File: 1436740359732.jpg (38.18 KB, 640x507, bunny.jpg)

No. 15216
File: 1436745018548.jpg (74.73 KB, 720x519, a0b5e619a82d5272d11e4ab29edbdd…)

No. 15364
File: 1436752691825.jpg (105.67 KB, 585x804, A-place-to-love-dogs-e13006024…)

No. 15379
File: 1436753169440.jpg (54.01 KB, 636x382, 1409050255173_wps_22_booboo_th…)

Booboo and friends
No. 15394
File: 1436753552878.jpg (49.03 KB, 719x671, fuzz.jpg)

No. 15400
File: 1436753686959.png (501.54 KB, 599x455, 22_17.png)

No. 15405
File: 1436753815303.png (356.34 KB, 459x381, 22_34.png)

No. 15409
File: 1436753926705.jpg (952.51 KB, 1200x822, memorial-park-main-image.jpg)

No. 15419
File: 1436754195446.jpg (119.74 KB, 1024x768, Red-Panda1.jpg)

No. 15422
File: 1436754522655.png (562.6 KB, 640x637, booboo-5.png)

No. 15424
File: 1436754648091.jpg (136.35 KB, 960x854, f1e9996b896540b68f44f5e5b0a90b…)

No. 15427
File: 1436754872644.jpg (12.26 KB, 500x334, flower.jpg)

I think snails are pretty darn cute
No. 15457
File: 1436756483190.png (506.53 KB, 513x381, 23_38.png)

No. 15472
File: 1436756969275.jpg (100.97 KB, 700x719, Poodle.jpg)

No. 15493
File: 1436757587173.gif (949.87 KB, 180x248, piggg.gif)

No. 15557
File: 1436759723882.jpg (57.51 KB, 600x400, hedgehog-erinaceus-europaeus-t…)

No. 15594
File: 1436761861504.png (284.96 KB, 399x396, sleeping-lamb2.png)

No. 15624
>>15608I'm glad I could make you happy!
Have this cockatiel singing "If You're Happy and You Know It" while parading a paper tray on its head
No. 15649
File: 1436764907679.jpg (51.56 KB, 540x405, tumblr_npaxbdMZne1s4hbvyo1_540…)

No. 15651
File: 1436764995171.jpg (437.71 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_nl86c8JRJ71r88n92o2_128…)

No. 15652
File: 1436765041493.jpg (127.28 KB, 478x638, tumblr_nmx2qqtbcP1sh12xeo1_500…)

>>15427>>15429These are actually super adorable!
No. 15663
>>15624lol now I feel retarded, I rewatched the other one and this one and burst out crying because they're going to die one day
But they still make me really happy, thank you anon-chan
No. 15678
File: 1436784063863.jpg (219.37 KB, 620x465, happybirthdaydog.jpg)

>>15663I'm the same anon who posted the cockatiels
>burst out crying because they're going to die one dayOh gosh, I have this same problem.
I once cried at this picture because he's just so cute and happy, and then I cried harder because I thought about how some dogs will never get to be this happy.
No. 15682
File: 1436785327635.jpg (98.09 KB, 1239x1024, meow.jpg)

No. 15687
File: 1436787872848.jpg (231.8 KB, 1024x768, Alpaca.jpg)

No. 15689
File: 1436787916633.jpg (44.16 KB, 500x333, adorable kitten.jpg)

No. 15690
File: 1436789699257.jpg (38.18 KB, 500x333, Fennec-Fox.jpg)

Duh, humans are animals, too.
No. 15699
>>15678Aww, he's so precious. I'm relieved I'm not the only one, I sometimes think I'm too sentimental. I really hate when that thought comes up because it's like I can't really enjoy my time with my pets as well as I could because I want to make sure he's as happy as possible.
I used to look at my moms pictures when she was a teenager when I was a kid, notice how she's aged and bawl. I've never had anyone close to me pass away but I have a feeling I won't know how to deal with it
No. 15760
File: 1436837475762.jpg (61.84 KB, 720x960, e7296a48c09d1a11444d206d4e09df…)

No. 16003
File: 1436980669523.jpg (31.88 KB, 306x423, article-2718290-204CC9CD000005…)

No. 16031
File: 1437000893688.jpg (93.47 KB, 580x520, tumblr_nlqevlbbIJ1snqkv6o1_128…)

No. 16033
File: 1437000929029.jpg (51.96 KB, 599x705, tumblr_nlqevlbbIJ1snqkv6o2_128…)

