not kawaii but my mum likes to say that im kawaii i guess. Too bad you dont have social media, I'd probably follow you on instagram! You should make an instagram if you want to I bet you'd get a lot of followers!
No. 137091
>>137089ok, i understand how you can see it like that. i personally wouldn't compliment someone unless i could see their whole face, but that's just me. funnily enough though i've never had positive reinforcement- when i was younger i went to a very small private highschool and was never complimented. i think the first person who really complimented me was my ex boyfriend, around the age of 19. since then no one has gone out of their way to compliment me, i can remember all the compliments i've gotten in the past 5 years (not including from my mom haha). this might just be because it's not common to compliment people in person, at least where i live.
anyway, i think we should all stop talking about this so we don't derail the thread. thank you everyone for the positive comments. i don't think i will be getting surgery since everyone thinks that it would look bad. now that i've stared at the edit it kind of makes me look like i have an underbite, and it probably won't age well.
No. 137093
>>137092That's bullshit and social media makes it publicly known how many compliments attractive people get. It's like when guys get the idea that hot women get hit on less because they're 'intimidating' so are more attainable, it's just wishful thinking. Men in particular are so desperate and lacking in self awareness that they will hit on any pretty girl who gives them the time of day.
Straight up compliments aren't the only way of getting positive reinforcement anyway. Just having people interested in you and being nice to you and the media reflecting your own appearance positively is enough.
No. 137095
>>137093I agree with you about the last part, it's not always about compliments. It's about how people treat you. Like studies show teachers are more helpful and give more attention to attractive kids. People in general are kinder and will just treat you better.
Also as you said, you will also see girls who have similar features to you in the media. I have ugly sharp features and would rarely find girls who looked like me in the media. At least ones that were shown in a positive light.
No. 137098
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Anons, how do you feel about sharp features?
I have really soft features and a weak jawline which I'm pretty insecure about. There's beautiful women like Lucy Hale with strong jawlines and features and I can't help but feel jealous.
Side note,
>>137082 where did you get that jacket? It's cute.
No. 137100
>>137040>>137039If it's that bad, see a doctor, otherwise
No. 137103
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>ugly thread devolved into staceys posting pictures of themselvesis there no place sacred
>>137098i have the face on the right, except i guess my forehead is bigger and im less symmetrical, so basically just fuck my shit up fam basically because SHE doesn't even look good in candids and she's a super model, pic related. basically you're fucked if you have a fat soft face.
No. 137104
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No. 137108
>>137104this tbh, she's obviously just fishing for compliments
>hey guys I know I'm hot but idk I don't like my chin? here's a pic of me teehee isn't my chin so ugly? lol please tell me I'm pretty here's another pic of me ^^seriously kys attention seeking bitch
No. 137112
>>137111If you're confident enough to post your face on this site you shouldn't be posting in this thread.
Average/ pretty girls posting their pictures calling themselves ugly is the oldest attention whore trick in the book. But it worked and she got tons of attention and asspats.
No. 137113
>>137112she also looks like she hasn't even gotten her first period yet, so most likely
No. 137114
>>137111What the other anon said
If you're confident enough to post your pic, fuck off you're not ugly and don't belong.
She was looking for attention and praise. Must be nice being an attractive girl. You can go into spaces not for you and still get worshipped. Like boohoo your chin is too big, guess what if I posted my face on here I would be brutalized and probably turned into a fuckig meme
Stupid cunt
No. 137115
>>137114awww did she hurt your feelings?
what a bitter bitch
hope next time you go outside someone takes a photo and turns you into that meme. you deserve it for such a horrific attitude.
No. 137117
>>137116Well when your ugly and have been treated like human garbage all your life, your going to have mental problems.
That girl pissed me off too. She knows she looks normal. She just was insecure because she admited she spent too much time on places like cgl. She is also a lolita, she was just insecure because she doesn't look like the ideal shooped Asian girls. She knows she isn't really ugly, she just let cgl get to her.
No. 137123
>>137119She even said
>i think the rest of my face is fineWhen you come into a thread full of people who don't even leave the house because they are so ashamed of their ugliness, and post "lol im cute but i don't like my chin tee hee", along with a selfie, you should realize that you're being incredibly inappropriate and obnoxious.
It's like going into the eating disorder thread and posting "i eat pizza and mcdonalds all the time but i stay super thin sucks to be you :) :) :)"
No. 137124
>>137123I think a person can have a fine face and just have one feature that makes them feel like a hideous troll. Maybe she thought her chin was enough to push her into ugly territory? OP just put up an ugly thread and we're all anon so we only really have self-assessment to go on. If that anon thought her chin made her ugly, then how was she supposed to know that was incorrect until she posted a photo and everybody jumped on her?
