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No. 162825
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No. 162827
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>>162825Titty&co barely uses any non-white models on their catalogues and lookbooks. Not even an asian.
No. 162831
>>162829I just watched that movie
God damn the scout is fucking insane. Beautiful but so mentally fucked up.
No. 162834
>>162831>>162833Now even the plastic dollar-store babies, that little box of creepshots creeped me out.
Her looks were average though
No. 162836
>>162829That doc is so good! Funnily enough, it was the scout's idea to do the doc, brought the idea to the film-makers and they made this (you can bet she's not happy with the result). The Scout is a full-on psycho! Doubt the industry is completely to blame for her being the way she is.
The thing about that doc showed how little they cared for the models (even though they were 12/13 years old). It was child abuse essentially (not giving them any money unless they booked a job that the agency told them to go for - agency would fix it so that you'd only go to a few castings: so it meant borrowing money from other girls or starving). Really fucked up!
To answer OP's question, I'm not jealous of them nor Dakota especially when you see that the industry is far from glamorous. If you're fluent in Japanese and are able to spot bullshit from a mile away, then you'd be able to stomach that industry (assuming you fit all the model criteria). It could be ok for a while if you're able to do it on your own terms (but that's unlikely), but I personally would get bored of doing the same old stuff. Not to mention, the emotional exhaustion and the pressure of that industry has on your own body image and sense of self. Could be ok in very small doses, but any more than that? No. It wouldn't be worth it.
No. 162840
>>162829I watched the movie and it made me feel uncomfortable. The girl, Nadya, is cute, but her main problem was her body. She's 13 in the movie, her body is not fully developed. Her agency told her that if she gains 1cm (1 fucking cm LOL) she will be fired, but the thing is taht her body is not fully developed and will gain cm. She was listed as new face, not as in develop. Also, the debt thing is real, Chokelate also spoke about that.
I made a quick search about Nadya Vall, she's now 18? or 19. She's married and working as model in Guangzhou, China. She got super angry with the film, because they only show what they wanted to show us. she also read opinions and got more angry. The staff said they're going to translate the film in to Russian so she can watch it (almost 5 years later? Fucking LOL) but she's still mad at them, and her agency too.
No. 162841
>>162840There was a video up of her talking about the documentary at one point. It seemed very coached, and was obviously put up on the orders of the agency.
In it, she said the director of the documentary forced her into doing all sorts of things for the sake of filming, made her cry more than once, called himself "god", etc. I don't know if it's true or not. I think she just misunderstood the contents of the documentary and was hearing all sorts of weird stories about it.
No. 162842
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>>162822I am actively rooting for Nastya Zhidkova. She is the albino model from Russia who recently moved to Japan to model. She is so uniquely beautiful, that I feel she will leave a more last mark when compared to all of the other white girls that are shipped in from Eastern Europe.
No. 162849
>>162846It's….not very uguu. Very striking, I'll give you that. But kawaii? No. Pale skin is considered pretty, but like all things, there is a line. Japan likes their gaijin girls generic as fuck, plus her being mostly blind would probably put some clients off.
I think Nastya's beautiful (especially in that Sigur Ros music video, omg), but I've seen people react with disgust at her appearance, and even she talks about being bullied or considered ugly in Russia. I'm happy she found a boyfriend who loves her tbh.
I think she'd do very well in more art-oriented photoshoots and gigs. She'd probably never be in a Popteen spread or model for anything mainstream like Kota does, or be able to pull off that whole "fresh faced nymphet white girl" shtick
>>162827 do, though. She could deffo play anything pale and angelic in a more fantasy-oriented photoshoot, though.
No. 162850
>>162847It's just white weebs getting angry that not everything is about them and Japan loving them, ignore it.
Tiffany Cadillac is an established (alt) model, though she's half-Japanese so I'm not sure if it counts. Baby Shoop uses black models, too.
And there was that one gyaru model-turned-tarento who's half-Moroccan or something IIRC.
No. 162851
>>162850That's true, I do think the white weebs shit everything up because it's supposed to be about them. I do agree actually.
There is very few models which aren't either asian or white… I think it solely depends on you, if you've got that "look".
Like a cute cute baby face, skinny, can model, understand what modelling is, is into kawaii and knows their stuff. I think it CAN be done but it just depends on the right person.
I think the majority of blacks who are into kawaii, not Aminyan obv but the fat ghetto ones like Micky/Bibi/Barbie these types don't get picked because they don't have the right features, too fat, don't know how to model, no experience, ect. So… it DOES depend.
No. 162852
>>162849Yeah, she is usually pretty. I do think albinos are pretty interesting tbh, they're really weird but I like it.
I think she'd end up scary the fuck out of popteen magazine readers tho
No. 162854
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>>162822Artka mostly uses non-Asian models.
No. 162856
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>>162842Holy shit this girl is beautiful. Closest person to a "living doll" I've ever seen.
No. 162860
>>162857They are not "blind" in the same sense as lets say, Helen Keller.
I've been told it is like what my vision would be without any correction (I am -5.5). Except, their vision is this shitty WITH corrective lenses.
You would be surprised at how easy you adjust to not being able to see clearly. Without glasses or contacts, I can still get around just fine, but obviously cannot drive. Colors and general shapes are still easy to distinguish.