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No. 164481
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Oh man, in my eyes, literal perfection.
We met aged 15 in a highschool art class and my immediate reaction was to despise/mistrust him given that I was effectively the highschool punching bad/token reject.
When he took an interest in me I thought he was trying to trick me and I dumped blue paint over his head a few days later in a lesson, but he later told me that he was in awe of me due to the fact that I actually knew what anime was and actually played video games (this was a school in a rural area of NW England btw, so people didn't do this stuff much let alone talk about it).
Still, he persisted in calling my house and coming to my door in an attempt to get me to come out and eventually we began hanging out, and then the typical stuff like holding hands, kissing, then I slept with him almost a year later whilst I was still 15 and I've been with him ever since.
9 years on I'm 24 now, he's 25 and he's my best friend, love of my life, soulmate, whatever you want to call it.
He's amazing and I legit believe that if one of us died we'd pull some swan shit and the one left behind would die shortly after.
We've both kind of blossomed from ugly ducklings physically, him probably more than I.
He's like 6'1", pale, shoulder length brown hair, and in terms of personality he really is one of the kindest, gentlest, funniest people you could ever meet.
He's a Forestry & Conservation student in his final year, though he's employed doing GIS on the side at the moment.
He's an animal lover, especially cats, is really into his survivalism but plays stuff like MtG on the side. He's also really into jogging/running and does it as a hobby but he could have ran nationally for Scotland as a kid before he decided he didn't want
He very rarely gets legitimately mad, is so patient and gentle with me even though I'm an emotionally voided bitch sometimes.
I'm at university myself right now so we're apart, but we talk on Steam and Skype almost every day.
He recently mentioned how the thing he missed the most was hugging me and smelling my hair at night, and has mentioned how I remind him of Umaru-chan, so I bought him an Umaru-chan cushion and I get snaps like this now.
When we're together in person we just lay around playing vidya/watching animu and eating pizza, or going to the woods/beach and walking/talking together.
One of the things that I find most endearing about his is that despite him being this tall, handsome, strapping forester guy in the process of trying to grow a beard and has a backpack loaded with flares and multitools and a powerbank and various knives and shit, he's really sensitive and loves being pampered/nurtured and cuddling up to me with his head under my chin with me stroking his hair/back.
When he comes out of the shower and he goes to his PC I like to come over, stand behind him and spray conditioning spray into his hair, comb it, moisturise his face/back, massage him etc. and oh man he fucking loves it he's such a princess.
What's adorable as well is that he's super into his kawaii shit like VOC@LOID and Capsule. I got into his car the other week during a visit and when he turned on the engine fucking Hatsune Miku - News 39 started blasting out of his speakers and he looked sheepish., it really doesn't matter, but, he has a huge dick :^)
I could talk about him forever. He's wonderful and I'm so blessed to have found my soulmate so early on in life.
There exists no desire for any other person in my life and I hope that we can live and die together.
No. 164484
>>164468>what's your bf like?Tall white nice-guy with a well groomed beard. Responsible as fuck. My best friend. We've been dating almost 2 years and have been living together for 1.5 years.
He's seriously a stereotypical nice guy who is sometimes idealistic/delusionally optimistic. His only hobbies were running way too far, sports, and enjoying DC comics. He's happy to do absolutely anything I want to do, so now he lifts, watches anime, browses the chans, etc. I love that he is more of a loner type who doesn't need a lot of friends. He also likes doing housework, which is awesome. I'd say his downfalls are not being very introspective, being too nice, below average libido, and obviously being delusional at times. His past bothers me some, but I have a bad past, too.
No. 164487
>>164486top kek
>>164481>>12658>>12689How many times are you going to go on about your ~perfect~ boyfriend in /g/?
