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No. 15937
>>15931Sigh, sadly I'm one of those idiots to donate to the kickstarter. I saw a lot of people commenting about how RPG maker is a free software, to which Omo (or someone else on the team) just said that their team isn't working for free (although they made quite a bit from it…)
I do like very few of their designs, but I'd honestly never fork over the money for it. I did the kickstarter since I followed the omori blog and I just really like Omori.
I feel like an ass for getting upset over this, but a lot of projects I've seen have given backers first look at updates/only give the backers a look at updates and all kinds of goodies the public doesn't see and seeing that there's a whole update page on the omori game website for the entire public makes me feel a bit bitter… (not like there are any updates to begin with). It seems like Omo is busy with stuff but couldn't you also make time for this game that people have ALREADY GIVEN YOU MONEY FOR??
No. 15939
>>15937You can file a claim through kickstarter to get your money back.
Fuck people who do this shit.
No. 15941
I really wanted the crewneck and game but sigh, alas it was probably never meant to be… The most recent update from last month was actually about the game so it gives me hope but still… honestly what is taking so long :\ I understand they wanted to make a crazy long game but…
No. 15943
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Hrm…I like some of it. I own pic related and a couple other things I wear less regularly. I do kinda feel like a bigger weeb than usual when I wear it, I will say that.
Her stuff is hit or miss. OP jacket has always been hilarious and ugly to me yet it's considered one of the more coveted pieces of hers.
I never donated to the game because she made her goal and then some so shrug.
No. 15944
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this appeared on my feed, i kek'd
Omocat is whatever, they were smart to capitalize on the weebcore trend and the illustrations are alright
No. 15949
>>15948Very very true.
I have yet to see anyone in these, so it makes me think these types of outfits are just bought for people to pose in.
No. 15950
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I don't like omocat,from what I've heard/seen she likes shots,had a fit over it cause others won't approve,her work looks like ripoff's like the fishboy sweater looks like haru from free. And one of the tomagotchi models said they had problems with her.supposedly this is her.
No. 15953
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>>15950>>15951I don't really care if people like shota.
But honestly from her blog entry when she withdrew her "shota" design it seemed like she was like all these other people who think "shota" refers to a kinda immature/boyish character (like Nagisa from Free!) and not a young boy/young boy porn.
>i made a shirt with the word “shota” on it about a year ago. at the time, it didn’t have the same definition as it does now. it was a lesser-used word, and i was under the impression that shota and shotacon meant different things— shota loosely meant “anime boy, or young-looking man” while shotacon referred to the anime boy complex. the shirt was meant to be a parody of those sometimes-ironic “boy” shirts, and was not meant to condone pedophilia in any way. i’ve never even drawn anything sexual in my entire life.Also Haru has a really generic design and looks like at least 5 other anime MCs.
>>15943 compare with pic related. They look similar but like…generic anime boy with short black hair? OK.
i don't know anything about the whole tamagotchi thing but I think everyone in this industry has some kind of complaints about them from people they've worked with.
I don't care if you don't like her but eh these are dumb reasons.
No. 15956
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>>15950>>15952Here's another pic of omocat,but that's probably it
No. 15999
>>15958I heard from /cgl/ she's really awkward IRL.
Someone mentioned her just kind of giggling when they asked if they could check the size of a shirt or sweater.
No. 16000
>>15955I don't really see it. It was just a pastel shirt with a doodle of an anime boy's head with the word "SHOTA" scrawled beneath it.
Wonder if anyone's selling it for big bucks on eBay as we speak
No. 16004
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And even if she did use "glitch" back then, at least she was creative about it. How can her work go from the top image to the bottom images? I thought an artist was supposed to improve
No. 16016
>>16000Lol I checked none so far I also checked her site, she most likely pulled them from her store
>>16002>>16004Right, I the liked the old designs,they were interesting and seemed to be inspired by video game culture and that's something I might consider buying and wear in public but her new one's are very "weabooish" and not much effort I guess :/
No. 16018
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>>15999I accidentally found this while checking out her artwork,she seems shy/kinda like what you said
No. 17662
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>>16002man this is exactly how I feel like her artwork used to be cool when she was still a student and now she whips something up in like 5 minutes and calls it a day. Her pokemon shirts are bullshit, look like they could have been drawn by literally anyone.
No. 57367
>>15944i-is it bad that I would actually want that toon link shirt?
>>17662The model is super cute!
Anyways, I live in SF so I have access to seeing her clothes before buying them in Japantown. The quality varies a lot between her clothes (probably because of different manufacturers) but they generally feel either really thin or not soft (not scratchy but just not soft either). Her glitch and robot stuff are really cute imo but I could never imagine anyone wearing her weeby anime shit except for tumblr weebs.
No. 57374
>>57361 Looks like there's some angry comments from donators from December and that's it. The last update was the one from September.
I find it funny that Omocat won't respond to anyone on twitter about the game but constantly retweets all the uglies that buy her clothing. No. 57562
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I like some of her more abstract/surreal designs that don't necessarily have an anime trope/reference and some of her drawings, but other than that I don't really care for the whole post-weeaboo hate thing. If someone likes anime, who cares? They shouldn't be overly open or self loathing about it. Just treat it as something normal and keep it to yourself.
I hate her lazy-ass Pokemon collection though
>stock art done in black and white and inversed
Then again Game Freak probably wouldnt let her do more than that
No. 57598
Since someone bumped the thread, I'll throw in my two cents.
Omocat is a kind of a bitch irl. Maybe it's because she's "shy", but we were tabled near each other years ago at a con and asking her and asking her simple questions resulted in the snottiest fucking replies.
At one point, something small and breakable had fallen between our tables where it could be broken. She wasn't talking, drawing, or helping customers so I tapped her on the shoulder to ask her if the item was hers. Her response was to stare at me with some weird grimace like 10 seconds before her bitchy table mate whipped around and responded for her. "Um no??! It's not???" Her tone was really weirdly aggressive.
Turns out it actually belonged to one of her friends? (Who's group had been blocking the damn exit from the tables for 75% of the weekend)
She was also mutual a with a table mate of mine, who approached her from the front of the table at a slow period.
>"Hi, are you Omocat? I'm [table mate], we follow each other on [website]!"
>"Um…… Alright…..??"
>"Oh, uh, I just wanted to say hi. Since we found out we were sitting so close!"
We stopped trying to engage her after that. Hilariously enough, she sent table mate a pm a few months later being like "Happy birthday!!! Love your art!!! Keep it up!!!" and she was so thrown off.
At this point I'm just really confused on how she manages to do business with literally anyone, let alone these big companies.
No. 58080
>>57598Holy shit, regardless she's "social anxious" or whatever the shit, she sounds like an insufferable person to be with in any kind of situation. I'm getting such strong obnoxious vibes just from reading this.
This is why I'm legit scared of having to deal someday with one of the "cool" people from tumblr. I always suspected their attitude was a fake and this proves it.
No. 73226
>>73003Plastic surgery? She's hideous and looks like an ogre. I wouldn't blame her, but seriously feel bad for the people who donated to her kickster.
>>15950 No. 77688
>>77687Recently her prints have been reported to be coming off during washes, specifically her most recent one from the tamogotchi collection.
A lot of people would @ her on Twitter about it but she ignores them and continues to retweet weebs wearing her stuff.
No. 77778
>>77688I'm the anon from months ago with the Fishboy sweater. I love it, have never had a problem with it, even to this day it doesn't look bad and I've had it for almost 2 years. The quality of that was what possessed me to buy another one…
I recently bought the Wolfgirl sweater from a newer collection and wow. Haven't had any problems with the print (yet) but it lints up like CRAZY so I have to shave the fuzzies off all the time. It's like night and day.
Sucks knowing she won't respond if I contact her about it.
No. 77945
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So according to her autobiography comic here: her mother forced her to have double eyelid surgery but in her picture here
>>15950her face/eyes look untouched.
Is her whole biography comic lies then?
No. 77948
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More photos of her
No. 77956
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Pulled from her facebook, yeah she's definitely had surgery done.
No. 77961
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Her on the left
No. 77964
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Top right girl with the grey/green hair
No. 77969
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No. 77970
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No. 78092
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She had her nose done and v-line face surgery
No. 78098
File: 1457342922859.jpg (786.01 KB, 1071x777, omocat.jpg)

According to Spokeo this is her house.
3018 Andalucia Dr
West Covina, CA 91791-4207
worth $2M
5 beds, 6 baths
5.36K sq ft
Built 1997
Tiffany Liao, Omocat
Family Members:
[family member names removed]
No. 78133
>>78098This is okay, I guess, but all I want to know is whether she spent her fans' money meant to fund Omori on making herself slightly less ugly, and if the game itself is ever even going to come out (assuming she didn't just scam everyone with kawaii animu art and a Bo En song).
Why would anyone try to charge money to make something with free/easily pirated software? This was even before the PS Vita port was announced. Yume Nikki, .flow and 2kki were all made for free, and at least Undertale was made with something aside from fucking RPG Maker. Lisa is an exception, but I'm pretty sure Dingaling asked for less money, didn't make any promises he couldn't keep and actually met his predicted fucking deadline promptly.
No. 78165
>>78133Let's compare those three kickstarter campaigns, shall we?
>went live on 24 June 2013>provides a trailer and a demo, tells you where your money goes>goal: 5k, actually raised: 51k>some other artists help him out, however most of the work is done by toby (including programming)>estimated release date aug 2014>still has some work for homestuck to do and graduates school in april 2014 at that time>updates are once a month - really detailed progress updates>Undertale got released sep 2015>costs 10 $LISA
>went live on 14 nov 2013>provides a trailer, gameplay footage and a demo>goal: 7k, actually raised 16k>dingaling works on this all by himself, uses rpg maker engine >estimated release date may 2014>updates are once or twice a month, featuring music, ingame art and shirts>Lisa got released november 2014>costs 10 $OMORI
>went live on 21 april 2014>provides gameplay footage >goal: 22k, actually raised: 203k>team does the music and apparently also any engine related work (rpg maker), omocat does the concept art/pixel art? (not sure about this one)>estimated release date may 2015>updates are inconstant, on average once every three months, featuring promises and concept art>will be released at some time in 2016, trailer will be out on march/april 2016>will cost 15$ No. 78238
File: 1457375123042.jpeg (128.22 KB, 1024x579, image.jpeg)

More Omocat, top left
No. 78239
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No. 78270
File: 1457377172981.jpg (409.96 KB, 599x588, miki.jpg)

That weird time omocat tried to have nicki notice her
No. 78295
>>78270The one the right though
Her art used to be so unique back in 2011-2012, it just keeps on getting worse. What a shame..
No. 78617
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Apparently this is the person in charge of Omocat's customer service? draws a lot of shota and moved to Japan as a teacher. She also married someone just to get financial aid benefits.
No. 78618
File: 1457411735796.jpg (65.24 KB, 720x960, 11137195_10153480899187059_783…)

More Omocat
No. 78638
>>78617 I actually posted about this chick on /cgl/ last year after reading about the financial aid thing. What a small world we live in. would Omocat want to associate herself with this pedo chick after the shota fiasco?
No. 78644
>>78638I don't think Melly or Omocat are actual pedos, just typical fujos.
It's odd if she really did use the Kickstarter money for plastic surgery, I thought she would have earned enough from her clothing line to pay for that type of thing on her own.
No. 78840
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>>78165This is a very interesting read. I was unaware Undertale had a kickstarter until i bought the game on Steam. I haven't tried LISA yet, though I've heard it's good. It's a shame OMORI doesn't have consistent updates compared to LISA and Undertale. I feel bad the backers have to wait even longer since they're working on a new game engine for OMORI and wasted money on a game with good potential.
How the fuck are they gonna port the game to the Nintendo 3DS? I'm sure it is not an easy feat and it will take even longer to port it; considering the changes in controls and possibly questioning whether they'll want in 3D or not to their personal tastes.
I'm having doubts Omocat is even working on OMORI. She's been doing streaming on Twitch drawing shirt designs for her Spring 2016 lineup and some requests here and there for viewers. Pic related.
No. 82934
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>>82594I found them on the Omori website instead of her Twitter.
The sprites are nice and all, but it would be nice to release some more footage of the game after the changes they have to do.
No. 82935
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>>82934This one is cut off for some odd reason.
No. 83980
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>>82934Some of these look eerily similar to Mogeko's wadanohara, especially the eyes
No. 83982
>>83653I like their art but their attitude puts me off too. Lina, the girl with the pig looking nose, is a huge koreaboo and constantly writes in korean, I sincerely doubt she knows the language.
sage for OT
No. 84016
>>83982I thought I was alone, it's so hard to speak up about these things because I'm afraid I'll get labeled as a jealous cunt. I think Lina's art is nice but it always looks like a same faced KPOP boy.
Either way it's always been funny to me that Omocat and other asian artists generally get a free pass when it comes to using korean or japanese even if they're from Taiwan or something.
No. 84040
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>>84016Of course it can't be "cultural appropriation" because they are a "type of asian" too.
They think they're so cute. Pic related with how she sees herself and how she actually looks.
No. 84042
>>84016I 100% agree with you. It really just get on my nerves when other Asians who are not Japanese or Korean get a free pass
"Buhcus thir azin 2!!!"
No. 84043
>>83653I thought I was only one. I'm glad that there are other people who notice this too.
>>84016I also wanted to say something too,but I'll probably end up being attacked by their whiteknights
No. 84046
>>84040To be fair most people will draw themselves either more or less attractive, so I don't mind that.
>>84043I'm really happy to hear more people share my opinion, especially since I find it so hard to put into words so I could never talk about it publicly unless I want to get branded as a gossiping shitlord.
No. 84176
>>83653>They seem to have a tendency to pretend you don't exist unless you're popular, which seems to be a thing within the entire asian-american/cali community.Isn't this the case for pretty much anyone who's Internet famous? Especially artists. I'm by no means a famous artist anywhere, and I only interact with artists who are mostly famous in my country, not in America/worldwide, but still. They'll mostly asskiss each other and try to get the maximum profit out of each other as well, especially the tumblr crowd. Why talk to someone who won't give you any notes?
I don't want to sound butthurt, it's just a general impression I get.
>>84040>>84042B-but only teh evil white people can be racist!!!11!!!! Don't you know about muh power structure?! Check ur privilege
No. 84180
>>84176I agree with the first part, that's why I found it so difficult to word. I don't expect them to talk to me or anyone else but somehow they still came off as kinda distant and only every talking to their core circle of friends.
I can't always blame them for that, I used to talk to someone who would asskiss every semi-famous artist and above by sending them messages and it was incredibly obvious she was trying to get attention from the cool kids.
No. 84195
>>84187I'm amazed with how little people seem to have brought out the issue publicly. It's like Omocat gets a free pass because everyone sees her as 'poor starving artist' even if it's obvious she isn't by how popular her clothing is.
200k dollar is money you can buy a house with yet she isn't even able to produce a RPGmaker game with an entire team behind it for that money.
No. 84254
>>84224At this point I feel like she doesn't even care about the game anymore and it's just a thing to be finished sooner or later.
It feels like she's doing everything BUT work on the game.
No. 84278
>>84195No one listens and since tumblr laps up their art no one there is going to call them out. She just ignores all the backers who are complaining and the only form of reply people are getting usually comes from the other person working on it.
>>84224Urgh I haven't read this yet but god it pisses me off. I've been in some of her streams before and they are really hard to get into since they usually hit the viewer limit super fast. This really should be a backer only thing, her twitter followers get more updates than we do.
No. 84298
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On the note of omocat using Japanese, I don't think she knows the language at all.
I grew up with Japanese so the way she wrote hikikomori here is really weird. On typed text the き,こ, and り characters may connect depending on the font and in handwriting how fast you write it. But looking at her shirt I barely registered her "ko" and "ri" for what they are.
I think she's just copying from google translate or something.
No. 84301
>>84224Geez, Omocat is an idiot. Wouldn't it kill her to be "Hmm, OMORI hasn't had any decent updates besides art? Let me fix all of that!". Aside from her doing art designs for her shirts, this was the primary thing she should've been doing this whole time after OMORI got funded. Having your backers on the edge of their seat wondering where their money went is not a good sign after having a slated 2015 release.
The more i read on how she's not even updating her backers anything, the less it wants me to even purchase her shit -chuckles aloud-.
No. 84304
>>84298Maybe you'll hate me or think I'm pathetic but damn, I have to admit I am jealous.
I wish my shitty ten minute PS doodles of internet memes with questionable "Japanese" written underneath would get me money. I wish every piece of art I create would get me showered in praise. I wish every sketch I posted would recive attention. Hell, I wish I could get a tenth of the attention on
anything she does gets. I wish people would donate ridiculous sums of money to found my dream projects.
And on top of all, she has an army of whiteknights to her defends whenever someone dares to raise their voice anywhere else than on anonymous chinese cartoon image board.
/blog rant
>>84301>>84278Honestly though how is she still getting away with this? 200k is not a small sum of money. Is everyone afraid of tumblr whitenights, do they just get ignored or what is happening?
No. 84309
>>84304If you check the tumblr tag it's almost half ugly tumblrnistas wearing her clothes or people saying they hate omocat.
>she has an army of whiteknights to her defendsShe has this irl too, people are always waiting at her hand and foot. Even when she goes to the bathroom.
No. 84311
>>84016Eh, Taiwan was previously colonized by Japan and some people grew up with parents or grandparents who were educated in Japanese (I have a few friends who are multilingual because of this). In that sense, yeah, it does give them a free pass, since there's nothing wrong with using Japanese if you actually speak it.
But it doesn't seem like omo has any grasp of the language. I wonder how she got the deal with Nintendo to do the Pokemon shirts
No. 84326
>>84311Nintendo USA probably facilitated the communication or Nintendo JP had a translator contact her.
I wonder how disappointed Nintendo was when they saw her boring af Pokemon shirts.
No. 84398
>>84376its like all of them have that shitty こ that looks like て because iirc, the crewneck sweater uses a simplier, cleaner font and I still ended up misreading it the first time. My japanese is shit but I still picked up on that stupid misleading thing and it irks me to no end.
I tried to file a claim with my bank even though it's been so long and they didnt necessarily tell me it couldnt be done, but they wouldnt let me process it since I have a joint account so I'll try again once I get back to the US to actually do it…
No. 84537
>>84519Omocat prints her clothes mostly on gildan, there's no reason for her shit to cost as much as it does. I'm still waiting for some chinese company to make cheaper knock offs.
Similar brands that are better than omocat are
MILKBBI No. 84541
>>84537Adding to this anon, Punimelt. against Omo personally but please support these people instead. I follow both Punimelt and Milkbbi and they both really care about their products and their fanbase.
No. 84576
File: 1459721966490.gif (1.58 MB, 300x400, juice.gif)

>>84541aahh I love punimelt and Milkbbi
I like them waaay better than omo tbh and their stuff is reasonably priced
No. 84588
>>84519I like Ocean in Space. may not be your cup of tea but their shirts are pretty colorful and cute. Oceantann is also willing to make sizes bigger then a Small, Medium and Large if you're bigger then that which is pretty neat.
No. 84607
>>84548I like how they both were put in the spot
we can make comparison s. Punimelt with lolicon and omocat with shotacon. Except punimelt was mature about but omocat was the opposite about it imo
No. 84618
>>84607Make the comparison image!
And I don't know why you guys are so surprised, Asians are super tribalistic. The whole collectivist culture makes everyone about mentally 5 years behind their physcal age, and someone as awkward as omo is probably even more behind.
No. 84641
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The actual full "apology" issued by omocat
No. 84642
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2009 tiffany
No. 84663
>>84643The words "shotacon,shota,loli etc…" get thrown around alot loosely. I mean take a look at a 4channer. Be in the shoes of a normie. Your more than knowledgeable anime lover.your run of the mill tumblr user. See the difference?
Ofc little girls/boys arent gonna wear that, and a older girl wearing a shirt that says "loli" does not make her any younger. But what I think that people are
triggered by is because of the word itself. If omo sold the shirt without "shota" nobody cares, but then they see "shota" you know whats next…
imo ofc No. 84995
>>84452I did, and they told me since it was successful and ended, they couldn't do anything about refunds. The only person who can issue them is Omo herself.
(it's been a long time since i emailed them so it was something along those lines. A lot of people have been reporting the kickstarter but idk what it takes for ks to actually step in and issue the refund themselves if they even have the power to do that at this point)
No. 85006
>>84995Kickstarter doesn't do refunds themselves ever as far as I"m aware.
Seeing all those articles around the time the kickstarter was live, praising the concept, is kind of hilarious now.
No. 85558
>>84642why is like every asian girl called tiffany
>>84995i'm pretty sure she's already spent all of her money on personal shit and issuing refunds would be admitting to failure anyways
No. 85617
>>82934>>83980last row in the middle looks as if it was completely traced from DSP's sprites jeez
i bet there's at least some "inspiration" got from their games flowing into omori
No. 86152
>>78270why the fuck is she trying to copy gashigashi? Fuck off omo
>>82934>>82935>>83980Also this shit disgusts me. She's OBVIOUSLY referencing mogeko for those middle two. I've always hated the fact that she's been making money off of ripping off other people but she's 'popular' so no one calls her out on it
No. 87484
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Why do people still wear this stuff if a majority of users look like this
No. 87939
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>>15931She makes the most money of sales in Japan tho. They sell Omocat at a bunch of popular otaku-type fashion stores like PARK (
No. 89743
>>89726you're not alone, I guess she was contacted? Assuming these collaborations are chosen by people who figure out what's trending and Omocat's clothing certainly kind of is/was.
Also has there been any more news about the game? If this was any other person you'd see tons of complaints everywhere but I feel like Omocat is able to avoid criticism a lot so far.
No. 91100
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I guess she suffers from social anxiety but I doubt she can start a company just by emailing people.
No. 97253
I was a pretty big fan of omoriboy comics during my shut in days.
The glitch girl sweaters were pretty cool but everything omocat sells is unnecessarily expensive and her fan base puts me off of buying anything.
>>84640For as long as I've been a shitty weeaboo Shota and loli by themselves means "cute, young boy or girl"
Shotacon and Lolicon are people obsessed with these "cute boys / cute girls" whereas these terms as a genre of doujinshi or comic is always CP
No. 97421
>>97377>fixed RMMV memory leak>team has been working on stuff for the game ("tile sets, sprite sheets, map layouts, stat balancing" etc)>added a new dungeon to the game bc of story revision>omo hired an assistant to help with game artwork>music is almost finished>trailer for the game to be used as PV when the game comes out>game is scheduled to be released at the end of this yearNothing really interesting but good to know actual progress is being made on the game. Like, the two years or whatever she spent not giving us any fucking updates because of that NDA, she could've given updates similar to this.
This game better fucking come out at the end of this year. I feel like omo and her team JUST started to actually work on the game and the rest of the time were just being lazy fucks. Like wow, we finally get a cohesive update for once!
No. 97509
>>97378I can see why it sells, but it baffles me how casual she seems to be about everything. Doesn't help she has a million fans willing to hush people who dare ask why there's no game yet.
You're running a business, not an etsy with 2 sales a month.
>>97421The whole NDA thing seems awfully convenient "oh yeah sorry we never showed progress it's just that we ttly couldn't show any" I mean it's not like she was upfront about having one anyway.
No. 97745
>>97557If those people can't even speak up on an ANON board, logic follows that it's from one of her close friend groups which means it's probably petty ass inner circle shit.
Do you really expect people to blindly hate on this girl from just "she's had drama… BUT WE DON'T KNOW WHAT IT WAS!!!" ? Come now.
No. 99218
File: 1466803301995.jpg (150.02 KB, 587x767, ss.jpg)

this cant be good for her brand image
No. 99234
>>99233*she preaches a lot about being humane and shopping (…)
hurr durr wow I missed a whole phrase
No. 108769
File: 1472535068323.jpg (10.53 KB, 240x240, 1420cf96d8d41317.jpg)

