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No. 165041
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No. 165042
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No. 165043
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No. 165044
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Me x Mettaton.
No. 165046
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No. 165047
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just kill me already
No. 165049
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I have a bunch more, I'm pure fujoshit
No. 165050
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>>165047I legitimately thought Naruto was a homosexual at one point.
I mean, I am not sure if it's my own delusion, or if Kishimoto is just a huge closet case and kept projecting onto his characters.
Anyway, my Narubo OTP.
No. 165051
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this was mine
felt good to be a Eva/Tris shipper back in the day
No. 165052
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Omeletteshipping is the only respectable option
No. 165053
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No. 165054
>>165051oh sweet another wakfu fan
i was legit upset when I watched the movie and yugo didn't age at all and everyone else aged like 3 years. He admitted he had feelings for amalia but was like "people will laugh at me because I look so young"
No. 165055
>>165054I haven't been able to see anything beyond Season 2, even though I watched the Ogrest movie and the one about Tristepin's dad, oh and the Nox special.
Remember the Nox special?
Are the movies good though?
No. 165057
>>165055The nox special and ogrest movie we're amazing! I was super impressed with the animation.
The new movies are good. It's like a 3 part special, they're all on Netflix. The lore is a little confusing, I was kinda lost as far as how/why certain things were happening, but overall very good.
No. 165058
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sorry, I hate myself a little for this one..
No. 165060
>>165059Yea… but I haven't checked other countries' netflix so I'm not totally sure.
You can also torrent them as well
No. 165061
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Nobody understands. ;-;
No. 165063
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>>165061fuck yes, I love those little shits
bayojeanne is the source of my happiness
No. 165066
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These motherfuckers.
No. 165068
>>165062Yep, RF4!
>>165063Your taste in OTPs is great, anon.
>>165067Holy shit, I did the same thing. I spoiled the marriage ceremonies for myself and peeked at Doug's (who I originally wanted to marry) but I made a grave error and saw it on a tumblr blog dedicated to shipping Doug and Dylas.
After that I couldn't marry either of them.
THEY'RE TOO CUTE FOR EACH OTHER. It's a shame that there's not much fanart, considering how obvious it kind of seemed. That reunited event made me cry with happiness when Dylas was so worried about what happened to Doug. ;u;
No. 165070
>>165060It ain't gonna be on my netflix, guess I'll just torrent it.
Gotta see the rest of the adventure.
They ARE making a season 3, right?
No. 165071
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My fucking OTP in this game, didn't even ship myself with anyone, but these two…
No. 165072
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they're perfect. ;_;
No. 165073
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No. 165074
i agree anon
No. 165077
>>165076 Final Fantasy VI
Feels kinda weird that it's actually difficult to find people who talk about FF games anymore
No. 165078
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Probably my favorite couple in all of anime.
No. 165079
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These two.
No. 165081
>>165070I'm actually not sure! I hear conflicting reports. I've been out of the fandom for a while so I'm pretty out of the loop.
I hope so tho
No. 165082
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I'm not hip and up to date…
No. 165083
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For way too long now.
No. 165084
>>1650662nding. Goddamn I'm jealous of Will
>>165083Cute! I liked that anime, need to rewatch it sometime. tho I'd kinda have liked to see that Geisha Jin met make a comeback around the end somehow so there would've been two couples, think it'd be sweet
No. 165087
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No. 165090
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I ship Hockey players. I'm ridiculous.
No. 165091
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Mine, though no one ever seems to know what I'm talking about sigh. Fuck Gazza.
No. 165092
>>165091 Ok, since someone else actually reads this series, I have to ask.
Did Clive just forget about Letheo? I honestly thought he was going to be some kind of love interest or party member in book 3 and he just completely disappeared. I didn't think the second book implied that he drowned in the flood either, even though he told Candy that he couldn't swim when they first met. The third book annoyed me so much because it veered into such a different direction than what I thought was going to happen.
No. 165093
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This. Too bad half of the fandom just goes on the "Fuck Griffith hurrdurr" or "Guts is too manly to be homo hurrdurr" bandwagon without any second thoughts. To think that Miura himself included equivoques and hints of a platonic something in the manga… :')
No. 165094
>>165093Nah, I don't believe in this OTP one iota.
I've been reading Berserk for a fucktonne of years now (losing my shit now more its become popular on le Tumblr roo roo ree ree) and Griffith only ever used people.
He only ever used The Band of the Hawk, he only ever used Casca and he only ever used Guts.
He didn't even consider Guts his equal (as evidenced with the step scene where he discusses with Princess Charlotte outside the palace), he considered him nothing less than an object to be used hence why he aped out, lost his shit and raped Charlotte in a tantrum after Guts proved his superiority to Griffith and walked away.
