File: 1448851363066.jpg (84.59 KB, 800x612, eyelids.jpg)

No. 165570
>>165565you don't need 'em
I'm sure your eyes already look gorgeous
No. 165579
File: 1449031233317.jpg (232.72 KB, 1920x1080, deepset.jpg)

>>165578It depends how much work they are going to do to your eye. Only way to cover them is to really plaster on foundation and concealer.
No. 165581
>>165577God you are so dumb. She doesn't want to make her eyes deep set like caucasians. She's not going to remove fat from her eyes to hollow it out. She just wants a higher, more defined eyelid crease.
Fucking white people are so dumb
No. 165585
>>165566i've gotten ps in south korea, and i'm not korean. i kind of agree with
>>165573, though. i got one thing done, and while it slightly improved my face, i feel like it ended up bringing forward my other flaw(s) that i was putting off doing until later.
i have friends that have gotten DES, but they were like your OP pic. monolid to double eyelid. i think what you want is called revisional DES since you already have double eyelids. i was thinking about getting it when i was a teenager, because i had one parallel fold and one hooded eye. i waited since they said your eyelids change while you're a teenager, and now they are both parallel folds. if you're young, yours might become deeper.