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No. 164255
>>164252metabolism slows but you can counter it by working out hard in the gym and eating at a deficit. for example i am the same size as you and age, and i work out 5 times a week and usually eat 1400 and watch my macros.
like its the only way. the reason why your sister ballooned up is because she wasn't counting or working out probably. its very easy to "think" you're eating 1600 but maybe you're actually eating more. that's how it starts.
No. 164256
>>164252it depends really on what you eat. If you really do only eat 1600-1800 a day you should be fine. Selena is a perfect example I remember her talking about always eating junk food a few years ago and now it caught up with her. A lot of fat people were super skinny with a fast metabolism in their youth so they never bothered to learn proper eating habits.
Another example is a friend of my moms who used to brag about being able to eat like 3000 calories worth of food and stay skinny but once she hit her late 20s she became morbidly obese lol.
No. 164258
>>164256i knew a guy like that. we met at 18, and he was the textbook /v/ manchild living off of doritos, fast food, entire pizzas at a time, endless soda, etc. i even told his mom that i think he will end up getting fat, and she said that because she's still rail thin, he won't gain any weight. his father had abs at the time too. idiots wouldn't listen when i explained that his parents aren't fat because his mom hardly eats (seriously, like a small piece of meat and dinner and small cereal for lunch), and his dad is constantly exercising when he's not at his labor intensive construction job.
he gained at least 40lbs in 3 years by eating the same way he had through high school.
No. 164263
>>164257What is eat healthily mean? Just not too much? Because I do like junky stuff, but I still limit myself from eating too much of it.
Also how much does exercise matter? I'm pretty lethargic and I am too lazy to ever go to the gym or pick up running. Is it possible to stay thin without working out as you age?
No. 164264
>>164259damn, your bf really was super skinny. the guy i knew (actually was my ex) went from a little under 160lbs to 200lbs at 6' 1" though i think he grew to 6'2" during that time. i encouraged him to exercise with me, so that got him running for a while. then i would pinch his fat sometimes and pretend to do it playfully, but i knew he would notice.
>>164263you can stay thin without working out as you age, but exercise will make you much healthier over all. can't you at least go on long walks or do exercises while you watch tv? eating healthy means staying within the appropriate amount of calories and making sure you get the right amount of macros as
>>164255 said. macros are protein, carbs, fat No. 164268
>>164252For anyone who doesn't realize, that's Selena Gomez, and she was dealing with lupus that past few years. Weight gain is probably the last thing she really cares about. (And I always thought she was a bit too thin anyway, even though I know she always was that skinny.)
And yes, after about the age of 23 I started to steadily gain weight. My lifestyle was average (worked retail, so I was on my feet, but wasn't active outside that) so the weight gain wasn't awful, but it wasn't healthy either. I went from a size 10-12 to a 14 in about 3-4 years I think (and I'm genetically a thick woman, quite pear shaped). It got really bad when I got a sit-down job (call center) because I kept not being active, even though my calorie intake wasn't high.
Just be smart anon. I've been losing weight lately because I'm back in retail and constantly moving as a result. I want to get back into working out properly, but my life is a bit up in the air right now. I turned 28 this year and I'm still a total fatty, but lolcow standards, but I'm starting to not look like a sausage in clothes now.
No. 164271
>>164257you're retarded. your metabolism does change because you stop expending so much energy going through puberty, it's why teenage boys are SO skinny but as they get older they get chubby
of course if you eat healthy you wont get fatter, but the problem is most people don't and then when they get out of their teens/early 20s they look like shit because they are post-pubescent and aging rapidly
No. 164275
>>164252between the age of 16 and 21 i was 110lbs. Then i gained like 10 pounds. I can blame some metabolism change but also:
1. I got a desk job (i used to have a very active job before)
2. I started drinking LOTS of beer every weekend and even in working days
3. I started eating more pizza, biscuits at the office, pastry for afternoon tea…
4. I didn't work out
So yeah, maybe my metabolism had changed a little bit but WOW i also had my eating habits so fucked up.
Not only I DID gained weight but also developed an stomach desease (Chronic Gastritis) so I decided i had to do something.
I started eating healthier, prepping my meals for the office at home, drinking more water (i almost drank nothing at that time), cut off the beer (i drink beer once in a while now and a lot less) and, I started working out three times a week, which is not a lot but it's something. Lost the fat and gained muscle, the clothes fit again, i like how i look, etc. I'm 25 now and i think working out and NOT EATING CRAP is the smarter way to fight against the metabolism change.
No. 164277
>>164275Unless you're like 4'7" 120 lbs isn't overweight or even chubby for anyone.
What the fuck is up with these ana-chans popping up lately? When I turned 25 I didn't gain any weight. I've always been average and I haven't felt my metabolism slown down that much because I never ate sugary bullshit and snacks while trusting on a teenage mode metabolism to take care of it. Seriously, it's not the end of the world to have a BMI as high as 21.