No. 164489
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hm, its hard to explain my bf.
we 'met' on tumblr and the first thing that struck me was his sense of humour
when he said something funny for the first time we were talking, i was like 'yep i hit the jackpot'.
i seriously dont think i could ever find a person that i could joke around and as be as comfortable around
we are both virgins and i cant wait to lose my virginity to him tbh.hes open minded and will let me finger his butt (im excited tbh).a total keeper 4 me.we are in ldr currently and gonna meet in June. Our 2nd anniversary is just 10days away
in terms of looks and characterstics the thing that stands out the most is his eyes. he can look aggressive and the first time i saw him i got scared +he has a deep ass voice. i love these things about him.
even though he can look mean hes a total nerd and can send really romantic/cheesy stuff. Usually im the romantic one but somtimes when he falls asleep on call he starts to blabber on about how much he loves me and so on.melts my heart every time. he also compliments me all the time but at the same time can be really blunt (which can be good and bad at times)and is not afriad to tell me when something looks shit on me etc etc
after we both graduate we are planning on becoming teachers in korea (hes korean, im polish ) and then move to us and have a family.
we send eachother stuff all the time (although recently not as much since we are saving up to see eachother) letters, things that we make. currently hes making me a book of pressed flowers and im cross stitching him something.
i never met a person that loved me as much as him and his love for me just oozes from him sometimes, haha. in a good sense, of course. i am very lucky to have him and im tearing up a little as im writing this tbh.
there might be tons of other people similar to him but there will be no exact person like him. although we have our differences, i love him a lot and would never trade him for anybody else.
No. 164493
He's the sweetest lil' otaku boy. Personality-wise, the antithesis of every other nerd boy I've ever been with– kind, caring, thinks women are people and doesn't feel entitled to their company, isn't bitter, and is grounded in reality. He accepts what he is, which has helped me accept more of myself as well. He knows I'm a little flirty with others, he knows thats my personality and doesn't flip his shit. He supports me in everything I do, but isn't afraid to get real with me, especialy when it comes to art crit lol. He's a bit immature, but so am I, so it evens out. Physically, he's adorable, has a cute face, beautiful eyes, and my preferred body type. He doesn't have a personal style yet, but that'll come in time.
I found the one I want to grow up with!
No. 164495
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I recently got married. He's the nicest guy, hands down, and without all that passive aggressive "I'm so nice so why don't women fall over them self for me!" baggage. He literally makes me happy every day. He does small little thoughtful things all the time. When I can't do certain chores, he just does them without even being asked, and even if I am going to do the chores, he sometimes just does them anyways because he's super helpful. I have a chronic illness and he takes care of me a lot, making sure I have what I need, am warm, comfortable, gives me massages. And this is all unconditional, don't have to give him a BJ to coerce him. He's just literally a kind, selfless person. He never complains about it either.
He makes me feel so special, and pretty, and loved.
Sorry for the cringe, and any vomit if I made anyone puke from lovey-dovey stuff, I just love my husband so much.
No. 164497
>>164496lol chill out salty-chan
I'm personally glad everyone here seems happy with their relationships, especially
>>164495. It gives me hope.
No. 164498
>>164496Nope, my fella is one hell of a handsome devil and has a lot of women approaching him because of it, but even if he wasn't it wouldn't matter.
You sound super-salt.
Maybe you should try finding a partner for yourself?
No. 164500
>>164495No this is lovely, I'm really happy for you Anon.
He actually sounds a lot like my bf.
You sure you're not me from the future?
No. 164507
This thread is cute!
>>164503>I always thought I'd end up alone my whole lifeYou and me both, anon.
I met my bf while I was studying abroad. It was just meant to be a fun fling for a few months until I had to leave, but then (surprise!) we fell in love, and we were determined to make it work somehow. Looks-wise, he's tall, with really pretty dark eyes and killer cheek bones.
He's sweet, sensitive, kinda feminine (which I really like) and funny! We both have mental issues, and since we've been together our issues have really subsided. He is really patient when it comes to my anxiety and helps me with it.
We both have the same ridiculous sense of humor, we like literally all the same shit and have the same tastes. I never knew it was possible to feel so comfortable around someone before.
By the time I met him I was nearly 26 and had never had a serious bf before, just a history of guys using me for sex. I seriously thought I was going to die alone. So some days it's hard to believe I got so lucky with him.
No. 164509
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>>164468He has a hipster beard and a very deep voice. He's extremely nerdy, but also works out. Only way he could be improved upon would be if he became auron from ffx who is my husbando
kinda looks like pic related but with glasses and slightly less hairy chest
No. 164511
>>164510>>164504tbf with my boyfriend we both started dating when we were 15 and ugly/awkward looking as hell.
When we hit our 20's idk what the fuck happened but we both suddenly matured really beautifully and kind of, finally fit into our features and shit (and his cock had a weird growth spurt).
