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No. 163106
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Yeah, it's actually really creepy. I do think it's because of my past with guys, and shit that made me feel that way. I can't function worth shit with real dudes so I cope with 2D fictional men.
Literally autism.
tfw akihiko don't real Kill me pls
No. 163107
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>>163106I understand anon
No. 163109
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Yes. I've come to accept it as just a part of me, though. I know they'll never be real, but I still have really intense feelings for a bunch of them. And the harem is always growing.
Sometimes I consider doing fanfiction commissions for others like me but I don't know if there's enough of a demand for that.
No. 163114
>>163113I do the same thing, it's very comforting, if bittersweet. Still hurts a bit.
I'm too old to be thinking like this…
No. 163115
Sometimes it's the only thing that gets me through the night, but it helps that I don't obsess like I used to.
Though my creativity has taken a dive since then….
No. 163119
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>tfw no sxc childhood friend demon math teacher boyfriend who protects me, can heal me by licking the wounds, and wants me to become his bride
y live
No. 163120
>>163118Nah, don't be. I had a big weird crush on Frollo from the Disney movie when I was younger. Turns out I'm just into (muuuch) older men. I think a lot of people have really strange "crushes" when it comes to cartoons/ect. I mean, just look at Spongebob fanfiction.
Don't feel bad anon.
No. 163125
Back when I was around 12 I had a really heart-wrenching crush on an anime character, it got so bad that I blushed and got excited every time I saw pictures of him.
>>163117And now I do this instead of what I described before. I'm a wreck.
No. 163126
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I was crazy in love with this peter pan when I was 12 or something. all of my passwords back then was shit like ''love-peter'' and I watched the movie daily, dreaming that he would come to my window some night. kek
No. 163130
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This bitch was one of my first fictional lesbian crushes, along with Lara Croft. Shoot me.
No. 163132
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It's not even fair ;_;
No. 163133
>>163131>One of my darkest secrets is that I desire to be fucked hard while cosplaying my favourite kawaii uke boi. The thought turns me on ridiculously much.A-anon pls
But I know I'd never make a kawaii uke boi, because dem big tits and hourglass shape. I just look too feminine. Sadly, because if I had a more androgynous figure, fakeboi cosplay shit and getting fucked while dressed up as my OTP would be my guiltiest pleasure.
>mfw I'll nver be a kawaii boyAt least my husbando loves my boobs ;_;
No. 163138
>>163137I'm one of the anons in here, and honestly, if I were to armchair diagnose any of us I'd probably lean towards avoidant personality disorder
>Hypersensitivity to rejection/criticism>Self-imposed social isolation>Extreme shyness or anxiety in social situations, though the person feels a strong desire for close relationships>Severe low self-esteem>Self-critical about their problems relating to others>Problems in occupational functioning>Lonely self-perception, although others may find the relationship with them meaningful&&& the kicker:
>Uses fantasy as a form of escapism to interrupt painful thoughtsOf course it can all just be us being autistic losers
No. 163140
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>tfw you aren't the only fujoshi who pretends to be a effeminate bishounen getting banged by another bishounen in their fantasies
I also have a live in boyfriend like some of the others here. Am in my mid twenties. There's just nothing as enjoyable as this guilty pleasure, though.
I've tried imagining myself as a girl OC and I just can't enjoy it. Simply not the same.
No. 163141
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>>163140Link is my favorite twink
No. 163142
>>163140>>163141Good taste.
>I've tried imagining myself as a girl OC and I just can't enjoy it. Simply not the same.For me, the boi scenario is much "safer". A girl character is seen as competition. I am constantly reminded of the flaws that the girl OC doesn't have. But since a boy is so far away from me I can safely insert myself into this fantasy without having to think about my own insecuritites.
… Does this make sense?
No. 163146
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I listen to those sexy drama CDs.. my hope for a normal relationship is dead and buried.
No. 163150
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>>163132>not Kiss-ShotB-biatch… You're doing it wrong.
No. 163151
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>>163142Yeah that makes a lot of sense. I never really thought about it that way, but I wonder if that is or was part of my own reason for it.
I think for me originally it was a self esteem or lack of identity issue when I was younger. I didn't have a good sense of self or love for me so being a bishounen (like you said, something so disconnected from the real me) was an escape.
Unno if that's the case now, but I think it's neat to imagine the psych reasons behind these kind of things!
If anyone else has any personal insights it'd be cool to read.
(Out of Link on my phone, have some kusuriuri instead!)
No. 163152
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Honestly, I feel this way about someone who exists in real life but since our relationship started and really only ever exited online, he may as well be fictional.
I have a completely different understanding of things than they exist in reality. I fell for his fiction so I'm all wrapped up in real life emotions to the point where I've moved to his greater metropolitan area and he won't even see me. The last time he did, he clearly didn't want to be there and clearly didn't want to kiss me and did so out of pity and to get me to leave. Then when I tried again I basically kissed his unwilling face even with teeth like it was awful and I want to die.
How am I even this pathetic? I just want to die already.
No. 163153
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One of my first husbandos.
I always seem to go for obscure characters that don't get much love. Maybe because I have low self esteem and feel the same way about myself. Plus there's less competition because they aren't plastered all over the internet as much as popular characters are. So you deal less with gross fanart and terrible headcanons.
Of course the downside is that you find a lot less fan work in general. And I suck at drawing guys unless they are effeminate.
No. 163156
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cutie tbh
No. 163157
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I'm such a shit but skelebros
No. 163158
You honestly have "feelings" for cartoon skeletons? I s2g people are so fucked.
No. 163159
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>>163152Been there. Got a relationship that so far has only been online and it's starting to be hard on me.
I've always found some fictional guys atractive. I've never got over pic related.
>>163157Papyrus is adorable. Who doesn't like a COOL DUDE?
>>163158You should look up Skeletiano.
No. 163161
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>>163104Yeah I wish my life could be like final fantasy. No refugees screeching MONEY MONEY, no leftists telling me which pronoun XE uses, no bullshit with having to pay 50& off my income in taxes if I earn any decent amount.
Just monster hunting, the sea, the sun and fun. Work that actually shows you it's labours, people whom you actually care for, communities that you actually feel like you're building.
No. 163162
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>>163157I love them too
>how do you fuck a skeleton No. 163165
>>163161You can easily do this if you move to a tropical third world country, you know.
You won't get the romanticized video game version where your life isn't at constant risk, you won't ache all over from work, mosquitoes won't bite you and animal corpses don't reek of shit though lol
No. 163167
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>>163118Awww anon, I can't say I get where anyone ITT is coming from, but for what it's worth, I think Rick's a qt too