Griffith believed he was entitled to everything by divine right because of that sodding prophecy and couldn't handle it when one of his toys managed to squirm away from his control, and then he threw an even bigger tantrum and raped Casca just to spite Guts for his perceived insubordination.
Fuck Griffith.
Griffith a shit.
No. 165095
>>165093>"Guts is too manly to be homo hurrdurr"Aahahahahhaha what is bara ahahahahhahahaa oh my god
Remembers me of the kids who complain at doujins where he's a bottom.
No. 165096
>>165094I'm not saying he's a saint, but in Berserk we see two neutral main characters, and if we want to put it in a D&D manner Griffith is a lawful neutral while Guts is chaotic neutral. Griffith had many toys, but Guts was the toy he kept closer. Guts was the only one who knew he was no saint (for ex. the murder of the Queen, her lover and his little son), Guts was the one he considered really "his". Griffith even said him "Stay with me until the end", we don't see him saying such things to anyone else. So it's not romantic love for sure, it's a possessive jealous thing (he loses his shit and becomes irrational two times: the first when Guts leaves, the second when he's ill and overhears Guts telling Caska "I'm leaving and I want you to come with me"), a "You're mine" thing. And regarding Guts, he too had a fascination for his girly pretty flowery commander :)
No. 165099
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No. 165101
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>>165094>>165096Yesterday I was sleepy so I couldn't elaborate 100%, so now I have to say more.
Of course Guts is special for Griffith. We have two big examples: the first, when they first meet Zodd. Griffith puts his life at risk to go and save Guts, and he never did this for anyone (you can tell by looking at Caska's reaction, she says it). You don't put your life at risk for a toy. And later, when Guts confronts him about this, asking him why, Griffith doesn't know what to say and just turns over the question saying "Why do I have to give you explanations every time I put my life at risk for you?"
Second big example: during the Eclipse. Griffith says it himself: "Among thousands of comrades and ten thousand enemies, you're the only one who made me forget my dream."
Only you made me forget my dream. Miura has been very clear with that, you can literally have no doubt Guts was special for him. So, nobody's obliged to like the pairing of course, but you can't deny there was something up.
>>165100And back to Griffith himself, the character is waaay more complex than "he sacrificed his friends so he's evil". No. He's not evil. Evil is hurting others because you enjoy it. He didn't do that because he
enjoyed it. Berserk isn't "Guts is the good guy and Griffith the bad guy". The complexity is what made me like the manga so much, do you remember the huge asshole that was Guts in the beginning? A perfect antihero. Miura wanted it to be like this.
And Griffith, he's selfish but not evil. He was on his way to become a king, seducing the princess, the throne was already his… But he had the Bejelit, and what's the use of a Bejelit if you don't need to use it? It was destiny for him to sacrifice his comrades and become a God. If you read the Eclipse part again, remember how scared is the child Griffith (his innocence) when he realizes he was walking on a pile of corpses? Griffith felt bad for every man died for him. He talked about a child soldier once, who was in the Band of the Hawk and died on the battlefield. He's sorry and thinks about him. He even asks Guts "Do you think I'm a bad person?" because he feels remorse. As a commander you have to be cold-minded to think logically what's best and put emotions apart. People die on the battlefield, but he feels regret like he was the one who killed them. And back to the child Griffith walking on the pile of corpses, he looks at how little he needs to reach to the castle and acknowledges one thing: "If I stop now, every single life ended for me will be wasted, it all would've been useless". He sacrifices to make honor to all those dead people (and the dead child soldier he sees again), so their own sacrifice wouldn't be vain. He doesn't enjoy it one bit. And Phemt, he's not Griffith anymore: he's a god, an emotionless god who felt only the echo of Griffith's rage against Guts. It's like you can guess his exact thoughts. "You made me do this, you left me, you wanted to leave me with her, so now you watch this"
Phemt->Griffith as the wolf Beast->Guts.
The new Griffith is not him anymore, I think. He says he's emotionless (yet the first thing he felt the need to do with his new body was going straight to Guts to make fun of him, kek), but him neither is evil. He made a big shelter/city where humans can be safe while the whole world is in chaos. Unless in next chapters he does some crazy sadistic shit, he's not doing bad. Maybe he can save more humans than the amount of his "killed" ones. Maybe it was destiny for him to be king because he could really be a savior. If he's evil, then Guts who raped and was about to kill Caska multiple times just to "be like him" is evil too, which is obviously not. Sorry for tl;dr but it's an interesting topic to talk about.
tl;dr: He's not evil.
No. 165102
>>165101Just curious, do you read Berserk in another language? You spell Behelit and Femto in different ways.
Even so I enjoyed your analysis and see your point.