Have you never met an attractive person that doesn't realise they're attractive? There's plenty of them. I'm sure there are people ITT calling themselves ugly who are actually pretty.
Plus, everybody thinks different things are pretty. If she thinks super titchy chins are attractive then of course she's going to be put off by her normal-sized one. She might genuinely think she is ugly because her chin doesn't match what she percieves as beautiful.
No. 137125
>>137098I siwtch between which I like most. I have a softer face and sometimes I'm glad of it and other times I'm dreaming of cheakbones and a little elfin chin.
>>137080Photos distort depending on focal length and distance from camera. If it makes you feel better, my friend thought her nose was disgustingly huge because of photots (no matter how much we told her otherwise) but she got professional photos done and she realised the camera was fucking her up. I think noses take the worst of it! Big eyes are pretty cute. I like Nicole Ritchies'!
No. 137126
>>137124lmao stop defending yourself
Ugly people who barely leave the house and can't even face the mirror don't take dolled up pictures and post them on anonymous image boards.
Fuck off to /soc/ if you want compliment fishing, slut.
She even said she realizes she's attractive
No. 137131
>>137128if she thinks her chin is weird and throws off the rest of her attractive face she should've posted in the plastic surgery thread for advice, not the thread for ugly people - which she is not.
>Damn, maybe it's best you don't leave the house if you're this crazy because somebody is more attractive than you.maybe you shouldn't be such a bitch and taunt people who are less fortunate than you. do you pull up to homeless shelters in your ferarri? do you go to food banks and eat caviar in front of them? no? then why post your ATTRACTIVE pretty face in a thread where people are talking about KILLING THEMSELVES because they don't have that.
No. 137135
>>137134That would neither begin nor end well.
She should try 4chan instead.
No. 137136
>>137131i'm not even that anon
>check my ip kekbut even i gotta admit, just in passing, that you are freaking out about nothing. take a chill pill, farmer. having a pretty face or lack thereof is nothing to kill yourself over. face-posting anon above might be just as insecure as you.
>what is bdd No. 137138
On a related note, I don't like my broken nose that causes it to not look perfectly straight. But I like the rest of me in a way because it's something to build apon.
I can spend the rest of my life feeling sorry for myself and choose not to do anything but that, or I can help myself and make myself feel great.
Which is the better option really?
No. 137139
>>137138Wow congrats you have one feature that sucks
Try literally looking like you have a birth defect. Do you think midgets and people with kleinfelters or burns on their face live a life just as easy as yours? Lol no. Some of us are not exaggerating here. At some point it becomes less about beauty and more about just looking normal and fitting in with a crowd instead of causing people to gawk
No. 137142
I have fucked up teeth, hearing aids because I'm almost deaf, I'm obese, (literally) mentally retarded (no srs), mentally nuts (no social skills plus ptsd and unofficially low empathy because everyone was mean to me), my eyesight is so shit I cannot even make eyecontact without my thick ass glasses/irritating contacts, I am hairy as fuck, I have droopy eyes, my lips are thin (probably because I have been obese most of my life), I have a man chin, I'm balding (even though I was born with thick ass hair I lost it because I pulled my hair out when I was little bc bullies OR because I was extremely skelly for 2 years back in my edgy anorexia days I'm not sure why), my nose is shit, I have deep set eyes, I have acne, I'm poor as shit all my life to the point we have no basic facilities (I got this phone I am making this post with for my birthday and its the first big gift I ever had and I am thankful sorry for sounding ungrateful but I am just depressed) I have no friends because I'm ugly/retarded/fat as shit and uhm well…yeah thats it. Oh and I had only sex ONCE with a 45 year old guy when I was 14 years old because thats the only way how I could get a boyfriend/friends idk if I was raped but I was pretty drunk and lonely and barely remember anything of it, it feels shitty though every time I think about it so thats traumatic enough for me BUT MAYBE I AM BEING TUMBLR.
Although besides that incident only love I could get from guys was with sexual abuse literally becUse even though I'm not sure I got raped the only "friend" I had was abusing me almost daily both semisexually and non sexually oh and I think my mum doesn't love me because I'm a loser and a mentally retarded leech. OH AND MY BROTHER EIENEIENEIWNWJ USED TO BULLY ME ALMOST DAILY PHYSICALLY AND MENTALLY DIENEKEJEK I dont hate him but that doesn't make it any better and he used to call me ugly/retarded every every every every every day. He said sorry and I think he is genuine so I forgive him. But he still doesn't treat me always human ugh, but he is not my biggest problem. Anyways I was blogging a lot
No. 137143
>>137142>(no srs)ugh now it looks like i wasnt being serious but i am actually mentally retarded i once did this iq test and it came out as 71
I'm ugly inside and outside I'm not a kind person at all dot
No. 137145
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>>137142Well first of all, your obesity is what is excarberating your depression, acne, low self esteem and even poverty. What you need to do is download a free app for your phone. I use casual dieting, pic related. It's in english, allows you to track your weight in a chart, keep a diary etc. For now you don't even need to worry about bodyfat, just get any app that will track your weight and ideally remind you with a notification when you haven't. Casual dieting does that and has cute stickers, so it's a great one in my opinion.
