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No. 161230
>>161229I too have tiny boobs. I really want to get breast implants, but my fiance is vehemently against the idea.
I hate having the upper body of a child and a thicker lower body with stumpy ugly legs. I hate being a pear shape. My kingdom for a pair of boobs.
I'm secretly jealous of fat cunts, because at least they have breasts.
No. 161232
>>161229I would trade bodies/face with you! At least I could pull off "kawaii" styled clothing if I looked like you.
I'm short but curvy, wide hips and I feel my boobs are too big. My face is a mix of mature and babyface.
No. 161241
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Does face count as body?
My body is so painfully average there really isn't much to say about it, but my face is just stuck in this square, big-nosed ugliness that will never leave thanks to genetics.
Considering getting facial surgery because I look so ugly in photos.
No. 161243
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>>161240It would be crazy if you were my roommate girlfriend since the vague description seems to match
No. 161251
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>I NEVER see any guys having any interest in flat chests and very skinny bodies
You must not browse the chans often.
No. 161252
>>161251true as a fellow flat chest one of my bfs was in love with them/small boobs
i also have a friend that likes them too (he browses 4chan though so maybe thats why)
No. 161255
>>161241This. I'm just really average, I think.
I'm short, could stand to lose 5-10lbs, and have b cup boobs that I can't complain about, but I can't really praise either. My ex gave 0 shits about breasts, and actually didn't like big boobs at all, so hopefully that helps some of you girls. My current bf, however, while claiming he loves mine clearly prefers bigger ones. Ah, all the freudian slips he has about boobs.
My lower stomach has some fat on it that I need to lose, but it's something you can't see at all with clothes on unless I've gorged myself. The thing I'm really insecure about structurally is my lower body. So basically my hips, butt, and thighs. I already have short legs, so that makes me feel disproportionate as fuck. Then in comparison to my shoulders, my hips are kind of narrow with close-set legs. Luckily, my waist is fairly narrow, and I'm thin-ish so the smaller waist and thigh gap give the illusion of a bigger waist. If I'm bloated, though, I instantly become a rectangle since my thigh gap also disappears.
Oh, and yeah, my ass sucks. I've gotten complimented on it by men and women, but I think it's really small. Round? Yes. But big? Not at all. I'm like a step above a flat ass. I've been told that my ass has become almost purely muscle because of my slimness (that seems to only stick to my tummy and face) and a lot of weightlifting. And in comparison to my thighs, my butt is definitely small.
But my face. Jesus christ. My nose bridge is wide, because I think I broke it in kindergarten. My cheeks have been droopy since high school. My eyebags and nasolabial folds can be TERRIBLE on some days. My eyelid folds used to be uneven, one with a tapered fold and the other hooded, but now that they have evened out, they are kind of weird looking. I feel like most people have beautiful eyes, but mine are ugly.
And my body hair is annoying as shit.
No. 161258
>>161257Welcome to sexy female maturity.
You'll learn to enjoy it time. Embrace it.
No. 161270
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My hips dip in like pic related. I look horrible in tight skirts and jeans. Any tips for this?
No. 161271
>>161270Weightloss will affect it to a degree, as will muscle gain.
Long term though only surgical intervention (i.e. a fat transplant) will level this out.
No. 161273
>>161271surgery? nah
it's not unusual. The solution is to lose weight, to gain muscle and to use underwear that fits, not some sizes smaller.
No. 161280
>>161253anon i seriously feel you on this… i can't stand being female but i'm not trans or anything. i guess i just have negative connotations with being one because of family bullshit or something.
>>161276fuck i am also terrified of this!! i have lost like 70 lbs and still going and just looking at my body and feeling the loose skin makes me fucking disgusted. i think i hate looking in the mirror more now because i STILL feel like a freak. i've read places that say it'll reduce somewhat with time depending on skin elasticity but i am so terrified i will never be anywhere near acceptable looking
No. 161281
>>161276I'm going from 225lbs at my highest to a comfortable 150lbs and tbh this is my biggest fear.
Hopefully since I'm 5'7" and it's a smaller weightloss I can avoid any serious loose skin, but I'm also putting on muscle to try and reduce my risk overall.
What a shame that but for the limited mistakes we made in sadness we must now suffer as punishment for the rest of our lives.
Have you tried getting into weight training Anon? Obviously I don't know your situation but effectively the more muscle you have the more your skin and fat is held up in place and kept taut.
No. 161282
>>161276Do you mind me asking what what your height is?
And if it's any consolation I've heard that loose skin can adjust and settle over time.
No. 161283
>>161253snorted @ you thinking tumblrinas invented transsexualism
sounds like you have gender dysphoria lol no point denying it
No. 161289
>>161287Smallness is absolutely associated with femininity tho.
My self perception is fucked up so I can't objectively say if I'm thin, but I do feel extremely fat compared to my family.
No. 161290
>>161286From your description I think you sound quite beautiful Anon, but 110lbs at 6' is horrific, please don't ever let yourself get that low again.
I'm not sure what is with your preoccupation with perceived femininity in conjunction with height, you can be tall and feminine, and you also get the bonus of getting to eat more and having a more physically powerful bod.
Truth be told I'm actually rather jelly of your height, but greener grass and all that.
No. 161291
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>>161290Anon chan you're making me blush
But thank you. Grass is totally greener! I wish I was a short girl all the time.
No. 161292
>>161285I fluctuate from a size 9 to 11 often. Depend on the shoes or store. On average, I think I'm a 10 at 5 foot 6. I have no problem with my size other than they are wider than most female family members & friends, so it makes me a bit self conscious when around them. The males in my family however have big feet, and I'm right behind my dad when it comes to shoe sizing.
Body issues in general? I have really asymmetrical breast. In my case, one is bigger and perkier, while the other is smaller and looks like a deflated balloon hanging off to the side of my chest. The only things that could make them look somewhat equal are push up bras and getting my period in which the smaller one grows and actually seems to match the bigger one.
I also have a fat mons veneris. I just find it really grows and it makes me feel fat whenever it jiggles around. I don't think I could change it even if I loose a lot of weight because according to my mom, it's been this way ever since I was born.
Oh and my teeth. They are white as snow and clean, but they are really small (looks like baby teeth), uneven, and crooked. You see, I would have opted for braces but I heard braces changes your jaw + lip shape and idk how it'll affect me. I've just started to accept my face and work with my features, but I figure the acceptance would've been useless if it changes my face and I have to learn to accept it all over again.
No. 161294
>>161293Dif anon, having braces in your mouth tends to push your lips forward. In terms of what the braces themselves do, it can change your jaw, but it shouldn't unless your orthodontist wants to straighten it.
What might be a better option is either invisilign braces, which are more like a series of retainers pushing your teeth, or getting veneers.
No. 161296
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>>161229I'm like 5'4-5'5, 110 pounds. My weight fucking fluctuates between 50kg - 53kgs.
My body issues, probs just my extreme hairiness. I'm fucking hairy… also my torso area fucking weird. like a box?? My body looks a bit like Kate Upton. A bit thinner, and not as big boobs.
I love my legs, and my skin colour- a nice olive colour.
No. 161298
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>>161270ah, yes, the hip dip. i used to fret over this a lot. it's a genetic thing regarding the fat distribution around your hips. as mentioned by others, there is not much to be done besides a fat transplant. weight loss and gaining muscle may help, but i think it's one of those things to accept and move on about.
No. 161299
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>>161298also, i believe all women have a hip dip – just to different varying extents
No. 161303
>>161302Worth mentioning you have to get a lot of somewhat pricey treatments for it to be "permanent," and even then it's only permanent for a few years and you have to do it again.
Personally I got laser hair removal on my chin and it didn't take. It grew back only a few months after my final treatment. This has happened to a few people, as I've read online.
No. 161306
>>161304well most guys find me unattractive because of it and i can't really look sexy and it sucks.
i want a hourglass figure
No. 161307
>>161304Flat chests are great. No sagging. You can wear cute shirts, etc
>>161306There's someone out there for everyone. Don't give up, anon. If someone only likes you for your chest, you're doing it wrong
No. 161308
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Ok so I wanted to share this here in case it would help anyone.
I know this looks retarded and gay af but hear me out
I bought this thing on a whim since I have prime and its only 6 bucks. I like gimicky things like and was curious. and holy shit ladies
My ass looks amazing in clothes now. Best of all, there is no padding so it jiggles/bounces and is super comfortable. in jeans my ass would disappear and now it's round and more bubbly and it's nothing un natural or weird looking. 10/10 would recommend to any girl since these are cheap af and look great
No. 161314
>>161313I used to wear bra inserts and would just remove them (without anyone noticing) and if they noticed a 'difference' in my breasts I would say oh I wear a padded bra or some shit. This doesn't make your ass look huge but bubbly/round so I don't think it would be embarrassing to play it off as 'oh my pants are tight!" or some shit
>>161312mines kinda flat and it makes it look way more bubbly
No. 161317
>>161289Actually, it isn't. A feminine body is big boobs, tiny waist and big butt.
Petite bodies arent feminine but girly.
Skinny isn't feminine, it's "girly" or can be "boyish".
Curvy is (hourglass figure and not fat)
No. 161319
>>161266It's because it's not RL.
In the internet, theres tons of guys into DFC but irl it's rare and a lot of them are lolicons.
Most guys irl prefer big boobs. Half like or tolerate small boobs.
Some guys like flat chests but it's rare IRL (sadly) but ive seen guys saying as long as you have a big butt your breast side doesnt matter
No. 161321
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I'm 5'2 and I'm 120lbs
I wish i had a hourglass figure.
the problem is my ADHD pills cut out my appetite which is fine but i dont take them on the weekend and i end up eating a SHIT ton of stuff/binge eating and it's terrible. i guess ill drink more green tea.
