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No. 157287
Both of my serious adult relationships were with guys I met online.
The first one might now count. Both he and I met one of our friends through craigslist. She kept insisting that I seemed like this guy she knew, so she put us in the same msn chat once. We really hit it off through msn chat, not even knowing what the other looked like. After talking on msn for a few weeks, we met up as a group in real life. Then we dated for almost 4 years.
The second one, which is the relationship I'm currently in, has been going strong for 1.5 years, and we've been living together for a little over a year. We have had joint finances for maybe 10 months, moved to a different town together, and he even spends time with my parents when I'm working. And we met up irl after 2-3 days of talking after OKC. I honestly didn't even read his profile or look at his pictures, because I wasn't interested in dating men at the time.
It really isn't that bad. I also went through a long phase where I would meet men online (OKC and craigslist), go on one date, pay for everything, dominate the convo during dinner, then never answer their messages or texts. This was only with the creepers, though. Oh, and I did end up liking this one qt3.14 but he wouldn't make a move on me after almost 2 months of dates, so I gave up.
No. 157290
>>157283Well, it looks like you experienced the exact reason why I've been so scared to even try.
I mean my roommate found a nice girl after a few tries, but hes a lot more sociable than me…
I dunno… I think I'd rather keep playing video games until the right person comes along and be lonely up until that point.
No. 157294
>>157290If you would rather do that, then don't complain if do feel lonely.
And do you have a lot of dating experience already?
No. 157296
>>157295you drop him
unless ure just looking for a friend
No. 157299
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How are you supposed to meet people if you do not use online dating?
No. 157304
>>157303Damn OP, that sucks. I do feel sorry for the woman. I wonder what happened in her life that she felt she had to deceive you.
>local online datingtfw you live in a town full of basic asshats…
No. 157305
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I've been aggressively online dating (Tinder & Bumble) recently and have a few things to say about it.
First, ghosting really hurts. Please don't do that to someone. All you have to do is say "Sorry, I'm not interested because …. Bye". Wait for a day (so they get a chance to read it), then unmatch. I have scores of matches from Tinder where the conversation was going great, then they drop off the face of the Earth and I'm left with this awful, empty feeling inside. It really makes you start thinking everyone is a giant asshole.
Second, what does "No hookups" even mean? I decided it means no one-night-stands, and that makes a lot more sense. Because otherwise it's like you are trying to use a dating app to have non-sexual relationships with people, which is incredibly dumb.
Here's some profile pic tips so you don't look like a complete autist. No sunglasses. Why the fuck would want to see a picture of someone in sunglasses? Don't have someone else in your main profile pic. Pic related. That is very confusing and it makes you look like a awful bitch when you put your unattractive friend in the pic to make yourself look better by comparison. Do not use pictures with your back to the camera. God this shit is so obvious but I see it all the time.
WRITE A PROFILE! I saw someone up thread saying "I said I like video games more than tv, and all the boys kept asking me about video games" WELL NO SHIT! What do you expect them to say? That's all you gave them! It's very hard to initiate a conversation on these things, and you try to find a subject that is interesting to the person. The point of chatting is to get to know them better.. right?
Be engaging. There are a lot of chats where I just fucking bail out because the person is soooooo fucking boring and simply giving one word answers to EVERY question I ask. They ask me nothing about myself. What are they expecting to come from it? Can someone please tell me?
Tinder vs Bumble: Bumble's app is way, way better than Tinder and makes it easier to scroll pics and stuff. They also have their "hook" which is that women must message first after a match within 24 hours or the match disappears. This is pretty cool because it forces some dialogue. The quality of the women on their is better too. They are more professional and smart.
When I first signed up with Tinder I met an awesome woman and we had an outstanding fwb situation we termed "Fallout and chill" because I would come over and watch her play Fallout 4 until I started kissing on her neck and…. Then she found a guy she wanted to get serious with and ended it..
