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No. 165644
I feel like it's time to freshen up with a new fashion inspiration thread, no bitching just post cute clothes.
The perfect place to put together your own outfits: No. 165645
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No. 165646
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No. 165647
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No. 165649
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>>165648Wind is definitely this skirt's enemy :(
No. 165650
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No. 165651
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No. 165652
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No. 165653
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No. 165657
File: 1449159432844.jpg (57.02 KB, 500x750, image.jpg) through this right now trying to refresh/minimize my closet, requires some reflection but it's very satisfying
No. 165658
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No. 165660
>>165659Maybe she likes being strong and having the ability to defend herself.
Man, the idea of having a FUNCTIONAL body is, liek, soooo totally WEIRD XD
No. 165661
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>>165659go do some squats you fat slob
No. 165665
>>165664Nope, I'm a recovered anorexic skelly who's very interested in the concept of actual, functional strength and using our body for more than just aesthetic appeal, seeing as y'know, we are our bodies and they've got to carry us through life as functionally as possible.
Fortunately you don't get to dictate what is pretty nor feminine but I would bet hard cash that regardless of you have to say about
>>165658, she's a hell of a LOT more healthier and gets a shit load more sexual attention in life than your disgusting ass.
Now away with ye, back to purging.
No. 165668
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I said no bitching for a reason…
No. 165670
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>>165667It wouldn't be so bad if anon didn't take the bait every single time.
No. 165671
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>>165670It would be even better if ana-chans didn't feel it necessary to stick their skeleton honks into ever thread to make commentary on whether a person's weight is upto to their standards or not.
No. 165672
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>>165671They're not even ana-chans though they're low effort trolls. But it obviously works because someone just needs to call an obviously underweight person "fat" and you guys will fall for it and argue for 50 posts. It happens in literally every thread.
No. 165674
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No. 165675
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No. 165676
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No. 165677
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No. 165678
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No. 165680
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>>165679Most western fashion sucks. Its really boring and everybody looks exactly the same. I personally like how Asian fashion is more about being creative rather than just trying to be sexy.
No. 165682
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>>165680Western fashion is spectacular, you're just used to seeing "trendy" fashion i.e. the myriads of women tramping around in skinnies, tanks and wedge heels and not properly co-ordinated, layered, fitted garments.
Tbh Asian fashion is the same in this respect. What you're posting here is just trendy, non-functional clichéd shit that looks like it's comne straight from Taobao/Aliexpress, not actual "fashion" like Limi Feu or Yohji Yamamoto.
No. 165683
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>>165680Also you don't get to shit talk Western fashion whilst posting an image of a young girl clad in entirely Western styles i.e. a French beret, a French origin necktie, the British twill pattern combined with the British Burberry basic trench model.
No. 165684
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Go back to your ashley thread skellington. Shoo! Shoo!
No. 165685
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No. 165686
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No. 165687
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>>165659You sound mad jelly. Being fit actually takes effort, rather than being a skinnyfat droopy flabby slobby ana chan that will have health problems, can't defend herself, has no stamina and can't even lift anything.
No. 165688
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No. 165690
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Maybe doesn't fit in with this thread but I love this kind of shabby, layered goth fashion.
It only really works if you have a sleek, slender body though.
No. 165691
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No. 165692
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No. 165693
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No. 165694
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want this chanel bag man
No. 165695
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No. 165698
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No. 165699
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No. 165700
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No. 165703
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I love Kate Spade's chocolate milk bag but it's like $300.
No. 165705
>anything that goes against my personal beliefs is Tumblr ;)What's it like being retarded.
I mean, like, legitimately mentally deficient.
Life must be tough huh, little fella?
No. 165706
>>165704We live in the year 2015 there is literally no reason to be brutally skinning animals, frequently whilst still alive, in order to steal their fur when their is an abundance of synthetics available.
No reason.
No. 165707
>>165703Last I checked it was actually more like $600.
All her bags like this are so cute but like…
No. 165713
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>>165694>such a small qt bagI bet it's still 1000euro or something since it's fucking chanel
No. 165714
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>>165710>>165711>>165712If ur gonna samefag so much try not to make so obvious lol. Let me guess, this is your style icon? lmao.
No. 165715
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No. 165716
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Why don't Westerners wear elegant, classy clothes like this instead of Uggs and North Face jackets?
No. 165719
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No. 165720
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No. 165721
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I used to like classic lolita style because I love to feel girly and like a princess.
It totally did not work out because I am 5'7" busty and mature looking. Anything that would fit me would look stupid.
I have recently discovered dresses like these. They are super cute, I can wear them to my very corporate job, they are work appropriate and still make me feel girly and pretty.
I hate wearing pants. They just don't look good on me.
No. 165722
>>165714Kek I'm only one of those so you just made a fool of yourself in front of not one but three people.
Also the fact you seem to believe that the trench coat and beret was invented in Asia makes me question your intelligence…
Let me guess - American?
No. 165723
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>>165722Ur the same person its so obvious with your writing style who are you kidding lmao… Most obvious samefagging ever. You made the posts withing a minute or two and your posts always reek of autism lol.
No. 165724
>>165721I'm 5'9" and have a fairly mature face w/ strong features but I still wear classic/gothic lolita because I love the art in the prints.