For your lips, dermarolling will make them bigger. It's a lot like self harm, so if you've got issues with that this could be a great replacement.
Good luck anon!
No. 137146
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>>137142Oh and when it comes to losing weight, you can't go wrong with calories in vs calories out. It's good and even great to do some exercise, eat lots of veg and protein etc. but always keep in mind you need to consume less calories to lose weight.
I know this won't and can't fix your other problems, and I'm so sorry about your past. You didn't deserve it. Now you have a chance to lighten your burden and perhaps fly like a reborn phoenix one day.
No. 137149
>>137146I don't really get the point of that image
Why does it matter what a pound of fat looks like, losing one pound of bodyfat is pretty insignificant in terms of body changes. So if you've spent more than a week losing that pound, yes, you should be mad (or at least re-think where you're counting calories wrong)
Also, commonly available scales aren't accurate anyway, you can be anywhere from 8lbs heavier or 8lbs lighter than your true weight depending on the scale, how hydrated you are, how much you've eaten previously, … You can easily drop 4lbs just by eating less salt for a few days alone.
No. 137158
>>137157I'd like to add some stuff to this:
Wear clothes that match your body type. Trust me, even fatties can look decent they try to. Wearing clothes you like will boost your confidence.
If you have hooded eyelids like me losing weight is a good idea because your hidden eyelids add pounds to your face.
Treat your hair. If it's curly oil it and try not to brush it. If it's straight try to add volume to it by curling it. I know some of y'all are balding and volume helps big time.
No. 137159
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>and GROOM YOUR BROWSOkay but to what degree because this could potentially end up being really bad advice. The natural brow has really made a comeback and it's pretty accepted that the thicker a brow the more youthful a person's appearance (children have comparatively bushier/thicker brows when their faces are small).
For years I plucked under my eyebrows, but recently I began allowing the hairs to grow out and they really do look so much better, and I no longer feel it necessary to fill in the ends a bit with powder.
Everything else is yes tho.
No. 137162
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>>137157>>137157>>137158this is all useless if your facial features are shit
No. 137166
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>>137162This is an old troll though. Girl in the picture is not the OP of the thread.
No. 137172
>>137170fillers, look for a good doctor and don't go crazy, just a bit to avoid hash shadows.
Or just use concealer, it works good enough
No. 137173
>>137170For nasolabial folds, get Bellafill injected. It's pricier than stuff like Juvederm but it's supposed to last 5 years.
I don't want to sound like a shill but we had a rep (I think he was gay lol) come in and explain how it works. You get collagen that gives you an immediate result, but the filler also contains these microspheres that make your body produce collagen around it, essentially filling in the folds itself.
No. 137179
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>>137177Like it or not thinner eyebrows are only going to make you look aged and worse. Bushy is your best regardless of your features.
No. 137181
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>>137180And that's why she's a model and you're not.
No. 137182
>>137181 looks good.
>>137179 looks like shit because of the arch (which ages you in the same way thin brows do). Her being a model has nothing to do with it- not all trends look good, but they are trends regardless.
Koreans know best, they do thick, flat brows to make them look younger.
No. 137183
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>>137181Sorry doll, you're gonna need a better argument.
No. 137184
>>137179Different faces suit different eyebrows. Just because it's trendy doesn't mean it's universally flattering.
There's no such thing as universally flattering, no matter how much cosmetics companies try to shill it.
No. 137185
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>>137182She doesn't have a high arch, she's raising her eyebrows, and the thick, flat eyebrow absolutely does not work on all face types. I know from attempted experience.
Typically the flat brow seems to work best with the slanted Asian eye, but European eyes really do need more of a arch otherwise you look permanently grumpy.
No. 137187
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>>137186Their brows are good, they're just clashing with other features.
Emilia's are the wrong shape and should NOT be wearing a dark, high-lidded eyeshadow and Maisie's eyebrows have been filled in too thick (especially near the centre), and shouldn't be wearing an asymmetric cut.
You think they look bad because of their eyebrows, but look how bad they really look when they're shooped thin.
No. 137188
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>>137187Wow you're right
I think they look good on Emilia (the real ones) and make her look young (she looks 35 in the thin eyebrows shoop kek)
But Maisie can maybe look better with straight smaller eyebrows, like it soften her goblin face a bit
No. 137190
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>>137188I actually think her eyebrows detract from the rest of her features which is a good thing.
