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No. 137439
Do you have them? If you don't, what's your opinion on the topic?
Are you usually the rapist or the victim?
How frequently do you fantasize about it?
What do you like about it?
Do you have any idea why you are into it?
Do you ever feel bad or guilty about it? Why, Why not?
What other stuff are you into?
If you are in the mood to write, what does your typical scenario look like?
I've fantasized about rape scenarios since I started masturbating. Back then I didn't think much of it, but lately I feel really ashamed and guilty for having them. I think rape fantasies indicate low self esteem, and are disrespectful towards actual rape victims, and I have a hard time with the resulting cognitive dissonance.
Having a boyfriend who is into it makes it a bit better, but I often feel terrible and disgusted with myself after I orgasm, even though he is really caring and respectful.
I have no idea why I am that way, I was never abused, and it doesn't fit my personality at all. I wish I could be satisfied with happy cute cuddly vanilla sex forever, or be a cool domme with a slutboy, but I just don't really get off that way.
In a way, I don't even want to change, I wish I could just come to terms with it.
W-what do
No. 137444
>>137443to be fair, being around the local bdsm/fet crowd around me, it is something that people legitimately enjoy. but the difference between it being rape or someone being allowed to be sexually violent or the 'victim' just fitting into a conditioned role is that when done in a healthy way, it's about emotions, the intensity of the experience, losing oneself to the passion of the moment. and ive met couples where the roles are reversed i guess, where the man is the one being ravished by the woman.
my partner and i have had some ravishment scenarios where he takes me. but normally im the one who is dominant and he is at my whim. its about healthy boundaries and communicating to your partner. let them know what you will or will not do.
No. 137445
i do. i fantasize about being a man raping younger men. sometimes about raping women, but hardly ever. i honestly don't know, its gross and I’ll never discuss it IRL.
>Do you have any idea why you are into it? Do you ever feel bad or guilty about it? Why, Why not?
i was abused during my childhood so i feel like it has to do with it, but i don't really know about psychology or fetishes or anything of the sort to really know “why”. yes, i feel very guilty because i have no sympathy for any rapist and i feel like they should spend their entire life in jail for what they did …while behind doors i jerk off to articles about rape. like even when it’s something socially acceptable nowadays like a dude in his 20s dating a 16-year-old, that shit triggers me to no end. which is bullshit really, because I fantasize about that type of stuff all the time, with bigger age differences and no consent.
>What other stuff are you into?
Forced orgasms, sub/dom kink, gangbangs, men/women getting fucked wearing skirts (i was wearing a skirt when the abuse happened too, so that may have something to do with it), priest/nuns fucking or getting fucked.
it sucks too because i can't talk to my significant other about it. she knows about the abuse so if i tell her about my fantasies she's going to think I’m fucked up or something. I’ll probably just start crying if I tried it IRL, I’m a fraud. This seems like a weird thread to make but hell yeah I’m going to vent.
No. 137447
>>137440Good point, thanks. It wouldn't be such a problem if people didn't make fun of it, and implied that you are damaged if you enjoy it. (like on r9k, when I was still reading it) Makes me wonder if most people secretly think that way.
>>137441I don't know. Telling myself "it's not rape", when I get aroused by movie scenes that look like rape to everyone, would feel like I'm just rationalizing it.
>>137442n-no ;-;
>>137443Don't really agree. Society might encourage women to be submissive, but that probably doesn't include making them want more extreme sexual stuff.
>>137444Thanks for that post, it's very comforting
>>137445That sounds terrible, I'm really sorry this happened to you.
Would you want your partner to know, assuming she wouldn't react badly?
>This seems like a weird thread to makeI guess. I wouldn't tell anyone irl for obvious reasons, but I figured hearing other opinions than my boyfriend's might be helpful. Plus, there is already a femdom thread somewhere in the catalog, which seems at least vaguely related.
>>137446That must have been really difficult for you. Are you okay with your fantasies now?
No. 137449
>>137439Not really, but I have comfort or healing fantasies.
A family friend used to rape and molest me when I was a child, and even now I can't just get past over it. I've never talked about it with anyone, and I don't feel able to have a relationship, I'm still a "virgin". But since then I always wanted someone who could just hold me and love me and tell me I'm going to get better, I just want to be cared of so bad.
