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No. 166299
>>166296Lol oh god-
>ステコメありがとう!x1000I have a personal policy against spending money on pixels, especially for games I can't have a hard copy. I finally caved and bought gems, then I lost my laptop and when I finally got a new one the site was shut down. I splurged on one of the large gem packs and didn't even get to use it.
>TinierMeThat site was my shit. I had a male avatar with some really rare items, I had the first 3 animated items including the very first animated interior item, the blonde visual layer hair, the leather jacket, the black halo, oh god I had such swag in that game. I still like to go back and play with the dream avatar creator from time to time.
No. 166307
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I spent probably around $200 on Poupeegirl. Yeah it was a waste looking back but the site made me so happy for so long. I cried when it shut down. Its final months were really sad when the shops stopped being updated.
I asked for a bentewee invite on the poupeegirl LJ months ago but no one ever replied to me. ;_;
No. 166308
>>166307Does anyone know
why it shut down? I know they had to be making money, lost of people bought gems for the gem-only items.
No. 166312
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I ocassionally have dreams where I am my poupee girl, then I wake up and realize she is gone and buried in an interwebs graveyard T__T I have all the photos I took from my wardrbobe and I feel sad coming across them on my computer or phone. No one else will ever appreciate those pictures except you fellow poupees!!! I'm really amazed and depressed that cyber agent just didn't sell it. In the right hands~ PG would have gone far for it's users and it's programmers. I bought jewels often T__T I also cried for like days after it closed lol I'm sooo pathetic, but i really miss it.
No. 166314
>>166311The shop is the Katharine shop but they started again in 2007 and now's 2008 but ocassionally new shops pop up but ofc the site is aimed to old users
>>166304Gems don't exist on the new site, there is no buying option, just donate to support new features but you can play all for free and all items are free why the misinformation?
No. 166317
>>166316Oh my god I got that shit the worst on TinierMe. I had an old ass account so I got pretty much all the extremely valuable/old goodies (though I don't remember all their names):
-black halo
-studded belt
-visual layer hair in blonde
-first animated eyes
-first animated interior item (piano)
-first animated equippable item (moving golden dragon)
-leather biker jacket
-horned mischievous shadow thing
I had soooooo fling many comments on all my shit begging me to trade, despite a huge ass paragraph of the phrase "DO NOT ASK ME FOR TRADES OF ITEMS NOT ON MY TRADE LIST" repeating 15 times. Eventually I just had to start blocking people and then when the item started getting boring and they started focusing on the aid currency over the in game currency I stopped logging on. I did love the little bento memory mini game though and tinier cafe.