Still though, I'm one of those people that doesn't feel comfortable criticisng actors for their appearance. That's an extremely American standard in which producers tend to favour beauty over acting ability, whereas in the UK we favour acting ability over beauty. They're actors not models after all, and actors are intended to portray a sense of realism in a specified setting.
I really struggle to watch American dramas for this reason. The fact that almost everybody looks like they belong on the front of a catalogue creeps me out.
No. 137193
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>>137191Yeah it kind of bugs me because I always see people from the US having recently watched British produced shows, Skins, Misfits, Shameless, The IT Crowd etc., and then going online and squawking about how hideous the cast is and I'm like… that's how people look?
Like people ragging on Maisie, I really could not give less of a shit how she looks, she's supposed to be portraying the scruffy, boyish daughter of a Northern fief lord, not a pageant queen.
And people saying that Emilia is too fat for her role…. do people honestly believe that the medieval King's and Queens and Princesses of yore actually looked like supermodels? There was a TOTALLY different standard back then. Pretty much so long as you had all your teeth, clear skin and long, healthy hair you were considered a great beauty.
Sophie Turner who plays Sansa as well. I keep seeing people complaining about how she's ugly, but in medieval times she ABSOLUTELY would have been highly sought after.
One thing I can say about GoT, even though it is produced by Americans, I'm so fucking glad they actually got normal looking actors to play the roles. Can you imagine if they all had sparkling, perfect teeth and botoxed up faces and perfectly coiffed hair in all their scenes? Jesus christ how horrifying.
No. 137194
>>137193People complain about Sophie Turner? She's really pretty. I think a lot of the women in GOT are above average looking, not including poor Maisie, but she was cast as a young girl.
Other than old men on the show I think it's typical attractive hollywood actors.
Oh internet, Emilia isn't fat, she's ACTUALLY curvy.
No. 137195
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>>137194Oh man ikr?
First time I saw Emilia in her first nude scene… jesus christ I got such a girl boner. Kind of strange that she's suddenly stipulating non-nudity in her GoT contracts, and I was very surprised to learn that Lena Headley ended up having her head superimposed onto a nude actresses body just to avoid doing the slut walk herself. Maybe she's got funny tits or bad stretchmarks or something idk.
No. 137197
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>>137196There are always ways of improving ones appearance, but these little tips and tricks are also things that are acquired over time. Three things that are absolutely paramount above all are skin quality, hair quality and body quality.
If you can get all three of these things into reasonably good condition all other aspects of beauty are comparatively negligible because pretty much everything is going to look good on you by default. Just remember that atm the natural look is back in full force, that means french tips, light, pastel/nude makeup and naturally coloured hair.
No. 137198
>>137193>>137194I've got a HUGE girlcrush on Sophie Turner and I can't help to think she's so pretty… No joke…
>>137195Headley is/was pregnant back then. Also she's got tattoos.
No. 137199
>>137192this if i looked like maisie williams i would be happy for life.
instead i'm like someone ran over maisie williams with a truck and then backed up and did it again
No. 137201
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>>137199Yeah Maisie is cute, she has really distinctive features and requires really specific styling.
No. 137210
just end my life please
No. 137211
>>137207>or RomanYou do know it's just a name right? It doesn't actually imply your heritage?
Fucking Americans
No. 137214
>tfw im still alivewhy
>>137144I'm having therapy for years now, and I think they gossip about me but maybe I'm paranoid but it's strange how they tell each other things I asked to keep secret but oh well and I have the feeling they don't treat me as an adult just because I'm mentally retarded but thanks for responding!
>>137145Thank you for the app! But even when I was skinny people still hated me so it will only make me skinny but hey at least I wont die of a heart attack and wont look as huge now.
Btw I really appreciate the app recommendation, the app is so cute :3
t-t-thank you everyone even though im sure irl i would just get bullied. today i did exams and on the bus and two whores laughed at my hearing aids and because I didnt respond they thought I couldnt hear them. I wanted to kill myself. You know what, I think after I did my exams I am going to do that but only if i pass since my mum paid a lot for them. Sick and tired of being an irl snowflake I have no milk eiensisjsh plz no bully retard obese autistic girl stop ;___;
No. 137215
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>>137211kek I'm from Spain and it's true that we mediterranean europeans tend to have thin and long noses. Not everyone of course but it's very common
No. 137216
>>137214my english gets worse and worse
I have thick groomed eyebrows but I'm still ugly so it's generalizing. Kylie Jenner was never ugly but she became really pretty with thicker lips and she doesn't have thick eyebrows (i think).
>>137159 No. 137219
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>>137188Kendall Jenner also looked better with her normal eyebrows as a kid, now she looks like a caveman.