I have small boobs so I use push up bras and use corsets to make it seem like i have a hourglass figure. i know it's weird or "false advertising" but whatever
all i want is to have a flat stomach. i hope my diet will work
No. 161326
>>161324No. Girly is for girls. Feminine is for women.
Petite bodies are girly or boyish. They cannot be feminine because feminine bodies have big breasts and big buttocks lol petite bodies are more child like i guess.
No. 161327
>>161326holy shit annoying fatty
women with large breast/ass are feminine looking in a more 'sensual' way but women which petite bodies also look feminine in a more 'gentler' sense.
No. 161328
>>161326Feminine, like the other anon said, is female-like anon.
That's why some men are sometimes characterized as feminine (due to their features, long hair, etc.), but you don't see them sporting a huge rack and a big butt.
No. 161330
>>161329>>161327nice samefagging.
i'm not chubby nor fat.
Big breasts and big butts are feminine.
Small breasts aren't seen as feminine but as girlish or boyish.
That's just the way it is, hence why sometimes petite bodies are seen as androgynous aka boyish because they lack curves.
and i'm not talking about curves like fat rolls lol i guess you two are mad because you have a rectangle shape?
No. 161332
>>161331Big breasts and big butts were always seen as feminine.
Small breasts were never seen as such.
Hence why hourglass figure is seen as feminine. that's why big breasts are always popular and "worshipped"
petite bodies aren't feminine lol that's defying science
No. 161333
>>161331also, it's why pinup models and sex symbols had a hourglass figure. they all had big breasts.
I'm not bashing petite bodies, but smaller buttocks or breasts are girly and flat chests are boyish. that's how most people perceive it.
but in lolcow people here worship japanese beauty standards (being very skinny) so i can understand some of you want to deny ir or just dislike it but big breasts were always seen as feminine lol it's a fact.
move on man
No. 161336
>>161333This. Big boobs, butts and wide hips are the result of estrogen, more estrogen=more fertile, being fertile is linked to femininity.
Estrogen is a female hormone that is responsible whether you get curvy body or formless body. In women whose estrogen levels are low, fat packs to the wrong places, such as the stomach. In women with elevated androgen levels (male hormones) are completely flat or formless, like boys. Hormonal imbalance can also cause obesity or being underweight, as well as excess estrogen can cause obesity.
Vogue did a survey in 2012.
"The result is clear: 81% of the men interviewed preferred curvy women to skinny women. Fuller-figured women are thought to have the right mix of fun and sexiness: they’re seen as more feminine (65%) and more seductive (52%) than thin women.”
This is from Psychology Today.
"Evidence from all over the world suggests that men strongly prefer women who have a lot of body fat (roughly 30 percent of their body weight) and whose body fat is distributed in a particular way, with very little in the waist but much more in the hips, buttocks and thighs, producing a small waist-hip ratio.”
Japan is just a very sexist country that has a problem with infantlizing women. They don't want women to look like women, they want women to look like kids.
No. 161340
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I have a pear shape body and dance regularly (does that count as working out? lol)
My chest is completely flat so I just wear kids training bras. Some are actually cute tbh. (My nipples are like.. puffy and I hate them)
But my thighs are pudgy and I just don't know what to do about it.
My boyfriend said my body was adorable so I guess its okay.
No. 161341
>>161229I'm pretty similar, small boobs, skinny arms and legs etc. but I have actually grown to embrace it. I don't like that I look terrible in bikinis and fancy bras, but my boobs are kinda cute and perky. I'm kind of pear shaped too which again I quite like. I think I can appreciate that all bodies are good in different ways.
The only thing I don't like is that I have violin hips. Any weight I put on sits awkwardly around my middle, and there's lots of clothes I can't pull off because of my chunky hips.
No. 161345
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>>161344Have you at least tried waxing anon? I don't wax too frequently, but I have found less hair grows in the areas that I have waxed, like my legs and arms.
Also, what do you use on your hair? My first advice to everyone is to switch to a non sulfate shampoo. It's too harsh to use on a regular basis (I do keep at least one bottle in my shower that is sulfate based mostly because there are those times when I've used too much hairspray and it needs a good cleanse) and your hair should feel less dry as a result.
After that, don't wash your hair every day. Unless you sweat a lot or something, very few people really need to wash their hair everyday, and most who say they need to because of oil often don't realize their hair is super oily because they wash it so often. Your body adjusts. I wash it maybe 3 times a week at most, and that's only in the summer when I'm prone to sweat more.
I also have thick hair so a regular conditioner does not work. I only use deep conditioning treatments now since it's winter and I only need to wash my hair 1-2 times a week. I have a preference to the Shea Moisture line and this conditioner I've recently used up. I need to invest in another tub.
No. 161348
Its creepy that people on lolcow want to look like children. Japan is very sexist
No. 161349
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My nose looks extremely similar to Scarlett's before she had rhinoplasty.
Close ups like this are terrible. I cannot do selfies.
No. 161357
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I'm pretty happy with all my external features barring my nose.
It's not even a bad or ugly nose as it's slender from the front and has the characteristic Roman bump from profile, but goddamn I just want that bump gone.
I don't even want a ski-slope noise it anything since the rest of my features are pretty strong and it would appear mismatched, I just want the bump gone and to have it leave behind a perfectly straight, stronk honk.
I feel like if I were born to Ancient Greece/Rome I would probably be considered a great beauty, but I'd prefer to be a modern beauty to be frank.
I'm getting a septoplasty sometime next year on the NHS for a deviated septum causing breathing difficulties. I might try to subtly impress upon my surgeon to consider maybe NOT reconstructing the bump as accurately as it previous was.
No. 161358
>>161357>stronk honkU have a way with words, anon.
In all seriousness, I'm a disgusting pear shape and any weight goes straight to my butt and upper thighs. When i was in high school, i used to bike everyday, so my legs were okay but now they're sad and i need to work out more. Also i have a weirdly bony chest.
No. 161359
>>161358>weirdly bony chesti have this too, it sucks
i'm not even that thin but my sternum sticks out like crazy. i don't wear low cut tops because of it
No. 161362
>>161336like 90% of this is broscience lmao
pls kys
No. 161363
5'4" 105 lbs
Overall I'm pretty satisfied with my body. I hate my nose though, it's similar to what
>>161357 described.
No. 161364
>>161363OMG anon, we might me twins
5'3 100 lbs
32-24-35 and I have a nose like that anon as well. I'm getting a nose job soon though
No. 161368
>>161362Lol those are facts.
Big breasts were always a symbole of feminity. Big hips are a symbole of fertility.
Dont deny facts just because youre a flatty
No. 161369
>>161353>implying saying hourglass bodies are feminine means im fatkeel being delusional and denying science.
Whats up with flat twigs and hambeasts thinking their bodies are attractive if you have a 12 years old body or a whale body, youre ugly.
Both are ugly as fuck
No. 161374
>>161372hi anon,
I have stretchmarks in the following places:
sides of boobs
hips and butt
top of my thighs
behind my knees
Literally the only places I don't have stretchmarks where you'd typically get them are on my actual stomach and on top of my boobs. When I was a preteen/teen my dad got really sick, I became a depressed hermit neet weeb nerd and I ballooned up to 185 at 5'2" in just a couple of years. I took control of myself in my later teens and made it down to 110-120 and started to wear make-up and better clothing, however I was still very ashamed of my stretchmarks, although they had faded considerably at that point. Also my boobies totally deflated which was depressing too. I refused to wear anything sleeveless and wouldn't dare wear a skirt without stockings. I constantly wore jackets to cover my breasts because I was very insecure about them. In retrospect, I had wasted a ton of my youth being depressed and ashamed about honestly uncontrollable details of my body even though I should have been proud of my weight loss. In my early twenties, I finally found the courage to– oh my god!!– wear a sleeveless dress, and I felt so great when an attractive guy had hit on me the same day. It sounds so silly, but from that day forward I felt so confident and proud I completely stopped wearing jackets, freely wore shorts and skirts and invested in better-fitting bras to support what was left of the girls. I got over my fear of the gym and started working out a lot as well. An awesome guy was attracted to me and my quirks and my confidence and all of my little flaws I used to be so scared about and three years later I'm engaged and over the moon! lol.
basically tl;dr idk, your post made me feel like I was reading something a younger me would have wrote. If I had any advice for younger me, it would be to try to let go feeling depressed of things that you don't necessarily have control over eg some stretchmarks and boobs, and start investing your time and emotions in other parts of yourself that you DO have control over. You will feel much better for it. the end
No. 161376
>>161372the only non-surgical thing I know of that
might help stretch marks is derma rolling. I've used it for acne scars and got some results.
not mind blowing, back to perfect skin results, but a noticeable difference in pics.
No. 161377
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>>161375I'm in my mid-twenties, so I'm not far off from you. I mostly got over my fear of bikinis– I wear something similar to this. The skirt bottom helps a ton in feeling cute and less self-conscious. Feel lucky they're not on your arms and legs! Your mid-section is mostly usually covered so it's nothing most people would be aware is there.
No. 161378
>>161377Yeah I've been on the look out for a high waisted one but havent found one I liked yet. I don't have many opportunities to wear one anyway, but still.
I think I was just a bit traumatized when I saw a girl at a con with her mid section out and her stretch marks were just dark and horrible. She wasn't even fat-fat, just kinda… flubbery.
>>161376I've heard of derma rolling, but it scares me a bit, mostly because if not done right you seriously fuck up your skin.