No. 165103
>>165102Yes, and I usually go for the anglosaxon spelling of the names (ex. japanese is Gatsu, english is Guts) because I like it more this way, tho you can say it both ways.
Glad you like it :)
No. 165104
>>165103Oh neat. I'm guessing your mother tongue is espanol? Just a rough guess since I always see Spanish translations for Berserk everywhere.
Do you ever read the manga in English since your grasp of English is so good?
I can't wait to be able to read literature in the second language I'm learning.
No. 165105
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>>165104No, my native language is Italian. I read the manga in both Italian and English to make sure there aren't big changes in the translation… Berserk was first published in Italy around 1996, then there were a lot of prejudices against mangas and manga readers because they were "different" from the majority of Italian published comics who were rated G and usually considered "for children", so there was a lot of censorship on mangas. But now that I compare the English version and the Italian version, well it looks like Berserk has never been censored. Good :^) D-Do you really think my grasp of English is good? Thanks anon x
No. 165106
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My life is pathetic.
No. 165107
>>165105Yeah it's great, if you hadn't specified that English wasn't your mother tongue I'd have assumed you were a native speaker.
I want to show off some Italian to you now but I only ever learned "non fare il finto tonto" and "putana" from Assassins Creed :(
Hey, are you the Italian-chan I was conversing with about Pasolini earlier?
No. 165108
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>>165107Hahahaha yes it's me! Small world, lmao.
Killer Bambi doujinshi are verrrrry nice
No. 165110
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I'm truly disgusting
No. 165112
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>>165111You and me both anon.
I was pretty buttblasted when i found out this artist had been bullied off tumblr.
No. 165113
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Fenris x Hawke is a qt romance
No. 165115
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honestly though, Hawke goes so well with anyone
No. 165117
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>>165115>calling DA2 anders beste in ANY contextFenHawke superior. Though at least you didn't say your OTP was Fenders, I'd have told you to kys.
No. 165118
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>>165117Let's fight, anon.
No. 165120
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>>165118OP says we have to get along, so…I guess as long as we can agree Fenris is beste boy, i-it's okay for you to have an
inferior opinion.
No. 165121
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>>165120I'm sorry anon, I prefer Anders even if he is a shitlord. It's okay though, Fenris works so well for who he is, he's probably the better written character.
No. 165123
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If you're autistically into ffx and ffx2 the games actually hint at it
but blah blah pedo etc. Tumblr has a fit every time someone even posts art with it.
No. 165126
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>>165124yay another ffx fan
-rikku's samurai dressphere in ffx2 is basically auron's outfit. yuna has the tidus equivalent because of looove
-the way auron holds her face, the way they are repeatedly paired together or next to one another
-when rikku receives her celestial weapon, auron is standing there (wtf)
-the scene at guadosalam where they're the only ones there and they rikku asks tidus to just go already
-the scene between auron and rikku outside the inn in thunderplains
-plenty of other scenes and small interactions between them, more so than between other secondary characters (not counting wakka lulu here)
-rikku's song in ff2 where she sings about a love she lost, a love that's dead, how she can still remember and see him when she closes her eyes etc.
-rikku is there when auron gets HIS celestial weapon. Why is that?
Basically like squall and riona where opposites attract. But that's just the kind of sappy romance I like. It's fine if you don't see it that way, it's just make-believe pairings for nerds. I don't understand why everyone is so buttblasted about this ship.
In japan they have less hangups about this sort of stuff, besides she's not 12, she's 15. Then in ffx2 she's of age and if you want to pretend that auron's story in KH is canon, they could meet again (lol like that's going to happen, but I can dream)
Who would you pair rikku with?
in b4 gippal
No. 165127
>the scene between auron and rikku outside the inn in thunderplainsWhat, you mean the one where Rikku is too afaid to move onwards because of the lightning and Auron is pretty much like "Fine stay here and be a scaredy cunt we'll leave without you then".
And FYI the thing about them both staying outside of the Guadosalam Farplane is not because they wanted to exchange sweet nothings outside the presence of others, it's because Auron couldn't enter the Farplane because he was dead and going in there would force his spirit to leave Spira's plane, and Rikku as an Al Bhed doesn't really believe in Yevon which the Farplane is an extension of, whereas Tidus went in because he wanted to see if he could summon the image of of anybody he knew from Zanarkand and see's his mother, Yuna went in to see the image of her father, Wakka saw Chappu and Lulu saw Lady Ginnem, the summoner she failed to protect
I wouldn't pair Rikku with anybody because not every single person in a group has to be shagging each other, and she's 15.
No. 165128
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>>165127> Rikku as an Al Bhed doesn't really believe in Yevon which the Farplane is an extension of, whereas Tidus went in because he wanted to see if he could summon the image of of anybody he knew from Zanarkand and see's his mother, Yuna went in to see the image of her father, Wakka saw Chappu and Lulu saw Lady Ginnem, the summoner she failed to protectI already know all that, but thank you. I appreciate your response.
