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No. 160981
>>160980Why so much hatred?
Some people want to model in Japan because it's cute as fuck, whereas in the states you need big tits big ass and it emphasizes on sexiness lol and tons of western models are basic as fuck (cara for exemple)
No. 160982
>>160981People think you need to either be hafu/white or cute enough though. But I'd actually like to see the day where idk an indian person or Brazilian go over and model instead of the usual Dakota Rose/Taylor R types that we see again and again.
I give it another 10 years until we see a change like that.
No. 160983
>>160981dont say that btw
you'll upset cara-chan
No. 160984
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>>160981>>160983Thanks for summoning me. Anyway, there is a difference between commercial and high fashion modelling. I believe you are thinking of commercial for both countries. Sure, Japan favors cute midgets, and the western world favors sexy women. Cara is not basic and she is most definitely more attractive, well-off, and interesting than you.
No. 160985
>>160984She's a basic Brit bitch with a good amount of money.
She even looks/dresses like trash outside of when she needs to scrub up for photoshoots or the catwalk.
No. 160986
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>>160985Okay. Stay pressed and bitter that you'll never achieve this level of perfection.
No. 160987
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Does anyone have experience with modelling in hong kong?
I think it is the only thing i can do or become an english teacher and i'm not qualified.I'm eurasian so i'm not sure if that is something that they would like?
No. 160990
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>>160989>point out some basic facts It takes a basic bitch to be able to spot her basic self in others. But seriously, please stop projecting.
No. 160991
>>160990Literally how am I projecting? I'm none of the things mentioned in
>>160985. Stay angry.
No. 160999
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Not the same anon. She is attractive but not model worthy imo. Her connections got her in the industry.
No. 161001
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>>160999Nah Cara has definitely got it.
When she's on the catwalk it's like she turns into a completely different person and I think that's part of what makes her so marketable.
Despite the fact that she's coming out and said that she really dislikes the modelling industry she still behaved extremely professionally with it.
That being said she's always maintained that modelling was never her goal in the first place, that it was a stepping stone into her real passion; acting.
I.. I'm a big Cara fan .__.
No. 161004
>>160981Danm, you're stupid as fuck. The modelling scene is generally the same everywhere you go, they want tall and they want skinny. Only stupid weaboos think the Japanese would instantly find them ~omg kawaii uwu~. There are also specialty models, like the ones you described. If you're already in America, Japan, London, ect, and you can't make it as a model there, then you wont have much of a better chance in Japan. For context, modeling agencies recruit girls in poor slavic countries and ship them to the countries I mentioned because there is a bigger demand for them there. There are already a great deal of slavic models in Japan, some as young as 14. My point is, there is no reason why you can't model in the US unless you aren't model material. I don't know why you think Japan would somehow be different. Japanese tell people what they want to hear, so don't hold their word in high esteem. Japan isn't all kawaii anime, 90% of it is boring as fuck and the people will probably be too much normalfag for you to handle.
No. 161005
>>161001calm down cara-chan
don't listen to the jelly h8ers
No. 161008
>>161006Isn't this your inability to accept that somebody likes Cara that doesn't accept when somebody dislikes them?
Anybody nobody has said that they dislike her, only that they don't think she's a legit model.
No. 161009
>>161008how did this become a cara thing again?
see what i meant anon? you've pissed cara-chans off! I WARNED YOU
No. 161011
>>161010No idea
I don't mind cara-chans, i like cara but i forbid people to bring cara up because it starts ruckus
No. 161012
(I actually just really like Cara as a person and not necessarily a model. She seems very approachable and down to earth tbh).
No. 161017
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You know, I'm surprised Casper Keith AKA Chris Dakota (Aqualake) never went to Japan to model.
I know he's a cunt and has ED thus being in gay denial. But I'm honestly surprised. He's from a rich ass family and I would have thought he'd gone in for modelling there since he loves the damn place so much cos video games and tamagotchis…
No. 161019
>>161017He's not in gay denial, he was pretty up front about going somewhere in Europe just to fuck/live with some guy he met IIRC.
I agree with you, though. He definitely fits Japan's aesthetic.
No. 161021
>>161019Tons used to ask him on tumblr and he would always say no, it's obvious he's shagging Sam. Sex video of with somewhere, sucking cock and doing other things.
I'm just surprised he hasn't modelled there is all. He's alright but his personality is fucking horrid.
No. 161025
>>161022wtf is this disgusting shit
someone collect gollum
No. 161027
if it's so shit why is dakota basking in its glory
No. 161028
>>161017holy fuck he's still relevant?
i haven't heard of his ass in like…5 years.
is he still an ageless shonen doll