>>99233Yeah, I actually have the fujoshi one and on the tag it says "made in Guatemala"
Her sweatshirts aren't anything special to be honest, they're really not worth the $55
They're pretty much the same quality as my $10 Gildan one
No. 109824
File: 1473571733720.jpg (554.89 KB, 807x814, image.jpg)

What's omocat doing since the kickstarter?
This apparently
No. 109825
File: 1473572135493.jpg (94.53 KB, 960x540, 13419200_10154290747122059_124…)

shes living a good life after running off with that money
No. 110462
>>110253Just rest assured they have no presence outside of their online personas
being an antisocial tumblrina brings you nowhere in life
No. 111961
File: 1475780622947.jpg (407.15 KB, 1006x1150, Csb21a2UsAAREXe.jpg)

>P.S. Remember to take a break once in a while (even though I know you won't)
So where's that omori game?
No. 111967
>>77945old af but
ngl my parents aren't the best either. I'd be so pissed off to be shown to the world as "my mommy was terrible to me" if my kid lived a cushy life.
It's a trend for artists online to make shitty comics about their parents. From their computers and tablets. In a house. Eating food.
seeing this everytime I come to this thread pisses me off.
No. 112009
>>111967OMFG i thought i was the only one
i went to an arts school where even being lower middle-class was rare and am fucking surrounded by a community of ungrateful little shits that try to profit off of fake-edgy i hate my parents uwu bullshit
No. 112019
File: 1475874150625.jpg (208.84 KB, 1200x513, CtoUqM2UEAAx8-t.jpg)

So it looks like Omocat is out of animu design ideas and is paying her friends to make them for her?
What the actual fuck is this fashion line
No. 112021
>>112019So disappointed fangrrlZ is working with omocat
Fangrrlz pride themselves with their quality organic inks and shit, why are they working with omocat who mass produce
No. 112024
>>112007Same here, been following him for a few years now. he is a lovely person and so good with customer feedback/communication. Wish he'd produce more of the old clothing like that amazing backpack but seems to be working things up again. Also the clothes are loved by normies, you dont stick out like a sore thumb like omocat.
>>111978>>112006If your parents have caused mental/physical damage to you of course. If your living the good life with your group of friends and have to appear damaged on the internet…no. Was this girl hit/kicked? No. Possible metal health issues? Maybe. Does she have a support group/what seems to be a good relationship now? Yes.
this girl pisses me off but i want some of her less weeby shirts shit.
No. 112234
>>112229I'm pretty sure she's met most of those people in real life (Noticed a lot of those artist from AX and omo was at AX too) so you showing them her plastic surgery wouldn't change much?
Kaela Camille "Poiv" especially knows everything about it since omocat and her are BFFS
No. 112795
File: 1476679725184.png (65.89 KB, 477x658, ss (2016-10-17 at 12.46.01).pn…)

Found this while looking at Omocat's Facebook page.
No. 112925
>>112924I've always had a similar /r/, but does anyone know of any solid stores where I can buy stuff like this that isn't omocat?
I don't want to support her, but all the other stuff I find is either reselling her shit, moonspeak, or sketchy and will be gone in the next month.
Why do the shitheads always have to be the popular ones…
No. 113340
Hey guys, I'm the who made this comparison
>>78165 a little over half a year ago. I thought it would be nice to take a look on OMORI status as of now.
Some of them are my own speculations based on the info provided on the website, updates etc, so please don't take this as official information since I could be wrong.
What we know so far about OMORI:
>surreal psychological horror RPGmaker game>you play as the boy OMORI>you have lost your memories>you travel between two worlds: "WHITE SPACE" (where you are a depressed kid with no memories, the world is black and white, present time, possibly limited by only your room) and ??? (everything here is colourful, you probably get there through a portal (your laptop), past time/your memories mixed with the present)>you will have 3-4 party members, only available in the colourful world, they are your childhood friends/neighbors>the game will mainly take place in the colourful world, which is your neighborhood memory probably?>meaning that the story could be you replaying OMORI's memory>i'm not sure what the main goal of this game is tbh. you will definitely be getting some memories back while playing, but i feel like it's going to be a "explore the world"-thing>there could be some twist at the end (probably revealed through a new/old missed friend, someone might replaced your memories or something) since it's mentioned that you wouldn't want to find out the truth>there are dungeons with silly themes (e.g. based off bread and pastries)>the battle system is based on emotions and will feature heartrate>the game will feature several types of media "such as watercolor, pencil, acrylic paint, clay models, photographs, different types of digital art, and pixel art">70 NPC's "each with their own story which you can invest your time in if you choose". some (or all? nah) will have quests for you (it is mentioned that the npc's are only for one side of the game, but since i suspect the other side of the game is only going to be your room.. yeah you get the idea.)>cutscenes are animated, done traditionally and first person>2-4 endingsI think that's about it. As for the update status:
>battle system near complete>song drafts are complete, working on sounds>maybe cutscene animations are also done>"For the past few months, the team has been mostly working on tile sets, sprite sheets, map layouts, stat balancing, adding quests, and collaborating with dialogue, flavor text … so I guess basically everything!" (aka I have no idea about the status of the rest of the game - hopefully near done or full done?)>6+ people working on the game, each team has at least two members (writing could be OMOCAT only tho)>will be released december 2016/january 2017>no trailer until then, the trailer will be used as a promotial video when the game is outAs mentioned here
>>85010 OMORI is still listed under "significant risk of failure, apologies, money spent"
Their status/summary of updates for the game says the following (timeline now-past):
>August: Backers only update to say development is hard and the lead has health issues, but they'll be done by December-January but also there was a delay because they found some bugs. >June: Update to say that they have almost fixed the RPGMaker bug and are making progress. >Apr: Update to say there may be a delay due to RPGMaker and there are no updates because they don't want to spoil things. >Mid-jan: update with a few screenshots, backers unsatisfied. The better part of a year's silence, high backer dissatisfaction. >Update in September to say the silence was due to contractual stuff, but nothing since. tl;dr OMORI could be out at the end of this year/early next year, almost three years after the kickstarter campaign
No. 120733
>>112234Whatever happened to poiv anyway? She hasn't updated her tumblr in a year or something, I used to like her art.
sage for OT
No. 172824
>>172816its possible
she's a greedy weeb
No. 172872
File: 1482281103820.jpg (3.04 MB, 3264x2448, 20161220_181204 - Copy.jpg)

>>172866Here it is. It's not much of a tag as it is printed on the inside of the hoodie. The tag with her logo just has her slogan on the other side.
No. 172882
>>172872thank you!
wow holyshit, even more reason not to buy her stuff
No. 172977
File: 1482355253233.jpg (2.75 MB, 4032x3024, 1482355041292795898800.jpg)

Also adding, I own 2 omocat shirts. The black one is the crunchyroll collaboration shirt which I purchased from their store so I'll givemail her the benefit of the doubt on that one, crunchy may well have handled all production.
The second one is one of the sub dye shirts though purchased directly from her store. I vaguely recall cutting an itchy tag out of the sub dye shirts so sorry I can't give more info on that one.
I backed Omori and I've been getting pretty frustrated with it. Even if she's bad at talking to people it irritates me that she keeps regularly releasing collections and seems to be doing no work on her game. If it's HER GAME then what the hell is this NDA business? If she's gonna blame an NDA for not being able to release info then why didn't she rewrite it so she could at least make regular updates. With $200k she surely has enough to pay a lawyer to do that for her as well as having more than enough left over to cover all other expenses.
No. 172978
>>172977*I'll give her
Also sorry pic goes sideways when you open it, I don't know why it's doing that..
No. 172980
>>172977The crunchyroll one looks like an american apparrel label so that's good. The printing process for the crunchyroll shirt is probably handled all by them and not omocat.
The second however, fucking COLOMBIA??? I get so grossed out when smaller brands use non-american shirts, that's fucking disgusting. Especially since we've already proven her rich daddy takes care of her and that her skimping out on materials like this shouldn't be happening.
About your Omori backing though, I would ask for a refund at this point. It's almost 3 years past the estimated finish date right? That's fucked.
No. 172985
>>172980Isn't all American Apparel production done in the US though? I'm the one who posted the pic and sorry the tag is rough, I've had the shirt for a couple years so it may be hard to read but it says "Made in Nicaragua" on it.
Kind of not relevant since production was probably handled by CR anyway, just a note.
I've seen a couple people saying they tried Kickstarter and they can only get a refund directly from Omocat. I tried emailing a while ago regarding an address change but never got a response. I can try emailing again but at this point, seeing hardly anyone get responses, it's pretty discouraging.
No. 172992
>>172985Yes American Apparel is made by the US therefore no slave/child labor is involved.
and that really sucks, Kickstarter needs to get it together…
No. 176467
File: 1484131625295.jpg (82.66 KB, 720x960, dd.jpg)

omocat on the left stole 100k, hope it was worth it
No. 176511
>>176472Bitch lied to make emo stories
She's a rich girl with no problems, how else is she going to produce angst
No. 176541
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>>176467ugly weebs with inflated egos are the worst
No. 180236
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>>180215I realized she looks like Sakuma from the Ping Pong anime
No. 180308
>>180184I was working with her on the project but quit because of the unprofessional work environment
Turnover is high, people keep quitting because Tiffany can't socialize and doesn't know what the game will actually be. Basically she wants to make an anime, not an interactive game. Ffs how do weeaboos back this shit is beyond me
No. 180310
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>>180308this information is delicious
No. 180321
File: 1485915755463.jpg (32.13 KB, 434x312, ss (2017-01-31 at 07.51.08).jp…)

>>180308Omo's name is Tiffany? Anyways, she's an idiot. You can't make a game and expect it to be the next Undertale or some other hot game that came out years ago. You just make it because you want to make it a reality and enjoy it, that's it. If that's the case, we'd have shitty game developers making games just so they can have a huge but cringy fanbase and merchandise in Hot Topic and Gamestop.
No. 180322
>>180308I forgot to mention this in my above reply.
Before you left, was Toby Fox still part of the team? I heard people say Toby was working on the game and it would be delicious if he did leave this trainwreck to fall off the tracks.
No. 180390
>>175026Why would people pledge to this shit, holy fuck theres a shit ton of 1.99$ steam games that are gradeA and fun / intruiging but nah lemme just kickstart this game that just looks like a tumblr weebs take on games like Mad Father and IB
But ey i never understood why people bought most of the omo cat shit in the first place tho so i might be biased or just enjoy games made by people who have actual passion
No. 180412
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>>180340"People just view games as an easy way to get cash and gain popularity when the best games are the ones that have actual passion behind it."
I couldn't help but think of Yandere Simulator kek.
Anyways, I agree 100%. I get the impression SOME passion was worked into this from the beginning, but slowly died down as the months and weeks went by. It feels like Omocat was too ambitious trying to be make another cool and interesting like Undertale, and then having these little breakdowns because she feels her game isn't good enough. That is not the mindset of a game developer, that's someone who doesn't realize that making a video game is not as easy as drawing a picture of an anime girl and slapping it on a website's t-shirt making application.
I'm sure the development process for this game is REALLY unorganized since people are leaving and these delays. Hell, Toby Fox was at least giving details about the development of Undertale via Kickstarter. As for Omori, i see nothing at all but one-off posts about them apologizing for the lack of updates, why they haven't done anything, how they had to use a different game engine and yada yada. It makes me feel bad for the people who shelled out hundreds of dollars for this game.
If this keeps up, then i await the day until Omori ends up featured and discussed in a failed kickstarter video from Larry Bundy Jr's Youtube channel.
No. 180423
>Is a creator legally obligated to fulfill the promises of their project?
>Yes. Kickstarter's Terms of Use require creators to fulfill all rewards of their project or refund any backer whose reward they do not or cannot fulfill. (This is what creators see before they launch.) We crafted these terms to create a legal requirement for creators to follow through on their projects, and to give backers a recourse if they don't. We hope that backers will consider using this provision only in cases where they feel that a creator has not made a good faith effort to complete the project and fulfill.More on think it would be hilarious if people started filing claims. Legally they are owed a refund as per kickstarters ToS. The creator agrees to these terms when making the kickstarter too.
No. 180433
>>180168>won't be as good as UndertaleUh, what? Undertale was enjoyable, but it's by no means the best indie game. The graphics are bad, it had forced chiptunes, and the engine it was made with is pretty garbage. Do we know if Tiffany's game is being programmed from scratch?
It can't possible be as good as Undertale or the Homestuck game for a few reasons as well.
1) Homestuck already has a fandom from it's comic, so regardless of how the game plays, it'll have tons of players
2) Undertale was not a total fluke. The creator had a lot of experience making other games like Earthbound fan games. All the work from those really shows.
She can't possibly think she can just get success from a box like that, can she? She's not a programmer and she has no "fans" outside maybe her clothing.
No. 180601
File: 1486215510876.jpg (174.08 KB, 1200x1061, where to cop.jpg)

This isnt omocat related but does anyone know WHERE TO COP THIS?
No. 180692
>>180604THANK YOU!
shame its sold out and cant be exported
No. 180750
>>180738Kill all robots.
>>172977Has anyone bought from her stuff recently since this change? I'm eyeing some things, but I don't want to get any if there's been a quality drop.
No. 181128
File: 1486886427149.jpg (6.5 KB, 275x240, 1485825516835.jpg)

>>181123>"switching from rpgmaker vxace to rpgmaker mv"How many times have they switched this? Come on, make up your mind already Omo. At the very least, you should've came to a decision on which RPG Maker program to use since Day 1.
Honestly, i'm not even surprised the game got delayed again. I wonder if she'll keep her promise shipping out the backer prizes. Can't wait for the complaints.
No. 181135
>>181123>omo says she cant provide many previews bc spoilersHonestly, as an indie dev being so secretive about your game is the worst you can do. And if your game can be spoilered so easily, chances are it's not that good.
She should just release it already and not worry too much if it's better than undertale or not. It's her first game, why would someone in that position even aim at creating the next undertale? That's ridiculous.
Also, when you pledge 200k for your project, you have a responsibility to provide that product to your backers. It's almost three years man, "a good game needs time" is not an excuse when she has the time to make apparel and isn't able to make decent updates.
No. 183234
>>183197I think NiTW has amazing art/sound and you're right, the game begins to deteriorate after the first arc
At least it came out after it's kickstarter backing ending unlike Omori
No. 183271
>>18323417 year old me would have loved it but the adult me thinks Mae is petty and needs to accept responsibility for her faults. IDK maybe that's what they were going for in the narrative but from the way the creator seems, I don't think it was intentional at times.
But yeah. It did deliver at least. That is a plus.
No. 183915
File: 1489610572065.png (527.53 KB, 753x585, wheres our stuff.PNG)

It's been 3 weeks since this update. This is the latest update and nothing else has been posted about the goods being sent out.
Omo never fails to disappoint.
No. 183954
>>183768Kinda bummed, I bought it and thought the art was quite good but so far Mae is just a whiny kid who's not ready to be a young adult and yeah, quite obnoxious too. I get it that she suffers from anxiety and I relate but even then, I always aknowledged my actions and tried to think about others once in a while. All she goes is me me me so far, so I was hoping she'd grow up during the game :/
Plus it's pretty boring, I should have just watched some let's play on youtube.
No. 184113
>>183972I can't remember if she was the one who said it or one of her (maybe misinformed) fans, but didn't she complain about her art school debt?
I mean at this point I don't know what to believe anymore. Just wish she'd own up to the delays and not just pretend it's in no way her fault.
No. 185464
File: 1491075794229.png (665.14 KB, 1165x543, Screen Shot 2017-04-01 at 12.3…)

30 bucks for this garbage as trash as the rest of her collections
No. 185466
File: 1491076178975.png (43.17 KB, 525x182, Screen Shot 2017-04-01 at 12.4…)

>>185465this dude just made an order so she is absolutely selling these
No. 188439
a lot of comments here are so hateful and pointless, I think that everybody is allowed to wear whatever the fuck they want to wear and everybody can also have they own opinions about what beautiful is.
Im not gonna defend omocat in every aspect, but you people have to realize when you are just being an asshole.
Do I like her old style more than the new one? mostly I do, but who am i to tell the artist what shit they should draw to please ME, they know what they wanna do and what kind of people they wanna reach, and im free to say, 'well, i dont think i like this so i dont have to buy it' thats it.
i have never bought anything from her because its expensive, i agree with that, and im disappointed to read that the clothes is not even high quality (i know that you have to pay for original design, but i think that the material should meet the expectations at least)
I have no idea why the omoriboy game has been so delayed and i do think its concerning since the team made a huge amount of money on kickstarter, but what have this to do with her being 'ugly' or whatever?
Also i dont think that being socially awkward is too much a big deal, of course she could work on it but people could also recognise that there is different kind of people outside and not everyone is trying to be mean or haughty just because they're not immediately nice. And yeah maybe she is a jerk but i dont know here so i cant say and i dont care.
No. 188822
File: 1493576164863.jpg (1.11 MB, 2448x3264, Photo Apr 30, 2 05 13 PM.jpg)

>>188439>"a lot of comments here are so hateful and pointless">is on lolcow, a place to shit and hate on peopleWhy are you even here lol…
Also, no one is telling Omo what to draw, just their own opinion that the new line is shit. I'm also free to say "the designs look like she put zero effort into it and the people who are willing to fork over an exorbitant amount of money for it are idiots."
>>188469Honduras, actually.
I would absolutely recommend against buying it. Don't know how the designs on the t-shirts are printed, but on the sweater it feels sort of like a thick layer of paint. I'll come back and tell you how it holds up in the wash (my assumption is that it'll probably be fine since it'll be the first time in the wash), but regardless I don't think her work is worth it anymore. I'd never seen a Omocat sweater in person, but I always used to think they'd be higher quality than what I got. I'd rather give my money to other artists tbh.
No. 188839
File: 1493583473440.jpg (169.07 KB, 1000x1000, uchuusummer.jpg)

>>188822>I'd rather give my money to other artists tbh.Same tbh, there's a lot more artists now making really nice clothes with really nice designs that rival omo's shit. I'm glad the weeb clothes market is getting more competitive
No. 188853
>>188839I really like the way they advertise their products, it's so cute!
Thx, anon!
No. 189239
>>180168>>180308i'm pretty doubtful you actually worked with her? no one has gotten onto or left her project in the past year or so, even prior to the ks announcement where the staff list was updated. unless you're talking about working on omori a very very long time ago or something
not really defending omo, but there's no point spreading fake deets when she's pretty good at fueling drama on her own
No. 193454
>>193447Also, samefagging, but according to sources upthread and otherwise, her name is Tiffany Liao. "Liao" is a Chinese name. Sounds pretty Asian to me.
I'm starting to suspect Omo sent her friends here to false flag and spread false information or something.
No. 193504
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>>193443What a bizarre post
No. 195240
Sorry, dumb auto-correct!
No. 201018
File: 1502037553026.jpg (25.75 KB, 411x600, IMG_6611_grande.jpg)

>>193579one of my favorite sweaters is from omocat. i dont know what happened, her stuff is just plain ugly now. like i dont understand how people could pay that much for some of her clothing items
No. 202859
File: 1503382613981.jpg (223.03 KB, 1012x1012, DHpHc9WVwAA2V04.jpg)