I think it's nice that people can project their own stories and romantic inclinations on characters, what I find intriguing is how some people are not 'allowed' to. As if you need a certain quota of 'evidence' for a ship, or for it to be morally acceptable for a certain audience. I've never had so much hatred thrown at me on tumblr until I posted some aurikku art.
I'm not going to 'defend' a fictional fantasy pairing (it's a freaking video game) but I will post some aurikku fanart for every response in this thread.
You can say what you want about this pairing, but at least it provokes some really strong reactions from people, which is weird considering that heavily underage ff9 characters get paired up every way you can imagine, and nobody bats an eye. Maybe because ff9 is less popular? iono.
No. 165132
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Post more OTPs.
>tfw favorite show got canned
No. 165133
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>>165132Razer x Aya. Out of GL shipping I'm partial to Guy x Tora
No. 165140
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Goddammit Arakawa
No. 165142
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muffled Be My Bad Boy plays in the distance
No. 165147
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Kaguya and Utsuro.
No. 165150
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I love the characters even though Borderlands is mostly shit.
No. 165151
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>>165101>>165105Damn I wish I'd found this thread sooner because G/G is one of my otps (I wrote fic of the pairing even) and I'm Italian as well. I have a handful of internet friends who are into the pairing but I don't know anyone IRL.
If you happen to see this and would like to exchange contacts l-let me know.
No. 165152
File: 1454098801120.jpg (84.76 KB, 438x600, Strawberry.Panic!.600.1138852.…)

Ultimate OTP.
No. 165156
>>165152>>165155my first shoujo-ai…
the OTP crafted by the hands of the yuri gods, truly.
No. 165159
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Sorry for Undertale shitposting, but ahhh… I love these two.
No. 165160
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salwada is my OTP, but tumblr is going crazy over it
No. 165161
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My kryptonite
No. 165163
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Started Gossip Girl a few weeks ago, these two kill me ;-;
No. 165164
>>165155I know Anon. I'd be in serious trouble if she was real.
>>165156That was my first experience as well. Any other suggestions? I'm always open to expanding my yuri collection. Yoai is pretty easy to find, but good yuri is a bit harder to come by.
No. 165165
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No. 165167
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>>165166Lol, this is exactly what I said to myself scrolling passed this thread.
Second best jojo bromance.
No. 165173
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>>165151I'm here, how do we exchange contacts?
Dropping pic of another otp btw, Fenris is such smol boifriend
No. 165174
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>>165173So happy to see some Hawke/Fenris lovers on lolcow.
No. 165175
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My taste in OTPs is questionable at best.
No. 165177
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My new OTP since the ballroom scene
No. 165178
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>>165177Far superior Arc-V OTP coming thought.
No. 165179
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>>165178ngl, I thought both Dennis and Yuri were super ugly the first time I saw them but they really grew on me a lot.
No. 165180
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>>165179Same here. I thought their design was kinda off, but then all those cute faces and interactions.
Now I can only care about fusion characters in this show.
Maybe is my GX personal bias.
No. 165181
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Scott and Emma are (were) one of my top 5. Marvel is dead to me after that shit Bendis did to them (and the X-Men in general) ;_;
No. 165184
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I know it's not possible because the official pairing had been made, but I ship Draco x Hermione soooo hard! I was kinda hoping they developed after the Yule Ball, when Draco can't say shit when she's sashaying herself to the ballroom like a queen she is with that beautiful dress and a hot man, and when he showed some 'humanity' when hermione was tortured in deathly hallows, if i'm now mistaken, but oh i'm not the author, what can i do… :(
No fanart for my ship booohooo…but there are lots of photoshopped picture, so i'm gonna go with that
No. 165186
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I ship bands/musicians and I am so sorry
No. 165187
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>>165186There's a bandom discussion on the guilty pleasure thread on /b/ if you wanna join there. I love Pete and Patrick so much.
No. 165188
>>165187I'm headed over rn anon
I just love them so much and they only get better with age
No. 165189
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>>165173Oh man, sorry, I only saw this now! Is email ok? If you don't have a burner account that you can post I can just make one myself!
No. 165193
>>165189Dddo it
Also, one of my otps is femDovahkiinxAstrid. Astrid was like, best girl and I keep thinking of Katheryn Winnick portraying her
No. 165194
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>>165053>>165056Thirding on this.
>>165066Good stuff.
>>165164Girl Friends and Prism are both really cute in my opinion.
Posting circa 2010 OTP, although my actual OTP is from the fucking Percy Jackson books (Percy/Nico).
No. 165196
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