No. 164279
>>164272>I live in the Netherlands, people here are tall and skinnyyeah right, Holland contains a lot of fatties.
Southern neighbour here
No. 164280
>>164277I never said it was chubby but for my body type and because i used to be smaller for a long time i just didnt like it and did not felt good about the gain. It's not a matter of weight actually. Even if i were 120lbs now, with my current muscular composition it would be different than being 120lbs and totally untoned.
Btw, i guess my bmi now is 20 smth? Far away from spoopiness
No. 164283
>>164282Same… I was always careful about what I ate but sometime I gave up for a month or two, I never gained more than 5-10lbs. I'm 5'6 so it wasn't a big deal.
Yeah… I'm 24 now. I can gain that much in a week if I'm not careful. It's not just water weight either, like my pants, even my bras don't fit well anymore. It fucking sucks. :(
No. 164288
>>164252I think Selena's problem is that she's been struggling with mental illness and probably got put on some medication that made her gain weight. I don't think it has anything to do with her being American. It's hard to believe a young adult who was thin before would just balloon up like that all of a sudden. Of course, I could be wrong, but that's my guess. Also, she'd probably look 10 pounds lighter if she wore a bikini that fit.
Sage for OT
No. 164289
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What is your activity level like, OP?
Just eat healthy and stay active. It gets easier to gain weight as you get older, but you're not going to suddenly turn into a blimp unless you eat shit and don't exercise enough. You may have to adjust your calorie intake, too. And if you notice yourself gaining weight, do something about it instead of letting it get worse.
Check this out: No. 164291
>>164290Ah, so I was wrong.
I think that's a valid excuse for gaining weight, but I hope she manages to lose it because her body was pretty hot before.
No. 164294
>>164278I feel like guys being underweight is pretty common but they usually gain more as they age. Like if you watch any old videos of Soft Ballet the lead singer Ryoichi Endo was insanely thin (5' 10" and 110 pounds) but now he's still skinny and looks normal for his size.
Probably depends on the region too, it seems like a negative in the west for guys to be really thin unless they're like a fashion walk model.
No. 164298
Okay so I'm almost 26 and I have noticed some weight gain in the last 2 years (about 4kg).
Previously I used to be quite active because of work, so I was super skinny as I also ate relatively healthy. After switching jobs, I gained a bit (which was good because it was painful to sit tbh)because I wasn't as active anymore. I also started to eat a bit more and work out. I had a really nice shape, quite athletic.
Then I moved to a completely different environment and got really depressed. I didn't have energy to cook or work out, so I pretty much stopped moving and started eating junk food. Now I'm feeling a little better, but I sleep very little because I live in a very noisy house. I sleep about 5 hours a day, which leaves me super tired, too tired to do anything properly and I've noticed that I've gained most of the 4kg since I've slept so little.
I feel so gross, I hope I can move out soon because the lack of sleep is pretty much destroying my life because I don't function anymore.
tl;dr - almost 26, noticed weight gain due to inactivity, bad eating habits and lack of sleep/stress.
No. 164302
>>164301No, what are those?
I kid. Actually I used earplugs daily, despite getting massive ear pains because I've used them for such a long amount of time. Now I'm not allowed to wear any earplugs for a long time because I've got a chronic airway irritation that's really painful.
Has nothing to do with hygiene by the way, just the fact that I had something lodged in my ear for a large amount of the day, every day. If the neighbors were particularly noisy I would use the wax ones but they would create a vacuum eventually when I would sleep, which made it only worse.
Most of the time I could still hear them despite creating a fucking vacuum.
No. 164307
I'm 28 and my metabolism hasn't changed much, but my body shape did.
I kind of like it though, exact same weight but nicer hips.
I do recommend starting a fitness regimen now, though. I do notice more aches/less flexibility.
So, either way, you're going to get older. Whether you're lucky like me and can maintain the weight or not, something else physically will change for the worse.
Just start taking care of yourself now.
>>164259just tell him, in whatever way fits your personality, but tell him.
I'm kind of blunt, so I put it 'nicely' to my boyfriend.
"I love you but you're either going to have to lose weight or buy shirts that won't let your belly hang out"
And then, going along with what I said above, tell him it's for his fucking health.
My boyfriend lost weight through changing his diet, but hasn't been working out, so I told him he has to start working out or I'm not going to his funeral.
Remember, losing weight and working out isn't just to be attractive.
No. 164312
>>164309I know its not special; I don't work out or go to the gym. I only mentioned that so it's clear I am not malnourished or starve myself or something.
Didn't want to give anyone the chance to rationalize that it's okay for a girl to weigh over 100 lb.
No. 164314
>>164311it's not soon grandma.
it's in a lot of years