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No. 167426
I met her in college with the rest of my friends, and she seemed really cool at first (though just a tiny bit offputting). I moved in with my group of friends after a semester abroad and ended up being her roommate, but I heard from a lot of my friends her true shitty nature came out. Yeah she's depressed and shit, but basically everyone in my friend group has some sort of mental illness- yet she's the only one who seems to let it define her and actively affect her. She never refills her meds on time, so she's constantly going on/off of them and her body has to readjust all the time, and would almost always cut class under the guise of "I'm so sad, I can't go to class today!" She's so toxic and we feel like she's obsessed with the ~*~*sad depressed princess*~*~ idea and it's gross. Insensitive or not, make an attempt to better yourself through your depression. If you've gone through the trouble of getting medication, why don't you also get them refilled on time, or go to on-campus counseling?
I hate people like that, I really do. There have been plenty of days where I skip out on hanging out with friends and stay in bed and isolate myself even though I know it's terrible, but if I have class and a couple thousand dollars of loans in my name for said classes, I'm going whether I like it or not (whether or not I actually manage to pay attention is a whole other thing- but at least I won't fail based on shit attendence).
Our college is so small, and our friend group is so small (and we're all friends because we're all crazy about shitty nerdy things. so it's not like there's really THAT much of a wide selection of people to pick your friends from) that it's sort of hard to escape. She was forced out of school for a semester (because of her shit grades) but she STILL came up. ALL. THE. TIME. Honestly, I think we only keep her around because our other best friend (god bless her soul) is just too fucking nice to see what a shit person she is. It's a shitty excuse as to why we're still friends with her, but hopefully next year she won't be living with us so we'll deal with her a little bit less at the very least.
I've only ever been able to cut one person that I hated out of my life, but it was only easy because we never went to the same school so avoiding her irl and on all social media wasn't that hard.
No. 167427
>>167423I have a lot of friends I keep around because they're entertaining, or because 'the more the merrier' and it's useful to bring them to the pub so I don't have to speak as much.
A few have pathetic lives that I like making fun of. I like having women uglier and fatter than me as friends, because they complain to me about their difficulty in finding a man, dieting and how ugly they are. Inwardly I'm masturbating to their misery.
No. 167428
>>167426Reading stuff like this makes me fucking scared
I could be this friend. It makes me afraid people around me aren't genuine and would be relieved if I finally went away.
I really hate the fact that so many people tolerate people they don't like. It makes me so paranoid about who really likes me and who doesn't.
Social interaction is so confusing. I wish everybody would just be honest. I mean I understand that being polite is necessary to get through life but there’s a huge difference between being polite to someone and calling them „friend“ when in fact they aren’t.
No. 167429
>>167424Years ago, I did finally let her know that I don't really want to be friends. I've always been honest with this girl. She insisted that we meet to talk in person. So I went over there. And it was done. I later found out that she had recorded our whole conversation and was having people listen to it too make sure they agree that I'm fucked up. 3 years later her mom died. And Long story short, I happen to see her out somewhere, she Immediately starts crying and gives me a hug talking about how what happened didn't matter compared to her mom dieing. It was that moment I couldn't just say "fuck off" I'm not cruel…so we were friends again. And have been since. She is aggressive with calling and wanting to hang out. I can't say no to the invite when I literally don't have a real excuse not to. Fast forward, my mom died. Fast forward more to new year's eve, and this girl won't stop dissagreeing with me about some stupid Topic. That eventually lead to her gaining this know it all attitude about dealing with death. As if I didn't know anything about it, bc my mom only JUST died. So, we aren't talking right now. Im going to leave it that way.
>>167428Im sorry if you are that friend. There are 2 kinds of these friends, 1 they have to have a lot of confidence to continue to invite themself into people lives (like my friend) or 2 your weak, and other people invite you out Just to make fun of you, and you keep going bc your so lonely. I know bc I used to be that person. Socialising is hard, but the older you get the better at it you become.
No. 167430
I continued being friends with a close friend I had since middle school for old times sake and because I wanted to be loyal. She was abusive to me whenever she got upset for some external reason (calling me stupid/idiot in front of other girls, excluding me from her parties even though she called me her "best friend"), but when she was happy, she was the sweetest and most caring friend, plus I was awkward and lonely so I couldn't be too picky unless I wanted zero friends. She was popular and our middle school was very small, so if I wrote her off, it'd be impossible to make friends with other girls.
When I started dating my bf in freshman year in HS, I cut her off because the "advice" she was giving me was really negative and being away at a different school from her, I was able to see how she affected me vs how I felt around my new social circle. A few years later, I found her online journal and saw a post where she was talking about how much she missed me. I came back into her life to try again, because I also honestly missed her and things went well, but we were never able to be that close again. We were more like acquaintances, and I wanted to feel that closeness you'd feel with a bff. We'd drifted too far apart and we turned out to be too different people.
I hung onto our friendship for over a decade before just kinda fading out of communication (her career recently started up too, so I can conveniently just say we both "got too busy" if confronted). But the truth is that she never formally apologized for publicly calling me names in middle school, and I just never got over it even though she hasn't done it in years. I always had this pit feeling in my stomach the few times I was near her since those days, like she's secretly calling me an idiot in her head and hasn't changed at all (she just learned to zip her lip). I don't want to confront her about it because we were like 14 years old and it's embarrassing that I still ~care~ so much but it honestly just turned me off from ever being close with her again even though I tried.
No. 167432
There's this girl I met on a fan-meet when I was 13 and was a fan of a popular european boyband. We used to talk a lot and had similar interests, she was also older than me. Once I grew out of the fandom we kinda stopped talking. Some years later she called me and said she wanted to hang out, I said sure.
She was nice but she talked waaay too much. We spent the whole day together and I almost didn't say a word, she wouldn't let me. I also found it strange that she was still a fan of this band, since they don't even make music anymore. She's in her mid 20's now, has a job and lives with her boyfriend but seems to be stuck at that awkward teenage phase. She also mentioned she still has a picture of me from that time hanging on the wall, from one day we exchanged pictures. That kind of freaked me out a little. Anyway, I figured she was just a nice talkative person and felt bad for thinking that way.
Fast-forward some days, I'm staring to get annoyed. She started sending me several text messages per day, getting angry when I didn't answer right away, calling me, messaging me on facebook… I tried to explain to her that I couldn't hang with her every damn week but she would just try to guilt me into being with her, saying I'm not a good friend, that all her other friends are busy but manage save time for her (her exact words)… When I did try to have a chat with her she would just talk about herself, she could talk about herself for days, but she would also throw in some half-hidden criticism, saying my hair's a mess and I should cut it, that my relationship wouldn't last because my then-boyfriend lived too far away… I can accept that shit from a close friend, but not from some person who I used to talk to when I was a pre-teen.