No. 164514
>>164493So a slut got a cuck.
It's like poetry.
No. 164515
>>164514Salty neckie detected.
Shoo neckie, shoo.
No. 164517
>>164512There's definitely a personality that comes with STEM- especially within the hard sciences (e.g., Tediously logical, emotionless, introverted, strange body language), that may come across as mean but is simply straightforward. It's language stripped of the niceties and formalities of casual speech. It's harder to maintain a connection that isn't contingent on a professional relationship in this field, that much is true. It's all a consequence of working with complex systems, devoting too much of one's time alone without need for human interaction. The type of individual that pursues this field is in possession of a systemizing processor rather than empathizing. This lends to the study and profession, but not to your social life.
I date these types, too, since my interests and aspirations are intertwined to this field.
I hope you like male virgins. I know I do. No. 164523
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>he's not real
No. 164527
I love my bf more than anything else. He is hilarious, charming, and we have so much in common… I fell for him the night I met him. We've been together for over a year (I've known him for much longer though) and I'm moving in with him next month. I have BPD and tend to look for problems to avoid letting people get close to me, but there really aren't any. We aren't confrontational, sex is great, we're happy together even if we are just hanging out, his friends/family love me, we make each other laugh, he calls me beautiful everyday, we can talk about anything. I have my bad days and he has his, but we always pick each other up. I grew up in a abusive home, and even though I've been in LTRs before, this is the first time I feel genuinely loved and safe, he is my everything.
Things aren't perfect; we're in our late 20's but he could pass for 40 (someone once assumed I was his daughter kek), sometimes we drink too much, we both have shitty jobs and are bad with money. But we still have fun, and I can't wait to come home everyday to him.
No. 164536
>>164533Yea you are, the gun is called "psychological/emotional abuse" and it's why he won't leave
you're a bad person
No. 164537
>>164536There may be more to it than just mere leading him on / exploitation with him being oblivious.
What's wrong with a guy being in very submissive role; if that's what he actually wants?
Think blokes with domineering mothers + passive or absent fathers. They'll often subconsciously seek out this sort of bdsm-ish relationship dynamic, including (among other things) his gf "master" being frustrated with his lack of problem solving skills or initiative.
t. sub
No. 164538
>>164537It's still abusive. Guy is crying and emotionally distressed because anon is purposely being a bitch. It doesn't sound like they outlined parameters for anything. I have the dominant woman/ submissive man dynamic too, and I make my guy cry too, but it's because we're both broken people who have a hard time with being with people, not because I want to see him squirm. I feel like a piece of shit when I make him cry, and do everything I can to comfort him. I haven't made him cry in a while, and I'm happy about that.
The point is, anon is aware of her behavior, and instead of trying to fix it, she's reveling in his pain. She doesn't care about him. That's that's why everyone's mad.
No. 164539
>>164529He already feels guilty but you still question whether he's cheating to make him feel worse but he's the "lame" one? wow.
Just by this post you seem horrible and like he deserves someone better.
No. 164540
>>164539Well I'm not gonna comment on personal attacks like "you're horrible" and whatever because I don't care, you don't know me.
He is indeed so lame, he was the one who was after me and at some point I said yes because, to be fair, I did like him a little at first.
I'm still with him because I like what he gives to my life, he's attractive and younger, dress nice and I can introduce him to people.
What I don't like about him is his personality, how he thinks he is smart when he has no brains, how easily manipulated he is and don't even notice. The worst part is he always looks so proud when he thinks he has won, like when we argue about something.
A lot of time when he looks at me with "I love you" eyes, I Know I should feel praised but I feel disgusted. He's so fucking dumb and childish, but he was the one after me, and he is still the one enthusiastic about our relationship so I don't have any reason to feel bad or guilty.
No. 164545
>>164544I totally feel you. My bf guilt trips me for buying stuffed animals or figurines I like, whether it's because I have too many or if it is too immature. Yet he buys me stupid cheap shit I don't even want.
He also for some reason keeps saying "I will buy you a Chanel bag" and I'm like, "lol, k". That must be some chinese guy thing to convince girls to stay with them.
