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No. 160553
i've been in two serious, long-term relationships and an additional short-term relationship. one guy didn't really like cuddling after sex, but i fucking hate cuddling after sex 95% of the time, so i don't know if he would have complained if i tried. he did like cuddling and sometimes kissing even without sex afterwards.
the other two guys DEFINITELY liked cuddling and kissing even if sex isn't involved. my boyfriend at the moment always wants cuddles and kisses me randomly. in fact, the only time he doesn't kiss me is when he wants to have sex – when he wants to fuck, he will start playing with my boobs or ass. last night when we had sex, he didn't kiss me at all until after he came.
all of them did start out foreplay with kisses, but after a couple of months, foreplay disappeared with all of them.
honestly, after sex, i just want to play around on the internet again, so i usually get up. since it seems to matter to you, i dated the first guy that didn't like cuddling for 3+ years. short-term guy was a 2 month thing (although we liked each other for over a year before that?), and i've been with my boyfriend now for over a year and a half.
No. 160554
My boyfriend loves showing affection, sometimes it's a little too much. Like a lot of the time, I'll be sitting on my bed, trying to watch tv or play video games, and he'll pull me down to cuddle with him.
>>160547I actually feel you on that. Except I'm still pretty affectionate. I just absolutely hate kissing(and by kissing, I mean like making out, I have no problem with little pecks) and sex.
>>160552I think in general some people aren't affectionate and some people are. It doesn't matter if you're a girl or a guy at all.
No. 160560
>>160559i've met 2-3 guys in that age group that didn't feel that way, but i suppose the people i know are all a little "weird." like my first serious boyfriend and i met when we were 18. neither of us were virgins. he initiated cuddling a lot, and even kissed a few times without anything else. he didn't even grope me over my clothes, and as far as i could tell, he never got a boner. then, after maybe two months of this, and i mean nothing past first base, he pulled back when we were kissing one night and asked me if it was okay to go further. then we fucked, and we fucked 2-5 times a day for 3+ years. he was actually the one that didn't like cuddling after sex but was happy with it even if it didn't lead to sex (probably because we fucked a lot anyway).
then again, almost all the guys i've dated and/or been friends with have always been the kind of guys looking for a wife and not a fuckbuddy.
No. 160561
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My fiance is 31. He loves playing with my hair, holding my hand, hugging, cuddling, kissing spontaneously. Sex is not the point, just us enjoying each others company. We do have sex, and its great, but more than anything we just enjoy each others physical company. We were a ldr though for 2 years so maybe we take small gestures less for granted now that we can finally be physically near? Were both sappy romantics as well.
Dont lose hope op, romantic men who do romantic things not just for sex actually exist.
No. 160570
>>160568Desperate robot pls go.
>>160569Doesn't look girly to me, but he does look about 13.
No. 160571
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I'm male and I'm into cuddling!