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No. 162086
File: 1442184884073.jpg (130.44 KB, 1920x1080, bvjgetr.jpg)

I have trouble not being the crazy girl and I'm not even in a relationship. It's probably not healthy to obsessively think about someone who hardly knows you exist and get jealous when they show interest in someone else but here we are.
No. 162088
>>162087Bpd, probably. I've attracted a few people with bpd as far as friendships go because I'm patient and loyal I guess (aka apathetic emotional doormat) and each one tried to bleed me dry in different ways. Jealous, paranoid, destructive emotional vampires. Very "do as I say and not as I do."
I still love these people very much but it took such a toll on me that j couldn't continue. One of them went on to stalk me and various family members because she had no other access to me. She tried to tell people I was impregnated by a family member when I'm not even capable of carrying a child, it was crazy. Years later and she continues to search for me everywhere.
No. 162089
>>162088Jeezo that's nutty.
I can't even imagine being so pathetic a human being. I've been with my fella for 5 years now and we both share porn and perv on women together. Nothing wrong with us appreciating something beautiful in life, as long as we both go to sleep in the same bed at night.
I was walking up the stairs from the underground today with a girl about my age walking in front and she had this big, round, juicy ass in my face and I couldn't stop smiling and my bf couldn't stop laughing.
I've actually met some women that refused to allow their partners to keep porn because of their accute, unbridled jealousy and insecurity - how insane is that?
No. 162091
>>162090Just doing my bit in shaming the crazies :^)
I despise insecure women who put their partners through hell and won't even do them the courtesy of breaking up with them. You all need to be shot tbh.
No. 162095
>>162092Oh no, I actually love women anon. The guy I'm with now is actually the first male I've been in a relationship with, the rest were all girls. Usually my preference is ladies, men are typically entitled trash.
I just hate crazy, insecure women that ruin the lives of everybody around them and the fact you're getting so defensive in the face of this suggests to me that you may be one of them.
No. 162100
>>162099Shut the fuck up you tumblrina piece of shit, you're PRECISELY the reason why we're getting hurr durr 'raided' with all this r9k shit
seriously fuck off with your misandry threads and edgy 'men suck' bullshit. Fuck off all the way back to PULL, tumblr or whatever other cesspool of teen angst you crawled out of.
No. 162105
>>162087OP here. I think this is mental illness caused by child abuse and that kind of thing.
I'm codependent, self destructive, and I think I'm an emotional sadomasochist who is addicted to the rush of psychosis. I'm too attached to the high of it to seek help in overcoming it. I don't want to let go.
As a result, I'm unbearable as a person. I degrade myself and seek constant attention, affection, abuse, and reassurance that will never really reassure me. Nothing will ever be okay, take care of me because I cannot do it myself. I'm crying out for someone to help me, to re-parent me, to love me, to hurt me, to hate me, to be insane with me.
It's fucked up if you like someone normal but it could be way worse if you went with someone as crazy as you, or more.
No. 162108
>>162100I love you.
This place got ruined by tumblrinas
No. 162109
>>162105100% me
I was abused as a child, berated and often ignored. this is how I act now (however I supress most of it, did a bunch of self help books but this is how I am untreated/how I may feel inside)
No. 162115
>>162114You may have bipolar disorder, and maybe also a personality disorder. Bipolar often causes mood swings and psychosis.
What happens during your psychotic episodes, what
triggers them, and how long do they usually last? What sort of delusions do you have?
No. 162116
>>162115how does anything this anon say relate to bipolar?
sounds 0% like bipolar. I honestly suggest going to a doctor asap (to the crazy anon)
I have bipolar with psychotic features