No. 164546
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My fiance is my dream man! He's a big hairy adorable bear man with a heart of gold. He's super kind and sweet and gentle and protective. He has a natural connection with animals and children and his laugh is crazy contagious! Everyone laughs just because he's laughing. He loves me and my body and all my bizarre interests and I'm soo lucky that I get to have him as my husband ;___;
pic is basically us
No. 164548
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My bf is this weird dude I happened to meet on IMVU one day lol. When I first met him I hated him and basically treated him like shit I guess and months later we actually became 'friends' somehow and then we became closer. Now we've been together for 2 years and a couple of months and I'm living with him. Basically he's weirdo art student who loves Disney too much and enjoys dancing and singing to the music on the movies. I love the shit out of him though so that's fair. But the down sound is he has a lot going on with him, psychologically speaking. He's been in the medical scene since he was like 13? He's been diagnosed with a lot of shit that sometimes contradicts each other, its gotten to the point where we don't even know what he has tbh. The only thing that's obvious is he has depression and he's bipolar eh I love him anyways. There are times where I do have to motivate him to do stuff but I honestly don't mind. Other than all of that stuff I genuinely love being with him. At the moment he's teaching me how to play the guitar and it's kind of really fun. He's seriously good at cooking and I can't cook worth a damn so thats good too lol
No. 164549
>>164542>>164543>>164544>>164545Omg im also dating a second gen Chinese guy. We've been together about 5 years now and I just met his mother at thanksgiving.
God it was fucking horrible. Other then his family hating me me and him fight constantly and then he constantly tells me hell buy me a macbook.
The cultural differences for arguments and how to fix them is just too big of a gap
No. 164555
I've had very bad luck with guys. I mostly just want to go back in time and slap myself in the face for being with everyone except my current bf.
I love my boyfriend, but I know when we inevitably break up, he will be my last one for a long time. I'm very early 20s, but I'm not really concerned with love right now. I'm a complete mess myself and I function even worse when I'm in a relationship. My first relationship was both physically and emotionally abusive, and I'm still extremely damaged by that.
I love my boyfriend, but we have problems. He's tall, has a cute face, and not to mention he's packin'. He's sweet and loving. But I think we've been through too much for us to really 'click' the same way anymore. I don't know how much he loves me. I don't know if he loves me, or we've just become too attached to the idea of being together that we won't leave.
I'm confused by my relationship. I want to stay with him, I truly do adore him in many ways and I can't imagine what a day without him would be like. However, I feel like I'm stuck in this depressed rut and I don't know how to fix it.
I'm sorry my story isn't very inspirational or cute. I wonder if anyone else has ever found themselves in a situation like this.
No. 164560
>>164558I know I am probably stating the obvious, but Jap guys should really thank manga/anime for sending so much western pussy their way. I know for awhile I had the classic yellow fever, Japanese guys are so heroic and romantic and well-dressed and hygienic thoughts.
I am pretty sure it goes both ways though, and this is why asian women are easy for white men. They think they are like they are on tv/movies/etc.
No. 164561
>>164549I need to survey some Chinese guys and understand this phenomena.
>You get lots of stuff for free>It is nice that he recognizes he wronged you and wants to make it up to you>It is nice to get presents when it isn't obviously expected, like christmas, birthday, valentine'sCons:
>It is usually stuff you don't want>It is usually cheap and from amazon>It is usually a promise, like I will buy you a chanel bag or a macbook, and it never actually happens>He thinks it makes up for anything bad he has done>He thinks he can keep doing bad things as long as be buys you shit>He gets mad when you aren't super appreciative of something you didn't ask for>He doesn't understand that you could buy yourself shit if you wanted to No. 164563
>>164555Jesus anon, are you me?
I'm in an almost identical situation with my current boyfriend of two years who I live with. I can't tell if I still truly love him or if I'm staying with him out of comfort. I'm terrified of breaking up - not because I think I can't live without him but I don't think I'd be able to handle the huge shake up in my life and resulting loneliness, which I'm afraid will cause me to go down a self destructive path again.
I feel like he's become so complacent in the relationship too. I believe him when he tells me he loves me but I think he's become so comfortable in this routine of being a couple that he doesn't realize the passion is completely dead. We barely go out anymore or do special things for each other.
I know what you mean about the rut. I'm in it right now. What woke me up a bit was thinking "do I look forward to and am excited to spend 2 more years with him?" At this point I'm really not sure. I feel like if we weren't together I could grow more as a person.
