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No. 155928
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No. 155929
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No. 155930
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No. 155931
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No. 155932
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kawaii desu ne
No. 155933
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tampon desu
No. 155934
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condom desu
No. 155935
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ovaries desu
No. 155936
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im gonna stop now
No. 155937
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Bought myself a Bad Breath plushie in a local gift shop
No. 155938
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>>155937Oh and I have a pimple plushie from before
No. 155939
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Next on my wishlist is a fat cell
No. 155941
>>155940I bought one for my bf for his birthday and the card said, "Happy a birthday, enjoy your herpes!"
I also have rabies, mad cow, sperm cell and an egg cell. My job involves working with communicable diseases so they decorate my office. I need more though.
No. 155942
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>>155937I have the Bubonic Plague (looks like Flu but black with blue eyes) and Lyme Disease.
The brain cell one looks funky and cool.
No. 155943
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No. 415467
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I had a moth infestation and they bred all over my cuddly toys, one of my bears was so badly attacked that she has an entire eye that fell out and my heart is broken.
How do I do damage repair? I'm so upset, finding them crawling all over her and my cuddlies hurt.
No. 415471
>>415467To piggyback on this anon's post…
I had a beloved stuffed animal torn apart to pieces by someone. I have had it since birth so it was quite old already but I was extremely attached to it. I was and still am devastated and heartbroken.
Does anyone in the US have a place to recommend for repair? I have some places saved from the internet but if I could hear a firsthand account that would help. I'm scared to send him anywhere.
No. 415481
>>415467Order new plush filling, possibly new eyes too if the original one cannot be reattached.
Open the bear up, 4-5 centimeters is enough (on the back or some area that isn't so visible), and take out all of the old fillings and throw it out. Gently wash the coat by hand, maybe use some anti-moth detergent? Be sure to dilute all the chemicals in lots of water. Wash again in clean water and leave to dry. Once the bear is dry, saw the eye hole and attach the eye (the hole is probably too big, that's why you need to saw it shut). If necessary saw any other holes the moths could have made. Then stuff the bear again and saw the hole. If you need any help with the sawing, there is a ton of youtube tutorials to guide you. If you need to buy new eyes, measure the old ones and buy some from Aliexpress, they're quite cheap and accessible. Or maybe you can find some toy accessories shop in your country.
No. 415483
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>>155943I need that Moomin in my life
No. 415492
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I have a few pokemon plushies but this one is my favorite
No. 415511
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He was a gift from my mom
No. 415532
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No. 415537
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No. 415540
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>>415492I've been tempted to get this Alolan Vulpix for months!
I'm lowkey collecting Pokemon plushies.
My fave include this 30CM Vaporeon (my favorite Pokemon ever since I've been a child)…
No. 415541
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>>415540…This Audino plushie - could be done better, but it's so hard to find any merch for her and I am thankful that for having the chance to get it…
No. 415543
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>>415540>>415541…this Pikachu/Eevee spring set from last year…
No. 415544
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>>415540>>415541>>415543…and this 90's big fat Pikachu plushie!
No. 415590
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I own a bunch of the discontinued signature webkinz because I went on a webkinz revival sperg a few years ago, but one of my favorites is probably the Calico, because she reminds me of my (now dead) childhood cat. The cat signatures are so damn expensive now because they're discontinued but they're very soft, I always loved webkinz in general from an aesthetic standpoint because there's so many of them, and some are quite cute and well designed, even the weirder off the wall ones (I also own a pink deer and a turkey, among a lot of others)
No. 415592
>>415590Yes the signature webkinz are so cute! I got the German shepherd one as a birthday gift years ago since they've always been my favorite dog breed, I love it so much.
I had the polar bear too but I think I ended up donating it or something, I really regret it though and wish I had it back. Feel like a retard wanting a stuffed animal back as a grown woman but whatever. I almost sold my German shepherd when I was in a pinch for money but I'm so glad I kept it. I wish they weren't so expensive, I'd love to get more, they really are so well designed and cute.
No. 415594
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>>415592the super rare ones on eBay run for like 50-100+ which is pretty ludicrous. some of the less rare ones are on amazon for 15-30 dollars which is a much better price
The marble cat is still on amazon for $20, and the harp seal (pictured, also one of my favorites because it's so sooooft) for $15 rn, considering they used to retail for about 15 some of the Amazon listings aren't bad, it's just the more rare ones (calico, ragdoll, bengal etc) retail for higher especially on eBay bc I assume there were less of them manufactured
it's a pity the line was discontinued because I love the stuffed animals. ganz may stop manufacturing all webkinz soon bc the site doesn't seem to be doing well anymore
No. 415596
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I love all of the tiny headed stuffed animals. I'm thinking about getting the lion one.
No. 415597
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>>415594They actually released a statement about the plush pets the other day. They're going to make a 2nd gen of webkinz.
No. 415598
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After a massive purge I only kept this 4
No. 415630
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Does anyone know where I could find this guy? I saw him in another thread and spent a decent amount of time trying to locate one but no luck.