Anyway, I started ignoring all her attempts to contact me and she eventually stopped. Until some days ago, when she called me again, same shit again. I don't know if she's extremely needy or just batshit, but I don't understand why she acts this way. She seems to have a nice normal family, a stable relationship and several close friends. smh
No. 167436
I had this big IRC/Skype group of "friends" who were amazingly autistic. To give you an example, my "bestie" was a fat kool-aid haired feminist who was highly jealous of me (I don't think I'm that out of the ordinary, other than I was blonde and thin and she hated that). She probably had asperger's, in retrospect. She liked to think she was the queen bee in this group of highly dysfunctional beta males, so I was competition even though I did nothing. She was also like a fake ___ girl, as best as I could describe her. She'd get into gaming, but only play Zelda: Wind Waker or something. If she liked anime, it'd only be Miyazaki films. You catch my drift. Typical SJW "I only like it ironically" behavior and a real life case of "fake nerd girl".
She was also a proud legbeard and regularly talked about that and her period habits in the chat. I couldn't stand it, so I called out a lot of her awful habits, one of them being a bitch openly and her beta males never calling her out on it. She'd often try to attack people she didn't like in her chat and make examples of them. I politely but firmly pulled her aside in private chat and told her to stop doing it, but it apparently forever "damaged" our relationship since I was not groveling to her and she actually calls me a toxic and "bad, mean person" now.
She apparently is still so bothered by my existence, (it's been almost 4 years now) she regularly rants and tries to stalk me online with her beta orbiters but can't find anything since I just change SNs a lot.
No. 167440
>>167428Sorry I made you feel that way anon, I honestly feel like that too sometimes.
If it makes you feel any better, since we live together, we've actually sat her down and confronted her about it because it just made the living situation a bit tense. We told her things she did that bothered us and made us feel uncomfortable, and every single time we did, she cried and played victim. It's come to the point where we KNOW she's going to cry, so what's the point in living with her if she's annoyed because we dont cater to her every whim like our other best friend and her boyfriend?
I can't stand her as a person, but I also fear becoming like her so sometimes I end up not reaching out because I'm afraid to burden everyone like she does. I think this friend is more of a special case though. If you're aware of your actions and how they might make other people feel/consequences of your words, I think you'll be fine. Some people are better at faking tolerance than others, but no one is perfect anon.
A lot of us grew tired of keeping up faces. We all go through shit in our lives and we all know no ones problem is worse than anyone else's, but this friend just doesn't seem to get it. Honestly, outside of these things, she's a cool girl. It's just that living with her really made her show us her true colors.
No. 167441
I am glad I am not the only one.
In some ways I like her, and I am ok with hanging out with her, but in so many ways she is my personal lolcow.
She wants to be Jessica Nigri. She copies her fashion, her stupid ~* lol I am such a randum gamur gurl *~ persona. It isn't just a suspicion - she literally copies Jessica Nigri all the time. When we are out, a lot of times I will mention her and it will catch her off guard. For example, I will say: Ooh you should get those, it looks like something JNig would wear! And she just doesn't respond and looks shocked.
She streams on Twitch to about 2 viewers each time. She spams her facebook wall every time she streams.
On her Twitch stream, she claims she wants donations to help pay for school. Her parents pay for her education.
She is 27 and still trying to get her Bachelor's degree. Doesn't have a job. Her parents pay for everything.
I saw someone else mention this: She literally stole my past. Like, things I did in the past, she pretended she did, and brags about it on facebook. I was just like, Bitch, what the fuck, I told you I did that, you never did that (I knew her at that age)… and you are claiming you did?
Honestly, I think she just wants to be like me. Which is kind of flattering in a way, but I also don't understand because I am an introvert, self-indulgent bitch without many friends or boyfriends, meanwhile she is kind of a slut and gets guys all the time because she is outgoing and cute. I am more of the mature, sexy kind of look and I would rather be cute and small like her.
No. 167443
>>167429I'm pretty old (24). I'm just really anxious about people not being genuine. however I never invite myself to events. Quite the opposite, actually.
On a different note, I never attract people I don’t like. I never had someone calling or messaging me without me liking them back. I think that’s because I’m a very blunt, and maybe also rude person without even noticing (slight autism maybe?).
My bf has this one friend who gets on everybody’s nerves. He will call people multiple times a day, message them on Facebook and just have huge monologues about whatever. He’s also pretty funny and entertaining so he’s not the friend everybody hates, just a little bit annoying and needy. Anyway, he does this to EVERYBODY in our friend circle - except for me. He tried messaging me on Facebook once and I responded the way I always respond when I’m not too interested in a conversation. Since then I never heard from him again. Everybody in our friend group wants to know my secret now.
>>167440Thanks, that really made me feel better.
No. 167451
There are these two girls I usually hang out with, though we don't really have much in common.
They're very sweet and friendly, but at the same time I'm so bored with them. It makes me feel bad.
I think I first ended up being friends them because I have social anxiety, we share a couple classes and they were nice to me. The first girl I've known for roughly two years, the other six months.
Recently, I went to a party and ending up getting left alone with some people I don't know that well, and we got along somehow (it wasn't a scary atmosphere like at work/school for whatever reason), and IMO I'd have a lot more fun with them, but I'd also feel like a shithead if I just dumped my old friends for new ones.
I don't like it when they tag along when I'm with others. I don't like it when people ask me where they are when we're not together. At the same time, I don't want to hurt their feelings or cut them out of my life because they're actually really nice people. They've done nothing wrong.
I know the feeling of being snubbed or told to fuck off by people you consider friends, and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. I don't know what to do.
No. 167452
>>167429honestly, the older i've become, the less i've been able to socialize. i have no friends, literally no friends. i used to have friends when i was in highschool, but somehow lost the ability to make new ones in college. in high school it was easy because lots of the people i went to elementary school were there, and school forced you to interact with lunches, home room, gym, etc. in college, there was nothing to force you to be social. you just went to your classes, and that's it.
i'm 31 years old and basically a hermit. i only leave my house for work, or if my sister takes me out shopping.
a lot of my aversion to people is that i dont want to be THAT friend, that one that forces their way into peoples' lives, the one no one really likes but just talks to out of pity or something.
No. 167455
>>167453ha. maybe. i know a lot of my insecurity comes from my elementary school/first year of highschool best friend. she always made fun of her other friends behind their back, calling one beaver because of her buck teeth for example. she never really invited me to hang out with her one on one, always with a group. and the group never seemed interested in me, many seemed to not like me because i was that one girl's best friend or something.
then in high school i found a different crowd and became best friends with a girl who actually DID invite me out and we hung out all the time, even got jobs at the same places. but then she moved several states away and suddenly contact between us disappeared. she'd barely respond to my emails, and we went many years without talking at all until i finally got a facebook and she friended me. our only contact is liking each other's statuses once in a while or a single sentence comment on something. it hurts because i thought i meant something to this second girl, enough to at least be long distance friends, but i guess not. it really destroyed my self confidence and i haven't had a friend since she moved.