No. 164564
>>164563… Hello, me. I have also been in a relationship with him for two years and live with him. I feel the same as everything you said in your post. Holy shit, friend.
However, I feel like I don't know how I could live without him.. but I'm not sure if that's really me talking, or if it's just that I'm afraid.
No easy answers, huh?
No. 164567
>>164564I feel like I'd be a mess without mine too but then I remember when my firt abusive relationship ended and I thought I would die without him, but I'm still here! I think you and me could live without our bfs, it'd hurt like a bitch at first and feel impossible but the mind is good at adapting and time heals all.
My biggest fear is what if we broke up only for me to realize after what a special thing I threw away. What if this comfortable rut IS what being in a mutual loving, healthy relationship is like? If that was true I don't think I'd feel this way though. But what if I'm just bored and it's not the relationships fault? Ahhhhhh
He's also my best friend and I only have one semi close friend besides him so that's why being alone scares me so much. I wonder if I had a good friend circle I'd feel satisfied instead of this lacking feeling of emptiness. Are you same situation i that regard?
No. 164568
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>>164565i like skinnyfat manlets, anon.
No. 164569
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>>164567Gosh, you're like, my goddamn doppelgänger. I feel the same way, I really do.
The only thing is, I have a pretty good group of friends I see on the regular, and a wide circle of people who I could hang out with easily. The thing that scares me is that we have so, so many mutual friends together.. I don't know, I don't want to lose them.
I'm just scared. I don't want to keep him from being happy. I don't want to keep myself from being happy. I love him, i can't imagine life without him..
And yet, it feels empty. I don't know what to do.
No. 164570
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I met mine on skype through his cousin! He's a foot taller than me and has such a handsome face. I love his blonde hair and blue eyes a lot. He also looks nice in anything he wears.
We've been together for almost 2 years and live together now.
Personality: he's super sweet and fun to be with. We can talk for hours about anything but he does need his alone time now and then. He likes all the things I'm into as well. I feel super comfortable around him because our personalities mix well.
We met 6 months after dating online and he took my virginity too, his parents also love me too.
No. 164574
I'm actually married. My husband and I are from different countries.
I met him at a park where we just randomly chatted and I found out he was on a short stop in my city so I offered to take him around since I had too much free time on my hands. He was supposed to go to another city for a surfing vacation in a few days. On the day he was supposed to leave, he messaged me asking my help to look for new lodgings.
>mfw he ditched his friend and decided not to go to that surfing place so he could spend the rest of his vacation with me.
He spent 2 weeks with me and then went back to his home country. He and I kept in touch via Skype and the next thing I knew we were in a relationship. We decided to meet up again and this time we went backpacking in Thailand, Laos, Vietnam and Myanmar for 3 months. This cycle went on for a while and he paid for everything the whole time.
>inb4 sugar daddy
My husband is very sweet but has a bad sense of humour, doesnt like animu but loves videogames and we have the same taste in movies, series, is addicted to traveling and we get along with each other perfectly. He's 6", blonde, icy blue eyes, on the slender side and he's the type of guy who would see me off at the airport then wont look back because he'd rush to his car and cry. He's kind of supportive with things I like. Kind of because besides the things I mentioned above, we don't really have the same views on a lot of subjects… It's fine though because it would be unrealistic and boring if we agreed with everything the whole time. I think this is the best kind of relationship because we have things we like separately and there's enough tension and the fact that we don't agree on a lot of things but still manage not to fight or be bitter at each other over petty things just signals a well balanced relationship.
He proposed to me on our 2nd year anniversary with a Siberian Husky puppy instead of an engagement ring. He sent a photo of a miserable but cute looking Siberian Husky withe the words: "Will you marry me?" scrawled over it in MS PAINT
>tfw you get proposed to with MS Paint
We've been married for a year now and everything is growing pretty well. We still travel to other countries together every now and then. A puppy was a really great idea as it helped me cope with a new country and different culture + language barriers. So far so good and he's still as sweet as ever. Cuddles in bed, giving me water before I go to sleep, hugs and love. Every no and then he goes off to another foreign country but it's ok because I know he'll be back anyway. I am married to a man who loves to travel and I am happy with that.
No. 164576
>>164575Oh really? I thought I was enthusiastic but I was trying to downplay it because I don't want to come off as cringey.