Her new FALL LINE preview with guest artists is out, there's an artist that's one of my favourites so I'm gonna buy it.
Ironically, my first omocat purchase was from her halloween line last year, but I'm more interested in the guest artists than her actual work..
No. 219804
>>202859Which artist? My faves also contributed but it's taking a lot for me not to knowing that omocat still hasn't finished their game lol
>>219694from her tweets, it seems at least they sent the physical goods out? still fucking stupid it's not out yet thought considering
-she hired a studio of people to work for her
-she doesn't handle the merchandise/store
like literally all she has to do is draw at this point and let everyone else handle the assets and programming
No. 240401
>>240213lol nah 100k cant buy a house in LA, her rich daddy probably helped her out
btw she loves this thread and people talking about her in gen. she's fucked in the head and textbook definition of an attention whore.
No. 240485
>>240401First she raised 2 hundo grands, and second it's totally possible. She's not paying it off in a lump sum or anything(who does that). $100k is more than enough for down payment in the currently depressed LA house market.
Also at this point I'm 100% sure certain portion of money raised from omori kickstarter went into establishing her clothing brand. In May 2014, while her Omori kickstarter funding was still open and active, she filed Omocat. LLC in California(you can look it up on After the Omori kickstarter, her clothing brand expanded greatly and started doing collabs with big celeb/companies. I believe Omocat is now making enough money to hire crews to help her business operation, since nobody actually sees at omocat con booths anymore.
It was morally flawed to jumpstart her business with money people gave her for a separate project. I think she knows that too. I just wish she put more effort and care in her $200,000 video game project than an ugly weeb clothing brand.
No. 241257
>>241157on Archeia's twitter
(that's one of the goons omocat paid to complete the game after omocat realized she fucked up)
No. 241266
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>>241263>you're not supposed to share it with non-backersAnon… where do you think you are? The moral station?
No. 241270
>>241266I'm just afraid if my copy is marked in some way that they can trace me back if they wanted to…
I'll try making a torrent tonight tho
No. 241491
>>241093I'm close to several people working on the game and its slow release is a consequence of leaders on the project only working on the game part time, mixed in with Tiffany's piss poor organization. The musicians are busy with their own shit, the artists are busy with their own shit, and to top it off, the team doesn't even believe in what they're creating because nobody really knows what they're doing. There are some who even hate working on it, and hate others on the dev team.
All in all, it's a mediocre pile of garbage with weeaboo febreeze all over it. Can't wait!
No. 241492
>>241398Wow, I'm 5 minutes in and I'm very surprised about how boring this game is.
If you are not going to guide the player at the start or tell an interesting history, like eartbound and undertale, at least show weird shit, really weird not just dumb worms, like YumeNikki.
No. 241500
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>>241407I can't believe that
>>241496It's some shit that she can release overpriced garbage and people would still fucking buy it if it had her ugly weeb drawings on it
Reminds me of Markiplier's April fool's joke where he put literal rocks in his store and people actually bought them, ngl I wish I had an large idiot fanbase that would through money at me
Honestly, I'm glad I ditched my omocat clothes/phase, there's other creators now that make way cuter weeb themed clothes without being piece of shits about it
No. 241533
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>>241263The defense to this tho is people going b-but it's still a demo!1!!
I mean sure but that still doesn't make it any less tryhard
it's kinda like Hiveswap where the game was delayed for so long that a good chunk of the people that were originally interested now have moved on
No. 241536
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Just finished the demo, and I have to agree that this game is garbage.
There was literally no story. If you're going down the Yume Nikki route, you need to have a good atmospheric setting and visual cues that tell the story for you. Unfortunately, there was none of that. It was a bland, generic pastel-colored world with nothing unique about it. There was no theme to it all, just cutesy monster/animal characters that don't blend in with the human characters at all. Was she aiming for an Undertale theme? Bugs were everywhere. Sometimes the game slowed down to a crawl and I had no choice but to close the game and reopen it to get it to run. The pacing was awful too. The game drags on endlessly on quests that have little to no importance. What was the point of Kite boy? The Well? Why go through the trouble of finishing the main quest if nothing will come out of it? It's pointless to leave elements and maps in the demo if they won't be used at all.
The only things that vaguely resembled a story weren't even included in the demo. If Basil is going to be such an important character, he should have gotten screen-time or at least some sort of flashback to cue to hook the player to the mystery. What was the player's incentive to be hyped for the full game? I saw the "ghost" maybe two times? If you're trying to do a psychological thriller, you need to create good foreshadowing of what is to come in the game.
OMORI is honestly just forgettable and try-hard as fuck.
No. 241998
>>241492>>241491Fellow omocat ex worker sup lol
Remember when Tiffany was so hell bent on just having the user do nothing but stare at the screen until shit happened lol 2DEEP4ME VIDEO GAME OF THE YEAR
No. 242478
>>241998yes lmao. At this rate Tiffany should just have a link to buy her shitty shirts in the title screen, instead of pretending this is a respectable game.
It's hilarious how dysfunctional the team is, how they hate her, and each other. And how members of the team (slimegirls) are hated by the very audience they're trying to cater to hahahahaha
No. 242516
>>242502Not that anon but
Holley Tea Time
Officialsoto (site is only selling one sweatshirt atm, sadly)
Anime Trash Swag
Tokyo Otaku Mode (more of a distributor of Japanese fashion than creators)
Dreamy Bows (same deal as Tokyo Otaku Mode)
Happy Monday (they steal designs sometimes, kinda shitty)
SpreePicky (they make custom shirts and also resell stuff from Taobao)
Syndrome (same deal as SpreePicky)
Maruq (same deal as SpreePicky)
Aside from that, there's typically some interesting stuff when you search terms like "kawaii", "anime", etc on sites like Redbubble and Etsy.
No. 242541
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>>242502Sure! the two that I really like are Uchuu summer and punimelt, their clothes are cute af
I used to like fangrrls but she turned out to be a shithead so I ditched that(she ended up closing her store lmao)
It was a shame since her clothes were actually cool but I hate buying from shit people
>Anime Trash Swag>kawaiigoods>taobao resellersyeah, I wouldn't get near those
you'd probably find cuter stuff on actual taobao or even Aliexpress
No. 242544
>>242478>And how members of the team (slimegirls) are hated by the very audience they're trying to cater to People hate slimegirls?
I use to listen to their music awhile back, they're still around?
No. 242600
>>242541What happened with fangrrls? I feel the same about Cute Hospital, it's a shame.
>>242516Anon, Holly Tea Time, Kawaii Goods, and Tokyo Otaku Mode are shit, plus Happy Monday and the SpreePicky's steal art from indie artists. Wtf
No. 242713
>>242600Fangrrrl was bragging about how she Cheated through art college by having her friend do her assignments. Her friends (punimelt, uchuusummer, cute hospital, the whole socal Tiffany omocat gang) were praising her with YASSS GIRL SLAYYYY
I like puni and uchuu, but if they enjoy tiffany's company then the have to be darksided deep inside…
The Tiffany gang is so bad news, one of her inner circle artist friends viibean flirted and eventually cheated with her friends boyfriend.
No. 242725
>>242644KG puts people on blast if she thinks they are copying her or if she has drama with them in an incredibly unprofessional way. Interestingly, she stole a lot of her designs from other Japanese brands.
There is a ton of ancient drama on HTT if you google it, including ripping people off.
Tokyo Otaku Mode scalp a lot of their items and also add in extra fees without declaring them openly, disguising them as "shipping costs." They also change their prices on popular items that were already listed for a certain price on their website for a while if they think they can profit more.
>>242713Wow, that's pretty bad. It's a shame people admitting to cheating can't get their degree revoked. That also makes me even more disappointed in cute hospital. At first I liked her art and felt bad for her health issues. Then I found out it was all an ED and her bratty behavior became less excusable. The way she treats others is already bad and now she is teetering on scammer territory what with keeping $ but not sending orders from over a year ago.
No. 242915
>>242713If possible could we get more info on the viibean thing? I know she just moved to cali. Always took her as someone who was sweat and nice, so this is shocking.
>>242913Can we please. The uwu kawaii pure smol bean art scene is a fucking riot. The art is always the same and artist are ugly. Though not sure how you mean brown girls are in the group, anon. It's always asian people and white dude who want to be excepted in the group
No. 242930
>>242713>>242915Hi, viibean here… I'm scared of causing more trouble for myself and others by replying but after being shown the first comment, I don't think I can let it slide; every detail is false. No one involved in this "cheating" thing bothered to listen or talk to me about it so I guess I'm hoping someone on this anonymous forum does..
First, I'm not friends with omocat at all.
More importantly, at no point did I flirt or cheat with the boyfriend in question. Besides hanging out with him (together with his gf! so it always felt platonic) a few times in LA during my visits, all this guy did was talk to me in an ostensibly friendly manner… I was friendly back to him bc we had been mutuals online for a while, but after his seemingly harmless messages became weirdly frequent, I made sure to put distance between us by responding less or outright ignoring him. I never once reciprocated whatever feelings he had for me.
I don't agree that omocat or her friends are bad people per se, but once the gf found out about the "cheating" it was punimelt, fangrrlz, and cutehospital who blew things out of proportion and painted me as a homewrecker through some pretty dirty means. So I would really appreciate not being associated with them at all.
No. 242934
>>242930From their tweets about you, you were aware of his feelings and strung him along. I.E. going on 1-on-1 outings, accepting artist alley tables, animation networks. He apparently even admitted it was cheating.
In the case you were really oblivious to this all, why did you block his girlfriend after the fact instead of letting her know your true intentions? Just seems a bit suspect
No. 242942
>>242934ok I'm gonna go piece by piece, forgive me for the length
>aware of his feelings and strung him alongHe and I were online mutuals for a few years, and met in person for the first time at the end of May 2017. I was only aware of him possibly having feelings after he started talking to me a lot in November (after I had a break up). He never said anything outright suspicious or disloyal re: his girlfriend so I didn't know whether or not my fears were founded to do anything about it. Is giving polite replies to someone when they message you stringing them along??
>1-on-1 outingsHe invited me to dinner alone only once back in October while I was in town, and by all means it felt like a casual meet up with a friend. He was even texting his gf on FB while we were out, so I didn't think anything weird was happening
>accepting artist alley tablesHe offered to help get me a table, long before I met him in person and long before he started talking to me as frequently. At this point we were just casual online friends and I thought he was just being really kind, since, well, friends like to help each other…
>animation networks????? Do you mean networking in animation? The dude works in video games and I already have a bunch of close friends in animation; there was zero need for me to turn to him for networking.
>He apparently even admitted it was cheatingOK great, now I finally get some closure on what the hell it was he told his gf… Maybe /he/ had the intention to cheat, but I never let it happen! I figure he must have framed it that way to help shift blame or responsibility away from himself… This guy………
>why did you block his girlfriend after the factI didn't block her? I unfollowed her at some point before any of this happened because I wasn't a fan of her art and because I didn't really know her that well. I keep my following list pretty strictly curated to either people whose art I'm really into, or friends.
No. 242944
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>instead of letting her know your true intentionsAfter the fact, I reached out to her via twitter DMs asking to talk but she never responded. fwiw, one of the criticisms levelled against me by the gf's friends was that I didn't go forward sooner. Again, the nature of the bf's behaviour to me was quite vague and ostensibly platonic, so I didn't know how to confront anyone about it in case I totally misread the situation. Anyway, that's what I am apologising for in these messages - I was not apologising for actually doing anything with her bf.
No. 242975
>>242944Wow fuck that guy. Sorry this happened to you, Vii. You don't deserve this.
I know this is the internet and what have you, but that beats believing something w/o proof for me. Now i'm wondering if half the shit said in this thread is even true.
No. 242995
>>242975>>242961>>242948I wasn't given the benefit of the doubt when this broke out so this opportunity to give my side of the story means a lot, even though it's being said in a thread about omocat and omori, of all things.
After skimming through the thread, I wanna say that even as someone who had bad experiences with several people discussed, the reads on them here are often exaggerated or off the mark. There's more to everyone than what can be garnered from business practices or what they say on twitter. It's already hard enough to read a person when you know them personally, and way harder when you don't, so I think it's best to save our judgements for unbiased evidence or personal experience.
Anyway, I'm gonna dip. Thank you very much for hearing me out!
No. 243026
>>242995Idk there's something off about all of this. You were mentioned and somehow immediately came to reply? Which means you lurk and/or participate on this website.
It shows a lot about your character. I'm sorry those girls ganged up on you but I'm going to be skeptical about anything else you say.
No. 243054
>>243034>>243036I think it's cus you guys are smart enough to hide it.
In any case I'm more inclined to believe anon stories vs viibean's "I met them once so what you said about them is false" - it's kind of like "Hes my friend and he hasn't raped me, so you weren't raped" mentality. Kind of dismissive and gross tbh
No. 243055
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>>242930>not friends with omocat >front row at omocat's pop up shop>backstage with the talent?
No. 243060
>>243036Feels good to see someone actually put that into words lol Someone i know posts art online and has for a long time. I stopped drawing for multiple years but looking at them I decided to start again. They told me how good it was and I was confused because I was absolute shit level, it wasn’t good at all. I worked more and more until I improved and they won’t talk to me anymore…. I thought I did something wrong while in the back of my mind I was always wondering “…is it because I ended up getting more likes/followers than them…?” I guess so lol
sage for blog
No. 243301
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Lol just looking up her name gives you people who haven’t received their items they ordered YET AGAIN. I swear, the only people who willingly buy her merch only to get scammed after the numerous accusations of her doing this in the past are retarded.
No. 243380
>>243341I'm just here for the petty popular artist drama, but that doesn't really make her sound like a cow, anon. Seems more like a series of unfortunate events. Just because someone gives you shelter doesn't mean they won't hold that against you and make you feel indebted to them. Abuse comes in a lot of forms. Maybe there are better examples of her cowness, but you chose pretty lackluster ones.
Anyway, it was fun seeing some names called out. I knew that uwu punimelt girl had a nasty side to her. There was always something disingenuous with how she presented herself and her brand.
No. 246405
>>243341sage for ot
I didn't know about any of those. Either that or I'm not really that updated with her life despite following her since 2012.
Feels weird that the artists you follow/come across tend to be
problematic the more you know about them. It would be best if they keep their private life separate I guess.
No. 248523
>>248442Talking shit doesn't really qualify as a cow or "
problematic"… most people talk shit, it's pretty rare to find someone who doesn't.
No. 248610
>>248523shes not a cow/
problematic, but
its hypocritical that she pushes artist positivity while being a cunt behind the scenes
No. 282954
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>>282924And omocat runs all the way to the bank.
Seriously tho, that game is never coming out.
Get fucked weebs who gave this dumb bitch money
No. 282956
>>282954I think backers have the option to file a claim and get their money back, at least. Still, what a mess. 3 fucking years and all that comes out is a lukewarm demo that might have been hot if it had come out at the same time as Undertale, or even long before.
When you're accepting $200k to create something, the least you can do is prioritize it. If you don't have the energy for that, make it on your own without outside funds at your own leisure/on your own time, then when it's done, put it out for money.
No. 284564
I honestly think they're not working on the game as much as they were when they first launched the Kickstarter. Hell, they probably ceased production on it. It baffles me how Undertale's Kickstarter came out around the same time when Omori's debut on Kickstarter, iirc, and somehow Undertale was finished and released. Meanwhile, Omori is still in limbo and it feels like Omocat is putting half-assed work into it. I remember comparing the two and Omori had CONSTANT updates when it was first launched on Kickstarter. After it got funded, the updates started to become slower and not as frequent as it used to be. Omocat has been putting her priorities to her clothing line and collabs, and it just feels like Omori is a second thought to work on it. If she was serious about this game, she would be doing constant updates similar to what Toby Fox was doing. If i recall, he did a update during the kickstarter apologizing because of school.
I kinda feel sorry for the people who pledged to the kickstarter and they're getting no updates. All they got was a unfinished demo of the game, for backers only, and who knows when they'll do a new update instead of just a long paragraph detailing the issues with the game engine they're using, people leaving/not contributing and vice versa.
No. 285473
>>77945This is so much bullshit. As another east asian woman who got a double eyelid surgery, I can tell you that ALL double eyelid surgeries are done on local anesthesia because the patient has to blink in a middle of the surgery to check how the new crease functions and looks with eyes open. I actually did rhinoplasty at the same time as the double eyelid surgery, and how it worked was that they first did the double eyelid surgery w/ local anesthesia while I was awake, and then put me under for the rhinoplasty. You NEED to be awake for the double eyelid surgery. I was fully conscious during the whole process, feeling the blood dripping off my face and everything.
I don't know why you would lie about something like this, but that's omocat for you lmao
No. 287968
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>>284624>I think Omori is especially retarded because 200k was raised and nothing of substance came out for 4 years yet no backer has the balls to sue TiffanyHonestly this, but Omo being the psycho that she is would probably release more updates or something just to deter people from making a scene.
Hell she just barely released the demo earlier this year, stupid game should've already been done by now but people will still lick her ass.
No. 300630
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seems legit
No. 303588
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baffled by how she continues to get rights/partnerships with franchises like pokemon, hatsune miku, porter robinson, park harajuku with her amateur skills and lack of professionalism.
check the comments pointing out how awkward this pose is and asking where tf the game is.
No. 304295
>>303588Oh shit, she's going to Ny Anime fest thing in November? I want to see this beast in person
How has her art legit not improved at all?
No. 305032
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>>304254She’s shilling merch for like 3 of those big names on her website right now.
No. 305236
>>305120idk about which collabs you're referring to but
porter robinson
hatsune miku
anime expo
are legit collaborators where they contacted her, some multiple times(like miku)
No. 305831
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remember when omocat uploaded a pic of her new house on her now-private instagram?
she bought it for $935,000
No. 305880
>>305820I recently graduated from the same school. Nobody really ever talks about her. They never mention her as a “success story” or anything. No instructors ever bring up her work as a good example to follow either. Then again, teachers there don’t care for anime-style work and I never cared to ask any of the staff what they think of her work.
I’d like to hear any juicy stories though especially any particular instructor’s opinions.
No. 305998
>>305823Nayrt but she treated art school like a playground, didn't try to get good grades.
when you graduate seniors have to make a mock exhibit of everything you've learned and showcase your work. Everyone took it seriously meanwhile she just hung her clothes up on hangers
Maybe she was being serious but everyone around her thought she was fucking around
No. 306418
>>306172Of course she knows. That's not the kind of delay that happens "accidentally", her apparel is just more profitable.
I remember seeing the kickstarter and being sad I didn't have money to back it, now I'm so glad I dodged that bullet.
No. 306909
>>306481Whether undertale is shit or not is debatable but
Omocat 200k raised- multiple people with payroll on team - 3 years + in the making
Undertale - 1 man team - 50k released 1-2 years later
No. 307028
>>307025Man, I miss the days where she just drew LoZ comics.
Also at this point I'm certain Omori will never happen, she can't live up to even a fraction of the exceptions the few people left have.
No. 307047
>>307037If these Kickstarter backers formally invested in Omocat's brand instead of backing this project they'd have gotten returns by now lmao
tbh I don't think Omocat meant to use the Kickstarter money for her clothing initially. I think she just saw the opportunity to expand her line and was tempted. She probably thought she can fill up the hole with profits made from the clothing. Her clothing is successful, so she definitely has money to continue the development and pay the devs(who are uncertain about the whole project and frankly don't even know what they're doing themselves), But at the same time now she doesn't have $200,000 to refund everyone because she bled that money for last few years = DEVELOPMENTAL LIMBO
No. 307376
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I used to talk smack about Omocat because I had a gut feeling something was sketchy about her, the funny thing was I always had some mutual try to shame me for disliking her. Her talent is incredibly lacking and up to par with random fandom artists who just started making merch.
She, artistically, hasn't made any progress. The majority of her "progress" is adding more details to her artwork. Her poses are so stiff, just look at the red character in the pic attached.
No. 307425
I thought you had to deliver a product or give back the funds if you don't? She can seriously just keep the money? How is that not fraud?
No. 307437
>>307376The fact that vocaloid goes out of their way to work with tiffany for official merch makes me want to die
Like yeah I get that the omocat brand is a name most weebs are familiar with but that's so lazy and honestly insulting to western audiences. can we get some tasteful merch by artists like meyoco or uchuu summer? Fuck off with this shit
No. 307593
>>307425>>307588I don't know if this holds any actual legal power, but I see this copy-and-paste comment in many of these scam Kickstarter. If you backed omori and want refund, maybe you can use this:
"(your backer number)
I invoke my rights under Kickstarter's Terms of Use: 4 - How Projects Work
"When a project is successfully funded, the creator must complete the project and fulfill each reward. Once a creator has done so, they’ve satisfied their obligation to their backers.
Throughout the process, creators owe their backers a high standard of effort, honest communication, and a dedication to bringing the project to life. At the same time, backers must understand that when they back a project, they’re helping to create something new — not ordering something that already exists. There may be changes or delays, and there’s a chance something could happen that prevents the creator from being able to finish the project as promised.
If a creator is unable to complete their project and fulfill rewards, they’ve failed to live up to the basic obligations of this agreement. To right this, they must make every reasonable effort to find another way of bringing the project to the best possible conclusion for backers. A creator in this position has only remedied the situation and met their obligations to backers if:
they post an update that explains what work has been done, how funds were used, and what prevents them from finishing the project as planned;
they work diligently and in good faith to bring the project to the best possible conclusion in a timeframe that’s communicated to backers;
they’re able to demonstrate that they’ve used funds appropriately and made every reasonable effort to complete the project as promised;
they’ve been honest, and have made no material misrepresentations in their communication to backers; and
they offer to return any remaining funds to backers who have not received their reward (in proportion to the amounts pledged), or else explain how those funds will be used to complete the project in some alternate form.
The creator is solely responsible for fulfilling the promises made in their project. If they’re unable to satisfy the terms of this agreement, they may be subject to legal action by backers."
As you are not meeting your obligations or offering reasonable explainations, I demand a full refund for my pledge amount
No. 307620
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I really want this sweater, but fuck if I'm going to give Tiffany any more money.
Anyone know what keywords to use on Taobao to get Omocat stuff, or just any place you can get dupes? Just "Omocat" doesn't gleam anything, really.
No. 309121
exworker here, i worked on the game more toward the beginning but i have friends still working on the team and they've told me conditions haven't changed so this is likely still relevant. mixing together my experience with what i've been told
in my personal opinion, omori will probably be released at some point, but it depends on when her workers get around to it. while working with her, omo admitted numerous times she just isn't interested in omori anymore/she kind of wants it done and over with
because of her lack of motivation, omo doesn't have the work ethic for the game. working with her is basically just a friend hangout, so it involves watching anime, going places to hang out, and apparently they've started playing dnd during work hours now. omocat takes hours of goofing off to tell people to remember to work, and even then she doesn't tell them what to do, she just tells people to work and we had to figure it out on our own what needed to be done by browsing through the dropbox.
the pay isn't that good since omocat hates paying anyone who works for her. it's less than minimum wage in california, i don't know if that's legal but i also don't know if anyone had the guts to get legal over it either so it's our loss.
to her credit, i did see omo working on the game at times (basic art assets and maps, because no she can't program or anything else she hires other people to do that for her). the trouble is that she would constantly be multitasking with arranging assets for her clothing store and related things. however, she has other workers do a majority of the art assets, so she's not that busy with the art imo
the omo team is overall inefficient. omo will hire an entire new person (she hates paying workers but she likes wasting money for her own convenience) for anything she doesn't know how to do. for example, i know she hired someone to check if maps are easy to navigate instead of figuring it out herself. game progress is detered because they're constantly redoing portions of the game from scratch to accommodate for impossible visions to the point that the entire game was delayed for a long period of time because they were porting it from an earlier rpgmaker version to rpgmaker mv, and later had to redo the entire game and assets from scratch after hiring someone to program an entirely new game engine (called omorimaker, its based on gamemaker).
the problem is also the team, and i say that as someone who was also working on the game. everyone there is a dungbeetle pretty much, and when i realized that about myself and realized the game was a sinking ship i had to pull out. (but i'm here now so lol)
as speculated in the thread, everyone on the team more or less hates each other and they hate tiff, but they want to be associated with the omocat name. if you work for omocat, you usually have the same opinions as the people in this thread, that her art sucks, she doesn't deserve her success, she's lazy and so on. so they don't actually care if omori comes out or is good, because the omocat name is big enough that just by association they'll get hits on their work by having their name there. ems was mentioned a few times in this thread and she's a good example-she's just another leech. she constantly brags online about feeding intentionally bad ideas to omo for story/features to ensure omori ends up bad (like it needs help imo but a few of her suggestions made it into the demo as well) so her own game will look better in comparison (while also feeding off omocat's audience when she gets omo to boost it), and she's mentioned she only talks to omocat to get omo's sources for clothes, enamel pins, advertising, and other things. however, all the workers who stick around are similar, and i've seen most of them do similar things (not all of omo's workers are artists or have an online presence though, but the ones who are artists are the same, so the socal artist group mentioned in this thread for example). you don't subject yourself to these kinds of work conditions if you aren't also nasty basically.
her workers intentionally come late to work (omo doesn't reprimand them) by hours or sometimes just don't show up at all, and when they do show up, they're part of the reason work doesn't get done because they kind of fuck around and watch youtube or play on their phones after working for a few minutes. omo is a big part of the problem, but i always felt her workers kind of want to see her game fail too. it's like if the people in this thread were working for her (and i don't doubt there are other members of the team here judging by some of the things said here that i heard at "work" lunches way back when) but also getting paid. imo, it's a pleasure you get from seeing a giant fall
that's pretty much all i can think of off the top of my head that i can disclose
most people have thought "wouldn't it be really cool if i made a game/webcomic/whatever?" without thinking too seriously about how to do it, it just seems like it'd be cool to do, and omori is the result of people actually giving someone $200k to follow through on that random whim. so… omori will probably come out eventually. it's just that omocat doesn't really care and her team wants it to fail, and they all have shit time management. again, you can take what i said with a grain of salt since it's been a few years, but since conditions haven't really changed… i doubt it
No. 309161
>>309121Thank you for this big glass of milk anon.
I'm not surprised hearing this at all, and honestly don't doubt it's validity either. There's nothing to suggest the opposite after all.
No. 309179
>>309121lmfao thank you for this anon holy shit this milk is creamy
she's a terrible boss who just pays a couple edgy artsy fartsy pals to continue hanging out with her while they force themselves to act like the hypetrain for making a video game didn't stop over a year ago.
tbh they should've followed minipete's steps and just made a little phone app instead. i remember when everyone just wanted to make their own games but they slowly realized they don't know shit about programming.
why did she pay someone to make a separate engine for the game? is it easier for her to understand? she can't even figure out RPG maker MV? It's one of the more accessible engines out there.
she really just wants to be seen as special but all of her effort is half-assed. good example is
>>241998>remember when Tiffany was so hell bent on just having the user do nothing but stare at the screen until shit happened lol 2DEEP4ME VIDEO GAME OF THE YEARliterally just her trying to take notes from Earthbound… a game a lot of people like her think is SO unique & rare despite Ness being in fucking Smash Bros
but yeah her workers definitely see the popularity and power she has and it sucks she's not actually a good person. the workers literally understand she could draw some lazy stick figure of a 12 year old boy with a bowlcut and the weebs will blindly roll in with their wallets ready for some merch.
No. 309201
>>309184tbh i think i'd hate it. she seems like a major buzzkill who wants to constantly be the center of attention. being in the same room as her not even talking to her sounds like it's uncomfortable or there's a stiffness in the air. i get enjoying slacking off with your friends at work, but even then it's way better to do it somewhere else without getting paid because you have freedom. when you're getting paid, there's a sense of expectation. for less than minimum wage, it seems like a waste of time and you could go work somewhere else.
she sounds like she has no leadership skills despite being popular online.
No. 309325
>>309179>why did she pay someone to make a separate engine for the game?her "vision" was more than what any version of rpgmaker could do in terms of graphical and aesthetic capabilities. (in terms of mechanics rpgmaker was enough so its just about visuals) she doesn't actually tinker in rpgmaker/omorimaker herself besides to put items on the map or hand draw maps, so it wasn't a matter of rpgmaker being too hard for her to use. she has other people programming the game for her. as other exworkers here have said, there was a long time she wanted the game to be a walking sim. everything optional, no bosses or quests or anything.
what's a waste is that she has some honest to god talents working on her team due to connections, they're just not the ones named because they're industry professionals and not involved in the web world. it's just too bad she's wasting legitimate human resources while twitter artists with a few thousand followers feed off the corpse of her game
>>309201yeah if the pay was good it would've been okay but for less than minimum wage you could literally get paid more to stand around doing food service. hours would often run after midnight too and she would only pay for some of the food so it sucked
No. 309347
>>309325>being forced to work that long in one day for so little moneyThat’s pretty shit. I guess it’s funnier to laugh at and mock omocat from afar than it is to actually deal with her extreme shittiness directly.
Sheesh, you’d think as a creative, she would understand how difficult creatives have it in making a living and would pay them fairly for their time. But she has an extremely privileged background where you barely put in effort into her time at an overpriced art school (ArtCenter probably cost around $45,000 per year max back when she was attending) and had her parents buy her agents to help get her work out there so she probably never had to struggle much as a creative at all.
No. 310938
>>309121wow I almost feel bad for omocat despite all her shitness lol
it's like ALL of her friends are hyenas hanging around to feed off omocat… I see this in many cases of young entrepreneurs tho tbh. people find young entrepreneurs more accessible and easy to exploit, i guess. that's when they start isolating themselves w/ other rich peeps
No. 311761
>>307620Her stuff was actually all made in America iirc. The prices used to justify expensive American made shirts, but now I think it's all made in Honduras, see here:
>>188822Also, it's pretty aggravating she still lists things so expensive, first world manufacturing prices. Honduras is a third world country.
But basically, you're not going to find Omocat knockoffs on taobao because they never even touch China in terms of manufacturing. You could probably find her pins, though.
No. 312015
>>311761she's stated to friends that she keeps her prices high because people are willing to pay for the brand name (omocat) so it's not about quality, just business.
tbf i might not like her but i don't blame her, pretty much all people who start up a business want to hit a point where they can churn out total shit and still get paid for it since min/maxing is the essence of capitalism. sucks, but she knows where to cash in.
>>311854last i heard from friends who have collabed with her, the flat rate is minimum $100 just for the illustration and then the artist gets royalties per shirt sold as
>>311951 said
No. 313644
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>>309179>literally just her trying to take notes from EarthboundIt shows tbh
>>311650Sucks because I actually like Heikala, and some of the other artists.
Can't blame her for collabing with the very famous Omocat for that sweet cash that her stupid weeb followers are willing to spend on anything with an "omocat" label on it.
I hope the artists release their own clothes without any omocat affiliation in the future.
No. 313646
>>306481Shit or not, that game was ridiculously popular and is still very well known.
Toby fox's hard work paid off and he's set for the rest of his life.
No. 313648
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>>307037You'd think they'd do something about
No. 313673
>>313644i think its hilarious she's "taking notes" from earthbound but her character design/sprites look identical
one of the key points of earthbound was that each character's silhouette and design were unique and immediately distinguishable
No. 313684
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not a fan of her work but i loved this collab piece. Sadly, i was unable to buy it.
No. 313691
>>313684for real that shirt is awesome.
the new 2018 fall collection has some amazing art and my favorite artist Kinuko made a shirt that I want but I'm so torn about supporting Omocat. Maybe if she didn't get a cut of the money I'd buy it but I'll be damned if I line her pockets
No. 317319
>>317158It's a damn shame to live alone in a 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom with $3,500 monthly payment pricetag, but she also previously stated she used to live in a place with 4 bedrooms(wtf, what kind of art student can afford this kind of living arrangement? this just shows how rich her family is tbh) and she used them all for her work. assume she bought that big ole house so she can hang out with her friends(read: parasites) all the time and do all sorts of fun stuff except finishing omori
No. 317522
>>317325That's what gets me about rich kids. They not only have more freedom to to pursue their passion and take risks (making their own game) but also have less incentives to actually complete them because they know they have a safety net in place.
Why give a fuck about all those poor people who invested their money in her game ? Can't they just have a rich daddy to bail them out if they need a few grands ?
No. 317572
>>317319>>317502Damn, the nouveau riche Chinese are such a plague, especially in places like California.
I was going to buy some of her sweatshirts just because I need something warm to wear this winter, but the idea of contributing to some safety net girl who lives in a million dollar home just leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. She also is one of those grossly, wasteful new money Chinese that purchase expensive things just to have them to flaunt at the poor and they're some of the worst people to support.
No. 318031
>>317577dude what are you talking about, if anything trump is encouraging foreign buyers to purchase assets in america. that's why his daughter and her husband were in hot water, they were selling homes with a "guaranteed" visa.
Where there's money, there's a way. I wish America would adapt vancouver's policy on foreign buyers but alas
No. 318416
>>318412I keep seeing this. Is this just because she made "shota" and "loli" shirts in omocats early days? Or does she actually have shotacon as in literal hentai somewhere?, here's a cringe article I found about that "controversy".
>"Omocat is even working on a collaborative artistic effort against bullying set to launch later this fall."What was her "anti bully" collab project?
No. 318421
>>318416It's like how Yaoi ultimately implies 2 boys assfucking but people casually use it as a colloquial term for a bromance between pretty boys.
Shotacon 100% implies sexualization of young boys. Shotacon's namesake Shotaro(from an obscure anime called The New Adventures of Gigantor) dressed in short shorts and pedophiles thirsted over his pale loins and wanted to fuck him. This is literally how Shotacon started.
Even if you just like cute 9 year old boys being cute, as a grown ass woman that's fucking CREEPY shit to like.
Omocat genuinely thought proclaiming 'I like little cartoon boys and I am willing to diddle them' proudly on shirts was cool. That alone gives me so much cringe that I just lost my entire cervical spine.
TL;DR: even if she doesn't like lil cartoon weenies, it's just a huge fucking foot in her mouth situation.
No. 318774
>>318717You sound Taiwanese.
The rest of the world frankly don't give a shit about how Taiwan is not China. Taiwan is just Nice China. end of the conversation
No. 318789
>>318784she probably also fell for the disgusting, retarded online fad of proudly proclaiming one’s degeneracy. there used to be quite a few tumblr users who were shameless and open about being into degenerate shit like shotacon as if it’s a cool thing.
so she’s a liar and a mental midget basically.
No. 318938
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>>318822She still idolizes yaoi and shota type characters, so she's still like that. This sweatshirt can still be purchased in her shop right now.
No. 318966
>>318421i didnt find the shota controversy a big deal back then and still dont now, i mean the shirt itself is no big deal and most non anime fans wont get what a shota is, tumblr antis were acting like it causes pedophilia and abuse by existing which obviously it fucking doesnt
>>318822you are another one of the pathetic people that act like liking fictional 2 guys fucking is a bad thing as if it somehow hurts real people (spoiler: it doesnt, tumblr only says it does. i suggest you go back there)
>>318938does anyone here have any info on omori (which actually hurt people by taking their money) instead of discussion about this pointless shit
No. 318967
>>318421i didnt find the shota controversy a big deal back then and still dont now, i mean the shirt itself is no big deal and most non anime fans wont get what a shota is, tumblr antis were acting like it causes pedophilia and abuse by existing which obviously it fucking doesnt
>>318822you are another one of the pathetic people that act like liking fictional 2 guys fucking is a bad thing as if it somehow hurts real people (spoiler: it doesnt, tumblr only says it does. i suggest you go back there)
>>318938does anyone here have any info on omori (which actually hurt people by taking their money) instead of discussion about this pointless shit
No. 318968
>>318421i didnt find the shota controversy a big deal back then and still dont now, i mean the shirt itself is no big deal and most non anime fans wont get what a shota is, tumblr antis were acting like it causes pedophilia and abuse by existing which obviously it fucking doesnt
>>318822you are another one of the pathetic people that act like liking fictional 2 guys fucking is a bad thing as if it somehow hurts real people (spoiler: it doesnt, tumblr only says it does. i suggest you go back there)
>>318938does anyone here have any info on omori (which actually hurt people by taking their money) instead of discussion about this pointless shit
No. 318971
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>>318938awful. looks like a zombie tomoko rather than an actual fujoshit.
No. 319651
>>319609>>319612aw, lil babby is upset because somebody online shat on her ~fav genre of literature~
yer fucking trash baby boy
No. 319958
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Why do so many anons ITT refuse to sage?
I'm seriously side eyeing anyone in an OMOCAT thread who says they hate yaoi too. Sounds like you either just got out of your fujo phase and are now reeing at anyone who still likes it or you're a fakeboi who came here to vent because her "Pretty Boy" sweater didn't get delivered on time and ended up going on a butthurt induced spergout about le problematic fujos.
No. 319972
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>>319958wow isn't this just a shitty ripoff of that milkbbi sweater that was really popular on tumblr for a while? i never quite got the hype but omo's is pretty pathetic looking by comparison
No. 319976
>>319972KEK omocat can't even afford to get sleeves printed.
Chad milkbbi.
How much is the omocat sweater? I have the milkbbi one and I remember I only had to pay $35
No. 319984
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>>319980it was 2013! and there's no way she wouldn't have seen it. even if she somehow didn't see it from milkbbi directly someone she follows would've reblogged it or something i'm sure. it was hard to avoid and i'm sure they follow overlapping people. No. 320015
>>319984omocat knows exactly who milkbbi was. i'm pretty sure they were mutuals on some form of social media. justin's gay so she probably idolized justin and daniel as her shota yaoi boys at some point.
the omocat shirt currently goes for $50 on her store lol, she's money hungry and uninspired.
does anybody remember when she'd post her maid nurse cosplays like she was trying to make a character for her brand?
No. 320294
>>306181I wonder if Omo is seething at the fact that Toby Fox is making another game and managed to release a nice demo for it.
No. 320917
>>318774The rest of the world calls Taiwan Taiwan, sorry to break it to you. Only Chinese ever say that Taiwan is China.
>>319972Is the shota sweater even a rip off? The only things similar that I see are the colors, but visually I think they're pretty different.
No. 321543
>>309121hahahahahhahahahahah as another who is in contact with these clowns im fucking howling. The "work" days were and still are a gathering of socially awkward nerds who can't even hang out with each other comfortably because so many don't know what genuine trusting friendship is.
You can see it best in how the "socal artists" group has been crumbling over the last year because of shit like competitiveness and jealousy, mutual backstabbing, leaks on Ems, slimegirls preying on asian art girls, friend buyouts, and of course Tiff's destructive personality. amazing
No. 321730
>>321543Slimegirls preying on asian art girls? Mind explaining the deets this? I've heard some negative opinions about them but nobody seems to go into detail on them.
Also, isn't punimelt another artist who has associated with Omocat but they're toxic behind the scenes?
No. 321784
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>>321730Just one look at this guy and you can tell he preys on Asian girls. I don't have much milk, but he follows a bunch of East Asians and others who have features that closely "resemble" an East Asian person. The rest are softboys with yellow fever.
Take a look at his favorite interests, Kero Kero Bonito, a band of two unkept NEETs and a cute east Asian girl. The entire music scene is those two categories.
Clover and Sealife, Galaxy Swim Team, Meishi Smile, Omniboy, Maxo, Anamanaguchi, bo en, Porter Robinson,
No. 321874
>>321730>slimegirlsHas a history of Asian gfs for one thing. He’s somewhat infamous in the artist alley scene for seeking out artists at cons to “collab” with him but inevitably ends up being creepy and inappropriate. Of course, the artists are all Asian. Pretty much as
>>321784 said but goes so far as to identify as ~queer~ to make girls drop their guard. Also heard he assaulted a past gf, so he’s scummy as fuck.
>punimeltMy friends say she’s very deadpan and almost sociopathic in person. She’s a huge bully. Funnily enough even she stopped being friends with slimegirls because of his creepiness lmao
No. 321880
>>321784>>321874you sure they still aren't friends? cus that's puni's art as his icon still right?
I've tried digging for his exes but there's no clues, got any hints where I can find his exes?
No. 321939
>>321880Punimelt is still friends with him in public but actually hates his guts lol. If you check twitter their last actual interaction was back in July around AX (when their friendship blew up). He still uses puni's art because he's still in love with her and/or he hasn't been able to secure a new asian art girl for his burando yet.
With the exes, there were defffinitely three asian art girls in succession. Pretty sure one of them was viibean but idr the screen names of the other two, one of the others was another anime apparel artist or something
No. 321945
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>>321926I’m not a fan of anime and am just a hobby illustrator who doesn’t draw anime style stuff but it really is a stretch to accuse someone of being a copy cat just because of similar color schemes and using an anime style with line art. Omocat isn’t drawing the same style of anime girl wearing a beanie with a bunch of other cutesy, decorative elements on the sleeves. Omocat drew a dumb yaoi boy on a cyan background. If milkbbi were to file legal action over omocat’s design being a rip-off, she’d immediately have the case thrown out. Criticize her work for being uninspired but there are just worse instances out there of designers and artists actually being ripped off.
No. 321982
>>321939What exactly caused their relationship to blow up ? Was it him being predetory?
I weirdly remember when I first discovered him and his music he would only post screencaps of his LINE conversations with punimelt over and over rather than anything music related.
It’s funny he only accepts collabs with Asian girls when he has had plenty of opportunities with a lot of artists. Gotta stay true to his fetishizing brand I guess.
No. 322105
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Woke Pedro is so fucking funny. He has no idea what he's talking about either. I'm pretty sure the only non-Asian he's ever dated was trans girl Jami Carignan
No. 322193
>>322096O yea I forgot about her, they broke up ages ago. I was told she was quite mentally ill and he hit her.
>>322105lmao this guy is a broken fuck himself, all these fake-woke excuses to justify his shittiness and yellow fever
And oh he dated clover? I thought the only other non-Asian girl he dated was the girl he assaulted
No. 322239
>>321543>emstotal psycho. i've long since realized all the nasty-ass stories about her are true lol. i was her table neighbor once and had to leave my stuff at the table before setting up because of an emergency. i asked her to watch it and ended up being gone a few hours… when i got back about half my merch was just gone (several hundred dollars). i was fuckin devestated and all she said was she wasn't paying attention so she had no idea what happened to it but she was "so sorry" about what happened. i just blamed myself for leaving my stuff at my table at the time and told her it was fine and i'd deal somehow.
fast forward to recently and a friend sends me caps of her from some chat where she mentioned me by name then confessed she tossed my stuff because i was competition or something (we both have a cutesy style?? i guess??). been steamed ever since. i've thought about confronting her, but the way she twists things people say to her out of context to make her look like some shaking victim is ugh. i don't know if it's worth it because i know i'm not getting my money back.
sage for blog i'm just pissed and hopes she gets a taste of her own medicine one day
No. 322249
>>322239wow anon what the fuck, I'm so sorry
she always seemed fake and awkward but I didn't know she was evil to that level. My friends are close with her and she added me to her private via proxy and her private twitter was nothing but salt and pettiness.
It was constant barrage of shitting on other artists. At one point there was drama because she talked shit about a friend who had access to her private twitter(i guess she forgot she added them). Instead of confronting them about it though they just talked shit about ems on another private account? All these socal artists are so meek and full of vitriol it's pretty awful lol.
No. 322256
>>322239>>322249damn i'm sorry that happened anon
why are so many online artists terrible and fake? finding artists that aren't vitriolic, petty, shaking victims is like a needle in a haystack
No. 322345
>>322239well, i can see why she resorted to such scummy methods. her artwork is incredibly mediocre and just plain fucking boring. it’s not a wonder why she is trying to leech off of omocat’s success too. she makes up for her lack of skill and creativity by being an awful person.
more stories of her being horrible please.
No. 322353
>>322239>>322256>>322346You know, hearing these negative experiences made me think there can be a thread about these type of artists. I know there's 2 in /ot/ but a specific thread, like a beware(?)/Awareness about these type of artists people have dealt with in person but put up a innocent/sweet persona online. So many people are scared call these people out unless they send their fans/white knights to attack innocent people a la Momokun style.
It's amazing these people i follow are just shitty behind the scenes. Bewares well warrented on these fuckers. :/
No. 322387
>>322353There's this thread in /snow/ that's artist general
>>>/snow/196471There's plenty of kind artists out there, unfortunately most aren't active
No. 322392
>>322345i'm on her priv as well as the privs of the people she shits on and i have a lot of stories but i think my favorite is how it got leaked that she's been shitting off an artist with nearly 100k followers for the entirety of their friendship while also using them to signal boost her art and content, she emailed an apology to them basically saying some unknown person said those things while logged into her various instant messaging apps (seriously?), and when the artist didn't buy it she wrote them a physical letter and gave it to them at a con while acting like she was heartbroken
and then literally the day after the con it was leaked she was shitting on them AGAIN. she even had the balls to act like she was the victim in this situation on her priv, too
good-ass content tbqh
No. 322408
>>321939oh lmao so viibean was dating slimegirls? I was wondering why she went to the omocat pop up event even tho she's not friends with tiffany, guess it was for him
>>322392yeah ems is actually the most two-faced snake I've ever met. she told me she has literally no remorse for the shittalking, only felt bad that she got caught.
No. 322506
damn just got back to this thread in months and milk is flowinggg. don't have much to add since im on the peripheral of these circles but
>>322239holy fuck this is the most evil AA story ive ever read. ems always seemed pretty disingenuous in our interactions but lmfao this is. villain level. jesus. knowing how nasty she is, i'm surprised even omocat will keep her around. I guess the whole anime convention art scene really is use and be used.
>>321874this is spot on about pedro and punimelt. apparently puni bullied the shit out of pedro bc she was always in a hateful mood but lately she seems happier and less abrasive to be around. otoh, pedro thinks he's getting woker and improving as a person only to continue disappointing everyone around him. id give him about 2 more asian gfs before he gets a proper callout post.
>>243026 vii doesn't lurk here sadly - i showed her the thread when she first got mentioned. inb4 "hi vii" but she's tried pretty hard to remove gossip and drama from her life over the years and i feel kinda responsible seeing her get dragged in again. dunno if it was wise of her to respond tho lol
No. 322677
yikes as this thread is, i can't say i'm surprised knowing her
>>322397she's really, really salty her gf has finished multiple rpgmaker games whereas ems's is vaporware after years (she keeps hiring people onto her team to make the game for her and kicking them when they won't.) iirc all of what little she has of her game has been 100% outsourced to random people over the years with no payment. she doesn't even want to do the art and wants to hire people to trace her style for her, so i guess she's learning a lot from tiff because that's how tiff does it
i look forward to her showing up in this thread or making a general public fake apology lol, she did the exact same as
>>322392 to another artist on twitter with ~60k followers (revolocities iirc?) with the same denying responsibility and then making a tearful apology in person before going behind his back to shittalk again
at this point i never trust an apology from her or anything she has to say about anyone else, it's pretty much always all lies lol
No. 322763
>>322741>>322685yup all this happens in person during AA convos/dinners, small group chats, dms, or privs with 10-20 people added. it'd take only a few minutes for ems or anyone else to flip through their chats and figure out who leaked what. as much as artists agree who's catty and to be avoided, her 5k followers would jump on anyone she siccs them on
also, artists love gossip and seeing receipts but they hate people who offer receipts. i've seen a ton of artists ostracized for providing receipts after being asked for them because suddenly other artists realize that person could leak their receipts too lmao
the artist community is super self-cannibalizing in general
No. 323223
>>323199Yikes, thanks for that milk. The whole abusive parents thing, I remembered she was crying on Twitter about how once her mom went into her room and tore off some of her stickers from her computer monitor, and I thought there may have been a reason for her mom to be that pissed with her. i'm guessing she doesn't have a job or go to school other than doing art..?
>>323200How did people find out she was full of shit? God, what a fucking brat lmfao
No. 323423
>>323223She works now but it's the first time in years and she has only been working for a few months. Also she is already taking 1 month off to go to Japan. Before that she just bummed off her parents/friends and then was confused why they were pissed when all she did was sit on the computer all day playing Maplestory and buying shit. She constantly says she is abused at home because her parents don't invite her to dinner and say they don't like her friends. Yet, they let her live there rent free, pay for her to go to UC Berkeley which is SUPER expensive (and also she is dicking around with her school work as well), paid all of her ED related hospital/rehab bills, and pay for her to go to conventions/jfashion shit. Which is it, Audrey?
When she lived in LA she did commissions here and there but she was lazy so many were never finished or half assed. Also she had a huge falling out with Shawn Wasabi and claims he owes her the portion of her deposit, when he actually covered a ton of her expenses and portions of her rent since she was broke all the time. Mind you, she had no real reason to not work, she is able bodied (as she shows since she tweets all the time about how she works sooo many hours and has sooo many plans), so she just wanted a free ride. Since he disassociated with her, she constantly vague tweets how abusive he was because of that, and even made a call out post at once point to rally hate against him. She is also constantly vagueposting about punimelt and other people who dropped her because SHE is toxic, spinning it as though they were the ones in the wrong and she is sooooo much better off without them and happier now and that their abuse gave her the change to grow. She vagueposts about once or twice a week still. Funnily enough, she is an even bigger selfish brat now and is always shitting on someone despite preaching she only has room for love and positivity in her life now. (And she is still friends with Slime Girls, which says a lot.)
About her ED: she openly tweets about it now that she is "not ashamed!!!" her "disease" is an ED. I guess since the donations dried up, she doesn't feel the need to be secretive about the truth anymore.
Her doing a collab with punimelt for Omocat was probably the peek of her "career" since she is too busy becoming a bitter cow instead.
>>242713This is old but
>Cheated through art college by having her friend do her assignmentsHer tweet two days ago:
>when someone else’s work is so hugely influential in your life you shouldn’t copy them… but rather your own work should reflect the purity of that vision/valuesJesus, the omocat ring really is full of hypocrites.
No. 323474
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>>323423I knew something was off about cute hospital when I first followed her a while back, especially after reading her Love Hospital comic and she refused to disclose what this "disease" was. Back then, she and punimelt both acted as if they were the best of friends, so it's funny to hear that this wasn't the case after all. I checked Audrey's "shop" and she sold a $50 plate that looked as if it were done in a middle school art class. Who's the dumbass that put their money into this dogshit anyway? She tries too hard to follow the weeb circle's footsteps.
Speaking of punimelt, someone here said that she's basically sociopathic in person. Her stuff isn't any better than Omocat's, so it's a huge eyeroll when I hear people try to compare their brands and say punimelt's is better only because it isn't overpriced. I wouldn't spend my money for her generic-looking shit either.
Putting this into perspective, all of these weeb artists' stuff look like bad Western ripoffs of Harajuku brand clothes. Seeing someone wear a Pretty Boy shirt in public is embarrassing beyond belief.
No. 323483
File: 1541968786483.png (105.78 KB, 519x81, SMAAAAahhhhhhhSHED!.png)

