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No. 162962
>>162961no, you fucking scum. If your SO isn't giving you what you need out of a relationship, then dump them instead of stringing them along and betraying them.
God, is this even real? Who is even this delusional? Ok, you've got to be bait.
No. 162964
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No justification whatsoever. If you didn't feel like you were getting enough attention then end the relationship. No one gets a pass for cheating. It's way too easy not to do it but people who cheat just don't give a fuck about others.
No. 162965
>>162964i dont think i was ready to end the relationship. i wasnt sure if it would eventually work or not and didnt want to deal with being alone while finding someone else.
its not that i planned on cheating or anything.
No. 162966
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No. It is never acceptable nor excusable. It is an awful thing to do to you partner and you are fucking scum for it. If you are unhappy with the relationship, grow a pair and break up rather than being a lying, cheating whore.
Source: someone who has cheated and who has been cheated on before. It's really the worst thing you could do and you are worthless shit if you do it, and even worse if you justify your actions.
No. 162971
>>162965Anon, I've been in your shoes quite a few times (hopping between relationships with overlap, aka cheating), so I know how you feel. I totally get what you mean when you say you just don't know if it will magically work out, and being single sucks. It's not like there's a line of suitable replacement bfs waiting outside for you, and dealing with being alone for an indefinite amount of time is scary and very uncomfortable, but you'll be better for it. I know he's neglectful and probably didn't deserve your loyalty, but do the right thing for yourself, not to "respect him" or any of that bs. Because it corrodes your own morality while he gets to go play the victim despite him kinda having it coming.
Something being understandable doesn't mean it's justifiable. Learn from your mistake and don't repeat it, or it will become a habit, de-facto method of dealing with any relationship stress and then one day you might ruin a perfectly salvageable relationship.
No. 162972
>>162970You sound like a reeeeal piece of work.
Crazy bitch.
No. 162974
>>162961SINCE everyone else shitted on you, I will give you my honest opinion since I was the other woman.
People say you should always be loyal or break up, but it's not black and white like that. Some people fall apart but still have strings attach. Or that person neglects them and they meet someone that gives them what they haven't felt in a long time. No one deserves to be cheated on but it's not something that is like murder. I think it's only fucked up and shitty when the person that's cheated on was giving their all and trying to make it work in the relationship and the cheater was just horny.
That's just how I feel.
No. 162983
>>162980It's not like I didn't try to fix it. We even broke up then got back together under the promise they'd change but no no no they'd still go all day without talking to me, never engaged in any deep conversation, boring when we are together and wanted to do nothing but play video games.
So ya I just got bored
No. 162994
>>162979Wow you are a horrible cunt. Instead of sooking that your bf just won't change and you're so lonely, put on your big girls panties and just leave them instead of emotionally wrecking them.
If you can't be alone and you'd rather "get closer to other men" you need to grow up and stop being so self absorbed. No one deserves to be cheated on, you are just a huge cunt trying to justify your cunt behavior by blaming others