Some people are just blindly jumping onto the trend and it really shows.
No. 137220
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>have bug eyes (not big qt animu eyes, think steve buscemi)
>have receding hairline
>have thinner hair than the average eighty year old attached (just) to that hairline
>have overbite
>have huge jowls despite not being a fatty
>have pig nose and thin lips
>had my makeup done professionally a few times, always look like a clown and get depressed afterwards
A-at least I hit the gym every day so I can aspire to achieve butterface mode
No. 137221
>>137202Big head, tall forehead and receding hairline here. Though I've found an okay way to combat it through hairstyle and eyebrows… before I couldn't even go outside.
Anyone else have terrible forehead wrinkles? I'm afraid to make any facial expressions because of them. Also, because of my nasalobial folds.. I'm only 20.
No. 137223
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Anyone else have a small mouth? Like, my lips are even and my mouth looks normal, but it looks like someone shrunk it down in photoshop. It's really weird
No. 137229
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>>29033That's not me, lol. I'm girl Shanelle Dawson appreciates the compliment, though!
No. 137233
>>137223my mouth is so small even if i got fillers i would look like a joke
my face is too big for my small mouth, ive always deisred to have a big toothy smile but mine is so small and depressing
No. 137246
>>137244you're going to risk piddling yourself for the rest of your life because someone else complained about "beef curtains"?
I repeat, the vast majority of men don't give a shit. Work on getting in shape, or some hobbies, or on your character.
No. 137247
>>137244Really I used to feel the same way until I actually had sex, so I'm wondering if you have had sex before? Guys who complain about "beef curtains" are probably 90% guys that don't get a lot of sex.
It's also possible that the clitoris gets damaged during the surgery.
It's really not worth it unless your labia cause physical issues.
No. 137249
>>137247absolutely true. my longtime highschool bf was extremely immature always talking about how disgusting pubic hair and 'beef curtains' were so much so that I refused to ever be intimate with him because I felt so insecure only to find out that my body is completely normal and anyone I've been intimate with since has never once complained and only said good things.
guys who complain about shit like that are fucking idiots and are losers who watch too much porn, seriously. no joke.
No. 137252
>>137247This anon knows what's up. I'd say don't do it, I haven't heard complaints about beef curtains coming from guys who regularly have sex.
>>137244I have them, and actually had to have surgery down there – begging you to reconsider here, it hasn't been quite the same since.
No. 137255
>>137254Well sure, if you wanna think about it that way, I think very few people can be considered pretty and men would be the 'fairer sex'.
The thing is, we've been conditioned to like what we like and you can't go against that. There's also plenty of other factors that play into how someone perceives others, so what's attractive to me may not be attractive to others. I know a guy I'd rate a 9 if he wasn't a massive bag of dicks, but to everyone else he's a 4 on a good day.
On top of that, most women look quite plain without makeup unless their bone structure is really out of this world. Even then they probably look like manly he-women without mascara and lipstick.
I'd say you're pretty if you can be pretty with minimal/reasonable amounts of makeup and without crazy contouring, falsies, bitch lipstick, nutella foundation, hair extensions etc. But really, what's pretty to me may be ugly to someone else so you can't really say for sure unless you suffer from a crippling facial disfigurement or something.
No. 137257
>>137254I always wondered that too.
I know im plain witout makeup but i think i look pretty with makeup on. Does that mean that im actually plain/ugly looking?
Its so confusing
No. 137258
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>>137254I've always thought that being pretty/ugly depends on your natural features as well. For reference, I never wear makeup myself.
Pic semi-related, it's a lineup of Louis Vuitton models with no makeup.
No. 137261
>>137260Agree. The majority have naturally nice bone structure but some of them look really weird and ugly.
I know what
>>137258 means though. Even with the ugly ones they have an interesting bone structure that probably makes them rather appealing when they do wear make-up.
No. 137262
>>137254makeup enhances your features, if you're ugly without makeup you'd still be ugly with it, no matter how much contour you do.
If you're naturally cute/plain/whatever, you'll still be around the same with makeup. Yeah, you'll look a little better because you're covering blemishes on your skin or bringing more attention to your best features, but makeup can't take a 2 to a 10.
No. 137264
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any farmers know what's that lumpy fat stuff on my chin and how to get rid of it? I've been trying to Google but all I get are double chins.
No. 137265
>>137264Do you have a receding chin? That kind of dimpled effect is pretty common with them. They call them peach pit chins.
People can get it fixed all sorts of ways - implants, fillers or botox.
No. 137266
>>137265You're right. I think I do have a receding chin. And an overbite too. Thanks anon!