>>323474>Seeing someone wear a Pretty Boy shirt in public is embarrassing beyond belief.i seriously feel that only mental midgets lacking any self-awareness are drawn to the super weeb stuff that omocat and other american weeb artists make. omocat's shitty grasp of japanese language and her dumb designs celebrating fujoshits, shotas, and other cringy elements of otaku culture are extremely embarrassing.
No. 323764
>>323423Good summary anon, I have the rest of the milk on cutehospital and punimelt:
The main reason their friendship ended was because punimelt confessed to cutehospital that she believed she might have Aspergers due to her sociopathy and inability to empathize with others. Cutehospital/Audrey was caught telling someone else that she thought punimelt/Michy was full of shit, which obviously wasn’t taken well. So, they parted ways.
There was also a love triangle involving mushbuh who has since also dropped Audrey from his life.
No. 323841
>>323764Punimelt actually has ASPD then? Or am I getting this wrong. Like does she have any conduct issues or just simply empathy problems? I've known people who are self-proclaimed sociopaths but they only state that to be assholes. Probably armchairing here.
Yikes Audrey, no wonder why you're losing friends. She needs to shape the fuck up or else she won't end up in a good place. The Omocat circle is so toxic.
No. 323906
>>323841It’s a shame because many artists and fans look up to them and aspire to be like them (or friends with them). I just hope those fans realize that they don’t have to suck up or imitate this toxic circle to be happy or successful.
>>323764Wasn’t Punimelt dating Justin Chan while I’m college iirc ?
No. 323954
>>323841Im not sure if she actually has aspergers but its a fact that shes awkward in person, extremely moody, and loves bullying people: ESPECIALLY boyfriends. this was reported throughout her dating history. she was always seeking out a bf and bullied them until she got bored of them or bored of the sex
>>323906she broke up with justin last year and immediately dated ashwara, some guy who works at cartoon network. since then shes broken up with him too and is probably gonna end up with mushbuh for a couple of months lol
No. 324010
>>323958Sage bc armchair but yeah, as someone with borderline it seems like she has bpd. but it too much of a bitch/victim to even assume that and plea autism.
She comes off as cutesy but I feel like she dates people, uses them, then moves on.
No. 324041
>>323764>punimelt>sociopathEvery time
This is why I don’t need trust most people who try hard to make up a cute/friendly persona and make overly cute things. They’re always fucking nuts
No. 324099
File: 1542065813656.jpeg (529.64 KB, 1536x2048, 81869152-86F8-4EA8-B61C-EADE14…)