No. 167456
>>167455adding more to this. i became paranoid that my first best friend was making fun of me behind my back, because she did it to everyone else, and i knew for sure her other friends made fun of me behind mind, because a girl told me in music class that she had just come from the bathroom where two of them were laughing about me to each other, saying stuff like "she walks like a man!" and doing imitations of me.
i'm in an awkward situation now, because i got an invitation to that first best friend's wedding, and i really don't want to go. none of those other girls actually liked me, and i'd be sitting there like a creepy, nonsocial loser. i just don't know how to tell her i won't be coming…
No. 167458
>>167429I guess what I meant was you care less about what people think. And because of this tiny boost of confidence its easier to be yourself. I didn't realise how much I cared (about what other ppl thought of me) until I turned 30. I'm a hermit too, but I dont give a fuck anymore lol
I agree its hard to make friends as you get older, but that's because you don't have time for bullshit. Your smarter more confident, and your circle closes bc of it.
When I was 18 I made friends easy, but the quality of them was crap. I just wanted to Like and be Liked. I don't know those people anymore.
Anyway, its not like I'm this super confident woman who has all her shit together, but I'm muuuch closer to it than when I was 20.
No. 167459
You're are so fucking retarded it hurts. Go back to tumblr pls.
No. 167461
>>167460I got chills reading this. Your choice of words is familiar to me.
I bet someone had told you exactly what they don't like about you, but you most likely became real defensive and didn't realise you got exactly What you wanted.
No. 167462
When I was younger I had a friendship for about 6 years with someone I hated but I didn't realize why at the time. It wasn't until I was a full grown adult when I was able to piece together how messed up this friendship was and realize what she did to me was not okay. She made up lies about me to get my friends to not like me anymore so she would be my only friend, lied to me repeatedly about herself, psychologically tortured me with mind games, became insanely possessive over me, did weird shit like pinned me down on the bed and kept her face inches away from mine, grabbed at me, tickled me or jabbed at my stomach and would never stop even when I begged her to, wanted to take baths with me, and wanted me to RP with her in real life (and always have me be the guy in her OTP- I'm a girl).
I sound ridiculous and pathetic saying this but that friendship has ruined me socially and now I am so paranoid and hypersensitive about everyone I meet, even though it has been over a decade since high school which was finally an excuse to get away from her. (Went to different schools.) I had other shitty friendships since too (ones who use me for money, ones who used me only for a therapist to vent to, unfortunately a few more who molested me, etc. I became a good doormat.)
Now the second someone does something that hurts me, I immediately distance myself emotionally, which is stupid because everyone hurts everyone, but my trust issues are so crazy I can't even deal.
As I have gotten older I have gotten a lot more jaded and am now really judgmental and nitpicky about all of my friends too. I know it comes from me being unhappy with myself, projecting, and also having social problems, but I now feel satisfied when people who "hurt me" are not doing so hot. Even the ones I am close with don't know what I really think about them, I am so good at hiding it.
I have been trying to improve myself so much, learn how to communicate my feelings better so I can say how I feel and stop being so fucking vindictive, and keep trying to open up to people, but I seem to attract a really mixed bag of individuals. Since I am still a doormat (but trying to get better at that), a lot of them are very selfish and then I just run away when their selfishness hurts me.
I only have a couple of people in my life who act like good friends, but again since they have hurt me a few times in the past I can't let myself be close or really care about them. (Also I am too cowardly to ever say they hurt me now because EVERY single fucking time I tell a friend something they did hurt me, I swear to fucking god they start pushing me away or talking shit behind my back, even though I think obsessively and research the best and least accusatory way to bring up my feelings.) I have done things I am not proud of to them too, like talking about their worse points to other friend groups. I hate myself for that, they did not deserve it. I have done this with a lot of people, whether I considered them better friends or not. I have tried to refrain from doing that for the last couple of years, but I'm still a complete bitch for doing it at all.
I am convinced socializing and friends are just not for me. The only person I have ever gotten really close to is my current S/O but I sperg out a lot because I am so stunted about how to people. I don't even know how my S/O can handle me most of the time tbh…
Sorry for the LJ entry. I just really hate being like this but I feel like no matter what I try, I am just wrong socially.
No. 167463
>>167442oooh boy my sides anon please go easy.
but seriously, its worth googling any chan terms you an unfamiliar with
No. 167465
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I am friends with someone who is "YouTube famous" - not super famous, but he gets invited to cons and LANs and shit. He is your typical gamer, kind of fat, average looking, but has a really good personality and he is hardworking, so that brought him success.
Every time he has a girlfriend, they are the biggest bitches to me. They always are fame hungry whores who immediately try to capitalize on his followers and fans and such. Like they make Twitter accounts that get maybe one like from random fans that happened to follow her. It is super pathetic. Both of these girls have been chunky and older than me, so I guess that adds to the hatred.
I have genuinely tried to be super nice to these girls because I do like my friend and want him to be happy, but they hilariously always turn passive aggressive to me. Best of all, I continue being sugary sweet to them, which only makes them hate me more.
I think they hate me because not only am I better than they are at games, I am prettier, skinnier, and richer. They usually are big fuckups in their personal lives, too.
The real reason they should hate me is that their boyfriend would leave them in a hot second for me, basically any time I want. In fact, once most recent girlfriend was passive aggressive enough (and honestly sort of active aggressive lately), I started flirting with friend and he is offering to fly me out to spend any weekend with him. Of course I am not taking him up on the offer, I am not going near his dick after the whores he has fucked, at least not until he loses weight or something. But it is nice to be reminded that I could fuck these girls over so easily.
honestly the most amusing part is how pretending to be their friend and nice to them only makes them act more malicious towards me.
No. 167467
>>167462The part about the physical touching hit close home.Leaving out a lot of details because I don't want to be doxxed but I have a friend that's ruining me and I'm too much of a pussy to break it up. She's obsessed with me and a very much of a lesbian (I'm a bi girl but not into her) and she wants to hold my hand in public all the time, gets upset when I don't want to do it or pull my hand away from her, gives me kisses on my cheek all the time and wants me to do the same and mopes when I refuse, grabs my chest, hugs me, gropes me, tells me how beautiful I am all the time etc. It creeps me out and it's twisted my view of sexuality pretty bad and I've became so ashamed of my body. I've told her to stop and she always promises to but then starts doing it again while guilt tripping me about denying her. Once while I was lying on the bed she just came next to me and put her hands under my shirt and bra. That freaked me out so bad and I still feel sick and dirty thinking about it.