Usually my fantasies are: the thing just happened, someone founds out, I cry and they comfort me, years later that person and I have sex in the most cute, vanilla, and absurd way possible. It can be a boy or a girl, depends of my mood.
Probably I've read every fucking fanfiction about it in Internet, even the bad written ones and the ones in fandoms I don't have idea about. And every single one had made me cry.
I remember a doujin about two girls who where in a secure unit due abuse, and the staff starts raping the older one, they told her that if she stays quiet, they won't hurt the younger one. Eventually they rape both anyway, it was pretty graphic. But in the end they made it and it shows both girls living a peaceful life after that. I can't found it again though, I think it was part of an anthology. But I like to think about it a lot.
No. 137453
>>137442Spot on, anon.
No, I don't have rape fantasies even though I enjoy rough sex sometimes. I get that some women do, but that really never turned me on. Honestly it disgusts me.
No. 137459
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Yup same pretty much, I go a step further and fantasize about getting forcibly impregnated.
I also pretty much also masturbate to rape hentai as well, don't know if I could tell anyone like a boyfriend that I'm into it.
But I'm prob into rape because I'm a perv tbh and into other also gross fantasies
No. 137462
>>137441And this. "Rape fantasies" are just about the mentioned "consensual non-consent" in which the prey is actually consenting to it and it's happening with a person she trusts while holding the power to stop it any time she wants. The term "rape fantasy" is misleading as hell.
No. 137465
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>>137454This. While I'm aware that it's most likely not quite like actual rape, I prefer realistic scenarios, and reminding myself that it's "safe", "controlled", and "roleplay" is a huge turnoff.
>>137459Same here
My boyfriend used to frequent 4chan, so I already assumend he is a perv.
No. 137466
>>137464Don't know the name, but I'm pretty sure it's the same person who made "shoujyo and the back alley"
>>137465Oh, and I usually ask people I'm interested in to fill out pic related.
No. 137467
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>>137465Filled it out because bored. I guess I'm quite vanilla really.
No. 175193
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I'm super vanilla, I don't really know what I like. Most of the things listed don't get me going. My boyfriend is the same though. Its nice.
No. 175272
>>137439>Do you have them?Not as much as I used to. When I was in highschool I used to imagine classmates asking me to follow them, only to end up gang raped by a bunch of boys.
When I was younger, I used to fantasize about a vampire (I was 12) asking to come in and rape me and bite me and make me his slave.
Now a days, I don't really fantasize about it, as much as the ravishing fantasy, but only from my boyfriend. Now imaging random guys doing it to me grosses me out.
>Are you usually the rapist or the victim?Always the victim.
>What do you like about it?I like not being in control, not having a say in the matter, being demanded. I love being gagged and blinded and being played with like a doll. I love the idea that I am wanted so terribly. Again though, this is less rape fantasy and more ravish fantasy.
>Do you ever feel bad or guilty about it? Why, Why not?I used to feel bad about it when I was younger. Mainly because I didn't know there were people out there who also felt the same way. I also thought people would hate me of they knew. It was a lot of shame based, but that was partly because of how my family viewed sex.
I also was abused by a female child when I was four, and again by a boyfriend when I was 14. I didn't like it during those times. I don't think it affected my kink though.
>What other stuff are you into?Me and my bf practice Dd/lg. We also practice a bdsm lifestyle. It's fun.
>If you are in the mood to write, what does your typical scenario look like?It really depends. I like waking up to being touched.
I'm interested in being lightly drugged, awake enough to be aware but not to move.
Having my boyfriend come in with his face covered, saying nothing and just taking me.
Waking up to being tied up.
Choking, slapping, gagging. I like it pretty dirty and rough.
But I know if it was anyone but my boyfriend I would hate it.