No. 181306
>>181303Lol, I'm the same boat anon
+ short torso and a babyface so it looks weird but I might be able to pass as androgynous with short hair
Something that really helped me in this case is fitness and building muscle to look more feminin instead of bones and chub. Not to mention the huge confidence boost you get
No. 181314
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>>161229I hate my ribs, even though I got to be skinny once it didn't show up because of them
My body is very rectangular and it sucks
I guess it's nice sometimes though, I seem to have nice lungs which are really good for tracking and jogging, activities that are enjoyable
No. 181376
I wish I could just tear my face off, it's so fucking saggy and asymmetrical that there's no single thing I could do to fix it. I'm in my mid twenties and age is hitting me like a truck and I'm still battling acne, but the structure is a mess. Terrible lopsided nose that's growing bulbous, overbite, snaggletooth, yellow teeth, stupid ears, jowls, asymmetrical small eyes, acne scars, huge dark circles that dent inwards etc. If I'm this ugly now in my "prime" then how bad will I look at 40?
I've learnt that just spending less time alone or looking in mirrors helps me forget though, and that ugly people still get by if they smile enough and stay clean, but seeing cute girls online makes me so sad. I was so depressed when I was younger because I had enough free time to really obsess over it, but the real kicker is that I used to have such youthful skin but I still hated myself at the time because of the overall structure.
I struggle with dysmorphia with my body, I always feel fat and I have recently gained weight, but normally I can reassure myself with measurements that I am still objectively slim even if I'm built like a rectangular little boy with a saggy ass. Unfortunately my family has a history of genetic problems like arthritis, digestive issues and the propensity to just become obese in middle age.
tl;dr I fucking hate myself
No. 181508
>>161253I hate being a female, but i can't quite tell if it's for the same reasons you're thinking of
I just feel like I'm not pretty enough to be feminine, but dressing androgynously makes me look like an old man with pear shaped body. I think that's what earns me dirty looks or possibly contributed to how oddly peers treat me, but maybe I'm just overacting..
It feels so unfortunate. I have such a masculine face with ogre-like features, small boobs, and i balloon out beyond my waistline. I'm like both ham planet and thin if you split me across the waist. I feel like I don't even look human sometimes and knowing that women are expected to look nice and seeing girls ranging from average to goddess all the time makes me feel kind of upset.
If I were a guy I probably wouldn't feel so disgusting since at least people could still see me as human for something like my personality or skills, but no one would honestly go out of their way to get to know a girl if they couldn't catch their eye in a positive way.
No. 181521
>>181376I am familiar with your pain anon.
Take it from me. Invest in your face. Overall it is worth it and makes you feel so much better about each day.
What I recommend:
Get some good dental work done first, that makes a huge difference in terms of not only pretty teeth but also a better face shape foundation. It might cost a lot, maybe even close to 10k (average seems to be about 5-6k), but IT IS SO WORTH IT and you can always pay it off slowly.
Save up/start researching for a rhinoplasty next, and in the meantime or after book some skin treatments to treat scars or pores if you really feel they are that bad. If you improve your diet and wear sunscreen, that can help a lot though with scars.
You could even entertain the idea of a small chin implant to reduce the look of jowls or get some lipo in the cheeks. I have also heard about buccal fat pad removal but haven't seen any convincing pictures yet from western surgeons.
One last thing you could consider is a minor facial fat transfer to add some youth back to your face if you are feeling like you have an old face at a young age. It costs a couple thousand but is permanent, there is zero risk of being allergic, and you don't have to get it topped up like filler.
It may seem like a lot, but at least just fixing your teeth and nose can make you feel so so much better about yourself. I don't usually recommend plastic surgery to people but as a fellow old-face at a young age (and boy did it get bad as my 30s drew near), it changed my life and I feel about 50% better about myself, which is what I expected since I am pretty self-loathing. (The rest is just improving my shit personality if it is even possible at this point. Physically I feel much better.)
It is important that no matter how you hate how you look, at least take care of yourself. Eat well, get enough sleep, do some exercise, keep your brain active with learning something/hobbies, drink enough water. Then once you feel more beautiful, you will have a great body and wonderful health to enjoy it with.
No. 181524
>>181522>dumbshitThat's precious coming from the stupidest self-centered comment you could possibly reply with.
Anon said they were an adult and also had many significant problems with their teeth (overbite, snaggletooth, yellow teeth- I forgot to mention look into whitening too). Adult dental work is very different than that for a child and all of those things would be able to be fixed with the right work as an ADULT. Plus modern orthodontist work has improved a ton in recent times. So move along since you have no idea what you are talking about and enjoy your tmj.
No. 181525
>>181524Yeah and my second comment highlighted the fact that they have a history of family arthristis which is sometimes connected to TMJ. I don't think everyone needs to have perfect teeth, coming from someone with perfect teeth. It is a huge investment and often can fuck your teeth up
Thanks bitch I will. Enjoy telling people to get chin implants and rhinoplasty lmao. Like enjoy being an egghead
No. 181550
>>161229i'm basically pear-chan.
i have a body similar to moomoo but with smaller tits. hate it and working on it but have probs with bingeing.
my face is okay though, like my one redeeming quality and thin for my body size.
still i just hate everything from my thick legs to my flabby belly to my bingo wings but it's facial/neck/chin bloating that's the most distressing thing.
No. 181553
>>181552Oh and my other cousin, her brother and another actor, is a 40-something gay manlet. Ironically I resemble him more than I do my mother.
Fuck me.
No. 181648
>>181620You're all sorts of fucked up honey. But seriously:
>5' tallcute
>workout hardagain, good. you won't regret it when you're old an still healthy whereas all the couch potatoes die from heart attacks.
>cystic acneget accutane
>My hair is like an ethic giant kinky curly frizzy coarsestraight hair is boring
>I literally get so much facial hair even hours after pluckingshave it instead. that thing about shaving stimulating hair growth is a myth
>I had trichtotellomania as a teen in the late 90s/00s and lupuswow, sorry for you
No. 181692
>>181620Also 5' and it's one of the things I actually like about myself.
I wish my size D boobs were perkier. I've seen way worse but I feel so ugly about mine sometimes, especially when I don't wear a bra or when I bend over and they just kind of hang. I get so jealous when I see pictures of girls who have the same size boobs but are still super perky.
>>181652I just tried the Sally Hansen all over wax kit from walmart and it was so easy and didn't hurt very much. Did my legs and some pubic area in the same sitting and theres still a lot left over. First time I've ever gotten anything waxed other than my eyebrows.
No. 181771
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>>181728Have you tried getting more flattering frames, learning how to apply makeup and losing weight?
I'm the opposite of you, I used to be a hideous little monkey (unusually hairy for a child, perpetually sunburnt and therefore vaguely middle eastern-looking even though I'm a
very light skinned western european, with a visibly broken nose, always dressed in tattered, baggy boys' hand-me-downs… I've even posted a picture here once), people always ignored me as a kid because I wasn't as cute as most of my friends, I was bullied throughout most of primary school etc. I ended up growing into a relatively pleasant-looking person and I'd say 60% of it was learning which colours and cuts suit my face and body and learning to take better care of myself. I'm also getting a nose job in a few months.
For most people not blessed with a godlike bone structure it can take as little as a flattering haircut to get them from dumpy to attractive. As long as you work with your features and not against them I'm sure you can turn your life around easily. Not saying you'll be Gisele Bundchen-tier or anything, but you'll definitely improve.
Of course, it's impossible to do it overnight and you'll waste a lot of money trying to find the right products, tailor your routine to fit your lifestyle, discover your personal style, find, buy and afford the right clothing, alter some clothing to fit you better… But it can be done.
No. 181787
uh I've got weight issues that I've been trying to get under control for several years (given a lot of prednisone for severe asthma when I was a kid and it fucked me up) but I feel like it's happening too slowly. aside from that my boobs are pretty small and saggy, like in between an A/B cup, but my ass is muscly/fat so I look really disproportionate from the side. I'm short, 5'2, but I don't mind the height. just wish I looked a little more proportioned. muscle mass is thickest in my lower body, so killer calves, thick thighs, etc but it just makes me look even weirder I think lol.
also, like a few other anons, my feet are huge. I'm a size 10-10.5. my entire family has flat feet, so I guess that's where I get it from. idk. I want to look androgynous ultimately, but that's just not attainable for me. I just look like the opposite of skipping leg day.
any farmers here been on prednisone? it'd be nice to have someone else to talk to about it, it sucks looking at photos from childhood because you can tell exactly when I started taking it, I just fucking ballooned suddenly.
No. 181821
>>181785Fuck anon, that sounds like me.
Have you tried to lose weight recently? I've been dieting and I've lost 22lbs. I'm still fat and I want to lose at least more 20lbs. I do want to lose more and I probably need to lose more but hey… that would make me feel a lot better.
I feel gross and disgusting. I can't stand looking in the mirror for more than 10 sec. Pictures make me want to cry. I think I'm completely disgusting.
No. 181838
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I look like someone hit "random" when creating their Oblivion character.
No. 181855
>>181821Yeah my entire adult life has been dieting haha it's never ending.
Yeah I feel the exact same. I used to be so vain when I was younger, I have thousands of selfies of myself from ages 12 to 15, then after I gained the weight and got bad skin I started using filters and using "flattering angles" and lots of heavy contouring makeup. Then within the last year I haven't taken a single photo of myself and I always avoid cameras. I can't bear to look at myself. A friend of mine takes silly candid photos of others as a joke but I wish they'd stop because it pains me so much to see myself without 100 filters.
No. 181858
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I'm tall, fit, and i have an hourglass shape which is fantastic in theory, but i also happen to have incredibly short dwarf-tier legs so i always look fatter and shorter that what i actually am.
