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No. 164787

I just started working for a biglaw firm several months ago in a major city and I passed the bar exam last month. Yay!

I want to focus on my career atm which will drain my social life immensely. I have to keep track of my billable hours and work could be done at-home on selective days blurring the work/life balance. However, I'll be earning a lot of money being close to the six figure range (getting out of law school with no debt is huge), but the hours will be never ending.

Being in my mid-20s, I'm seeing several of my friends getting into LTR or getting engaged and married. Bookish throughout my undergrad and law school years decimated any chance of starting a relationship. I don't know if I can find a SO I'll like and more than likely I'll be the breadwinner. I'm frustrated and the only way to ignore these feelings is to work harder.

tl;dr graduated from law school and working. Worried that I'll become an old spinster who never found love.

Pic related, my fucking hero.

No. 164788

Find another young sexy workaholic law-grad while on the job?

No. 164789

Or just make time for yourself. If you want to relax, or you have a free weekend, just go somewhere…

No. 164790

I understand your pain, I'm about to enter the start of a decent career in finance. I feel like I'll just be 45 and loaded with cash, marry a handsome 30 year old. I'll be old and rich enough to be retired in my children's adolescence so I'll have plenty of time with them.

There's no rush, and there's so many benefits to not getting tied down in your 30's, you've got a lot of personal growth to do!

No. 164791

Don't worry, most of the ppl who get married in there 20s will be divorced by there mid thirties, with less job experience and money

No. 164792

This. Find a cute law grad who understands your dedication to the profession. Become a power couple and rule.

No. 164793

I'm in a similar position as you, anon. Graduated with no debt with a comp sci degree, and am now making the nice money.

I'm currently in a relationship, but I still like to plan my life without the assumptions of marriage or finance sharing. I found my partner after my career started, and I'm really glad, as college relationshit was so much drama and nonsense.

A lot of people I know that are settling down aren't really those that I envy. There are the few long-term couples, but most are just shotgun weddings and crazy kids still being crazy and kids. Most are still working part-time retail positions too. They're the first to get hitched, but will probably be the first to get divorced too.

Get your work schedule down, and make a good financial foundation for yourself. Relationships should be a complement to your awesome life, not the defining feature of it.

No. 164794

I'm a workaholic 25-year old spinster too. I just feel that men my age are way too immature to depend on so I'll keep believing that I'll find someone when I turn 30.

No. 164795

Why would you depend on anyone?

But yeah, I get what you mean. I'm a finance student with a day job and my bf is a NEET who cares about nothing other than vidya. Sometimes I feel bad that I'll have to leave him eventually because he's a sweet guy, but I've done so much to be with him, even moving to another country where I don't speak the language and he just doesn't want to try at all. He wouldn't follow me abroad because he wants to stay with his mammy where it's safe and familiar and won't graduate from secondary school because he 'doesnt like' a subject.

Most guys my age that I've met are mostly into partying and shit and those that aren't feel threatened by a woman with a career and want a schoolteacher or painter to take care of their kids whilst they're at work.

No. 164796

I need to get a part time job over the summer but I have no idea where to start. I feel so dumb when I fill out applications and never get called back. I don't know who will hire me since I have no work experience.

No. 164797

My BF is similar though not quite as unmotivated - plays vidya, works one or two shifts a week at a games store. I work in entertainment so we're very opposite that way but it hasn't been an issue or bothered me. The only reason I guess is because we keep our finances separate, we both don't want marriage/kids, and while we live together we each rent a separate room. It doesn't bother me so long as he pays his bills, if it gets bad and he has to move home I just get a new roommate.

Though, I didn't move for him - I might be fucking bitter if I did a lot to be with him and then he just sits like a lump on a log until 35.

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