>>323764speaking of sociopaths im surprised fangrrrlz aka ghostspacess aka “chu” hasnt been brought up much besides the cheating in art school fiasco
>30 years old and dresses like a toddler>fangrrrlz was her and @genniieeee on twitter but genie (the one with much better art and who actually took care of the brand) couldnt deal with her anymore and fangrrrlz was declared dead>punimelt the sociopath even dropped her too>”borrows” things from friends and never returns them>depends on one of her exes for everything: money, being her printing press, taking care of her apartment when shes off at cons etc. does nothing to repay him and instead mocks him for being ugly and her slave>dated slimegirls and still uses/hangs out with him when she goes to los angeles. both have a lot in common: burned by punimelt and ID as nOnBiNArY to cope with being ugly weebs entering their 30s No. 324150
File: 1542073468331.jpeg (142.61 KB, 342x502, 3D76F063-F6E2-4905-B493-962127…)

>>324099so…another asian artist that slimegirls lapped up for merchandising with benefits
he’s a weeaboo for sure but tbh im sideeying the girls for agreeing to date…. …this. this sentient pube.
>>324146clover and sea life? is this from her old days as space boyfriend? at least she seems legitimately trans whereas slimegirls flicks the switch on and off for oppression points and pussy
No. 324159
File: 1542075668468.jpg (59.5 KB, 545x327, expectations vs reality.jpg)

>>323364ive hung out with her a bunch of times in groups outside of, and at cons. without SNOW airbrushing her into oblivion her double chin and resting bitch face is unreal.
No. 324170
>>323918Lol that is hilarious she was self diagnosing. It is also equally hilarious that her supposed best friend ever cutehospital who loved her soooo much and constantly love bombed her was shit talking her about something she is insecure about. What a great friend.
>>324099Wait, did punimelt actually drop her? I thought she was working on her book/book sequel? They seemed to be loving all over each other on twitter not that long ago. Wow. I'm also loling at how she is saying she is trans now, too.
No. 324176
>>324174I feel like Audrey is one those Asian girls that act dumb or smol uwu to come off as cute when really they're vindictive and awful. Always thought her 'woke' attitude was fake since she bragged about how she manipulated some male classmates back in middle school to get back at this girl who bullied her. Is she like in her early 20s now? What a weird thing to boast about.
Kinda funny that she's apparently huge in person but tries to come off as a soft dainty azn grrl or whatever.
No. 324199
>>324190>gabbyness @ prepping for Japanlol this girl is just so up front with her yellow fever.
a lot of birries' art looks straight up traced
No. 324223
>>324189I really like birries art but knowing she associates with omocat makes me iffy on continuing to buy her stuff. Also can't fit hawaiian tees into my coord and that's what they focus on now.
as for kind of weird stuff, she used to blog a lot and she had an entry dedicated to taking her ex's virginity and how she enjoyed sex. tbh though i'd rather have open sexuality than uwu pure smol personas most artists have
No. 324684
File: 1542172827113.png (33.2 KB, 578x101, translators note maybe im just…)

>>323423this post makes this tweet even more hilarious
No. 324724
File: 1542189973705.png (464.31 KB, 598x603, punpun.PNG)

KEK my fucking sides, mushbuh is selling literal soyboy merch. This is punimelt's bf? The jokes write themselves I swear to god.
I want to know, who is Audrey dating now? She keeps making tweets about "my partner". She's definitely making it easy like leaving hints they're a music producer.
>>324684Not even a month ago she was saying she hated her mom lmao No. 324732
File: 1542196044812.png (30.86 KB, 573x352, audrey.png)

>>324684I had no clue she had an alternative Twitter. Just took a little time to look through it and the tone of her tweets are completely different from her main Twitter and you can tell when she's talking shit, she plays victim.
>>324724Why is she trying to be vague about this elusive partner. Based on her tweets, I wonder if this person is even real?
No. 324785
>>324735But anon, how is Audrey supposed to afford rent in the Bay area? She possibly cannot work a job, go to school, fuck around in Japan 3+ times a year, buy $150 shoes every month, AND pay rent. One has to go… and she chose not paying rent.
What is she going to school for anyway if she can go on vacation multiple times a year? What two jobs is she working? Her claims don't add up honestly.
Audrey simply can't learn how to spend her money wisely.
No. 324789
File: 1542210755525.jpeg (94.39 KB, 750x476, C75F5CA9-3742-4600-994C-6C21D6…)

>>324724KEK She reminds me of a high schooler who’s trying to prove so badly that she has a bf and is thriving to spite the haterz.
Who are you trying to prove anything to, Audrey?
No. 324795
File: 1542212287275.png (180.41 KB, 665x701, lol.png)

>>324684This is from barely 3 weeks prior to that tweet jfc
So toxic. Such abuse.
No. 324800
File: 1542213163342.png (169.21 KB, 557x701, school.png)

>>324795Another, and apparently why is she not in school.
No. 324813
File: 1542216836276.png (131.75 KB, 663x570, save?.png)

>>324785She doesn't want to move out because her parents pay her way. She is a womanbaby who doesn't want to take care of herself and won't move out until she has another person to leech from. It's easier to make herself sound like a victim and try to get donations because she is a QUEER POC! … despite being from a wealthy family, having a straight boyfriend and never dating a girl. (When she lived with Shawn Wasabi, she would tweet about playing Maple Story 24/7 all night and sleeping through the day for weeks at a time. They all paid for her to live like this which is why she stuck around so long, until they started asking her to pay her expenses.)
She bitches and moans about her parents never doing anything for her but they just took her to mexico a few months ago, along with paying her bills/expensive tuition/crappy clothing and cons, plus her "business" expenses upfront like for her zines, shirts and stickers. Her family is actually pretty wealthy which is why she wants to keep using them and blowing the money she earns on garbage.
Her ED is just because she was spoiled and ate too much crap then got mad she got fat and blames her parents for it/all of her problems. She used to bitch about how they wouldn't drive her to the PO so she could ship orders. They probably can't stand her sometimes, especially when she stuck them with paying thousands for her numerous ED hospital stays and therapy. She went to the hospital what, 3 times, for an extended stay?
She also made some people wait over a year for preorders, some people she completely ripped off and just took their money, and she used to request donations all the time but it looks like she deleted those tweets.
>>324806Pretty sure she is 22/23
No. 324815
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>>324159Your art is incredibly accurate.
No. 324825
File: 1542218624536.jpeg (55.16 KB, 600x400, 2545D1AD-CA43-4F76-9A60-D4C230…)

>>324150the level of soy and patheticness that this guy exudes is seriously reminding me of shmorky. both also are abusive, creepy pricks who identify as some sort of special gender.
No. 324837
File: 1542220748863.png (2.78 MB, 1440x1421, Screenshot_2018-11-14-12-39-12…)

>>324825Lol anon, you should look at the other uwu softboys that hang around Pedro. You can smell the stench.
No. 324864
>>324800>she used to insult me for being into Japanese pop and made me delete all of it and said it's not my cultureI feel bad for her Mom. Imagine already being Asian with a historic, interesting culture of your own but wishing you were another type of Asian because you hate yourself that much. This goes for all of these Asian-but-not-Japanese weeb artists tbh
No. 324870
File: 1542225170723.png (75.45 KB, 591x295, Screen Shot 2018-11-14 at 11.5…)

>i don't have anger problems
>spergs out every few days about being dropped by people for being a toxic piece of shit
No. 324871
>>324800this is so sad.
because what she's describing is… basically every asian parents. having shitty, stoic, uncommunicative parents is asian 101. asian culture be like that. this bitch asian and can't even take the basics of being asian
No. 324877
File: 1542226038135.png (62.07 KB, 599x268, sluthospital.png)

As someone who used to hang out with her I gotta say her mom's fears about her dress style is pretty founded. Audrey's kawaii outfits in the summer involving shorts literally have her whole flabby ass hanging out. She identifies as asexual but she is most definitely young dumb and starving for cum lmfao
No. 324884
File: 1542226778199.png (219.22 KB, 791x609, oof.png)

>>323423omfg she even posted the conversation she had with work about suddenly fucking off to japan, she is truly sipping that dumb bitch juice
No. 324896
>>324857I hate this shit so much like. Those girls who claim they're bi/pan but clearly leans more towards liking guys and when someone points that out, they turn it into an SJW "biphobia!!!" argument for oppression points and thinks everyone is forcing them to date men or whatever.
"qpoc" my ass
No. 325145
File: 1542246462146.png (34.61 KB, 658x133, gay.png)

>>324857And then she posts stuff like this which comes across as pretty insensitive since she is a straight female? She never even had a gf before. It just seems like a slur with how she uses it.
No. 325146
File: 1542246778543.png (35.97 KB, 668x130, uber.png)

>>324886She was too busy spending all her $ ubering to work and back, apparently. (She deleted a lot of tweets, but she used to constantly talk about her uber drivers and how awful they were every time she went to/from work.)
No. 325147
File: 1542246998131.png (59.67 KB, 670x313, but what about me.png)

>has to finally get a job to pay for her personal garbage>BUT MUH MENTAL HEALTH>>324864Not to mention, being constantly blamed for every single self-diagnosed millennial label she discovers on dumblr.
Surprised she doesn't call herself a spoonie.
No. 325148
File: 1542247176268.png (34.87 KB, 660x132, better go back to the hospital…)

>>324864>>325147For example ^
I wish I started capping her more lulzy tweets a while ago, there were some great ones where she would self-diagnose based on how her parents/friends supposedly treated her.
No. 325152
>>324918>>324926>>325036What about a snow thread for these kinds of artists? The ones who rarely make anything because they are too busy tweeting how they are above toxicity and so woke while dumping each other over any dumb little thing?
If not, CH/Audrey could certainly earn her own thread though. I've been following her for a while and her spergs are pretty milky. Plus she has technically scammed people out of money with her preorders/commissions she never fulfilled, gives shit mental health advice to her followers, and can be pretty diligent with asking for ko-fi donations while she sits on her fat ass all day.
I'm excited for her inevitable breakup with current "partner", slime girls, and fangrrrlz/ghostspacess/chu.
No. 325177
>>325152I'm in shock that Audrey didn't have a thread sooner what with how much past shit she's pulled and her dumb Love Hospital comic. Whoever wants to start a thread though, it should be someone who knows about her long enough since apparently I only have surface knowledge on this cow, and that was when I followed her for less than a week lol sad.
In the short amount of time I followed her she was already annoying.
No. 325197
>>325185"Guyz! I'm basically Japanese, I was creeped on by an otaku!!"
KEK Audrey how retarded and offensive can you be?
She seriously thinks all Japanese people are just kawaii anime school girls.
No. 325205
>>325196That's always so fucking depressing to me like. Having refugee Asian parents and their kids end up becoming shitheads. Her parents don't sound perfect, but she's such a spoiled twat.
Aud, if you want to be useful and get involved in ~mental health advice~ why not seek for a degree that works with people who actually have mental illness instead of making up a nurse persona online and not knowing what the fuck you're talking about
No. 325208
>>325195Its kind of stupid so I wasnt sure anyone wants to hear it. I didnt even interact with her directly.
>at a con >puni is tabling>want to see her and say hi, buy her stuff, and give her a small gift>visit her table first thing… shes not there just some guy manning her table >buy the stuff I'd like anyways, like $70 worth of stuff>meander around the con for hours, doing the other stuff I'd like to do at the event>stop by at ghostspacess/chu table (this is after fangrrrlz disbanded). Pretty sure I recognize Punimelt just chilling and chatting with her at her table but dont say anything>before I leave stop by punis table to give her the gift, hoping to see her>still not at her table… (i think she just hung out at Chus the entire day)>give the gift to the guy there saying "could you give this to puni?". Asks who I am and I leave my contact details >never received a thank you message or anythingI feel a bit unreasonable being miffed by this experience but idk. It always annoys me when artists in AA dont take it at least a bit seriously/professionally. Her not being at her table for pretty much the entire day irked me. And I feel petty for this but I felt really bitter never receiving so much as a thank you. Unfollowed her everywhere after that and won't be supporting her anymore, as stupid as it is.
No. 325234
>>325206I guess it’s the season for ugly, alTeRnaTiVE, deep-fried hair gaijin to be visiting glorious nippon right now.
>>325208Not gonna lie anon this is petty and she doesn’t owe you anything, it’s on you for giving a shit person a gift lol. Agree that she probs should have been at her table more instead of foisting it onto her slav— I mean friends.
No. 325286
>>325208lol me but
>meet popular streamer and greet>shes so nice and cute, i had gifts prepared for her>later walking around>find gift in trashcan feelsbadman.jpg
No. 325307
>>325286didn't doug walker do that to one of his fans?
sage for unrelated.
No. 325373
>>324837This photo smells like dried cum and hotdog water. I miss when nerdy losers would just dress unremarkably; now it’s almost literal pigs in lipstick.
On the topic of Pedro / Slime Girls, I just wanted to corroborate the claims in the thread that he seeks out girls in Artist Alleys with my own experience.
I became friends with him after he bought some of my and my tablemate’s wares at a convention. Soon after we became mutuals online he asked me questions about my friend: how old she was, if she was local, if she had LINE…… why he didn’t just ask her himself I dont know but it pissed me off. My friend isn’t active on twitter and doesnt use LINE so thankfully she was spared, but I was suspicious of him thereafter.
This year I talked to some other artists at a con about him (since he was walking around in 2B cosplay that weekend and grossed us all out) and one of them, through one of his exes, knew about the girls he had hoped to hook up with; mostly apparel artists like Birries, Kaiami, Punimelt, but also the girls who model for Omocat. Of course, despite Omocat having models of different races the only ones he was interested in were the Asian ones. He also hooked up with a girl over Tinder because he recognized her from a convention. You can guess what race she is.
Also, one of the girls I met at the con has access to his private twitter and I almost died laughing at how he actually cried on his priv about how he thought it was unfair that being “male coded” made his friendliness seem creepy. What a joke.
No. 325458
File: 1542290738767.png (325.4 KB, 1436x1831, Screenshot_2018-11-15-08-05-07…)

Anybody remember Pedro's attempt at being a podcaster? Lul a few other dumbasses to note on this list as well.
No. 325459
File: 1542291379726.png (795.77 KB, 1440x1176, Screenshot_2018-11-15-08-13-50…)

This is how obsessive Pedro can be with a girl he dates. This is on Grace/Thymine's blog.
No. 325494
File: 1542296929192.png (108.79 KB, 1439x441, Screenshot_2018-11-15-09-47-27…)

Our trans king Pedro
No. 325810
File: 1542342089280.jpg (146.88 KB, 960x960, if carrot top liked anime.jpg)

>>325494>waaah i hate being a guy!>exhibits textbook male fuckboi behaviour and mistreats/doesn't understand the first thing about womenfor fuck's sake pedro. you're not trans or a special gender just because your unfortunate face is at odds with your taste in cute aesthetics. frying your hair and wearing anime shirts will never make you anything but a pathetic soy boy who looks for distractions with your dick.
No. 325812
File: 1542343297158.png (96.85 KB, 1087x700, gender is fake so is yellow fe…)

This isn't nearly as good as anon's drawing of Audrey
>>324159 but Pedro's spaghetti hair is too much to resist
No. 325816
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No. 325867
File: 1542360464064.png (23.33 KB, 605x263, curiouscat.png)

>someday you will find friends and a life that makes you happy too
Aud, i don't think you get to speak on that lol. All of her followers on her main are kissing her ass. Also tread carefully, guys, don't wanna scare off milk esp since Audrey spergs on her own.
No. 325874
File: 1542361602967.png (59.87 KB, 589x606, dfsdf.png)

>>325867Some of her fans with typical "get a life haterz" responses.
No. 325878
File: 1542362163268.png (141.04 KB, 605x640, clever.png)

>>325874samefagging. Oh look, a "get a job" response from another fan. do these people not know what leisure time is. If you care about your nurse angel Aud uwu so much, why don't you tell her to grow up instead.
I swear people idolize online presences too much that they immediately whiteknight someone they don't even know all too well and probably only follow for their eaesthetic or lookbook.
sage because it isn't directly about one of these weeb artists but lol i can't understand online idolization.
No. 325888
File: 1542364044696.jpg (93.83 KB, 514x800, ideal asian gf.jpg)

>>325820lol his steam profile pic is yumemi nemu from denpagumi (denpa music is like… the official anthem to otaku) and he also has her as his single "inspirational person" on facebook. he embodies the weeb loser image so perfectly it hurts
No. 325892
>>325867lmao did one of the farmers send this? does this count as almost cowtipping?
I love when cows assume that any hate they get is from people who don't have friends or jobs. Successful people with healthy social lives also enjoy seeing ugly-hearted people fall, it's human. Anyway although I'm sure she's on a high from receiving asspats all around, I'm equally as sure that she's also quietly panicking about the inevitable end to her desperate performance of ~happiness~.
No. 325900
File: 1542366293076.jpg (33.7 KB, 559x241, mature.jpg)

>>325867>I've really matured>I don't blame anyone anymore for what happened in my pastThis bitch really saying this after subtweeting punimelt, mushbuh, shawn wasabi on the weekly LMFAOOOO
No. 325958
>>325892Gonna be real here anon, I think everyone posting on lolcow is "ugly-hearted" since it's a shittalk site. We're just too pussy to be out about it.
It's almost considered cowtipping, yeah. Aud produces enough milk just with her bratty cunty spergs so like what other anon said, let's be careful.
No. 325969
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No. 325978
File: 1542381223092.png (35.17 KB, 689x127, everyone is toxic.png)

>>325900Seriously. She just said this literally yesterday.
No. 325980
File: 1542381412737.jpg (130.11 KB, 750x1000, DsDGTBTVYAA1D89.jpg)

>>325969jfc who the fuck cow tipped?
No. 326025
File: 1542387059357.png (26.19 KB, 112x112, 1528379852829.png)

>>325980>>325874I don't know what's more pathetic the farmer(?) or a bunch of nobodies sucking up to some rando on the internet
No. 326063
>>326030No it was ems.
Audrey is the rich brat who gained sympathy from a bunch of weeks by making her ED sound like a chronic illness and she was going to die in the next couple years.
No. 326080
File: 1542393461616.png (380.65 KB, 1436x1544, Screenshot_2018-11-16-12-35-40…)

Audrey's talking to Kiraku Synthboy's private account. I wonder who the "he" she's referring to… Sounds like either mushbuh or Pedro.
No. 326081
File: 1542393495300.png (115.33 KB, 1440x439, Screenshot_2018-11-16-12-34-27…)

This just in, weebs are oppressed
No. 326102
File: 1542396319670.jpg (21.47 KB, 405x208, Annotation 2018-11-16 112555.j…)

She's salty!
No. 326105
>>326081>ugly and boringit's telling that those are her go-to negative traits. christ how insecure.
tangent, but why is this thread not in /snow/? it's pretty drama-filled and specific for /ot/.
No. 326114
>>326080>why are people so invested in our lives!11!!lmao @ this girl. you post everything that happens to you on twitter, no one needs to actually be invested they just gotta take a quick glance at your landfill of a twitter. Also most people like to know who the fuck to avoid at cons/doing business with since this community is clearly full of crazy weebs.
What's really damning is how fast they found this thread, it's a little suspicious imo
>>326105also this is a fair point
No. 326126
>>325970>friend trauma + body image issuesRolled my eyes at this. Don't get me started lol
>>326105Should it be a western weeb thread or a cute hospital thread
No. 326133
File: 1542398977701.jpg (59.2 KB, 577x416, viet.jpg)

the only way audrey can appreciate being vietnamese is knowing there's attractive vietnamese people KEK
No. 326150
File: 1542401648934.jpg (264.82 KB, 1424x1440, squad.jpg)

when the squad getting ready to go out and be oppressed
No. 326153
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Noah Hafford getting ready to go out hit on Asian girls
No. 326155
File: 1542401772038.png (805.69 KB, 720x814, weeaboo motherfuckers.png)

prepped and ready for a /snow/ thread
imo western weeb artists/musicians sounds like a decent catch-all theme
No. 326157
File: 1542401861444.gif (687.61 KB, 458x260, 1542283639513.gif)

>>326155YOOO anon that is really fucking good
No. 326180
File: 1542404948544.jpg (73.08 KB, 960x960, kirakuu.jpg)

I find it funny a majority of these Asians aren't Japanese and they end up dating non-asians.
Kiraku Synthboy moved to Japan to live out her weeb dreams and is dating a white guy.
No. 326185
>>326179>>326182Even Japanese-Americans can be considered weebs since they were born in the west and obsessed with anime or at least the otaku culture in Japan. Even otaku culture in Japan is looked down upon lmfao.
is the new thread being worked on? Because whoever works on it must have better knowledge about these cows.
No. 326193
>>326180Asian girls don't want Asian men, PERIOD. Asian men that grew up in Asia are 99% patriarchal, think their gf as subordinate, emotionally distant and small dicked. (i can say this out of my experience I'm born and raised korean lmao)
the ONLY people who actually lust for Asian males are the non-Asian girls who're into Kpop and animu
No. 326218
File: 1542409371145.png (48.8 KB, 1024x178, cutehospit- I MEAN OMOCAT.png)