No. 17034
File: 1437019134745.jpg (51.47 KB, 560x840, 3 toed sloth.jpg)

No. 17035
File: 1437019240860.jpg (125.2 KB, 560x385, baby buffalo.jpg)

No. 17037
File: 1437019308612.jpg (30.35 KB, 640x480, baby chinchilla drinking.jpg)

No. 17046
File: 1437021384082.jpg (204.52 KB, 768x1024, tumblr_nm56h06Cmz1s3xy1so2_128…)

Otters are top tier cute creature.
No. 17048
File: 1437021911636.jpg (77.84 KB, 600x450, hedgehog_with_strawberry_hat-6…)

No. 17064
File: 1437052343586.jpg (49.14 KB, 500x334, baby giraffe.jpg)

Baby giraffes can use their own ass as a pillow and it's kawaii AF.
No. 17069
File: 1437057081220.gif (148.54 KB, 500x429, tumblr_mrzhsydp3X1sau89xo1_500…)

No. 17078
File: 1437066790882.jpg (33.99 KB, 580x435, CKBMDwKWgAAsAd8.jpg)

Found on Berry's Twitter. She called it a sea bunny, but Idk if that's what it's actually called
No. 17079
File: 1437066926395.gif (414.69 KB, 250x180, tumblr_n3qnjlfxyG1trybquo3_250…)

No. 17080
File: 1437066975731.gif (313.99 KB, 250x150, tumblr_n3qnjlfxyG1trybquo4_250…)

No. 17081
File: 1437067077301.jpg (153.5 KB, 540x720, tumblr_nhixwuboDU1s1vn29o2_540…)

I find these next two(3?) weirdly cute to me.
No. 17082
File: 1437067115253.gif (983.67 KB, 500x280, tumblr_nmtavmmVhR1s1vn29o1_500…)

No. 17083
File: 1437067191611.gif (287.55 KB, 500x281, 1426914220067.gif)

No. 17085
File: 1437067265203.jpg (12.61 KB, 500x374, tumblr_mmelakwGCF1qzv4afo1_500…)

Poodle moths
No. 17086
File: 1437067407908.gif (1.87 MB, 450x357, tumblr_inline_nkfzt56UUp1rxwfv…)

Everyone meet dik dik. Did Dik meet lolcow
No. 17088
File: 1437067657229.gif (1.77 MB, 500x187, tumblr_n8jxbpnVlR1scyhcso3_500…)

No. 17089
File: 1437067706241.gif (1.96 MB, 500x187, tumblr_n8jxbpnVlR1scyhcso1_500…)

No. 17090
File: 1437067804934.jpg (50.1 KB, 610x384, tumblr_nb1kmrVhg31s1vn29o1_128…)

I forgot what this was( a certain type of armadillo I think)
No. 17091
File: 1437067985660.jpg (72.47 KB, 510x600, lioncub09252013.jpg)

No. 17092
File: 1437068119640.jpg (26.6 KB, 300x350, 2013080429olinguito.jpg)

Okay y'all, this is my favourite. This little guy is an olinguito.
/Dump finished
No. 17093
File: 1437068358383.jpg (332.36 KB, 683x1024, dik-dik.jpg)

>>17086Whoops my bad, that's the pudu deer. Thiiiiis is a dik dik. Sorry farmers. All I remembered when writing was that they were both pretty small.
Anyway, animu eeeeeyes.
No. 17104
File: 1437078631488.jpg (128.93 KB, 700x499, bubbly.jpg)

>>17078It's a type of sea slug/nudibranch called jorunna parva (sea bunnies is the cutesy nickname given to them by the internet, I guess)
>>17090That's a pink fairy armadillo!
No. 17106
File: 1437079578075.jpg (160.4 KB, 1024x740, 34509603wtkweso9543.jpg)

No. 17124
>>17104Thanks anon!!
Here's something for Lolcow's ~aesthetic~ needs
No. 17125
File: 1437092465655.png (387.78 KB, 500x500, tumblr_lxv8esklRC1qb68o8o1_500…)

Forgot pic
No. 17162
File: 1437124303836.jpg (169.6 KB, 600x402, happy-snake-baby.jpg)

>>17127Fuck off you jelly fat iguana, Snakechan is a goddess and you know it.
No. 17196
File: 1437151196230.jpeg (3.37 KB, 298x169, images-1.jpeg)