I'll figure out a way to fix it soon
No. 137267
>>137266No problem! If it really bothers you, talk to both a doctor and a dentist/orthodontist first to make sure your teeth and jaw are okay before doing anything else. Sometimes it can be an alignment issue that can be resolved medically rather than fixed superficially.
Imo it's not that noticable and you have a nice chin shape for it, but it's your face so it's your opinion that matters. Hope it works out, anon.
No. 137268
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I've always struggled with feeling ugly because I genuinely was as a child, thanks to my stubborn mother.
She always insisted on cutting my hair into this ugly long bob with blunt bangs even though I have a small forehead and it completely swallows me up. She also never saw it fit to apply sunscreen on me even though we lived in a sunny place so I'd always get sunburns every spring which would darken into a deep tan. On top of that I had massive bushy eyebrows, hairy arms and legs and a mustache that she NEVER let me shave because 'they're CHILDREN'S eyebrows!' She also beat me severely when I refused to eat because she 'wanted me to get a shapely bum and thighs'. I was 10, I couldn't be 'shapely' if I tried.
Because of all this I looked like a completely different race and was bullied in school from age 7 to 16, I kid you not. And the day I grabbed those tweezers and plucked my brows was like fucking Christmas, the name calling stopped the next day.
Just to give you a picture of how tan I was, my natural and current skin tone is number 13 on the right.
I'm still butthurt about it, I was called so many nasty names in school. I'll bet you wouldn't even be able to guess my ethnicity right just based on the pictures alone.
No. 137269
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>>137268Oh man, you're not alone. I can relate to the hair issues mostly. I had a full on unibrow and mustache. I was also pretty dark from the sun as well so I looked burned, ashy and hairy.
I had a full layer of leg/arm hair in the last two years of elementary school and my mom dressed me in shorts all the time even if I protested. My parents didn't want me to shave or wax at all either, so they refused to buy me hair removal products. I didn't have anything like tweezers in my house, so I had to use one of those dental floss sticks (pic related) to finally shave it down. It came kind of stubbly, but it looked waay better.
My older sister finally took pity on my moustache and helped me wax and shave before high school though, thank god. I don't know how you got through it.
Btw, is your mom still that terribly abusive? Did you manage to get away from her?
No. 137270
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>>137269Yeah, I'm in college now and live in a rented flat with my bf. My mum's a lot more chill now, back then she was freshly divorced and we'd just moved to Italy with her new bf. Still doesn't excuse what she did and I'm fairly certain I'll always be much closer to my father than her.
The hair never grew back, so she was half right about it being 'CHILDREN'S eyebrows and body hair', so that's nice too.
Now I look like a less fat SÃle Seoige so everything turned out well enough.
You've got a pretty cool sister anon, hope you're both doing better now.
No. 137271
>>137270Glad to hear that, anon. You sound really pretty then.
You honestly didn't look bad in your child pics here
>>137268 in the first place. You were a qt. But, excessive hair can ruin a qt face so I get what you mean.
I'm much better looking (still maybe 6/10 tho), but anything was better than what I looked like as a child. I was literally the ugliest girl in class as a kid. That fucking sucked, I feel like I was robbed of a fun school experience.
also, does that mean you're Italian then? I totally thought you were some kind of middle eastern.
No. 137274
>>137273dermarolling, chemical peels and vit c
primer in the meantime
No. 137275
File: 1470997328984.jpg (151.1 KB, 620x413, pia-mia-touch-11-02-2015.jpg)

>tfw when bff compliments me by saying i look just like Pia Mia
kill me pls
No. 137278
>>137276i think if youve never been hit on or persued or complimented in general
girls get way more compliments than guys and if you have never than you probably arent good looking
No. 137280
>>137279The only way to know for sure is to post it somewhere. Your friends and family won't tell you that you're ugly and places like /soc/ and amiugly are pretty much known for inflating ratings. If you do post it there, make sure you ask for them to be brutally honest.
If you don't care too much, post your face in an imgur link here. Incase you don't want your image to be hosted on this site. We'll most likely give you a super honest rating.
No. 137284
>>137282Do you have curly hair by any chance? If you do I found the /r/curlyhair subreddit super helpful.
Nothing wrong with crest teeth whitening either.
No. 137293
>>137291my bf does not have a derm (or probably never has had to go to one), no skincare routine at all (minus maybe washing it when he showered every few days) and and never wears sunscreen on his face
his skin is like flawless. not a single wrinkle, small pores, smooth like a fucking baby.
meanwhile yeah, i do all of that and mine is shit.
No. 137294
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I have a mix of a tranny and a neantherdal face. With a pic of only my face I've been confused with trannys more than once. It kills me.
Also my fucking body, I have a pear shaped one but not cute, quite extreme. Like, I'm flat chested but I have HUGE hips and bum. Totally unproportional. Also, I'm getting fat cus I don't mind taking care of myself anymore, what's the purpose?