>>326210lmao note how the edited message changes "cutehospital" to "omocat" as a more plausible picture of financial success.
in other words, fuck off Audrey, go play in Harajuku or some shit.
No. 326219
File: 1542409531794.jpg (255.03 KB, 770x334, 1.jpg)

>>326210why did you change cutehospital to omocat tho
No. 326229
>>326210>Just because you don't have yellow fever doesn't mean that you're above themSorry, what was that?
Tbh this writing style sounds more like Kiraku Synthboy. Are you upset you can't end up with your ultimate bishie Japanese boy even after moving to Japan?
No. 326236
>>326080Putting my bets on Slime Girls/Pedro, he has nothing better to do than whine on the internet and lap up drama while pretending he is a small azn girl.
Audrey, whoever told you about it is a ~*toxic*~ farmer since there is no other way they would know you are being posted, so by your logic you should drop them.
No. 326248
File: 1542426029605.png (47.74 KB, 663x167, woke of woke.png)

>>326246jesus yeah she is
No. 460542
File: 1568184539507.png (856.33 KB, 1080x1683, Screenshot_20190911-084353_1.p…)

So now Omori is announced for a Switch release by Spring with a demo (probably the old one) at TGS this week. No. 511418
>>511302Idk in most of the circles I have been in the rule was as long it was not directed at real human it's fair play (the lolicon peolpe)
I did have a lot of friend that did have a fetish for many other country so the nationality fetish became kinda normal to me
But honestly as long as they don't hurt any body I don't care
No. 642159
File: 1601468214946.jpg (74.48 KB, 682x767, f8yj2fw83yl51.jpg)

I don't like how hypocritical the mods are for deleting these memes i've made cuz (they're terrible and) they promote negative environment in subreddit, yet OMOCAT's environment on developing games has been mediocre as said by ex workers before
No. 642237
>>642159Fuck omofat and her shitty team
People need to sue her ass for withholding their money for so long.
No. 642338
File: 1601482586737.jpg (220.92 KB, 800x600, tumblr_mc4hd3uUD61qegob8o1_128…)

AS I first lurked onto OMOCAT's blog archive, I noticed how this Lucky Bastards art she made is somewhat based on
>>78238 's pics of Tiff's house, almost uncanny imo
No. 646420
File: 1601881743576.jpg (510.17 KB, 824x1083, 20201005_151022.jpg)

this website here trying to reveal that the game is once again being delayed to Winter No. 646438
>>642323the delays in the game are enough to show its true.
If you're making an expose, just put "allegedly". You could also use soft evidence like how EMS removed working for omocat on her bio.
No. 702210
File: 1608862962429.jpeg (120.53 KB, 750x1248, 4787960D-646C-4DC0-9A1E-E293C8…)

Taken from the thread in /w/. Who’s ready for tomorrow? Anyone else expecting them to postpone until New Year? 2022? Merry Crimmus :^)
No. 702414
File: 1608899351070.jpeg (567.15 KB, 750x1148, 77DCF9B4-2768-4386-B3BD-C6D38A…)

Imagine backing the kickstarter, waiting almost seven years for your rewards that were probably supposed to be sent 3+ years ago and then finding out on Reddit they didn’t even finish them yet.
No. 702428
File: 1608900289715.jpg (187.99 KB, 700x1391, cv15r203ka761.jpg)

Also here's some "response" letter she made, which she still refused to refute some accusations against her, I would rather see her answer every speculations and accusations made by her fans against her tbh
No. 702463
>>702450Yes do it
>>702439Omori is the indie equivalent of Cyberpunk 2077 huh. I hope it implodes on itself the same way too but considering how everyone is too far up Omo’s ass to see that, guess it would take a Christmas miracle.
No. 702468
>>702463OK here it is Christmas motherfuckers
No. 702641
File: 1608924865449.png (55.77 KB, 1368x768, 5.png)

I'm playing it.
No. 702647
File: 1608925471978.png (287.32 KB, 1368x768, 12.png)

can you guess whose feet are whose?
No. 702757
>>702553me and
is there any reason why the girl know the other kid has a beauty mark or whatever on his dick? Because I believe what was implied. Or is it supposed to be ass?I wonder if there will be any explanation for the world being uWu QuIrKy or not. I know nothing about this game beyond it's obvious inspirations (Mother series, Yume Nikki) and that it was stuck in development hell forever
No. 702991
>>702898I’m waiting for reviews so I can figure out wether it’s worth the
pirated download or not.
No. 703088
File: 1609001784792.png (92.87 KB, 1368x768, 16.png)

>this is actual dialogue
No. 703312
File: 1609052595032.png (261.52 KB, 1366x768, pojpjoop.png)

I'm taking more screenshots as I play. Is anyone interested?
No. 703442
File: 1609078995028.png (232.82 KB, 1368x768, 1608924283832.png)

>>703331Eh, I'm going to be honest. First 40 minutes of the game were really tedious, sappy and tumblresque (see
>>703088 with the overly childish dialogue), but so far the combat system is actually well thought and fun. The edgy moments are
fine, not so scary but not thaaaat bad either. It did feel very "teenage angsty" at first (see pic related) but I'm giving it a chance. Who knows, maybe I'll like it more as a play, because as of now it just feels like just another underbound with a twist. We'll see.
Another thing that I wanna mention is how the music is sometimes pretty good, and sometimes has that amateurish feeling that I can't pin my finger as of why it feels that way. But I'm also maybe being judgamental because I know the disgusting human being known as Pedro Silva aka Slime Girls worked on it.
No. 703443
File: 1609079038649.png (91.64 KB, 1366x768, pb.png)

Pretty Boy and Jock duo spotted in the game
No. 703444
File: 1609079135655.png (96.99 KB, 1368x768, 1609007459126.png)

Also posting this too lol, the irony
(that dog in the background is a literal KK Slider copy, down to the voice)
No. 703447
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There's also this weird enviormental message in it, with recycling and litering etc
No. 703456
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No. 703565
>>703446I just put an hour into and yeah the vibe is very 2013 tumblr, but i still enjoy it as someone who hasn’t looked into it beforehand.
Its cute and fun, my only problem is raising currency feels tedious and because isn’t the kind of game Id want to do any sort of farming in.
No. 703629
File: 1609100039634.png (Spoiler Image,356.41 KB, 1366x768, oidfcoihnfd.png)

uh oh tumblr girl incoming
No. 703666
File: 1609103511266.png (361.64 KB, 1366x768, oihihivbdfufd.png)

omocat really doesn't know how to draw anything that isn't an anime boy or girl
No. 703671
File: 1609103934507.png (33.34 KB, 1366x768, p0fpjefo.png)

No. 703674
File: 1609104251149.png (Spoiler Image,286.54 KB, 1366x768, p0fpjefo.png)

…uh oh…
No. 703768
>>703675Oh this game must be omocats public therapy lmao
Her mom left her family btw
No. 703879
File: 1609143845510.jpg (121.71 KB, 850x500, tumblr_lsq0z2cl1O1qegob8o1_128…)

>>703865wow I bought this shit back then and didn't even remember
No. 703918
File: 1609148677236.jpg (59.45 KB, 500x294, tumblr_08a45d5d2aec5ac3c7f806a…)

I'm sorry this whole autobiography is hilarious
No. 703923
File: 1609149262941.jpg (55.85 KB, 500x294, tumblr_9c3f0691c5a61142c008916…)

>>703922>noooo no one wants to play with me (sad emoji face)I think she's very self absorbed
No. 703927
File: 1609149480913.jpg (77.05 KB, 500x294, tumblr_c09c849a6d7cba67065782a…)

>>703923>and this remains true true to this dayIn-game there's also 2 artists that talk about art school
No. 703928
File: 1609149524449.jpg (36.34 KB, 500x294, tumblr_c8204036156a10e796b8da7…)

>>703927oddly enough, in game there's also a character who says this exact same phrase. The girl whose dad left
No. 703929
>>703928Was it the pink haired one with the bow? That seems to be the biggest projection character for her.
>>703442I tried to find out for myself but didn’t come across anything, what did Pedro Silva/slime girls do?
No. 703977
File: 1609153193903.png (89.69 KB, 1366x768, wfjpiowfj.png)

I feel conflicted because some character designs are okay and cute while others are literal scribbles like these
>>703929There's a thread on /w/, go check it out; also yeah, it is the pink girl.
No. 704080
>>704043It depends on the intention of the author, if omo says “
yeah! I put some stuff about myself in the story because I thought it was just nice” then that’s okay, because it was intended.
But if there’s no mention about it, it’s just awkward, tbh, because she probably couldn’t find anything else that caught her attention to give depth to her characters or something like that.
Dunno, looking at the parallels is awkward, you don’t need artistic nor intelectual characters to make stuff interesting, just an interesting plot and characters that have grown with it, which they should have since the game got released waaaaay past it’s intended date.
No. 704096
File: 1609164695218.png (28.09 KB, 1366x768, bdvbov.png)

the yume nikki train
No. 704132
File: 1609168254195.png (45.15 KB, 1366x768, 123456.png)

The combat didn't
trigger with these enemies
>>704101I think the combat is pretty interesting if you use it to its full potential (with emotions, taking in account the stats etc) otherwise it won't catch you. I agree the tumblr vibe is strong, but at least I'm having more fun now.
No. 704305
File: 1609183576379.jpg (741.77 KB, 1424x1840, EqUmW5uVgAA6rr4.jpg)

>>703881a shorten note app letter that's pretty much the same shit still not addressing anything but here for the pity party
No. 704352
>>702468Kek based
Im surprised she actually released it
No. 704506
>>702468Aayy omofat finally released the game
I hope her patrons are happy or at least got their refunds
No. 704601
File: 1609222789510.jpeg (Spoiler Image,304.46 KB, 1665x1241, 3D329638-DB46-444D-B99F-62C589…)

I was watching some gameplay and some parts of the Black Space just looks like poor man’s Yume Nikki to me, the designs are kinda lazy.
No. 704864
>>704627These are close to my own feelings as well. I think calling it tumblr is a bit of a disservice, though far from undeserved. It’s extremely tedious too much of the time, but I enjoy the characters and can forgive the dialogue because it’s a game about kids going through it and a lot of the moments felt very touching and thoughtful. I remember back when all my feelings and anxieties were so big and terrifying so I think I would’ve loved it as a teenager.
You can tell it was made by amateurs, but I find that charming. It has all the makings of your typical 2D rpg platformer, but it still felt personal. I know some people hated it, but the battle mechanics were fun too and I thouroughly enjoyed it up until the game started feeling like a series of chores in general.
Maybe I just have a soft spot for small creations, maybe my opinion will change after I go through this thread, but Ive played much worse games by AAA developers for 3x the cost. I think it’s one of those games that will end up sticking in my memories for a while.
Im not anywhere near finishing it though, but looking forward to whatever the twist will be.
No. 705181
can anyone reupload the game on mega?
>>702468 was taken down.
No. 705444
File: 1609347480161.jpg (193.78 KB, 1000x1460, SUNDAE_G23_1500x1500.jpg)

Omocat is overpriced af but I'm genuinely surprised that she barely sells any posters and prints, I'm unironically interested in some illustrations that I find really good but no way I'd want them on a shirt.
(sage bc no one care)
No. 706390
>>705471Sorry I took a while anon, here you go! let me know if it works or not! I only downloaded it from the pixeldrain link after your post and I can't open the game to check if I got the right thing (since I'm on Linux).
>>706156Sorry I don't!
No. 801553
>>800292Yeah it's totally her fault for her poor management and the lack of game dev skills needed to complete the game. The pacing was slow af that the Real World felt better to be played than the headspace world. I hope the flaws on her game becomes a lesson to her on planning an ambitious game.
Apathy is death.
No. 817108
File: 1622092364727.jpg (810.74 KB, 1440x2006, Screenshot_20210527-130854.jpg)

Possible speculations about this? Most likely she's done with OMOCAT and the game itself, I hope anyone here is gonna try check out the Discord server for possible milk
No. 823043
File: 1622849331575.jpg (509.97 KB, 1218x1582, 34564365463.jpg)

What a shitshow. This is only 1/10 of what I've seen online, more can be seen over on reddit.
Of course tiff isn't responding, as with the kickstarter. It's almost predictable.
No. 823609
>>823043Even the worst part is that the mods on both Subreddit and Discord aren't gonna give a fuck either just because in the name of "making the community positive". Like seriously, you can address the drama happening rn without being
toxic, because at this point, they're just gaslighting their fanbase.
No. 823657
>>823652you can find plenty on twitter if you just search her in latest, might try and dig up some tomorrow
>>823609I did notice that wtaf
No. 823678
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>>823043Not to defend her, but her keychains have a protective film that can be peeled off as to secure the print, and on the picture it seems like that person didn't remove it yet. It's dumb but since her fanbase is mostly stupid teens, I get why they get confused
No. 826763
File: 1623296656009.png (713.22 KB, 1439x2043, 20210610_113812.png)

>>823657Yeah ikr, so much enforcement to this stupid "positive community vibe" gaslighting that the admin itself had to admit they hate memes about YandereDev, looks like they're being an apologist to him. You can look up more stuff like that on the Discord server.
The moderation team before can't even acknowledge the fact that alot of people are being rightfully angry on omori Kickstarter from the lack of transparency from this apathetic lack-of-dev-skill leader they have leading the game from so many delays and ignored comments.
No. 844027
File: 1625212550395.jpg (794.17 KB, 1435x2153, Screenshot_20210702-155308.jpg)

Oops! Forgot to link Arch's FB Profile Page No. 851253
>>714589 I know this is 5 months old and that this thread is about omocat being stupid, but the point is not that anyone is
a teen murderer, it's more focused around the mental shit surrounding it and etc.
What happened wasn't murder, it was involuntary manslaughter. Murder is killing with intent, and while what caused Mari's death was a fight, the shove was not done with an intent to kill, or likely even done to push her down the stairs. Also, iirc, didn't Mari attack first, anyway?? No. 851372
File: 1626025436019.jpg (9.79 KB, 324x324, ebfIpkij_400x400.jpg)

can someone please tell me what exactly the lower half of that logo is? the yellow part that says "cat" is it a plate with noodles? i never figured it out, the yellow "string" hanging out…
No. 856241
File: 1626528447644.png (96.79 KB, 820x1070, 45B35B4D-6C67-42D7-9A61-0C93F3…)

I’m late but I just saw this ‘apology’
> we tried offering preorders but COVID related production delays made it impossible to fulfill those pre orders
> therefore we’re not going to do pre orders again
> if you’re wondering why PARK HARAJUKU received their stock in a timely manner, it’s because they pre ordered it
Also I feel like the tone of this letter is kind of vindictive, like they’re taking away the pre order option going forward as penance for all the awful PR this has earned them. Like why even mention that? Especially if the issues are related to COVID production delays that shouldn’t be an issue any more?
No. 858617
File: 1626762766290.png (195.04 KB, 1916x2200, 1626762630882.png)

>>856241Pro Tip: If you don't wanna spend money onto her so you ain't gonna experience shit like that or faulty ass clothing delivered, imitate the art you like from one of her OMORI clothing line through photoshop, through PC or Smartphone.
Then buy a T-shit/Sweatshirt with good printable fabrics from known brands like Fruit Of The Loom or Gildan (or any other reliable brands anons can recommend) to be printed with the art you successfully imitated.
With that happening, you're now free to choose which printing method you wanna apply your imitated art to your chosen clothing to get better quality print than OMOCAT's. I Also recommended to have a photo of the original T Shirt/Sweatshirt sold from OMOCAT to match the alignment and size of the art to be printed similar to the original clothing sold.
Here's one art I tried to imitate to be printed on a clothing I have for example (wip):
No. 863466
File: 1627263652393.png (672.88 KB, 828x1792, D81411C4-4831-4651-89B3-16A686…)

Omocat is doing a collaboration with a macaron shop and I guess her sped audience is getting upset that they couldn’t get their precious cookies in time and are now harassing the store owners.
No. 869577
File: 1627855562901.jpg (48.39 KB, 604x334, twt.jpg)

>>863466Seems poorly handled either way, like the merch and kickstarter and everything else.
No. 880605
File: 1628887456256.png (192.52 KB, 1441x1134, Guwi Twitter.png)

>>871428Btw Fun fact: This guy has a twitter and people have called him out for his own twitter being much worse than whatever OMOcat has. He follows users like stonetoss and shadman with Shadman being well known for drawing images of REAL KIDS (not fictional ones). Seems pretty clear this guy is a massive hypocrite who only made the video to ride a bandwagon of 8 year old drama.
No. 885568
File: 1629349729778.png (2.49 MB, 1902x956, Shitpost Status.PNG)

>>880605>Hates Lolicon and Shotacon and cancels artists for it>Follows Shadman For some reason the people on his videos don't see a problem on this. Like, I am actually impressed there are more than 1000 people who actually liked this video unironically because it is clearly such another generic YouTuber trying to derail the entire thread just to stir up drama for his own personal fame and using us to be his personal support-base for him.
Fucking sad man, I hated OMO a few years back but now that I look back, I just feel sorry for her. She was kinda dumb and cringe back then regarding her game taking forever and not giving a shit when fans wanted to know what was going on, but she is getting canceled for the fucking most retarded by Twitfags of shit such as 2-D anime characters being unironically comparable to child abuse.
No. 889165
>>885568yeah its dumb that people will go on to lengths to defend a fictional anime drawing of a child and possibly disregard real life
victims of child abuse… unless those drawings are made by Shadman
No. 889448
>>889165You know shadman isn't just your average loli artist who makes hentai of 1000+ year old dragons and such. Guy has drawn images of real kids, such as keemstars daughter for a "joke".
Yet for some reason we bring attention to the anime characters with no actual real effects on the real world. But somehow this guy can follow shadman and yet still get a pass.
Fucking joke. Can't believe such a retard derailed this thread into nothing because of his self-posting faggotry.
No. 889451
>>889165Also yeah. I will say it. Loli and shota is pretty fucking weird but it is no more weird than shit like guro and comparing it to want to ACTUALLY do said actions against children is pretty fucking autistic ngl.
So regarding OMO, she probably is a shotacon, especially since most of the main characters were largely shota-fied. But I honestly don't give a shit. They have been in anime for years, and if you have to shit on OMO, it shouldn't be for something everyone else already does.
This drama is just tumblr and twitter being autistic and shitting on anime as always. And autistic YouTubers wanting to cash in on the drama.
No. 891640
>>880018Might want to add
>Is a giant pussyTo that list. I have been keeping tabs on this retard and his comments section for about two weeks and it's become blatantly apparent this guy has been deleting comments, but only a specific kind.
Specifically comments bringing up how he follows shadman and stonetoss. And only comments that bring that up. The most notable one being made by someone going by "stupidnormie", which had around 150+ likes from what I remember before it magically, and conveniently disappeared.
And as stated before it's only comments that bring that up. As there is plenty of comments that critique his points or just flat out shit on him. But any post that brings up his questionable Twitter follows just disappear in one or two days time.
It should be noted that replys in other comments that bring up shadman or stonetoss are perfectly fine.
My guess is that occasionally uses the built-in comment filtering tools inside YouTube studio to find comments with the words "Shadman" and "stonetoss" in them and proceeds to delete or hide them.
Which also explains why replies talking about it are safe, as those filters only scan for mentioned keywords in comments only, and not replies to comments.
Now why would this D tier youtuber go out of his way to remove certain comments shiting on him while leaving other ones up to view?
If you check guwi's channel the only video he has listed is the omocat one. But that isn't the only video on his channel, he has a few urban exploration videos unlisted in this Playlist and probably more that aren't in the Playlist.
So it seems that he is trying to rebrand his channel from urban exploration to great value brand naked Jakey.
So I guess he finds comments pointing his following of shadman and stonetoss potentially damaging to his attempts at rebranding his channel.
And probably because he doesn't want anyone pointing out how it's a bit hypocritical to bitch and complain about someone who sold a shirt with the words shota and a face on it, and tweeted about shota seven years ago, while following someone who only stopped drawing (and profiting off) loli porn publicly two years ago because it was becoming a legal and business detriment, and has also drew real children engaging in "questionable" acts (but don't worry it was 100% just jokes guys mkay).
So yeah fuck this dude.
No. 894339
>>891607>It's one thing playing a game and a whole other thing getting sexual satisfaction from gore or simulated cp Simulating murder in games for pleasure is okay. Until it isn't.
I remember when I was a kid watching the brutal fatalities in games like MK and the torture scenes in Saw movies, does that mean I want real people to die? Of fucking course not. Please take your shitty twitter-politics out of this.
No. 894346
>>880071This guy was probably the creator of the vid or at least one of his friends considering it was made when his video had no views.
No. 894691
>>885568To be fair, this OMOdrama has gotten very petty IMO. She probably is introverted and hides herself/is extremely shy to her followers specifically out of fear of getting into potentially career-ruining shitty drama like this who would find any excuse to tear her to shreds like the next Yanderedev.
I don't even like her that much, and I think she is too much of a tumblr fag, but when it comes to literal attention whores and fags who make shitty videos over the most old and irrelevant shit nearly a decade ago for their own gain and popularity, I can't help but feel just a little sorry for her at least in this specific case.
No. 894698
>>894691Don't get me wrong though, don't think I am white-knighting here, I still think she is yet another "cutesy" "edgy" tumblr overtly anime-inspired """"aritst"""" who is secretly a fujoshi shotacon and probably acts like she is 17 irl, and whose shota-femboi borderline gay-baiting soft-core pornography of a game is needlessly seen as "artistic" and "deep" by the rest of Tumblr.
But for fucks sake, in the very least I don't stoop myself so low as to go into someone's old used tampons box to find the tiniest bit of shit to get youtube likes and Reddit karma from for my own fame. Nobody is perfect, and it shouldn't be coming from a literal Shadman fan when talking about what behavior should be acceptable regarding anime drawings.
I bet at least 90% of the people on this thread probably have more dirt on themselves that OMO, and the same doubly applies for
>>871428 this self-posting faggot.
No. 894767
>>894691Most of the drama she’s involved in is internal now
Like her partnerships with artists, they used to be paid well with creative freedom but now they aren’t allowed to do much, in order to keep manu costs down. Which is asinine considering her $50 tees are printed for pennies in South America
No. 894783
File: 1630255812777.jpg (24.75 KB, 261x342, E9rC0-BVEAgKfi_.jpg)

>>894726>Finding pleasure out of violence is TOTALLY different from finding pleasure out of porn I swear guys!1!!!!111! WHEN I PLAY HYPER-REALISTIC SIMULATIONS WHERE I BRUTALLY SLAUGHTER MEN WOMEN AND CHILDEREN ITS OKAY BUT WHEN YOU FAP TO A 17.9 YEAR OLD ANIME GIRL UR LITTERLY A PEDOFILE!!11!1 Not really, finding pleasure out of people getting tortured even if fake/simulated probably be even worse, considering you enjoy peoples direct suffering and brutal deaths, while at least for porn and hentai it is often that you just want to have sex with a fictional character and break a social taboo.
This really is some literal twitter buffalo-shit takes that needlessly derail the thread. People like you no doubt in my mind would probably support banning violent video games 20 years ago but don't advocate it because it makes you look like a karen.
Also yes, I will say it. Regarding Hentai Drawings and Violent Video-Games, It IS comparable considering they are both based on fantasies of partaking in crimes/serious social taboos that most sane people obviously would not consider irl.
seeking satisfaction from fiction is still satisfaction, whether sexual or not. It is still the same basic premise. If you can't accept that then you are just another generic Tumblrfag who is looking for another reason to cancel another person for their own sick self-serving sense of justice
No. 894792
File: 1630256636040.jpg (27.67 KB, 601x508, I am FINE.jpg)

