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No. 165200
>>165199Aw dude I fucking love hair removal it's so cathartic.
I epilate though so with every session it becomes slightly more permanent, and I actually kind of like the minor pain of epilation.
No. 165202
>>165200Anon, lol i fucking hate it… but i get what you feel about liking the minor pain of epilation,
I don't take painkillers for minor period cramps cause i like the feeling of it.. idk ha
No. 165203
>>165197I think people don't focus enough of them.
seriously beauty standards arent much a big deal.
bitches be acting like shaving is the same as being abused or some shit like that.
i think if you have a good skincare routine and you eat healthy and have a healthy body, it's all good.
No. 165205
>>165204Why? Tbh I hate the whole "be perfect but never let on that you actually do anything ever to improve your appearance" thing. Like they want skinny chicks who eat huge burgers and perfect skin but no foundation or spending money on expensive creams, natural hair that you spent 2 hours on, etc etc.
Also, I like the simple, natural look and I adopt it myself but seeing interesting looking people is nice too. I've never been to Germany but I lived in France for a while and while almost everyone was attractive, it's just not interesting. There was practically no other style except that wavy hair and skinny jeans look. No subcultures, nothing. Meh
No. 165206
>>165205I like places with high standards.
I'm the inverse.
I just love strict beauty standards because it shows people take care of themselves but that,s just my opinion.
I love natural makeup and the purity thing hnng
I love the whole "be perfect but never let on that you actually do anything ever to improve your appearance"
i guess im weird haha
No. 165207
>>165206I wouldn't really qualify that as high standards, or at least not any more so than basically anywhere else.
I agree though, I love that look, and I have a similar outlook about my own appearance but it shouldn't apply to everyone.
I'm not saying people should run around being obese or dressing in bodyline, not at all, but you can be cute and "different". Some bright lipstick, or studs, or fluffy bows, whatever.
No. 165210
>>165199Oh my god, another NZer!
I don't think NZ cares too much about how women look compared to most other countries, but I live around a college and it's slightly depressing at times how so many people here are attractive, both men and women.
No. 165211
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I'm french, and I think one of the first rule to be seen as a human here is ; Don't be fat, seriously don't.
Despite our very hairy reputation, the hairless rule apply here too, you must be soft as a dolphin, eyebrow trimed, mustach waxed, no leg hair, no underarm hair, no belly hair even it it's just three litttle baby hairs … (I'm a hairy girl so you can pobably feel my strugle)
A classical beauty here must be effortless, chic and modern when she just threw random clothes on her, her face must be nice without any makeup, her hair should be savage but classy, …
We have to much natural classical beauty in our history, like Anna Karina, Romy Shneider, B.B, Isabelle Adjani, Vanessa Paradis, emmanuelle beart. I think all thoses women sum up, the "french ideal" a beautiful, thin lady, who dress in a classic yet modern fashion, with nice hair and little makeup…. Yeah.
No. 165212
>>165210Another Kiwi? Awesome~ Wow I haven't met anyone from Nz on here before.
Anon, do you mean college such as high school, or uni?
I've heard from a lot of foreigners that they have never met such bloke-ish bunch of females, haha don't know what that makes me then.
No. 165213
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I live in UK and its pretty much the same as America standards but with less emphasis on big asses and more emphasis on fake tan
however, i will be moving to Korea soon with my bf (Also Korean)
Knowing how high their standards are . I feel like their family will eat me alive (I have a large jaw, pretty much dakota level if not worse) and im freaking out
I feel like people will call me ugly behind me back and its making me not want to go to Korea (even though it seems unrealistic that people would waste their time on an ugly foreginer )
I'm also pretty tall so I will probably be the same height as guys there
No. 165215
>>165204>>165206Lol our standards aren't really as high as you make them seem to be. I think most Asian standards and partly even the American ones are much higher.
It's just this retarded "look a certain way but neeeever admit you're not born perfect how dare u" attitude. At least Koreans are more open about surgery and having a 20+ product routine is the norm. Here if you use visible make up you're quick to get judged as "fake" and "vain" if you use some beauty products that are more than 5€.
It's hypocritical and stupid.
Besides I think the ~all natural~ and super bland look is overrated. I'd rather see some people being a bit creative than 20+ girls all looking the same while wearing the standard H&M/forever21/Primark uniform clothes.