All my life people have laughed at how bizarre I look, even my mother.
When I live home she aways begs me to cover my body the best I can so people won't notice.
No. 137296
>>137294>I have a mix of a tranny and a neantherdal face. With a pic of only my face I've been confused with trannys more than once. It kills me.iktf
i am going to get a browlift, nose job and lip injections in the future and possibly a chin reduction
No. 137299
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>>137268I can relate so hard to the sunscreen. I used to run around all summer with no sunscreen and turn into a brown person even though I'm naturally ridiculously pale. I don't even think my piece of shit mom had any sunscreen in the house.
Now I have horrible huge raised moles all over. If I can convince a doctor to remove one they leave a horrible scar and it hurts like hell. They also won't remove them most of the time even the annoying raised ones.
No. 137300
>>137299OP here, I had the same problem. I guess I lucked out in that I don't have many, and the ones I do are mostly of the small and flat variety, but they're harder to remove.
If yours are raised, they can be removed with radiofrequency or laser. Just make sure to visit a plastic surgeon, not a derm, derms will potentially give you shit for wanting them gone and sometimes flat out refuse to do it. They only remove flat and extremely large moles surgically.
I had mine removed and honestly don't regret it. It can get pricey though, so keep that in mind.
No. 137302
>>137268I can relate. My mom wasn't abusive, but as a little kid I had hay hair because it was so dry. Sunscreen and moisturizing, what's that? I was pretty ignorant of what conditioner could do until around middle or high school when a friend kindly pointed out how dry it was and introduced me to a ton of the stuff my mom wouldn't (bless her). After my family got a computer and internet, I taught myself everything and was lucky enough to not try anything too dangerous (like lemon juice baking soda scrubs on my face) from whatever's floating out there on the internet.
Mom spent a lot on skincare and makeup for herself, but refused to teach me shit about how to adequately take care of myself (even when I asked multiple times) besides that I should shower regularly.
No. 137303
>>137297yes, me. my nose. i broke it as a kid and even though i've had a nose job it is still slightly tilted left.
it sucks so much. in pictures it looks like someone punched me in the face 5 seconds before.
>>137298this so hard. my routine is so fucking intricate ;_; and they usually give me worse advice in the long run
>>137302>Mom spent a lot on skincare and makeup for herself, but refused to teach me shit about how to adequately take care of myself (even when I asked multiple times) besides that I should shower regularly.Me too! Even though she'd blame me for it and make me do horrible shit homemade shit like lemon juice baking soda scrubs. And physical exfoliation when I had real bad cystic acne fml. But it was always out of her realm to recommend some facewash or take me to get a facial or anything, even though she would always be spending money on herself. My mom was somewhat abusive though.
No. 137304
>>137303I guess mine was more neglectful than outright abusive. I remember when I was 5 or 6 I got the worst sunburn of my life on my back, and my mom didn't do anything except tell me that it'll go away soon if I stay out of the sun. I didn't know what the fuck aloe vera was for until I was like 11 or 12.
My dad traveled a lot for business, and it was only when he was around(or when grandparents were visiting) that she would at least put lotion on me (and my perpetually dry hands) when I was little.
As soon as I was old enough I would buy basic things like cleanser and moisturizer for myself, and they literally saved my skin.
No. 137305
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>awful overbite
>pretty okay jawline definition and high cheekbones but a bit of fat under my chin
>convinced one of my eyes is slightly smaller than the other
>crooked smile
I literally have all my older sister's features but made way bigger. I have a good upper face but a mediocre bottom half and it kills me.
>tfw only a tier above Grimes
No. 137307
File: 1479487420099.jpg (194.63 KB, 741x1200, 2real.jpg)

tfw you are 15 and your female friends are pairing each other with ANY guy they have spoken to and you are the only one who is never paired up.
We did this a lot in highshool. It was fun until I noticed I've never been as pretty as them, not even in their eyes.
No. 137309
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> never have good teeth in the first place
> be retarded teenager
> become bulimic
> 8 years later have teeth so shitty and yellow you avoid eye contact when you speak lest someone accidentally sees dem fucking teeth and tries hard not to show disgust but ultimately fails
hahah a kissless virgin's life for me
also I'm not even skinny anymore because of ""recovery"" I am a bloated fucking potato face and just truly worthless in general aylmao
No. 137312
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>>137310i have the same issues, hunty. cis women dont know how privileged they are to have a vagania.
No. 137313
>>137310>Do you have any clue just how annoying it is when everyone auto assumes you're thin skinned and a crazy tumblrina??You certainly sound like one tho.
No. 137314
>>137310if other girls complaining about being ugly
triggers you you kinda are a thin skinned tumblrina. You shouldn't be complaining that others can't complain because "boo hoo I have it harder", literally fuck off with that attitude.