Fuck thirsty lesbians who think sexual harassment isn't wrong when it's done by a woman. I'm too ashamed of talking about this to anyone and since she's otherwise a very close friend I'm just not able to break away from her.
No. 167469
I feel kind of ashamed contributing to this thread, but I have a friend who I've known for about a decade, been casual friends with for ~7 years, and close friends for about 5. I'm her best friend and it makes me feel like shit because I don't actually like her that much.
We both grew up in a smallish town where you pretty much didn't get to choose your friends, you just became friends with the few people who shared your interests, and so she and I ended up being friends. I had other friends in other groups but she was the type that was "passed around" groups a lot and couldn't really keep friends for long, until she met her boyfriend freshman year of high school and morphed into his friend group, where I also was. She actually ended up driving a ton of them away – we had this table we sat at during lunch and by the end of the year she, her spineless boyfriend, and myself were the only ones there.
I have a whole laundry list of stuff she does that's shitty. She talks about how much she hates other girls, trashes on girls for doing their hair and makeup, is judgmental, and is also kind of an attention whore (you know the type: really loud, like she wants people to overhear all her conversations, even the comments that are directed at me and wouldn't make sense out of context anyway, and constantly making comments on things during class because she thinks she's funny). On top of this, she treats her boyfriend poorly, often degrading him in front of others to show off (although, thankfully, she doesn't really do this anymore). Now we're in college and I feel fucking stifled by her. I'm not saying I'm much better than her – I should have stopped putting up with her shit years ago, like the rest of her friends did, but I'm literally her only friend other than her boyfriend and she'd be devastated.
No. 167471
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I know a guy who's a spoiled cunt. He makes drama out of nothing and constantly lies. He bitches at people who have lots of pets, yet he has two rabbits, two cats, and four rats. Whenever I go to his house, the animals cages and litterboxes are absolutely filthy. He let his first rabbit die of neglect. He says his cats escaped yesterday because "they managed to open a window" but the type of windows he has are the windows in the image. They have to be lifted up from the bottom by a human. There's no way the cats could have opened them.
He gets money hand over fist - he doesn't work, study, or receive benefits so his parents fund his lifestyle by paying for his rent, paying for him to get takeaways several times a week, paying for him to go up and down the country to several anime cons each year. He's 25 years old.
If he doesn't like a show or a film he'll shit all over it on social media, but if you say you don't like something he likes, he starts drama.
He blames everything on muh condishuns, which he always gets after someone else. Every time people he's close to get a diagnosis of something, he seems to get the same one a few weeks later. He complains about his health, but doesn't do anything the doctors tell him to do, to improve what little is genuinely wrong with him. He claims he has 'serious bulimia' but he's a fat pig who inhales everything in sight and doesn't ever purge.
He recently started saying that he converted to Judaism, but hasn't done any of the things required to convert, and conveniently follows a branch that "is modern and un-orthodox" so doesn't eat kosher or ever visit the Synagogue. He wears his kippah when it gets him oppression points for being a gay, trans Jew.
I only keep him around cause he works in lush and gets 50% discount.
No. 167473
>>167467I have a friend that grabs all frmale tits and ass too. She claims she's not a bisexual tho lololol
Ok misha then why are you squeezing my buttocks?
No. 167477
There's this one girl in who I liked at first, but the more time I've spent around her, the harder she's gotten to tolerate. I'll try to list her grievances in chronological order, but I'm injured and tired, so my thoughts are a little jumbled right now.
>loudly laughs at Markiplier videos when I’m trying to study in the designated study room
>interrupts me to give me her commentary without any context, even when I’m obviously busy
>takes way too many classes a semester, despite everyone telling her not to
>goes to all sorts of social events, including daily lunch dates with then-bf
>always leaves assignments to the last minute and then complains to me about never having time to finish them
>asked me for advice halfway through the semester because she was failing two classes
>I tell her to drop a class
>she twists my words to make it seem like I just called her stupid
>I tell her to do fewer social things
>she says she can’t function if she doesn’t hang out with people
>listens to nobody’s advice at all, even though she’s constantly asking our entire friend group for it
>doesn’t value others’ opinions, either; she’s always right no matter what
>somehow insists she’s the most mature out of the group
>calls me immature solely because I like fashion, makeup, etc
>tried to convince me fashion was a waste of time because according to her, it’s not hard enough
>says similarly insulting things to other friends
>nobody in our group of friends likes her; we only put up with her because same apt building and same extracurriculars.
>only one who likes her is this total bitch I go out of my way to avoid (out of the blue, this girl called me ugly to my face, and when I calmly asked her why she felt that was appropriate, she said "just being honest, tee hee")
>annoying friend blames Honest Bitch for her boyfriend dumping her
>relationship actually failed due to communication problems and both parties being busy with school/work
>friend decides that a single offhand joke that Honest Bitch told was the cause
>tells everyone in our circle plus some other randoms
>hasn't brought it up with Honest Bitch at all
>recently came to the conclusion that Honest Bitch (who is 100% straight) must have a crush on her and tried to break them up out of jealousy
>is now spamming everyone in our friend group with play-by-play updates of her attempt to switch to a harder major despite failing two classes last semester
I don’t want to deal with her anymore, but since we’re in the same apartment building and we both wound up being admins of the same club. I don’t want to be a bitch to her, but I’ve reached the end of my patience. Does anyone have tips for dealing with people like her in a non-bitchy way?
No. 167480
>>167476What do you mean by "vauging about me?"
Also are you??
>>167460I'm feeling paranoid lol
No. 167483
>>167467Hi anon, I'm
>>167462. Thanks for replying, I just wanted to say I am so sorry you have to go through something similar. It is such a hard position to be in, especially if you don't know how to get out. I really recommending either "gray stoning" her to some extent to get away and put distance between you both, or possibly giving her the ultimatum about stopping (the "either you stop or I leave" kind of thing).
It is really hard to deal with though, I just ran away myself but I was in high school and didn't understand what was going on except that I didn't want to be around her anymore. As I mentioned, it took nearly a decade for me to even understand what was so wrong about what she did. I hope you can find a way to figure out what will work best for you. If you post here again, I do check back now and then. I hope this will stop as soon as possible.
No. 167485
>>167480I am not. Vaguing about someone is when you talk/complain about someone that follows you or you're a mutual with while they're on tumblr.
>>167482I know the person I'm talking about through real life. I'm not self-centered like most of tumblr.
No. 167489
>>167484Oh my gosh anon. I have a pedophile "friend as well."
I have all three classes with him and he has made it hell. He started talking to me at first when he saw that I looked young and was into anime and now he won't stop! He pulls on my hair all the time, pokes me in my sides. And this one time he commented on my flat chest I was disgusted to a high degree.