No. 175358
>Do you have them? If you don't, what's your opinion on the topic? Yes
>Are you usually the rapist or the victim?victim
>How frequently do you fantasize about it?sometimes
>What do you like about it?i love feeling powerless i love being choked and the feeling of intimidation
>Do you have any idea why you are into it?hmm… when i was like 16 my ex choked me and said he wanted to kill me idk i have always been sexual but since that event this kind of fantasies started to appear
Do you ever feel bad or guilty about it? Why, Why not?
i have issues with it sometimes i think is so wrong and disrespectful to the actual victims :/ can't make up my mind about it
>What other stuff are you into?i love being choked, tied, spanked, dd/lg
No. 175538
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>>175358ill choke you bby
No. 175540
>>175203I feel like if a man jizzed on me randomly and I knew, I would go to the nearest hospital, get that DNA sample and try to fucking take him for all he's worth.
Not like someone like that would have anything to take anyways.
No. 175701
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>Do you have them?
Yes, though now i only dream of it from my boyfriend (and occasionally of him and a coworker doing the job together)
>Are you usually the rapist or the victim?
>What do you like about it?
I like the fact that, to me, it feels like my boyfriend wants me so much. He wants me so baad that he cannot wait, but knowing my boyfriend, he cares for me so much that he would still be careful and make sure im okay. ( Maybe this is more of a ravishing fetish? I never heard of the term until i saw this thread.)
>Do you ever feel bad or guilty about it? Why, Why not?
no, because it's something only between my partner and i. And i know actual rape is disgusting and wrong.
>What other stuff are you into?
>If you are in the mood to write, what does your typical scenario look like?
My boyfriend has expressed the want to fuck me while i'm asleep a few times now.
we both sleep naked, so it's a no-brainer we still will when we live together.
He wants to start by groping me, kissing my neck and then putting his hands on my waist while he starts grinding his boner on my ass.
then he would fuck me. the idea of him just being able to fuck me whenever he wants really turns him on, and it turns me on too.
he said he'd want me to wake up so i could enjoy it even more and feel him cum inside of me
No. 184841
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I can only get off to rape fantasies if I'm also fantasizing about being a character from whatever disgusting fujoshi fandom I'm in at the time.
No. 184845
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I suspect that I was abused as a child or possibly witnessed abuse, due to having early memories of acting out rape fantasies on dolls. I never really started fantasizing about getting raped myself until a few years ago, but those have grown into thoughts of me also being tortured and killed, and I prefer the latter so much more that the rape is actually just an after thought. The real excitement now is my pain and death.
I also fantasize a lot about raping men; in particular, gay men because I imagine the emotional pain would be even greater than if they were straight, especially if they involuntarily came during the rape. Having experienced sexual abuse to some extent and seen what it can do to other people too, the whole idea of maximizing the pain afterward is a big turn on. Sometimes, I fantasize about killing them afterward though. Just depends on my mood.
I've never felt guilty about my fantasizes but it does feel lonely and isolating to some extent. My bf knows all about my fantasies and used to play into them a lot, but our sex life has dried up and he doesn't even like me to flirt with him anymore, so I'm kind of stuck just keeping things to myself. I fear I'll never find anyone else like my bf, so I put up with it and just hope that one day he'll come around again.
>>184817Hey anon, that's not so uncommon so don't feel too bad about it. A lot of sexual abuse survivors fantasize or act out rape fantasies to gain back the control they feel that they lost from the abuse. I encourage you to see a therapist to help you deal with your feelings in a healthy way.
No. 184850
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I sometimes fantasize about being raped but its kind of a compulsive thought. Like I just want someone to destroy my body and fuck me until I go cross eyed and am injured and in pain because it's what I deserve.
No. 185955
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>>137465are guys even allowed on this board?
No. 186002
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>Do you have them? If you don't, what's your opinion on the topic?
rarely yes
>Are you usually the rapist or the victim?
always the rapist
>How frequently do you fantasize about it?
maybe 10% of the time i fantasize
>What do you like about it?
power rush, degrading men
>Do you have any idea why you are into it?
"payback" to men because i feel bad about being weak. if i rape their ass until they bleed i wont feel as weak ;)))))
>Do you ever feel bad or guilty about it? Why, Why not?
no, since i havent actually raped anyone, won't do it either unless it's conensual """""rape"""""
>What other stuff are you into?
see image
>If you are in the mood to write, what does your typical scenario look like?