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No. 137833
hello! This is the Self Improvement General thread.
I think it would be a good idea to:
- set goals for the week, no matter how big or small
- update weekly or biweekly with how you're going with your goals.
Topics include (but are not limited to!)
1. Diet: losing weight, gaining weight, eating healthier, eating ___ more, eating ___ less, etc.
2. Physical Health: get moving! exercise, body plans, (getting fit, getting thin, whatever your goal is), medications, vitamins, supplements, etc.
3. Mental Health: taking time out for yourself, anything that makes you happy! mediation, yoga, reading, buying a fancy candle, playing with your cat, i don't care, but do something everyday to lift your mood.
4. Appearance: haircare, skincare, grooming, hygiene
5. Hobbies: never stop learning! take a little time each day or every other day to work on something new. whether it's getting back into something you enjoy or trying something new: crafts, knitting/sewing, writing, reading, painting, a new form of exercise, learning a language.
6. Miscellaneous: anything that doesn't fit in the above categories. if it's improving you in anyway, report on it!
Never stop growing!
I've noticed a lot of farmers (myself included) can tend to be sad, lonely, apathetic….and much more. It's time to work on that! Even if it's the teeniest tiniest thing, it's improvement, and it will get the ball rolling.
So let's talk about even just one thing you want to do this week to improve yourself, or list things you've done recently that you're proud of!
No. 137837
>>137834studying over sleeping is good, but make sure youre getting enough sleep too!
i'm envious of your language skills! that is something that never ever seems to stick with me.
>>137836having a better diet should help your sleep. sleep patterns can be tough to change so dont give up.
im very sorry to hear about your friend and other troubles, anon. i think the best first step would be to get into contact with your therapist– which is often the hardest step! start there and try not to worry too much about tackling everything at once, it will come in time.
>>137835good job! study hard, but remember to take breaks. i remember reading that studying is most efficent and info is best retained when short breaks are taken frequently.
No. 137838
>>137837i forgot my goals lol.
continue eating healthy and taking my vitamins. get enough sleep. continue physiotherapy and try yoga again!! i havent been able to do any exercise since pre-injury so i am a little scared of hurting myself but the doc says im good so hopefully i go okay.
also, remain positive and try not to take painkillers or my valium or drink alcohol. its hard when i'm in chronic pain to always be pleasant but that doesnt mean the people around me deserve to bear my anger, and now of all times i need to be treating my body right.
shower everyday :3
things i did good this week:
been eating really nutrient dense food.
taking fewer shifts at work even though the people pleaser in me feels awful and that my bosses are going to hate me, but my back cant take it anymore so i shouldnt feel bad.
finally set up physio appts and even an ~alternative~ approach that may not work physically but really helped my mental state, so i think ill keep doing those for now.
No. 137841
>>137839 and I should really also add this to my goals. Goddamn, I've been slacking on reading for way too long. I had a really nice flow going, reading almost 80 pages a day, but I haven't touched a book in almost 6 months. My backlog is so fucking huge.
No. 137845
>>137844if you had any personal sense of achievement you wouldnt let dishes rot for a month.
its not so much that it would take time to wash them rather that id wonder what the hell bacteria grew on them in a MONTH's time
No. 137847
this is a nice and encouraging thread only!!
if that was you anon i'm sorry. do your dishes and do them well and you'll feel so much better!
as for me, ive kinda already failed at one of my goals this week, i took nurofen today and i'm drinking wine right now my my damn back was killing me and i had to work :[
i feel kinda lame that its only been like 24 hours but thats ok.
No. 137851
>>137849Why finish a card for someone you don't like, anon? And I'm sure everything can't be your fault entirely, don't be too hard on yourself. Good luck with the rest of your list, and have fun on your trip!
>>137850On the bright side, you lost 3kg! Well done anon, keep up the good work!