No. 165216
I'm a foreigner living in Austria and to me it seems the Austrian beauty standards are a bit different than Germany's.
- makeup is usually expected. A lot of girls wear a very natural look EXCEPT for their eyes. Eyeliner and eyeshadow and mascara seem almost required here. Even on uni excursions. I almost never wear eye makeup beyond mascara and occasionally I feel really out of place.
- I see a lot of dyed blonde hair here. I guess I'm used to that everywhere, though. A lot of unnatural red dye too.
- I don't know about body hair but not wearing a bikini at the beach is seen as ridiculous if you are under 40. I guess I didn't see any body hair at the beach.
- Very few girls with pixie cuts here.
- People take risks with their hair but not as much with clothes. If it's not in Zara or H&M, people aren't generally wearing it.
- the only jeans are skinny jeans, as tight as possible. Leather pants and leggings are also OK, no matter how ugly the leggings.
- People comment if you wear heels or platforms and worry about whether you can walk in them (sure, no problem, even on your cobblestones).
-girls do not dress in a preppy or cute style here.
- I get a lot of compliments on my style (even though it's really … idk, a mixture of stuff - hard to explain). It just doesn't fit in. I don't wear a lot of bright colors, but occasionally all I see is black and grey around me, so any brighter color feels a bit garish. Not all the time, but some days.
No. 165221
>>165201That's what I noticed when I was in Germany! I really like the way people take care of themselves but don't walk around like they're going to a party.
I'm Portuguese, our beauty standards are pretty much the same as in the US but also heavily influeced by Brazil. This used to be a pretty conservative country but girls are showing more and more skin. It's pretty common to go to college with a crop top and skinny jeans (yes, even in the winter). Tanned skin is desirable and people with naturally light hair and eyes are idolized, even if they have ugly features. Also, there's a huge fitness trend here, most girls go to the gym and wish for big glutes and six packs. That's pretty much it.
No. 165223
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>>165201Other german here and my experience is almost the same execpt that ppl in my town actually call you out when you're ugly / you wear too much make up / you wear no make up at all. Also, lately every blond/light brown haired girl dyes her hair dark brown for some reason.
>Dagibee for references No. 165229
File: 1448775248514.png (444.99 KB, 807x700, 1447289507096.png);DR: Large eyes and double eyelids have never historically been considered to be universally beautiful in East Asian societies until extensive contact was made with Western Europeans in the 20th century. The current beauty standards found in East Asia are an offshoot of the imperialistic tendencies of the West during the Cold War era. This still affects us today in the way we perceive our own beauty and how we view interracial relationships, particularly with white people.
No. 165230
>>165229That place is just an offshoot of where a bunch of asian guys write long ramblings essays about their conspiracies as to how da white man is keeping da yellow man down. That entire essay was nothing more than ramblings to justify why it's evul to marry da whites and promote some sort of weird pan-asian american nationalist sentiment.
In short, it's garbage.
No. 165232
>>165229That place is just an offshoot of where a bunch of white guys write long ramblings essays about their conspiracies as to how da joos is keeping da white man down. That entire essay was nothing more than ramblings to justify why it's evul to marry da blacks and promote some sort of weird pan-white american nationalist sentiment.
In short, it's garbage.
No. 165236
>>165235That's literally the exact opposite of what the essay says.
>>165232The essay explicitly decries white supremacy..
No. 165239
>>165234imo these people need to get over themselves.
I subscribe to r/asianbeauty because there is actually useful info about Korean cosmetics there, but I roll my eyes at the "beauty standards" threads that get posted occasionally. So much social justice critical race theory sperging.
No. 165240
>>165217Been living in Brussels for 6 years now, and I couldn't really tell much either
I guess we don't see Kardashian tier bullshitters as much as you would in the US
When I finished secondary school here, the different cliques seemed to have different styles; popular girls were striving for the Kardashian look with Stan Smiths and dyed hair (natural colors), the slightly less popular ones dressed decent and then there were a few tumblrites and punks
No. 165244
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>>165242Yep, hardly anything will surprise you after living in Berlin for a couple of years. Though Berlin is in no way representative for the rest of Germany, not even for Berlin itself. It's only the city center where you see hipsters and weird subcultures. 50% percent of the people you see there aren't German anyway.