Breasts grew incredibly fast at a very young age without me noticing and they sagged quite a bit because i was too young to understand i needed bras, and i hate them now. I scar very badly so i don't consider a breast lift too much of an option, because replacing a issue with another issue seems stupid.
Slight violin hips, they do bother me when i wear tight stuff, but since it's very slight it can be concealed quite easily, but still.
Thanks to my mediterranian genes i am hairy as fuck everywhere and i have a "happy trail", a slight mustache and slighlt unibrow that i need to keep in constant check. They did gave me fantastic eyebrows and hair but the cons suck ass.
I have a lot of acne scarring thanks to me picking a lot at my skin. It's especially bad on my legs and face.
No. 182675
>>182648lol.. don't let the unsavory name get to your head. Plenty of guys fetishize that shit.
At least, no one's gonna put the brakes on the bonertrain because you got a weird vag.
No. 182681
>>161229My hair is thinning at the temples and sides of my forehead. There used to be two triangular patches with a 'widow's peak' but now the hair there is getting softer and sparser. I used to think my whole fam just had a fucked up hairline but nah, it's me.
I don't even know who to turn to because 9 times out of 10 when I complain about it the answer is either "you look fine to me" or "maybe you just have a big forehead". I've owned a mirror long enough to say with absolute confidence that I do not have a large forehead. It doesn't seem to be female pattern baldness either, and I'm sure it's not traction alopecia since I don't tie my hair back ever.
It'd be easier if I were blonde, instead I have black hair. Bah.
No. 182700
>>182648Anon the roastie thing is a neckbeard meme and a totally normal thing unless it's hitting your knees or something, love yourself and learn about irl bodies. Look at those user-submitted galleries if communal nudity isn't a normal thing in your culture.
>>182690This, I didn't even know it was a thing until I had already slept with a couple of guys and there were never any comments. I've since asked two boyfriends if there was anything wrong with mine and and neither of them thought it was anything different. Normal guys are just really excited to see any vagina.
No. 182774
>>182771Hairy belly back and butt is actually pretty normal. There's definitely nothing gross or freaky about it. Pretty much all boobs are a little bit lopsided. Regular women's boobs are a lot less like a model or pornstars boobs and a lot more like yours.
It can be really distressing and affect your self esteem, and there are options to alter your breasts and/or hair distribution but it's important to know that what you've described is totally normal and not some weird thing you're alone with.
No. 182896
>>182847I'm sorry about your self esteem issues anon. I think what might work is classical conditioning. Tell yourself at every opportunity that you love yourself until you believe it.
Also fuck gay guys in high school. That exact same thing happened to me back then, too. He knew I had issues but still couldn't stop. I think in his case it was compensating a lot, because he had a pretty shitty home life and always enjoyed to bring others down. At every given moment he made fun of everyone, gossip and talking bad behind others backs. And on top of that making fun that I was fat, while I hit a 19 in BMI. Which is pretty close to being underweight. But my boobs were small and my stomach not flat lol.
Fuck those shallow idiots that fuck up your perception of yourself.
Keep in mind that no one really cares when they see you walking around, because they too are mostly thinking about themselves and how others see them.
No. 182956
i've had severe body dysmorphia for the entire adolescent/ adult half of my life and i don't even trust myself to talk about what i look like because there are parts of my body i love and parts that i hate but some days every part of my body morphs into something i hate and i can't win with myself. wish i could appreciate myself more because i know that objectively i DO have good natural traits: a small waist proportionally no matter how much weight i gain or lose, a decently sized butt that i never lose either, essentially an hourglass figure, ringletty curls, a face that is unique in a good way. i'm down to my lowest weight since high school so i SHOULD feel way better about my appearance and sometimes I do which is a huge relief from the days where all i can focus on are my upper arms being way too big for my body no matter how much fucking weight i lose, birthing hips that make some clothes that should fit me everywhere else impossible, and shitty posture that makes my back look bigger. also a case of babyface, which my ED history makes worse by causing my face to puff and ruins my decent cheekbone/ face structure with marshmallow ass bulimia cheeks and a soft jaw. i have a witch nose from the side so i'm terrified of profile view candids that don't even look like me, and i hate that i can't pull off what skinny-everywhere girls can clothing wise because if i wear something that doesn't cinch at the waist and shows my arms or thighs, i instantly gain like 20 fucking pounds in photos.
also HATE that i'm so short, because all i do is look in the mirror and posture myself upwards and lament at the fact that if i had actually grown taller past fucking middle school all my features would be stretched upwards and much more flattering. everyone loves an hourglass figure but a squashed hourglass is shit tier
also i'm sure this is the BDD talking but i've never been larger than a size medium, and i'm like xs/small now in most brands, yet every time i see myself in a shopping mall mirror or next to my slim friends i look so fucking goddamn medium
and more than anything else that i hate about myself physically i wish there were something i could do about my arms, but realistically they'll be this way forever, my mom is extremely in shape for her age and even hers are big for her body so it's kind of a 'muh genetics' fucky situation. i know spot training doesn't rly exist but i do a lot of small weights and tricep dips, but even then it's kinda futile imo because my arms are big in the sense of stubborn fat being stored there AND naturally being muscular there, so even now that i've lost weight it's just loose flab and muscle. seriously if anyone else has the lunchlady arms curse any tips would be immensely appreciated
anyway i'm glad this thread exists i need somewhere to vent and word vomit cause i've had a shitty week
No. 183032
>>183020Despite the modern media telling you all middle-aged men are evil predators, I'd say the majority of them don't really give a shit, and probably won't unless you're super curvy with gargantuan T&A and even that is mostly shock value. I swim a lot and where I live swimming is considered an old people hobby, so the pool is a regular haunt for middle-aged and elderly dudes (and ladies).
Here's a list of what they usually pay attention to:
1) The game last night
2) General complaining
3) 'My son is a doctor!' 'Oh yeah? Well my son is a lawyer!'
4) Remembering the good old days
5) Aquarobics
6) Their spouses
7) Bitching about kids at the pool
8) Bitching about young women (see: kids) at the pool
9) Scratching their nuts underwater
10) Lunch
Not once have I caught a single one ogling anybody or talking about it, especially not me, and no matter how hot you are they consider everyone under 35 an annoying teenager so they're more likely to tell you to get away from their jacuzzi spot than creep on you.
No. 183033
>>183032 said. People aren't that bad. Once you spend some time around them you'll notice that the majority doesn't care.
Last summer I went with the bf to a huge lage for a swim and there was a table with maybe 8 old dudes playing cards and drnking behind us. None of them payed attention to a single girl, even after they were done with their game. If anything it's youger guys/the ones your age that are the creeps. But they're also mot as common.
No. 183093
>>183083If a guy you don't know pointed something about you out, he probably wanted an excuse to talk to you and was too nervous to find a different topic.
Source: I'm a guy who pointed out shit like that before, because I was too nervous to find another topic.
(And if he did know you, he probably ran out of topics, so he looked at you and was happy to find something).
The main thing to remember is, everyone has a live and their own problems. Nobody got the time to give a fuck how you look on a beach. And even if one or two assholes are sprinkled in there who do think in their head "yeah, I am looking better than this person!", why would you care? Does it affect you? They will be dead in a few years, and so will you, so just go out and enjoy the damn beach you cunts and faggots.
No. 183096
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This thread is making me sad. I feel like an intruder here as a male.
You know what the difference between threads like this for males and females is?
In the male ones, they complain that they are virgins and alone, and will never find a partner (of course while not wanting to change themselves, or even leave their house to find someone).
In the female threads, women are also complaining about how shitty and ugly they feel, but there are so many posts including "bf think it's fine, still feel like shit", or other mentions of external positivity. You'd NEVER see that in a male thread, they are always about isolation. But for you it seems like your minds are telling you to be unhappy no matter what, even if you do have a caring partner.
I always thought you women had it easier in the way of love, but I guess life is shit no matter who you are.
No. 183103
>>183096Congrats on your new realization anon.
Yes, we have other problems and worries besides men.
No. 183118
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>>183107im on it
>>183096You are such a good boy. A strong man. No man has ever ascended as far as you have. You are the most special guy ever. You. You are special. Do not ever change because you are in the center of the universe and it all revolves around you. Everything that has ever happened has been leading up to this moment, a moment you were destined for.I am very proud of you.
No. 183142
>>183139Dude, give up. A woman will never feel the same as we do because their conditions are different. My loneliness is not having had a girlfriend in two years. My sister's loneliness is that she got disappointed with her last two boyfriends and is single now, even though she gets hits on on a daily basis.
It's not a matter of "who has it worse", people have different lives and this results in wanting different things. Right now I'd say me and my sister are on the same level of happiness. Sage for blogposting and derailing the thread.
No. 183144
>>183139What you don't get is the "positivity" we get in a drop in the bucket compared to the pure amount of being shit upon we get. A boyfriend or a thirsty fuck who's probably lying making one or two "you're fine" comments isn't enough to erase a lifetime of being told everything about you is shit- your body is shit, your personality is shit, and even if it wasn't shit your body's still shit so you should just die.
>>183142There are as many women virgins in the world as their are males, the only way you and men like you are special is the amount of whinging you do and the entitlement you have surrounding it.
No. 183152
>>183139It's almost as if women aren't empty headed giggling-and-eyelash-batting machines whose concerns and complexities aren't erased by someone saying 'you're pretty'!?
C-could this mean that women are somehow sentient beings who validate themselves through things other than looks? But how? Surely they aren't concerned with anything other than how fuckable they are to other people? R-right?