I'm exhausted with the process of putting a lot of energy into these conversations and having them be so dull.. Sending unsolicited dick pics is appalling, but I can see how some dudes might get so burned out on the process they just start spamming their dick to everyone, hoping for something. Which is something you should watch out for, btw. A lot of the women I've spoke to said that happens a lot. Good luck.
No. 157306
>>157305>Be engaging. There are a lot of chats where I just fucking bail out because the person is soooooo fucking boring and simply giving one word answers to EVERY question I ask. They ask me nothing about myself. What are they expecting to come from it? Can someone please tell me?Yeah, this is really irritating.
Like, do you just expect to sit back while I to entertain you? And if you're not interested, why can't you just say so and end both of our miseries?
No. 157307
>>157304Thanks. Looking back at it now, it was pretty sick she felt the need to deceive me like that, especially considering I was a gullible 16 year old. I'm not traumatized anymore but fuck, right after I saw her picture I legitimately thought about never getting online again. I was so shocked my boyfriend of almost two years was… that.
Tbh she most likely thought it would be better for her to live in a fantasy world where she was some hot guy (she liked yaoi) and simply didn't expect to get so close with someone. Just sucks I had to get dragged into that emotionally. Although I guess we all have to learn not to trust people after something shitty happening.
No. 157308
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I've tried online dating sites/ apps but for some reason the people I meet on there never really held my interest. I didn't want hook ups at all, I wanted to find someone I could see becoming somewhat series. But no one ever interested me.
That said, I am currently someone I did meet online, but through a MMO. It felt a lot less forced and much more natural. Well, as natural as meeting online can get. We had been friends for a few years and when a friends with benefits "relationship" of mine ended we got more serious. We've been together for almost 6 months and we're actually meeting for the first time this week.
Different strokes for different folks I guess.
No. 157312
>>157305>Be engaging. There are a lot of chats where I just fucking bail out because the person is soooooo fucking boring and simply giving one word answers to EVERY question I ask. They ask me nothing about myself. What are they expecting to come from it? Can someone please tell me?THIS.
I met a guy online, and we have been talking since January. First, he lied about his age (lol he said he's 21 and turns out he's 18 lololololol). He did plans for us for summer and we used to talk a lot but afer reading our chats I realised I WAS THE ONE WHO WAS TALKING. He just replied with one word or super short messages.
I confessed him that I like him like a month ago, he said he felt the same. And I felt super happy for that. But then he started to try to make me feel jealous (playing the oh we don't live in the same city, I'll try to make her jealous so she'll like me more. #WRONGGGG) to the point I ended up getting mad, but didn't let him know. It was his behaviour what pissed me off, not that his friend likes him and invited him to the cinema and her house. Fucking lol when I discovered he went with his friend and the sister of his friend hahaha he made it sound like a date and it wasn't like that.
He started to talk less (is that even possible? lol) because a classmate and I became very close. He's very attractive and I think he believes there's something between us (if I tell him I'm with my friend, he just changes the topic. Like 'I'm with X, we are going to the cinema' 'oh did I tell you about the dog my friend has? The dog needs a new haircut'. Shit like that. The last chat was like 2 weeks ago, he left me on read. I told him what I did that day and never replied. And it's always like that. I ask him 'how are you', he replies but doesn't ask back. I ask about his week, he never asked me. I always ask him things, he never asks me. And that little brat is online 24/7. Always talking about himself, work, politics or money. That's not how you impress a girl. If he expects me to send him a new message, he's wrong. I deleted our chat and I'll 'crawl for a guy' (it's like going after someone even tho they don't want anything with you/they act cold with you).
I went a lil off topic but because I'm mad. Sorry lol to resume up: he's boring, replies with short messages/one word and wants me to go after him (which is not gonna happen)
No. 157315
>>15731420 lol and yes, it is ridiculous. What a waste of time.
When I discovered his age, I asked why he lied. He said he thought I'd turn him down for being younger. I didn't mind since he seemed to be mature but as you can see I was wrong.