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No. 163075
My mom wants to pass me off as abstaining from sex until marriage so I appear more normal.
No. 163079
Asexuality is a real thing, albeit very rare. (Lots of people who claim to be asexual probably aren't.)
>>163076This, however, isn't a real thing.
No. 163081
>>163079this. A lot of people I meet who claim to be asexual still enjoy porn and get a sexual kick out of it, lust after attractive people in a sexual way but still go "OH I'M ACE CUZ I DON'T HAVE SEX LMAO". Tumblr completely ruined the reputation of asexuals after pan became too mainstream and every snowflake decided to become asexual and bitch about asexuals being ~so oppressed~. Like I know self-proclaimed asexuals who are in a steady relationship, have consensual sex, consume porn but STILL claim to be asexual just for the enjoyment of being special. Sexual insecurity =/= Asexual.
Being asexual means not having a sex drive, not having any interest in sex and not being affected by sexual things. That's very rare which is why asexual is a lot more rarer than people give it credit for, 18-year old single virgin tumblrite girls lusting over fandom porn and being afraid of boys is just being insecure and inexperienced, not asexual.
No. 163083
And real asexuals are pretty rare, so why is there even a thread about it?
No. 163084
>>163081I don't read or watch porn, masturbate, or have a desire for sex. I don't find people to be sexually attractive. I've always found myself to be more attracted to what they're wearing or sometimes how they look, but I never feel anything sexual towards them.
I'm incredibly indifferent towards sexual media; if it's your thing then more power to you, but it's just meh to me.
No. 163088
>>163087Not really. It's easy for people to just assume that though but some people literally have no interest in it.
But ofc, sexually active people will say shit like that.
No. 163092
>>163091I know what you mean. Everyone is shagging these days so it's "weird" if you're not too.
I mean, sex just isn't BIG for me. It never has been. But I can fall in love with someone, I can love.
People especially on tumblr make asexuality a bigger deal than it needs to be. It's not that frigging shocking.
No. 163101
>>163100How is that a retarded label?
I don't use it nor do I consider myself asexual but why do you give a shit? It's just a term.
It's just so inoffensive I don't get it.
No. 163102
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>>163101Well golly gee, what group of people do we generally not get along with like to use retarded "terms" like these?