No. 183189
>>183139There will be men exactly the same though. Any kind of person can hate themselves regardless of how other people feel about them, even a successful male underwear model. I'd like to add that especially in the case of women, the "positive reinforcement" we get is often extra meaningless if it comes from someone that might just be trying to sleep with us. Although I'm sure that applies to male underwear models too.
Well done on taking some of the crit at least, if more people could develop empathy then the world would be a better place
No. 183199
>>183194I saw an aesthetician that specialized in acne and following her treatment was the only thing that worked for me. 3 months later, I'm 90% acne free
Spending the money was worth it when you've literally tried everything else.
No. 183461
>>183450>i'm lonely as hell and its never going to changeAnon I don't now how to help you truly, because I think even you know a lot of your problems also come from the inside, but I know it's a fact that being well presented and slim makes even "ugly" people tolerable to be around or look at.
I'll use the example of a man at my work that was pretty large and has something wrong with his face like a serious stroke or impact damage from the way half of it just seems to hang, one eye is always closed and his nose looks crushed. When I first met him he was fat and did that fat breathing thing, his hair was a shaggy mess and even though he was a hard worker I just generally didn't know where to look when he was around. I moved workplace but having recently come back to that site, he has lost a lot of weight to become an average healthy weight and has started keeping his hair tidy. At first he was still wearing his old baggy clothes and it looked weird but now he is dressing smarter too. I don't know if it's his weightloss but he is much more confident and says hello and chats to everyone.
I notice that everyone in work says hello to him now too, people stand and chat with him and offer to help him out with work. His face is exactly the same but it doesn't bother me anymore because he is just friendly and confident that it doesn't leave any awkward silences. I'm not going to lie and say I suddenly find him hot, but I would definitely hang out with him, and people here seem to like him. It's unfair that someone with a facial disfigurement needs to work 10x harder for the treatment that pretty people naturally get, but he's put in the work and done it anyway.
tl;dr stay well presented and put work into being friendly
No. 183494
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I hate my body. I'm not going to explain every little thing I hate because I understand that disliking a few things about your looks is perfectly normal, but I absolutely hate my belly (it looks worse IRL than in the picture). I mean, I hate my Kiki forehead, slightly saggy big tits, my short height and tons of other details but I REALLY hate my belly because I used to be massive and now that I'm in the middle of my weight loss journey, my belly looks horrendous. It wiggles, is absolutely soft and I have tons of stretch marks all over it and others parts of my body. Pic not because I wanna self post because I really hope someone out there says they've seen someone with a belly like this that looks a lot better now. I've been hitting the gym, and eating properly, so I have hope. I hope my hope can come true though. I don't even need a perfect female six pack. I just want a normal belly. My mom said she'd pay for skin removal surgery if I ever needed one but I hope it's not necessary. It's like I just had a baby…Gross.
No. 183525
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I used to have an eating disorder, was very thin (to the point where I stopped getting my period, tho not to the point where ppl noticed i was a skelly) and now I've gained a ton of weight. I still feel bad about my body because even though I've recovered, I'm worried I'm going into chubby territory due to my sedentary lifestyle.
Pic related.
No. 183529
>>183526I try to go for daily walks. I have arrhythmia, so I have to take it easy on my heart.
I might try exercising at home if you have any advice on that? I live in the middle of nowhere so there's no cheap gym nearby.
No. 183530
>>183529Exercise is still very important, you just have to progress slower than you would regularly.
As for advice, how do you eat? Do you get out of breath from walking? How serious is your condition?
No. 183531
>>183530I have a bad diet tbh. A lot of sweets. It's difficult to maintain self-control when I still have a pretty unhealthy view of food/eating.
And I get out of breath from running up stairs, but just walking is okay.
My condition isn't serious, my Mom has it too, and she's healthy in her mid-40s. I have a few bad episodes a year and a weaker heart than most, but it's not going to be what kills me.
No. 183533
>>183531Well numbnut, stop eating lots of sweets. Just throw them out, it's hard for a second but after a while you don't even want them any more.
Going up stairs isn't a super good indicator of fitness, I run a sub-13 minute two mile and I get winded if I'm cruising up stairs.
IF you're not comfortable with running now, then you need to do exercises that will get your heart rate up. This could be anything really. Dancing is great for your cardio, or just squat jumps, burpies, simple stuff like that.
No. 183534
>>183533I've tried so many times to cut the sweets habit, I just never stop craving them. Even when I was ana I would have ice cream binges when the hunger got to be too much. It's my achilles heel.
I think I just need healthier sweets if that's even possible.
And yeah, I just find it hard to motivate myself to exercise at home (it makes me feel kinda silly) so walks are my best bet at the moment. I guess I could see if the town nearby is offering any courses that'd help me (yoga and swimming are popular here afaik. i'm too shy to dance)
No. 183535
>>183534Well what kind of stuff are you eating? Fruit, dark chocolate, smoothies are much better for you than if you're eating twinkies and nonsense.
Exercising shouldn't make you feel silly, I don't know where you're from but when 60% of the US population is overweight than I think it's much sillier to be doing nothing. If you can't motivate yourself to exercise in your own room are you going to be motivated to leave every day with the intent of exercising somewhere else?
Also, like 1% of people can dance well, just play music so loud that you can't hear anything else and move with it.
No. 183537
>>183535I eat a lot of very bad stuff, unfortunately. Summers are easier to eat healthy because then there's a lot of cheap fruit, but in sub-zero winters I just want to eat fatty cake.
I live in Czech Republic, but my parents are from overseas, so I don't have the magic Slav genes that the women around me have (Czech Republic is known for supermodels and pornstars for a reason lol) which is why I feel ugly and silly when I try to give a shit.
It's all excuses anyways. ig I'm overwhelmed by my life so I cope by eating and hiding indoors. Gotta get that sorted…
Thanks for your advice so far tho anon! Lolcow seemed to be a good place to get tough love.
No. 183544
>>183534So many excuses and so little awareness of it.
If you really wanted it, you wouldn't make weak-ass excuses like 'but it's harrrrd'
Yeah it's hard that's why succeeding is an achievement. Whiners need not apply.
No. 183591
i would give anything to be considered skinny. i have the exact body type that people describe on other threads as "unfortunate" and "tragic". like unfortunately proportioned, flat assed, not toned, around 170 pounds and 5'4, small boobs on top of that, weirdly wide rib cage, no waist, bad posture, double chin, boyish face, recently had to cut all my hair off due to damage and only now grown out to my shoulders. i fucking HATE being overweight, but can't afford a PT and am really uneducated about exercise and healthy eating. I suck at budgeting too which makes figuring out what to eat worse. even to work out at home i dont know what exercises to do, how many reps or how long. instead i am just depressed and eat more because i don't appreciate my body so healthy eating feels like it makes no difference, so i might as well enjoy some junk.
sorry for the massive blog. im really sad.
No. 183592
>>183591You really don't have to know jackshit about healthy eating to lose weight. It's as simple as eating less of the crap you do eat. Eat junk - just eat less.
You really just need to find exercise videos on YouTube. It's not hard to JUST lose weight. If you're trying to alter a body part, it just takes a bit more googling.
No. 183593
>>183591You think you can't lose weight without a personal trainer and special diet foods? How dumb are you?
Eat less, walk, do push-ups, you don't need a goddamn trainer to go for a walk you waste. It's so easy but you're making excuses to put it off because you're not willing to be uncomfortable.
No. 183604
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>>183591Anon (and others who are in a similar situation), just like other farmers have explained, you can lose weight by yourself at home.
First, focus on your diet.
Eat more lean protein, veggies, nuts (small amounts because they're highly caloric), reduce your dairy intake and avoid non complex carbs (white bread, pasta, etc. Focus on a nice piece of fruit sometimes, etc). Try different spices and natural teas. Avoid sugar and soda. You know, the common sense diet.
It's pretty easy to lose weight in the beginning. You can also start tracking your calories in the first weeks, at least to get the swing of things.
After you lose a bit of weight, try doing some light to moderate exercise. I said to focus on your diet first because sometimes people try to do everything at once when they start, fail and lose motivation completely. Anyway, look for videos on YouTube. Team body project and my fitness blender have tons of videos you can do at home, for example.
You do NOT need to do exercise to lose weight, especially in the beginning, BUT if possible, exercise. It will make you feel better, give you a boost, burn extra calories, reduce your chances of getting super flabby, etc etc etc.
Read the Diet thread we have here, and the fitness thread if it interests you. Both have helped me a lot.
I do understand how you feel and I thought I'd never lose weight. I felt miserable. Now I'm in the middle of my weight loss journey (I've lost around 26lbs and want to lose more 20lbs) and I can fucking guarantee you anyone can do it as long as they have a tiny bit of motivation. We see cows complaining about this and that to avoid losing weight. Don't be like them. I promise you that if you follow my suggestion, you'll lose weight, and if you don't,
maybe you have PCOS or some other problem, but keep in mind tons of people use that as excuse even without a diagnosis. So diet and eat better for a couple months and track your results before even thinking that you're a victim of a health problem that will stop you from losing weight.
I understand depression and i understand hating your body. Things won't magically improve once you lose the weight but it's gonna be SO WORTH IT. I still don't love myself and I need to work on that but just waking up knowing I am weighing less and looking/feeling a bit better makes me feel less miserable.
Consistency is also an important key – if you fuck up and binge, don't let it ruin everything. Tomorrow will be a new day, that's what I always tell myself when I fail or feel less motivated.
Sorry for the long post, I just want to help. Your post could've been written by me just 3 months ago so I understand.