Yeah, we do have sex a lot. He's pretty big down there. 8" and he knows how to use it. LOL. We once did it 6 times in one day. That was crazy!
No. 164577
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>>164574I want to get proposed to with a puppy drawn over by MSpaint. I also want a cheap version of Lady Gaga's engagement ring.
No. 164578
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>>164577Here's the actual photo. You can start mirin' his MS Paint skills now. :D
Just to clarify: when I said
>tfw you get proposed to with MS PaintI didn't mean it negatively. I was actually very amused. I was cry laughing when I saw the image. It was absolutely silly and touching at the same time because it came from someone as serious and deadpan as him.
No. 164579
someone proposed to me over christmas break and I don't know what to do with it.
on the one hand, we've been friends since high school and we get along very well, I had a HUGE crush on him back in the day, but I haven't spent an extended period of time with him in years, and he still considers me the love of his life.
he's very maternal, very much infatuated with the idea of making a family and supporting the domestic life, he proposed because he's going into the military (scored in the 99th percentile on his aptitude test) and he'll make more money if he's married. he wants to send me cash to pay for my rent, and also get me on his guv'ment-funded health insurance. He lives on the opposite side of the country, and doesn't expect me to be monogamous while he's in service, so it'd basically just be a matter of signing the paper…
still, I always imagined myself marrying with the whole white dress and wedding cake bullshit. I thought that when I finally married, it would be to buy a house and settle down with the husband and raise kids and have a ring on my finger. I know he probably wants these things too, but it's going to be years and years before we can have it together. And I don't even know if he's the person I originally fell in love with anymore. I don't know if I'm the person that he thinks I am, either.
I feel like I should just go for it for the benefits, but a marriage of convenience like this isn't what I ever pictured myself in.
I'm 24, though, pretty much my good looks are the only thing I have going for myself, and I don't have any better offers on the table.
I mean, my parents dated for five years before they married, but at this point I keep thinking that I want to give them grandchildren before they die. My dad's stressed as fuck and my mom has a brain clot condition that means she could have seizures and kick the bucket pretty much anytime, anywhere. My sister definitely isn't going to be a mother any time soon (4 years older, but she's graduating from med school this year, and doesn't have time to be pregnant while she's trying to start up a career) but all of my cousins are having babies & getting hitched right now, and my mom just fawns over the infants for hours at family reunions…
idk. sorry for the wordvomit, farmers. I just need a place to get this out and I have no idea who to talk to about it right now.
No. 164582
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>>164581Umm… I thought it was cute and silly, which was exactly the point? The dog costs €1000+ since it's a working class purebreed from the best breeder in northern Europe so that alone is enough in itself. Not to mention the fact that he had to travel 12 hours one way to get her.
No. 164583
>>164578If my bf did that Id probably think he was making a joke.
How did you know he was serious?
No. 164585
>>164581>that guy has no fucking idea how to proposeIf they say yes, it's successful. There's no right way to do it, everybody has different tastes.
Not everybody wants a big song and dance for a prosposal. I'd rather have MS paint dog than an embarrassing restaurant proposal where strangers clap
No. 164588
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>what's your bf like?
we've been together over 4 years and he still won't stir his own fucking mac & cheese
No. 164590
>>164517tfw workaholic but qt stem-field boyfriend, who likes cats and shares my sense of humor.
He's pretty much everything I want in a guy, but I'll be damned if the late nights where he's to busy to talk aren't hard on me. We're both determined to make it work, though.
No. 164591
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Tall. Cute. Dumb.. Everything I could ever ask for really. We've been together for 5 years now.
No. 164596
>>164594this is my life right now
is he a streamer/professional gamer?
No. 164602
>>164599>>164600that's why I really fucking hate whores who post about their happy, perfect relationships. If you have the luxury of having a good life, keep it to yourself unless it's your intention to make others mad or sad
really sick of this tbh
No. 164603
>>164602You chose to come into this thread.
Date me if you want.
No. 164604
triggered, robot?
No. 164612
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I met him on /r9k/ which should have been a massive redflag, but I browse /r9k/ a lot too. I added him in a thread because he greentexted a really sad story and stated he lived near me, I felt bad for him and we just struck up conversation.