No. 167491
so i was friends with this ex theatre major. she was my roommate in high school. Right off the bat, she started isolating me, telling me I'm a mess, I'm a wreck, I was all she had, I needed her to get by in life, etc (in a "joking" way). When I dropped out, she started talking about how moving into an apartment together was gonna be amazing, and I was like haha…yeah…
Fast forward a few months. We haven't even gone to see an apartment yet. Nothing is set in stone. I need a place to live. A single mother friend of mine desperately needs a roommate, so I take it, and I offer to help Terrible Roomie find a new place. She goes off saying I'm a bad person, etc (keep in mind we were not living together and had no prospects). So I just stop talking to her.
A few months later she reaches out and we have a long distance friendship. She calls me twice a day, more if I don't answer, blows up my phone on the reg, and when we do talk, it's about her, her new tinder date, how fat she feels, how she was glad "us fat chicks" can stay friends (BITCH WHAT THE FUCK), yada yada yada.
So I finally break down. She's losing her shit at me because we haven't talked for 4 days. So I send this:
"I do care about you, but every time we talk, I come away from the conversation feeling ignored, annoyed, and frustrated. The reasons why are:
1) You make things about you, 9 times out of 10. Every time I come to you saying I'm depressed, lonely, or upset about something, you manage to steer the conversation back towards you. That upsets me because this is supposed to be a two way street and I don't feel listened to or even cared about.
2) You can be very controlling and manipulative. If I don't do something you approve of, you make me feel like a shitty person for it. You make me feel like I need you to be able to function in the real world, and that you're the only person that cares about me.
3) You put me down. You can be really hurtful sometimes and I don't think you realize it. You're not a malicious person, and that's why I feel weird saying this because I don't think you mean to, but half the time, when we talk, I feel like a loser because of things you say.
I care about you a lot, Roomie, but I feel very frustrated when I talk to you most of the time."
So she called to sob and yell at me for an hour. She said that it was the worst thing anyone had ever done to her, she got beat up in 11th grade, she KNOWS she does those things, they're issues in every relationship, NO it is NOT something she can fix, this is fundamentally who she is. I ask if we can take a day to cool down and discuss it later and she SHRIEKS into the phone. I can't even understand. I tell her my grandparents have just come over (they did) and that I would have to call her back. So she screams and I hang up.
I get lunch with my grandparents, take a nap, and wake up to this:
"I love you. But your drug addiction and depression is wearing on me. I wish you could hear the lies you're saying. I'm a good person and a good friend. Don't think I didn't do everything I could to save this relationship. But I need to avoid toxic, manipulative people. I won't let you abuse me like you abused your brother or your mom. I won't let myself be another one of your victims. You are a toxic person. The world is not out to get you. Grow up."
So I show my mom, we laugh hysterically, and I kinda lose my shit at her because a) I have been sober for 3 months and counting, and b) I'm receiving extensive treatment for my depression, and I have not once been able to discuss it with her because she never shuts up about herself.
I told her to go fuck herself. She called again and I blocked her number.
I feel so fucking free. And I am NOT giving her lululemon leggings back. THEY'RE MINE NOW, CUNT.
No. 167493
>>167492I know I should have told her off ages ago, but she was so mentally and emotionally abusive. At the height of my drug addiction and depression she isolated me from my friends and family and had me terrified to upset her. It was exhausting. I was always so guilty because no matter what I did, she always seemed upset with me, and I had to fix all of her problems.
It was only when I moved far away from her that I was able to get my spine back.
No. 167494
>>167426My housemate is obssessed with The 100. She instructs me I must NOT go into her room while she's watching and after she's done she comes into mine and starts spewing some bullshit I don't understand.
She barely goes to classes too.
No. 167495
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not a close friend, but one of my best friend's friend always hangs around us (best friend feels bad for her) and annoys the ever living shit out of me.
>23 year old virgin, never had a boyfriend/never been kissed. Claims to be asexual and acts like a special snowflake about it, yet awkwardly fangirls over EXO shit and their bodies.
>Try to set her up with guys but her standards are too fucking high, yet complains about wanting a boyfriend.
>Doesn't drink because her mom was an alcoholic or something. Can't drink around her because, "Guyyyyzzz I feel uncomfortable around drunk people". Always eat what she wants because red pepper pains gives her "horrible stomach pains" to the point where she is lying on the floor crying, and the only thing she can eat is overpriced bbq and curry.
>Claims she suffered 7 hour panic attacks because some Korean high school fangirls spread rumors that she was sleeping around to meet Infinite or some other kpoop group
>Weirdo Koreaboo who talks about nothing but Kpop and music. Spends all of the money she gets on fan made dolls/exo shit. Walks around with said dolls everywhere she goes, and call them her babies. Goes to this overpriced EXO cafe 3 times a week. Dances in an EXO cover group full of korean high school girls.
>Claims that she "looks just like chanyeol from exo!!" A lot of her koreaboo friends pander to that shit and insist that she does.
>Buys 70$+ hoodies just because some EXO member was spotted wearing it. All of her clothes are basically mens wear because of this.
>Is obsessed with looking any age that is younger than 23. When people ask her how old she is, she responds with "How old do you think I am?? :3 " Uses those stupid 'guess your age!' apps and always makes a point to tweet out the ones that say she is 16/17
She spent like 2 years in one of the local language schools, so she's really proficient in Korean and now is enrolled as an undergrade at the same school as me. But she talks a lot of shit about how her family never supported her dreams (which was actually to live in japan or something), all while using money that they set aside for her college on stuff like concerts and overpriced fugly clothes and bags.
I also recently found out that I share a class with her and I am so not looking forward to it because I can't bear to listen to any more of her complaining or kpop stories and jesus christ and all that is holy please let me make it through this next semester. She's one of those people that is literally everywhere and always tries to start a conversation about themselves/things they like when they see you. anyways posting her pic because idgaf and she has a pretty decent sized following on twitter for being a fan of exo or smth and posts selfies a lot.
No. 167496
>>167428Like anon, I am so paranoid that people secretly hate me and are just tolerating me for the sake of civility
I definitely have people in my extended friend groups that I can't stand, but I make efforts to avoid them and make it a point to at least hint to mutual acquaintances that I dislike them.
No. 167499
>>167438I'm not sure what you mean. I never did imply I was the belle of the ball.
I simply don't bond very well with most people, they think they've bonded with me however. This results in them divulging many secrets to me, about their lives, what pains them, their hopes and their innermost dreams. Those are powerful and interesting things to know.
It doesn't make you a bad person to look objectively at your social connections ,your "friends" and come to the conclusion that most of them are uninteresting, mediocre or downright detestable.
