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No. 164094
I'm pretty interested in it too. I'm fairly happy with my weight but am a rectangle/have a huge ribcage. I honestly just don't know where to even start.
No. 164103
>>164095do you realise you are using fatlogic?
>I restricted calories for a whole year! But as soon as I started overeating again I just put all the weight back onWearing the same one corset for a year isn't gonna do shit, obviously. You need to go smaller and smaller every few months to make progress. Congrats on wasting a year of progress, although, it doesn't sound like it was much to begin with.
No. 164108
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>>164107>calling people fat when you need a specialized garment to squeeze your gut inSorry you're mad that you can't commit to
working out.
Enjoy your female fedora.
No. 164109
>>164108I'm a size 8/10
Try again ;)
No. 164110
>>164109…are you implying that's not fat?
No. 164112
>>164111You're one size away from plus size.
You are fat.
Take off the corset and get on the treadmill.
No. 164115
>>164103lol i never said i didnt go smaller.
i did. i ended up with 22.5inches and then it went back to 25inches
No. 164118
>>164105nice try fatty
i weigh 102lbs which is perfect for my height imo. I waist train and have had good results so far, 7 months in and I've lost 2.3 inches off my waist. My lower ribs seem a bit narrower than they were before which I love.
Just ordered my second corser and I went two sizes smaller. Can't wait to get it in the mail.
No. 164120
>>164118You can be at a low weight and still be flabby, idiot. Why do you think the word skinnyfat exists?
Why don't you lift a weight once in a while?
No. 164121
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>>164104This was very similar to the corset 2 of the girls were wearing. To me it looked at least awkward as they couldn't move their upper body as freely as they would before. But what do I know? You're the expert apparently.
No. 164123
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did spoony ever upload better body pictures? i was always curious if this was legit
No. 164124
>>164123Yes it was.
I'm 5'7" and my natural waist back then was 28" and that corset cinched down to 22" closed, but then I never was able to fully meet the boning at the back so in that picture there that's probably about a 24"-25".
That isn't actually a particularly small measurement but generally the taller you are = the larger your natural waist so any reduction makes a huge difference to the appearance of your waist.
I practised tighlacing 23/7 for around half a year, but, as people have previously stated, unless you're doing it for like a decade+ you're not going to get permanent results. The second you take it off your body is going to return to its original form within hours as your cells decompress and expand.
imo it wasn't worth it aside from the posture correction it provided and the fact that you do actually lose weight from not being able to consume much food without physically vomiting, but as a hobby it's certainly fun.
No. 164126
>>164125Yeah, that was pretty much the initial result for me too.
Really takes you back at first doesn't it?
No. 164129
>>164127Well yeah, I literally just said that my natural waist back then was 28" and that this was a reduction to around 24"-25".
That's exactly what tightlacing is?
A 28" natural waist is not fat at my height no matter what you say though.
No. 164131
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>>164130Is it? Whenever I check the ratio it always says it's bang smack in the middle of ideal/on the small side for my height.
Anyway back to tightlacing/waist training.
No. 164132
>>164130What the fuck, 28" at 5'7 is chubby?! That makes no sense. Thats average. My friend is 5'1 and at 28. She's fit just doesn't have a curvy body. In no way is that big.
Does anyone have suggestions on other sites to buy corsets from? Also how is Dracula Clothing? Their corsets are really cheap but I'm unsure.
No. 164136
>>164135If I was going to post a picture of myself I sure as shit wouldn't post that one
>>164123, I fucking hate that set.
Maybe you guys should learn to stop talking to/about me and maybe I'll stop responding.
I'm never the one that instigates these conversations but always the one to receive the blame.
Have some self control you little faggot.
No. 164138
>>164137Stop ruining the thread.
At least when I was posting it was responding to somebody else's query and actually contributed relevant facts and information.
Produce something worthwhile or leave.
No. 164139
>>164138>spoony using her basic bitch back up defense to attempt to rectify her blatant self posting If you had an ounce of self respect you wouldn't even reply to these things. The truth is that you are thirsty as fuck and don't even have the mental capacity to justify it, yet alone admit to it.
You'd think I wouldn't need to point that out, since it's apparent every time you post. But somehow you haven't gotten it through your head.
Or maybe it's like a vicious cycle: you realize you're worthless so you post for validation, rinse repeat.
I would love to move this to it's own thread, but as we've learned in the past you shit those up with even worse attempts to justify yourself to people.
I don't know why you haven't changed your handle to "daddy issues" - you encompass them.
No. 164140
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>>164139Once again, ruining a perfectly normal thread with your own personal, petty little vendetta that's spanned like, what, 5-6 years now? Pathetic.
And keep telling yourself that it was me that posted myself here in the first place. whatever keeps your milk jar full at night, but you must be desperate if you gotta stoop this low.
Sage for you shitting up the place.
No. 164141
>>164140:^) I've never spoken to your haggard ass til now, spoony. I've witnessed your pathetic attention whoring and self posting on here and 4chan enough, though.
Surprised you're not used to multiple people expressing their dislike of you. Maybe you keep up the delusion it's all some samefag to get by? I imagine that's the sort of mental gymnastics someone like you would need.
No. 164142
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>>164132LOL just visited that site and legit thought this was mila for a moment
No. 164143
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>If you plan on making a thread to discuss a contentious issue, or to criticize a person, community, place, issue, or subject, it should go in /b/ or /pt/, not /g/. Threads should generally be neutral or positive in nature.Learn to fucking control yourself and take it to another thread. I really don't give a fuck about your petty vendetta.
No. 164144
>>164143Kek, typical spoony bouncing back to the only defense she knows… short of throwing a spaz, of course. That was already exhausted.
Gotta keep basking in the attention, even if it's negative… don't you?
Truly trash.
No. 164145
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I'm just gonna dump some waist training/tightlacing pics.
Ignore vendetta Anon and don't let them shit up the thread further.
No. 164147
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No. 164148
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No. 164149
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No. 164150
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No. 164154
>>164153Anon that's not really how corsets work. As soon as she removed it her waist would return entirely to normal.
The only thing to worry about lacing to this extent is the potential for abdominal muscular entropy, but that really only occurs if you're wearing it 23/7.
No. 164155
>>164154Depends on if she's been waist training though, her waist could be really that small.
She obviously not going to bend over and snap in half, it was just an overreaction.
Also I don't know why anyone thinks shit like that looks good or attractive
No. 164157
>>164155You don't have to be able to understand Anon, it's totally subjective.
I happen to enjoy the look, it's very… dramatic?
No. 164159
>>164139fucking hell, these idiots again.
honestly the vendettafags are becoming more annoying than their target at this point
even assuming it was a selfpost, there's no reason to try to turn this thread into your personal saltfest over it, take it to her thread in snow or something if you're that keen on playing your little petty spoon-detecting game.
sage because even taking the time to make this post is probably wasted. it's easier to pretend that anyone who finds your behavior repulsive must be spoony rather than admit to yourself that you're acting like a total fuckwitted asshat.
No. 164160
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Anyways, back to waist training.. I've noticed that my figure has gotten curvy. I haven't been wearing my corset as much as I did before (3 months straight almost) but for the past month I've been forgetting to put it on. My body hasn't gone back at all.