>>17179>>17179Excuse me, but I'm no whiteknight! She should be able to do whatever the hell she wants!! You're all jelly, and even if ahe goes natural, you all will.find something to hate about her. :(
Btw, does anyone know the circle lenses she has on in this pic?
No. 17244
File: 1437173105067.jpg (120.52 KB, 1024x1016, 7376397.jpg)

No. 17246
File: 1437175676861.jpg (179.6 KB, 1600x1200, dandelion.jpg)

>>17118Heh, nah, just enthusiastic about cute and unique animals
No. 17254
File: 1437178492582.jpg (65.01 KB, 500x333, baby mara.jpg)

Lesser known kawaii species: the mara!
No. 17265
File: 1437179167086.jpg (52.12 KB, 500x399, bandaged squirrel.jpg)

I'm sad this baby squirrel injured itself, but that head bandage is fucking adorable.
No. 17266
File: 1437179220072.jpg (132.79 KB, 990x722, hamster.jpg)

No. 17305
File: 1437182268113.jpg (34.93 KB, 503x323, 3a40ba144f39f6411acffda5764ef2…)

No. 17307
File: 1437183046418.jpg (14.71 KB, 236x193, image.jpg)

>>17196They're called photoshop.
And honey even if she went all natural her personality would still be fake as fuck so :^)
It took me like two seconds to find an unshopped picture of this bitch. She's a disgusting land whale with rat eyes and a Jew nose, and her skin is yellow af. If you see this and still believe that she's so ~*~pale kawaii natural desu~*~ then clearly you're either Snakechan herself or just an idiot.
No. 17317
File: 1437187964599.jpg (26.88 KB, 549x229, raccoon-pics.jpg)

No. 17323
File: 1437190740930.jpg (127.94 KB, 720x960, RcAdmhe.jpg)

No. 17328
File: 1437195829519.jpg (347.37 KB, 900x675, Rainbow_Serpent__by_Your_Name_…)

>>17307How fucking dare you, you disgusting bitch?
You obviously Photoshopped Snakechan like that yourself because deep down, you know you'll never be able reach her level.
Guess what sweetie? Even if she WERE a landwhale with a huge nose (she's not lmao) Snakechan is still a million times cuter and more famous than you ever will be.
Fuck off before I dox you and get my online friends to send 10,000 pizzas to your house
No. 17421
File: 1437255002352.jpg (98.78 KB, 550x736, black and white kitten.jpg)

No. 17423
File: 1437255130831.jpg (31.63 KB, 500x375, cutest kitten.jpg)

No. 17424
File: 1437255201416.jpg (69.23 KB, 500x375, chihuahua with casts.jpg)

I don't know whether I should laugh, cry, or squee.
No. 17437
File: 1437259542280.jpg (68.53 KB, 404x362, e3534b6613891c52c9ef9d17ae9dc2…)

>>17328>>17328Oh hush up! Chipmunk-chan is much cuter than that Ana-chan..
She may be on the chubby side, but she's deffo not a snowflake.
Not her sister on the other hand, is a total filter abuser. Ig: shimashima03 for reference.
No. 17447
File: 1437266437025.jpeg (Spoiler Image,200.96 KB, 1280x960, house-centipede_s4x3.jpg.rend.…)

No. 17449
>>17447Fuck you fuck you fuck you
Now my skin will be crawling for the next half hour
No. 17456
File: 1437271334521.png (241.23 KB, 519x295, 22_36.png)

No. 17474
File: 1437276493538.jpg (32.45 KB, 500x421, 939f95d7fee420c089be9021fae14a…)

No. 17476
File: 1437277357104.jpg (26.24 KB, 325x325, tree_kangaroo.jpg)

A tree kangaroo joey
No. 17508
File: 1437305941433.jpg (42.68 KB, 640x480, winnie-pooh-dog-costume.jpg)

winnie the pooh pup
No. 17511
File: 1437306742370.jpg (20.4 KB, 329x219, sugar glider.jpg)

No. 17541
File: 1437334869557.jpg (92.19 KB, 540x540, 2.jpg)

No. 17542
File: 1437335078238.jpg (138.63 KB, 499x403, 3.jpg)

No. 17606
File: 1437362963552.jpg (57.35 KB, 550x365, Polar-Bear.jpg)

No. 17651
File: 1437408225151.jpg (81 KB, 383x576, cute-sloth.jpg)