No. 415657
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My boyfriend bought me the purple one when we first started dating and so it has a really happy memory attached to it. It makes a really good pillow too lol.
No. 415658
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>>415657Also this. I have my eye on a Detective Pikachu one that has a little detective hat too.
No. 415665
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Sorry for shit pic cause it's an old photo, but I wanted face plushie since I first saw it in a store years ago. I just love how realistic it is, sings baby tigers are pretty cute by themselves.
No. 415677
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During the first year with my boyfriend, we passed by Disney Store at his city. He wanted to give me a present and chose pic related Pooh as he saw how much was I fascinated with it. He then would spray his parfume - which I love - everytime he had to leave since we were in a LDR at the time and I would fall asleep while hugging and sniffing it. Now we live together and he gifted me a bunch of other plushies in the meantime, but Sherlock Pooh is my favourite one, along with a big dog he gifted me the moment we went living together. He bought it for me when we went the first time to Ikea together to buy house stuff.
I still switch them when I go to sleep and my bf stays awake.
Pretty childish, I know, but it makes me feel so good thinking about it.
No. 415682
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>>415680Woops forgot the pic
No. 415683
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Sorry about the kpop but I want the big ongnable so bad
No. 415719
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Last year I went to a big flea market in my area and there was a lady selling vintage Steiff plushies. This snowshoe hare doesn't look amazing in the picture, but in real life he was SUCH high quality. His fur was really soft and the stitching was to die for. I wish that I could have bought him but the lady was asking $120. I was like, HMMM, HARD PASS. Not made of that kind of money.
No. 415754
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Please let me introduce you all to the best stuffed animals on the planet: Hosung monkeys.
They're soooo cute and real looking! And they weren't even super expensive like so many of the "realistic" animal toy brands
No. 415756
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>>415755I love this little orangutan one
No. 415775
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I've had this guy for 18 years. Mine is very beat up and the fur has become matted. I love this dog. I brought him everywhere if I was able to.
No. 415784
>>415754oh my fucking god they're like those old Little
Monkey Lost toys only even cuter
I need one
No. 415795
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>>415788Yes!! They did multiple safari monkeys! They also did chimps and orangutans in safari outfits too. They were so stupidly cute
No. 415810
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I have a tanned "Hawaiian" Hello Kitty plushie that build-a-bear did years ago. It's not in quite as good condition as this one but it's cute as fuck. I wanna get a new outfit for it and put it on my bed in my new bedroom in my parents new house. It's in dire need of a new outfit since we couldn't afford the official build-a-bear Hello Kitty clothes so we got a cheap flowery dress from the sale section but the flowers are all starting to fall off. The flower bow thing also velcros on and I lost mine so I'll probably have to buy a fake hibiscus flower off Etsy and superglue a velcro strip to it idk.
No. 415898
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Moth anon here, my letting agent are contacting pest control and I'm going to freeze then wash all my beloved friends. I have a lot of them, all soft, and loved, so I'll do my best to nurse them!
everyone's posting such cute friends….once I've given mine some tlc and therapy, I'll post mine too!
pic related, she got bitten a bunch above one of her ears so it's time for her and the others to get treatment
No. 415940
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Oh God I have so many plushes in my house, like 4 or 5 huge garbage bags full of them. I need to build a big crate for them, every single one of them I can't give away. My favorite plush out of all of them is this 17 inch Nala. I found her for $4 at Goodwill last year. I got the Simba as well, which I bought off eBay after buying Nala, cost me like $10, which ain't too bad.
No. 415960
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I bought these two some years ago on a special buy-1-get-2 offer at Disney Store.
No. 416759
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Hey anons! I would love to buy more Pokemon plushies and try to get some plushies from Molang and Rilakkuma! Can you please suggest me some good sites to buy it? Would be nice if they were form EU, 'cuz I am from EU.
Fell in love with my Alola Vulpix plush, so now i want to get as many cute plushies as i can.
No. 416765
>>416759Most important, use a proxy like FromJapan. It'll more than likely be cheaper to import one from Japan itself than to find an in-country seller because they're not trying to make extra profits.
Also there's a few AliExpress sellers that do sell warehouse overstock for a fraction of the price. Be sure to look at the reviews with photos because a lot of sellers use fake photos for the item listing. Very rarely, a seller might have a lower quality looking item as the listing, but it actually being the legit thing so look our for those as well.
Check eBay and make sure the seller doesn't come from China or Hong Kong because 98% of the time it's going to be a bootleg since there's no photo reviews from customers to look at.
No. 416785
>>416765Can you recommend legit Pokemon/Japanese plushie sellers on Ali?
I know that a few times I have managed to buy real Tomy/Pokemon Store plushies, but I am not sure those shops are still around…
No. 416795
>>416759I'm from the US, but I've personally found Mandarake to be a good way to get plushies for a pretty fair price. I bought a couple big Cinnamoroll plushies for between 1000 and 2000 JPY each.
If the item is marked as "used", it's generally brand new and just traded in by someone who won it in a crane machine. Mandarake is very diligent in noting if the item has a tag, damages or stains, and because they're based in Japan proper, they don't sell bootlegs.