No. 183629
>>183544this comment ended up really bugging me and getting to me. i ended up scheduling an appointment with a dietician.
i now have a full meal plan and exercise plan that i need to keep to. wish me luck! i'm starting small (40min jogging per day) and cutting out the sweets over the course of the next 2 weeks, but i should be able to do this.
thanks for getting under my skin, anon.
No. 183630
>>183628Because most normal people over the age of 13 can cook a meal?
It's not anons fault you don't know how to cook. Teach yourself some basic skills and principles like the Maillard reaction, and act like an adult. Nobody on a message board can show you how to sear your protein or balance the acid-to-sweet ratio in your food. Why not take the tiniest bit of initiative and be an independent functional adult?
No. 183632
>>183628I don't cook and still manage lol But I do agree to a degree.
The Internet if full of recipes like that, especially bodybuilding websites, you just have to do a bit of digging.
No. 183638
>>183628Well, if my kind advice won't help you and your attitude is like that, then I'm sorry but you're right. You'll be fat and ugly forever, anon.
Also, cooking the stuff I mentioned is absolutely easy. Do you know how to make a salad? It's one of the simplest things you could possibly do in the kitchen lol, fatass
No. 183641
>>183631I'm not rly doing it to lose weight tho. More to get in shape. I'm not overweight, just weak and soft.
I went jogging today and couldn't keep a steady pace for more than 3 minutes at a time so it was like 50/50 jogwalk sorta thing. We all gotta start somewhere tho.
No. 183765
>>183638that second response actually wasn't me, I don't appreciate what they said.
I really appreciate your response. I'm not totally useless at cooking, and your response motivated me a lot, so don't think I'm the cunt who sassed you hahaha
No. 183777
>>183651Yet her stupid basic dietary advice was never ever on the internet before, eh? Why do you not just tell her to "look that stuff up" too?
It almost feels like you just tell people to "look that stuff up" because you don't have anything to post.
>>183638>parrots same shit found on a thousand other places on the internet>original advice donut steelmy fucking sides
>>183635>over 10 and not be able to at least make basic cake, pan frying meats, sautéing, or making a stir-fry>implying I don't>implying any of this is automatically effortlessly healthyThat desperate for an argument, eh? Not always being able to turn healthy "superfoods" into something palatable means I don't know how to make food at all, huh?
>>183630>Because most normal people over the age of 13 can cook a meal?See above
>>183634Wew nice comeback dumb cunt. Tell me how my observation isn't valid – people will be so eager to give you the dietary theories but when it comes actual day-to-day action plans, they're always strangely absent.
>>183632>bodybuilding recipes>for weight lossNot to mention most of the "low calorie" recipes that don't look like complete shit are just regular recipes except with ridiculously small portion sizes so they look good on paper.
No. 183780
>>183777Superfoods are a meme, and none of what I mentioned is difficult to do. Vegetables are palatable steamed, roasted, boiled, raw, sautéed, stewed, and stir fried. The problem is your child's palate and your shitty attitude.
Nobody can make veggies taste good if you still think greens taste yucky. You don't need to be a Michelin star chef to grill some chicken breast and steam some broccoli and carrots. How can you possibly require a step-by-step guide to eating an apple and banana for lunch? crack the shits as long as you like, but it won't make you less fat.
No. 183781
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>>183779Salads aren't a white thing. How many excuses do you have packed away?
No. 183786
>>183780I don't have a shitty attitude towards losing weight and healthy diets. Just all of your stupid advice that only talk about the theoretic.
>grill some chicken breast and steam some broccoli and carrotsI said palatable, retard.
No. 183787
>>183785Wow what a great argument!
I don't eat mcdonalds, I don't drink soda. I don't do most 90% of what's recommended against in your typical diet advice. Try again.
No. 183790
>>183787Then why are you fat
What do you eat if you don't eat shitty food and don't eat healthy food
Are you the mythical muh genes fattie that lives off sunlight and still weighs 500 lbs?
No. 183791
>>183789You're the one who sounds ridiculous.
You don't have to use vegetables as base, you could use grains or pasta. Also if tomatoes and salad tasted bitter and watery, either you're not used to them and don't like them (in which case don't put them in salad) or they were too old or just not good, try to get in-season fresh produce and learn how to select the best.
Also if it was bitter then your seasoning was not good (unless you're talking about the vegetables, in which case see above). Learn what kind of seasoning you like. Pre-made sauce might also be the issue, either try other brands or make your own, there's lots of recipes out there.
And stop acting like you're above looking for recipes for salad. Looking up some salad ideas will either give you something to follow or at least some ideas for what you might like.
"Learn" is a big word but just try to find some recipes that seem appetizing and follow them and then we'll talk.
No. 183793
>>183790And of course you refuse to believe me when I say my diet doesn't in fact consist of burgers and fries.
I also wonder how for so many people simply cutting the junk food out is enough to make them lose weight. It must be nice having it so easy.
>>183791>Also if tomatoes and salad tasted bitter and wateryWhat?
>You don't have to use vegetables as baseThat takes the whole point of salads away. Yeah you could have chicken and bacon and pasta and mayo and whatnot in your "salad" but then it'd be better to use those ingredients for something else. Like, are green salads destined to taste bad? I just don't see what I could've further changed after using what's probably the most foolproof method. And you refuse to elaborate on that part as well.
No. 183795
>>183794It's still morning so for today I haven't had much aside from a couple of dates and glasses of water.
Yesterday I had celery stir fried with marinaded tofu, green beans, sliced unseasoned beef and white rice. Before sleep I had an orange. I can't remember the rest of the week but it's very similar and my diet is currently very bland and unvaried. Since at the moment I usually just go to my grandma's place for food since she has a lot of veges growing in her garden and right now I'm living in close proximity to her. The only major thing I can think of contributing to my weight would be the oil used when cooking.
>grilled chicken breast doesn't sound palatable to you It's not palatable if you just take a chicken breast and put it into the oven grill and do nothing else to it.
No. 183797
>>183786Exactly. That food is palatable, you fat fuck. You being used to guzzling excess salt, sugar, fat, and junk doesn't make good food taste shitty. You just have a child's palate, like I said earlier.
You'll never get anywhere in life with your petulant, bitchy attitude. It doesn't matter how mad you get, I'm still right and you're still a fatty who eats like a bratty kid.
No. 183799
>>183795But that is a fucking healthy diet
Go see a doctor
Also, salt and pepper is all you need for chicken anyway
No. 183800
>>183798You're such an embarrassment to yourself rn just stop. Go get a bucket of deep fried chicken and a 1200 calorie shake to soothe your rage my lardy friend.
You're sitting there getting mad at strangers because you don't know how to eat or cook and you never outgrew the tastes of a little kid. Think about how ridiculous that is for a second, and quit your screeching.
You're gonna die fat and alone at age 32 of diabetes if you act like this irl. It's pathetic.
No. 183801
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>>183800Oh should've figured out sooner.
No. 183802
>>183795What is salt and pepper?
What are herbs and spices?
Who is lemons and limes?
Flavouring food without making it gross junk isn't hard.
No. 183803
>>183799>But that is a fucking healthy dietI know.
>Go see a doctorAbout what though?
>>183802>lemon in chickenWhat the fuck. I don't think I can eat white people food.
No. 183804
>>183793>What?Well that's what you said here
>>183779, if you mix stuff it doesn't magically get a different taste, the taste comes from something. Or are you too fucking dense to understand how anything at all works?
>That takes the whole point of salads away.The salad doesn't have to be entirely vegetables, your base can be grains. The quantity will be lesser because it will be more filling than lettuce or baby spinach or whatever greens you could use.
>you could have chicken and bacon and pasta and mayo Or grains, vegetables you like, and a nice dressing. You know, just like I suggested.
>then it'd be better to use those ingredients for something elseSo basically, because carrots can be used for carrot cake, you should never eat them another way? Just because an ingredient can be enjoyed in different ways does not mean you should only go for the most savoury options even if they're not the healthiest ones.
>Like, are green salads destined to taste bad?It's a matter of taste, maybe you just don't like them. I don't know how many varieties you've tried, maybe you've tasted enough of good quality to know you don't like them, I'm not going to convince you they're great when you could be such a picky eater you won't like them anyways. I like all greens.
>I just don't see what I could've further changed But I told you that. Use better ingredients. Don't use greens if you don't like them. Make your own dressing. Find recipes that seem more appetizing for you.
Don't just wallow in self-pity as soon as your shitty babby's first salad wasn't as what you're used to.
No. 183810
>>183804So… in other words you're saying I shouldn't put cherry tomatoes in greens? I was confused because that sentence of yours made no grammatical sense and I can't always magically guess where you made a typo and what you actually meant to type.
>The salad doesn't have to be entirely vegetablesI did say I also put feta in previously.
>a nice dressingFor example?
>So basically, because carrots can be used for carrot cakeWhy should I make them into salads in those things taste better and aren't less healthy when made into something else? If I don't like carrot cake then, yeah, I would not make carrot cakes out of carrots.
>I don't know how many varieties you've triedI tried about 3 to 4 different packets (spring mix, Mesclun, metro mix, perhaps something else I can't remember) from the supermarket then gave up.
>It's a matter of taste, maybe you just don't like them. What about the bitterness though? That can't be subjective. I do genuinely wonder if I did something to the greens that made them all taste bitter.
>>183805>>183806>>183809How is this bait? Lemon juice on food was never a thing I encountered until moving out of my country. I didn't even know what the fuck lime was. It's like me calling you uneducated for not knowing what lychees or dragon fruits are. Go away you insufferable fucks
No. 183812
>>183810You are ignorant and uneducated. Why do you think people owe you this info? Grow up and google it independently. It's hard to do your very first independent thing I know but I'm sure you can work it out with enough time.