I have a very definite divide between my 'normal'/work clothing and the rest of my wardrobe, but all the secretary-style blouses that I collected to wear for lolita make the crossover. they look really classy with a nice pencil skirt, heels, and minimal accessories.
No. 165725
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>>165723Hmmmm nah.
Embarrassed yet?
No. 165727
>>165726Just admit you are an idiot for thinking berets and trenchcoats originate from Asia and be done with it, ffs.
Many of the kawaii desu Koreaboo styles you like so much were originally inspired by Western. Deal with it.
No. 165728
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No. 165738
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On an ot note
I love this brand so much. I wish their clothes weren't 1000 dollars each.
No. 165740
>>165738>>165739Honestly this is just another example of how tacky and uninspired Western fashion is.
No. 165741
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>>165720Not sure why, but I love this outfit
No. 165744
Can't get over that they actually believe all that shit in
>>165680 was invented in Asia goddamn…
No. 165745
>>165743She's probably referring to the post she linked to.
>>165742>>165744Is the samefag back again?
Are you just salty because you can't fit into Asian sizes?
No. 165746
>>165745> Are you just salty because you can't fit into Asian sizes? Fucking Kek.
>>165744That was directed towards you lmao
(derailing) No. 165747
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>>165745Running out doors with which to escape through are we?
Tell me again how you came to believe that berets, twill patterns, capes, trench coats and neckties originated from Asia? I'm still waiting :^)
(derailing) No. 165748
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No. 165749
>>165746 and
>>165747 have been banned for the same length of time, for derailing.
No. 165750
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>>165748Damn, second one to the left is noice as fuck.
No. 165751
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No. 165758
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Personally, I like figure flattering clothes. I feel like /fa/ type clothes are often too drapey for that.
No. 165759
>>165758It depends on the figure. And where certain lines are. For the longest time I thought drapey tops wouldn't work on me and make my look fat and pregnant… until I wore one that stopped at the widest part of my hip and made me look slimmer.
But otheriwse I do like fitted tops. Prefer them actually since I have a good shape.
No. 165761
it might look ok on a thin person but this woman just looks like a chunky christian fundamentalist mom
No. 165762
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>>165760>>165761Gothninjas pls go.
No. 165763
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>>165762>corsetthe female fedora
No. 165764
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>>165763Corsets and fedoras get a bad rep because of fat autismos but they can both look great if done right.
No. 165765
>>165764"doing it right":
don't wear a fedora unless you're 50 or older, in shape and wearing a full formal ensemble
don't wear a corset unless you're thin and you're in a play or going to a renaissance faire or some shit
No. 165767
>>165758this look like picture from a pee and poo fetish site right before the star get naked and pee and shit on everything.
That outfits is disgusting also…
No. 165770
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>>165765>>don't wear a corset unless you're thin and you're in a play or going to a renaissance faire or some shitWhy deny yourself the chance to look this hot whenever you want because a few fattys ruined corsets for you?
No. 165771
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Sorry if this is OT but I thought I'd ask here-
Do people actually wear stuff like pic related in daily life? Or is it just for things like photos/events?
I see people on Instagram who wear 'unique' stuff like this head-to-toe but haven't seen someone who actually dresses like this IRL on a daily basis (or at all). Thoughts?
No. 165774
>>165771Don't think I've ever seen entire outfits comprised of said 'unique' stuff IRL. I have seen 'unique' pieces (e.g. shoes similar to the ones on the left) worn with plainer outfits/dresses but that's about it! Honestly, trying to wear this stuff head to toe IRL would just look off regardless of how good those Insta photoshoots make it look.
Context/environment is key!
No. 165776
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I know this is the pic berry stole and is using as her Twitter profile pic but I love this look so much
No. 165777
>>165767Male anons get out.
We don't need your perversion and shit fashion
No. 165780
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from a Taobao shop
it's kinda sickly cute but it's so appealing
No. 165782
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No. 165783
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>>165782I love old deliah's magazine scans it's really youthful.
No. 165784
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also dumping my scans I've collected
No. 165785
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No. 165786
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No. 165787
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No. 165788
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No. 165789
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Also it's really easy to find these pieces for like a couple of bucks on ebay or etsy
No. 165790
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No. 165791
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No. 165792
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No. 165793
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No. 165794
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No. 165795
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No. 165799
>>165789>>165782>>165783>>165784>>165785>>165786>>165787>>165788>>165789>>165790>>165791>>165792>>165793>>165794>>165795These are great. Thank you for uploading. I'm super nostalgic over later 90's/early 00's clothes. However, I acknowledge how terrible it was… and yet, how I would love to see some of these awful trends come back.
Seeing these makes me thing of livejournal and really ugly Xanga pages. I can practically hear the dial-up tone and the AOL "You've got mail!" sound-bite. I remember seeing older girls on television and in movies wear these fashions and thinking they looked so cool. My favorite was the sporty/skater look. Sorry for personal blogging – just super nostalgic!
No. 165800
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>>165783eek, so many! thank you anon
No. 165801
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No. 165803
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No. 165806
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>>165802Platform sandals were everywhere this past summer
No. 165812
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How do you guys feel about American apparels outfits like this? I really love them. They feel effortlessly classic and not too flashy
No. 165817
>>165816>he/she said "classic" not classywhoops my mistake
But wouldn't classic still mean modest?
No. 165826
>>165824H&M's divided range is made up almost exclusively of items like this.
A lot of others you can simply DIY.