No. 416807
>>416795>Shipping starts at $10Boy, I've gotten things shipped for $4 from other sites. No doubt the prices are bit cheaper than a few other sites. I'm gonna add this to my list anyway lol.
I think the bottom line is look around, take the time to compare, don't just shop on one site. I think that's a given though.
No. 422466
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comfy thread. Theres something about plushies that just still make me really happy. I've had men especially make me feel bad for it in the past until i met my current partner who moved in with his giant stitch and simbas. This is my current stock take lol, most of the ones on the left were presents from bf. I love disney, and anything weeby pastel. hoping to get more from tokyo otaku mode at some point but they are quite pricey
No. 422467
>>422466Big collection of cute stuffed animals, supportive bf, adorable dog… goddamn anon you're living my dream 10/10
For real though please give your dog a kiss on the head for me I love him/her just from this pic alone
No. 422488
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Has this been posted yet?
No. 422494
>>422466>vaporeon plushie>g1 mlp plushiegreat taste, anon! Do you collect vintage MLP too or is it a childhood memento?
I own both a big Vaporeon plushie and a Cotton Candy G1 plushie, love her to bits. You made me want to take a photo of my collection but sadly huge part of it is stored in a box.
No. 422509
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I really love this but it wouldn't match my decor. It's the lavendeer plush from sugar bunny shop.
No. 422510
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>>422509I also want this when it comes out (mousemoth plush by Olivia Chin Mueller)
No. 422621
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I find these hideously adorable. I need a few in my life right now
No. 422669
>>422466These are all so cute, I have a weakness for Stitch myself
Also absolutely incredible pup 12/10
No. 422672
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I collect kirby plush and I recently got this and I'm obsessed with him.
No. 422675
File: 1560701649406.jpeg (1.37 MB, 4000x3000, 8C3D9A31-46C5-494A-AE68-DA8287…) saw this guys creations going around on twitter and couldn’t resist, as soon as my first weird baby arrived I ordered two more….pic related.
my first one was a tiny head and big arms, I think it’s the baby kangaroo’s head on a fox beanies body? then I couldn’t resist weird pig flamingo and bunny dinosaur was way too cute
No. 422680
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>>422675dropping some uhh, cute babies he has in stock but really look at this guy
No. 422682
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a very sweet long boy, there’s also a long tiger
No. 423014
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>>422758no I think they’re cute 100%….but I have a thing for misfit toys. the dumb little lion has a sideways eye and I fell so in love with it I had to “rescue” it from the arcade.
No. 423088
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This is one version of my childhood teddy bear. This one's much newer and softer looking, but I love my bear, haha. He still lives on my bed.
Does anyone have a good way of displaying/storing their stuffed animal collection? I have mine arranged in a basket right now, but I don't love the way they look and I'd like something a little more… sophisticated, I guess?
No. 423326
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Kind of a nerd but it’s whatever.
No. 423329
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I won one of these from a ufo catcher, and since then they've come out with so many other ones and other merch. Tokyu hands was selling a GIGANTIC one a while back and I wanted to buy it so fucking bad but the cost+shipping would've been ridiculous.
fuck i love bread dog so fucking much
No. 423683
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>>423329If you like the bread dogs I have something similar for you. Nyanpan. It's so fucking cute. Pic is not mine but I consider getting one for my collection.
No. 423690
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>>423683fuuuuckkk don't tempt me anon.
The talk of bread animal plushies also reminded me of these. A girl I follow on twitter has these and I… really want them. They have other foods too but I don't know the brand. It also reminds me of some weird "plush" (I put quotation marks because they were more like soft keychains) of hyperrealistic looking fish that I tried to get from a ufo catcher but failed. There's something about these sorts of plushies that make me really want them. They're absolutely ridiculous.
No. 423693
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These are all the stuffed animals I (try) to keep on my bed. It's kinda embarrassing but nobody really comes into my room here so, whatever
No. 423721
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I really want one of these giant Amuse sloths.
No. 424020
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>>423329>>423683These are so fucking cute
No. 424046
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>>423329>>423329I got my paycheck in about a week and uuuuh fuck I kinda want them. They are so pure.
No. 424083
>>423998Yes! I followed her since her tumblr days and have wanted to talk to her for so long but I just never did lol. She's into a lot of stuff I don't care for anymore, but I still love her posts, she always finds such cute stuff. I actually dug a little far into her twitter for this pic so I wonder if it's weird to ask about a post so old LOL
>>424046fuuuuuuck anon those are so cute!! I particularly like my bread dog because he's not stuffed to be stiff, he's so squishy and fun to knead, I love squeezing him.
No. 433964
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I really like 2002 Care Bears and even own some from my own childhood, but my bf doesn’t want plushies casually hanging out in our flat so I just hide them away in a drawer :(
No. 433969
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Build-a-bear Piplup is a real cutie, got one from my bf for Christmas and he’s like our child lmfao. We’re considering adopting a Build-A-Bear Psyduck at some point in the future, but the fact that he’s an online exclusive kinda takes away from the experience