It's idiotic to divulge your true self to so many people, but it's so common to do. If you're bothered so much by what I said, you're probably one of those people. Oh, do tell me about how you were molested, oh do tell me how your husband cheats on you and you cry about it every night. You think your friends are patting your back and hugging you with true love and understanding. You're scared that perhaps one of your friends is more like me and sees your troubles and problems as entertaining more than sad.
It doesn't make that friend bad. It makes you a blabbermouth that needs to spill her innermost being all over the world to feel like she's alive. It's childish and disgusting. Like an 8 year old showing off their macaroni painting, only your painting is made of attention seeking and ego.
That's all most of my friends are. Disgusting ego obsessed husks.
No. 167502
>>167499On the flipside, if you don't share intimate life stories no one thinks of you as a good friend. I don't divulge parts of my life story, because I don't think people need to know any about it. I don't care if I mention it here, but even my bf doesn't know I used to be suicidal and tried to kill myself once. Or that time I was maybe molested as a child (memory is hazy so jury is still out on that one). I'm over that now, so I don't feel the need to mention it.
I have few friends and some "friends", and I've tried to help them, give them advice, cheer them up, make them laugh, give thoughtful presents, etc. but I don't do the silly thing of being melodramatic and crying about how my life is xyz I'm still left out of stuff. People make plans to do stuff then come back and tell me "you should have been there! we missed you!!"; I don't fucking blame you for being that way tbh.
No. 167506
>>167504And so pretentious.
>>It doesn't make you a bad person to look objectively at your social connections ,your "friends" and come to the conclusion that most of them are uninteresting, mediocre or downright detestable. People who surround themselves with people they don’t like usually are just as bad as them because they're obviously incapable of making better friends. Having this one acquaintance you detest like most anons in this thread is all right, but this is downright sad if you’re not in high school anymore and therefore have the freedom to decide who you’re friends with.
It's so important to have friends you can look up to so you can grow as a person. If everyone around you is mediocre that doesn't mean you’re special. It means you’re pretty mediocre yourself.
No. 167509
>>167507This scares me so much, bc it really is true that you're the average of the people you spend the most time with.
The question now is this…if you know you're a loser with loser friends, how do you make better friends?
No. 167511
>>167510i have a friend from high school who does this shit all the time. A few weeks ago she finally tied the not with, and it hasn't even been a year since they started dating. Before, it was all "I can't wait to call you my husband, and I just know we are going to be an amazing family <333" and now it's "TBT to the greatest day of my life! This is a picture of the most amazing man the moment he saw me walking down the aisle! I am such an incredibly lucky girl!"
I finally had to hide her stuff because her husband was doing the same stupid #womencrushwednesday/#wifecrushwednesday so I was getting double the attention seeking. People who do that shit are just seeking and are fishing for replies like "Omg I'm soooo happy for u!! relationships goalz lol!!"
Every once and a while is fine, but jesus christ, 3 times a week is NOT necessary.
No. 167512
This is why I'm very happy that I've chosen to be friends only with loyal, trustworthy people with a lot of psychological life experience. My friends have come in so many sizes, ages, walks of life etc. and I love and appreciate them all.
Sometimes it frustrates me because I want to see a couple of my friends take care of themselves but they won't, and there is occasionally that feeling of "not belonging" and embarrassment because I'm really into things some of them aren't, i.e. fitness, skincare, upkeeping appearances. However, there is a lot of emotional satisfaction from being friends with people who keep me in such high regards and don't attempt to manipulate me and fuck with my self esteem. That's a lot more important than my friends liking the same stupid shit I do. In fact I don't really get along with a lot of people who like the same shit I do because I care more about loyalty, trust, support, and wellbeing than I do looking like an edgefag lol.
No. 167513
>>167510This doesn't sound so bad, if it's isolated
>>167511Ok this sounds fucking annoying
No. 167514
I used to be friends with my roommate until we started living together.
Now, holy shit. It's really hard to stand her.
She's half Native 'Murrican, so I can understand where some of her SJW tendencies come from, but goddammit she overreacts to the littlest things. She will bite my head off for saying something as passive as 'don't take your stress out on me' and then if I dare to get upset then she accuses me of lacking empathy, dismissing her feelings, and being a 'princess' or a picky bitch. She gaslights like fuck, too, seemingly without realizing it.
Currently I'm listening her rage to her boyfriend about how Native Americans have NO CULTURE and NO LANGUAGE and they're being ERASED FROM THE NARRATIVE by WHITE PEOPLE and goddammit I just want to hit her with a frying pan sometimes. I mean, yes, all of the things she's saying might be true, but I don't get upset because I'm of Celtic descent and never learned to speak Gaelic or perform river-dancing. Culture is fluid. And if she really cares that much about her lost culture, why doesn't she do something about it to get in touch with her roots and preserve the traditional practices which she finds valuable? urgh.
but if I went in there and tried to present her with that logic, I'd just get dragged into her whirlpool of 'yOU DON'T KNOW WHAT IT'S LIKE TO BE NATIVE RRRREEEE'
it's bad enough listening to her scream at her totally sympathetic and supportive bf over this shit.
No. 167517
>>167508We like to put "bad" people in a different category. To label them as ugly, inhuman and monstrous, when in fact bad people are just like us. We all have the propensity for violence and so called "evil" in us, but a lot of us choose to pretend that it's not the same thing. It's comforting because it gives the (false) impression that manipulative or dangerous people are easy to spot. That they have a glint in their eye, or a stoop to their gait.
I am not especially ugly, or odd. I am someone you could be friends with. That's frightening to you because you like to imagine it's easy to tell whether someone is on the same wavelength as you or not. That's a disservice to you. You need to realise that it's not easy to spot danger, and danger or "bad" people usually don't appear in a neat logical package that's easy for you to spot.
This might help you one day. Trust your gut instinct about people. If someone is being too friendly when they shouldn't, if someone is explaining their intentions to you a little too much, if someone "promises" to not do something to you, run for the hills. Whether it's a stranger who wants to help with your shopping, an ex boyfriend or a friend. Trust your gut instinct, even when your mind rips you back and analyses the situation logically "Surely this person is highly unlikely to hurt me" trust that instinct. Our brains process much more information than we notice in our reality. You see with your brain not your eyes, but the information picked up by your eyes is still there. That shifty second, that uneven smile, the glint of a knife in someone's pocket is something your "intuition" is going to notice. Trust your animal instinct around people and you will never fall for people who don't truly care for you.
Good luck, I wish you all the best in your life. I hope I helped. Also, remember that "No" is a full sentence. A lot of people seem to forget that. Don't be afraid to cut people out of your life when they start making you uncomfortable, even if it's illogical to do so.