No. 137316
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>>137310>>137312>mfw I'm a cis women and have noticeable facial hair and a permanent 5 o'clock shadow regardless of whether I remove it or not>mfw there are cis women who are 5'11 or taller and who have deep or just totally weird voicesShut the fuck up, do you think all cis/real women are clones or something?
No. 137317
>>137310>>137312You aren't women and you will never be, fuck off freaks
god damn I hate trannies, putting on a dress and makeup doesn't hide the fact you have BALLS
No. 137319
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>>137310>Pls honey, you know nothing. Like do you know how much make up I have to cake on every morning to avoid a 5 o'clock shadow? Do you know what it is having to wear makeup because people expect you to be wear makeup and if you don't, you are considered unclean and ugly by default?
>Do you know how expensive getting fitting clothes and shoes is when you're 5'11?Do you know how expensive getting fitting clothes are if you are petite, fat or tall? Not all women are 165cm 55kg however stores seem to think so.
>Do you know how many hours I has to practice talking to myself to just sound normal?Do you know that women have to constantly check if they are not sounding too assertive or critical so they don't sound aggressive to others?
>Do you have any clue just how annoying it is when everyone auto assumes you're thin skinned and a crazy tumblrina??Yeah, I imagine your pain, when everyone thinks your arguments are flawed because you are probably on your periods.
Don't use the term CIS, it's mysoginist.
No. 137323
File: 1480343876473.gif (493.78 KB, 500x342, SUqBZG1.gif)

>lazy eye
it doesn't matter how much weight i lose, how many things i do to my hair or how much makup i wear - i'm so fucking ugly. my entire life i've dealt with people staring at me with unease. everything is useless. every single person that meets me thinks i'm gross.
during my childhood and teenage years it was terrible because people wouldn't hesitate in teasing me about it. as i got older people stopped being so upfront about how bad i looked, but i know no one finds me attractive or desirable.
also thom yorke cause he has it too but he has nice features (beautiful blue eyes, pale skin, blonde hair, tall) so he manages to still be cute. he's my true love.
No. 137325
>>137316>mfw there are cis women who are 5'11 or taller and who have deep or just totally weird voicesI'm one of them. I used to go by a somewhat androgynous nickname and went to get shoes with my then boyfriend and the women behind the counter expressed a lot of confusion when I said my name as I was picking up sz12s.
When talking on voice chat for games, I've straight up been asked if I was a "tranny".
My height is found to be either intimidating, or a fetish. Plus Anon isn't considering what it's like to be a "cis" woman and have manly features. I only have strong cheekbones and "non cute" nose, but I've been called man-face for it. I know there's girls with way worse (wide shoulders, strong jawline).
Transgirls do go through a lot of physical, but telling cis girls their struggles are invalid is bullshit, especially when everything that Anon listed can also be faced by cis girls.
No. 137327
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I want to cosplay pic related but I'm so fucking ugly I feel like it's pointless to go to a con. People will probably take pictures of me to post online to make fun of, or sneer and laugh at me in private.
No. 137331
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well im most likely getting a nosejob next year, im hoping for similar to pic related.
I'll still hate my skin, and my hairs too short and uneven and my chin is non existent and etc etc, but my main concern is the nose, so im happy.
If you really hate how you look, why not dedicate yourself to changing it? there are ways to make the money. Loans. find out what works for you and follow your fucking dreams.
That said, the majority in this thread are probably not that unattractive, we are always harshest on our own selves.
No. 137332
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>>137308>>137330This. She has good bone structure, really the only things that make her off-putting are all things that can easily be fixed with a little hygiene (the greasy hair, unkempt brows, ears could easily be covered by hair) but y'know, ~artsy~.
No. 137333
>>137327good chance you're imagining it.
only the bottom 10% of bad cosplay gets that treatment, where someone morbidly obese or with visible inbreeding and overbite plus a unibrow dresses up in 'sexy' cosplay
No. 137335
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>tfw all the boys in your family are handsome and fairly popular
>be the oldest girl in you family
>also be the only girl that looks like an unattractive man
>have all female cousins look like cute, small skinny popstars from the 90's
I spose I could give up the trying to look feminine enough to look "okayish" and just gove up, go back to dressing like a dude and being confused for a gay man again
No. 395708
>>395703I would advise to get a haircut that softens up the face a little. I have a pretty prominent ridge as well and i found having shorter, textured bangs helps draw attention away from the brows. Too whispy and feathery, it'll look the opposite. Also brow shape is kind of key, make sure a little more hair is plucked on the bottom part of the brow so it'll lighten up your eyes.
I've heard wearing lipstick helps, but I feel it makes my face look very heavy, if that makes sense.