No. 17812
File: 1437492108076.jpg (32.76 KB, 650x366, cute-baby-bats-4.jpg)

No. 17943
File: 1437610883460.jpg (46.86 KB, 467x700, 8c692ca35b5e14944a4b82aaeb651f…)

No. 17944
File: 1437610931645.jpg (93.88 KB, 540x720, 6.jpg)

No. 17960
File: 1437614836474.jpeg (564.5 KB, 2112x2112, eAE95tmW.jpeg)

No. 18046
File: 1437668869698.jpg (4.26 MB, 4128x2322, 20150322_170025.jpg)

Self posting
No. 18068
File: 1437683891614.jpg (45.44 KB, 500x720, DAWWWW.jpg)

>>18036I know!!!
Why are baby animals so gorgeous, but baby humans are so damn ugly?
No. 18069
File: 1437683945881.jpg (25.16 KB, 550x400, O HAI.jpg)

A self post from me too.
No. 18135
File: 1437698633149.jpg (268.53 KB, 1024x940, 8459054732_904996e0dd_b.jpg)

Needs more cute birds.
The tufted titmouse has an embarrassing name but it's cute as fuck.
No. 18147
File: 1437699553645.jpg (119.23 KB, 494x724, quetzal.jpg)

Resplendent Quetzal
No. 18149
File: 1437699623060.jpg (60.2 KB, 600x560, chickadee.jpg)

Black-capped chickadee
No. 18243
File: 1437702544376.jpg (111.96 KB, 640x430, 3514263255_84e38f1805_z.jpg)

No. 18245
File: 1437702842776.jpg (82.08 KB, 470x429, 005348te.jpg)

Sand cat kittens
No. 18247
File: 1437703503162.jpg (10.51 KB, 240x360, Possum.jpg)

No. 18314
File: 1437729924782.jpg (31.74 KB, 625x416, pulcino-con-cappello-da-turist…)

No. 18581
File: 1437848327009.jpg (38.79 KB, 600x400, opossum ball.jpg)

>>18247Glad to see someone else appreciating the squee potential of opossums!
No. 18638
File: 1437862824543.jpg (82.99 KB, 631x947, 3d68504e3dd4b813e4232cdaf2b5ad…)

No. 18639
File: 1437862898122.jpg (84.09 KB, 377x700, 96ae31fbc52d96dd3308d2754a6ca3…)

No. 18640
File: 1437862933705.jpg (97.93 KB, 500x1136, 1e28b1876d5b7bd1e5a2905205ddb3…)

No. 19057
File: 1438006337743.gif (491.61 KB, 500x250, tumblr_nr6qf2Z5QR1u8rtwro3_500…)

No. 26519
File: 1439710242486.jpg (839.38 KB, 1680x1260, ah.jpg)

Does anyone know what this animal is?
Reverse image search just calls it a lemur but doesn't specify what type or show any images of animals similar to this.
No. 27945
File: 1440005924474.jpg (2.51 MB, 2560x1920, P1020265.JPG)

take some OC
it's a bunny btw
No. 29779
File: 1440369316056.jpg (561.96 KB, 1680x1200, cat-reading-book-crop.jpg)

No. 30419
File: 1440504670352.jpg (160.55 KB, 1920x1200, anime-anime-cat-cat-white-blac…)

No. 30424
File: 1440506099700.gif (1.84 MB, 320x180, tumblr_mlbt26E7DA1rtpfpio1_400…)

No. 30469
File: 1440516352484.jpg (905.63 KB, 1632x1224, 069.jpg)

It used to be a kitty… Now it's fat and round.
No. 31556
File: 1440555997769.jpg (1.28 MB, 2048x1536, 428808393_e981c1bdcc.jpg)

Newborn hamsters
No. 32261
File: 1440641644441.gif (958.07 KB, 400x225, tumblr_n6o61bKUug1t02dp2o1_400…)

Look at this babby. ♥
No. 32284
File: 1440654687276.jpg (29.82 KB, 500x493, 1044157_561470340557668_208104…)

No. 32298
File: 1440658185527.jpg (Spoiler Image,58.11 KB, 464x348, yIMG2507jpg.jpg)

No. 32329
File: 1440668547472.jpg (90.26 KB, 1000x666, 039_39_ws1028898120.jpg)

No. 32335
File: 1440670910609.jpg (41.96 KB, 700x525, acid_picdump_53.jpg)

>>32284that shouldn't be allowed!