No. 167520
I moved to LA a year and a half ago and since then my old clique of friends has just gone to straight up shit. We were all fat, weeby weirdos who dressed like a bag of dicks and never wore makeup, but since I left and lost weight/learned how 2 makeup/started going to parties and meeting people more it's like I'm a new person.
Meanwhile I keep hearing stories of my old crew back home:
>one lost a bunch of weight but is now a felon and had to move back in with her mom cuz nobody will hire her and her fiancé dumped her, has a bunch of Charms-tier tattoos
>one got dumped by a guy she was death who apparently had a kid and a side chick she didn't know about, he got tired of freeloading off of her (he was a NEET) and now freeloads off babymomma instead. My friend now spends her time inviting herself to every party, outing or plans made by any of her male friends in a desperate attempt to get in their pants, while simultaneously using Tinder, OKCupid AND PlentyofFish to hook up with guys, like, every other night. She also is apparently still texting the guy who dumper her LOL
>another one got a really good job but keeps fuckig it up by letting her extreme narcissism run wild in her workplace, she keeps trying to bone her male coworkers and called out sick on her birthday because she didn't want to work, and "forgot" to request her birthday off despite plannin her own party 2 weeks in advance (that only 4 people ended up going to, Lel).
And somewhere in all this they all went from texting me pretty regularly, to not texting me at all, and now they all hate me for some reason and keep posting passive aggressive pseudo-tough BS on Facebook.
>mfw my best guy friend, who has had a music project he's been working on since high school, just got signed to a small label owned by a guy I met while doing sake bombs at a sushi bar after a drunken skype meeting/impromtu jam session.
>mfw he's been blasting his good news all over Facebook for weeks and tagging me, thanking me excessively
>mfw their salty fat girl tears of envy and self hatred because I got my life together and they're all pushing either 26 or 27 and still work fast food and retail
I don't have a pic accurate enough for my face, but oh is it so sweet.
No. 167525
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i used to be friends with a couple of former coworkers.
i eventually stopped hanging out with both - although one of them was really cool, because they usually flocked together
the one who bothered me. . . is a sweet person at heart, i believe. i was just annoyed because she started copying me and did a bad job of it anyhow. plus all this "i'm a psychic intuitive" and body confidence stuff
when i hung out with them i felt like a ghost, like they were using me. it's hard to explain but generally if somebody bothers you, just cut them off. compassion doesn't necessarily mean undivided attention and it's taken me a really long time to learn that but - sometimes it's really nice to hang out with your self <3
No. 167526
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I know this thread is kinda old but I just wanna vent.
My birthday was a week ago. I invited my friends to go to red lobster with me to celebrate it with me. When we got there they all said happy birthday but ignored me, ignored everything I said and gave me dirty looks. They even sat away from me and my boyfriend.
The next night they said we were going to have a party for me and drink and have fun. It turned out into them sitting in another room with the door closed all talking to each other. The only people outside was just me and two friends and my boyfriend. It hurt a lot. My boyfriend went in the room and said they were playing tug o war with this one attention whores body.
This girl even made sure people would ignore me in red lobster.
This girl is really getting on my nerves, she makes sure everything is about her and she has created tension between me and my other friends, so now I feel like everyone hates me.
I feel like they used my birthday as an excuse to got to red lobster.
I feel like they are purposefully trying to hurt me.
So I decided to just never talk to them again and completely cut them out.
They had a party last night for some other girls birthday (and my boyfriend went and I do feel very betrayed), I watched it all on snapchat and it was an actual celebration. It made me feel like shit, I've been depressed over all of this for a week, I've been crying a lot and I'm super sensitive over stuff now. I just hate them all at this point.
No. 167527
>>167526Cut them completely out of your life anon. If one of them gets in touch then if you like you could talk to them, these things usually work with a ringleader and heartless bitches but one reasonably nice person often gets dragged along, but at this point don't go holding your breath. Unfollow or block them on fb, unfriending will just make you a target. Make it clear to your bf about how you feel about this, he is entitled to hang out with your old group but he shouldn't rub it in your face and he should stand up for you when he's with them.
You can find some better friends, maybe join a class or something for now to keep you busy. Keeping busy is the key.
No. 167529
>>167528If these were her real friends, they'd try to talk about any issue instead of cutting her out completly as a group. That's just pathetic.
>>167526>This girl is really getting on my nerves, she makes sure everything is about her and she has created tension between me and my other friends, so now I feel like everyone hates me.You need some friends with a spine and actual adult behaviour. Cut them out of your life and be happy you did not waste more time on them.
If any of them means a lot to you, try to directly approach them about the issue. If you feel like you cannot talk to them at all, or they won't give you any answer, then abandon them. No need to waste time on these people then.
No. 167530
>>167528The only reason I can see her hating me is because she cheated on this guy and I took his side and comforted him when he was sad because he told me and my boyfriend he would commit suicide. She's extremely immature over it. I never told her I hated her, I never even brought up because it didn't matter to me.
Everyone defends her because she has a ~*vagina*~ and is single. And she will tear up if anyone goes against her.
So yeah I think I'm done talking to these people. My boyfriend thinks I'm being irrational over this but it was very hurtful with the way they acted
No. 167533
>>167532How about not doing drugs?
Then you wouldn't have to see them and you'd be healthier.
No. 167534
>>167533No offense anon, but you sound like you might not know much about drugs. I didn't even speculate what type.
Drugs are not all crack and heroin and meth.
No. 167538
Oh man, I have a few I could talk about.
The worst is a terrible wannabe cartoonist with no grasp of anatomy whatsoever. I guess the closest thing that could describe her obsession with cartooning is weebish, but with shitty kids cartoons instead of anime. She looks like an overweight man from a distance, and wears last night's pajamas 99% of the time. All of this could be ignored if she wasn't such a rude cunt. When our friend group hangs out at someone's house, she orders them around, even inviting herself and other people over with no clearance beforehand. Funnily enough, I found out that two of our other friends intend to go no contact with her (as do I) after school ends. We've tried to get her to stop being terrible, but she refuses to listen.
The second is perhaps the most unfortunate looking woman I have ever seen (worse than PT, as unbelievable as it sounds) and has the worst puritanical complex. Despite claiming to be "a good christian" and "righteous", I've seen her drop friends simply because they disagreed with her. I know she doesn't like me, because I call her out on her bullshit. I was in charge of a few clubs last year and had to drop them this year. They were all organized and ran relatively smoothly, shit got done. Now she's in charge of one of them and it's falling apart. She's also #besties with the aforementioned awful friend, after going through six 'best friends' in the past three years. They often try to flaunt the fact that they're hanging out, which is hilarious bc they deserve each other.
If I sound bitter, I am. I had to deal with them for six years and now I'm gonna be ~free~ in a few months.