No. 137852
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I just finished school and am in danger of NEETdom so I hope this thread can help a bit
This week I'd hope to:
-go through (at least) the weekdays without getting drunk out of boredom
-continue Duolingo for Dutch everyday
-continue learning PHP and work on my SQL database
-eat well to lose chub (CW: 118lbs, GW: I liked being at 110lbs)
and I guess most importantly: don't feel discouraged that I can't land a job yet!
No. 137853
>>137852hmm, why Dutch? It's such an uncommon language to learn that I'm always curious about people who do.
best wishes anon!
No. 137856
>>137851Thank you so much! Hoping to lose those 2kg quickly again!
>>137854Good luck with your Dutch, like other anon said, it can be really close to English. I love finding cognates in two seemingly completely different languages. Don't forget to check out duolingo on desktop to find info on grammar etc.
gouda is GOAT, it's the only cheese I'm willing to eat No. 137857
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I love this idea for a thread OP.
Goals for the weekend:
-Clean up everything that's unorganized, messy or dirty.
-Throw away a TON of junk/trash that I have no use for.
Goals for the following week:
-Keep everything organized and start using a schedule (maybe a schedule from the homemaking thread)
-Try to get more protein into my diet and less sugar.
-Attempt memorizing the majority of the dance I'm trying to learn.
-Get some $$$$
>>137839Hey anon, wanted to let you know I
also have issues with keeping dishes clean. You're not alone. I think I'm going to make it a rule that I'm only allowed to eat outside of my room.
No. 137858
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goals for tomorrow:
>study 2 hours for exams
>practice guitar for 45 minutes
>tidy up my tablespace
>talk to friends over messenger
>change bedsheets and put everything i need to wash
>try not to get myself drunk by myself out of complete boredom/misery
>remove gross chipped nail polish off my nails
No. 137867
>>137866Maybe a better one would be to propose you guys start working out together? Building up insecurity within a relationship doesn't sound like a healthy approach.
Best of luck on your goals, though!
No. 137869
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I… always wanted to squat like a slav. I stretch and squat for 10-15 minutes a day and after 2 weeks I'm already half way there. I can squat with my feet flat if I'm holding weights (otherwise I fall backwards).
It's really shocking how fast you can make progress if you do it every single day.
No. 137874
>>137869>>137870>>137871Wtf, I am 220lb and I still can squat. Get your shit together and do some stretches or squats with water bottles to develop some thigh muscles and flexibility.
Adding to my list:
- Study at least 3h this weekend
- Vacuum the carpets
- Play at least twice a day with my cat
- Do laundry
- Try to not feel anxious for any little shit I can think of
- Wake up before noon at weekends
No. 137875
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- Improve diet eat generally healthier more fruit, nuts, cut down on sugar.
- Continue exercise regime 30 minute cardio, 4 sets of 10 weight lifts, 3 sets of 30 squats, 3 sets of 30 bridges, 1 minute plank to increase overall core strength. Weight loss isn't a main goal but becoming generally more toned is.
- eh read more educational-fun shit as opposed to serious material like "the manga guides to"
- Buy a waist trainer and begin waist training in conjunction with exercise.
- Get hair chemically straightened.
- Collect parts for gaming rig and build gaming pc over semester break.
- recap study for bio, chemistry and computer science, do future study for foundation engineering, brush up on math and calc.
- Basically re-learn physical and organic chemistry from scratch.
- Get restricted licence before semester break ends.
>>137871Take it easy anon start slow and build up to a proper squat routine, start doing 10 a day and increase it by 10 within the span of 2 days to let your muscles adapt to the routine then begin doing sets. I'm shit myself at squats and prefer less strength based and more endurance exercises like bridges and planks.
No. 137879
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My depression is getting the best of me, so I hope this'll motivate me to be more productive since nothing else seems to work.
Weekly goals (11/28 - 12/03):
*Workout for 40 minutes Mon-Fri
*Get outside 3x this week
*Finish one anime on my "currently watching" list
*Cook meals for the week
*Go grocery shopping
*Start calling psychiatrists