Just because something isn't a part of your culture doesn't mean it's a white thing. Whites have loads of independent cultures so it's fucking ignorant to say. You're ignorant of seemingly any culture other than your own.
You're either a troll or too dumb to live without assistance so which is it? Does your mother still make your food?
No. 183817
>>183810White people aren't the only ones who put lemon and lime in their food you moron.
>>183812Why not both? She seems like a ignorant troll who lives on nothing but hot pockets and kfc
No. 183819
>>183810I know you're a troll and sound like a man but I'll list my favourite salad items just in case anyone reading the thread actually needs it: iceburg lettuce (nice and crunchy), cucumber, celery, shredded carrot, red onion, rocket, black olives, pineapple, pickled onions, beetroot, green pepper, avocado, kidney beans, pickles/gherkins, broccoli…just make a combination of any ingredients you want. Add in leftovers from the night before (potatoes, pasta, rice). Even apples and grapes are weirdly nice in salads.
As for dressing, I just put in a dash of soy sauce, lemon juice or oil. Don't use creamy or vinegar-based dressings, all they do is cover up the naturally beautiful taste of the veggies and teach your tastebuds to crave the wrong things. As is probably obvious, I love crunchy, vinegary salads but you might like softer foods (like tomatoes).
Find your favourite veggie and work from there. Google "Salad recipe with ____" to find ideas. Add cheese, olives, oil and sundried tomatoes to make a Mediterranean salad. Add soy sauce, bean sprouts and cabbage to make an Asian salad. Make a salad completely out of beans (kidney beans, butter beans, black beans, chickpeas…). Salads are anything but "boring" or for "white" people.
No. 183820
>>183813>>183814A lot of people? I used to know a Malaysian accounting teacher who bought lychees into her class because none of her students knew what they are. Tell me, at what age did you find out about them?
>>183812>Why do you think people owe you this info? Grow up and google it independently.Shit argument. Why bother giving info or advice at all then? Why does the diet and /fit/ threads even exist? All of the information there could be googled. I tried googling. I I still don't know what makes my salads taste bad. Obviously you don't either. I don't care to get diet information from you guys, I'm simply questioning whether you retards actually know what you're talking about, or just mindlessly parroting shit you heard from /fit/ and never bothered to research or test the information. Right now I'm really leaning towards the latter because how defensive you all are.
>>183817>ignorant troll lives on nothing but hot pockets and kfcI literally just described my entire day's worth of meal to you.
Holy fuck you're desperate.
>>183818You natives and pakeha are way fatter than us.
All I'm getting right now from you retards are name calling, and ad homs even after my refutation. It's pretty obvious you ran out of arguments.
No. 183822
>>183819>I know you're a troll and sound like a man Fuck off. Not everyone who disagrees with you is a troll or a man.
>iceburg lettuce (nice and crunchy), cucumber, celery, shredded carrot, red onion, rocket, black olives, pineapple, pickled onions, beetroot, green pepper, avocado, kidney beans, pickles/gherkins, broccoli…just make a combination of any ingredients you want. Add in leftovers from the night before (potatoes, pasta, rice). Even apples and grapes are weirdly nice in salads.So no dark/mesclun greens at all. So how do people even eat those?
No. 183825
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>>183820You've been told over and over again that the reason you can't eat like a grown up is because you have a kids palate.
Dark greens taste good as they are, you literally just fucking eat lettuces and leafy greens as is and they are tasty. Tomatoes taste good as they are, chicken only needs a little salt and oil, steamed vegetables with a sprinkle of salt, pepper, and lemon juice is tasty, raw capsicums, cucumbers, purple onion, radishes, fruit, what the fuck else do you want you fat retard?
You're the densest mother fucker, is your obesity effecting your reading comprehension? If you don't like real food that isn't fried, or somehow otherwise drenched in fat, salt, or sugar it's because you've got shitty baby tastes.
Suck it up you crying pig. It's your problem, and nobody owes you info. Everyone else can work out what to eat when presented with a literal list of foods to choose from why can't you?
No. 183826
>>183824What are you on about there mate?
Are you so stupid that you think every white person is American? Are you so ignorant about the world that you don't know about Italy, Germany, Great Britain, Switzerland, Lithuania, etc?
No. 183827
>>183820Holy fuck pakeha? So you're a Maori? Or you think Australians are all aboriginal?
Hahahaha Maoris are one of the fattest races ever. Like 300 kilogram fuckers are normal to you lot. Ahahaha de you'll burn off the calories fucking sheep.
No. 183829
>>183822I didn't say that because you "disagreed" with me (what are we disagreeing on exactly?), I said it because you don't know how to cook and mentioned putting bacon and mayo in a salad, both pretty big indicators that you're a man.
>So how do people even eat those?This is coming from someone who said "greens" are destined to taste bad and who couldn't eat some pre-packaged leaves and tomatoes drowned in fatty store-bought dressing, shrugged their shoulders and vowed to never eat a salad again. I suggested a variety of beautiful fruits and veg that have different textures and make lovely salads which I eat regularly.
You're getting some solid advice from anons here but they're resorting to name-calling because you're insulting them by calling them "naturally skinny" or making generalizations about their race. What do you expect??
No. 183831
>>183825>You've been told over and over again that the reason you can't eat like a grown up is because you have a kids palate. No shit and I'm getting sick of it because you don't even bother to read anything I wrote
else you'd have stopped saying this stupid shit long ago. Just fuck off.
>>183828Holy… did nobody here even read
>>183826>Grow up and google it independently. Do you have amnesia?
>>183827Holy shit you dumb AND illiterate lmao
>>183829You too. I don't put bacon and mayo in salads, fuckwit. Learn to read.
Looks like NONE of you could even come up with a proper argument without misquoting or misinterpreting everything I said. Fucking wow.
No. 183834
>>183833I think you replied to the wrong post but I'll humor you:
If diet and exercise are the exclusive contributors to weight gain/loss why does birth control affect people's weight?
No. 183836
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>>183831>>I don't think bitterness in vegetables is subjective so I invented a narrative to keep bitching about being a hopeless fattyCan I subscribe to your newsletter?
No. 183837
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>>183836>I don't think bitterness in vegetables is subjective lmao are you fucking serious right now? Do different humans have different taste buds? What are you gonna tell me next, every person has a different perception of the color red?
Holy fuck I'm starting to think someone's projecting when they tried to call me a troll.
No. 183839
>>183837Philosophers have debated about differences in perception for years.
Yes, taste buds are different and some people enjoy different flavours to others. Did you really think every single person out there hates spinach and loves candy just because you like to gorge on sugar?
Thin people are thin because they eat well, and enjoy fat better quality food than fats who chow down on junk. If you're overweight you eat too much and you'll never lose it until you learn to eat grown up things too.
If I was half as stupid as this I'd kms I swear to god. Fat and retarded is too sad of a life to imagine.
No. 183841
>>183839>Philosophers have debated about differences in perception for years. Oh wait you're serious. Let me laugh even harder.
>>183829>fatty store-bought dressingthis was the dressing I bought: guys keep throwing baseless assumptions at me and keeps getting proven wrong time after time. I love it.
No. 183847
>>183842Ok so what actually happened is fat girl complains about not being able to lose weight, people tell her to eat healthy, fat girl thinks healthy food is nasty, people insult fat girls palate, fat girl calls healthy food white people food, and it goes further downhill from there.
But honestly I don't get why fat girl doesn't just eat less of the shit she likes instead of doing dumb shit like "I only ate a date today uwu" and then binging later (she must if she is still fat)
No. 183850
>>183847Please don't spout blatant lies like that. Someone simply asked for what recipes have they used in weight loss, and the posters who were previously too happy to give people friendly teachings on dietary
theories suddenly had nothing to show for and immediately went on the defense.
No. 183861
>>183856Unlike you I haven't pigged out on burgers and fries and soda. You can stop projecting now. Like I said, you must be fat as fuck if simply cutting out soda and junk food makes you lose weight. Eventually you'll probably have to do more than that.
>>183858How much more veggies am I supposed to eat? YOU'RE the one who's putting your head in the sand and pretending everything that doesn't go according to your narrative are lies.
No. 183864
>>183861I weigh 100 lbs. diff anon but like
I eat junk. I just don't eat a lot of it. Eat less. EAT LESS. I don't get it. Stop arguing with everyone.
No. 183865
>>183861I haven't eaten a burger in a year but carry on there butternubs.
>>183862That's cause you're stupider than the sheep you bang hori. You don't eat more veggies you eat veggies instead of fattening shit like white bread, pasta, and added sugar.
No. 183867
>>183864And I don't eat junk at all. The last time I even drank soda it was a coke zero and I can't even remember exactly how long ago that happened. Probably a couple of months ago.
>>183865>I haven't eaten a burger in a year lol I don't know why you felt the need to mention that?
>That's cause you're stupider than the sheep you bang hori. You don't eat more veggies you eat veggies instead of fattening shit like white bread, pasta, and added sugar.First of all idk who the fuck hori is. Unlike most of you I don't really come here for /pt/ and /snow/. Second of all I don't see any help from a bunch of retards telling me to not eat shit I didn't even eat in the first place and rationalizing that I must be lying about my diet in order to make sense of their narratives is hardly what I'd call "help".
No. 183870
>>183867You were given good advice and you threw an hours long tantrum calling intelligent and helpful responders fat retards who project because ur so perf.
Either fuck off and learn some cooking and nutrition like a big girl all by your self, kys, or carry on crying about not liking the mean nasty broccoli to other grown babies in a HAES forum.
No. 183871
>>183870>intelligent and helpful responders lol you must be hallucinating.