No. 167540
I'll vent.
I have a friend, 25, who loves, seems to live for drama.
See, my two best friends come as a package. And for literally 8 years we've come to his house once a week, and as a result us meeting is basically controlled by him, if he doesn't want us over then we don't meet, simple.
But with him it's constant mind games. For one thing, he has a habit of idolising members or our group and dismissing others, he takes things extremely personally. For example, I suggested something to him and said he wouldn't listen anyway. His response? "well since I don't listen to you anyway I'll just not reply to a thing you say, and according to you there'll be no difference!". You can see how illogical it is, I'm sure he can too. But in reality he was probably hurt at something else and lashed out.
Recently he said that he didn't like our company as friends together, so wanted to see us separately. This was astounding to us, and currently it's happening, because no matter how much I argue, what can really be done?
I call him out, and often, and the other best friend is just c'est la vie about it. He's extremely patient.
It's the sort of BS that would be fine if it was just a friend. Yeah OK so he's giving me the silent treatment, yeah OK he's in a mood because I didn't get him something from the shop like how petty. But for lack of a better term he's my best and closest friend, and these things really affect me.
I used to freak out at him and tell him how fucking stupid he was being, and not let off until he relented. Now we're older it's not worth that stress and effort, and I'm spending time making more friends that's at such a shallow level I can barely stand it.
No. 167542
>>167541No dirt, or none he would tell others anyway. More just things are arranged so that if he doesn't want to meet up, none of us meet up.
The way he acts isn't normal, no. But with only one other extremely passive friend there's not much I can say to convince him.
It feels like every time I think of it, the only conclusions ends in ending the friendship, which I just can't bear the thought of, honestly.
No. 167543
>>167539Oh no I agree, I've been in friendships before where we would come up with a bunch of crazy ideas and get our friends involved in creative plans that usually didn't go anywhere. The problem with my friends who do it currently are 1. they are elitist as fuck so it's only the two of them involved in doing it, the rest of us aren't allowed to join them and 2. they take what they do seriously to the point where even if we could join them it would just be stressful because they'd treat it like it's our fucking job.
>>167537I know who I am. I'm autistic so I realize most people don't want to hang around me and I'm always going to have rapidly changing friend groups because people lose interest in dealing with me so fast. I've had better and worse groups of friends in my life, I'm just pretty annoyed with who I'm friends with right now. I honestly doubt I'll ever make a "normal" friend group that isn't made mostly of people who are mentally ill or social outcasts because I'm both of those things myself. I just learn to roll with it and not take my friendships too seriously most of the time.
No. 167544
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Sometimes I wish I'd kept up with my friends from high school, or that I'd make an effort to hang out with work friends outside of work, but then I remember that I'm an IRL troll that finds human interaction exhausting. I've had some great friends over the years, but as soon as I stop being obligated to see them every day communication on my end just takes a nose dive. Occasionally I contact them to let them know that they did nothing wrong, I'm just a shithead. Usually they understand and stop trying to contact me thankfully.
I sometimes crave human interaction through the internet though, so thank you guys. Anyone else like this?
No. 167546
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I have this ugly friend with a hideous figure that always buys clothes from online "boutiques" based on what the model looks like wearing them. Pic related. She does this unconciously, I'm sure, but I've noticed she gets whatever dress the cutest model is wearing. And everything looks fucking awful hanging off her linebacker shoulders. This isn't why I dislike her, but it's a really irritating habit of hers since she always comes to me with "Look what I just got! Isn't it soooo cute?!"
No. 167549
>>167547honest question, not trying to be sarcastic: how do you become close with someone in the first place if social interaction with people you don't know drains you?
I hear a lot of people mention that they're very solitary except for their SO and I wonder how they even got the SO in the first place.
No. 167551
>>167549Social interaction doesn't exactly drain me, but I have some real problems with bridging the gap between acquaintance you talk to and friendship
What tends to happen is, if I like someone I'll mostly just keep it to myself if they don't make any indications that it might be mutual. And after a while I'll just get over it if nothing comes out of it. But I have gotten boyfriends because they'll like me and make the effort to engage me, and then if I end up liking them too I'll reciprocate the engagement and eventually somehow we're together. That's how it was with my current bf.
Of course, it doesn't always work out. Even in the relationship I'll be pretty aloof, and I'm fine with not talking to my bf for a day or two–sometimes I need this. Even with people I care about the most, I'll always need time away from them. I try to make this clear, but some men just don't understand this, and paranoid-ex took this to mean I was probably being promiscuous, and emotionally-clingy-ex took this to mean I was toying with him for my amusement or something
Current bf is an ambitious guy so he has a lot of projects he's working on that gives me ample amounts of space during the day, and we can be together at night and it's all gucci. this regular space means I don't feel the need to "unplug" for days at a time
/blogpost, sorry this got so long
No. 167553
>>167465Ever thought they don't like you because they can pick up that from you? Girls are intuitive, you know. I'd feel a big-headed
vain cunt in a second.
And who the fuck cares about looking "skinny"? This is 2016 retard, it's about the thicc and little in the middle with a big bottom now.
No. 167554
>>167553Model thin ain't ever going out of style.
Yeah, the asses in Maxim are fatter than ever, but those models aren't the ones getting booked for the ads in Vogue. They're basically the 'pin-up girls' of 2016, but the only girls I've ever seen admiring them were already overweight and severely insecure about their own bodies. Latching onto the idea that 'thick is in' makes them more comfortable than admitting their bodies could use some TLC. even famous 'curvy' icons like Amber Rose look saggy and overweight except in their own carefully lit, posed, and edited selfies…
No. 167555
In my case I have this fucking whore who ruined the last group of friends I had deposited faith into. This bitch started camwhoring herself out for attention. We all have already seen her tits, her fucking unshaved cunt and her rolls of fat. They (not only her but another friend I have who started this bullshit because he wanted attention too) pretend they look like japanese idols and its just so disgusting. The thing is I can still stand this guy if I keep a security distance from him but fuck her. Also, when she's not camwhoring herself or crying desesperately for attention (or both), she fills her time into badmouthing the only friend she had who had the balls to call her bullshit out. She's so fucking disgusting, that she's literally got the mindset that my little teenage sister could have with the difference this girl is my age if not older than me. If I could talk to her in person I think I couldn't keep myself to punch her with a brick.
>>167552You have two options: Force them to notice you by forcing yourself to roleplay a "flashing" personality (aka being an unpolite piece of shit who talks loud when no one asked and cuts other people while talking, which is draining and tiresome btw) or start going on your own and make an use of them only when you need someone around.
When people turns to these levels of bullshit is better to cut them out or they turn into vampires, drain your energy and life, and you end up the same you started: Lonely, insecure and with no one to talk to.