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No. 165840
>>165839Oh I get plenty of attention, most of it unwarranted considering I'm possessed of a fiancé, I don't consider the behaviour of little girls emanating from a grown woman's body to be appropriate or… well it's just fucking gross and should never be endorsed.
If I sound like a frump then you sound like a vile ageplayer.
Also I linked to the wrong post, I intended for
>>165833 which I suppose should have been obvious, but you can continue this if you really wish. More unnecessary aggression I guess.
No. 165843
>>165842Gross it's you.
I see you posting this in different threads all the time and you really, REALLY need to stop trying to make this happen.
It's not going to happen.
Also why you still trying to butt heads with me when you know I wasn't talking to you in the first place.
No. 165849
>>165847I'm a guy and I already gave the answer
>>165834It's pretty easy, just be hot. And you know how you just see some people in public and some of them look really friendly, like you could just go up to them and start talking, and other people look really bitchy like they just want to be left alone? Be in the first group, not the second group.
Also keep in mind that an increasing number of guys are pussies these days and are afraid of approaching women. If you're still not getting the attention you want, go to a bar or club or something, if you're not ugly you will get attention…
No. 165850
>>165831be feminine, elegant, classy, soft.
10/10 you'll get attention from men because feminity and softness isnt encouraged in america so you'll stand out
No. 165853
>>165845All of my posts have been pretty reasonable thus far.
What's sperging out is exploding and posting shit like "kek anon. How is that retarded? you sound like a frumpy cow whos angry about never getting attention" in response to a text post that was obviously intended for another user kek
No. 165856
>>165855Why would I call somebody retarded for posting "be hot. Smile, no resting bitch face. Being out in public with large groups of female friends probably reduces your chances of getting approached". That's completely normal advice.
Maybe think next time before you explode? The hyper-aggression on this site has gotten so bad.
No. 165857
>>165852Hahahaha I really can't believe you actually felt this was a good thing to reply.
>>165856Just stop replying . You could have said "oh sorry, I meant that for >>14836!" And we would have understood and dropped it. It was not as obvious as you seem to think since we can't read your mind.
You must be the samefag who keeps talking about how ~bad~ this site has gotten when people are rude back to you for being rude lmao.
No. 165859
>>165857I can't believe that you think that having a fiancé is so rare a thing that you felt it necessary to point out in
>>165844It's totally normal and that's why I mocked you for it, because you seem to think it's "special".
No. 165864
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>>165834Definitely agree with this. Always smile, even at strangers. Be super polite, hold open doors, pick up things for people. Also agreed on not being with large groups. I am an introverted loner, but by smiling and being nice it gets positive attention, from people of all ages, races, and genders. Be nice and friendly but you do not need to stick around and talk. It actually works better because it would force a guy to continue the conversation or chase after you. By chase I mean follow you and try to continue the conversation. Never act desperate or that you are looking for it, or you will get 3/10's following you for an easy piece of meat.
You want to come off as: Sweet, nice, happy, friendly (but not too friendly, be like an enigma), confident, polite, feminine, and independent. Being alone makes it way easier for guys to notice you or approach you. Even just to look at you. You want to look like you are 100% content (better yet if you actually feel that way) - men can sense that and will want to be apart of it.
Showing a little bit of cleavage or tummy or tight pants if you have a nice butt is good, but only feature one of the features at a time. Guys prefer hair down than up. Guys prefer the "natural" makeup look (foundation, concealer, thin eyeliner close to the lashes, mascara, pink lipgloss, a little blush/bronzer depending on your look, neat eyebrows. ) This all applies no matter if you are pastel goth, boho, casual, etc. Keep it simple and clean.
If you are finding you are still not getting attention. Try making eye contact and smiling, and then look away. Guys immediately notice. Even if you are at best a 6/10, a 8/10 guy will still look back.
No. 165865
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The femininity thing definitely works, but I wouldn't discount being boyish (or otherwise) either.
Personally, I tend to dress in androgynous/guys' clothes when going out, prefer drinking beer to wine/cocktails, and when I loosen up I have a playfully snarky but open demeanor that makes me really approachable and melts people's defenses quickly. It helps me make friends easily, too.
Almost every time I go out to a party, bar, or hangout (usually with my best friend dragging me there, and she's got her own wild style) I get a lot of male, and sometimes female, attention. I usually either laugh it off or purposefully entertain it a bit, before getting extremely spaghetti and pulling away entirely. For some reason, this drives guys crazy.
I don't really go out anymore for tl;dr reasons, but in summation: being a down-to-earth gal with a sense of humor who can look good (or fake it) and exudes confidence (even if it's a facade or a defense) can really work wonders.
No. 165867
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Autistic info table 4 u OP
No. 165869
>>165866What's wrong with dating a creepy 50 year old dude tho
wait I know
No. 165870
>>165840I'm the anon from
>>165833 The question wasn't "How do I look attractive to men while keeping my integrity and look classy?", it was "How do I get as much positive attention as possible for men?"
Sexy body and clothes combined with childish( or "retarded" if you say so) manners drive men crazy, they think you are hot but also easy and hitable. Men of all ages find slightly childish and innocent behavior sexy.
No. 165871
>men of all ages find slightly childish and innocent behavior sexyWell that's a sickeningly bold and unfounded statement.
If began acting like a child I'm pretty sure my partner would ask me why I'm behaving like a spaz and tell me to cut it out.
Sounds like you're after men who are into ageplay which is as equally disgusting.
No. 165872
>>165871Disgusting but true.
It's just from observation clubbing and partying. Two hot skimpy clothed girls enter the club, one of them behaves like a normal person, the other acts childish, dumb and "hihihi". The childish one always get twice as much attention than the normal one, from both hot young guys and weirdos in their 30's/40's
No. 165873
>>165872I think it's because childish behaviour makes her look more dumb and naive- therefore easier to get her to have sex with them.
A lot of men in places like nightclubs are looking for quick hookups, not serious relationships.