You guys literally just pretended I didn't give an overview to my everyday diet. I pointed that out just now. And right now you're STILL pretending to not see that part of my post. This is getting pathetic.
No. 183874
>>183873There's not a disease or medication in existence that can make someone fat without them taking in excess food.
Anon either lies about their diet or eats enough healthy food to sustain multiple grown men every single day. Like, the same mass of food that a horse gets through.
No. 183875
>>183872>The diet you spoke about wouldn't need any changes other than your disgusting palate. Jesus you're pretty bad at english.
So, like I said I'm doing everything right according to you and it's not working. Instead of some introspection and reviewing your "advice" you choose to subscribe to the notion that I'm lying about my own diet, on an anonymous forum no less, instead.
just lmao.
>>183873See above. Maybe you should take a break from the /fit/ koolaid and do some actual research before dishing out weigh loss advice.
>>183874>There's not a disease or medication in existence that can make someone fat without them taking in excess food. Not that I take any but I'm pretty sure birth control pills has quite an immense effect on some people's weight. You're full of shit.
No. 183879
>>183875Yep she proved it.
She's the fattest crab in the bucket, here to seek vengeance of thin people who give correct and accurate info regarding weight loss.
Calorie deficits don't fail, YOU failed. You eat more than you admit to and want to get mad at people who are better than you to feel better and reinforce your delusions about how calories work.
Birth control doesn't have calories so how could it possibly make you fat? Go get your jimmies soothed by dying pigs like ragen chastain and tess Holliday. Sure you'll stay just as disgusting, fat, sad, and worthless like all the other fatties but you'll have lots of company that constantly agrees with you.
No. 183882
>>183880Never used /fit/ I prefer having passed year 8 maths and knowing about thermodynamics and nutrition.
Since you reckon you're not a Maori despite using a Maori word like pakeha where the fuck are you from? Some other tiny island full of fat islanders with bad schools no doubt
No. 183887
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>fatass is still getting her autism everywhere like it will make her lose weight
Topest of keks
No. 183893
>>183882Thermodynamics have almost nothing to do with the human body, and non-college level nutrition classes don't go into the intricacies of the biological and chemical components of biosynthesis and catabolism.
You can always spot a /fit/ poster because they try to take concepts that are extreme generalizations and used to get ideas across as 100% scientific truth when they're not.
No. 183904
>>183893Please fucking enlighten me over here then, Dr. Do you even know what Anabolic and Catabolic processes are? You do realise a nutrition class has nothing relevant, it's not about the pharmokinetic qualities of the microlevel compounds. Stop reaching so hard.
Do you suffer from a metabolic disorder or a lipid disorder, you should get those tested alongside your brain.
No. 183956
>>183908>>183908I'm with you here, I really do want to know does fatty realise she has beaten the laws of physics.
It's not that thermodynamics don't apply to the human body, instead she is so fat that she has created a singularity, and classical laws of physics are suspended within singularities. This is an amazing achievement in the field of energy, since we have this far assumed a lossless conversion is rather impossible, let alone creation of new energy aka a lossless conversion with a net gain.
When she gets back to me with her diet, I can reproduce it and go claim my Nobel on "Beating the dissipative system with human thermodynamics through optimal processing of quantum biology and quantum coherence at zero energy cost"
I'm waiting for you, Fatty-chan. Come at me over here.
No. 183966
>>183908>>183950same rabble-rousing fag.
>in b4 fat insultgood one.
take it to the fatty general.
No. 184448
I don't know if I should post this here or in the diet thread, but whatever.
I have a flabby, bloated gut. I've always had a bloated gut, even when I was very small. Sometimes it looks kinda flabby but manageable, other times it looks like I'm in my second trimester. I'm jealous of people with flat stomachs who get it only by dieting, I've dieted but all it does is make me lose weight. I used to be underweight and rail thin as a kid and I still had a beer gut. When I lose weight, I lose weight from all other areas except my stomach.
I've done exercises before to no avail, and every single time I try something new someone is there to tell me it's wrong and useless and I should be doing that other thing instead.
Help, I just want a flat stomach.
I'm 5'3, around ~100lbs and do bodyweight exercises 4 times a week (can't afford a gym). I also go swimming every now and then.
I don't drink carbonated drinks and the only sugar I have is one mug of Ovaltine per day, a small piece of dark chocolate after a meal or the odd chocolate bar once in a blue moon. The only time my stomach is remotely flat is after a bout of explosive diarrhoea. Sorry for the TMI.
No. 184452
>>184448try drinking more water and lowering your carb intake. try to eat between 50~100g a day.
you'll lose water weight and the bloat and some fat.
then doing some core exercises will strengthen your center and help keep that area looking tighter. keeping a good posture can also help.
too bad spot reduction isn't real. it would be so much easier to do shit.
No. 184593
>>184448Are your bowel movements regular? Also, having a food intolerance can cause bloating. Try going to a doctor and see if they can help.
You can also try reducing carbs like that one anon said. Some people are carb sensitive.
No. 184596
>>184593Not at all, sometimes I have daily bowel movements for a short period of time and after that I can go days without doing a poo. After maybe two or three weeks I'll have cramps and diarrhoea and my magic belly will suddenly deflate. I've tried taking laxatives, even had a colonoscopy (never again, god) and everything turned out OK but the laxatives sometimes work sometimes don't.
I've noticed drinking tea helps, but I can't drink it too much due to caffeine jitters.
No. 184647
>>184645youre now saying that you have a large frame, when before you were petite?
like, go ahead and get healthy. im all for it. but 25% bf isnt bad. and i dont support people developing spoopy habits.
No. 184651
I get people hitting on me a lot, but I'm kind of insecure about my waist and my skin. Acne runs in the family well into adulthood, and I keep on top of it, but even when I'm not getting much in the way of acne if at all, I'm critical of my skin.
I've also got a big Italian nose, but lucky enough it's symmetrical and straight, but all of my features on my face are "large" so I usually like them, but sometimes I look in the mirror and feel like a weirdo.
I'm about a 31-25.5-35.5 and 5'6" and I used to be insecure about my boobs too, now idc too much. I'm more ehh about my waist, but it's not possible to get it any smaller at my weight/height because I'm really lightweight and basically there little to no padding on my stomach.
I'm just trying to accept my waist and skin once and for all. I'm not treating my body like shit, people think I'm cute/hot, especially my bf, I've never had a problem with being "objectively attractive" unless the tits or nose count. It's just me.
No. 184714
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took a picture of myself and now my day is ruined. it's been a while since i did that and i didn't realize how haggardly i look now. my skin looks dull and dry. my hair is friend. my face is asymmetrical as fuck - especially my nose. and my eyes literally look dead and i'm worried i may have exotropia now. i blame it all on being a neet. i feel like a shell of what i once was and you can tell just by looking at me how miserable i am.
No. 184725
>>184714I get how you feel. Idk if this is good advice but most people that whip out a phone and randomly take a pic look fucked. Whatever comes of it looks fucked and dead-eyed / confused, perhaps like you mean, too. Taking selfies is a challenge and art form now and other people usually only share the best of the best and the most polished! Also, it sounds like your self-image is down in the dumps and then many ppl perceive themselves as hideous subjectively when they're much nicer and more decent-looking than they know.
Not to hijack your post but in the last one and a half year of having an ig, I finally learnt how to take nice, flattering selfies. If I whip out my phone during every day life and just hold it into my face, then I look like a zombie though (even tho I don't in real-life) and have similar bad feelings about myself. And I know for a fact most people around me are also shocked at their selfies lol
No. 184727
>>184694You have every right to feel frustrated and down and these feelings are valid because the recovery must be really tough and dragging. Sounds like the people around you want to be positive about it but you still have to deal with negative feelings.
Reclaiming your body will take time yes and it's just hard when you have to pause feeling at home and at peace with your body and putting your energy into working your body because all that is somehow mostly delayed into some far away point in the future. My tooscents and I'm wishing you a good recovery and that the time goes by swiftly filled with great things!
No. 184762
>>184759The only person that calls me beautiful is my mum and her friends :(
My father once mistook me for a middle aged woman with a mustache and thought I was 19 when I'd just turned 22
No. 184919
>>184725This, I don't know anyone who thinks pictures are true to life. I mean obviously there's a lot of resemblance since it's the same person and all, but I look so different from different angles and in different lighting that it just can't compare to real life. I'm NC10-15 and always (ALWAYS) end up looking sallow and brown in my passport pictures due to shitty white balance and hack photographers. It's so bad that my boyfriend started calling me 'daughter of Israel' when he saw the first set of photos.
It also depends on the lens you use, I know photographers who keep using shitty wide-angle lenses for portraits and people always come out with square Lego heads and tiny little facial features squished in the middle of the face.
Wall-mounted mirrors and good lighting are the only ways to know what you look like. Obviously the image is flipped, but it's as close as it gets.
No. 184936
>>184919I agree.
>>184748Amazing end phrase right there. Sounds like you're being realistic but maybe your head is too self-critical still and that's why you feel this way? But it happens that one dislikes perceived flaws so idk.
Personally, I like smaller eyes. I often find them more proportionate and elegant. Some of the faces I find most beautiful have relatively small eyes.
No. 184941
>>184936Yeah, I'm not really sure. It doesn't really help that my view of myself changes every so often, especially with my appearance. Today I think I look pretty freaking cute, but last week I thought I looked like a monster. With asymmetry, I probably have a normal amount like everyone else, but because I scrutinize my face so much (especially when I'm blazed as fuck), I feel like my mind tricks me into seeing things that don't exist to an extreme level. As long as guys and girls think I'm pretty, that's good enough for me.
Haha thanks, anon! Makes me feel better about my smaller eyes.