>Disconfirms your shitty takes comparing anime drawings to reality while you defend simulating games with child murder>Best you can come up with is Kys comment Cry all you want, if you want to shit on OMO, do it for something actually fucking bad she has done. Not Twitter drama that basically everyone on the internet already does.
No. 894802
>>894785>>880071Considering the absolute similarity the people who defend this guys video is, I wouldn't be surprised if these were basically sock-puppets for
>>871428 Guwi (or at least are his friends/fans) because people on the internet were giving him criticism and because of actions like self-posting, are now calling him BAD WORDS on the internet… OH LORDY ME!!!
Either that or you REALLY have something against 2-D anime characters. But considering the similarity between you the other Guwi Stans/sockpuppets, on this thread, I can't really tell.
No. 894815
>>894767I dunno, maybe it is because Omori was her only way to get popular and she knows that without it she will be yet another generic tumblr artist like the rest of them (especially since she is doing artist work for an SMP which is textbook at this point) so she wants to make as much money as possible for her future endeavors/personal life because she knows that is basically going to be her only sustainable source of reliable income, and thus she will milk it for all it is worth and possibly support her friends (but I can't confirm that) along the way.
Unless she somehow finds a way to make a new game or original artform which I PERSONALLY doubt, it is unlikely to be as successful as Omori unless she REALLY stikes gold.
No. 894831
>>894783I don't give a fuck about Omocat whatsoever, you are talking absolute bullshit though.
>seeking satisfaction from fiction is still satisfaction, whether sexual or not.You are so sick that you think everyone is 'seeking satisfaction' from seeing violence, when it isn't true whatsoever. Most people aren't gorehounds and can perceive violence in a neutral way, as a bigger part of story or a challenge. Hilarious that you act like all games are ryona, Mortal Kombat or God of War while screeching that others are Karens. That kind of assumption is exactly in line with Jack Thompson's views on the topic. And bitch, 20 years ago I was already playing video games and seeing violence still doesn't bring me any kind of satisfaction. It is what it is. A part of gameplay or of a movie plot.
>>894792Kek, imagine thinking that everyone who disagrees with you is the same person. Couldn't be me
No. 895028
File: 1630273887029.jpg (151.99 KB, 1952x1781, E9dyyJ_WEAYZUgF.jpg)

>>894831>Most people aren't gorehounds and can perceive violence in a neutral way, as a bigger part of story or a challenge. Hilarious that you act like all games are ryona,Bullshit. Like it or not, the modern video game industry alongside the adult industry was FOUNDED on fetishizing gore and violence.
Why were the first "mature" games like Mortal Kombat popular in the first place and even still is to this day then? It is honestly one of the biggest video game series of all time, Also, sorry to say buddy, but to say people don't like or at least are neutral to the gore in games is like people don't like or at least are neutral to the sex scenes in pornography. Most violent video games are intentionally made as gory as possible to get the attention of bloodthirsty audiences. And you probably know this at least on some level and are probably in denial about it. People find enjoyment in partaking in crimes in fiction, and that's okay. There is nothing wrong if it literally hurts nobody and when you cry and bitch about it, it has more of a negative impact on society than the media itself.
With your attitude, you obviously either are another Guwi sockpuppet in denial or are literally a hypocrite who hates anime drawings of 17.9-year-old anime girls but will be completely fine in killing people like children in a game like fallout.
You are beyond saving at this point if you unironically believe this…
>I don't give a fuck about Omocat whatsoeverThen what the fuck are you doing here, Isn't it against the rules to intentionally on threads post without contributing anything to the ACTUAL discussion, unless your entire goal is to derail the thread, getting pissed that someone has a different opinion than you about ANIME drawings is pretty fucking petty.
No. 899810
>>894815As someone who likes Omori, Thats a pretty bitter pill to swallow, doubly so since she will likely move on to something else everyone likes and lose what made her special to be yet another generic Tumblr artist. who works on boring SMP shit because it is what every other generic tumblr artist likes. That is a thing that worries me for many Tumblr artists, some got really good ideas but most are one-trick ponies, in that once they become successful in the thing they crated, they basically have nothing else that makes them stand out from every other generic artist. Especially since Omori took 7 years, I think any future projects might be just as long if not longer.
Maybe it is just because I am suffering from post-serries/game depression, but it really is sad to know that it is likely all downhill from here. Considering Omori was able to relate to so many modern depressed weeb zoomers. I think the SMP project would probably represent her slowly fading relevance.
No. 903845
File: 1631090725996.png (108.35 KB, 358x460, owo.png)

I honestly didn't want to give a shit at first as this seems like some self-posting fag who drew attention from the discussion and leading to a literal spergout by everyone here, but considering they have confirmed plans to make other videos, possibly regarding his own drama regarding canceling OMO in the future, I guess I will give my thoughts on this autistic faggotry.
Considering how Guwi has a following to Kiwifarms and even was caught making a self-post here to use us as his personal army for his shitty youtube channel.
That honestly wouldn't be surprising that it is the same guy in the slightest, since this guy doesn't even seem to acknowledge whatsoever Guwi's absolute cancer regardless of the "2-D Drawings = RL debate".
it would seem likely that he is trying to save his own ass from the very people he tried to control and miserably failed.
Hopefully, because of the drama, he might actually grow a fucking brain, and won't come back because otherwise, watching him poorly try to explain himself in another cringe-worthy low-quality video would be extremely hilarious to watch, as he needlessly deflects from the shitty hypocritical things he has done and still does which will only further draw attention to said things.
But until then though I consider him no longer relevant to this discussion unless he makes another autistic video I think feeding the Guwi sockpuppets would be an absolute waste of time when arguing about stupid shit like lolis.
>>894815she has stated that Omori was her dream project, and now that she has finished it she basically is back to square one and will have to choose between working
on new projects for a fanbase that expects pure solid gold, and anything less (which would be expected for OMO) would lead to likely even more outrage than before due to her now-massive following, or to give up her own artistic projects in favor of working for others and lose herself to her own art to become apart of someone else's dream.
Either way, I think OMO has already peaked in potential and now it is from this point we either see her slow death as an independent and well-known artist, or we see another potential yandere dev.
in regards to my thoughts, I am placing my bet on the former as she already is working on an SMP series no sane person gives a shit about because they are overrated and only attract 14-19-year-old dream stans on Twitter. I mean I guess it wasn't THAT surprising considering the game being literal TUMBLR but whatever I guess.
This isn't even coming from someone who hates OMOcat like some people do here who seem to get massive hate-boners for even minor slipups. But I still gotta give credit where credit is due and say that those two options seem very possible to her future career as an online artist/Dev.
No. 904592
>>903905True, but that probably won't stop drama channels and fans from considering it like that.
No. 904894
File: 1631172917271.png (176.37 KB, 545x570, cursed.PNG)

OP from
>>903845 this post, and I just am back to correct myself for an autistic mistake I made on my part, I meant to say regarding my bets, I would bet on the Ladder, not the former… I meant to say I expected her to become a fading memory, as she is beginning to work for other artists now, not likely become the next yandere dev but that it was still possible considering drama-hungry YouTubers who would leach from that shit and it might spiral OMOcat into not finishing said project.
My bad guys.
No. 923088
>>921696For what it's worth javascript was probably easier to finish the game with and find developers for than RGSS
also lmao no there is not a VX Ace emulator for android, only 2k3 in EasyRPG and even then it has bugs, whereas mods for OMORI already have a hacky android version working
No. 924540
>>924351Well shit, I'll admit when I'm wrong.
Looks like it still has compatibility issues like EasyRPG though.
No. 927302
File: 1633039097150.jpg (261.94 KB, 1920x1080, 54136256626262.jpg)

>>703922>>703923>>703927>>703928The different type of fonts with different sizes is so fucking obnoxious
>>703918Is it just her sadgirl style or is this supposed to be sad?
No. 928046
>>927302I think it's just sadgirl style and venting/blogging about inane shit
Some of these like the Africa one are just funnny little kid stories, I don't think they're supposed to be SUPER SAD just that they're replaying and redrawing every embarrassing or bad thing
No. 954904
File: 1635629348755.png (757.17 KB, 816x596, fvfvevrf.png)

Omocat used to do a lot of good MOTHER / Earthbound fanart back in the day and this is what she submits to an official project. A bunch of shitty doodles…
What the hell happened?
No. 956901
File: 1635813893972.jpeg (226.32 KB, 828x1351, 7752C9AD-F4A2-4AC9-B5A3-BA6CA7…)

How the hell is omo getting collab offers again when people are still talking about getting scammed over Omori? Not to mention that Ina (Wooperfuri/Nagu) is one of the members of Holo Myth. I can’t wait to see whatever low quality crap omo shits out.
No. 961885
When it comes to OMORI itself, the writing is complete shit and it makes sense when you read all the shit OMOCAT's done listed on this thread in particular
The entire game being a vent outlet for OMO is entirely possible considering that OMO had no knowledge on how to create a game prior, which suggests that she most likely thought that she could do another artistic representation of whatever false angst she had in the form of a game, but like said, had no idea how (she did say she "put her soul into it" even though it's been revealed multiple times by coworkers that she barely did shit and wanted to jump the shark on OMORI, which I feel implies that she means it's her emotions/personal experiences, she mostly did art while others did everything else like coding)
It's been proved multiple times that she exaggerates a lot of shit or outright lies (i.e her biography, double-eyelid surgery in particular, her comic about social anxiety in which she paints out herself to be the victim, when in actuality multiple anons had unpleasant experiences with her that were entirely her fault), and one anon said that the characters in OMORI directly correlate to real-life friends that she had
Even aside from all of that, the actual story itself (mainly the twist) has a shitload of big plotholes that have a ton of evidence backing them up which destroys the lore for me. The headspace segments (which are what the majority of the gameplay is) barely seem like they have anything to do with the main plot besides some parallels with the real world characters. It feels like headspace's only purpose is to:
1: exist as the thing that makes the game a "game", not some telltale esc shit. It's basically filler that doesn't expand on the lore at all, that only ever happens in the Real World
2: to introduce the main characters during the first like 10 minutes of the game in the Vast Forest
The gameplay and the lore feel like two completely separate things that aren't integrated within each other at all, which I feel is a really big missed opportunity because it's pretty obvious that the writers intentionally made parallels to Real World locations and characters which could have been expanded on during headspace
This makes sense when you consider that this game was originally either a self-insert for OMO or just the cute-tumblr catering shit based on evidence on this thread, it really feels like the lore or the gameplay was inserted afterwards to co-exist with the other aspect of the game
the way the writing is handled is fucking awful in my opinion, this isn't even getting into the inconsistencies with the main story which would be spoilers
No. 1006246
>>956901Because all things considered the game came out and was well received and decently popular, has small pockets of Korean and Japanese fans, estimated at least 500k to over 1 million sales before the switch versions and official asian versions hit, etc
It's definitely not a earth-shattering hit but considering 7 years of drama it's actually a pretty good result it's not an entire wet fart, I was pleasantly surprised with it
Even as far back as the beginning of the thread there's been weird exaggerations like "RPG Maker is free software", most people simply just did not care after the game finally came out and wasn't a complete dumpster fire, with the switch release, artbook, and karaoke fundraiser they've basically completed all the stretch goals too, there's just nothing really juicy
>>961885She did actually confirm the development was a complete shitshow for 5 years, when they released the 2018 demo that was all they had, and she learned basic programming to get the game out the door, which is probably why some of the maps like Blackspace can be super amateurish and the game was a buggy mess at launch, the whole game was basically completed in a 2 year mad dash
No. 1017416
>>1016237I watched a playthrough of it on Youtube without any commentary and it really just feels like the story was developed after the gameplay due to the fact that both the dream world and the real world have two completely separate purposes that barely intertwine with each other, although you could tell that they were trying to do so since locations of the real world were mimicked in headspace, as well as some other characters, but they never really dropped any subtle hints or easter eggs as to what actually happened in the dream world, sort of like something that a player would find, not understand what it meant if they were playing blind, and understand after completing the game. That feels like a really big missed opportunity, but it also feels like it was that way for a reason, because of what you said. They rushed the game in 2 years and taking into account all the evidence, it feels like the story was an afterthought, which doesn't make it as compelling.
Granted I could be wrong about this, there are several old reddit posts and teasers that have subtle hints of the twist, so that could imply that the plot was being worked on with the gameplay, but this doesn't even get into the massive plothole(s) that the plot has. When I originally watched the video I unfortunately couldn't get immersed due to how unrealistic it felt.
The gameplay I don't really care too much about since I don't even play video games, I learned about OMORI from a friend that recommended it to me, telling me it was "really sad". The only way I feel as if you can be engaged is if you have little to no prior knowledge on the entire controversy/development process and completely miss how the story falls flat after you're finished (or as you're going). The only thing I really care about is the writing, and unfortunately, the writing is arguably the worst part of the entire game in my opinion.
No. 1025264
Can we talk about the twist actually?
It's so stupid and makes no sense. If Mari died from falling down the stairs (blunt force trauma) why would anybody believe she hanged herself? Especially because it's a full hanging, not partial, which produces rather distinctive results. Even without a full autopsy, wouldn't the mortician preparing her for the funeral have noticed? It would have been so much more interesting if it was a genuine suicide and Sunny just had misplaced guilt.>>1025251That's hilarious
No. 1025696
>>1025251Is it in headspace?
Another grievance I have that I didn't list before is how they tried to do a Yume Nikki thing with Black Space without understanding why Yume Nikki became as iconic as it did. Yume Nikki was purposefully crafted to be as vague as possible and only operates on symbolism. This is essentially what makes Yume Nikki popular to this day despite being on the verge of being 20 years old: Because it creates discussion and theory because of how close-ended and mysterious it is. A lot of people list the fact that you can interpret Yume Nikki in whichever way you want as a major strength of the game, and it is. Another thing is how it was marketed. It's widely known that it was spread on Japanese boards rather than being released to the public at first, and that the actual author is pseudo-anonymous. It perfectly drags you into it's obscurity, and that's why it was definitive and inspired so many other RPGs. It also helps that it was the first of it's kind since it was released in 2004.
With OMORI however, it seems as if OMO, like said before, didn't understand why Yume Nikki worked the way it did. I understand that Black Space serves as a metaphor for Sunny's negative thoughts and overall guilt, but the problem is that at points, it very obviously tries to mimic Yume Nikki TOO much.
Sloppy object placement, amateurish design, everything generally being broken. This was fine for Yume Nikki because Yume Nikki didn't have a defined story to begin with, it just put you right into the madness. However when you try to do so with already established characters and overall story, it just comes off as unnecessary since they could have easily made Black Space a lot more simpler and clean to get the message across easier, since a lot of points in Black Space
feel either completely useless, dragged on, a clusterfuck of random objects that mean nothing or just exist as shock value. The only real way this is justified is if it was a homage to Yume Nikki, which is at the very least understandable. It also feels like since it tries to imitate it, it doesn't really have that much originality or a sense of identity, and it comes off as if Black Space was either rushed or a complete afterthought, which does it an incredible disservice.
To summarize, I think that Black Space is a crucial part of the game story-wise, since it leaves a good way to articulate Sunny's thoughts and emotions about the twist and give more insight on his character in general, as well as some others and some other aspects of the overall atmosphere of the game. It's an extremely good opportunity for worldbuilding and development, but unfortunately, it's handled in a really really bad way. If Black Space was simplified more, not only would it generally be less confusing, but it would also get the message across a lot easier and would come off as more professional and unique; not as sloppy.
No. 1025717
>>1025696In fact, when it comes to comparing YN and OMORI, they're more separate than similar.
>Made by an decently-known online artist with an entire clothing brand>Was being made around the time of the resurgence of RPGs and Tumblr-Earthbound-Stuff, came out 7 years too late since the fad died>Has cutscenes, animation, collaborating music artists, custom battle system, etc.>Tons of promotional material and merchandise>Was forgotten in a couple of Months even though it never really picked up steam to begin with>Most likely won't be getting a sequel due to the hellhole development processYume Nikki:
>Made by a pseudo-anonymous author that's still unknown to this day>Made 19 years ago and was unheard of when it came out>Soundtrack and sprite work are minimal but still manage to captivate so much atmosphere, almost zero elements of a traditional RPG, but it doesn't need them>Carefully crafted in such a way that it's talked about decades later, tons of fangames made and games influenced by itIt's funny how something with all of the tools incorporated for a successful RPG still manages to be soulless and completely overshadowed by something so minimalist yet effortless and brilliant
No. 1027937
>>1025717YN was likely a team and i have my own suspicions it was to advertise RPG maker, but that's an entirely different topic.
>>1025721>The key consideration we need to keep in mind when weighing the validity of these statements from the Dream World is recognizing a core conceit of OMORI: Sunny is an unreliable narrator.Stopped fucking reading here, this is peak reddit analysis
No. 1027945
File: 1642204441209.png (Spoiler Image,4.14 KB, 285x248, srpmao527di61.png)

>>1025331Orange Oasis, at the end of a maze area
No. 1028048
>>1027937That is interesting to think about, but even if it was a team, the way they advertised it was pretty clever, and they definitely made the game in such a way so that it would be discussed for a while.
As for the Reddit analysis, I don't like Reddit either (lmao), but I do believe that the
parents thing is wrong, which kind of just leaves a broken twist. Granted there's a lot of other things, like the
bloodstains on the music stand that make so sense when trying to discern the twist, etc.
At the end of the day, it's pretty obvious that OMORI was really only a one-time thing and is most likely going to be milked with merchandise for the next couple of years (see
>>903845) because OMO is not a video game developer, she's a clothing artist. Another thing is that I personally can't get invested because of how, like I said before, the entire story is a vent outlet for OMO, and considering how big of a piece of shit she is, it's hard to sympathize with any of the characters. Maybe it's just a me thing.
No. 1028055
>>1028054Find about what?
That cave in the orange oasis has cookie zombies too. It just now made me think.
No. 1028065
File: 1642215346272.gif (2.56 MB, 640x480, Release_energy.gif)

>>703442A year later and I can say, I liked OMORI the same way I like any other entretaining indie game. I can't consider myself a big fan, but I would play it again just to complete the Hikkikomori route. So far I only did the normal route. It's a better game than I thought at first for sure, especially seeing the trainwreck that it caused. At certain points, some stuff even feels unfinished, but it compensates with atmosphere character interactions, and dialogue. It isn't unplayable, but you can tell it had problems in development. I'd say, give it a chance. The first half an hour or so is still pretty dumb to me because of the "OH NO MY FLOWER CROWN YOU BULLY!" shit which still makes me cringe not going to lie but after that, characters like Aubrey and Kel really made it for me. The twist ending was okay for me. In the end the game isn't about the twist ending as much as it is about Omori's guilt eating him alive.
Combat is awesome- no other rpg game made me feel like such a pro while playing lmao (I like RPGs, I'm just bad at them). I'm just going to say the animatios are very good, my biggest complain about this is the animation when you use the "RELEASE ENERGY" thing, it's unskippable and it takes so fucking long. Pic related is half of it, after that there's even more animation. Like come on it could had been shorter. I'm going to split this post into 2 because I don't want to make a massive wall of text.
No. 1028099
File: 1642218622456.png (212.69 KB, 652x446, sweethearts castle movie theat…)

>>1028065My other biggest complain is how when you go to the Theater inside Sweetheart's Castle, NONE of the animations look finished. Come the fuck on, this was the perfect time to have one or two guest animators if Omocat didn't want to do it herself but no, she chose the lazy route. She had the money, she has the contacts, anyone would shill her. But no, the fucking ugly drawings don't look charming enough to make it look like "oh she was just doing it as a gag haha!" because it doesn't work. It's not cute, quirky, or charming. It screams LAZY. And I'm saying this as someone who enjoyed most of the game. This really killed the experience for me.
The animations can be seen here, will post one or two after I'm done: now I can move on to the comparisons people make with this game and other similar ones, as someone who has played these games as well:
1.Yume Nikki: Heavy influence in the Dark Space areas. I wouldn't call it "budget yume nikki" (like someone upthread) because come on, yume nikki in itself is a budget indie game with a lot of glitches. As someone who played Yume Nikki when I was very depressed, I can say YN really, really gave me a sense of dread with its atmosphere. It legit scared me. OMORI on the other hand, wasn't so scary in the jumpscare sense but it had very anxiety inducing moments like
when you have the choice to stab me-mew, because I didn't want to do it, and it really made me want to cry or
the humphrey battle. I wanted that shit to be over. Fast. It gave me a lot of anxiety.. The true YN flavor (for me, personally) doesn't come out fully in the first Dark Space, but I felt a sense of dread at certain points through the game. Not all the time like in YN though. In the end, Dark Space does borrow a lot from it but it's up to you to decide if you like that or not. I have yet to play the Hikki route so I don't know bout that one. 2be continued lol
No. 1028145
>>1028055Find about Easter Eggs in Headspace to link to the plot. If there are more, my opinion on the whole headspace segments would change a little bit. My main complaint and why I'm asking in particular is because I feel like it's kind of obvious that headspace was developed before the plot and exists to put the "RPG" into OMORI. I personally feel like OMORI would have worked a lot better as a Manga because I can't really ever make the connection between Headspace and the plot besides similar locations in the real world and characters in the real world (like the cookie guys). My main thought on it is that it 100% could have been a lot shorter of a game
>>1028058I do agree that she's most likely going to keep making merchandise and things like that well, but it just kind of sucks simply because it reminds you of how terribly she handled the whole development of OMORI since she's most likely not going to make a game ever again (or at least not soon) and she's gonna milk the OMORI merch forever. The only thing i'd really argue is that some anons posted pictures of her merch that looks kinda shitty (see
>>185464) that's arguably pretty overpriced for what it is, but this could or couldn't be a sign of quality decline, at the end of the day this kind of stuff could have just been a temporary thing, but OMO's quality when it comes to the shop is kinda wonky to begin with, the only thing she really does is draw the designs and that's it
>>1028065>>1028099>The twist ending was okay for me. In the end the game isn't about the twist ending as much as it is about Omori's guilt eating him aliveThis is understandable, obviously you can't just focus on the twist, but in my post above (>>1025696) it feels like the way it was represented in
Black Space was only really apparent in a couple of small parts, but the rest was kind of just unnecessary filler that existed for, like said before: Shock value, exist to exist, etc. Which was unneeded since they 100% could have made Black Space entirely different than something like Yume Nikki and it would have been a million times more interesting. My main issue with that is that it feels like it doesn't have an identity. I understand what it was trying to do and why it exists, I think it's important, but they could have made it a lot neater.
No. 1028151
>>1028099>>1028145Actually when it comes to Black Space (and stuff like Sweetheart's Castle) in particular, I think some people argue that the reason it was the way it was and why it was so sloppy is because the game was rushed, see
>>1006246And it's really bad when that effects the game itself, it kind of exists as a reminder of the development hell it went through
Idk. Whenever I watch it I can't help but be reminded of the controversy, omocat as a person, the game being rushed, the plot not working, etc. That's why I said before that this game really only comes off as a "Masterpiece" to people that have no prior knowledge of any of these things, most of these people being mentally-ill teenagers, basically what OMO's target audience is.
At the end of the day OMORI wasn't really a thing for me to begin with, but I had zero idea how much i'd end up wanting to say about it. If it weren't for any of these things, it'd just come off as Earthbound-Inspired RPG #1,000,000
No. 1028156
File: 1642222816657.gif (150.85 KB, 477x340, SW_Movie_(Running).gif)

