File: 1444760719484.png (27.13 KB, 275x186, the hell is this slut saying.p…)

No. 164067
>in HS
>am black and have long hair naturally, but wear extensions sometimes
>people are surprised to find out my hair is "real" a lot of the time, but it's no big deal
>this one girl I have a class or two with is kind of rude toward me on a constant basis
>she's Lebanese and kind of hairy, her bf is a black dude
>sometimes tries to make small talk with me even though we don't hang out, and slips in little insults (or just outright insults me)
>don't know why, I hardly know her and barely actually talk to her
>"Wearing extensions today, anon? Yeah, couldn't get that curl naturally, could you?"
>today, she came to me and said "Anon, I'm so glad you came out about wearing weaves, Who do you think you're fooling, girl?" (she apparently thinks me admitting to wearing extensions sometimes means my hair must be 100% "fake")
>already tired and distraught over a test this morning, am barely listening to her
>don't say anything, mumble "Um, yeah whatever" or something
>she continues standing there as if she wants a response
>want her to go away
>say "Better than having sideburns" out of nowhere, or something equally nasty
>she's clearly surprised and hurt at this response, and leaves fairly quickly
>feel bad later on
I have enough problems in my life, I don't want to get caught in some retarded banter war with someone I don't even know. I didn't mean to be a bitch (esp. over body hair), but I just wasn't in the right frame of mind for that kind of comment. I don't want to make any more shitty remarks to her (or anyone), and I don't want to hear them from her either. Why won't she just fuck off, and how do I get her to stop? Is it some elaborate joke or social cue that I'm not getting? Help.
No. 164079
>>164067She sounds jealous as fuck. Like you are a threat or something.
Keep doing what you do and make her upset just by being cute, Anon :^)
No. 174297
File: 1483073473594.jpg (715.34 KB, 3000x1650, i have never removed these hai…)

>>174028they are normal, then? Thank goodness.
No. 174312
>>174297Those aren't sideburns.
t. hairy girl