I'd known him for a while. He was funny and a good listener and kind of shy and not predatory or flirty. We studied the same stuff. We lived near each other so we decided to meet up. He was way more handsome in real life. Like, way more to the point where I was shocked. These sleepy, deep eyes that I literally just drowned in, perfect pale skin, the most perfect jawline ever. The softest light brown hair ever, and curls around his face perfectly. A slight stubble. He dresses so c u t e.
We hit it off right away and have been basically inseparable since. I feel like we are compatible in terms of most things, politics, etc. I feel like I can be myself with him. He's a nerdy weeb boy and submissive and calls me mommy and he's perfect aaaaaaa
No. 164614
>>164613I-I'm actually a girl.
I wouldn't recommend meeting ANY robots off of /r9k/. He's an exception I've made because he's fucking awesome, sweet, amazing.
No. 164615
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I have a kind of fwb thing going and that's likely the closest I'll get to a bf. I've mostly given up on the "1 troo luv" stuff.
No. 164616
Met my current bf in a bar and jumped rather quickly into a relationship. He's nice and understanding, has a stable job and everything but I don't think I'll ever love him. We sorta have the same humour but he's not that funny, like doesn't want to watch silly horror movies with me. He's not quirky nor creative or imaginative.
I see us breaking up before we hit the one year mark but oh well, the sex is great and it's relaxing to hang out with him.
>>164546Basically that's what I want. Cherish him anon.
No. 164618
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Hey /lolcow/ I know this is a girl site and more specifically this is a girls' thread but I have a question I feel like I'd only get a clear answer for here(I didn't wanna make a thread and have people thinking I'm trolling or whatever so I'm posting here)
My question is, how come girls start to show a lot of interest in me whenever I am in a relationship?
people tell me it's some sort of forbidden fruit mentality but I don't get it.
What makes a guy in a relationship more appealing? Why do girls start showing interest only after you're in a relationship?
Am I just surrounded by homewreckers? This specifically happens with exes or co workers and i wanna know what's the cause and how can women sense it when you're in a relationship? many thank and god blessesings
No. 164621
Mine is a prettyboy twink, albeit he's nearing 30 do it's interesting to see him finally age a bit. We've been together about 3-4 years and we work really well. Bizarrely we met in a club but we stayed friends for a year before anything happened because I thought he was too good for me. My main anxieties are that I have commitment issues and don't belive anything lasts forever and so I'm worried that as I'm 24 I'm missing out on kissing all these hot twenty-somethings and that I'll regret it, but at the same time that just isn't enough of a reason to leave. He makes me feel safe, there are no butterflies anymore but sometimes when I'm walking home and daydreaming I'll still feel myself smiling when I imagine him and when I turn over and see him in bed I still find him beautiful. I don't want to have much sex because I'm damaged goods but when we do he is selfless and caring. We both have flaws and need time alone for our hobbies but we still message each other when we're at work.
The only thing I would change is that I wish I had my shit as together as as his, and I wish he would just pay all the rent because after this long actually going dutch on everything is exhausting when he earns so much more than me.
>>164618Honestly I think this is just a natural phenomena on both sides, it happens to girls I'v relationships too, and there probably isn't a one size fits all reason. I've heard that people who are sexually active are more attractive though, and I imagine that if you're visibly doing nice boyfriend things like running into girls and saying "oh sorry gotta go bring this cake to my gf so she can snack whilst i massage her feet" then you're going to be more appealing than a guy that just plays vidya.
I actually went after my bf when he started dating a girl in a panic that I suddenly actually wanted him and might lose to someone. This was after a year of me pretty much stringing him along,so fickle.
No. 164622
>>164618Depends. I fell for a pair of dudes who were in a relationships, without me knowing about it, because they were so chill without losing their personnality to try and win me over.
We could have a conversation and joke around and I didn't get a desperate "I want to fuck you" vibe but unfortunately they were taken.
No. 164624
>>164618I agree with the other anons who've responded to this.
Additionally, it's just the way we can be wired. I've read a bunch of studies that say the more women attracted to a particular man, the more attractive he becomes to other women.
Well, this isn't the best source but here's an example: is also the allure of a "taken" man, the idea of cheating or snatching one away, the appeal of seduction, etc. etc. Those are probably secondary, and definitely not present in all girls.
No. 164627
>>164625I just outlined it for you, you dumb cunt
>go on /r9k/>add random robotsoh wait no, don't actually do this