>>10280992.Undertale: Alright so this comparison is dumb. I know all indie games of late have been compared to Undertale in some way, especially if they have Earthbound references in them, but this is plain wrong, the similarities kind of stop right there. In no way does OMORI mess with your save datas, for example. If someone still wanted to compare it to anything made by Toby Fox, Deltarune might be a better match. Both protagonists of Deltarune and OMORI are pretty similar, now that I think of it. Both are silent, both have a double nature, both are unreliable, both have anxieties, and both have strong bonds with their friends and family. Also, knives. If you like Deltarune you will probably like OMORI. However I doubt this comparison is like, on purpose. Its clear Omocat didn't borrow from Deltarune or Undertale at all. Either way, they're fun indie games with stupid fandoms though, beware.
3.Earthbound: OMORI is obviously an Earthbound-inspired game. Omocat has been a fan of the MOTHER/Earthbound series for a loooooong time. It does borrow some stuff from there, but honestly, I think Undertale and Deltarune borrow even more, down to making small dialogue nods to it. Omori does feel like its own game different to Earthbound, yet heavily inspired by it, obviously. Quirky enemies, cute creatures that you can talk to, items, and things you can equip, etc. I feel like Earthbound is a more cheerful, yet quiet and pensive game with some serious undertones. OMORI goes more for a duality between having very cheerful moments(not the "MY FLOWERCROWN" ones please) and more dark and edgy ones. I'm saying edgy as a compliment, more or less, kinda, lol. But the horror elements are okay. The humor is okay. The thing is, Earthbound is a finished game while OMORI doesn't 100% feel like it. OMORI might be heavier in content though (probably because Omocat had way too many ideas and didn't want to leave anything out, which might or not be a good thing, looking back on it). In any case, I would recommend Earthbound to someone who played OMORI, but I'm not so sure if I would recommend OMORI to someone who has played Earthbound. I'd say, see for yourself.
I might like OMORI juuuust a bit more than Earthbound though, just because of the horror element. I'm sorry.4.MOTHER3: I think, if OMORI has been inspired by Earthbound, then surely it has also been inspired by MOTHER3. There's similarities to be noted. For example, it has a focus on family grief on both sides. Both include a tomboyish partner character. And both give you a sense of "community" with the other characters- only difference is that in MOTHER3 this is slowly fractured while in OMORI this is slowly build from the ground up again. Both are very colorful, although I like MOTHER3's sprites more. Both have a pro save-the-earth message too. If a fan of MOTHER3 asked me about OMORI, then yes I would tell them to definetely check it out. In this case, MOTHER3 is the superior game by far, no questions. It doesn't suffer from le edge.
5.Lisa the Painful: Not at all related. It might be another game inspired by Earthbound but the similarities end there.
6.OFF: Also don't see the similarities. Both are edgy and dark I guess.
7.Yume 2kki and .flow: It's a Yume Nikki inspired game so what do you expect?
8.Any other Earthbound series inspired game: Besides quirky dialoge there's not much else that is similar.
In any case, here's my shitty review:
Omocat is a spoiled rich girl, but her game is okay. Didn't live up to the hype, but it is completely playable and I like it enough to come back and write about it. Should have had one more revision before finally releasing it, but she couldn't have more time so it sucks. Fuck flower crowns, leave that shit in 2013 tumblr please. Pedro Silva is a tranny that deserves to die but his music is also alright, I liked some of the tracks on this game. The end. Play it yourself and see. Have a shitty gif that Omocat made and that pisses me off.
No. 1028157
File: 1642222943093.gif (166.74 KB, 477x340, SW_Movie_(Telenova).gif)

>>1028145I don't think there was as much shock value as there was just fun horror stuff. The kind of horror an indie game would have, honestly. Kinda on the same level as Toby Fox's games for example, except his games are less edgy and more goofy shit. OMORI, well, it isn't an horror masterpiece like, let's say, Silent Hills (PT) but it's entretaining and I liked the anxiety that induced on me.
About OMORI's identity- I don't think it lacks an identity, as the identity is pretty clear, it's OMORI. It has good visuals, good music, interesting combat, a story that could had been developed better yes but still it's definetely OMORI. The thing is though, I do agree that this game feels like it grabbed a lot of pieces from other sources, mixed and matched them, and then built a foundation on top of it. I judge it as its own thing, but I also know it's inspired by other things. I don't think this is a masterpiece either, but it's fine, her first and only game is just fine.
In the end it just isn't a game for everyone but I'm not a mentally ill teenager kek and I'm not an Omocat supporter either, yet I liked it as a way to pass time. I try to judge it harshly for the sake of the thread, but like anything in life I think if you're the right person for it you should def give it a try.
Have another shitty in-game gif. Actually let me upload them all because they suck ass.
No. 1028158
File: 1642223057661.png (41.3 KB, 640x480, SW_Movie_(Poorly_Drawn).png)

>>1028157yes, this is a still image
No. 1028164
>>1028157>About OMORI's identityI meant Black Space's identity lol
Basically 3/4ths of Black Space could have been cut altogether (
leaving only CHURCH OF SOMETHING, The Treehouse Segment, etc) and it would have been a lot better. A lot of rooms like the
Time Room, Disco Area, Faceless area, etc. feel like they exist just to be scary but not relate to the plot at all which I feel is unnecessary
Also the entirety of Headspace could be cut out altogether and literally nothing would change
To make the game instantly better:
>Cut all of headspace out>Leave the Real World intact>Cut 3/4ths of Black Space and only use it to emphasize Sunny's guilt as it relates to the twist and overall story, leaving only a couple of important rooms No. 1028167
File: 1642223660937.gif (258.73 KB, 477x340, SW_Movie_(Dragon_Fight).gif)

>>1028164>>1028163>A lot of rooms like the Time Room, Disco Area, Faceless area, etc. feel like they exist just to be scary but not relate to the plot at all which I feel is unnecessaryMeh, I'm okay with them being in the game, we can disagree on that. Also there would be no point on cutting the entire of headspace, there would be no game otherwise. The headspace is there to bring RPG combat, I know there's some in the irl segments too but for example, Sonny is weaker than Omori. The entirety of headspace is to emphasise Omori's guilt and wishes. I actually like it a bit better than the IRL segments actually. It's okay if it's not your kind of thing. Unrelated but I'm pretty sure Omocat kinda got the idea from Magicant.
No. 1028169
File: 1642223753060.gif (257.56 KB, 477x340, SW_Movie_(Xmas).gif)

>>1028168forgot to say, that seal of approved shit looks copy pasted. That's so fucking annoying.
No. 1028172
File: 1642223914447.gif (235.87 KB, 477x340, SW_Movie_(Tennis_Time).gif)

>>1028170I think that's all of the shitty gifs.
No. 1028175
>>1028167I mentioned in this
>>961885 post above that Headspace makes the RPG of OMORI but story-wise it feels kind of useless. I'm mostly focused on the story of OMORI, because my friend that recommended it to me thought that the best aspect was the story, even though I think it's the worst
The reason I don't really care about Headspace is because I don't play video games or RPGs, I only really look at them for the plot and atmosphere, stuff like that. I don't care too much about fighting systems or combat, hence why I watched a playthrough of it instead of downloading it and playing it myself
>The entirety of headspace is to emphasise Omori's guilt and wishesI can't say I understand how Headspace emphasizes on Sunny's guilt or wishes since Headspace mostly feels like random things with some characters and locations being mirrors of the real world, but I understand Black Space being a reflection of Sunny's guilt, but that's only in a couple of rooms
No. 1028180
>>1028175I think playing games by yourself in general might be better than just watching them but don't worry I understand you. I like focusing on combat when it comes to RPGs because otherwise they would be repetitive (this is a reason why a lot of jrpgs put me off, a lot of them are the same thing). For example if I personally were to talk about my favorite combat in an RPG game, it would either be MOTHER3 or Paper Mario TTYD.
I also feel like headspace is better experienced at your own pace, just like yume nikki, or earthbound.
>I can't say I understand how Headspace emphasizes on Sunny's guilt or wishes since Headspace mostly feels like random thingsThere are clues here and there. It's okay though, this becomes more apparent after the dumb plot twist (still think the plot twist is dumb btw) but I also think it is imaginative enough to keep it. The irl segments were like… you either clean the house (boring as fuck) or go out and pretend to have a job. I like headspace better for this reason.
No. 1028181
>>1028175>>1028065One other thing I forgot to mention mostly because I feel like it would be a bit of a nitpick but something I agree with you on is the dialogue (Nooooo not my flower crown)
What I mean by this is that the way the characters act for their age is kind of unrealistic. I know it's kind of a kid's game but realistically these kids would at least curse moderately
If Hero's an adult and is in college shouldn't he be monitoring the situations better than how he does when shit goes down in the real world?Also when Aubrey freaks out over OMORI having a knife it makes zero sense, she carries around a fucking wooden bat with nails in it No. 1028183
>>1028180Yeah that makes sense, that's why I said it'd most likely work better as a Manga (which I think it originally was)
Also another thing is how
it's revealed in the church scene that Mari's dead out of nowhere, beforehand I actually had zero idea Mari was dead and I think they could have kept her fate a secret until last minute, then reveal the twist, although I have to admit i feel like most players would pick up that she's dead, but they could have at the very least made it seem like she was just away or somethingAlso also, in Headspace
OMORI imagines the hooligans, although I don't know how this makes sense. If the hooligans were around before Mari's death, when it actually happened they definetely would have known about it considering how tight-knit the town seems, and I feel like they would have known that Aubrey only acts the way she does because of that because I feel like they also would know that she was part of Mari's friend group. If the hooligans weren't around and hang out with Aubrey because they assume she was always this way, then how the fuck does OMORI interperet them in Headspace before even meeting them? No. 1028190
>>1028186I think it was Aubrey saying "Prick" once in Headspace (le gasp), also when it comes to that scene in particular with Sunny's knife, I haven't seen it in a while but the only thing I can remember is that she noticed he had one in his hand, but idk how she would interpret that as him being "serious", IIRC Sunny just stood there lol
>I think this is a very big oversight by Omocat and she probably put her in just because I remember she had like, a Japanese delinquent weeaboo phase and she liked drawing that sort of thingSome people speculate that Aubrey was her projection character (see
>>703929) and apparently she used to have a friend that was named Aubrey, I think the characters are loosely based around a friend group she once had
No. 1028195
>>1028190>I think it was Aubrey saying "Prick" once in HeadspaceIn headspace they're like 12 though- still I think at that age they would be able to say at least one bad word lol, so I agree
>Some people speculate that Aubrey was her projection character (see >>703929) and apparently she used to have a friend that was named Aubrey, I think the characters are loosely based around a friend group she once hadAh I see, it actually might be the case, I remember when anons talked about this too!
I wonder what's Omocat actually personality like irl?
No. 1029201
>>1028457Though the only thing you need to worry about are these tumblr fags and omofuckers who stumbled this thread and say "OmOcAt iSnT a BaD gUrl, wHeRe iS uR dEfiNiTe pRoOf sHeS lIkE tHaT? ThEsE r AlL HeArSay NoNsEnsIcAl fAkE sHiT".
But for the most part, they're worthless.
No. 1029357
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>>1029201Yeah to me they kind of came off as shills, and the fandom is definitely the worst out of all the bad ones i've seen so far which says a lot (even more than Undertale and stuff like that IMO) which might seem like a stretch to some people
I shit you not when I posted some dumb doodle I made of OMORI because i was bored (pic rel) and posted it on reddit the responses themselves were fine, but when I looked at some of the profiles themselves they were genuinely some of the most indescribable shit
I know reddit is like that for the most part but it feels extra fucked when it comes to OMORI
No. 1029358
>>1029357I'm cackling
nonnie. Great job
No. 1029359
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>>1029358another one i did forever ago
No. 1029501
>>1029357It's a spooky game for children
I can't imagine an adult being able to take a plot this shallow seriously. Children tend to be insane, especially children who think they're super edgy because they play spooky games, especially especially children with unrestricted internet access.
No. 1029624
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Surprised no one ITT has mentioned the similarities with END ROLL, one of the OG RPG Maker horror titles.
>emotionless boy living in a dream world
>adventuring with friends that he once knew IRL
>starts out bright and happy, slowly becomes dark and twisted
>protagonist has a shadow self
>protagonist must recover lost/repressed memories
>themes of fear, guilt, lies, responsibility
The biggest difference is the ending, which go in entirely opposite directions. Spoilers for both games. When Russell accepts that he's a murderer, he immediately kills himself in atonement. Meanwhile Sunny gets to confess to his friends, cry a little, and move to another town where nobody knows what a piece of shit he is.
If you liked OMORI for the story, or at least the ideas in the story, END ROLL's execution is leagues ahead. Tinfoil that OMOCAT played it but the ending made her sad so she watered it down in her sad clone.
No. 1030174
>>1029527>Sunny stabbing Aubreywhen was this?
>It's the juxtaposition of fantasy and real which gives the real world parts its magic.I mean I suppose, i'm not exactly sure what the "magic" part is, the only thing I can really see are the similarities of the areas and the characters, nothing else
Good example is Sweetheart's Castle, wtf does that have to do with the main plot?
No. 1030197
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>>1029624Oh wow lol
Idk I have to admit i'm still looking into wether or not the plot was being developed before or after the gameplay, there's strong evidence for both sides
For instance on the wiki there's several old teaser drawings made all the way back in 2014 that show the SOMETHING character (
supposed to be a representation of dead mari's eye poking out of her hair) (pic rel) similar to it's modern design, as well as the old 2014 trailer having a
noose on the tree No. 1030284
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>>1030197Interesting that the SOMETHING entity dates back so far in the concept art. Just for posterity END ROLL's English translation came out in Sept 2016. Picrel is the unkillable Nightmare enemy. I could've sworn there's another creepy black shadow thing in END ROLL that looks even more similar to the OMORI design, but it's been a long time since I last played and it's hard to find screenshots.
No. 1030291
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>>1030284Was there any concept art for that entity before 2014? It's also weird because SOMETHING looked different in another 2014 teaser, although this was only once (pic rel)
No. 1030306
Oh yeah, another thing i'd like to point out about the twist is that Sunny would most definitely end up going to court in the "Good Ending" where he confesses, assuming that any of the main characters ever confess what Sunny and Basil to any authorities, and if they don't it sort of feels like the guilt is now transferred to them, although it's not as important simply because the guilt Sunny has was from never telling the truth to his friend group in particular. Either way, (and i'm not knowledgeable on law at all, so I could 100% be wrong about this), innocent or not, Sunny and Basil would most likely go to court, Sunny probably being charged with involuntary manslaughter (I believe), and Basil probably being done worse since he's the one that came up with the idea to frame it. I understand the group's reaction is kept vague, but it's not like Sunny wouldn't suffer consequences realistically.
No. 1030979
>>1029624>>1030284>One of the OG RPG maker horror titlespeople always assume this because it's on RPG maker 2000 but the game is from 2016. If anything it was probably inspired by the same things that inspired Omori.
>>1030291's SOMETHING / Hellmari in 2011
No. 1030996
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>>1030979If you want to find Omori's influences, Yume Nikki and .flow are the most obvious ones.
The entire truth sequence with the bloodied and damaged self is very similar to the Rust parts of .flow. You also get to see well, pic related.
>>1030217ROWAN has existed since 2012, and blonde Basil still predates End Roll by quite a couple years.
>>1030991Yeah, black eyeball thing is actually pretty common in YN type games, if you really want to be comedy champion you can just say Sunny/Omori is Pride from Full Metal Alchemist.
No. 1031002
>>1030996>black eyeball thing is actually pretty common in YN type gamesThe main thing i'm focused on is finding out when exactly the plot was being written for the game, if the black eyeball thing is common I feel like that makes it less likely that the plot was being developed since 2014.
The only thing I can think of other than that is the
noose on the tree in the 2014 trailer, but aside from that I don't know if it's possible to know unless someone asked OMO herself.
No. 1031015
>>1031002There's an anonymous rumour that used to get spread on the 4chan /vg/ threads where somebody said they worked on the game and hated it. Obviously this is to be taken with a grain of salt.
Apparently the original plot was that Mari drowned herself in the lake, and the friendship mechanics were going to be developed through use of tag moves in the dream, leading to small Persona like scenes the next day where the friends have a cute moment or comment on their friendships. At some point the game was massively rewritten.
However having nooses in the 2014 trailer kind of makes me think it's bullshit.
As for the concrete plot? even in the 2018 demo there's little things that got changed up until the end, like Basil originally having a gun in his confrontation instead of obscured shears, or how the ending is now vague. In the 2018 demo there's text indicating the original ending was everybody takes a photo together in the hospital.
I'm glad they went with the final game's vague ending instead of that, for whatever that's worth.
No. 1031030
>>1030996This picture looks pretty similar to the thing you linked with the hole in the stomach and the hair>>1031015Right now i'm checking out the 2018 demo, if the whole "Mari drowned herself in the lake" thing is real this would imply that the original plot was that
Sunny wasn't a murderer, and the whole "friendship mechanics" being changed later makes sense since in this 2018 demo there's just health bars. Obviously "Friendship Mechanics" may be different to EMOTIONS (the mechanic in OMORI) but I can't find EMOTIONS anywhere in the demo.
No. 1031031
>>1029624>Meanwhile Sunny gets to confess to his friends, cry a little, and move to another town where nobody knows what a piece of shit he is. I think locking you out of the endings unless you search for them is a bitch move, but literally 3 of the 5 endings have Sunny killing himself.
If you say No to the final "Continue" you get to follow the dream friends in the hospital, they take you back to the Neighbor's Room, but the staircase leads to a hospital balcony instead of the forest, and you get to Yume Nikki off the hospital.If you refuse to go outside, you can stab yourself on the final day leaving the body for your mom to find. However, this is most fun if you go outside on the first day and refuse to go outside for the rest of the days, as Sunny ruins the photo album. Ambulance sirens in the background imply Basil killed himself anyways.Go back to sleep instead of going to see Basil at his house. You can now see everybody's reaction to Basil's suicide and see the body yourself. Aubrey blames herself, HERO starts coping, Kel can't cope, and then you get to go home and stab yourself, leaving the body for your mom to find the next day. No. 1033317
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>>10312174chan's omori general has an anonfiles link at the top of the threads
also to help the debate about SOMETHING's design, there's a japanese yokai called a Ushirogami that hangs out behind cowards who don't do something they're supposed to and has one large eye
>Thus the ushirogami can be explained as both an external entity which causes fear, or as the internal personification of your own cowardice or reluctance. No. 1033396
>>1033317This is actually really useful. I'm assuming SOMETHING's design is based off of the pic, so it's entirely possible that it was just based off of that originally and not
dead Mari before.
No. 1035138
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this is the only real outcome.
No. 1035597
>>954904She’s a shitty weeb artist that got lucky because of tumblr following and her rich family funded her journey into apparel making. I suspect because Omori was so clearly based on Earthbound and Mother 3 she probably reached out with her shitty brand and the receivers thought, why not make more money selling cheap shirts and crappy plastic
>>1029624Kek, now this and Yume Nikki. Happy for anons that found the game fun but it’s just so pathetic how she can milk a quarter of a million dollars just to make a DREAM GAME uwu clone of other games with her self inserts and ex friends as characters
No. 1036633
>>1029624>>1035597As much as I hate to say it, i'd argue that the whole "protagonist has a shadow self" thing wasn't stolen from END ROLL since in the 2014 trailer there's gameplay that shows Sunny (compared to alter-ego OMORI) a couple of times, and END ROLL came out in 2016
"adventuring with friends that he once knew IRL" thing applies as well since FARAWAY Hero, Kel and Aubrey were also shown
Also the absolute latest that the actual twist was being implemented into the plot was in 2016 since
>>113340 (posted 6 years ago) mentioned that:
>there could be some twist at the end (probably revealed through a new/old missed friend, someone might replaced your memories or something) since it's mentioned that you wouldn't want to find out the truthAs much as I don't really like OMORI I don't think it stole much of anything from END ROLL
No. 1037661
>>1037358I know OMOCAT is a bitch but like, besides being bitchy (ALL her circle and similar artists are omega bitchy, I think Punimelt is worse and she renamed herself probably for the backlash of these threads) I don't think the whole "shota" shit is that
problematic. It's not like she drew porn, there's so many other MALE degenerate artists drawing actual shota x mommy shit or loli crap and are they cancelled? Nope.
No. 1037834
>>1037688It feels worse with OMORI in particular because not only is it tumblr and it already appeals to mentally-ill teenagers with it's uwu-softness, but because yes, since the creator mostly has false angst, I think it's bad when your game reflects problems that barely even exist, because in that instance it makes it hard to sympathize with the characters (see my post
No. 1038147
>>1037834Ohhhh I see what you mean now anon!
Knowing that she's stupid spoiled really ruined the way I see her / see her creations too (I used to follow her before this thread was created, then after learning more about her the curtain fell off) and I agree the game is very tied to her. So yeah, I can understand why you wouldn't like the game either.
I personally don't buy her lazily designed shit and pirated her game, so for me it was easier to dismiss her… But I do agree there's like, too much of Omocat's soul or whatever in this game. Lol. It was cringe at times because as I played it, it made me remember what was said in the thread lol. Other times I could forget it for a sec and kinda tried to enjoy myself…
About Tumblr kids and all… Idk I don't really care about them LOL most of the people who are part of the fandom are turbo autists and trannies and It disgusts me. So if they get scammed then good for them lmao
No. 1040995
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Just came here to post this
No. 1040999
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>>1040995I think this is 100% her, I'm almost certain of it. With characters like Aubrey I know one can take aspects of oneself and create something new with it, but with this … Come on lol
No. 1042635
>>1040999There's a couple staff self inserts or cameos in the game, the most obvious being EMS as a hamster named EMS.
There's also the Slime Girls, the nickname of the composer
Minced, one of the artists and the character MINCY
Kimberly (Kim, Berly)
Bowen might = Bo En
There's also one for VANCE
Omocat might be ARTIST, and ARTIST has a younger brother. In Omocats older comics she drew about her younger brother a lot.
No. 1042651
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>>1042635>>1042635Also if Angel is Omocat's little brother than that makes this "No.1 Predator" gag look sus
No. 1044431
>>1042688Angel is one of the younger kids, he seems to idolize Maverick who himself is the youngest of the Baker family, the hooligans seem to have a wide age range
All the kids do act a bit young for their age in general though
No. 1044434
>>1044431To further that, Maverick is pretty clearly a Chuunibyou type which translates to basically being "2nd year middle school syndrome", meaning 13-14
So it's not out of the question that Angel could be 12.
No. 1048571
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There's no way this wasn't intentional
No. 1069426
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>>1040999Fun Fact: She's actually a character from an im14andthisisdeep4me mini webcomic. Still a self insert via her Tumblr history. No. 1069508
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Would be interesting to uncover this "tacomo.tumblr" lost tumblr site if we can get more milk on this weeb, though on the other hand, it might be rotten milk
No. 1072369
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…Fuck, I meant about questioning her in the middle of the birthday STREAM, where not one dedicated fan questioned her transparency in 2018-2020 (and other shit she didnt cover). Her useless vtuber persona looked like she smoked a ton of Kush 1 hour before the stream